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April 19th 1926..
Regular meeting.of the Council of the City of "Petaluma called to
order by Mayor Sales.
Gauncilmen present: Farrell, Glahn, Jessen, Fiewerts, Van Bebber
and -Mayor Sales.
Absent: Councilman Ingerson.
The minutes of the last regular meeting of April 5th and the. adjourn-
ed meeting of April 12th were ;read and approved.as recorded.
The 'Finance Committee rendered its report of numerous claims against
the City,, whereupon
Resolution #3285 C.S.
introduced by Councilman Van. Bebber, seconded by Councilman Glahn, direct-
ing the Auditor to draw warrants against the various City Funds in payment
of claims allowed and approved b the Finance Committee, a dopted by 6
affirmative votes, 1 absentee.
ommtnicatibn' ' rom the Central Labor Council urging i.g
n the creation
of a Music Commission, read and filed.
Application from A. W. Baker for a building permit, read and filed..
Application from the Petaluma and Santa Rosa Railroad Co. for a
building permit on Weller Street, in the rear of 214 East Washington St,
read,and filed. Later brought up under the head of New Business and
referred to the Buildings and Grounds C °ommittee.
Ordina'nc'e No. 295 C.Si providing for 'the creation of a music
commission came up for On motion by Councilman Van Bebber,
'seconded by Councilman Farrell., the ordinance was laid on the table until
the next regular meeting.
This being the time set for opening bids for the improvement of "E"
Street, the Clerk reported having received two bid.s and proceeded, to open
and read said bids, whereupon
R solution of Award #3286 C .S.
introduced by Councilman Jessen, seconded by Councilman Glahn, awarding
the contract to H. Id. 'Tuttle, he being the lowest responsible bidder,
adopted by 6 affirmative votes, 1 absentee..
The application of A. W. Baker for a building was discussed
at length and motion to the matter over until the next meeting was.
defeated by the following votes.: Ayes: J'essen, Van Bebber. Noes: Glahn,,
Riewert,s, Farrell and Sales. Thereupon
R6solution x` COS.
introduced by Councilman Farrell, seconded by Councilman denying
said application was adopted by 6 affirmative votes, l absentee.
Re ,solution #3288 G.S.
introduced by Councilman Glahn, seconded by Councilman Riewerts, directing
that the work.and improvement and extension of the Oak and Bridge Street
sewer be done under the supervision of the Street Committee and the City
Engineer, adopted by 6 affirmative vote =s, 1 absentee.
The City Attorney reported having wired Dr. Aronovici to be present
at the Beratti .'trial as an expert witness.
The matter of the revoking of `Mr. McGovern's live stock permit
was referreld to the Building and Grounds Committee for investigation and
On =motion reg ly made and carried the meeting adjourned
AT /
d �
May 3rd, 1,926.
Rep ra J. U
Regular meeting of the Council of the City of Petaluma called to
order by Mayor Sales.
C,puilcilmen p,resent: Fanrrell, Gla.11 I'ngerson, Jessen, Riewerts.,
Van B,ebb and Mayor Sales.
The minutes 'OT the last regular meeting of April 19th. were read-
and approved as'record-ea.
The monthly repQrts of the 'Police 10j'harf inger, Poundman
Auditor and Treasurer wer I e read and f ilea.
'Report from the City Planning Commission stating, that the
apI Dlication of I?s.
Lillian. i stree't f or the re-zoning, of'.-hex property
on Fair ' tree t, had been withdrawn, read- and f iled-
The Cler'k, reporte'd the filing of a claim f or !x27,.50 by' , C.-,D.
Di.11in,g-Y?am f or , repairs to. his auto top, damaged by a tree on "Y" Street,
between 6th and 7th Streets. Referred to the Park Co=-A8 for
investigation and rep-ort back.
The Finance Committee rendere its rep_ ort of numerous, claims
against the City, ;Thereupon
Resolution C'.5
introdu&ed by Councilman Jessen, second b y Councilman. Van 'Bebber,
directing the Aud-itor to draw warrants against . tile various 'City Funds
in payment of claims a1lowed and approved- by the Finance Committee,
adopted. by 7'af±irmative vot,es.
Resolu "ion Of a-
ana thanks from the Grand. Lodge of,
Dania,, read-and- filed-.
Ap f rom" J6s. Buratti f or - D ermission to sell soft drinks
read and t' il'ed ;a on. motion by Councilman Jessen, seconded. 'by Counailman
Van Bebber, s-a, application was denied.
Commiunicz.tion from the Memorial Day Parade Committee invit,ing the
City Council to take part in the 1demorial Day Parade, read and t ilea
.and- oil mot nn by Councilman Jessen, se.conaea -b Councilman. Riewerts,
said invitation was accepted.
C,omripinicati from the Board. ' of "Park C'ommission, calling the
attention o _ f the 'Gouncil to the acti-on of the Pacific Gas and Electric
Com in digging ditches for gas mains along the line of the side-
i read and tiled. Referred to the Street Committee for
investigat1on and report.
Resolution from the Ministerial Unioiri of the City of Petaluma
enaorsing the 'creation of a hiLisic. Comi read and filed.
- Application of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company
for the rene of its franchise, read-,, riled and referred. to the City
Ordina] No. 296 C.S. introduced-, by Councilman 'Jessen, se
by Gouncilman Van Webber, prohibiting the entering of 3rd St, at 3rd
and "ll)" Streets, by a vehicle without first bringing such vehicle
t a. standstill, read, approved by the City Attorney and ordered
Or finance 1\10. i95 C.S. providing for the creation, -establi
g,Qve,riament and maintenance of a ausic commission., came up rej-ular17
and was adopted by 6 affirmative votes.,, Lzo.
City Y � 1-L
Attorney ""oviell reviewed the trial and decision in the
A 3.
matter of the quit of B vs. the City of P'etalinia and on -Motion
by Councilman Van Bebber, second ad by Councilman, Jessen, he eras directed
tLo ask for a new trial in the matter.
Attorney G. P. Hall appeared before the Council in. behalf of Mr.
Gi,4iinn in an endeavor to b,eautif'y Martha Street, either by, the planting
of lawn and shrubs or by the permanent, improvement of said street-..
The matter was discussed at length and taken under advisement. until
the next meeting,, the Council to meet with the property owner as a
comiiz ttee on 2uesday; T%ia:y 4th at 9 o for furtlia:- investigation.
Rasolution 17 3,90 :C.S..
introduced by Gounc ,loran Inger;s;on, seconded by Councilman Riewerts,
granting the app.licati°on of It'rank Stegeman to se�:e,r into the City
Selu.er at the, end of "G'r Street, adopted by 6 affirmati e votes, 1 no.
t Councilman 1nge'rsom reported that it is not necess to, repair
the rfu-n° i c -pal Sa ar ' on Vater Street for the. fire engines, as the
engines carry sufficient suction hose to :stretch across. the wharf and
into the river.'
The Buildings and Grounds Co-m ittee
a- permit be granted to the Petaluma and
garage on its property in East'Petal
examined the lk'cGovern corral on ,:feller
necessary as the corral Will shortly be
repo.rted,, recou-i e- n-ding that
Santa Rosa Railroad Co. for a
Also reported having
street and deemed no action
YiD OU.f{N4i
On motion re,E�ilarly made and carried the meeting- adjoii:.ne
i -y 1 Fr k bl or.
Resolution 3291 C .pS . .
introduced by Councilman Jessen, seconded by Councilman Glahn,
dire 'ting the Aiditor to draw a ? on the U-eneral Icund in
the sum of $1654.78 in favor of the Petaluma. and Santa I o'sa_ Railroad
Co. for the construction of its trestle, adopted bye .7 a,ff.ir.mat'ive