HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/19/1936October 19,, 19'36.
Regular meeting of the Council of the City of Petaluma 6allad to
order by Mayor Woodson.
�Present: Counc-ilmon. Deisz,_ Gervasoni,, Ingerson, Penry, - Peters,.
and Mayor'Woodson.
Absent: Councilman Myers.
The miFU`f_es of — the last. regular meeting of October 5th ,were read
and appr,oved as recorded.
The monthly — reports of the Librarian,, and Building I et.or,
were road and filed..
Re -. Judgment:
Opinion of City Attorney re: judgment of :Cavanagh family,, s'.'etting
forth ,the proceedure for, the payment of the judgment,, assuming that_
said judgment Is valid and. enforceable, which proceedure, includes :,the
furnishing by the � County Clerk to the City Auditor of a statement
of ak"I existing final. judgment's against. the City, which., must, ba done
at, least 15 -days before the day on which any tax levy aw
mu by l V
be made, read and filed d ,. Later brought up under the head' of new
business, and. laid on -'t'he table unti the f ixing of the - ne x t annual
tax levy.,,
The Finance GomiHtltoe •submitted, its report, , ,whereupoft
Resolution #4657 cis.
introduced by Gouncilman, Qervasohi skebonded by 'CouncIlman Deias:,
dire.qtin'g thd Audit,or to draw warralitz .(Nas. 923 to 1030 inclusi'vib)
Against the various -Ci,t, n payment of claims _7 Funds, I allowed and
approved b7 the Finance 7Committee. adopted by 6 affirmativet votes',,
1 absentee.
Petaluma Chamber of Cbmffierae, re - reduction o water rates:
Communication from the Petaluma Chamber of Commerce stating
that as the result .of an inve.stigation by that orga-nization, it Izz
found that the water. rates- charged..in._Petaluma are 6
higher, gh6r 'i
;than 'thos,e n other t reporti within a radius of one
hundred ;miles, and asking that the 'City Council institute_ the,
proper prbceEidlnga <to ,bring the matter before • the. Rai1r,oad Commi§
read and filed., Layer brought up under the.head of New Buslhes's
and the matter, -discussed at length,; Mayor, WQ, stating that the,
inves - tigation by the Chamber of Commerce had been brought about by
the com laints, of property owners that the present, water rates are
exorbitant, The matter. was taken under considorati6h until the
text regulaP'meeting of the Council.
Request .,for broadcasting permit, - Jehovah's Witnesses:
Communi from Jehovahts Witnesseb, askin a,general permit .
to broa'acas't"religious messages 'by means of Sound Ca.-rs 'read and filed,.
The Clerk was dire.eted to write said organization to the, 'effect that
the City of Petaluma doe!,.s not i general, permits and dbeis .not
fgvor-grariting permits 'for the brbadcastzing of political,, religi
7 - , �Qu&
or advertising matter.
Proposition #7
Statemont and
against Proposition
and referred to New
- iCivil Service Initiative-
Letter from the' LoAguekqof . California Municipa
#7 the Civil. '"Service read; filed
Applicationfor radio station construction permit.:,,
Resolution #4558 C. S,.
introduaed by Councilman Pe 'era., seconded by Couh 1pgerson,,,
reaolving that the cit . make app'-licati,on to thqthe` United/ States of'
America, Federal Communications! COmmission, for a radio station
construction permit authorizing the construction of radio tranamis
and receiving equipment in Police Prowler Car to communicate with"
Police Station;, 1. and authorizing the Mayor to sign and Affix the seal gn
of -this city to said Application,, adopted. by 6 affirmative votes,,'
A dia,cuabion. of 'the communication f rom the -League of California
Muni cipalitie s. re Proposition" #7; was had; and
Res,olution.44559 C.S.
introduced by Councilman Penry, s by Councilman Peters..
r6s.olv-ihg; that the Council does hereby declare that It is opposed
to Propo.sitio�n. #7 to be voted on at, the General Election to be
heldNovember 3,, 1936, which said proposition is known as the "County
and Municipal Civil Service Initiative ",. and further resolving that
the editora of the local new p
spapers, be requested to set forth pr
e - ditorials in said newspapers opposing said Proposition #7 adopted by
6 affirmative votes, 1 ab,s.entee.
Broadcasting permits - M. G. Acorne:,
Resolution #4560 C.S.
introduced by Councilman Penry, seconded by Councilman Ingerson, granting
permission to M. G. Acorne to use a loud-speaking or•broadca-st•ng device
at -the auto races to be held at. Kenilworth Park the lst and/or 8th of
November,., 1936 and the "election returns to be given out at the Argus
C'durl'er.,.' Nove.,nnber_Zrd., 1936, adopted by 6 af f irmative votes, 1 absentee.
Appointment of Phyllis Roberts as.
Resolution #4961 C.,8.
i�ntrbducled by Councilman Gervaaoni selc by Councilman Penry,
appointing Phyllis Roberts as Depluty,City Assessor, Tax Collector
Audit.or and, Clerk .at a salary of $75,00 per ;month, adopted by 6
affirmative votes.,. 1 ab&enteei,
The• Street Committee was given power to act to arrange for the removal
of a pile from the Rive r at the foot of H St to strengthen
the bulkhead .'at that 16cati-on ,staid .work to be -done at a cost.
Mayor that the Supt.. of .Streets is now making, a.
of . the number of property that
adjacent to the. city lii#its who have
caused sewers to be connected with the city sewer.
7ement for.TFompson,-Ureek - tube awarded. G. P. McNear Co..:
introduced by Councilman. PenrY,,.-. s:e.co,nded by Councilman •eters accepting,
the bid of G. P. McNear Co. dated October 5..,.1936:, agreeing to, •furnish
all of the cement, required in the work of improving Thompson Creek as set
for in Notice_ tO.3-i September. 21,, 1936.., for the price of 68
per sack, delivered in 400 sack lots, with•a credit of 10, for each cloth
sack- raturned Im good condition,,: and,a cash d1scount of .2t ' � per. sack if
'Paid on or bef'ore the 10th - of the month f ol lowing, adopted by 6 af firmativ
votes, 'l absentee.
City Engineer Gonzalez reported progress in the *matter of plans and
specifications for the - swimming tank and the continuation of the
Thompson-Creekdraina tube,. Hq.further reported that the widening
of Third Street to C*Street would be,fini by Wediie9day.
Mayor VV6ods 'reported that a search of the- records showed that Howard
Sltr,60t" .'beyond the intersection of G611and and West Streets, had never
been acaepte by the Q.-Ity and therefore it .was beyond the Jurisdiction
of - the City to do any.work. there.
`The:ia e n -no further business- on motion
seconded -lzr Councilman. Peters the_meet'ing
by Councilman Deisis.,