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November 7th, 1027.
Regular meeting . 'of the Council. of the .City of Petaluma called to
order , by Mayor Sales. 4
present.: Farrell Glah.h,, Ing erson Jessen, Riewert S,
Van Bobber and Ma7or Sales.
The minutes of the last regularmeeting of •October 17th and the
adjourned meeting, of October 24th were -read and -.` approved as r6,cord!0`d
The monthlyrep,ort§.6f the Foundman, Police Judge,-
Wharflnge(r .Auditor and Treasurer we're read and filed.
The Clerk reported the filing of'Affidgvits, - of Publication'
Ordinances "o,. 323 and-324 C..,S., also - the filing of,kffidavits- of Posting
of Ordinances No. 321 and 322 C.S...
=e Finance omm ee rendered itaxeport of numerous clai-
against the City, whereup6h
Resolution 0535 G.S.
.•Introduced by. Councilman Nan Bebberj seconded by Councilman Jessen
directing the Auditor to draw warrant -against. the various. City Funds
in payment, of claims allowed and approved. by the tFiriance Committee,
adopted by 1 affirmative votes..
Petition 'From merchants -of the City of Petaluma, requesiting that
they be granted the right t7o di play Chri,stmas. tree's and greens upon the
sidewalks in front of their re.specti.ve places, of business, read and -
filed and - the" matter laid on. the: table*.
Card - of thanks from.. Mrs. Edna, K.. Glahn and, f amily, read
Ordih4nce,,No.'. 321. C.S. intr,oduced by Q�ouncijman, Van Bebber,
sedbnd! dbiinrl.lfnan Jessen providing .for the: sale.. of the municipal
rock.. crusher, came up regularly and was adopted by 7"affirmative votes.
Ordinance No. 392 C.S. introduc,ed,,by Councilman Farrell,-second-
ed by Councilman Van Bebber, appropriating and setting aside the sum of
$675. 't',o pay the cost of elec:troliers, came ..up regularly and was adopted
by 7 affirmative "votes,.
Ordinance No. 323 C.S. introduced by'Councilman Riewerts second-
ed by Councilman D)gerson, regulating the use of streets: and sidewalks.,
came up regularly and was adop - by - 7 affirmative votes,
Ordinance Po. 324 J O.S. introduced: by Councilman Gl,ahn, seconded
by Cou Jessen, providing for -the filing, by public utilities,
with the City Clerk, of maps or plats showing the size and.1ocation-of
under'groutd. pipes, conduit etc came up regularly and was adopted - by
7 affirmatiVe vot
Me City submitted a rec,ommqndati on. that .9th Street
between F and G Streets, ba acciq P ted, whprdup.9n
Resolution #3636 C.-S.
introduced by Counc ilman QlAhnj p by ;Councilman Riewerta,
accepting the - improvement, of said strP.0t.., adopted. by 7 affirmative -votes!..
Mt.View as No - 3
The hearing on the Acquisition and. Improvement District; No 3,
was -c,ontinued until the 5th of December, 1.927..
On motion regularly made and carried the invitation of the
Chambei- of Commerce� to participate in the Armi�stiqe Da parade was —
- addepted , ..
The matter of - repairing the glass door in the fire department
was referred to the Buildings and Grounds ComMittee with poyger to act..
The City. Engineer was directed to make a survey to establish the
grade, on the: allOy between Kentucky andm Keller Straet -and, Washington and
Nestern Avenue.
Dr. Hubbell reported result's of the rat campaign and asked f or $25 .
a:month f or' the expense of the rat 'catcher:f s, automobile. He recommended
that the City Dufhps be reconatructed which matter* was' referred to the
guilding and, Grounds Committee,.
Re's iollutli'iOn �jjS&37 C`.$
I � A :6
introduced..by C --aec,oriai5d by-`Councilma.n Van Bebber
.1 , j pro-
the ap plication - ,r , eight' and.
test:ing-,�tlilb, granting I plication of -the.. Rafael 'F
gra OP
`Tr%Ansfbr* Company f or e th 'removal, 6 'the wei-ght' r, e�s' im
n. posedby.the
Ra�j.lr.oad: ComiAssion adopted by 7 Affirmati`_Ve. votes-.
ter of' repairinIg curbs; and gutters- on,* Liberty and B_ 's ett
The mat. b as
Streets, refered"to the Street, -c.orm itt'ee Wi th_p6*8r -to apt.
On motionby Councilman. Je&s,,en,,, seaonded.by Councilman Farrell, the
Mayor was delogat,ed_to represent - the, City at'. the. _sal of. the: Municipal
RoCk Crusher.
Rbsio'lution #353'8''C.,S.
introduced by- Councilman Far,re,ll,., aeconded'by. Gouhb-i-Iman Van. Bebber,, grant-
ing the request of the American. Legion for a., donation of $l50 for
Armistice Day CeIebrati.on, adopted by 7' ,affirmative votes.
Councilman Inger'sion reported, tha-t the. Street Committee had decided to
put a .16" culvert through. each the street entrances t take da =re
-Olive Street drainage..
Win` motion regularly made and,carried -the meeting adjourned
/I dwi&
ty �Cer_k_-. Mayor.