HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/16/1934April 16 1934;• Regular meeting of the. Council of the.Cl.ty of Petaluma called to order by Mayor 'McFadden. ROLL CALL: Pounailmen Deiss Gerva Jone's,, McNear Penry, Woodson, and, Kayor McFadden,.. READING OF ,'THE. ' JOURNAL,: Me minutes of _tT7e_ last, regular meeting .of April 2hd and the Special meetings of April 9th and 10th were read and - approved as recorded. REPORT OF j!QFFICERS; The ClW6r_V — re - p - 6 - rTed the filing of Affidavit of Publication of Ordinance No. 418 G. S;. being the election proclamation, and the !affidavit of of Ordinance No. 417 G4S.: REPO &S° OF -STANDING COMMITTEES: _7 The ­-P-jnA-nce Committee su=m tted its report,, whereupon Resolution #4279 C.S. introduced by Counai,lman-Aloodson seconded by Councilman Gerv6:soni., directing the Auditor to , draw warrants (Nos. 2043 to 218 inclusive) .against. the: various 'City Funda in payment of claims allowed and approved.by the Finance Committees, adopted by T affirmative votes. PETITIONS AND .COMMUNICATIONS'. Appli cation" fo . r e*ML&S . to sell soft drinks at 1004 B- Street from A Smith,, read and filed, and Resolution #4280 G.S. introducod,'by Councilman Gervas seconded by Councilman,Ddiss,, granting said :app. I lication, adopted by 7 affirmative votes. Notice from the.War Department re an application from the'Shell Oil Co. for a War Department permit to enlarge its wharf on Petaluma River, - read and filed. ADOPT ,01F ORDINANCES: Ordlnatce ITo,. introduced by Councilman Wo -seconded by Councilman Jones, providing fOt the ratification and adoption of 'the action taken by the City Council under- Resolution 4211 C.S. engaging'LL. H. N , ishkiah and Charles, G. Hyde to prepare and submit a report upon a aewage disposal system suitable 1 to the needs, of the City; authorizing a contract be I tween the City and said L. H. Nishki,a And Charles G... Hyde, containing the provisions of the agreement and understanding referred to in said Resolution 4211 C.S. and-appropriat- ­ H. Nishkiah and Charles G. Hyde ing the sum of $1000.00 to pay said L.. for services - re - nderod-in preparing said report and for future services according to the provisions of said contract came up regularly., and was adopted by 7 affirmative votes. . Ordinance No. 4180-S. introduced by Councilmah,Jones seconded by Councilman Deiss, being the election proclamation, came up regularly, and was adopted by 7 affirmative votes. NEW BUSINESS! 'Rea,olution J/4281 introduced 'bly Cbun.cilman MeNbar, se by', C punt i lman, Deiss, ratifying and confirming the appointment , of * J. Fr BUrns, as a member of the. B6ard_ of Fire Cbnnias ers; and"'Dt,.:'H.; R. P'6,dk, Dt' Chester Yeerkampi Mr, 0. O. and ,Mr; Harley McAskill.as members % of the Music Commission, the aforementinned appointments to be effective as of the respective d - ate of their Appointment by Mayor McFadden, adopted by 7 affi*rmat,ive vote 'Transfer of 438U."00' to Mu7si6`G6i.fttiss Resolution #4282"P,.5. int•oduced­by C . oun6ilman Woodson,, secoridedb7 - Councilman Gervaso I ­.- z : transferring the sum iof $380. 00, �f rom the General Fund to the Music Fund adopted 7'affirmative votes. Tetition lights on Third ,Gounci.1man MeNear, Chairman of the Light Committee,, reported that he had arranged an interview with,i-nteres,t:ed parties who had pe the improvement of the street lighting on Third 'Street-b Main Street and the City Limites, Said interview, to take Place on Thursday, the 19th-of April., at: 5 o'clock p.m. Bulkhead North of Washington St. Bridge: Councilman McNeAr also. reported the completion of the bulkhead on the Petaluma River just north of the W61shington Stre,ep' - t Bridge. And reviewed the arrangement made with the Petaluma And Santa I Rosa Railway Co. whereby said company is to pay 50% of the cost of the work, It being the railwaYcompany!s intention to later recover costs from H. Reynaud. - The City Attorney read a letter which,he had written to the railway company regarding the payment by the 'City Council of certain. bills to date:. Gounc 'McNea.r complimented the City Enginaer and A. Schlun6gger for the good.work done on this bulkhead. Town Clock tower: - The Buildings and Grounds Commi. , t'tee,reported its findings regard- ing the Town Clock tower;in the hands of the City Attorney and were granted further time in which to: report its recommendations to the City Council. . Mayor. McFadden - reported on the pre.sent, status of the federal relief which. 1s recommence on4uly 1st. He asked that, members of the' City Gouncil projects for future work. The' cohtinuatibn of the sidewalk work suggested and d referred to the Street Committee and Finance C'6Trlmittea for 'a prac'tic'al plan of collecting money from property owners for the materials used in -said Work,. ,Proposition for leasing Kenilworth Park: A,propos ' iti6n of the Sonoma, County Fair Company to lease Kenilworth Park for A period of 5 years was reported and refer-red back to the Park Commis for a. thorough investigation and 'recommendation. The matter of-awarding the ,contract for furnishing material for a sprinkler system for Hill P.lq.z was discussed and taken under !advise- ment. In connection with the coming election for Freeholders th&Glerk was directed to send out sample ballots and polling place cards. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business on „ motion regularly made and carried the meeting adjourned,. ATTEST CITY VLERK MAYOR. J