HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2019-003 N.C.S. 01/07/2019Resolution No. 2019-003 N.C.S.
of the City of Petaluma, California
WHEREAS, the City of Petaluma has adopted policies calling for the development of
flood terraces and a riverfront trail system in the 1996 River Access and Enhancement Plan and
the 2008 General Plan 2025; and
WHEREAS, the Sonoma County Water Agency has been awarded an initial grant from
the State Department of Water Resources in the amount of $1,754,322 for land acquisition and
flood control management in the Denman Reach area of the Petaluma River; and
WHEREAS, the Sonoma County Water Agency (Agency) has approved $881,600 in
funding for the project; and
WHEREAS, the Agency entered into an agreement with the City to provide $2,635,000
in funding to execute a flood protection project to acquire a vacant 5.47 -acre parcel on Industrial
Avenue, create a flood detention basin, create additional river front trails, and remove sediment
buildup in the Petaluma River at the Corona Road Bridge; and
WHEREAS, the City prepared an Initial Study for the Project consistent with CEQA
Guidelines sections 15070 through 15074.1 and determined that a Mitigated Negative
Declaration (MND) was required to analyze the potential for new or additional significant
environmental impacts of the Project beyond those identified in the General Plan EIR; and
WHEREAS, on or before August 22, 2018, the City's Notice of Availability and Notice
of Intent to Adopt a MND based on the Initial Study, providing for a minimum of 30 -day public
comment period commencing August 23, 2018 and ending September 22, 2018 published and
mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the Project as well as all persons having
requested special notice of said proceedings; and
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WHEREAS, pursuant to the analysis in the Initial Study, the Project does not have the
potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or
wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten
to eliminate a plant or animal community, substantially reduce the number or restrict the range of
a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of
California history or prehistory; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to further analysis in the Initial Study, the Project does not make
significant impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable, nor have
environmental effects which may cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either
directly or indirectly; and
WHEREAS, on January 7, 2019, at a duly noticed public meeting, the Petaluma City
Council reviewed the MND, all supporting documents including but not limited to the Initial
Study and proposed amendments and additions, staff reports and related materials, and all public
comments and evidence presented at or before the meeting; and
WHEREAS, the Initial Study and MND identify mitigation measures applicable to the
Project, as incorporated herein by reference; and
WHEREAS, the Project is not located on a site listed on any Hazardous Waste Site List
compiled by the State pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the California Government Code; and
WHEREAS, the MND reflects the City's independent judgment and analysis of the
potential for environmental impacts from the Project; and
WHEREAS, the MND, Revised Initial Study, and related project and environmental
documents, including the General Plan 2025 EIR and all documents incorporated herein by
reference, are available for review in the City Community Development Department at Petaluma
City Hall, during normal business hours. The custodian of the documents and other materials
which constitute the record of proceedings for the proposed project is the City of Petaluma
Public Works and Utilities, 2020 North McDowell Blvd, Petaluma, CA 94954, Attn: Tim
Moresco, Associate Civil Engineer.
Resolution No. 2019-003 N.C.S. Page 2
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of
Petaluma hereby:
1. Based on its review of the entire record herein, including the MND, the Initial
Study, all supporting, referenced and incorporated documents and all comments
received and responses and additions thereto, the City Council further finds that
there is no substantial evidence that the Project as mitigated and conditioned will
have a significant effect on the environment, that the Mitigated Negative
Declaration reflects the City's independent judgment and analysis, and that the
Mitigated Negative Declaration, Initial Study as amended, and supporting
documents provide an adequate description of the impacts of the Project and
comply with CEQA, the State CEQA Guidelines and the City of Petaluma
Environmental Guidelines.
2. The Initial Study and MND shall incorporate the text additions and amendments
contained in the attached Attachment 1 (Attachment 4 to staff report).
3. The City Council adopts the Mitigation and Monitoring and Reporting Program
set forth in Exhibit A hereto and incorporated by reference. All mitigation
measures contained therein shall be conditions of approval of the Project.
4. The City Council hereby approves the Petaluma River Flood Management
Denman Reach Phase 4 Project.
Under the power and authority conferred upon this Council by the Charter of said City.
REFERENCE: I hereby certify the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted by the
Council of the City of Petaluma at a Regular meeting on the Th day of January
2019, by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Barrett; Fischer; Vice Mayor Healy; Kearney; King; McDonnell, Miller
NOES: None
City Clerk
Resolution No. 2019-003 N.C.S. Page 3
LU City of Petaluma, California
R Public Works and Utilities Department
Project Name: Denman Reach Phase 4
Address/Location: 1300 block Industrial Ave. (APN 007-412-033)
Petaluma River/Corona Bridge
This document has been developed pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act,
Public Resource Code Section 21.081.6 to ensure proper and adequate monitoring or reporting in
conjunction with project approval which relies upon a Mitigated Negative Declaration,
Resolution No. 2019-003 N.C.S. Page 4
Biological Resources
A. BI0-1: Prior to filling of jurisdictional waters,
or construction activities within Corps,
RWQCB or CDFW jurisdiction, necessary
regulatory permits will be obtained from the
appropriate agencies. Regulatory permits to
be obtained include a Corps Permit, Regional
Water Quality Control Board Section 401
Water Quality Certification and/or Waste
Discharge Requirement. Prior to proposed
filling of jurisdictional waters, compliance
with all regulatory agency permit conditions
shall be demonstrated. Permanent impacts to
jurisdictional wetlands will be mitigated 1.5:1
ratio at a minimum, with the 1:1 relating to on-
site restoration and 0.5 of additional
mitigation to compensate for temporal losses,
on a functions and values basis by: (1)
restoring wetlands in the Study Area; (2)
purchasing an appropriate amount of
mitigation credits by an approved mitigation
bank, or (3) another type of mitigation as
approved by the Corps, RWQCB, and/or
CDFW through the permitting process. With
the implementation of these measures, the
Project impact on waters of the U.S. and State
will be less than significant.
B. BI0-2: Prior to removing riparian vegetation
or construction activities within CDFW or
RWQCB jurisdiction, necessary regulatory
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permits will be obtained from the appropriate
agencies. Regulatory permits to be obtained
include a CFGC Section 1602 Streambed
Alteration Agreement. The project shall
comply with all regulatory agency permit
conditions and compensatory mitigation
measures as determined and required by
regulatory agencies during permit
authorization but shall be no less than 1:1
replacement ratio. Mitigation options will
include the following: (1) planting replacement
riparian vegetation, (2) purchase of mitigation
bank credits from an approved mitigation bank,
and/or (3) paying an in -lieu fee to a natural
resource agency or habitat resource
organization. For habitat that is preserved
and/or established for mitigation, a Habitat
Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (HMMP) shall
be prepared. The HMMP will include a
detailed description of
restoration/enhancement/preservation actions;
restoration performance criteria for each
biological parameter (i.e., native/invasive
plants, wildlife use); and
requirements for each biological parameter to
evaluate restoration performance criteria. With
the implementation of these measures, the
Project impact on riparian vegetation will be
less than significant.
C. 13I0-3: A permit from the City of Petaluma
will be acquired for the removal of any
protected tree within City limits. Conditions
of approval may include tree replacement
plantings or the payment of in -lieu fees. With
the implementation of these measures, the
Project impact on protected trees will be less
than significant.
D. BIO -4: Six special -status plant species have
potential to occur in the Study Area. To avoid
impacts to special -status plants, protocol -level
surveys shall be conducted during the
documented bloom period of the species. Two
site visits, including one early -season (May),
and one late -season (July) will be sufficient to
cover the bloom periods of the six species
with potential to occur. Survey timing may
fluctuate based on blooming periods of
appropriate reference site locations. Ifspecial-
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status plant surveys result in negative
findings, no impacts would occur, and no
mitigation would be required. However, if
special -status plants are identified in the
impact area, mitigation will be required.
Mitigation will include avoidance, or if
avoidance is not feasible, seeds collection and
re-establishment at a minimum 1:1 ratio
(number of plant established: number of
plants impacted) in preserved, suitable
habitat. Re-established populations shall be
monitored annually in accordance with an
approved HMMP for a minimum of five
years. Reports describing performance results
will be prepared and submitted for years 1, 3,
and 5 during the monitoring period. With the
implementation of these measures, the Project
impact on special -status plants will be less
than significant.
E. BIO -5: While trees are not typically used as
hibernation roosts, mature oaks and other
large trees on the property could potentially be
used as day or maternity roosting sites by bats.
All bat roosts, including those of non -special -
status bats are protected by CDFW. To avoid
impacts to roosting bats, any project activities
that would impact potential bat roosts shall be
initiated outside of the maternity roosting
season (March 1 — July 31). If project work
such as the felling of trees cannot occur
outside of the maternity season, then a bat
roost survey shall be conducted within 14
days prior to the start of such activities. Any
structures or trees that are determined to
support roosts shall have a 200 -foot no work
buffer placed around them, and the buffer
shall not be lifted until the maternity season
has completed. In addition, when any large
trees are removed, they shall be allowed to lie
undisturbed on the ground for one night to
allow any roosting bats to escape on their own
before the trees are processed. With the
implementation of these measures, the Project
impact on bats will be less than significant,
F. BIO -6: For the protection of special -status
birds, and native nesting birds protected by the
MBTA and CFGC, future Project activities
shall occur outside of the nesting season from
September 1 —January 31, to the extent
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feasible. If working outside of the nesting
season is not possible, and project activities
are initiated during the nesting season
(February 1 — August 31), a qualified wildlife
biologist shall conduct a nesting bird survey
no more than 14 days prior to the start of
Project activities. If no active nests are
identified during the surveys, no impacts will
occur to birds and work will progress without
restriction. If active nests are identified, a no -
disturbance buffer around the nest shall be
implemented to avoid impacts to nesting
birds. Buffers will be determined by a
qualified biologist, and typically range from
25 feet to 500 feet depending on the species
and protection status of that species. Once an
active nest is determined to no longer be
active, because of young fledging or
predation, the buffer around the nest shall be
removed and work shall progress without
restriction. With the implementation of these
measures, the Project impact on nesting
and/or protected birds will be less than
G. BIO -7: Aquatic habitat activities shall be
completed during the dry season, between
July 15 and October 1. Regulatory approval
shall be obtained for all work within
potentially jurisdictional areas from
respective agencies. Approvals from the
RWQCB, CDFW, and Corps are required
based on project designs (City of Petaluma
2016). The Petaluma River is also designated
critical habitat for California central coast
chinook and California central coast steelhead
and is considered EFH for coho and chinook
salmon. Therefore, it is likely that the Corps
will consult with the USFWS and NMFS for
impacts to the Petaluma River. All work
within these areas shall conform to any
conditions imposed by the regulating
Prior to construction, the contractor shall be
required to prepare an Accidental Spill
Prevention and Cleanup Plan. This plan shall
include required spill control absorbent
material, for use beneath stationary
equipment, to be present on-site and available
at all times.
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All refueling and maintenance of equipment,
other than stationary equipment, shall occur at
least 100 feet from the creek's top -of -bank.
Refueling or maintenance of stationary
equipment within the channel (top of bank to
top of bank) shall only occur when secondary
containment sufficient to eliminate escape of
all potential fluids is in place. Any hazardous
chemical spills shall be cleaned immediately.
All stockpiling of construction materials,
equipment, and supplies, including storage of
chemicals, refueling and maintenance, with
the exception of stationary equipment, shall
occur outside the creek channel. No
equipment shall be washed where runoff
could enter the creek.
No motorized equipment shall be left within
the channel (top of bank to top of bank)
Work shall be conducted in isolation from
flowing water. Prior to the start of
construction activities, the work area shall be
isolated using temporary water diversion
materials such as sand bags or other similar
methods, and flowing water shall be
temporarily diverted around the isolated area.
A 3 to 5 -foot buffer zone will be created,
offset from the sandbags, to further reduce the
chances of sediment depositing into the river
during construction.
If de -watering is necessary, pumps with 0.2 -
inch mesh shall be used to remove standing
water from the work area within the
cofferdams to a filtration basin to prevent
direct discharge into the creek. If a filtration
basin is not available, filter bags will be placed
surrounding the hose -release and the hose -
release end shall be placed on a level area
outside of the wetted creek channel to allow
water to settle prior to returning to the creek.
No pumped water shall be directly discharged
into the creek. Allowing the pumped water to
settle in a filtration basin or release through
filter bags will prevent increase in turbidity or
sediment loads during the de -watering
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process. If de -watering is necessary, a de-
watering plan shall be submitted for agency
By implementing these measures, the
Project's impacts to special -status fish,
including salmonids, shall be reduced to less
than significant.
H. BIO -8: Although the lack of upland habitat,
lack of connectivity to suitable breeding
habitat, intense flooding, sedimentation and
introduced predators/competitors reduce the
potential for CRLF to occur within the Study
Area, measures to avoid CRLF impacts shall
be implemented. The following measures
shall be implemented to avoid CRLF and are
in agreement with the measures described in
the NLAA that was issued for this project
(Corps 2016).
An environmental awareness training for all
crews working on the site shall include
education on sensitive resources such as
protected wildlife with the potential to occur
within the area (identification, regulatory
status, natural history), water quality and
environmental protection measures.
Within 48 hours prior to any construction
activities, a biologist approved by USFWS
(Approved Biologist) shall conduct surveys
for CRLF in and adjacent to the Action Area,
100 feet upstream and 100 feet downstream of
the Study Area.
The Approved Biologist shall have stop work
authority to protect natural resources or ensure
personal safety or the safety of workers.
If CRLF are detected during surveys, work
shall cease until consultation with the
appropriate agencies can be completed.
If no CRLF are found during the
preconstruction surveys, the Study Area shall
be surveyed each day prior to commencement
of work by the Approved Biologist or a
qualified biologist under the direction of the
Approved Biologist to ensure that no CRLF
are present in the Study Area until vegetation
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removal and exclusion fence installation are
complete. After vegetation clearance and
exclusion fence installation, activities may
continue inside fenced areas without the
presence of a biologist unless work is halted
for more than 10 days, then a pre -construction
survey for CRLF shall be conducted prior to
re-initiation of work.
All workers shall ensure that food scraps,
paper wrappers, food containers, cans, bottles,
and other trash from the work area are
deposited in covered or closed trash
containers. Trash in the containers shall be
removed and disposed of off-site daily.
Prior to the commencement of operation of
wheeled or equipment with tracks in
undisturbed areas, vegetation that could
conceal CRLF shall be removed by hand
under the supervision of a qualified biologist
after the Approved Biologist has surveyed the
area and determined it to be free of CRLF. If
vegetation is too dense to be adequately
surveyed (tall grasses, blackberry etc.), the
Approved Biologist, at his or her discretion,
may request that vegetation is cut to a height
of 6-12 inches (and cut vegetation removed)
prior to conducting a survey. If no CRLF are
found, the vegetation shall be cut to ground
level, and this shall ensure that no CRLF are
harmed by cutting tools.
Exclusion fence shall be installed around
staging areas and Study Areas after vegetation
removal is complete. A qualified biologist
under direction of the Approved Biologist will
oversee the installation of the fence. Once the
fence is installed, the periodic inspections by
the qualified biologist and construction
contractor shall ensure that the fence is
maintained effectively for the duration of the
project. If exit/entries to the enclosed areas are
required, they shall be closed at the end of
work each day to ensure exclusion of CRLF
Erosion control structures shall not include
plastic or be of types that may entrap wildlife
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and shall be constructed of tightly woven
natural fibers.
All construction activities shall cease one half
hour before sunset and shall not begin prior to
one half hour before sunrise. Additionally,
construction activities shall not occur during
rain events or within 24 hours of events
projected to deliver >0.2 inches of rain or
within 24 hours after rain events exceeding
0.2 inches in measurable precipitation, as
CRLF are most likely to disperse during
periods of precipitation. No work shall occur
after 0.5 inches of rain has occurred after
November 1 in the year work is occurring.
Any open holes or trenches shall be covered
or have escape ramps no steeper than 45
degrees installed at the end of each working
day to prevent CRLF from becoming
entrapped. With the implementation of these
measures and those described for special -
status fish (13I0-7), any impacts to CRLF shall
be avoided.
1. BIO -9: Prior to the initiation of Project work
in the reservoir or banks of the reservoir, a
qualified biologist shall conduct a
preconstruction survey for pond turtles. If a
pond turtle is found during surveys, the
qualified biologist will relocate it outside of
the Study Area, out of harm's way or it shall
be allowed to move out of the area under its
own power. With the implementation of these
measures and those previously described for
CRLF (BIO -7) and aquatic habitats (BIO -1
and BIO -2) (exclusion fence, work windows
etc.), the impacts to Pacific pond turtle will be
less than significant.
and Soils
J. GEO-1: All provisions of the City of Petaluma
Grading Ordinance, the project plans, and the
project geotechnical report prepared for Phases
1 and 2 will be followed. Finished grades will
not be steeper than 211:1 V.
K. GEO-2: Earthwork, including grading and fill
placement will only occur between the period of
June 1 and October 15. All disturbed areas will
be stabilized upon final grading and protected
using a combination of perinanent vegetative
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treatment, mulching, geotextiles, as shown in
the project Erosion Control Plan (ECP) to be
included in the grading plans. In addition, the
selected construction Contractor will be
required to develop a SWPPP (subject to City
approval) and implement the Plan. The City's
Project Manager will monitor (and document)
to ensure that the ECP and SWPPP and other
provisions of the approved improvement plans
are being followed.
L. GEO-3: Site grubbing and earthmoving
activities will be completed prior to October 15
of the construction year. Work beyond October
15 (except for revegetation until November 15)
shall be specifically authorized in advance by
the appropriate regulatory agencies. All erosion
control shall meet specifications of the City of
Petaluma Erosion Control Ordinance. Erosion
control and sediment detention devices shall be
incorporated into the project design and
implemented at the time of construction. These
devices shall be in place prior to October 15 and
the onset of rains for the purposes of minimizing
fine sediment and sediment/water slurry input to
flowing water, and of detaining water to retain
sediment on-site. These devices will be placed
at all locations where the likelihood of sediment
input exists. Sediment collected in these devices
shall be disposed of away from the collection
site and outside riparian areas and flood hazard
M. GEO-4: Any soil or rock fill to be installed
within Water Board jurisdiction will include an
evaluation of biotechnical methods and habitat
enhancement features to be incorporated in
order to avoid and minimize impacts of
hardened structures. All rock must be
demonstrated to be necessary and appropriately
sized through a hydraulic analysis performed by
a qualified professional. If biotechnical methods
and habitat enhancement features are
demonstrated to be infeasible, mitigation will be
required at a 1.5:1 ratio at a minimum.
Hydrology and Water Quality
N. HYD -1: A detailed Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be prepared and
implemented by the Contractor, subject to
review and approval of the City of Petaluma, as
a line item in the construction agreement.
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Construction plans should specify all erosion
and sediment control measures that will be used,
including (where applicable):
1. Limiting access routes to the creek channel
and stabilizing access points;
2. Stabilizing graded areas as soon as possible
with seeding, mulching, erosion control
materials or other effective methods;
3. Delineating clearing limits, easements,
setbacks, sensitive areas, vegetation, and
drainage courses by marking them in the
4. Stabilizing and preventing erosion from
temporary conveyance channels and outlets;
5. If rainfall occurs, using sediment controls
and filtration to remove sediment from
water collected on-site during construction
O. HYD -2: Implement established Best
Management Practices (BMPs) to control short-
term construction water quality impacts.
1. Construction BMPs would reduce erosion
of disturbed soils during construction
activities and are used to minimize wind and
water erosion and transport of sediments
during construction. BMPs shall include as
a minimum the following measures:
2. Temporary measures, such as flow
diversion, temporary ditches, and silt
3. Surface disturbance of soil and vegetation
would be kept to a minimum.
4. Any stockpiled soil, awaiting removal from
the site, would be placed, and sloped so that
it would not be subject to accelerated
P. HYD -3: Conformance with the State Water
Resources Control Board Construction
General Permit, including implementation of a
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
(SWPPP) and the Sonoma County Water
Agency (SCWA) Stream Maintenance
Program Guidelines, which include Best
Management Practices. The BMPs cover
selective vegetation management, including
use of herbicides and other chemicals.
Q. HYD -4: Incorporate potentially hazardous
materials storage and handling plan into the
overall Streambed Alteration Agreement.
Resolution No. 2019-003 N.C.S. Page 13
PD Planning Division
Provisions will include, but not be limited to the
SCWA: Sonoma County Water Agency
RWQCB: Regional Water Quality
Control Board
1. Refueling outside the riparian corridor with
measures for containing accidental fuel
Regulatory or Referral Permit
Issuance see RA list
2. All construction equipment and machinery
shall be checked for leaks prior to entry into
the stream channel (note: this BMP would
not apply to this project as no rolling
equipment is expected to be placed within
the stream channel).
3. Any construction equipment shall not be
stored or stockpiled in the creek channel.
4. No herbicide application in or near flowing
water, and all herbicides shall be applied
under the direction of a licensed Pest
Control Applicator, and in accordance with
appropriate re ulations.
R. NOISE -1: Temporary noise impacts will be
limited by restricting construction activities to
daylight hours: weekdays from 7:00 am to
7:00 pm, and Saturdays 9:00 am to 5:00 pm,
with no work on Sundays. This shall exceed
standards of the City of Petaluma Noise
Ordinance which specifically prohibits
construction activity between the hours of
10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Monday through
Friday, and between 10:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m.
on Saturdays, Sundays, and State, Federal, or
local holidays.
S. NOISE -2: Require hearing protection for
workers operating, and in close proximity to,
heavy machinery, including chainsaws, brush
mowers, and weed trimmers in accordance
with CFR 29, Part 1910.95, and OSHA
Recluested By or Due Date
PW&U Public Works & Utilities
Grading Permit
PD Planning Division
Site Plan and Architectural Review
RA Regulatory/Referral Agency
Commencement of Construction
SCWA: Sonoma County Water Agency
RWQCB: Regional Water Quality
Control Board
CDFW: Dept, of Fish & Wildlife
Construction Activit
Regulatory or Referral Permit
Issuance see RA list
Resolution No. 2019-003 N.C.S. Page 14
PCM Post -Construction Monitoring
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Attachment I
This document provides a response to comments received on the Public Draft Initial
Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) that was prepared for the Denman Reach Phase
4 Project. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) of 1970 (as
amended) (California Public Resources Code 21000 et. seq.), the Public Draft IS/MND was
circulated for a 30 -day public review and comment period from August 27, 2018 to September 26,
Notice of availability and notice of intent to adopt the IS/MND was mailed to property owners
within 500 feet of the project site, published in the Argus Courier, posted to the City of Petaluma's
(City) Website, and submitted to the State Clearinghouse for distribution to State Agencies.
A number of written comments were received during the public review and comment period for
the IS/MND. Comments were also received orally from one resident, who neighbors the project
Agencies, organizations, and individuals that submitted written or oral comments on the IS/MND
are listed below; comment letters received on the IS/MND are included in Appendix 1:
1. California State Clearinghouse
2. California Department of Transportation
3. San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board
4. Sonoma County Department of Public Works and Transportation
Local Individuals
1. John Aguiar (orally via phone call)
California State Clearinghouse
The letter acknowledges that the City of Petaluma complied with the State Clearinghouse review
requirements for review of draft environmental documents. The State Clearinghouse also
Resolution No. 2019-003 N.C.S. Page 16
forwarded a copy of the comment letter from the California Department of Transportation and San
Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board. No response is necessary.
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
The letter acknowledged project understanding and requested that within the Hydrology and Water
Quality section of the MND Checklist, sections d (alter drainage pattern or increase runoff) and e
(create or contribute runoff which would exceed the capacity of drainage systems) be addressed in
more detail. These sections have been addressed with the following addition to the Discussion
section of the Hydrology and Water Quality section:
"The removal of the understory vegetation and grading efforts to be done within the river channel around
Corona Bridge could cause a temporary increase in runoff potential during construction, and an increase
inflow levels downsh eam during a 25 year storm event.
During construction, there will be an increase in runoffpotential along the river banks due to the
removal of the understofy vegetation, however, this will only be temporary until the new vegetation gets
established, which the City will install as part of the project. During a 100 year event the model shows
the project will result in a reduction in water surface elevation upstream and downstream of the bridge.
For the 25 year event the model shows a slight increase in water surface elevation downstream of
Corona Road at the Corona Creek confluence gradually increasing to a maximum increase of 0.09 feet
near the constriction weir, and then decreasing again from thatpoint down zero increase near Adobe
Creek. There are no structures in the 100 year flood plain near the constriction weir and, thus, no
structures would be affected by this 0. 09feet rise in a 25 year event in this area.
Other features that will either not impact drainage patterns or will have minimal effect are features such
as the detention basins spillways, due to the location at being near the top of the bank, along with the
loop tail around the basins. The riprap to be installed along the abutments of the Corona Road Bridge
will have minimal impact to the drainage patterns and should not increase runoff, especially considering
the bridge will provide cover to prevent runoff from occurring.
The goal of this project is to decrease the water surface elevation and flood plain area for the 100 year
event by detaining water peak flows within the detention basins, reducing flow constraints, and scour of
abutments at the Corona Road bridge. "
San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board (Water Board)
The letter listed how the project described in the Initial Study does not provide a level of clarity
needed to appropriately analyze the impacts versus benefits. To provide clarity, the Water Board
asked the City to describe, in more detail, the benefits this project will provide to the 100 -year
flood map, in terms of infrastructure and buildings. By referring to sheet 1 of 3 in WEST
Consultant Inc.'s memo, the green hatch represents the areas of 100 -year flooding that will be
removed due to this project. From this diagram, several nearby parcels will see a significant
Resolution No. 2019-003 N.C.S. Page 17
amount of flood plain reduction, although none are completely taken out of the 100 -year flood
zone. The note also asks the City to provide a figure depicting the increase in flooding that will
result from the project during a 25 -year storm. Based on the model results shown in Table 2 of
the Memo provided by WEST Consultants, Inc., the largest downstream increase fi-om this project
during a 25 -year storm is 0.09 feet, which equates to 1.08 inches near the constriction weir. A
graphic depiction of this minor impact wouldn't be relevant as it is within the margin of error
introduced in the mapping process. Additionally, there are no structures in the 100 -year flood
plain in this area, thus there would be no affected structures by a slight increase in the 25 -year
The Water Board also requested that the City provide a technical basis for the sediment excavation
and new cross sections, as well as, describe, in further detail, the purpose and benefits of the
sediment removal. The basis for this work is to reduce flow restriction and scour of the abutments
at the Corona Road Bridge. The City has designed the new channel cross section to mimic the
original cross section that was created at the bridge's installation, which can be seen in Attachment
V. Based on review of project plans and documents of the original Corona Road Bridge design,
the river alignment upstream of the bridge was a wide, straight channel. In the existing conditions,
the river channel is aligned in such a way that high flows are directed to the northern abutment of
Corona Road Bridge. This which has most likely been caused by bank erosion over time that was
a catalyst of the buildup of sediment and vegetation. This project proposes to create a straighter,
wider, and more uniform channel for higher flows and a narrower low flow channel at the Corona
Road Bridge returning river channel to its original cross section design so that it is less likely for
sediment and vegetation debris to accumulate and cause a reduction in the flood conveyance
capacity. To prevent future bank erosion, proper bank stabilization will be installed as part of the
project in the form of proper compaction and revegetation. Certain geomorphic dredging methods,
such as excavating a low flow channel with low floodplain benches, have also been considered
into the design of the channel cross section to address the warmer months when the river flows are
considerably less. With this future sediment removal activities are expected to be avoided.
Based on the model, the Project will decrease flood levels up to 0.71 feet (8.5 inches) for the 25 -
year storm and 0.9 feet (-11 inches) for the 100 -year storm around the Corona Road Bridge and
Industrial Avenue Business Park, with only minimal negative downstream impacts (-1.08 inches)
during the 25 -year storm event and no negative downstream effects during a 100 -year storm event.
The Water Board stated that the impacts, such as installation of rock within jurisdictional features,
are considered fill impacts and were not analyzed in the Initial Study, as well as, the permanent
loss of riparian habitat from the removal of large portions of the existing banks. The mitigation
measure "GEO-4" has been added to the Geology and Soils section of the CEQA Checklist to
address the impacts from the installation of rocks or soils within jurisdictional features. Mitigation
Resolution No. 2019-003 N.C.S. Page 18
Measure, 13I0-1: Impacts to waters of the United States, and Waters of the State, also addresses
filling of any jurisdictional feature. The impacts to the riparian vegetation were addressed in the
Mitigation Measure, 13I0-2: Impacts to Riparian Vegetation. Due to the Water Board stating that
they require impacts to be avoided and minimized to the maximum extent practicable before
accepting compensatory mitigation, an Alternatives Analysis was added to the CEQA
Environmental Checklist after the Project Description to demonstrate that the City has taken the
proper steps to avoid and minimize the impacts to the biological habitat.
The Water Board listed several alternatives that they may require to be analyzed within the
Alternative Analysis. As mentioned above, the Alternatives Analysis has been added to the CEQA
Environmental Checklist after the Project Description.
The Water Board recommended to the City to evaluate the following mitigation measures to be
included into the Mitigated Negative Declaration.
Mitigation for Operational Impacts in reference to the post -project maintenance of the
detention basins. Prior to deciding on the current design layout of the detention basins, the
City analyzed different project options and potential alternate locations to determine the
most sustainable design. These alternate options have been inserted into the Alternative
Analysis section (page 3 of the IS/MND). Typical maintenance of the basins will include
semi-annual site mowing to maintain the proper functionality of the basins, and possibly
sediment removal after large flood events. Due to limited amount of funding for Parks
Maintenance, the City feels that it will be difficult to maintain the wetland detention basin
design, as it would require extra care to monitor that both the wetland and detention basin
are both functioning as they should.
Mitigation for Fill Impacts has been addressed by adding Mitigation Measure GE04 to
the Geology and Soils section of the CEQA Environmental Checklist (page 15 of the
IS/MND), and it reads as follows:
GEO-4: Any soil or rockfill to be installed within Water Board jurisdiction will include an
evaluation of biotechnical methods and habitat enhancement features to be incorporated in order
to cnioid and minimize impacts of hardened structures. All rock must be demonstrated to be
necessary and appropriately sized through a hydraulic analysis performed by a qualified
professional. If biotechnical methods and habitat enhancementfeatures are demonstrated to be
infeasible, mitigation will be required at a 1.5:1 ratio at a mininnun.
Mitigation for Sediment Removal have been identified in the Geology and Soils section
of the CEQA Environmental Checklist. The City has designed the channel section so that
it returns the channel to its original design capacity when the Corona Road Bridge was
Resolution No. 2019-003 N.C.S. Page 19
constructed with some geomoiphic dredging methods, such as excavating a low flow
channel and leaving low floodplain benches, being implemented into the design in order to
minimize future sediment buildup. As the Geology and Soils section discusses, the channel
banks will be installed in a stable condition and will not exceed 2 to 1 slopes. This project
will create a straighter, wider, and more uniform channel for high flows and a low flow
channel so that it will be less likely for the sediment and vegetation debris to accumulate.
Mitigation for Temporary Disturbance Impacts have been discussed in Mitigation
Measures BIO -1, "Impacts to Waters of the United States, and Waters of the State" and BIO -2,
"Impacts to Riparian Vegetation."
Sonoma County Department of Public Works and Transportation
The email details some concerns over the impacts that the project will have on the structural
integrity of the Corona Road Bridge over Petaluma River (Bridge No. 200O299) and whether or
not the changes would increase the scour potential at the piers and abutments of the bridge. WEST
Consultant Inc. performed scour calculations and described them in their revised analysis. The
analysis found that under current conditions, pier scour is calculated to be 7.1 feet and under the
proposed conditions, the pier scour would be reduced to 6.0 feet.
The email also expresses concern regarding the preexisting scour at the abutments. To reduce the
risk of future scouring from occurring, riprap is planned to be installed along and around the bridge
abutments and will follow the mitigation measure GEO-4 of the Geology and Soils Section.
Mr. John Aguiar (Phone Call)
Mr. Aguiar inquired about the location of the detention basins, in which the City detailed the
location of APN 007-412-033. He also asked what the City plans to do with the soil removed. As
the IS mentions, the soil will be off -hauled to an acceptable site.
Mr. Aguiar also expressed concern that the sediment removal under the bridge will increase the
flood levels in the Downtown/Payran Area. The City has modeled the proposed project with the
sediment removed and has found that the water surface elevations are reduced through the
Downtown/Payran Area during the 100 -year event. Modeling showed for the 25 -year event slight
increase in water surface elevation downstream of Corona Road at the Corona Creek confluence
gradually increasing to a maximum increase of 0.09 feet near the constriction weir, and then
decreasing again from that point down zero increase near Adobe Creek.
Any new additions to the IS/MND, as they have been discussed above, will be indicated in
underline in the Initial Study Document.
Resolution No. 2019-003 N.C.S. Page 20
After carefully reviewing the comments on the Initial Study and proposed Mitigated Negative
Declaration, the City of Petaluma believes that the environmental document has sufficiently
addressed the potential environmental impacts of the proposed Project and does not meet any of
the conditions under CEQA Section 15073.5. Therefore, the recirculation of a revised IS/MND or
the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is not required. Consistent with the
CEQA Guidelines, the added information clarifies the information and analyses in the IS/MND.
The City of Petaluma will consider the updates to the Manual and IS/MND, together with this
Response to Comments document, prior to adopting the IS/MND.
Resolution No. 2019-003 N.C.S. Page 21