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'May 16, 1938.
R. Meeting of the Council of the- C:i.ty..o:f,.P.etaluma called to
order by -Mayor W6od
ROLL Pres6nt.:. Councilmen_ D6iss-,. Gervasoni, In gerson, Myers, Penry,
Peters; Mayor 'Woodson.
The m °-nutes 8f the last regular meeting of May 2nd and the adjourned
�meeting of May 5th were read,.and approved as recorded,
The - C lerrc -reported the
No. 487 C i's..
Th'e' Librarian I s report
Report of progress on
Frahm Inspector, , and filed.
filing of ,Affidav=it - of Public:ation of Ordinanci
for the-month of April was read and filed.
the Fir 'Station was submitted by Mr. J. H.
The Yinahte Committee submitted its report, whereupon
Resolution #4806 C.3.
introduced by Councilman Deis, seconded , by. Gounc ilman Gervasioni,
directing draw warrants (Nos. 2975 to 310,9 inclusive)
against 'the various City Funds in payment of claims allowed and approved
by the Finance Committee, adopted. by'7 affirmative votes.
Gomnwni_cat� frcm the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. requesting
permi,asion to lay Copeland Street was read and.referred to
the Street Committee f or investigation and report back at the next meeting.
Two communications from A. Soda.& Son asking authority to use
workmen under several classifications read and filed and later brought
up under "new business.
The Clerk read an agreement signed by A. Soda & Son setting forth
changeo in plans and specifications for. Unit 11 0 and the net additional
cost therefbr, whereupon
- 'Otdl 17o. 4BB. C.S. 'introduced by Councilman Penny; seconded by
, Councilman Deiss, entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of Petaluma provid
ing for and authorizing Unit ,g aerta-in changes in it "C" of the Municipal
Sewage Di's'posal Project 'consisting Of the substitution of asbestos
bonded ' cforrugated metal pipe for concrete pipe in certain locations,
addition of' certain manholes and the elimination and omission of certain
work, all of' shall amount to net additional cost of $1,302.65;
accept =ing 'the agreement of A,. Soda and. Son, the Contractor for Unit It C 11
'for the ch.ang-es in, . said work 'for the said net addit - ional sum . of $1,302.65;
directing the City Attorney to aub t
mit said changes o the Federal
Emergency- Administration of Public % Works for approval and inclusion in
the grant for project;, providing for the payment of all costs of
.Said,' changes out of the 1937 Sewer Constructi.on Fund was read, approved
by the Gity Attorney,, and
Resolution #4801 C.-S.
introduced by Councilman Penny,: seconded,. by Councilman Deissi, directing
the Clerk to� Publish. said Ordinance No. 488 G.S. in the Petaluma Argua-
C'ouri-er, with.in sufficient . time to. permit the adoption thereof at the
regular meeting of the City Council to be held on the 6th -day of June.,
1938, 'adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
O No. 487.C,.S. introduced by Councilman Penry,`&e'aonded
by Councilman Peters, entitled,, "An Ordinance of the City of Petaluma
providing for ,and authorizing a change in the Plans and specifications
of Unit "B of-the Municipal Sewage Disposa Project, consisting of
changes in the construction of. the bio-filter structures.; approving the
rev seed -plans and specificationa -.for,.sa-i'd adaitional work prepared and
filed by Harry Jenks,,, Consulting Engineer of the City on said
pPoJect; acicepting the ag Of Fred J. Early, Jr., the contractor
f or sa id Unit "B"'_t6 construct said change in the structure o
A d f said
bio-filters for the total sum of $3,826.85; directing the City Attorney
to submit said change: otd.6t to the Federal Emergency Administration of
Public Works for approval and inclusion in. the. grant for the project;
providing for the , payment of all costs of said change order out of
the 1,937 Sewer Construction Fund.', dame up regularly and was adopted by
1 affirmative votes.
ea aring office of - Police Judge vacant
Resolution #4808 C ..S .
introduced by Councilman Peters, seconded. by. Councilman ;G�ervasoni,
approving the action of Mayor J .S. Wb:odson., in suspending Frank
E. Mardis from his office as Police Judge on the 2nd day-of
February, 1938, by reason of certain defalcations willful neglect
of duty and official misconduct; resolving that the Counc il. finds'
that prior to said 2nd day of February, .1938,, said Frank E Mardis
was guilty of the defalcations mentioned and referred. to' in .the
report of D. 'F. Begley, and other defalcations and was also gui
of willful neglect of duty and official misconduct, and further
resolving that by reason of the conviction of :s.a'd-Rrank E ,Mardis
of said felony, his office as Police Judge 'became vacant on said
29th day of April., 1938. - adopted by 7 affirmative votes,., ,
Appointing R. Allan Early Police Judge:
Resolution , #4809 C -.Z.
introduced by Councilman Peters, seconded.by Councllman 'Gervasoni;
appointing R;._ Allan Early as. Police. Judge of thi -s City to fill.-
the vacancy created, on the 29th day of April, 1938, upon the
conviction of Frank E. Mardis: of a felony, to -wit: Violation :of'
Section 425 of the Penal Code. of ;the State of California,,
adopted by 7 - aff'irmativ'e votes.
Presentation of flag to new fire ,station:
Mrs. Mae Carter -and Mrs. H. T. Bra•dberry,...President of
the Ladies-Auxiliary of.' the Veterans..of. Foreign Wars,pre.sented
the Council with a flag for the. new fire station., requesting
the privilege of hoisting: the, ,flag when, the dedicatory cermonies
are held: Mayor. Woodson responded to the presentation addres's .
and thanked ,the, auxiliary for its generosity.
Mayor Woodson reported that he had received a letter: from
Mayor Y son of Santa Rosa, in which he expressed his -appreciation
for the a :ss'istance' rendered by the Petaluma Fire Department at
the recentfire of the Poultry Producers Building in Santa Rosa.
Parallel Parking.- al streets, edeept Keller and Liberty,:.
The m. after' of para,ll.el parking on Wes .ern Avenue ! and Kentucky
Street was again discussed, C ouncilman Inger on expressing,- his,
di,sapproval of parallel parking. and Councilman. De ss s.tating % .
that he was not in favor. of parallel parking on Kentucky Street.,
The majority of. the members of the Council expressing themselves
asi being in ,favor of parallel_ parking on Western Avenue and
Kentucky Streets,
Resolution #4810 C.;S.
in by Councilman Penry, seconded by Councilman `Peters,
repealing Resolutions Nos. 4424, 4449., and. 44.96.; and providing
for angle- parking on Keller.Street (from Prospect St. to'Western
A'venue,) >and Liberty Street (from Prospect. St. to Western Avenue,)
and further providing for.parallel parking on a1,1 other streets
in the City of Petaluma., adopted by the following vote.:
Ayes: Councilmen :G:ervasoni,. Myers, Penry, Peters,. and. - Mayor.
Noes: 'Councilmen Deass, and Ingers.on.
_ayor oo
_Ton advised that application forms had arrived
from the P.W.A. office for the submission of new projects, and
he asked - theft- the Council give consideration to the filing of --:
applications for projects that. can b.e - financially 'underta`ken °by
the City and.that will be of real benefit.
In connection with PWA project Mayor Woodson reported
that the PWA had ruled that the Mt.View Storm ..Sewer must be
submitted to bid =s, - that the same could not beincluded in the
contract for Unit "C" as a change order. Mayor Woodson
further ta'ted that Mr. Jenks is now preparing plans and
specificat "ioris for this Unit of the Sewer Project.
The matter of improving certain streets in the Linda.Vista
subd °vs on;, either by private contract or under the 1911 - 19`15
Street Improvement Act, was again discussed and it was suggested
that a me:e.ti,ng be' arranged with. all' of the interested property
owners and. C'ty'Officials to see 'f arrangements cannot , be
made whereby the improvement can be financed.
City Engineer Gonzalez reported that the bridge on Sixth
Street cro.aping Thompson Cre.e'k is completed and will be opened
for traffic on May 11th. He.also reported that the widening of
Third 'Street , viii ll be complat_ed on . May 18th and that the lighting.
of ' sa_d street will be finished as soon_ -as the cable for wine
arrives'from'the East. The City Engineer was asked to proceed
with the patchwork on the two State Highway Routes -as quickly'
as possible.
Re Non - compliances: A. Soda & Son.
A long discussion was had between Mr,,. Earl R. Stewart, Resident
Engineer Inspector for_ the PWA, Mr. Y. Q. Soda,, and the members of
the C . ound1.1 regarding the classificat on 'o.f' workmen on Unit - ' 1 C" of
the Sewage Disposal 'Project, .Mr. Stewart objecting, especially on
thos,.e workmen -who are not . local. residents, - to more than one or' two
classifications. . Mr.. Soda stated that in order to keep some of his
most valuable men on the payroll it was necessary to use them-under
various 'classifications. It being the consensus of opinion that
Mr. Sod'al s - requests were reasonable,,
Resolution #4811 C'.S.
introduced by -Councilman Penry, .seconded by Councilman Peters,
authorizing A. 'Soda and Son to use certain men for. .a number of
class 1f icat ons sub;jeot to the rules, regulations, Paws and 'orders
of the Federal - Eimergency Administration of Public. Works., adopted
by 7 affirmative vo;tes...
, . Mere - being no further. bds ne.ss. to, come. before the meeting the
meeting was declared adjourned.
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