HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/02/19168.9 IJOAV FiGULAR MIMI G Council—Chamber—s; Oct. 2 19.16 Minutes of a regular meeting held this second day of October 1916. All members present-excepting councilman.G.ossage and Mayor. Horwege Councilman Young presiding. EADI:�t =� OF JOURNAL. Minutes of a regular meeting, of Sept. 18, and a special meeting of Sept. 25, were read and approved as recorded. REPORT OF OFFICERS. The following reports of officers were received, read, and placed on file; Report of wharfinger for the month of August. Report -of Pound Master for the month of September. City Engineer reported that he had not completed r .. plans and specifications for the sewer on Madison St. Asked and was granted further time— City Engineer reported the need of new filing cabinets and other -neccessary equipment for his office. Referred to the bui.ldings.Qdnd grounds committee :o investigate and report. The following affidavits were presented 8c filed: J. Olmsted publication notice of award of contract Kent St., and Ellis St., also a cler.k's uffidavid of posting same. REPORT OF STANDING, C'01 -ES. ON FINAN,OE : The report of the Finance'Committee was read and the same was recommended for payment by the following resolution RESOLUTION NO .2018. Introduced by Young, Seconded. by Young,. Adopting the report of the Finance Committee and O,: instructing the Auditor to draw warrants.n payment of said .: g aims Adopted by five affirmative votes, absent Gossage and Horwege. { PETITIONS AND COMUNICATIONS . A communication form Lipp.itt & Lippitt Attornies for A..Maestretti complaining of the blasting by the County at the Quarry in the Carpent Tract., The Clerk was directed to notify Supervisor Dosdacebtdingly Arnold Gambonini asked to transfer of the lioene-e for the Prince Saloon to Hans Andresen. Same was granted by the following resolution. RESOLUTION NO, P. �l9 . Introduced by Young and Seconded b- McCargar. Directing the .Auditor to transfer the liquor liscence now in the name of Arnold 'Gambonini, to Hans Andresen Adopted by five affirmative votes, two absent. A petition was ,presented by the property owners on- Ellis'St..,, asking permission to:eonstruct by private contract the contemplated sewer along said Street. The r'etition was denied by the following resolution . RESOLUTION 40. '2020. Introducted by McCargar, seconded by Torr. Denying the petition of J. D. Ellis and R. w. Dunning to construct a sewer on Ellis St. 'by and under private contract. Adopted by five affirmative votes, two absent. J. B. S i lva who wa s awarded the Co n tract f o r the Ellis ,St. sewer asked for-ten days further time within which t'o sommince work. RESOLUTION NO. 2021. Introduced Healey, seconded by Torr. :ranting J. B.-Silva ten days further time k within which to commence work on the Ellis Bt., sewer. 1 1 1 JOAV Adopted ,by five....affitmat.:iv.e,..vo,t.es., two ab8ent. NEW BUSINESS. William Beyer a war veteran, asked for a free peddling license for this city. On motion duly made and seconded, permission was not granted. ADJOUMN'IrIENT. On motion duly made and seconded the Council adjourned. Attest. City Clerk Mayor. Oettober 2, 1916. A 0 I