HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/05/1935550; August 5, 1935. Regular meeting of the Council of the. City of. Petaluma called to order by Mayor McFadden. ROLL GALL Present; Councilmen- Deiss,, Gervas'oni Ingerson, Myers, Penry., Woodson, ,and Mayor McFadden. READING OF „THE JOURNAL The minTt6�saf.the last regular meeting of July, 15th and the Adjourned meeting - of . July 16 Were read' and approved as recorded. REPORTS OF OFFIICERS:, The moh = of,the Wharfinger, Poundmaster, Police Judge, Auditor, . Treasurer were. read and f iled. The annu'al,..r.eport of the..Librar'Y,Trustees was read and filed. The, Clerk .reported, the filing, of k davit. ,of ., Publication - of Ordinance No 436 C.Z* REPORTS OF STANIING COMMITTEE - S: The Finance,Committee.'§ubmitted' its report, whereupon Resolution, $441'7. C. S. .introduced by, C,oiinei, by Gouncilman.Gerva�soni.,. directing the Auditor to draw warrants (.Nos 275 to 458 inclusive.Y, against the various City ,Funds, in..' payment of c'laims.,alloWed' and approved by teh Finance Gommitte�e adopted by 7 -affirmative votes, PETiTIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS: � App licaE ono f Harvey L.. Wilson f or pe.-rm. ion to sell soft perms drinks at- Main Street read and - filed., whereupon REs!oiution, _$.44 is _C... S. s econded by.. _-intr6duced..by. C-oufteilman- Penry,,. p Ge,rvasoni.,. granting said a-pplicat adopted by 7., af .votes. Comm'unicatIon from the. , Board of Fite Commissioners requesting that the sum of $7,19 Per $106.00' of a,s..sess I ed-valuation be apportioned- to the Fire Fund for the'.f iscal, year 1935!-36,...read and -filed and, fief erred. to. the Finance Cormqittee. ADPTION OF ORDINANCES,: Ordihan7c7To 435 C. S. intr-oduced by. Councilman Woodson, -secor-ded. by Coianc,11 Penry,, requiring all officers and employees of the" City of.P6taluma_ to. prenuJnb.e receipts for. funds received by them for the-city; requiring 611 ' empi except officers or permanent employees paid a fixed salbr',. to sign.*.and certify - trims Y for salary before receiving.a warrant. therefor, prbviding for a method of using triplicate: tags or citations for violations : traffic laws the city,* : f or the purpose,. of having -a. permanent record thereof, came regularly and-was adopted by.7 �Lffirmative votes. Parallel Parking; Ordinance No. 43 C. S., introduced. by Counailman-Ge.rvasoni, seconded by C ouncilman ilman Myers amending sections '31 and 33 of Ordinance. 3,32 G - S..., entitled. ",kii ordinance. r (egulating, traf upon - Vhe public - streets, and repealing all- ordinances. ino6nsistent. herewith came up . regularly and was ado pted by 7. of f irmative. votes. NEW BVS1 Nv,.ss: Approving bonds of. city .officials :; Res,Qlution #.4417 C. 3�., introduced by PouncAlman ?envy, seconded by Councilman Ingerson., approving, the offici ' al bonds'of- Saturn. Gonz Louane Leech, M_ Librarian'. Alb6rt . Overton;_. Deputy Ci ty Treasurer, Robert S. Adams -- Chief of - Fire Department and directing the. Clerk' to record and file all of said bonds,; by 7 affirmative votes. kppointiAg.Offi ; cer,Btadberry Regular Officer and increasing Salary Resolution .#4420 C. S. introducod by-Councilman Dei e d . ,ss,,- scon ed,'by Councilman Gervasoni appointing H.,Bradbe ' rry as a regular. officer of the Po,lic,e_ Department of the City- of Petaluma and f ixing. - his .,s at $160.;00. per month co the 1st of, August., 1935..,, adopted .by _ affirmative votes. Approving Memorandum of. -Ag ' reement-Project # 3 & # 4* Resolution # 4421 C'. S. introduced by Councilman Deissi. by Couhillman Myers, approvin that certAi certain Memorandum of Agreement for expenditure of 4 cent Fund in the City of'Petaluma submitte.dl5y the Department of Publi Works of the r 1,1 55 State of Calif'o and providing for the. expenditure: of this city ".s allocation - of a portion. of the 4 cent gasi tax: fund. for the bi.en.ni.= ending June 30, 1937, in the sum of` $3600.40 for Project No. covering maintenance; of .Route, 1 and 104,_ :and in. the, sum of 42600.00 f or Pro-jee.t No 4 covering coins true tion.work consisting of widening Main Street, Route 1, from the junction of Third Stre.et.to the: Northerly city limits, 0.70 miles, by reconstructing.. curbs,,,.gutt;ers, .sidewalks and roadway facilities, be and the same is hereby approved, and further directing the Mayon and City Clerk to sign and cause 'the official :seal of this city to be affixed to said Memorandum. of- Agreement for and on behalf of this city, adopted by�7 affirmative votes. Playground Supervision-. W P'A 'The request for financial assistance for a .countywide play - ground aupervis,ion project was discussed, and referred to the Park Commission and Finance Committee for inv:astigation and report back. LEASE OF ROYAL SOAP ANDTALLOW CO.. City Attorney Karl Brooks reported that . the lease of the Royal Tallow and Soap' Company,. Inc.. on the sewer. Farm. had expired on 'the lst day ,of May 1935., and that a'check had been forwarded to the Clerk for rental to December .Ist , 1935. The: clerk .was:. directed :to hold the check and the matter of. the renewal of the, lease was referred'. to the Garbage Committee for inv-esti.gati.on and `report -back. Police Radio; City At.torney..Karl Brooks presented applications for- radio station constru.c.tion permits. whereupon Re.so{ uti nn..# . 4422; .0 So ntroducred by Councilman Deiss, seconded.b;y Counc'i'lman Myers, resolving that application be made to the,.Uni.t.ed States of America, Federal Communications Commission for radio) -s ati.on,..construc.tion permit iz'ing- the construction of 'radio.tr- ansmi:sision.:and r_e.ceiving equ:1_pment in the Police. Station. to- ,.communlea,t hthe Ci`t e.with.Police Prowler Car, and authoriz- np for and on .behalf of n nbeh xeof do b 7 affirmative f Petaluma v said application, - ' y' adopted y ve votes`. and Re s,o lut .on. #'4423 .. C S. introduced by Councilman Ingers,on,.seconded by Councilman Woodson, te, olving that appl -ieat ,on'be made to the. United States of America, Federal C ommunication Commission for radio station. construct on.permit authorizing the construction of radio. transmis.si.•�n. and .r.e.o equipment in the Police Prowler Car- to communicate -with Police. Station, and. authorizing , the Mayor to sign and -affix the seal.. of the. City to d6aid application, adopted by 7 affirmative votes. Mayor . McI{'adden stated that thr report of the annual audit of the books of the City of Petaluma had been . c;ompleted and that copies of the report were filed with the'-City.Clerk.where they might be reviewed. Angle, parking: on certain streets:. Resolution #: 4 '2:4..0 .. S. introduced by Councilman; Penr..y,_•;seeonded. by .Gouncilman Myers, repealing, Res olutiori .# C'. S. passed -orr the ..23rd day'.of February 1928 and designating, angle parking at .30 .degrees 'angle to -the curb . on both sides 'of -Mary Street the entire. length thereof,, on. b.o.th. sides. of Keller Street between. Pr;gspect Street. ;and Western. Avenue; and on.. both sides of Liberty Street between Prospeat.,Street. and' Western -Avenue; and directing the Chief of Police to indicate such .par'king.'by ;painting, lines upon the- ;paveme.nt,; adopted by 6 affirmative. vo.tes:, ,_1 negative, vote. .; In connection with the parking of vehi.clea. upon the streets., the City Engineer was : directed.to - complete his plans for marking the streets and forward, them immadiat.ely. to the State Division of' Highways for approval. Collection. of tobacco ..dealers licenses: City Attorney Brooks,..was.. authorized t take the proper steps. ;to enforce the'ordinanc:e providing f.o;r the licensing of tobacco dealers. ip App.ointinent._of Park: C ommi slsi,on ; Resolution. # 4425 C. S'. introduced by Counclman.Ingerson, seconded by Councilman Woodson, Appointing Robert Steftz a member of the.. Park Commission of this city for the term of . ,three years from and.. after- the lat..day of July, 1935; and until his successor is appointed and. giialifie.d; appointing Dr-.-Hall Weston a m ember o th e Park C of this city for the term .O two years' .. 1' f'roin and after the first day of - July' 19.3.5, and until .his successor is appointed and quahifies; and appoin'tin# 'Mrs Claire Sanderson a member of the Park Commission of this city fora term ..of .one. year and after the first day of- July 1935, and until 'her, sue aes,s.or-is, appointed and qualifies, adopted by 7 affirmative votes. Sewage Disposal: Councilman.Ingerson, Chairman of the Board of Public 'Works reported progress in the matte:r.. ,of nve.s;tigating the needs of a sewage disposal plant in Petaluma. Mr..Bate Engineer, addressed the Council ..on. the ;mattes urging that some action be, taken soon in order to .get the necessary application before the Federal Government , before the funds, alloted are exhausted for such pro je.cts . ' It was decided. to meet inform ,- ally on Monday evening, August 12th., and,d'isc,-s.s the matter. ADJOURNMENTS There being no further. business on motion- b"y_.Counciiman Woodson., seconded by Councilman Ger-vasoni., the meeting adjourned.," ATTEST lrla 'T ' C EM . .