HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/05/1943April 5, 1943. April . 7*.30-'P-..M.* Regular meeting of, the Council of the City of. Petaluma, called to order by Mayor Woodson:. ROLL CALL:, Present: Councilmen -'Brown.;. Delss,, King,, Myers, Penry; Soidell_. and' Mayor. Woodson. .READING OF THE JOUWAL': The:-- minutes of -the last re -meeting, of March- 15th, were read andV approved 'as recorded' REPORTS `OF OFFICERS-* - The monthly. reports of the Rodent Exterminator-.,, Foundma,ster.- Police, 'Judge,,,- Treasurer,., Chief of Police,, Wharf in Auditor geP,, and Were, ­,read -and" placed, on file. REPORTS OF' STAN,D'!N.G'- -COMM TTEES.01 The'?Inanc6,.Gommitteo submitted. its report--,,., whereupon, 'Resolution #5492 C.S' - introduced- by, Councilman King, seconded by Councilman Brown" directing the -Auditor, --to draw warrants e, �Nog., 2077 to 2210 inclusive) -, )­ agAi�nst the various -City .Funds in payment, of -claims allowed and approved by' the Finah-,ca,'-,_Gommittee..' adopted by '7' affirmative votes,,.., PETITIONS,,. AND, ,QMMNJGATIONS. - Telegram from :*U ' hited States-Senator;­Sherida.n Dov�ney. 'stating: tha�t-,-the �--Yiilit8nr-.Affcqirs,*ComMi*t,te*e Of 'the United _States. 'Senate will 8,Oonr*,b'e,,,,con,,du.ctirig, an. investigation. into war difficulties and problems .!8Lffecti-n-g:,-;municipAlitie,s -of . 'N-orthernCalifornia.... and asking that a statement­besent to him,setting forth conditions,'1n. this area on labor" food, housing,,stranSPoration, medical -hospital shortage read. and "filed and -the telegram referred 'to the Chamber of Gomtiier66 for.'� s tudy, and. reply. Application, � from- West 'Coast Circus Sh6ws for permission.: to in r- dichibit-An Petaluma for`five: days from April 13th to l7th,-`_ inclusive, read-- filed, and approved, by 'Robert R. Peters Chie.f of'. Po'lice�,, .,where-- --upon­­ Resolution',#5493 C. S,. introduced by, Count seconded' by Councilman Councilman Pehr7. , seco, Myers9 grant- ..ifig said permit upon: payment of the sum of $250X0'as, required, by. ordinance NO - 460 C,.'.S. And "granting permission, and authority - t' o baid Wbst-,Coast Clftus'Shows. to,use a loUO­8peaking orbroaddastin& dbvice during, said -period In connection with said C6rnivaL.., 44opted by-t�aff-irmative Votes.-, CommurficatiOn, from the Pacific, Coast Building Officials Cbnference—calling attention to_thepublication of a 19-43' n, EdItio .,of"the, Uniform Building Code and urging that. the City' of PetalumaAd,6pt'-'said.x- Code,, read- and filed.No action taken,. Claim 'of."Walter Hawthorne for $50.00 based on, alleged* negligence of employees of the City of, Petaluma in -connection 'with the ,b -lockage of sewqJ7e at 892 Olive Street,, read, filed,, and discussed and referred to the -Hty Attorney for- rejection of the claim, Re Franchise -Petaluma Cqop-6tatiVe Creamery:. - Application of Petaluma Coo Creamer -franchise . perative y for a for -a Period. of not to exceed , 40 years; to use those portions, of the -City--8tteets.,_ alleys and wharfs assh8:11 be.,neceszarli, to conduct water --pumped from the Pe'ta:luma River in a 9 inch ch p i peline* to its, plant ant at, 601 West6rn:Avenue,, and to make use of-such,City propetty at the places, and in the manner referred to in *the, 'map and specifica-.. tions attached .to the application,,.. read and filed:,-whi-ereupon. Resolution #5494 G.S. introduced by Councilman. Penry., seconded by Councilman­­S6146`113,o'rde'r'-';�, ing and" direct1fig" that'. Notice that s uch"appilication has been made --t-" ,the CotinciL aha --that. this Council intdn,ds7,,t*0'J grant the same upia Argus -Courier -ih,-,not les's than 5 sucd,6,ssiy ublished, n,,,.. e and that said Noti'dedshall' state � 'that. thf�'6_­!__ ye, �ssues ofsa a paper,, Council�'will red6ivi-b' 'se�aled bids for -such -f'rb,rich-ise U 'to the, 3rd' day of May"q - 194�3 j, at the h6u, r of, 7f30 P.M,, cttd_Opted� - by p 7' affirmati-ve votes. 4 M 475 - 'Approving plan of Civilian Defense Organizatidri-.6 Mr'. Nathan Thompson,. Director Of the Petaluma Defense: Council., appeareld.,,:before Defense. and stated. his approval of -the re -organization ',-of-the- Civilian Defense Council on' an area basis-. He stated that the new-plan,wIll give the City of Petaluma the use of seven .additional :pieces of, fin equipment, which Will be under, the direction of the Petaluma Fire 'Chi6f. The plan was discussed and .itswas agreed . that:Petaluma adopt the plan' whereupon Resolutibn-4549.5 C®S. introduced by".. Councilman ilban Kingi seconded.- by Councilman Siaidell,, approving d, `.anadopting a,,plan of Civilian Defense organization set out. and provided for: by -the t erm8 and. .1 provisions I of.•80noma County . No. 203, _ad6pted­-by 7 aff itY i-ffiative votes,, and ' Resolution #5496 C.. S' introduced by -Councilman king,, seconded by Councilman Seide11,,, appointing -certain-. persons as officers and members: of the Petaluma Area Division of t'he,United States. Citizens Defense Corps .of ,Sonoma County., as named the -reisolution,, -adopted by 7 affirmative Votes.,. Ura, Andrew Stein -'Assistant Rodent Exterminator, -- Resolution #5407 .'Si, introduced by G6uncilman?Seidelft,, seconded by Councilman King,, appointing Mrs-'�.Andrew ,Stein.as Assistant Rodent Exterminator of'thib City,, to be paid for services peTforM04 In said, employment at the rate of 50y per hour.',,., aidopted, by.- 1 affirmativevotes. Resolution #549 8 C i"S. "introduced by Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilman Myers, recognizing the, splendid. work Performed by the, , Honorable Richard McCollister, Assemblyman from thi'§.District,, as the 'Chairman ­'Of the Military Affairs Committee ' ;..., in securing the, favorable action taken'by said committee in approving A wh,$Iqh provides for -the allocations ,proving Assembly Bill No�.­16,72,,,, f them in to Cities d * Counties the sum, o s ps and. C . n 5,,,000.,000,,. -to assist Civilien..Defense responsib.il-itiesi adopted by 7 affirmative, votes. Resolution #5499 C."S"i King, seconded, by 06undllm introduced by C'ouncilman an Brown., directing thEi'Audltor and treasure'r to transfer. certain sums of money - (as* set forth in the resolution to the y Tax Trust 'Victor i i -Deposit and'to draw 6 warrant against said VictOty 'Tax Trutt Deposit n-- the sum of $537.60 to the order of the United States Collector -6f Internal Revenue., in payment, of victory taxes withheld from the salariessand wages of' the officers and employees 'of the City 6f' -Petaluma for the quarter,period- 'from--.January period,'from--,Januax7 1. 1943 to Mdr6h Zl,, 1943,, .r adopted by. 1 affirmative votes. Gas : Code: . poundi1manKing,, .Prebident of the B ard of ..Fine Commissioners, repQrted that �Fire Chief B6hoit hadrecommended the adoption of"a St'andard Gas Code as a ­ safety measure ,in the installation of - gas burning eVipffien,t,. The . m-tter wa:s! discussed and referred. back to the Board or, Fire'Commigsion for a recommended ecommended forth of ordinancewhich it desires !,t401 City to adOpt.. Councilman Myers., Qhairman of the Lighting Ighting Committeej reported. ihat'his committee had met with Mr. Lazarus with reference to the ,adoption of :a new electrical code and that t - he committee had decided •,that the matter be, tabled for the present. Councilman Penny and 'City.Engineer Gonzalez reported that plans had been dtawn and steps taken toward securing a fire escape for the third floor of the City Hall and that it may -be possible to secure a second, hand fire escape which will answer the purpose. u `ciiman members of the Fire Department- .�6'A king reported 'that the -h44 tequested that their* salaries be changed to confofn, with .Ithe salaries and. overtime -now being ,paid '.the -Police. Officers6 The.matter was discussed- and laid on, the table. If was decided that the Street Committee meet -with the Mayor in the,'very near future to s,tudy' and discuss the .planslof the Highway tivisio:n- for 'a truck route On the east. side of Petaluma,� A.DjOURN.I.EN.T". -Tnere oeIng no f,urther business, to come b X ret �,Pg the meeting declar d A ourned. 9 1 ?;I/_ - ::I, RK A.TTEST,t' Al , - CITY _CL21 MAYOR:.