HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/19/1943ARril 19., 1943,. 7"30­­P­GX0 . Regular meeting of called to "or - der by "Mayor ROLL CALL: Present;: 'C"Oundi2mei Ylayor,Woodson;*' Absent,:: Councilmen. the 'Council of the City of Petaluma Woodson. a Brown, Myers, Pe Seidell an Dei,ss and King. READING ' THE JOURNAL:, - The minute,s o? t He last .meeting of April 5th read and ppproved as recorded"." REPORTS OF OFFICERS Librarian; f or the month ­.The".repoM 7 Edha BOVett' Acting .of March , was read and placed on file. - Or -1 ing of Affidavit` Of The` Merk rep, .ted the 'fi 70f Notice th&t applIcatiorr has be',en made to - the , City. Council by the Petaluma Creamery a f Co-Operative aMery r,,--chi:se 'to use :city 'streets,, alleys,, "etc., REPORTS OF'STANDING COMMITTEES"O., TheTinance t0ommittee subml-tted its'' P report whereu on Resolution #56 cesi­ 'introduced by Councilman, Seide seconded' by Councilman Brown; directing. the Audi'tor - to I'dr6w warraht's-I(Nos. 2911 'tn'229.4; lifeldsive) against the various City Funds in payment of claims allowed and, approved by the Finance Committee adopted by 5 affirmative votes', •2 absentees, PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS: Letter- from the Pet=uma'Council of Parents.and Teachers, 'Fourteenth. District, asking . that the Petaluma City Gotmci.l set UP the - machinery t establish a Recreation*Gommission with its' YM budget and With the authority to establish and coordinate additiofial recreational facilities'., and that th6 City of Petaluma inaugurate a curfew law,, with adeqiate police enforcement. to administer it fairly W Se,_ Y - and i _' i' -read filed,.; Mr. Nathan Tho o n I modif ' E. d the Council on behalf of some type ,pe of modificutfew faw;, - .3oth m4tt.prst were, taken under consideration until the next meeting of the C =ity NEW,BUSI SS,:', Re .. purch of $20,,000.. U.S.War"Savinas Boftds: ti n --Resolu o #5501 C.. S_ hit'roduced. Councilman Seld'elll;, seconded by Councilman Brown - resolvin' that the City of Petal�ima "invest. the sum of $17 50A0 9 $ O 1 . *.- from the McNear ,Park TUnd., .an the sum of $2,500.00 from ',the ­ Wickersham, Park Fund* in UoS. War Savings Bbnd . Series G,, adopted by 5 affirmative: votes, ,.2 , db'sente.es.. 'Councilman' - Kiftg - _ , 6ntered the meeting at this point. 10 20 I Mr manager of California Water 'Servic*e Company addressed' 'tie Counc-il stating that` hi compa , on-templated Council; I - _ q the driving of some piling on the south side Of 9 tqp S-t,. - Bridge and"'t if' the" City of Te'taluma plans z any w6rk° -- ,thi.s - nature. that his company would be glad to c.o 'wit"h , - t , he -, ! , Cit,y in bringing in a p I iAe - driver Councilmen "Brown , and 'Penry reporte't that new piles should 'be driven at several - pQiftt:s" - alohg 'the River and­ the matter was" referred to the Board of Public 'Works and the Street Committee to decide upon the work most needed and to obtain. estimate's _of" cost for said work. Day urs�e,TY:­ Mm David Durst­ reported - that Federal Fund's in the.-amount of $ 867.00'had a2lote'd the Petaluma Board of one half year's maintenance for a day, ftursery;,and, continuation school . provided "that can be'tai6e,d t renovate. the Pepper Xindergart it agreed by:*'the members of Clty that the day nursery; and ' continuation shho.ol are very worthwhile projects'. a nd at t'h the City C ell uh will appropriate not to exceed $2500,; 00 for the renovating,of the Pppp.er Kindergarten for the day nursery. 1 Fire Zity"H611: CoilfMilffiaft Ponry " reported that the cost� - -of a steel fire escape frorn - t - ho - floor of City Hall wi be, -in - the neighborhood, of $7 y 0 80'. - and - . will require priority f­ - AA-""3^-, __ 'The -matter . was referred - back to Councilman Pe.nry and to 'COuridilman' 'King. and "Chief 'Benoit to investigate the f easibi'lity of using a, wooden, fire, escape instead of a steel. The Z "ty, - Attoxmey was 'directed to prepare a:resoluti=on p�-acihg g der. trie Superintendent the supervitLon* of "the city `sewage re d1spd�di S pla nt under. of 11 Streets it tei­ mg that the plant has been_neglected and not 9p erated 60 Vo the plan of­the engineer, Mr., Harry 'Jenks. The Stre'et -C'o , i=i`tt6e', and Street Superintendent were asked 'to see that the pian_l surroundings are up and,'beautif 'and' the plant op erated , - as - originally p . as reporte that the c,ity dumps is, without a custodian and - thaV"rubbi - 8h is being dumped there in a careless...and _un8anitary manner. The Sanitary Inspector was asked to Inv0stigate and-.repbrt his findings to the City - . 1cou The of­ the raising of the'� of.". the and Santa Rosa Railway"'O crossing - at Washington . Street above_ .the grade of the street was reported by Councilrhan - King, and- the. matter discussed and referred; to the 'Street Committee f or investigatip I n. mithpower to act. ADJOURM.NT::, The,Pa being, no turther business *to come before the meeting., the mee,tin ; 9 -was declared adjourned. ATTEST. C IT C MRK