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Petaluma,, October 3rd, 1921,
Regular '::Meeting of the Council of the City of Petaluma, called to
order by ?:Mayor Young.
Councilmen present Allen, Hopkins, McCargar, Sales ,,Stradlina,
;fhite and P;6ayor Young.
M ::iDIlI1 O F TT-a JOU_- 1xL :
The. minutes of the last Regular meeting held-on the 19th day of
September, 1921 were read and approved as recorded.
R 01' CITY OFFIM:41?s:
The monthly reports of the `11ha2'inger, , I'oundmaster and financial x ya
report of the Auditor were read and filed.
The Finance Committee rendered. its report of allowance and approval
of- bills against the City. and LI)f roducd3da following resolution by
Councilman JVIcCagar seconded by Coia_ncilman hllen to -wait;
Resolution No. 2472 Q. S.
BE. IT ?ESO.LVED THAT the Auditor be and he is hereby directed to draw
wa,rrents against the various City funds in payment of the claims against t
the City approved and allowed by the Finance Committee.
Adopted by 7 Affirmative votes, Fjoes none.
.P}i S.E 01' 2ETITIC1AS LHD CU_ NfUA,1Cr T 01N`S ;
A communication from Petaluma Post No. 28 American Legion was receiv-
ed and read.
The resignation of Councilman Strad.ling read and filed.
l'ettt,ion from property .owners on Cherry street xymm for sewer was x
read and filed.
co mmunication* received from Snell Oil Co. in reference to alley
fence . Filed.
It was regularly moved and carried that the matter of the Shell Co.
obstruction 'to street etc. be heft to a committee consisting of the
Mayor City != ttorney -and VIr. . Dole.
In re esir-nation of Councilman Stradling.
Resolution No. 2473 C. S.
Accepting the resignation of Councilman V1. C. Stradlin.g was introduc-
eA by Councilman I.McCa seconded by Councilman &± Sales was adopted/by
6 Affirmative votes, Noes none.
In re. ip_)ointment of i).. W. Batche Oounciliiiazi.
Resolution No. 2474 C. S.
Appointing D. ''W. Batchelor., Councilman to succeed `,V. C. Stradlino was
introduced by Councilman Sales seconded by Councilman 1 and was
a do -Peed by 6 -4ffirma- t ve votes, floes none.
. 4-06.
Owing to-the election of a new Councilman Idayor Yong announced a xh
a change in committees as follows;
Street Committee, Allen, Chairman and White.
Board of public 'Works, W..L.sales chairman, Batchelor and P
It was regularly moved and carried that the "ity Engineer be jcxS:k=tM
instructed to prepare plans and specifications for sewer on 4th Pt
between B and C.streets.
It was regularly moved and carried that the matter of patching
sidewalks on iviain & 3rd streets be left to the Street Committee
with power to act..
It was regularly moved and carried that a committee of three be
appointed to act with the City Attorney in preparing amendments to
Ordinance on signs and awnings..
The Mayor appointed Councilmen Hopkins, McCargar and lille,n.
There being no further bu on ;notion regularly made snd'car-
ried the mueting adjourned.
City Clerk.
r:::� , �,
T:flayor .
1 . '
Petaluma, October 3rd, 1921.
Regular Ileeting of the Council of the City of Petaluma, called to order
by Il'ayor Young .
Councilmen present Allen, Batchelor, Hopkins, 11cCargar, Sales, White
and Mayor Young..
The mniutes of the last. Regular Fleeting held on the 3rd da-,- of October
1921 were read and aptiroved as recorded.
The Finance Committee rendred its reportof approval and allowance of
various bills and Councilman lAcCargar introduced and Councilman 1--lien
seconded the Tollowing Resolution, to -wit;
Resolution 1o. 2476. C. S.
Be IT RESOLVED TH.P- the zauditor be and lie is hero- by ' directed to draw
warre :e.ts agairLst the various City r'ttnds in payment of the claims ap;ainst
the City approved and allowed by the Finance Committee;
adopted by 7 affirmative
CO.vnun cations were receiued from pr
reauesl�n�� con tructio7 oy sewers.
Busifl ;;SS :
The Cherry Street sewer was taken.
meet on the Street at 1 Y. Tld. October
votes , Noes none.
oper;y owners on 4th and Cherry sts.
under advisement with the Council to
1.8, 1921.
It was moved and carried that the matter of rocking Cherry street be left
to the Street Committee with power to act.
Resolution loo. 2477 C. S.
Introduced by Councilman Allen seconder?_ by Councilmen Sales auoptinr;
Speaifications for sewer on 4th streetfroi;l the middle of C streeet to
a point 230 feet westerly therefrom ,rlas
Adopted by 7 xffi.rmotive votes, Noes none.
Resolution Ao . 24.78 C. S.
Introduced by Councilman Sales seconded by Councilman 1, TcCarg�,r permiting
pro pert�,;owners to build 4th street sewe between C. and b streets by
private contract was
Adopted by 7 Affirmative votes:, .Noes none .
Resolution Llo . 2479 0. S .
Introduced by Councilman Sa -le.s seconded by,: Gbouncilman ITAcCargar adopting
s+aeeif:ications for sewer on Cherry S t.from manhole on Keokuk st . to a .point
540 feet easterly therefrom as prepared by the City Bngineer was
Adopted by 7 Affirmative - votes, .1-Toes none.
The waiver of iffalter Gollins, for damages by reason of changing grade on
Boa - ega ,Av. was read and filed.
Alf JU ��l' =T� :L1V 1'
On m6tion regularly made and carried the meetin adjourned
to meet on tine 241;h day of October 1)921 at the usual time and place
AT T? S T'; ..�..: ��.,. � d�'� Te rk a j o r
Petaluma, October 24th, 1921.
Regular Adjourned Fleeting of the Council of The City of Petaluma,
called to order by fKayor Young.
C,'ouncilmen present, Allen Batchelor, Hopkins, ,'IcCargar, , Sales,
, ,Vhite and Ikilayor Young.,
i!!11 ROI7tiG,"T.ION OF ORDI N.r_NCES ;
Councilman 1.1cCargar introduced the following ordinance to -wit;
Ordinance No. .206 C. S.
Resolution i . 2430 C. S.
Directing t'
the uaitor to draw V warrents in payment of the Maims o
E.Ii;.Drees, post master.for 2000. 2d envelopes, M. Vonsen Co. for 450
bbls . of cement , and Schlunege'r Bras. estimate 11o. 1 on Bode r v. iiantmn
contract for 1041.67 was
hdopted by 7 affirmative votesgioes none.
It was moved and curried that the repairs to Rock Crusher be left to
Councilman Hopkins with polder to act.
It was also moved and carried: that the matter of purchasing files for
the,City Clerks office be left to the Building and grounds Committee
with poorer to act
The 1 appointed Councilman White, Hopkins, Batchelor and As
sor Studdert a special" Finance Committee to investigate the Finances of
the City and ascertain the amounts =available.
The Iiayor addressed the Council in reference to dredging Creek above
*:- 7ashington St Bridge and on motion the Clerk was instructed to :mail copy
of letter from Engineers to the property owners facing on said creek.
resolution 114o. 2481 O. S.
Introduced by Councilman Sales seconded by Councilman McCargar authorize.
the City engineer to investigate an4 repair all manholes and covers
with uower to act..
Adopted by 7 Lffirmative votes, Noes none.
Pesolut i-lo . 24:82 0 S.
Introduced by, Councilman -lien seconded by Councilman Sales directed t
the Clerk t'o —
notify B.Hihl that cement sidewalk in front of his prop -
ert on (Jain St'. was not properly laid and would not accepted
Adopted by 7 Affirmative votes Noes none.
resolution No 2483 C. S.
Adoyatirig speifications for sewer across Peterson. property to Cherry
street was yid- opted. by 7 Affirmative votes, Noes none.
It was. moved and carried' that the matter of renting romm for 'Justices C
Court be le to a committee comt >osed of � bld'G and urounds
Committee and City :attorney to confer with Judge Galla.ghe'r witr} , power to
There being no further business the meetin-a adjourned.