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June 8 1936..
Adjourned ;meeting_. the Cou:n.ci'1_ of.. the _ City. of.. Petaluma
called °to • order...by:. Jaayor. W,o;odson,, who. welcomed_Xr__... Herman .Peters,,
newly". app.oint.e :d _ ouiellman,
resent: Councilmen: De ss,, :Gervasoni, Ingerson,- .hIyers,
'Penry, Peters, and Mayor Woodson,. -.
re j,ected:
Opinion, of the City..Attorney . adv- sing. that the claim of
Farrell Bros in the amount of . 615. :8.7.,,.based .upon damages, alleged
to have been uffered.., by them-on-.F 21,,., 193'6 . _a slide'
occurred in the..r-..ear .o'f ;the r_•.garage,_...shoul : d .be__disallowed, read.
and..f .lea.. The . matt .er._.wa :s.,..c.onsider.e :d. ;and° .on motion by.COunci•lman ,.
Myers, seconded by' Counci man_Ger.vasoni.,, the opinion of th:e Olt,y
Attorney' was accepted and a copy of the .'said op.ini,on. ordered
forwarded to Farrell Bros. Motion, carried and so, ordered..
56T Ut on o :, appre,c, at op: from: the .Mayor_ and. City Council
of .the. 'Ciay. of._Sarit.a. Rosa to the .Petaluma 'Fir-.e._ D,epa - trr}ent. fo "r the'
asisis;tance.._g :vent :o.,.Santa Rosa.dur`ng.,i'ts,.r.ecent. farts. read-and
placed. on. fi .e'. .
Communi,eation.' from. the: Board .!of, .Health asking that the
City. '.Gouncil adopt .an ordinance providing: for the screening of
open- ai:r-markeas..and .that ._ permi _ts.tor.the..cons.truetion, ,alte`ratI=.
.etc.. 'of `such markets.. be, .first...,approve- d. :Iby..the: Board of'. - Health,•
-read and :filed and: r- .eferred t.o ; _. the:..'.Ci.ty Attorney- for° inves•ti,gation.
Letter.'',of condolence_ from _the -City of `Napa, read and, filed®
Request from. the _ Petaluma -Mvstc . Commi'ssion for- . an appr--opriation
of $450'.00 for the next fi.scal._.year::_ read and filed .and Councilman
Penry moved, seconded b.y C'ouncilman Denss,, ..that ,..the amount of $450100
be appropriated. a.nd. s :et, aside. for. the use. of.___th_e :..Y -us .c. :C,ommia :on
for the `next fiscal...year_. ,.,... Motion..c :arr:, ed. .. :and....th..e.`City..Att,orney
was,. dir_ea- teal. :t;o..prepar.e...the_. ne_c. ordi,.nanc,e.
Mye"r-s' appointed _Vice.. President
_ Res.oluti,on- #450,3.. C.B,
introduced by Councilman In.gerson, sec,onded..by - : ' Councilman Penry,
appointing Councilman Leland. R'. Myers,,..Vic .Pres:ident o the City
C :ou eil., a:d°opted 'by 7 aff rmat;ive. :: votea.o
Re -Salary .of City.. Engineer. under widening 'g "r•o ect:
Resolution #45.0.4.. C,.:S
introduced..by. Councilmen... Penr..y, :_.seconded ..by, C'ounc.ilman 117ers.
reso-lving,_that.. the_ C,ity..of .P6taluma_.p'ay the ..C=ity .,Engineer, .S..
Gonzalez in.-addition..to ,his sAlary.. and collection of fees, the ..sum
of 75.00 per ,month eommenc'ing,,.Jizne. ls;t.,, ..1936.,, :during the present
work of widening Main ..and.. Third .. Provided, however., that
said.. additional .:s,alar_y , shall .. , .n : -_,no .;event be :paid, or. payable tT a
period.. longer .:than. _one- :vmonth from: said' lit'..day..of_ June, . 3936,
adopted ,.jD 7.' aff3rmat ve..vo$es :.
-,Officinal• 'Adverti'sing:
Re , olution. ¢ 45.05. C . _-S a
introduced by. Councilman .layers,;. seconded .by Councilman Peters,
directing the . Clerk °to advertise _f:or. bids..for five..consecutive days;,
.for the `bfft.c 'al adver.tisi'rig for .the fi,sc:al:. year; beginning. July 1
193'.6`, .adopted,.: b:y. 7 -. aff.irma:tive .:votes.. _
Tranaftr of funds.,
Resolution. #-45b6._C..
intro ducted, by_ Counci Gervas'on ;. ,_.se.cond.ed_..by...Councilman. MSers,,
g 1
direc.tiri - the -.Aizd -.tor - and:. Treasurer -. -- .to. transfer :.the : s um. of $109,A -
from -the Street •Fund to tYie. General. Fund; the sum of $125.9$ from the
Police Fund to the General. Fund; the sum o.f.,$26..33 from the; Fire
Fund to the. General. Fund; and the slam of $43.36 from the Park
Fund to the' General ,Fund for gasoline used during the period from
January 5., 1936 to May 23, 193`6, and paid for from the General.Fund.,
adopted, °by 7 affirimative "vot,es.
Appgintin6rit •of :
Mayor Woodson made the • following _app .intment, of committees:
Gervas'oni, Chairman Ingerson .,..Chairman
Reiss, Peters, -
Myer.s . Penry
Peery, Chairman Deis ;, Chairman-
Deiss In'gerson,
Ingerson. Peters..
Peters $ `Chairman Myer's,,, •Chairman
Myers �,. ..:Gervas oni,
Germs onl . Penny.
Es,tima•te . of'. Continuat.ion,.of Widening . W
City Engineer... .,submitted an..'estmate. in the amount
of. ,$3289000' .to carry. on the work., of wi.denitg Third:.. Street from the angle
At, Main. 'Street ,t•o its` intersec`ti'on .with :the .North lilie. of "D" Street,
which estimate Was read and filed .and
Resolution #' 0,:`5.
introduced by C- ounciaman. Penry, saconded_.by Councilman Peters, directing
the . City...Cler__k- to .call for... bids for.. mat eri als .e,.stimat.ed,., to be required'
n the. work _gf . widening Third. Str..eet..from . t,s.- ..nter.sectori;.with. p+�ain - St.
to its •nt.ersectlon Wit •line_ of . ".V! .Stre.et as follows
1. About 6.60' .sacks -of early -. stren : d
gth Portlan'. Cement.;
2 Ab.'ouat.15Q. tons .-. . coarse aggregate;
.. 3 s About.. 60'.. •.t ;of sand;
4 2 Part circle, culverts;
54 .About ;17QQ feet_ of:..1Q "' galvaniz'ed c::ondu t;
6'.. About 1700 feet of cab' e., ..:
Said materials to conform•.;with the specif.catons._se,t forth in the calls
for bids published.,. cormene.in.g,, March _24 .1936.. and, July 3 adopted by
7.affirmativ6 votes.
Auction Sale of Metals:
` This being, the:: time met--for' the'.'atat'i6 ng..of metals located at
the Petaluma Municipal. Garbage .Dump the. ;matter. was opened, Mayor Woodson
acting, as Aucti A bid of ; �.25 per t.on was offered by bra I�Tavis+ of
the, ":Com re.s rsct on•.` according to the'. terms and. con dit. ons':'`.
of a._ corrtr- .act.•.to,. be_...signe.d, b.y.._.that. company:..... ;
- The Committee. appointed to ,draft.a broadca9ting ordinance was
gr.ant-ed...further ...time. as ;,was the committee .appointed. to meet with the
property .owners. from Linda'- Vista Subdivision. 7
Councilman payers stated that. he would have a report on the Zoning
Ordinance At the next .meeting' of the - C6uric l.o
Mr.. H. P. Vogensen addressed the Cou.nc:il, calling attention to the
fact: that, the seeds from. -the -weeds in _Wickersham Park are being blown,
stated' that, tter .0 p wi "
gardens of the property in the: 'neigh boyhood:. Mayor• Woodson
_ he would take..the. ma
_ h the Park,. Commsisi on:. Mr •
Vogp sen also called attenti to the old. w ooden curbing i'ri front 'of
the: :Lincoln 'Primary S`ehool on' th Street and suggested, that the Counoil
give . thus matter their cons 'ideration, as a new concre.t'6'1 curb Would greatly
'improve 'the • •appe'arance . of the Street.
V orating .0 ity Hall for Eag1,e,s Convention';
Councilman Doiss was delegated ,tq make arrangement s •f or' the
decorating of the City Hall for the Eagles C6 'nti,on,, it �b,eing understood,
however, that only ' $6.48 remains in the Entertainment. and Promotion Fund,..
arid therefore the. City cannot pay more, than said amount for th ks "
ere being no further business, on motion by Co :ilman.Gervasoni,
se.c.onded._by Councilman De•s the meeaing ado ne <.
Y n
ATTEST: ✓ (/ . /7�C' ERK
"June 15.. 1
Regular meeting , of the Council of the. Clty..of..Petaluma called,
to order by Mayor Woodaon,
Present: Councilmen Deiss, Gervasoni.,., Ingersoh,, Myers, Pon
Peters, 0
I , and Mayor'Woods n.
The inUt,as of THO last regular meeting of June lst and the'
adjourned meeting of June 8th were read and approved recorded.
opinion - of - Gily_Attorney. Brooks: relative to the sani.tatron of
food-produoing es and places- where. f ood,. is.. stored,, prepared,
kept orlifianufactured, submitt.ed,and_filed,,, And referred.tb the; Board
of, Health for recommendation.
T he 1 4 1H ance. 007EFFF.Fe. su mitted report,. Whereupon
Resolution .#450.'8'...Q.,;3-.-
introduced by Councilman,. Gervatoni, second6d by. Councilman 11 Myers'..
directin the Auditor , to draw warrants. (Nos. 28 1 74 . to 301.5 ,
against st� the various. Funds in payment, of claims allowed, and
approved by the Finahte� Gommittee, adopted by. 7 af firmatIve vota's.
Card oT appretlatFon_ ,floral offering. f rom Hulda. S. McFadden'
,read and filed.
-Letter from Mr. L. V. Korbel,, calling attention to the inareas-
ing number or rats and mice.. in, the.,..bl,oc b.ounded. by Keht Main,
Wa sh ington Vestern.Avenu ,, And asking_ - _
A'hington and that.the City. Coun6ll through �e _
it's Health Department see that something is done to eliminate the
evil,j-tead,,riled., and referred to the Board 'of Health for investigation.
1, ' rdlnanae Wo
= introduced by Councilman Myers, seconded
by Councilman, Gervasoni, appropr iating the sum of not. to $450.
for the use of the Music. ,C.ormmi,,ssion.� the ; fiscal year :commencing July
l.. 1936,,, 'and ending Jenne, 30,, - f or., the.-education and instruction
of the Municipal„ Band, was read approved by . the, City Attorney: and
inttodiked by Councilman. Myer i s C ouncIlm.An. Gorva 6 oni..
directing the . City Clerk to pos:t three.. public places
within five da .'..befo're.'. the .regular meeting of July 6th, Adopted by
1 affirmative: votes.
War, L or Cbht� Argus,Qourier f or O ff icial Ad'.
This being the -time set., f or opening bids f or the official
advert ising - for., the, J 30, I!aV., the Clerk• -
t rgus-�C.ourier.,, whereupon
qpened_an�d. read the.bid..of., he. Petaluma A, _p
Reool #45.`1,0
introduced by., GounciIman . GerVasoni., sedonded. by Councilman. Dei
accepting the bid of - the Petaluma Arvgus f or the 'o
advertising, for the. 'City,of.. Petaluma .for the - fiscal year ending JqA0.
30 1067, Adopted by,. 7.,af f irmatIve. votes.
Bids . materials for Third Street Widening:
This being"the time set for opening bids for furn ishing jishing 'mate'i ials
to be,Ubed in the Widening of Third Street,:.from its intersection with
Main 4treet . to it's intersection. With the north line-of D Street..,, the
Glerk repented having 'receive I 4-ten bids which Were opened; r6ad•and
referred to the City.Enginea,r__and City Attorney, the for
- said:materials , to be awarded later.
Appointing Arthur Owen custodian of the. -Town, Clock:
Resolution.; . #4511 -Q.
introduced, ` by. Qoun . :se.conded.by. Councilman Irigerson,,
appointing Arthur en as custodian of the I Town Clock at salary
o . f,
per 'month,, commencing, Juna.15,, .1936, adopted by 7 affirmative
vote's, • , .
,Mr. R. Steihwe,g Addressed the Council asking advice as to
whether or'. not it- would be necessary f or - him to take out, a, painting-
contractor's license and he-was -- advised that he y comply with `
the ordinance recently Adopted..
Uity'Morney Brooks r.eport.ed that__the_ contract for the' sale of
metals located at the City Dumps.. i boing° :signed by_ the officers- of the
'Compressed. Stedl Corporati.on.and_. will . be_ returned With, a certified check
for O200.00-.as soon. as ..i.t .is_ executed. _
ere Being no furthdr- business. on ,motion.'by,Couhc.ilman Gervasoni,
seconded by. Councilman ,Myers, the meeting adj,,urned.