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Regular Meeting
Council Chambers
July 2nd, 1917.
Minutes of.a regular meeting _of the City Council held July
2nd, 1917. All members present. Mayor Horwege presiding.
18th &
Minutes of a regular adjourned meeting of June /19th, were read
and approved as recorded.
The following reports of officers were read., received, and
placed on file:
Report of Wharfinger for month, of June
The City*Attorne y reported his approval of the following
bonds of the City Officials, which was accepted and filed-
v T. J. Studdert,; Assessor, Tax arid License Uollector;
f F. B. Siiigley, City Clerk zzLd Auditor;
F H;. Meyers Treasurer;
,/'M. 0.. Tom, Police Judge;
/M. Flohr, 6hief of Police; -
/Homer W.' goods, City advertising contract.
In the (oug'la Street matter, City Attorney reported
that it 'would be necessary to deposit with the Clerk of the
Superior Court a certified check for the amounts required 'by law
thus giving.the City possession of the disputed land, and allowing
same to be improved and opened.
The money i deposited pending the appeal,.and will be
returned when the litigation is over.
The amount required is $402.17.
City Engineer explained to the Council the manner in
which the property on Douglas Street should 'be drained and s#wered.
It was agreed that the Council would meet with the Engineer and
go over the grounds at' 1 o'clock on Tuesday.
City Engineer reported that he had secured the signatures
of all the. property owners on Kentucky Street, agreeing to the
widening - of said street, excepting three non - resident owners . �.`r'
The Schluckebier estate while not objecting, had not signed the
Communication was
his application for app.o ntj
Crusher. Same -was filed.
'Communication was
submitting their budget for
re.ceived from Stephen Akers, submitting
nent as Superintendent o.f the Rock
received from the .:Fire Commissioners
the fiscal year ending June 30', 1918.
An ordinance was introduced providing for the dutie's
and salary of the City Engineer-. Same 'was referred to the City'
Attorney and after his approval, the Clerk was directed have same
published ;according to 'law.
On finance.
The report.,.of the Finance Committee was read and same
recommended for payment by the following resolution':
a ej 0.11
RESOLUTION NO. 21.03, C.. So
Introduced by McCargar, seconded by Young.
Diractin_g Auditor `to draw warrants in payment of the
'several claims as submitted by the Finance Committee.
Adopted by seven affirmative votes.
HESOLUTI.ON. N0. 2104 , C . S .
Introduced , by Allen, seconded by Gossage .
Declaring the offices of City Attorney, City Engineer,
Chief o`f Fire Department, Assistant Chief of Fire Department and Fire
,Commissioners to be vacant.
Adopted by Seven affirmative votes.
RESOLUTION . NO. 2105, C . S .
Introduced'by Healey, seconded by Young.
Declaring that G. P Hall be appointed City Attorney of
.the City of Petaluma for the ensuing two years.
Adopted by seven affirmative votes.
Introduced by Young., seconded by Stradling.
Electing Dr. H. B. Duncan, Dr. J. G. Anderson, and A.
Larson, to serve as members of the `Board :of Health for the ensuing
two years
Adopted by seven affirmative votes.
Introduced by Gossage, seconded by Healey.
Appointing A. A. Horwege City.Engineer of the City of
Adopted by ,seven affirmative votes.
3ESOLUTI 011 NO.. 2108 ,.C, S .
Introduced by Young,, seconded by McCargar-.
Appointing R.. S.. Adams Chief of the Fire Department of the
City of Petaluma.
Adopted by seven.affirmative votes.
:SOLUTION NO. 2109, C So
Introduced by Young, seconded by Healey.
Appointing H. J. dyers, Assistant Chief of the Fire Depart -
ment of the. City of Petaluma
Adopted by seven affirmative votes.
RESOLUTION NO 2110 , C . S .
Introduced by Stradling, seconded by McCargar.
Appointing W. 1. Spridgen Park'Commissioner of the City of
Petaluma -for a term of three years.
f Adopted by seven affirmative votes.
RESOLUTION NO. 2111, C .. S'.
Introduced by McCargar, seconded by Gossage.
Appointing Q. J. Cline Fire Commissioner of the City of
Adopted by seven affirmative votes.
F- ESOLUTI ON NO 21-12,C-S..
Introduced by McCargar, seconded by Go,ssage.
Appointing Edward Soberanes Fire Commissioner of the City
'of Petaluma.
Adopted by seven 'aff irmati,ve votes
Introduced by Healey, seconded by Young.
Appointing Ge.o. B. Rodd Fire Commissioner of the City of Petaluma.
Adopted by seven affirmative votes.
Introduced by Gossage, seconded by MaCargar.
Directing the Auditor to deposit with the Clerk of the
Superior Court of the County of Sonoma the several amounts directed
by the Judge of said Court to be deposited in the matter - of the
Condemnation of Douglas Street.
Adopted by seven affirmative votes.
!SOLUTI NO. 2115,C.S.
Introduced by McGargar, seconded by Stradling.
Directing that•the salary of the. Fire Chief be fixed at the
sum of $50 per month.
Adopted by six affirmative votes, one noe.
Introduced by'Healey, seconded by Horwege
Author.i City physician to-collect the of $1.00
for each 'burial certificate issued by him.
Adopted by seven affirmative votes.
Introduced by Gossage , ,seconded by Allen.
Appointing S. F. G. Armstrong Poundmaster of the. City of
Petaluma, and dismissing thel acting poundmaster.
Adopted by four affirmative votes, three noes.
Mayor Horwege appointed the _standing Comm ittees as follows:
Finance Committee Young,zha•i Healey and Allen.
Street " G:ossage chairman; Healey and McCargar.
Public buildings and grounds: Md argar, chairman; Stradling
and Young.
Board of Public works: Allen, chairman.; Gossage and Stradling.
Mr. Rutherford of Vallejo Township addressed the Council
and asked that the iron policeman at Bremen and Washington and
Bremen and East D which are now in the center of the street inter-
section, be moved Wasterly opposite the property line of the street.
The street superintendent was instructed to have same removed as per
Street Superintendent Potter was placed in charge of the
Municipal mock Crusher,, and he - was authorized to appoint a foreman
at a salary of $3.00 per day.
The local 'expressmen- appeared 'before the. council, and asked
that the Council either enforce, the ordinance in - regard to the pa
meet of license or repeal the same. After some discussion-,
decided to remove the license from-the express business for the
There was also objection made by the expressmen. -to the
parking of autos along the curbs of the business streets, they claiFA
ing that they cannot approach the curbs at any time for the delivery
of goods. The:matter was discussed and referred to the street
committee to make recommendations and report.
In the ma't of the City's share of the hay raised at'
Helinngorth park, it wa the sense of the Council that the same I be
sold instead of st ored.
In the matter of providing two new culverts on Keokuk
.Street, same was referred to the Street Committee?; and. the Superin- -
tend of Stree-ts, with power to act.
1 �-
Mayor Horwege recommended that the ordinance creating a
Board of Censor for moving pictures be repealed, as the Board cannot
be effective,. claiming that the pictures arrive on the day they are
shown and are paid-for in adv In his opinion, he thought that
the pictures passed by the National Board of Censors should be shown
without further censorship. No action.
On motion of Councilman Healey, the street committee was given
power to act in the installation of a traffic cop at main and Washington
s`tree is .
On motion by Councilman Allen it was agreed to purchase the
furniture of the retiring Judge Dillon for the use of the incoming
Judge. So ordered:.
On the suggestion of Superintendent of Streets Potter he'was
authorized to employ Mr. W. C. Rayner as .Engineer of the Roller and
other equipment in charge ' of. the oil plant at a salary of 495 per
month, it being-.underst;ood that in the event of there not being
sufficient work on the :machinery he. will do .other work assigned to him
by the superintadde of streets in order t keep busy.
On motion duly made and seconded, the Council adjourned.
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Ci 'Clerk ayor
July 2r; 1917.