HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/07/19435eptember. . 1 1 of -the Treasurer, , POundffaster Rodent. Exterminator, and i Chief of Pbli.c , e were read andfil6d. RERORTS'TY OFFICERS: Fie Ny reports Police Judge, Plan and e".8-timate of cost for the impVovemen-,t­­bf the Water St: wharf were submitted by the C ity Engineer- and.Vlaced on file, Pl ans'; -sp 'a, painting of the Sewage Treatment` specifications f the paint wage eatment 'the Sewa`g'e""Pumping, Plant and the Fire House,.,,, were submitttd by the GI.-ty, Engiheer and placed on M6. -REPQRTS'.' COMMITTEES: e 1� su m- ted its report wheroupon. . Re$o1=1on' #5538 _Q 4S0 introduced by Councilman King- seconded-- by Councilman Seidell,, dire.c.ting the Audli draw warrant's I � �Nos. 5.12. to 683 indlusive) against th6 City Fun ds in payment, of claims allowed and ap proved bythl - Finance Coibmittei e adopted by 7affirmative votes. ltl AND C0MMICATION5,:: 7 - -p ice of North ay League meeting it. Ukiah on - Sept.: 18th•, - was read and` 'f ll.ed order by Mayor 'Woodson. Regular" meeting of the - Council. `of the 'City of 'Petaluma called' to ROLL. CALL: Present: councilmen Brown; Deis's King Myers, Penry Seide-11, and` Mayor Wood-s.on READING" OF' THE JOURNAL: The minutes - o the > Iast• regular - meeting 'of August 16th we're -read and approved as recorded-4 Adv ice 'from the Federal Works Agency to the ef fe'ct, that Petaluma' s' application for assistance in th0'm&inten and operation' of recreation f acilities - f or tli6se in In the - amount . of $10 had been ap I proved by 'the. President of "the United 'States. and that further partill"Cuiari's will f6llow,, read and placed on file. Communication' ,from the S anita ry' Spptid Service asking the privilege of dispbsing, I of. s'lUsh - taken from septic tanks irr the vicinity - of Petaluma, - ' in the Petaluma - 8ewer­;sys - tem­, which they offer to' the 'sum of 50� peP­110ad re , ad� and� �file 16ter�taken up under ier the 'head of New Busine , - and R referre - ' d 't o'th I e - Street Committee and Supt. , of' Streets for investigation and.' report. back. - The Supt.. of Street s spoke on the subject, stating: that he believe that .th refuse would be detrimental to the treatment p'l&nt Letter fr,Orh Gity. Attorney Karl Brooks regarding th`e Lease f rom Pete Torlia�tt of. -- b'ridget , bnderl s- . h,ou,s I Ing accommodations at. l: Street, e r ­­­­� ii . o � - ri'' 2 6d.-aft' d f IM s riatte" was discussed' ana'referted. to the Street CQMmitte - and' Cirty Attorney 'f or the preparation of. 8 lease that' will be, a. the -, City of it being satisfactory to both -MV. TO'rlia!t-I aft- suggested. that said lease contain. a provision. authorizing its -.cancellation , by ,--- e= ithe,r- :Up thirty days notice* IN'TRODUGTI ON b7 7T 'Dei' ss, seconded by S -'ritrodumM by. Councilman Cou 3" nc-ilman''Penry', - entifl'e , d - `V , ,`ORDINANCE' CITY-'­ OF.'.'TPETALUMA PLANT ITS LOCATION PROVIDING ECI'T HE IN G"'OF - 'THE , ' SEINAGE"TREAME-NT EAST OF THY­LIMI 'THE­ SEVAGE " FiUMPING" PLANT AT'"THE' - NORTH* END OF 11 8t ; STREET'" NEAR' V1 THE MD*a`THE HOUSE" ON "THE COFdER OF �PiROVIN THE PLANS; � AND SPECIFI 7 SECOND 'STREETS . . FOR SAID WOIN '"PREPARSED""BY" THE ENGINEER': - PROVIDING 'FOR 'THE" PAYMT OF SAID' WORk ON THE FIRE- HOUSE -OUt OF THE FIRC FUND AND ON THEv MiAGE -TREAT mgN__ -Aph , A ND PUMPI PLANT T T ' OUT OF THE GE FUND." - - - -- - was read.., appirdved by the, 'City Attorney..' . Re'solution #5539 X introduced by,Councilman seconded by Councilman Ponry,, direct- ing the City Clerk to post. sai - ordinance, aO.opted,by'' 7 affirmative votes. NEW , BV fINE-:58', 4� — T Resol4i'off S­ 6. introducedT by Councilman King,, seconded. by :Council - man - Brown - ,, setting the rate: of" for the fiscal: year 1943�44 at the* sUffi of $1.70 per' $100. of assessed Valuation and "the 'rate Of taxes "for kcq. Dist.. #1 and-, #2 - at the sum of 70¢' per $100. of assessed Valuation: ubon '' real estate' ... only, ' by '7 -- 6ff irmative 'vote S,w Amendment­ to lease' ­ -,' 4th 'Dist Fair. Resolution #5541 C.LS" d b introduced Gobnaii'h ma G J Brown. am Councilman. __. Myers, , se�aonded: by . ounci . ending the iease._" the C of Pet6luma,'aftd: 70UMh Agriculture Association dated the Ist - day of ­July, 11937* . to:. read' as fb'l1_ s The Fourth District Agricultural Association of''the State of , California - reserves the right to cancel this lease dUrifig: i,ts. la ox any renewal thereof; by giving the 1`08soP '30' days written .notice .of intent'tO cancel.. This lease may _be terminated or amended--by mutual consent of -, both" , parties.'' adopted, by ''7:' f imative votes Refund7 Tat'. Co-Operative'Greamery: Resolution #5542,­CA* introduced"b - Cb.unc1lMan King secorfde�d­bv' C'ouncilma­­ n B'Pqvi7a author- izing t- y ­ 91$ - - sum! .92: to the he"return of $137 Petaluma Cb-oper*ative Creamery.' representing the unexpended bal ance of its_ franchise adopt affirmative vote4s.., ,Re - St'anff( Councilman - King reported the various pr0visi.0fts,`.__,of',th0 robosed pr _ - � - Standard G68 C'Ode had been , at the last 'of' the Board. of. 'Fire Cbmmi&si�on­ and was recommended' by' bk'dy that the said Gaa''Code be .adopted by the City Council; that the Fire Chief be named In$pootor.*- and that no fees f or said Ans:pection be charged at time.. Cbunci7,11ftan King , 'a1 , 8,0r eporte7d that hat the'B0ard' of . Commission had: decided'to purchase a.new resuscitator. to replace the Old one which was donated by C.0uncilman. Penry some years ago and which is now ob 'The City Attorney was requested to prepare an ordinance author- g h . p p'u I rchasQ of"a truck for--usO b e cenil ylalaoepaed met' to � - ' to hand s I pump and trailer pump 6at the City by the State Council of Defense., it being the recommendation, of the. Board o that said - 'truck be purchase,al.. The pltins, specifications and estimate s of cost for the're-fl,oOr'- ing', rac-apping and construc°tj:on of a new bulkhead' 'on, the "Water - St - i 'Wharf' W0r,6­8.pP.TQVe 61 - and' re'ferred­to the City At1orney for thOy. preparation ... of an ordinance calling for bids for' said - work. In. thJ:8 connection 'Mayor WO�o.dson stated that the cost of said improvemont -ha's been.redu.ced due to ,the fact that the c.resoted piles neede 6 d in. said improvement' are being donated by the Petaluma. and, Santa Rosa R'. R'. Fall I 1 I The City Engineer called attention to the facft that the old Borges property op. Upham Street near Bode a Avenue dwelling on the g is unoccupied and in a State of dilapidation, and is a fire menace:` f o - t he, neigg.orhood od 'The :Matter was ref erred to the City Attorney iv Councilman Kin bP'0ught, up the question of tie, l .appointment �of a Recreat ion - `Cbmmis si oft., and the Matter was discussed at some length. Mayor Woodson pointed out that with the receipt, of the :Lahham .fund's for recreation for the service men -In this localityj it will be pos to employ trained recreational- directors and that i:s' possible that said directors may, also supetvicO other recreation 'in, the of Petaluma. He suggested that the matter- be held in abeyance the Recreation Commission under the Lanhamt Act Is a.ppoin-t-ed'. ADJOURNMENT: -There being ,no furtherbusiness to come before, the meeting, the meeting was declared adjourned. ATTEST: