HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/31/1938October 31, 1938. JL lull
'7:30 P.M.
Adjourned meeting of the Council of the City of Petaluma called to
order by Mayor Woodson..
Press Councilmen Deiss, Gervas'oni., Ingerson, Myers, Penny, Peters,
and Mayor Woodson.
pp ita: ;ion Trom the 7 75=a uma. Republican Club for permission to broad-
cast a speech by Mr". Bancroft, Republican candidate for election, on
Thursday, November 3, 1938, read and • f i led, � ' and
Resolution #4936 C.S.
introduced. by Councilman .Deiss, seconded by Councilman Ingerson, granting
said application, adopted by '7 affirmative votes.
Letter from W. A. Ro dine asking that a sidewalk be constructed on
High Street, read, filed. and referred to the Street Committee for
Communication from - Henry 0. Theiss, Pastor of St. John'Is Lutheran
Church, asking that the parsonage on 5th and F Streets be exempt from
taxation, read., filed,, and referred to the City Attorney.
Re Sewer Project : -
The matter of accepting the various units of the Sewer Project was
brought-up and discussed at length, City Attorney -Karl Brooks, reporting
that in his opinion Units "A" and "D" were ready for acceptance by the
Council. In this connect on a letter was read from Mr. Harry N. Jenks.,
Consulting Engineer, in which he stated that he had personally verified
the c.6 mpletion of the 'remaining minor items of construction' referred to
in his letters of October 10, and that he recommended the acceptance of
Pro.jects Units A,. C. and D. In a second communication Mr. Jenks stated
'that "the contractor on Unit.B had not as yet installed the sewage pump
runners of bonus efficiency! and that it had become necessary to replace
the ball bearing races of the filter but sewage distributors, bt that
as soon as said work had been completed Project Unit B would be fully
, acc'eptable.,
It was agreed by the Council to accept Units A and D, whereupon
Resolution, #4937 C.a.
introduced by Councilman Penry, seconded by Councilman Ingerson; entitled.,
"Resolution acc:e.pting Unit "A" of the Municipal Sewage Disposal Pro jec
under contract with Oakland Sewer Construction Co. Docket Calif.' 1671 -DS,
Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, and directing the
giving and recording of notice of completion," was read and adopted by
7 offrmati.ve vote °s, and
Resolution #4938 C.S..
introduced by Councilman Penry, seconded by Councilman Ingerson, entitled,
"Re'solutio:n accepting Unit "D" of the Municipal Sewage Disposal Project
under contract with Manuel Smith, Docket Calif. 1671 -DS Federal Emergency
Admini;stration of Public Works, and directing the giving and recording
of notice of completion, if was read and adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
Re - Unit "C"
Regarding the acceptance of Unit "'C ", City Attorney Karl Brooks
stated that all of the physical work on said project ha s been completed
including the matter of repairing certain sidewalks and curbs with one
exception, i. e., a broken driveway on the Uicary property on West St.
which Was not heretofore reported to the agents for the insurance company..
Regarding this matter Mr. Soda addressed. the Council and stated that he had
repaired the said driveway with oil macadam 'b:ut if this was not satisfact.or
he. would 'replace it in the way the city wishes it.
Ago :ther matter brought up by City Attorney - Brooks was the claim of
the Street Department in the amount of. $11-1.,32 for work done by city
forces -and which. Mt..' Soda had stated he would not pay.
Mr. Soda .stated that anything on his job which was inferior was his
obligation and res-ponsb ility and even though he personally was not
present on the job at all times he had a representative here to take care
of such matters.
The third matter reported by the City Attorney-regarding the acceptance
Of Mr. S`odats contract was the question of the additional sum of y87.57
included 'in. Mr.. S'odaI claim for payment and •Which was "Obje.cted to
by Mr. Stewart, Resident 'Engin.e;er Inspector of the PWA. Mr`. `Brooks
stated that he 'had suggested to Mr. Soda that he file a new claim
for' his :September payment and leliminate from it item #354 in, the
amount of �1487.57. and that said question be settled later on
that item. Mr. Soda stated. that he had taken the matter u'O with
his attorney who had advi -ded him against such proceedure, stating .
that to d'elet'e $1487.57 from his claim would weaken' his posi.tuion.
Mr. Brooks also stated that, the Public Works Administration
had served ,notice on, the City that Mr. Soda has made certain
underpayments amounting to about .300.00 - in the case of about
15 employees on the job and that several of these claims are now
under investigation - by the Labor Commission and that he has had
�no information that these claims or any of them have been, "satisfied.,.
The matter of accepting Unit "C" was postponed until, the next . -
meeting of the City Council,, the City At was asked to ,furnish
Mr.. Soda *ith a list of his non - compliances, and to take up 'with
the PWA the matter of the payment of the additional $1487i.5.7 to 'Mr..
Re - Pi cket:ing
A representative of the labor union addressed the Council st
that the. large group of labor representatives present were there
because they ' some legislative action might be taken to remove
pickets from.local garages. Ma,yor'Woodson'explained the proceedure
necessary in an ordinance, pointing out that ordinance
must be either published or posted and a certain length of time
elapse before their adoption so that the public could be amply
.informed as to pending legislati.on..
Mr. Taylor of the local .Bo lding Trades addressed the Council
and stated that any misunderstanding that had arisen ii past
between the Building Trades and the City Council had entirely
cleared away.. `Mayor Woodson stated that he hoped in the future*
that any misunderstanding would be brought before. the members of
the .City Council and that the - City Council had ende:ay.ored inevery
way to give employment .to the workmen of this: locality.
There: being -no further bus ine.s s to
on motion regularly made and carried
come before the meeting
the meeting adjourned..