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Minutes 04/16/1951
201- April 16 1951 - 7:30 P.M. Regular meeting of the Council of the City of Petaluma called to order by P Qayor T.Tyers . ROLL CALL: Present: councilmen Brown, Holmes, llinogue, Prior i ood 9 Schwobeda, Shoemaker, and Mayor Myers. APPROVAL OF JQJRNTAL: e m. nu e5 of the council meetings of T,2arch 29, Apra 2, and Apr. 7 were approved as recorded. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS: 0 enin^ of bids Q Tractor and loader ' s etr e � Tme se - or openi� ids for a tractor and loader for the Dept. of Public .'forks, the Clork opened and read six bids, which t�rere referred to the Dir. of Public Works for consideration and recormmendation. Bi on ±-a ltinR m eters �?eia in ao- seance =War o �"7 ` c a.c� " o�tax n s ' 50 dual parkin; meter units was held in abeyance pending execut - ion of lease for off- street pat. -irg lot. PUBLIC I1E RITd"S: Abandoment of Alley llth (PI 12th P and G Sts. s O ng the i:�e set or he g on the a n onment of the alley located in the center of the block between llth and 12th and F and G Sts., the Clerk reported that no viritten protests had been filed. T:yar T ?yers called for verbal protests but none 'heir; offered, Res. #1784 P ?pC ®Sa introduced by Councilran Schwobeda, seconded by Councilmmn Holmes, entitl " resolution orderin the vacation and abandonment and closing to public use the following street and portion of street in Petaluma, to-wit: The alley located in the center of the block betvieen 11th and 12th Street and TunnLV. from the easterly side of "P Street to the viesterly S:L.de of 1161 Street adopted by 7 affirr".ative votes. PT-17ITIO A1, COT.`".`UP ICAT" OT S: Letter from T"® r o Rosenbloom �si�:in cansideratiori of his former request that the City tube the creek in the vicinity of his property on 11th St. read and filed. Notice of North Bay League meetil� to be held in Vallejo, Apra 21, read and filed. ReQuest of �? - -th. Dist. Fair for !'n50.00 Regtzes , o e 4T = . f r ,hha sure c� `P.50.00 be set, aside for the use of the 4th Dist. Fair in carrying out its publicity prograzin, read sand f il.e In coyvlection vv l th this .request it was pointed out by Councilman Shoemaker that the Carn:i which exhibited at the Fair last year vva s of lots' type and detrinental the con- unity. 11embers of the Council expressed their disapproval. of permitting undesirable Carnivals to exhibit but inasmuch as this matter is under the jurisdiction of the Fair 31aard no action was taken. The City Attorney was directed to prepare' a resolution for Council action donating the ' "'sum of -'250,00 to the 4th Dist.Agr. Assc© Petition contra:"I to rent decontrol Pe°t ear n," sib ures, slating that rent decontrol will :cork a hardship on the majority of renters, read, filed, and 1 . 203 "Caren under consideration® The Cler1r, reported that since the filing of the landlord's r,etition aslcinr; for rent, decontrol six additional names had been added to the petition. =c ing Cit Manager Claims approved for paymen`�e sting City mana er were submitted, whereupon Res. ;'785 N.C.S. introduced by Councilman Schwobeda, seconded by Councilman Norvrood, approving claims (Trios. 3550 to 3798 inclu adopted by 7 affirm - ative votes Assign. ent of Personnel under date of Apra 13, 1951, submitted and filed. Other City Offi Monthly report of e"�,' branrea an filed IN TRODUCTION OF OF'DINA XES Amend. to App ropriation Ord. rrC - 7,, P o o S. - ro , uc ucee y Councilman I3rorm, seconded by Councilman Shoemaker, entitled, "AN ORDITIAUCE A; IENDIIIG- THE AMUAL APPROPRIATION ORDIPIANCE 130. 151 N. C o S . , BY AT TUIDING SECTION 3 TME' 5OF Ar', D ADDIM SECTS-0I-3S 1II, 19 �?O, 21 ,xzd 22 F°OR TIiG PURPOSE OF TRAISS— FERRIIIG UISITSED "3A1J4 AIM A.PPROP RI .-WTING, AVAILABLE PVE,VT'IRM I "OT 11 CI. UD ?:D III M?:, M I` AL I3tMG -PU IN THE SIJI..I OF :' 116 012.61, FOR TIM" l URPO ;ES OF PRLO`JIDING THT] ADDITIONAL SIR.1 OF :. 5,150 FOR GLtTIERAL - GOVEREMNT; TH 511 OF `?'14 FOR THE PURCI -D SE OF SPECIFIED IE'D EQUIRIEINT; THE STRI OF x:11,,300 REFUM OF DEPOSITS; TID3 9UT•I OF ".n,000 FOR RJ. ECORATION OF COUNCIL CHAMERS ; THE PAYMENT OF ADDIT IONIAL SUI OF :,ail, 629 m 70 FOR 11U A1- OF PAMIZITS FOR SPECIAL STREET ASSESSP.MUr PROJECT 50 .-1 AND THE PA`E- r , 1 OF .=' 1,139.19 FOR PURCHASE OF PARKING I:TITERS AND ADT:IITIISM&TION OF PAMUNIG 15 -I'TER REGULAMIONS. was read and ordered to print by 7 affirnative votes® Bond Election Fire Station and E ui en't ro uce ay Cauno msn Holmes, sem nded by Councilman Schuvobeda, entitled, t1 A.11 ORDIT- I<AIICE CAT.,LING A SPECIAL E "LrCTION ITI THE CITY OF PETALtJT:IA FOR THE PURPOSE OF c UBI-11TTING TO TIIE EI,ECTORS OF SAID CITY PROPOSITIONS OF II'%1CURRIT BONDED INDEBTEDNE39S OF SAID CITY FOR ME' ACQUISITION,, CONSTR ICTIOT ATID COT..TLfa TON OF TIM FOLLC ING PJNl1TICIPAL I11PRO E MID EACH THEMEOF, TO SJIT: (A) EAST FIFA STATION, :^sID (I3� FIRE E0,JJIP1 ANT-, DECLARING THE ESTIITATED COST OF SAID MUNICIPAL IMPROVEI:IENTS, AND LACH Ti FEREMF , TIC M1101 IT OF TI3E PRINCIPAL OF SAID INDEI3TEWESS TO ' ?E ITICUI TI- TIC TRAXIP.U-T RATE OF ITITEMST TO BE PAID THRRBON; 1-=. T3G PROVISION FOR THE LE'V'Y .:1TID COLL' CTIOT•I OF TAXES; FIXING THE DATE OF SAID EMMOTv, TITI 'Ilt1Y1FTr;R OP HOLDING THE, SAI.IE, PROVIDING FOR NOTICE TIEI;FOF, AVID COT3SOLIDATITTG sfaSD SPECIAL ECTION : 'ITH Tl:.; ry, IERAL Fa�rCTIOK Tt) '3E II^LD II3 SAID CITY OTS Jul., IR 12, 1951" was read @nd ordered to print by 7 affirm- ative votes, 20 90 S i te for ! st 7 1 quest oV 7"PH .�.sed by Councili�an Shoemaker if the amount designated for the Fire Station was 's to purchase a site, if needed. It vas reported by Councilr.m Holmes that he understood that the 4th Dist, Ar, Asse. will relinquish a portion of Kenilworth Pare property for the site of the Fire Station. ADOPTION OF OPZ Election Ord. 'rr - - . - S. introduced by Councilman Schwobeda, seconded by CofAncilman Shoemaker, entitled, i ORDIPJA1 Cr CALLING ijJD PROVID:IP G FOR A GE147RAL ELECTION TO BE I" . „ LD IrJ T ITF, CITY OF Pt T- OFFICIALS; LU711A JTJNE 12 1951, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING PUBLIC DESIGNATING TH, P EXINCTS la-M POI:LIT'G PLACES FOR SAID ELECTIO11; APPOINTING ELECTION OFFICERS KID PROVIDING FOR NOTICE TI ,REOF, as cue up regzlarly and eras adopted by 7 affirr, votes Authorizin.” purchase of Tractor mid loader rc o '� �n ro uce "y Counci roan IIolmes seconded by Council,- m. Schviobeda, entitled, "AI, O MT_TMIXTa - PR OVIM I+OR T.fi FURC1- ytSJE BY TIC CITY OF P� �, . ALM' -%- C�'a IFOI'�T; IA, OF TRACTOR : ITH FROIJT 11`.'D LOADER FOR US E BY TIE DEPA.RTI.nl 1 OF PUBLIC carte up regml arly acid was adopted by 7 affirmative votes CONSIDERATION U F_,T�'r"� 1 ruSlx_tT� Dedication of real r e "fir street roses P?oFair -t. I=6 1` repo t-ee n.� on asp Of a Deec�'°o Dedica.ti :n from the Petaluma City Elementary School District of* a 30 ft scrip of land ad jacent to I Fain St. for street purposes, whereupon Re s. 4786 NoC4S introduced by Councilman r-croini seconded by Councilman T. i.nogue, entitled, "Resolution acceptin' dedication of so foot strip adJa.cent to IJorth Fair street fr Flementanj School District for street purposes,," adopted by 7 affirmative votes,, be .su tte at June el introduced by Councilrn "iinogue, seconded by Co Br ovIn, ?rea.sure Shall section C of. A rti c le 3 of th City e Charter a�, ncled to read s,s follows: Section nm Cert ificate of Ele After the result of an election is declared, or when an appointment is tra the city clerk under his- Land and official seal, shall issue a certificate therefor and serve the same personality or by depositing such certificate with the postaJe prepaid., in the United States post office in Petai=a, addressed to the person elected or appointed, and such person trust within ten days after receiving such certificate, file his official bond, if a bona is required of him by this charter or the ordinances of the city, and take and subscribe to the oath of office and any other oath required of him by this charter or any statute of the State of California which oath ramst be filed with the city cleric. All elective officers shall take office at tivelve o 9 clock noon on the first day of July after the result of the election shall have been officially declared, and shall hold office for such term as in this'eharter provided and until the election and qualification of their successors? adopted by 7 affirmative votes® 31 207 Res. 7`788 N.C.S. introduced by Councilman Shoemaker, seconded by Councilman Nonvood, Mleasure : Shall section 13 of Article 4 of the City Charter be amended to read as follows: Section 13. Vacancy in the office of 11ayor or - Councilman: If a vacancy should occur in the office of P °ayor or Councilman, the Council shall appoint a person to fill such vacancy until the next general municipal election. If at any municipal election held under section 4 of this Charter, a T.1a.yor or the required number of Councilmen be not elected by reason of a tie vote among any of the candidates therefor, the Council after the qualifications of the persons, if any, elected thereto at such election, shall appoint one of the persons receivin such tie vote to fill such office as in the case of a riacancy therein.. In each case of such vacancy or tie vote the person so appointed shall hold office, subject to the provisions of the recall, until the next general municipal election, at which said election said vacancy shall be filled by the election of an. eligible person to serve until the end of the term for which the officer creating such Vacancy had been, or, in the case of such tie vote, would have been elected ?, adopted by 7 affirmative votes. Res. ,,'789 1 ,,C.S. Introduced by Councilman Schwobeda, seconded by Councily?an Holmes. i;ieasure : Shall section 45 of Article 7 of the City Charter a &_5enaCed to read as follows: Section 45. To constitute an ordinance of the City Council it must, before final action 'thereon, be advertised once at least, two days before its adoption, and in case of any amendment bein.; made thereto, before the final adoption of the ordinance, such ordinance as amended r.mst in like manner be advertised once at least two days before final adoption. The advertisement of an ordinance shall be by publication in at least one edition o.f the Official Newspaper of the City, e,ccept that upon unanimous vote of the Councilmen present at the meetin when such ordinance is introduced or ame proposed w the advertisement may be done b posting; a copy of such ori7inal ordinance or amended ordinance on the bulletin board at the City Ball? adopted by 7 affiniative votes. Res X 1,17 0 11.C.S. Introduced by Councilman Mlinogue, seconded by Councilman Plorrrood. 1Ieasure Shall Section 76A of Article 12 of the City Charter? �ar_,1en ed to read as follows: Section 76A. Referendum: 1 ordinance shall become effec- tive until 30 days after the date of its final passage, except an ordinance calli5 or otherwise relating to an election and except an ordinance for the immediate pre- servation of the public peace, health or safety, which contains a declaration of, and the fact constitutinU its urgency and is passed by a unanimous vote of the members present at the time of such adoption, and except ordinances relatinrr to street improvement proceedings and other ordinances .gc)verned by particular provisions of State law prescribinZ the manner of their passage and adoption. The adoption of an ordinance may be suspended, re- considered, submitted to voters and acted upon pursuant to referendum proceedin held under and in compliance with the provisions set forth under Division IV, Chapter 3 Article of the Election Code of the State of California, and amendments thereto? adopted by 7 affirmative votes. 4. 209 Res. ''79l II ®Cos. introduced b y C ounc ilman Shoemaker, seconded by Councilman Holmes. 11easure a '.')hall section. 46 of Article 7 of the City Charter be amens o read as follows: Section A6. Ordinance Required in Certain Cases: Igo action nrovidin�; for any specific improvements or the appropriation or expenditure of any public money, eX- cept sums less than :;750.00, for the appropriation, acquisition, sale or lease of real property; for the levying of any tax or assessment; for the granting of any franchise; for establishing or fire limits; or for the imposing of penalty, shall to taken except by ordinance, provided, that such exceptions be observed as may be called for in cases cohere the Council takes action in pursuance of a general law of the State? adopted by 7 affirmative votes. Res s .792 I.I . C . S . introduced by Councilman Schwobeda, seconded by Councilman Holmes. 11easure : Shall section 68 of Article 10 of the City Charter be amen =e read as follovis : Section 6€3. Public 'kork and Purchases to be Done and ;?de by Contract- The erection, improvement said repaid of all. public buildinrps and works, all street and sewer work, and all cxork in or about streams, bays, or crater - fronts, or in or about embanlmnents or other works, for the ?protection aminst overflow and erosion, where the total cost thereof exceeds the sure of 750.00, shall be done by contract, after calling for bids, as hereinafter pro- vided., or my be done under the supervision of the City Council or a co - mmittee thereof, or a department of public works, created by the Council. Tn all said crork to be done by contract and in furnishing or purchasint any supplies and /or material for the sane.. or for any other use by the City, when the expenditure required for the same exceeds the sure of < the contract therefor shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, after advertising for sealed proposals for the work or materials contemplated by publishing a notice of such advertisement for sealed proposals once in the Official Newspaper at least 5 days prior to the award of such contract. Such notice shall distinctly and specifically state the vrorlc contemplated to be done and /or the materials contemplated to be purchased. Provided, however, the Council may reject any and all bids, if deemed excessive., and re- advertise for bids, or provide for the work. to be done by the City Council, or a committee thereof, or a department of public works created by the City Council. In case no bid is received the Council may like - wise provide f or the Mork to be done by it, or by a comm thereof, or a department of public works? adopted by 7 affirmative votes Res. ,'��793 NX.S. introduced by Councilm Schwobeda, seconded by Councilman Holmes. T 1 'ea:sure : Shall section 69 of .Article 10 of the City Charter` e amen ed to react as follaw,; Section 69. Mvertisin.: The Council shall let annually contracts for the official advertisin:�; for the ensuing fiscal year® For this purpose the Council shall advertise once In the official newspaper, at least five (5) days before award of contract, settin- forth distinctly and specifically the work contemplated to be done and ask for sealed proposals therefor. The proposal shall specify the type and spacing to be used at the rates named in the bids. If at the tune of awarding the contract for the official advertising, there are no charter or ordinance provisions - requiring publication more frequently than once each --reek of any resolution, regulations., or advertisement of, or proceedings by the City of Petaluma, or any body or official thereof, the Council shall let •J Q 211 the contract for such official advertising to the lowest responsible bidder printing and Publishing a daily or meekly newspaper in the City. If hoi^rcver, at such time there is any charter or ordinance requiring publication more frequently than once each week of any ordinance, resolution, regulation or advertisement of or proceedings by said City, or any body or official thereof, the Council shall let said contract for such official advertising to the lowest responsible bidder printin and publishing a daily ne°asra.per in the City. In order to qualify- the official newspaper of the City, such newspaper shall be of general circulation, and have been !.n existence at the 't ime of the ari ardin�g of the contract at least one year. The Council may reject any and all bids if found excessive and advertise for new bids. The newspaper to vhich such award of advertisina is r.7ade shall be knovin and desi .Tnated as the official newspaper. Nothin.a herein contained shall prevent the City or arty body or o ?fi.cer thereof froi;z causing any ordinance, resolution, .re Tula tion, or advertisement of, or proceeding by said City to be published in a newspaper in the City,, in addition to the Official Newspaper, if such body or officer determines that such additional publication is necessary or proper. adopted by 7 affirmative votes 1 Villa .,Te be Mr, C. arence Darrell, Sup.,. of Schools, addressed the Council asking that the City taRce such measure as shall result in havi.n the proposed McDowell Village _!addition annexed to the Petaluma. Elementary School District as well as to the City. The -matte traas refer red to 'the City Attorney. y tended insurance coverarre `t,a is rla vogue repo that he and Councilman floniood, the Insurance Committee, had made a study of the City insurance and they recorlmend extended covera`,e for all property The cost of brine in all policies under the coverage will be `x360. additional this year; `?100. per year thereafter. The report i as accepted by the Council Payran St. drain. ,e Eroblem ounc:! 171W p l�. ;sae ca1T =attention to the necessity of bui.ldin� a sevrer drain on Payran 1 and stated that this would be an excellent time to rake the im.proveraent before permanent streets are laid in the proposed new subdivision. The matter was earmarked for discussion at the meeting of the City Council Apr. 23. APnreciation of Counci Lrre ticnnny c;roua., ecy, of° the Petaluma Charlber of Commerce, thanked the Council for per the parking meters to be hooded during the recent Bitter and E g s=hopping Days. Ile-stated that the merchants had experienced the best 3 day shopping results since Christmas. COT1J"1DTRATTON OF U IFINI_SHE B SU IESS: Rent Decontrol r ie ap�orp 0 City Attorney on the subject of rent decontrol was read and filed,, lie stated that in the event the Council wishes to ascertain Whether discontinuance of rent control is desirable, it rust follow the procedure outlined in the Dent Control Act, which includes action to be. taken In causing a public hearing to be held before the Council and r equiri ng that adequate notice thereof be given at least 10 days prior to the hearing. 60 923 Rent Decontrol :ter - J A a s J Urrsby, representing the Labor Unions read a stata-Ment of labor on the subject of rent decontrol in which it was requested that the Council dismiss the petition of - the land- lords in the interest of the co?!r%tnity as a whole. A discussion betareen Irroponents and opponents of the Matter was interrupted by Mayor r Viers w stated that the Council will not act in the ratter until results of a survey, notar being made of similar action in other communities, can be ascertained, and 'that if and when the Council. does act,, the public will be given an opportunity - to be heard,, Recreational curve e recent request of Councilman shoemaker that a survey be trade by a Citizen's Comp ittee,worki.n r under the supervision Of the Recreation Corni.ssion, to 7 formulate a plan of developing the recreational facilities of the area both within and adjacent to the city? Naas discussed by the Council and it eras decided that Tb; Gladys Snyder, State Recreational Director, be asked to tWce a survey of the local situation, ti°rhich tirould be follotided by the appointment of a cortnit tee. The Cit Cle'1' was directed to invite N-Irs a snyder �,o conduct a survey in Petaluma. Revenue Study deferred ne su,rP.;est:Ion of Councilman shoemaker that a con mittee be appointed to study city revenue rias held in abeyance at the request of Co ulncl l nan Shoemaker, who started that it is possible that pendinC State le- islation riay materially affect the city's tax st nicture ADJ0UF UM :'I2J'T There bein no further the meeting r�,s adjourned to `70 30 P. (.McDowell 'Village ATTEST 1 business to come before the meeting, 7°0nday, Apr 23, at the hour of Annexation matter.) 70