HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 01/02/1912VS FIJ Council Chambers- City Hall. Petaluma,, Cal.. Jan...2,191:2. 7 : 30 P M,. Minutes. of a. regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Petaluma, _ M'ator Zar'tman presiding. ROLL CALL. _. The.. C1..erk called -the Roll and the following Members answered to their. names: Councilman Walsh,, Fredericks, Healey, Stra:dling arid .Mayor Zartman. Absent Councilman Gossage,and Kercheval. READING. OF THE JOURNAL. The reading of the journal of the regular meeting of Dec 26th was read and ,aippr.oved as recorded,. REPORT OF OFFICERS. The City T-reasurer filed his report for December. Total Cash received for.the month 1344 Credit general fund 9.0..35. Unapportioned fr;End 414.45. Balance 'in the several Dec 30th 1911. as follows General Fund. $27,981.21 R`- vei and Wat - U2, 696.36 Library. 3 19 School Bond 2,371.92 Unappott.i oned 393 Kenilworth Park Bonds 2 Park Fund 1,483,20 Fled. Total 40,757.:74 Repo of Police Judge showed collected for the month of Dec the sum of 35. in fines. Filed. The City Clerk reported as having. the affidavit of publication of the Petaluma daily Courier of Ordinances :Nos. 48, 49,,50, and'5'l Filed Ass'eior and.'Tax .collecltor m de a verbal report shoring the total amount of taxes of 52,540. had all been collected and there were no de.l.induent.s. REPORT OF _ST.ANDING COMMITTEE. Petaluma,Cal. Jan.2 1912.. To the Mayor and Council of the City of Petaluma: Gentlemen: Your Finance Committee having examined the w followinf demands against the City of Petaluma, find th.e same proper ichar&e& against :said City, and recommend that the same be allowed and .ordered paid, and that the City Clerk be: :di °rected to °draw warrants in favor of the several claimants, in accordance therewith ,following to - wit: General Fund 2,93.9•.95 PRrk' Fund 55.00 library Fund F__ 3'2.0 -1 School Bond 2 Grand .Total. 5;.556,.96 Yinance Coma:ittee, ( Ni'.H. Fred ericks Chair.. ( r . WaI s R�1, ,', .•:;t _:.° ( D.J.Hea.ley Z .Fo Fredericks Chair an of Finance* Com. approved •of the above- . financial rep::ort with 'the exc'ept� 0n of' *1'ac= `Gas:' ndj' El ®Co'. 'and "t -he P`6 aluaa`a 'Powe a e� r' 4 - Cos a` Bil'1'�. 9 RESOLUTION 215, Introducted - by Councilman WpC,Stradling :at a regular .m'e et , e ng of the City Council of the City of Petaluma on the 2nd day of January 1912. Be it resolved that the report of the - majVr' ity of_` . the Finance Committee be and.tbe same is hereby adopted and the, City Clerk and Auditor is 'hereby directed to draw his warrents, i,n� payment of said claims. under the power and authority conferred upon this Council by the 'Charter of said City. Seconded by D.J.Healey. W.C.Strad ing, VOTE.. Ayes: Councilman Walsh, Stradlipg, Healey and Mayor Zartman. Noes: Councilamn Gredericks.: Absent: Councilamn Gossage, Kercheval. PETITIONS' "AND COMM'UNICAT'ION": Communication from H'.Mc Nulty asking permissionto'openn street for sewer c.onnecti ;can. . RESOLUTION 216. Introducted by Councilman Stradling.at a regulad meeti of the City Council of the C.ity.fo Petaluma on the 2nd day of J'an-..1912,, Be it resolved that H.Mc `NUlty be and he is . hereby . granted permission to open C.etreet between 6th and 7th streets. for the purpose of sewer connection work to be directed under the' supervision -of the street Supt Under the power and authority conferred upon this Council by the. Charter of s -aid City. • Sec.onded , by D.J.:H.eal.eyo W.C.Stradling. E VOTE. Ayes:.'C:ouncil.man,,Walsh, Fredericks, Stradling,, Healey-and- M ayor Zartman. Noes None-. Absent Councilman Gossage, Kerch- efial., 7R v • Communication from H:A.,Hubbard asking perm ss; on to ope`nr.:. street for sewer cornect:ion.. ,..; RESOLUTION 217. Int,roducted by Councilman. Stradling -at' a regular meeting of the City „• of Petaluma on the 2nd. day of ' Jan,. 1912. Be it' resolved.that A ., H.Hubbard be and. he is hereby granted permission to open the street in Sub. 5 `lot ,176 Lincoln Hei,gh:ts. for .the purpose of connecting with the Hinnman St sewer at. that point work to be done iiinder the , supervision of the street Supt. Under t r he power and the authority conferred upon th.i,e Council by the Charter of said City. Seconded by Healey. W.C.Stradl;ing. VOTE. r: Ayes; Councilman Walsh., Fredericks, Stradling, Healey,. and Mayor Zartman:., Noes': None. Absent Goss,age, Kercheval. Communication from Mossi, Req'ues tin g to transfer liqur.e licenser; now In, the name Mossi& Cantoni to Mossi &, Mossi. RESOLUTION 218. Intr,oducted by Councilman M:Walsh. Be it resolved that the l:iqure.license now in the name. Mossie and Cantoni permitting-the sale of liquors. at 24 Western Ave in the Prince Building be and .the same is hereby transferred to t _r. Mossi & Mossi amd the Auditor is instructed to note the t.ransf r on the • license book and that the-quarterly license be here after issued to Mossi. 4 Mossi,Under the power and authority conferred upon this - C°ouncil By the Charter of-said City. S`eaonded by D.J.Healey. W.? alsh. VOTE. Ayes,:. Walsh, Fredericks, Strad.ling., Healey and Mayor Zartman, Noes.X6ne.Absent: Councilman Gossag,e., Kercheval. A Communication was received from engine Co NO 1 inviting the Council to be present at a banquet at, the home of engine Co N01 on Thursday evening.January 4th 1912. Same was accepted . A Communication was received from Thos�.H.Re.es Lieut. Col,., Corps of Engineers. U.S.Army. In answer to an invitation to come to Petaluma for the purpose of consulting with this Council in ref- erence to the dredging of Petaluma. River. Mr.Reea stated that he would be away from San, Fran..for a short time but upon his return he would be glad to visit, Petaluma and meet the Commit -tee if the Council so . , de.sired: .Assessor Hopkins presented Com, asking that the board consider Cflaim for 200`, for Clerk hire in his office same was dicussed but no action taken. o E.C.Maack asked that the Council correct assessment of 22ft claiming to be over charged for that no of; ft. same was referred to the Finance Committee.. NEW BUSINESS. Bids for street sweeping were. received. E. S.'Palmer bird was 57, 50. R.A.Giggey bid' was 245.00 RESOLUTION 219. Intr.oduct,ed by Councilman NoWalsh.. at a regular meeting of the City ofPetaluma on the 2nd day of Jan. 1.912 -. Be it resolved that ,aa)l bids submitted for sweeping, cleaning, and sprinkling streets be and the same are hereby r.ej Oct ed M Wal sh . Seconded by - M. H.'.Fredericks. VOTE. Ayes; Councilman Walsh, Frdericks, Str;adling, Healey and Mayor Z�artman. Noes: None. •r Absent Councilman Gossage and Nercheval RESOLUTION 22'0. Int;roducted b'y Councilman M. Fredericks. -at : a regulaz meeting.,of the City Council of the City of Petaluma on the 2nd .day . of Jan. 1912. Re it baolve.d that James Mott�-the — dri -vex of the hose wagon be and. he is hereby reimbursed in the sum of 10. 00 on account of injuries and'loss':of 'tdDme incidient to an acci while on duty and the Clerk is. hereby instructed t.o- dra.w a warrant for said amount Seconded by 'D.a7 `Healey: M.E.Fredericks. VOTE,; Ay 6s: C'ounci'liman Wal <sh., Fredericks -, Stradling, Healey and Mayor Zartman.. Noes: None. ti Abs Councilman Go;ssage and Kerch;ewal. _ RESOLUTION 2210 Introducted,-by Councilman W.C.Stradling at a regular meet - ing of the City Council of the City of Petaluma on the 2nd day of Jan, 791.2a Be. it resolved that the Mayor be and nhe is hereby directed to appoint a committee of three members 'of this Council the Mayor to be :one of said committee t;o confer with the.following named members of the Fire-Commissioners to wit: R.S.Adams A.W. Hotwedg.e, and A'. S.Ne.wburg:. for* the pur' ose of preparing and se specifications for the necessary fre'apparatus, needed by the City of' Petaluma and mak report at the 'next regulae meeti 9f the Counc W. S. Stradl ing. Seconded'by M:Walsh;.. Vote Ayes.; Councilman, Walsh, Fredericks., Stradl'ing, Healey, and Mayor Zartman. Noes'! None. Absent.. Councilman Gossage and` Kercheval. Councilman. Frederi:cks made request ' for smoke helmets for the fire department referred t'o fire' commissioners t secure prices and report back Council. The building and ground committee repotted as having awarded the contract to B Ingerson for 96;00 fnr the inopving tha ; hous,e of hose Cc No 2.,. Mayor Zartman named the following'committee to confers: with 'the fire commis,sioners•for the purpose of securing modern fire; apparatus M.W.alsh Chairman W.C.Stradling and Gossagea Formal application was made.; by-'the-Petaluma Nat. Bank and the California Saving Bank for the. City Fund and agreeing to pay 2% ntrest same was referred to the attorne auditor. J.AMc Near appeared before the Q:ouncil in reference to the * property adjoining the sewer farmlbt Newtown he was prepared to deliver deed on payment of 12.00'action in the matter was deferred and the attorney Clerk and Finance Committee were given time and to report at the next meeti Attorney Early in behalf of the Petaluma Transfer Co. presented claim for the sum of''$65.8 15, damages This being the cost of re:paririg.wagon caused by runaway in the Amercian alley on Nov. 9th 1.911. team striking obstruction in the dark the 'ma.tter was reff;�ired to the Finance Committee. RESOLUTI 222.. Introducted by Mayor.aZartman at a regular meeting of the City Council of the C:i #y of. Petaluma on 'the L2nd day of Ja,no 1912, Be'it "resolved that Ordinances No 59 C.S.be and the same is hereby adopted. ` " Ann Ordinance for the p revention of nusances and the removal 66tthe same when they exist also to regulata and when net0 es.sar.y: prohibit offensive trades and occupations" Seconded by D.J.Healey. kSame 11av1n.g,'be�er} app,roved{�by�•�t ie t�t�T, ;,The iMa : d r _the ,,c; Cl :erk`rto have same published according to law. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. ORDINANCE NO. 48, taken up for passage and adopted by the following VOTE. Ayes: Councilman Wals�i, Fredericks, Stradling, Healey and Mayor Zartman. Noes• None. Absent. Councilman Gossage, Kercheval. ORDINANCE NO 49: taken up for passage and adopted by the following VOTE. Ayes: Councilman Walsh, Fredericks, Strading, Healey and Mayor Zartman. Noes: None, Absent Coucdlman Goseage and Kercheval. ORDINAN NO 50. taken up for passage anc adopted by the following VOTE.. Ayers: Councilman Walsh, Fredericks, Str.adling,,'Healey, and Mayor Zartman. Noes: None. Absent Councilman Gossage and Tercheval: ORDINANCE N0 51. taken up for passage adopted by the following VOTE,. Ayes: Councilman Walsh, Fredericks, Str,adling, Healey, and Mayor 1 Zartman:, Noes: None. Absent. Councilman Gossage and Keuch-eval. A-D&OURNMENT On motion of Councilman 'Walsh seconded by Coupw4 man Hegley the meeting adjourned. Mayor. Attest. C er, Jan. 2 1912. - 3i