HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98-212 N.C.S. 10/05/1998 Resolution No. sa-zlz N.C.S. of the City of Petaluma, California RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION 97-185 N.C.S. -SALARY AND SUPPLEMENTAL WAGE BENEFITS FOR EMPLOYEES IN UNIT 4 (PROFESSIONAL) WHEREAS, the employees in Unit 4 are not represented by any recognized employee organization; and, WHEREAS, the City Manager, pursuant to Section 28, City of Petaluma City Charter, is required and empowered top make a recommendation to the City Council on matters related to employee's compensation; and . WHEREAS, the City Manager, has recommended that Salary provisions of the Compensation Plan for employees in Unit be amended, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the supplemental wage and benefits as specified in the attachment for employees in,this Unit, being in the best interest of the City, be approved and shall become effective upon.ad'option. Under the power and authority conferred upon this Counci] by the Charter of. said City. KEFEKENCE: I hereby certify the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted by the Approved as to Council of the City of Petaluma at a (Regular) (X7I~1KtbM);~($~d"rddt) meeting form on the ._5 tl? daY of ............Q.~t917.e1'.............................., 19..;~.$.~ by the following vote: ~~lttorney AYES: Keller, Hamilton, Read, Stompe, Vice Mayor Maguire, Mayor Hilligoss NOES: None ABSENT: Torli/a/t~~ ATTEST: ....Ltia'`~G~`-"'a-`.--- _ ~ ...L<.'.:........------... City Clerk ~ ~ May r Co,..,..:1 Fiplep.._.p...l...q..__ C.1 IUflS Hrs. Nu...Jt{-.4 A4........_ N.CS. CITY OF PETALUMA COMPENSATION PLAN FOR UNIT =I - (PROFESSIONALI FISCAL YEAR 199;7-1999 1 TABLE OF COi\'TENTS GENERAL Section l . Tenn of Agrocmant COD4PEi\'SXTION Section 2. Satan Section 3. Rctirement~Contribution Section a. Overtime Section ~ Call Back Pav Section 6 Rates of Pav on Perntanent-Transfer to a Nea Classification Section 7 Tanporan_Wor~ Out of Classification Section 8 Compensation for Clothing:Loss Section 9. Vacation. Payment of Section 10. Sick Leavy Payment at Ret_iremcnt Section 11. .Deferred Compensation Section 12. Retiree Benefit Pa~mcnts Section 13. Health/Denial Care Cash Back INSURANCE Section l4. Health msuraucc Section 15. Dental Program Sectioi4 16. Life Insurance Section l7. Cong-Term Disability Section l8. Vision Program Section'19. Other Health R Welfare,Payments LEAVES Section 20 Vacation' Section 2l Sick Leave Section 22 . Bcreav'edicitt"Leave Section 23 Holidays Section 2d Milifan Leave Section 2~ Lcavcof Absencos Without Par 2 Section 26 Jun Lcace Section 27 Compensatory Time Off OTHER Section.? 3. Retirement Section 29. Grievanec=Proccdu_re Section . 0 Lai off and Recall 3 GENERAL Section 1. Term of Aereemenr This compensation plmi shall be fora ttvo (2) }e31 term fords fiscal ~~car commencing Juh~ 14, 1997 throueh Jmie30. 1999. .COMPENSATION Section Z: Salarv The Cites shall adopt the follo« ing salary ranges for each,of the emplo}'ecs in the follo« ing classifications durini? the;temi of this compensation plan. EFFECTIVE'JANliARY 12. 1993 Program Coordinator $ 2J3$ $ 22.44 $ 2357 $ 21.7d $ 2.98 Buyer $ 19.23 $ 2010 $ 2L21 $ 22.27 $23.38 Recreation Coordinator $ 12[94 $ 1359 $ 1426 $ 1-1.98 i$.1~.T associate'Civil Engineer $ 26.10 $ 27.={ 1 $ 28.78 $ 30.22 $ 3 4.73 Associate ut Civil Engineering $ 25:03 $ 26.29 $ 27.60 $ 28.98 $30.=13 .associate Planner $ 21.36 $ 22.63 $ 23.76 $2-1.96 $ 26.20 Assistant Planner $ I9"23 $ 20.20 $ 2121 $ 22.27 $ 23.38 Plans Esamuier $22.42 $ 2354 $ 2x.71 $ 25.95 $ 27.25 housing Coordinator $ 19:23 $20.20 $ 2121 $ 2217 $ 23.38 EFFECTIVE THE F[RST FUGL PAY PERIOD OF JANUARY 1999 Program Coordinator $ 22.02 $ 23.12 $ 2417 $ 25.49 $ 26.76 Buyer $ 19.81 $ 20.80 $ 2 L84 $ 22.93 $ 24.08 Recreation Coordinator $ li.33 $ 13.99 $ 14.69 $ li.43 $ 16.20 associate Civil Enguteer $'26.88 $ 28.23 $ 29.64 $ 3 L 12 $ 32.68 Associate in Ci~i4Ehginecring $'25.78 $ 27.07 $ 23.-1= $ 29,81 $ 31.34 .associate: Planner $ 22.20 $ 2331 $ 24.48 $ 26.70 $ 26.99 Assistant(Planner $ 19.81 $ 20.80 $ 2].84 $ 22.93 $ 24.03 Plans E~amin~;r $,23.09 $ 2424 $ 25.45 $ 26:73 $ 2R.0¢ Housing,Coordinator $ 19.81 $ 20.80 $ 21.84 $ 22.93 $ 24.08 E festive Ilie: first Jill pcrvperiod of April 1999: these ranges shall be ac jarred Z%. Pending ratification be all bargaining-units containing.Miscellcneous members, this benefit will be effective April 1. 1998. Should tfiis benefit not be approved,liy all bargaining units effected, the I%value shall'be reallocated to this Unit. the form of salar3cffective the first full pay period of .lpril 1998. 4 Section 2A Upon raccipfb}'the Pero{mcl Ofliceofan,cmployce's Certification as a Registered Cicil Engineer he/sha shall be advanced to the classification of Associate Givi1 Enaiucer a[ the beginning of the nest pd}' period. y Section3. Retirement Contributions The percentage of'each cmploy;cc's,:contribution previously paid by; the Cin' prior to the adoption of this: Compensation Plan,as the Emplo}'er Pacment of-Member Contribution (Ei~1PC) shall instead be paid to rite emplo};ec'rcho;slialL,then pay [liar amount to PERS. For purposes:of withholding, [fie Cih=shall defer=tha[:portionof'the emlilovee's contribution paid to PERS throuvh~Scction ~ I~(h)(2)„of tlic Internal Rcvenuc Codc pursuanC to Citc of Petaluma Resolution 90-_6~. Therefore. for°calculation;of base salary at retirement, the.employee shall now have an increased bast salary-that will'includc the total amount of the emplo}'re's contribution to PERS prcvioush paid as Et~IPC The employee'; contributiorrwill bewithheld from the employce's,pa} by the-City, and the City' wilL.makc he employee's paymentpf the.cmployce contribution directly to PERS on behalf of the employee. Theemployeemay' not+make an election to take thisamounrin salary and/orto make thepaymcnt to PERS. The:[as c~cmption does hot apple to FICP?social security'. Thrfollowing is an example of the application-of IRC 4ld(ti)(2)-;asapplied_to amiscellaneous employee. An, employee makes. $1,000,per montli;basesalary'. -Under theprior contract the employee`~das not responsible for paying 7%ofthe:requircd 7%employcccontribution. The Cih' was responsible'fot:paying 7~/0'($70`:00);-~~hich was aCity-responsibility that was in addition to the $1.000 base salary. Under the =11a(h)(2) mzthod, the;EMPC will Levert to salan' ahd the employee's base salary ~c~ll now be $ L,0~70- Of thrs 7% (appro~imatcly $75.00) will_~be,paid,to PERS from die 51,070,. Tlie ftdl7% willbe taz ezeritpt:aSSd tttiys means the employee will pay' cases on $995.00. Section 4..Overtime 4e1, General. ,ill tiotirs t~orked in excess of eight (8) in any one da} or mi excess of forty' (d0) iir any work week shall be compensated for at the overtime rate which shall be one and one-half (1 ~);timcs thc:rcgtrlarrate of'pay provided, however-,=,that•in the evennan employee is required to ycork ocertime.wrthout'abreale in excess of 4 hours beyond the end of his/her regularh' schediiled ~corkshift,'the~employce shall`bc compcnsated`fontfiosc`escess hours at the overtime rate of tyjo (2.0) times'the reeular rate'of pay. Overtimc?shall,only 6e [corked after having received prior-authorization by the department head ora managerial supervisor. Employees who arc working a Altematiy~e Workweek,of a0'hours per work week shall be paid overtime for hours'rvorked beyond the regularly assigned hours'forthat da}, in accordance with the Cin s Altcrnaticc Work~ceck`Policv. i q.2. ~iinirnum_ ?.nc entplovcc required todcork o~'crtitiu' shall, iu no case. be compuxsatcd;forlcss than onchour for such ovcrtiinc, ~.3. Alioimum for Callhacks. An't` ciiiploccc regiiiicd to return to ~~ork on an unscheduled. uncreencv basis aftzr the end ofthc emlilo}'cc!s dbrking dav, shall. iix no case. be compensated foriess than two;hours for such overtime. Section Call Back Pav 1. .anemplo~ce who is called„bacl to work in°•an emeroeitcv`situation after hating completed his/her rc~ularsluft anddcft the cih' premises shall. rcccice a minimum of aro (Z) hours~~orl: or mo (2j }iours.pa~,'at the overtime rate. To he csteht adenxployccis paid overtimcprcmium pursuanrto the overtime schedule wider Section l2- (Overtime) listed abo~~e,. lie/she: shall not be paid occrtime,premium under the call=back section forthe smne~time worked, This paragraph shall not appl} to:etnployces who arc called'inteaHtt for a shift. i.c , when'thec work co~ilinuousl} from the timeihc} arc called imuntil[hcir,_regularshift begins. SECTION 6: Rates of Pav on'Permanent Transfentora.NewClassification 1. When an cmplo} ce is promoted,;he/she shall be paid the 1~ourly rate nett higher to his/her ottm within the pa}• grade for the classification to which he/sheceas promoted 2. When an;employee isaransfcrrcd;from one classification to'another classification in the same pa} grade. his/li~r hourl} rate "shall remain thc;satixe. 3. A permancnt`orpriiliationan employee who istransfcn-ed to a class with alot~_ersalary without a break in scrvicg trill receige.the samearate of pay fie/she received-prior to the-transfer. Such salan shallnot brincreased until thetime+thaf a liiehcrsalas'of the class to vchich~he/she was tragsferred,equals or exceeds liis/her'salary. Sucfi trahsfer~mav be,dcpartmentaf or inter- departmental, and ma}',be made 6~°appointment:.from an employzxxent'li`st, temporary appointment. teclassificatibn of position; or: rcorganizationafdepartment, and shall'be in accord with [lie personnetrules and reeulatiotis. The provision of this rule does no[ apph imcases of disciplinarvdemotion; demotion im lieu of layoffs: or voluntary°demotion. When a person is involuntarih assigned to a'loner;classification he/she slialhreceive the lower rate of'pay, effective the first day assi~ted:,to that classification. SECTION`? Temporary Work Out of Classification 1. An employee holdinga classified position may tcmporarih be assigned the duties of another position in a mglierclassification. The,emplo~ee shall receive either thcnest higher step in dtc classification to «lxich he/shc?is assigned;o_r,-a 5% incieasc,`dhichcvcr is greater. This payment sfiall'be~ih upon completibn of the first- IO continuous workdays in that assigmnent. .~1tt employee assigned"to a,positioii'at an"cqual'or lo}cerclassi_fication shall remain at the current rate of pay. 6 Section 8. Compensation for.ClofhinaLoss The Cite Manager isauthocizcd to procidc compcnsatiotY,to=6ih' cmpl,o} ccs for toss or da~nagc to their clothing which.occurs during,tho course of carrying out an=official duh. A:request for compensation hereunder-shall be submitted in «'riting, in-detail, to'thc~Cit} blaitagcrcia the department head conccmcd. The amount of compensation, i8an~; shall be arfltc discretion of the Cite ~lahagcr. ,Section 9. Vacation, P.avmerSf:at Termiriation Emplo}ces who tenninatecmploylttcnt=shall.b~ paid in a lump<sum forall accrued vacation Icavc earnedeprior to the cffcch~ cadate o£fcrtitindtion not to c~cccd rivo (2) tears accumulation. Section 10. SickLeaca Eavtnent of ht;the cveittpf the death or-ietiietnent ofan employee"~cho`has completed ten Q0) or itto?e Fears: ofcontinuous';scn~cc teitti the City;;he_etnployee,shalltg paid orahall receive to his benefitfifh' percedt-(~0%pof liis accumulatedbut unusedaick leave not to e~cecd 480 hours. The employ ee mav,clcct not to ieccne'thisbenefit'and instead place all sick leave hours into the PERS Sick Leace Conversion Benefit. Section 1'1. Deferred Compensation The Cit~'of Petaluma shall make available to the-members of this unit the Cih's Defemed CompensationPlan. 7 Section l?. Retiree°Benefif PaJments I, .~itcmployee with ntcnt}° (2b) ~cars'of±servtce arid;ttho is age 50 or older and tclto retirees ona service r~tircmeut during-the tcnmo f flits agreement, trill 6b eligible for a scn ice bcncfit iq lie amount equal;,to $100 loss the amount contr'ibutcd directly to•the PEMCHA premium bt the Cif} . This pa}ment trill contiiiuc as longhs'tle ettiplo}cc continues in he PE~tCHAplan asa retiree. Should the retired emplo} e< not continue in the PEMCHA plan. that'retired empiogce trill be eligible for aq amount of $100 asa direct pa}'mcnt as a retiree service bcncfit. It is the responsibility of the retiree to notice the Cih in. tcriting that he/she is not being coy ered.b~' the PEMCHA-plan'and the Cite trill commence patmcnt of the $100.00 atthe begitmine of ttie month follotcing dte receipt of t~ritten notice b.' the retiree 2. For employees'retning after=;September 1, 1997 ahd,«fiotineet the sartice requirements-listed;in paragraph 1 above, those-employees shall rccci~'c an additional $20 per month as~a retiree service bcncfit. Should the retired emplo} ee notcontinue in die PEMCHA-plan, that retiicdc:mplo}ec.tcill' be eligible for an amount of $126 as a direct pavntent.:as a refircc service bcncfit. IYis dic'responsibility of the rchiecxo notice the Cih,in tvritiit~ thaChe(slie is not being covered by thcPEMCHA plamand the.City trill cotnrttcncc payment of the $120:00 at the bcgitutipg of tlic month folloii ingahe receipt of urittenmotice by the retiree Section 13. Health/Dental .Care Cash Back An pligiblc cmplo~^cc mav-request cancellation of the employee's Cih paid mcdical'and/or dental insurance coverage under Section 125 ofthe [RS Tas Godes upon presentation to the City of satisfacton proof that he /she has medical addld'r dental insuiancc,coverage;from another source. Such a request maybe'made during the open,enrollment for PEMCHA medical electonsbuTtiill be, in all cases subject to the terms and conditions and cancellation requirements of the particular plan. Wheatlie erriployee has dzmonstrated such coveragc4tb the-Cit}'s satisfaction, the CiR' vvi11 request cagccllatton of the emplo} ec's medical. and/or dental coveage, subject to the terms and conditions of the particular polic}c upon actual cancellation of the employee's medical coverage, and coiiimcncmgpnthe'datcof;cancellafion.ofsueh policy, the>City tvill'insfcad-pay to the eligible emplo}ee. on a monthh 6asis;.an amount equabto 50% of,thc "equivalent;monthh cost", as defined hcrcn,:of insurance coverage of said employee. in determining.the"'equivalent montlilrcost" of such coverage, the City shall calculate the monthly premium amount"hliich would. be paid by the Ci[<~~on the employee's behalf under t6c,Hcalth~ Plan of hc,Rcdw~oods plan,.based orvthe employee's coverage level (c;g. self; self plus spouse,, self plus spouse-;plus,child>•en) at the time of such cancellation. Hotvecer. if the actual montlil} cost of the employec'scurrcnt plan coverage is less than4l~e montlilc HPR cost; then the'lotdcrfigure shall bc'used. In he;evenfcoveragc is canceled onlrfor the ctnployecs spouse.or dcpendent:children the {cimbursemenf will be 50% of the cost difference (cit~een the old and new-lb'vels ofcdveragc (as-calculated using the HPR plan). 'Upon such cancellation of the employee's dental coverage;.,the Citytcill instead pay to the eligible emplo}'er. on a monthly basis, an`amount equalto ~0%oEthe Cit<_'s iittcrnalh generated estimated montlili-cost of the fired montfih-charge for this;program, 3 Anc cmploycc~canccling covcraec-will bzrequircd to•mcctall rules and conditionsof the particularplan, including, but not limited to. all rules and conditions governing ad~nihistration. cancellation;-and ro-enrollment eligibilin'b~' requcstinga cash payment pursuant to this section. suche~itplo~'ee uriderstands and dgices as a conditibnof receipt of this payment. tlmt ro- cnrolhnont cligibi,lity into am: plan in not.euarantccd. 1NSUR.IIVGE Section 1~. Healthslnsurahce 1. ACTIVE Employees The City shall par[icipate~inthz"Public Emplo~~~ees' ~lzdical Health Care•Act (PEMCHA) for members of this Unrt The?designatzd premium paid b}-[he'Cit} to«ard [his piogram shall be in the amount of $100 00 per month per emploi ee. 2. RETIRED Emplorecs Emplo} ecs echo rellrc from the Cm of Petaluma G ill rzceive contributions to their medical premium ~chilcundcr the P,Eb[CHA'plan This pa}ment hill mereasc,in the amowitof$~.00 per }-ear until itreached tlie,ainoiarit of S 100.00 as'listed ih paragrapfi l: above. Section 15. Dental Program The Cit1 shall provide for.,a gioup self funded Delta Dental;P.rogram foi Cih employee and dependents imthis unit:. Additionalh. the Cin shall contribute oward an-0rthodontureplan $1.000 pet child at a ~0% co=pa}menfYatz. The Cit< sfialLpa};;,during the period'of this Compensation Plan.the full fired monthl} charge for thc,Citt; group dental coverage program.. Section 16. Life insurance ThaCitq shall providcfora:group'term life insurance program_forCih employees in this Unit. The Cih~ shalLpay, during the;course of the Compensation Plan, the insurance premrdmltowards employee onh .coverage £orsuch insurancz in die principle sum of $Z?,000. Section 17. Lone-Term.Disability Thz~CiR shall provide for along-term disabilit} plan:, The premium to bz paid,for 6y the City. Section TS. Vision Program The Cih shall provide a self funded VisionPlan for cmplo} ecs and dependents. T1te fizzd monthh cost shall be paid'for',b} the Cih . Section l9r other Health and ~Velf9re Payments The Cite shall provide [o the active members of Units 3 and.=l-additional.monthl} health at~d welfare pacmcnts equal the PE`ICHa,Health Plaaof the Rcd«oods premium amounts Icss $100.00.. l0 LEA1'E Section 20 Vacation A.1. r~nounts :Ul resular cmplo}ccs ofthc Cite of.Pctaluma, afro working one full scar arc entitled to the equivalent of cighn 180) hours of vacation kith pa} in the }'car following the }car in which vacation is camcd. All regular employees of the Cite of Petaluma, after five tears of continuous screice kith the Cit}'. wtd beginning with the sixth tear; shall be entitled to the equivalent-of one hundred twenty (120) hours of vacation pzr year. Afrer ten (10) }cars of continuous sere ice with the Cih, eight (8) hours of vacation shall bz added for each tear of continuous service to a maximum of two hwidred (200) hours of vacation. Vacation time accumulated.in excess of two .'cars shall be lost B. Scheduling The times,during a calendar year in ~chich>an cmplo} ce may take his/her vacation shall be detemtincd b~` thz dcpartmcnf head with due respect for the wishes of the employee and particular regard for the needs of the service. If the requirements of the service arc such that an employee cannot take part or all of his annual vacation in a particular calendar year, such vacation shall be taken during the follo~~ing calendar year. C. Deferral Anv eligible cmployec with thz consenrof the head of his/her department and the Personnel Office map defer five working dacs of his/her annual vacation to the succeeding calendar yearsubjcct to other provisions of this rule. A•written report of zach deferred vacation signed by the appropriate department head and the Personnel Officer noting,thcdetails shall be kept on file with the Personnel Office.. In the event onc'or more municipal holidays fall within an • annual vacation leave, such holidacs shall not 6e charged as vacation leave and vacation leave shall be extended accordinglc. Section 21. Sick Leave A. General Sick Icave «ith pa} shall be granted toall employees as set forth m this section. Sickleave is not a right which an employee may use at hisAicr discretion, but rather. shall be used only incase of personal illness, disability or tlic serious illness or injure- of an employee's faniilc'membcr which requires the zmployce's attention. Thcteim famih members shall include: spouse, children, parents, spouse's parents, brothers, sisters or other individuals whose rdatioitsliip to the cmployec is that of a dependent or near dependent. B.1 Accrual Sick leave shall accrue to all,full-time•emplocees at the rate of eight hours for eacltmonth of continuousscrvicc. No employee shall.accumulate more sicklcavc in anV year than provided.. C Notification Procedures In order to receive compensation ~yhile absent on sick leave; the cmployec shallnotifi his/her intmediatasupcrior of the Personnel Office prior to or within four hours after the timeset for beginning his/her daik duties as may be specified by the head of his/her department. Nltcn absence°.is-for moic than three dacs duration, the employee may be required to file a phcsician's certificate with the Personnel Office stating the cause of the absence. D, Rclationsliiu-to'\Vorkers Comocitsation Bcncffs shall bcpacablc in situations.whcrc misccllancous,emplo}'ce's absence is duczo industrial injuri as provided in Ca]ifornia.Statc • \Vorkcrs' Compensation Laic. Dunn, dte:firsrthrc (31 cork days tvhcn the cmplo}'ec's absence has been•occasibned b}' injury' suffered during his/licr emplo~inent'arid he/slip receives Workers' Compensation. he/she shall receive fiill pay. follotving;this,pcnod sick Icaac may be a supplcmeilt to tfieWorkcrs' Compensation benefits provided`tlie employee. Compensation is at his/her rcgularratc for_ apcnod not,to cscccd sis months; oru~rtil such sick Icave is esliaustcd, or the disability is abrogated, or that-.employee is~certified."permanent and stationary" by a compctcntmedical authont}. The Cin shall pavhtm/licr, the regular salarv_bascd on the combination of the Workers' Compensation°bencfit plus sick leave. Sick leave for industrial injury shall"iiot be alloi~"ed for-a disabilit_~ restdting from sickness; self-inflicted injury, of }willful misconduct. Thc;Cih ma}"retirc any eniplovee poor; to the c~}iatistion of accumulated sick lcace, at tcliich time all accrued But-unuscd'~sic); lea~~e shall be abrogated; subject onl} to'the limitations provided under this I4temoraridum df Understanding. E. Sick Lcavc Transfer Police Employes wishing to donate hours of sick Icave to another employee may do so bv?sending a°tcritten request; appro~ ed b~ -tfieir flepartment head, to the Personnel'Office namingahe indiiidual'fb receive the sick Icacc^and the amount donated, tcith the following restrictidhs: 1. Emp]oyees~who tcish tortransfer sick leave must"retain a minimum of 160 hours of sick Icavc!to,be eligiblcao transfcrsick leacc. 2. All such trah"sfcrs-of sick lease are irrcvocabic. 3. The employee receiving the sick leave transfcrmust have zero (0) hours of accrued sick'leave. vacation and CTA leave on the books. d. Employees may-not bu} or sell sick;lea~e. Onh the time may be transferred. Employees may'no% transfer sick leat-eupon separation of service. 6. Transfer of sick leave shall bz allo~cc;dben~@en Units L4, 8 and 9. 7. Noimore than nineh"(90) y}:orkdacs of Sick Leave inay'bc received byaq cmployce'for.any one illness. dr injury. Section 32. 'Bereavement Leave A.l, In the event of the death of an employee's spouse; mother, tcp-mother, mother-in-la}~; father, step-fathc;. father-in-layv, brother. sister, child. mcluding ari'adopted child, grandchild and grandparent amemplo}eo tcho attends the funeral'shall be granted timcoff ~~ork withpa}'. The amoupYO£tinio: off ~'soikwithpa}~ shall be bnly that which isaequiredto attcnd'the funeral and make necessan funeml'arrangcments„but inpo event shall it escced three (3) working days. Thesethrcc~(~)',davsahall not`be chargeable to sick=leave. An:additional hvo (2) days required 1? for necessan fiuScral arrangementsmav be chary*ed to thacmplosec's sick=leave~and.am additional time beyond thesemo da~s'mav be charged to`dccuinulated ~acaCioii or lchvc without pa} . Suclidbcrcacomcnt Icavc shall not be acc_niablc from fiscal scar to fisca[ year. norshall'it have an~'inonctan'valuc if unused. Section 23'. HblidaVs A. FLYED FIOLIDAYS: The City shall obscrvcawch c (-12)'fixcd-date holidays. Thcsc holidat s~shall be cstablishad for the Citc s fiscal reams dct"armined ba Cin Council resolution. B. FLOATING HOLIDAY: During the Fiscal Year the Cin wilt authorize one (1) "Floating; Holida}" per employee. whiclti ma} be taken b} the emplo}cb.at,a time sclectedby the emplojec. subject to operational requirements and approval-determined b.}' tNe Cih. Emplo} ees hired• 6cayccn Juh Land December3l, Neill be eligible for-a "Floating Holiday"during the course of the Fiscal Year. Section 24. Military Leave Militan' Icace-shalt 6e arranged intaccordance'with the,pr_ov isions of Staff Lava. All cmplo~ees entitled to militan leaveshall gwe•theappointing poweran opportunity wit}tin the limits'of militan rceulationsto detcrniinc'when such Icace shall be taken. Section 25. Leave of ABsence ~Vitfiout Pav A. The Cit} Manager ma}' granTa„regular or probationar<. employee leave of absence w ithouYpay pursuant to State and'F.ederal Law. Good cause being-shown by a written request, the City Manager ma} extend such leave!'of absence bv~thobt pa}; or seniority, or benefits for. an additional period not to exceed sis (6) months. No such leave.shgll be granted esccpf upon wTitten;requcst of the emplgyce'sctting forth the reason for the request; and the. approval will be in writing. Upon expiration of a regtilaih approved Icaye!or w ithin a reasonable period of time after notice to rctum to duh , tho employee shall: be reinstated in theposition held of the time_ leave was granted: Failure on the part of an employee on,lea~e to report promptlyatits expiration, or~~ithin a reasonable time after.noticeto-return-to duh, shall be cause fordischargc, 'Section 26: Jury Leave Epen classified emplo~'ccof the Cih`. µho is called or required to serve as a trial juror shall be entitled toabscnthtmsclffrom his dufics with thc'CtR .during the period of such service or while ncccssard} being present!in court'as a resultofsuch call. Under such~circumstances, the cmplo}'cc shall' be paid'thc diffcrence.'bct,~ccn his full'salan and'an} pa}meat received by him, except travel pay, focsuch:dur<, This compensation sfiall norcxtcnd beyond tvvenh (20) working dais. • I, Sectioa27. Gomaensatorv Time Off Emplo}ecs mad receive; in lieu of beintt paid for overtime. compensaron' tiinc off at a mutualh .agreeable time bemcen the Ciq'.andxhcemplopcc subject to the operation requirements of,thc Cin and dith approval dctcrinined 6g the City. No employee ma}`earn-more than itro hundred forte (2=10) hours of Compcnsatorj' Time:Off per fiscal year.. [n addition; no employee ma}' retain on the books more than~fort~-hours of unused Compcnsaton, Timc at any. given point during,thc fiscal year. Amounts submitted'in excess of#hese°limits sfiall ba paid at time and one- half. OTHER Section 23. Retirement The Cih of-Petaluma's retirement plgn,undcr the Public Emplo}'ees' Retirement System shall consist of the following items; blisccllancous'Emplocccs: 2% cu 60 Options: 199 Survivors;Benefit One}'ear Final'Compensation Average UnusaddSick Leave Credit Militan' Service=Credit Section`29. Grievance Procedure A. Purpose of-Rule (1) To promote'improved.employer-employeerclations by establishing grievance procedures on`matters for~chichiappeal or hearing is not provtdcd by otnecregulations. (2) To afford employeesindividually orthroue~lrqualified employee organization a s} stematic means of;obtaining furtherconsideration of problems after even reasonable effort has .failed to resolve them hrough discussions. (3) To provide that^grievances shall be settled as near as possible to the point of origin: ' (a) To'prgvidc that appeals shall be conducted as informal]} as possible. B: Matteis Subject To Gricvancc~Procedurc The Grievance.procedure shall baused to process and resolve grievanccs?arising;out of.the interpretation; application. orenforcement of the express terms°bfthis compensation plan. C. ;InfonnahGricvancc Pioccdurc. An.cmplocec ~~ho has a`problcm or complaintahould first try to get i[settlcd through discussion with his immediate supcn'isor without undue delay. If,,aftcrthis discussion.,tic does not`bclicveac problem has;,been"satisfactoril~'resoh'ed, he shall have the riehrto discuss^it with hissupervisor's immediate supervisor, if anv,.in the administratii c scnncc'. Even' effort should' be made to find~an acceptable solution by informal I~ mcmisar-the lower possible level of supcn'ision. If the employee is no[ in agreement wide die dacision~rcaclicd b.' discussion; hc;sliall then have thcrieht to file a formal appeal in writinss within'Icn (10) calcndardays afterreccicing du infomlal decision of his inunediatc sperior. An iriformal a,'ppoa] shall not betaken abovothc appointing power. D. Formal Grievance Procedure (Icvcls,of rcciew through chain of command) ('1) First Icvcl,of revia~d 'The appeal' shall 6c presented in writing to the omployw's immediate supervisor, who shall render hisAicr decisibn;a~id,conuncnts iii writing and return them to the cmplo}cc within five calendar days after rcceivhte the ,appeal. If the employee does not agree ~~~th.his/Iter SuporvisoP's decision, or if no answerhas been received ~dthin five calendar davs_ the employee macprescprthoappcal in «riting,to'his/lier s~pcrvisor's iimncdiatc superior. Failure of tlic employccto'takc further action «`ithin five calendar days after receipt of the written decision of hislhcrsupen•isor; or w~thinahEtotal of fifteen (1~,) calendar days if no dccisiou is rendered, will constitute a dropping of the appeal. (2) Farther Ievcl orlevels of rcviei~ as appropriate Thcsaperv isor rcccicing the appeal. shall rcvicw'it. render his/her decision and conunents imwritin~_ and. return them to the employee dithin fivc,(~}calendar davs after recci~ ing=the:appzal. If the employee does not agree with the decision,,or if no,answerhas been:reccieed witYiin fire calendar davs; cmplo}ce ma_v present thcap'pca] iii venting to the dcpartinent head: Failure of the employee to take further action v~ithin five=(~) calendar-days after receipt of the decision is rendered. kill constitute a dropping of the appeal. (3) Department Revic«~, `Thc,departrnent head.rccciving the appeal of his/her designated i•epres~ntativc; should discuss the gricvanccnvitlrthc employee, his/her representative, if anc, and.with other appropriate,persons. Thedepartrnenfheadshall.render his/her decision and comments in writing;.and return them_to the employee ~yithin fi~c calendar days after receiving the appeal. If the employee does not agree kith the decision reached, or if no answer has been received within five (5).calcndar day's,after receipt,of the decision or within a total of fifteen (I calendar days ifno decision is rendered. will constitute a<dropping of the appeal. (=4) Cite Manager The;Citt' Manager,receicing the appeal or his designated representative should discuss the gncvancc vvitli [hc employee; his/her representative, if any, and with othc;r appropriatd,persons The City Manager ma}: desiepatc a.fac[ finding committee, officcrnot=in the normal line ofsuperv~sion; orPcrsonnel Board to advise him conccrnigg.thc appeal: Thc;City Managcrshall rende%a decision m iiriting a the employee within t\venty(20) calcndardavs after receiving tlicappcal. Conduct Of Gncvance Procedure (a) The;imc limits specified atioi.e.ma} be estendcd to a definite date by mutual agreemenr.of the employee and the reviewer concerned. (b) The cmploveemav request thcassistance of another person of his/her own choosing in preparing and presenting his/her appeal atan} Icvcl of review. (c) Thcemployce and his/her rcprescntaticc inay be privileged to use a rcasonablc;amount:ofveork time as determined by the appropriate department head in conferring about and-presenting=tlie,appcal. IS (d) Employees shall be assured,freedom,from-reprisal for using the aricvancc p roccdures. Section 30. Lavoff and Recalf A Lacoff and Recall 30. L Statcmcnrof hitent: Whenccer, in the judgment of tho-City Council.. it becomes-necessary to abolish anc position of employment due [o a rcorganizgtion or to separate employees due to lack of work or funds, the employee holding such position or employment may be laid off or demoted without disciplinary action and icidrout the right of appeal. 30.2. Notification: Employ'ccs'to be laid off shall be gi~cn, whenever possible, at Icast 14 calendardays prior notice. 30. 3. Vacancy and.Demotion: Except as othcrnise provided: whenever there isa reduction in the work force. the appointing authoritc' shall first demote o a vacane~, if any;:in+a lower classification for which the employee who is the latcstto be laid'off;in accordance t~tth'Section'6 is qualified. All persons so demoted shall have their names placed on the rc-employment list. 30.4 Employee Rights:: An employee affected li}'aayoffishall have the riglitto displace an employee in ttie same department who has less semonri -in:~ a loyver classification in the same classification series or pt ~a low-cr„classification in which the affected employee once had reeular status. For the purpose of this section and Section,; seniorih; includes allpenodsof full-time service at or"above the classification level where the lavoff-is to occur. 30. ~ Senioriri': In order to retreat to a formcror lower classification, an employ'cc must have more seniority than at least one of [he;incumbcnts in the retreat classification, be qualified to hold the retrcatclassification or have served in the retrearclassification prior to the lacoffand request displacement action in writing to t}ie Personnel Officer witlvn (5) working days of receipt of notice of lavoff. Emplocccs«ithin-eacfi category shall 6e laid off-in ~everscordcr ofseniorih «ithin the classification series. Seniority°for,ttie retreat classification would be the combination of time served (at or above) ih the.layoff classification and any prior time-served in the retreat classification. Tics will be broken based'seniority of total City service 16 Employees retreating to a lower ocsimilarclassification shall be placed arthc salan step representing the least loss of pay.. In no case shallthzsalan be ihcreasedaboce that reczi~ zd in the classification from ~thich the employee ~cas laid off Employees rtrcating to a lotcer or similar classification`shall setae""a probatio~iart period in the nzw classification unless they have preciously successfulh~ completed a probationan period in the retreat classification or a hieficrcldssification ih•thcscrics. 30. 6. Empld~ntcht Status: In each classificatiomof position within the competiti~'e>senicc, cmplo}'ces shall be laid off accordins to emplocmen[ status in the folloicing order. tempoPar}, provisional, probationar}, and regular. Tcmpoian;.procisional aitd,probationary cinployccs shall be'laid off according to the needs of the service as determined by dtc appointing authority. 30. 7. Re-zm l~osment List: The names of persons laid off of demoted ih accoidance with these rules shall be entered .upon a re-omplo~ment list. Lists from differcnt,departments orat different times for the same classification of position shall be combined into a single list. Such.list shall bz uszd bt etzn appointine authority tchcn a vacancy apses in`thc saritc,or;lower classification of position before certification is made-from an eligible list. .0.8. Duration of Re=Employment List Names of persons laid off`sfialhtie~caiTied on.a re-emploti~nent list for Ato tears. l7