HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 03/18/19121.2
Council Chambers, City Hall.
Petaluma, Calif, Ma.rl8, 1.912
7.30. P. M.
Minutes of regular meeting of the Council of the City of
Petaluma, Mayor Zartman. presiding.
The Clerk called the Roll and the following members y answered
to their names, Councilman Wlash, G,ossage, Fredericks,'K'ercheval,
'Stradlir Healey and Mayor Zartman.
The minutes of a regular ' meet.:ing of I-Tar 4th, was read and
approved as recarded.
The ;City Clerk , reported as having on File the affidavits
of E,A.Avery publisher of the Petaluma 'daily Courier for the publication
of Ordinances' No. 60,61 and 62.
T.o Mayor and Council of the City fo Petaluma:
Gentlemen: Your Finance Comrritt.ee "aving examined the
following demands against the City of Petalura, finr,, the same proper charge
against said City, and recommend that the same be allovied and ordered
pai r, a.n�w t the City] Clerk be directed to d,ra.w warrants in favor of
the s.eve:cal claimants, in accordance therewith, following to - wit+ :.'.
305 K. S. Pa7.mer 45.00
306.�Geo.*Nissen 30.00
307. G. Borghi '30.60 _
308. 9,has.. Kulp,e'r�:_ - v` 3.O o 00 ;
;309. A.J..Brown 12.50
310. Archie Roberson 17.50
311;;. Fred?iJohnson 5.00
312. P. Gal 5.00
313.. F. P: Phillips 5.00
314. E.'V.Latson
315. A.C. -Cole 8:.75
316. .Thos Barrett 1225
317. Joe Jones 20.�J0
318. Ben Smith 20.00
319. J,W,Potter 33..00
320. Fredericks 18.60
321. Conway Bros 4-21. •1.8
322. Pac. TeA &Tel Coq 22.40
223. Pet.Courie'r.. 6`.x.23.
Approved by the Finance Committee,. ( M..H. Fredericks Chai.rrr:an, )
( K.Walsh.
D.J,,'Healey. )
We the undersigned tax, payers of the City of Petaluma do 'hereby
`petition your Nona Body to! g.rant us, permiasion to build and construct
b - private contract a six inch sewer on Broadway St-.from the manhole
i_� Basset, fto to point 300 feet southeasterly therefrom. that your
H n.. body permit J.B.S lva of the City of Petaluma. to do add preform such
w rk according to th-e plans and spec ffcations now on file with the City
C e.rk a9dd under the di,rect:on, supervision and to the satisfaction of
the Superintendent of Streets .of the Q_ity of Petaluma,.
J' s H.Overton, Jo. Long, V.D.Peek, F. Brown, A.H.Cleland.
Introducted by Co uncilman.M.H.Fredericks at ' a regular meeting
o the City Council on the 18th day of'March 1912. .
Be it resolved 'that the matter of the Broadway Sewer be
r ffered to the St. Committee with power - -to grunt the request if in the
j dgment the project is fleasible and report action at next regular
meeting, under the power and authority conferre upon this Council by
the Charter of said. City.
M. H. Fredericka,
onded by .. M. Walsh .
Ayes Councilman .Walsh, dossage, Fredericks, Kercheval. Stradling, Healey
Mayor Zartnan..
Noles, None.
Ab_ent None
RESOLUTION 255.���'e�i ° eei �? �/v,�✓
Introducted by Councilman P, Walsh at regular meeting of the
Ci ,y Council of the City o:f Petaluma on th,46th day of 'March 1012;
IY �
Be it resolved that th�.p�ayor be and he is hereby directe
to exiacu;te a lease to Messers St nor an I Sprigeon fo_� the terrr. of ten
ye rs with the principal of. n years more, for foundry purposes only
8h if the same is not
d for that purpose the lease to become void
t•h t certain piece of proPerty belonging to the City of Petaluma and known
a's a portion of lot 38. At a annuam rettacl of 100 dollars a year all
ee to be paid_ by the lessee ,said loft so leased being described as follows
,der the power and authority conferred upon this Council by the Charter
o•� said City.
M. Walsh.
l eaonLIed by, H.H. Kercheval,
Int ro.lucted by Councilman W. C. Stradl.i.ng at a. regular meeting
of the City Council fo the City of Petaluma on the 13th day fo March
Be it resolved that the report of the Finance Com,itte be
and the same is hereby adopted an.-A the City and Auditor hereby
directed to draw warrants in payment of said claim. under the power and
authority conferred upon-this Council by the. of'said City.
W. C. Strad,l ing.
Seconded :ay W..' Walsh.
Ayes; Councilmen Walsh, Gc%sage, Fredericks, Yercheval, Stradling,
Healey and Mayor Zartman.
Noes: None.
Absent None.
The Womans Christian Temparance Union extended to the
Couhcil a special invitation-to atten a lecture, to be. given on
Thursday evening March 21th 1912 at the first M.F.Church. the lecture
will be given b,y Firs. Alece Wells a member of the regular police
force of� Los Angeles. The same was accepted.
W.0 Smith principal of the Petaluma. High School on 'behalf of
the Board of Education invited the Council to attend a public meeting
to be held in the assembly Hall of the Lincoln Primary School., at 5.00
P.1111. on Wednesd.ay, March 20. The object of the meeting is to lay before
th citizens of Petaluma: the pressing need of a. new building for th e
High School.
Mr. J.E.Ward of Los Angeles submitted.a proposition for the
leasi�,g of a Waed Patented Process Liquid Asphalt Combination
Atomizing Ulachine.c:Nooa.ction was taken at this time and the, commmunicaticn..
was Filed.
yes: Councilman Walah; Fredericks, Kercheval, Stradling, Healey ' and
��ayor Zartman.
oes: None.
A bsent None.
Introducted by Councilman M..W�alsh at a regulae meeting of the City
ouncil of theCity of Petaluma on the 18th day of March 1912.
Be it resolved that the City Engineer be and he is hereby
directed to prepare estimate for the curbing with basalt, concrete gutter
anr3 macadmizing 'the road way of Hopper St. from the North( *. of
ash'ington northly and along and upon -Topper Stl 700 Ft. and also estimates
or the grading of sidewalks for the above distance upon both sites
said roadway Hopper St. Under the-power ans authority conferred upon this
'u.ncil by the Charter of said City.
M. Veal sh .
seconded by Az.H.Frederi•cks,-
'yes: Councilman Walsh, Gossage, Fredericks, Kercheval, Stradling
i ea1•eyyand. Mayor Zartman.
�bser oee: 'Nome.
•Introduct.ed by Councilman IT.H. Fredericks at a regular meeting
f the City Council of the City of Petaluma on the 18th of Mar 1912.
Be it resolved that the Clerk be and he is hereby directed
o procure from the pat,ent office the different patents issued for
sphalt roads the Same to cost not ex6eed $ 610. Under the power and
t;hority conferred upon this Council by the Charter of said. City.
econded by S.H.Gossage.
Ayes: Councilman Walsh, Gos- sage, Fredericks, Kercheval, St•radling•Healey
a nd Mayor Zartman.
oes. Nose
Absent None.
Introducted by Counc.ilman.M. Walsh at a regular meeting of the
ity Council of the City of Petaluma on the 18th day of March 1912.
ZBe it re.aolved that the City Attorney is and he is
ereby .di rected to prepare and submit, t °o this Council for their considerat
a nd future action al.l the procedure necessary in the continuation and
,peVning of Douglas St,,from Fair St�to Post. Including therein the
ormation of the. sewer list -riot to provide for the expense of con-
.,:truct a swwer and also thv prodedure necessary for-the condemnation
and acquisition of the private proper through which it would ee nec—
;scary to continue said street, under the power ano authority conferred.
Po'n this Clzuncil by the Charter of said City.
Stecond.ed By W. Stradling.
Ayes Councilman Walsh. Gos:sage, Fredericks, KercDeval, Stradl.ing
Healey and Mayor Zar tlri an.
Noes None.
Absent: None
Introduc,ted by Councilman M.Walsh at'a regular meeting of
the City Council of the City of Petaluma on the 18th day of' March 1912.
Be it resolved that the Mayor-of the City of Petaluma
be an! he is hereby authorized to execute an deliver a. lease by and on
behalf of the City of PetAluma to Charles A. Srayner and Sidney Spurgen
for a period of Ten years with the privilege of ten years more for
Foundry Purposes only, the southerly portion of lot 3'8 in the City -of
Petaluma and containing 18000 s:qugre feet giore or less., at a yearly
retail of $1.00 The said lessees to pay all taxes on +s :ame. un�Ler
the power and authority conferred upon this Council by the Charter of P
said. City.
Ayes. Counc Walsh, ~: , Eredericks, _ =.,. St'radling,
Healey and M'aymt Zartman,.
Noes: Ciounc`ilman Goss and Kercheval.
Absent. Noae.
Introducted by Councilman L+ g.H.Fredericks, at a. regular meeting
of the City Council of the City of Petaluma o n the 18th day March 1912.
Be it resolved that the matter of adopting the Ordinand.es fixing
p'ubl c�utilit.y rates be and th.e sane go over until, the next meeting
under the power ansd authority conferred upon this Council by the
Charter of said City,
M;H. Fredericks.
Seconded by W.C.Stradling.
Ayes: Councilman Walsh, Gossage, Fredericks, Kercheval, • Strad.l.ing,
Healey and Mayor Zartman.
Noe;s, None.
Asent None®
On motion of Councilman V.Walsh seconded by H-H Kercheval'meeting
Fdjourned until March 26th 1912/
t t e!s.t
C erk
Yareb 18th 1912.