HomeMy WebLinkAboutStaff Report 5.A 01/28/2019 Attachment 16ATTACHMENT 16
Name: Suzie Paris
From: Glenn cgtopspeeddata.com <Glenn@topspeeddata.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 1:25 PM
To: mayordavid lg ass@gmail.com
Cc: petalumaplanninggci.petaluma.ca.us
Subject: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE
Message: It is time to get the gas station we have been waiting for. If Bay Area Air quality says it is not
an issue why are we considering the opposition that has no facts to support their points. Lets see their
I am tried of driving to Costco to get reasonable priced gas. Lets get this
Name: Glenn Illian
From: mclucasmmggmail.com <mclucasmmggmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 12:28 PM
To: mayordavid lg assggmail.com
Cc: petalumaplannin ci.petaluma.ca.us
Subject: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE
Message: I support a yes vote for the Safeway gas station. Presently your city gas tax money goes to
Costco in Rohnert Park. It's time to move forward and get the station built. All the requirements have
been met and I would like my money to be spent locally to support our community and its services.
Name: Michael McLucas
From: Hdflhx@yahoo.com <Hdflhx@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 12:48 PM
To: mqyordavidglass@gmail.com
Cc: petalumaplannin ci.petaluma.ca.us
Subject: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE
Message: People forget that there was a gas station in tha shopping center before ,where the att store is
Name: Dan Colville
From: Pennycandy65ghotmail.com <Penn. cand 65@hotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 12:58 PM
To: mqyordavidglass@gmail.com
Cc: petalumaplanning@ci.petaluma.ca.us
Subject: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE
Message: We need affordable gas in Petaluma. It is incomprehensible to me that our City
Council would continue to allow our citizens to suffer the highest gas prices in our area. When a
single mom has to make the choice between food or fuel I'm disgusted with our cities politics.
How many environmental studies do you need? Apparently 8 isn't enough
From: morle d� met(c�r�,aol.com <morle dg meta aol.com>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2018 9:07 PM
To: mavordavid la�ssngmail.com
Cc: petalumaplannin ci.petaluma.ca.us
Subject: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE
Message: I frankly want them to build so I dont have the wait at Chevron!
Name: annie
From: Svorhees@comcast.net <Svorhees(,)comcast.net>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2018 8:56 PM
To: mavordavid lg ass@gmail.com
Cc: petalumaplanninggci.petaluma.ca.us
Subject: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE
Message: Gas prices are to high in Petaluma, everybody I know goes to Costco in RP because of it. Let's
keep that money local and get this Safeway Gas station approved now.
Name: Scott Vorhees
From: D.cspearsgyahoo.com <D.cspearsgyahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2018 8:53 PM
To: mayordavid lg assggmail.com
Cc: petalumaplanninggci.petaluma.ca.us
Subject: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE
Message: Do not put a Safeway gas in Petaluma. I do not support a Safeway gas station on the busiest
clang corner of Petaluma. The gridlock, traffic, added idlers, polluting, increased road repair
requirements, damage to local competitors, and just a dang lack of respect for the locals it impacts most
directly is going to be a black mark on this city. You probably won't read this. I get harrassed on social
media to respond to these, constantly, so I'm responding. I was against it from the start, and I'm against
it now. The only thing Petaluma will see from this will be empty lots and broken roads.
Name: Derrick Spears
From: d.a.paris@att.net <d.a.paris e,att.net>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2018 6:56 PM
To: mayordavidglass@gmail.com
Cc: petalumaplanning@ci.petaluma.ca.us
Subject: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE
Message: First off as a Petaluma small business owner thank you for passing the deer creek Friedman's
project, now all my business purchases are kept here in Petaluma!
I fully support Safeway gas station, just like the Friedman's project this will keep my tax dollars here in
We have the west side of Petaluma to stay rustic and old school so putting the modern gas station on
the east side makes perfect sense.
Please support small business owners and vote yes on Safeway gas!
Name: Darryl Paris, Paris Construction service
From: Larryw6784@aol.com <Larryw6784(a aol.com>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2018 6:52 PM
To: mavordavid lg assggmail.com
Cc: petalumaplanning_gci.petaluma.ca.us
Subject: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE
Message: To be honest it is hard to find affordable gas in Petaluma and Petaluma needs affordable gas
and save trips to travel to Rohnert Park and Santa Rosa just to get affordable gas that's a smart ideal
Name: Larry Wilcox
From: philmo@prodigy net <philmo(a prodig�.net>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2018 5:12 PM
To: mavordavid lg assn,Rmail.com
Cc: petalumaplanning_gci.petaluma.ca.us
Subject: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE
Message: Please approve the proposed gas station. I buy 95% of my gas in Rohnert Park or Novato. We
need lower prices in town so tax revenues stay here in Petaluma.
Name: Phillip Molina
From: lisasdance6lghotmail.com <lisasdance6l ahotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 11:27 AM
To: mayordavidglass9gmail.com
Cc: petalumaplanning_@ci.petaluma.ca.us
Subject: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE
Message: I would like to voice my support of the Petaluma Safeway gas station. I would help me greatly
to have an affordable gas station in Petaluma. I commute to San Rafael several days per week and I also
drive for Uber on the weekends. Having an affordable gas station in Petaluma means that I will keep my
dollars local instead of driving to Rohnert Park or Santa Rosa to the Costco or Santa Rosa Safeway to fill
up my vehicle. I do not see any issue with a gas station at that location. There are gas stations close to
schools and residential area's everywhere with no issues.
Name: Lisa Davis
-----Original Message -----
From: Karen Pesutich [mailto:M!I<I<aren@comcast.net]
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2018 8:26 PM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: Gas Station repeal
Please stand up to Safeway and vote no on the gas station. You all have a chance to redeem yourselves
from making a very poor decision in allowing this project. The intersection is impacted already, 3 busses
at a time idling for 5 min at a time with a preschool, an elementary school and a little league park all
exposed to serious emissions. A sixteen pump gas station!! I don't care what the tests show, you are
exposing your children in this community to unhealthy air quality!! Their health is in your hands!! Make
the right choice and stand up to the bullying and threats of a big box cooperation. We are Petaluma and
we can keep our town safe!!!!!
No on Gas Station. Find another more appropriate place... Please Sent from my iPhone
-----Original Message -----
From: Karen Pesutich [mailto:M!I<I<aren@comcast.net]
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2018 8:26 PM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: Gas Station repeal
Please stand up to Safeway and vote no on the gas station. You all have a chance to redeem yourselves
from malting a very poor decision in allowing this project. The intersection is impacted already, 3 busses
at a time idling for 5 min at a time with a preschool, an elementary school and a little league park all
exposed to serious emissions. A sixteen pump gas station! I I don't care what the tests show, you are
exposing your children in this community to unhealthy air quality!I Their health is in your handsl1 Make
the right choice and stand up to the bullying and threats of a big box cooperation. We are Petaluma and
we can keep our town safe!!!!!
No on Gas Station. Find another more appropriate place ... Please Sent from my iPhone
-----original Message -----
From: Tricia Winsemius [mailto:nlalaska2yahoo.comj
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2018 9:18 AM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: No gas here
Dear City council members of Petaluma,
I'm writing this letter to let you know that I oppose the Safeway Gas station! I'm disappointed that our
community did not get to vote on this matter. I'm disappointed that you put profits ahead of people,
specifically children. There seems to be no planning or concern for the citizens of Petaluma.
If you dig down deep into n your soul you know this is not right!
No Gas Here
Tricia Winsemius
Reduce Reuse Recycle Resale!
-----Original Message -----
From: Tricia Winsemius [mailto•nialasl<a@Vahoo.comj
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2018 9:18 AM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: No gas here
Dear City council members of Petaluma,
I'm writing this letter to let you know that I oppose the Safeway Gas stat!onl I'm disappointed that our
community did not get to vote on this matter. I'm disappointed that you put profits ahead of people,
specifically children. There seems to be no planning or concern for the citizens of Petaluma.
If you dig down deep into n your soul you know this is not right!
No Gas Here
Tricia Winsemius
Reduce Reuse Recycle Resale!
From: COLLEEN CAMPBELL [mailto•sonoma colleenCa)comcast.net]
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 12:54 PM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: No Gas Here!
Petaluma City Council,
I have no problem with Safeway constructing a low cost gas station in Petaluma, BUT NOT
HERE! Put it in a location where there are no homes or schools. The McDowell/Maria location is
unacceptable. It is directly across from a nursery school and far too close to homes. The traffic
in that area is already awful and having people line up for cheap gas will make it even worse.
Add to that the fact that many people waiting in line will leave their motors running polluting the
air that we will all breathe (included the nursery school children). This location is also in the
same area where you've allowed high-density housing to be built (apartments with no open
space at all for residents). It appears to many of us that Petaluma is building a future slum on
the eastside.
The city council would not allow a Walgreen's with a drive-thru prescription pick-up window to be
built on the grounds that emissions from people driving through to pick up their prescriptions
were unacceptable. That location was three blocks away from where Safeway wants their gas
station! The drive-thru prescription window at least offered residents a service that isn't currently
available. This proposed gas station offers us nothing new or beneficial. Safeway customers
currently get a discount at the Chevron station located 1 block from the proposed site.
Please remember that the eastside of Petaluma is still Petaluma and deserves the same kind of
consideration as the westside. If you wouldn't want a 16 pump gas station across the street from
your house or your children's school then you must recognize that none of us do either.
Petaluma resident,
Colleen Campbell
From: COLLEEN CAMPBELL [mailto:sonoma colleen@comcast..net]
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 12:54 PM
To: CityCouncll
Subject: No Gas Here!
Petaluma City Council,
I have no problem with Safeway constructing a low cost gas station in Petaluma, BUT NOT
HEREI Put it in 'a location where there are no homes or schools. The McDowell/Maria location is
unacceptable. It is directly across from a nursery school and far too close to homes. The traffic
in that area is already awful and having people line up for cheap gas will make it even worse.
Add to that the fact that many people waiting in line will leave their motors running polluting the
air that we will all breathe (included the nursery school children). This location is also in the
same area where you've allowed high-density housing to be built (apartments with no open
space at all for residents). It appears to many of us that Petaluma is building a future slum on
the eastside.
The city council'would not allow a Walgreen's with a drive-thru. prescription pick-up window to be
built on the grounds that emissions from people driving through to pick up their prescriptions
were unacceptable. That location was three blocks away from where Safeway wants their gas
station! The drive-thru prescription window at least offered residents a service that isn't currently
available. This proposed gas station offers us nothing new or. beneficial. Safeway customers
currently get a discount at the Chevron station located 1 block from the proposed site.
Please remember that the eastside of Petaluma is still Petaluma and deserves the same kind of
consideration as the westside. If you wouldn't want a 16 pump gas station across the street from
your house or your children's school then you must recognize that none of us do either.
Petaluma resident,
Colleen Campbell
From; Don Seppa [mailto•donseppa�yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2018 11:37 AM
To: CityCouncii
Subject: Safeway Gas Station
1. 1 am opposed to building any gas station near an elementary school.
2. Please condition any gas station development so that electric vehicle charging
stations are a major part of the development.
Electric cars and bikes are critical to our city's ability as a city and county to respond to
real climate change issues..
Don Seppa
707 799-2422
From: Kathy [mailtoksparrow comcast.net]
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2018 12:35 PM
To: CityCouncil .
Subject: Safeway Gas station
City Council members,
I am writing to urge you to deny the building of yet another gas station in our neighborhood. I
live within 3 blocks of the proposed site that Safeway wants to build on, we already have two
large gas stations within a block of the proposed site, not to mention that the site is also directly
across the street from a daycare center and a school. Traffic in the area is already a nightmare
and yet we keep building. I wonder where your priorities lie and would also like you to
remember who you serve. You are elected'off cials of our community and should act on behalf
of the community, not the money hungry institutions that continue to plague our neighborhoods.
With concern
Kathy Sparrow
From: Paul Agazzi [mailto:pagazzi comcast.net]
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2018 3:47 PM
To: CityCouncil
Please don't let Safeway put a gas station at that location
,too. close to school and traffic nightmare.
Thank you
Paul Agazzi
1621 eastside way,
Petaluma Ca. 94954
From: Don Seppa [mailto:donseppaayahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2018 11:37 AM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: Safeway Gas Station
1. 1 am opposed to building any gas station near an elementary school.
2. Please condition any gas station development so that electric vehicle charging
stations are a major part of the development.
Electric cars and bikes are critical to our city's ability as a city and county to respond to
real climate change issues..
Don Seppa
707 799-2422
From: Kathy [mailto•k sparrow@comcast.net]
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2018 12:35 PM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: Safeway Gas station
City Council members,
I am writing to urge you to deny the building of yet another gas station in our neighborhood. I
live within 3 blocks of the proposed site that Safeway wants to build on, we already have two
large gas stations within a block of the proposed site, not to mention that the site is also directly
across the street from a daycare center and a school. Traffic in the area is already a nightmare
and yet we keep building. I wonder where your priorities lie and would also like you to
remember who you serve. You are elected officials of our community and should act on behalf
of the community, not the money hungry institutions that continue to plague our neighborhoods.
With concern
Kathy Sparrow
From: Paul Agazzi [mai Ito: pagazziCd)comcast.net]
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2018 3:47 PM
To: CityCouncil
Please don't let Safeway put a gas station at that location
,too close to school and traffic nightmare.
Thank you
Paul Agazzi
1621 eastside way,
Petaluma Ca. 94954
-----Original Message -----
From: Dwina Tarrant [mailto:dwina.tarrant@yahoo.comj
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2018 12:58 PM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: Safeway gas station
I live about two blocks from the proposed Safeway Gas Station.
It is inconceivable to me that even having the thought of building a gas station at the corner of Maria
and McDowell is even being considered. I don't understand how our representatives in the town of
Petaluma could turn their back's in the name of growth and profit without considering the impact on the
schools. Example; the Little League field the daycare center the The growth and development center it
is a no brainer kids come first! The environment for the children the air they breathe the impact of the
traffic it will create should take presidents over the growth and development of Petaluma! Please search
deep within yourselves and you'll find the correct answer is NO on the Safeway gas station in Petaluma
on the corner of Maria and McDowell.
Sincerely written sincerely yours,
Sent from my Whone
-----original Message -----
From: Dwina Tarrant fmailto:dwina tarrant . Vahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2018 12:58 PM
To: C!tyCouncil
Subject: Safeway gas station
I live about two blocks from the proposed Safeway Gas Station.
It is inconceivable to me that even having the thought of building a gas station at the corner of Maria
and McDowell is even being considered. I don't understand how our representatives in the town of
Petaluma could turn their back's in the name of growth and profit without considering the impact on the
schools. Example; the Little League field the daycare center the The growth and development center it
is a no bra!ner kids come first! The environment for the children the air they breathe the impact of the
traffic it will create should take presidents over the growth and development of Petaluma) Please search
deep within yourselves and you'll find the correct answer is NO on the Safeway gas station in Petaluma
on the corner of Maria and McDowell.
Sincerely written sincerely yours,
Sent from my !Phone
From: Crump, Katie <KCRUMP@ci.petaluma.ca, us.>
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2018 8:04 AM
To: -City Clerk <-CityClerl<@ci.petaluma,ca.us>
Cc: Heather Hines <hhines@m-8roup,us>
Subject: FW: Say No to the Safeway Gas Station
From: Kevih Anderson[mailto:kevin(c@climateprrotection.org
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2018 12:40 PM
To: CityCouncil
Subject, Say No to the Safeway Gas Station
Petaluma City Council,
Please do not allow the Safeway gas station to go up on the corner of S, McDowell and Maria.
While seemingly a small, city -related issue, this is a metaphor for what we are facing as a
species: Do we continue to allow fossil fuels to power our lives knowing that there IS
widespread'pollution (air, land, and water) with local and global ramifications.
While many point out the damage we are doing to fixture generations by leaving them a planet
that is increasingly polluted, this is a prune example of something that also will affect our
children here and now. Putting a gas station right across the street from schools and a park
WILL affect the community in negative ways; first and foremost, the children and families that
frequent the area.
You have the power to take a stand and show that our community's health and vitality is your
foremost concern.
Please consider NOT. allowing this Safeway gas station to go forward.
Thank you for your time.
In gratitude,
Kevin Anderson
Kevin Anderson
ECO2School Program Coordinator
Phone: 707-525-1665 K 122
Office: 831 Fourth Street; Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Mailing: P.O. Box 3785, Santa Rosa, CA 95402
-----Original Message ----
From: Crump, Katie <KCRUMP a ci.petaluma.ca.us>
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2018 8:04 AM
To: - City Clerk >
Cc: Heather Hines <hhines@m-group.us>
Subject: FW: please no Safeway gas station in proposed location
-----Original Message ----
From: Erica Vertiz [mailto:ericavertiz@aol.com]
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2018 2:01 PM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: Re: please no Safeway gas station in proposed location
Dear Petaluma City Council,
I have lived in Petaluma since I was 5 years old. I am now 39 and I am raising my own son here.
My husband and 1 do not live near this Safeway on McDowell nor will be sending our son to McDowell
Elementary, however, I am getting involved because I strongly think this plan to build a gas station next
to two (2) schools is wrong. What about the k!ds? Petaluma is a strong and kind town. This is not what
we are about!
I live by the Safeway where G&G use to be. I am so opposed to this that I I have already stoped shopping
there( I use to go at least twice a week).
I ask you to please oppose the plan to build a Safeway Gas Station next to a preschool and elementary
school. This is not safe.
In addition, North McDowell and South McDowell can't handle anymore traffic.
Lastly, I have been told that someone from the planning department (who voted in favor of the gas
station) is on the board of the preschool? Is this correct? Could someone please confirm or deny?
Thank you for taking the time to read this email.
Erica Vertiz a long time resident of Petaluma
1417 Yarberry Lane
Sent from my !Phone!
From: Iftil<har Ahmed <iftia92@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2018 3:48 PM
To: petalui-naptanning@ci.petaluma.ca.us
Cc: maVer@ci.petaluma.ca.us
Subject: Safeway gas station at the corner of Maria Dr., S McDowell Blvd
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR
Dear Sir/ Ma'am,
I am oppose to the gas station, and I am not associated to any gas station or any oil company.
My comments are attached here with.
Thank you,
Best of regards,
Sincerely yours,
iftikhar Ahmed'
e-mail address: iftia92@gmall.com
Ph : (707) 762-8234
Address ; 1283 McGregor Ave, Petaluma CA 94954
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
The appeal against the Safeway gas station has been denied.
Like any project, or any business enterprise there are always two angles to it. Or you can say
pros and cons or simply put good and bad.
In this case there are lot more cons than pros, lot worse than good. The pros the proponents
are suggesting is only one cheaper gas. And for the city is traffic impact fee, that they will
collect from the applicant Safeway. The arguments of the residents who are for it, revolve
around cheaper gas nothing else.
But look at the cons, the bad:
1. Its proximity to the children day care center, to the youth baseball field, to the youth
playing field and not to mention the McDowell elementary school.
2. It is in the heart of the densely populated residential area.
3. We already have more than enough numbers of gas station in this small city of
Petaluma, there is no need of another gas station.
4. The increased traffic that the gas station will bring in the city, when already the city is
facing traffic congestion problem.
The AQMD (Air Quality Management District) has OK'd the project even though a teacher of
McDowell elementary School, who said during the last presentation of Safeway, that quite a
good percentage of the students complain of breathing problems and Asthma during the allergy
season every year.
As far the traffic congestion problems are concerned, we already have on the streets of
Petaluma specially on the S McDowell Blvd and E Washington Street, Lakeville and E
Washington street, and Lakeville and D Street. Will this gas station contribute to the
problems? The answer is very simple, this station not only will attract the residents of
Petaluma but also will attract the residents from the neighboring cities like Penn Grove,
Cotati, Rohnert Park, and Santa Rosa, and not to mention Novato and San Rafael as well. I
don't know if the representatives of Safeway have shown any studies quantifying how many
vehicles usually are there these days on the streets of Petaluma during the peak hours. And
how many more vehicles will be there once the gas station starts. And, I don't know if the
planning commission has done any study in this regard. Furthermore, I don't know how
many of the representatives.of Safeway live in Petaluma, and drive on the streets of
Petaluma on daily basis, going East and West, and from West to East. If they drive in .
Petaluma on daily basis, then they will know what I am talking about. Mayer and the city
council members should know. Not to mention Maria Dr, two lane street. How many
vehicles this small street can hold during peak hours, whose one side is S McDowell Blvd
and the other side is E Washington Street.
Safeway representatives have said throughout the process that their project is backed by
poll.of 500 residents who regularly leave Petaluma to buy cheaper gas. Did the Safeway
have provided the proof of that poll to the council?
The other thing is that duringthe applicant's presentation, a lawyer of Safeway threatened
the city with litigation if the project was denied. So, I have a question or comment, if those
said kids of McDowell Elementary School, who get breathing problem and Asthma during
the allergy season, if their sickness gets aggravated after the Safeway gas station is open,
who should they sue Safeway gas station or. AQMD? And no money would bring back their
health once they get severely sick.
Evelyn Ellis
From: Heather Hines
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2018 10:SO AM
To: Evelyn Ellis
Subject: FW: Safeway Gas Station
For the Safeway file
-----Original Message -----
From: Crump, Katie <KCRUMP@ci.petaluma.ca.us>
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2018 7:14 AM
To: - City Clerk <-CityClerl<@ci.petaluma.ca.us>
Cc: Heather Hines <hhines@m-group.us>
Subject: FW: Safeway Gas Station
-----Original Message -----.
From: Stephanie Taylor (mailto:taylors4@sbcglobal.net)
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2018 7:12 AM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: Safeway Gas Station
Dear Council Members,
I would like to express my absolute disapproval of the proposed Safeway Gas Station on S. McDowell and Maria Dr. I live
5 blocks away, both walk and drive this corridor regularly so I will personally be impacted. However, the overall
environmental impacts are my real concern and I concur with the primary argument that gas stations (of which there are
So many young children on the East side of Petaluma are already impacted bytheir proximity to Hwy. 101 and their
increased exposure to particulate matter from that source has been shown repeatedly to have significant respiratory,
health impacts. As our elected representatives (you do represent us - not private business interests) it is your job to
protect your constituents from these and other environmental risks. Does Petaluma not have a law against idling cars?
The number of drive-throughs would suggest not; we need to change this. The population of the town is growing, we
are all feeling the, effects of that and most people are complaining about the diminishing quality of life here due to
Please do the RIGHT THING, consider the materials, briefs, arguments and evidence presented to you at the last council
meeting and reject Safeway's strong arm tactic (threatening to sue the City if project is rejected). A full boycott of
Safeway should ensue for this threat alone.
Please be advocates for a new, healthier, more livable Petaluma and reject Safeway's proposed gas station. We just
don't need it and we don't want it.
Thank you for your service to the community.
stephanie taylor
City of Petaluma records, including emails, are subjq.ct to the California Public Records Act. Unless exemptions apply, this
email, any attachments and any replies are subject to disclosure on request, and neither the sender nor any recipients
should have any expectation of privacy regarding the contents of such communications.
October 3, 2018,
RE: Safeway Appeal, October 1501, 2018
Dear John, Mayor Glass and City Council Members,
At the June 261h planning commission meeting a commissioner berated Safeway for
not having their information in both English and Spanish. Can we expect all
documents for the Safeway Appeal to be required in both English and Spanish? Will
the city have a Spanish interpreter at the meeting? I,would appreciate a quick
Thank you,
Janice Cader Thompson
C.c. Heather Hines
Petaluma City Attorney
Natalie Mattei
Joanne McEachin
Andrian Saslow
Chris Thomas
PHS Board members
Argus Courier
Press Democrat
Evelyn Ellis
From: Heather Hines
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2018. 12:11 PM
To: Evelyn Ellis
Subject: FW: Safeway Gas Station Appeal
For the Safeway file.
From: Crump, Katie <KCRUMP@ci.petaluma.ca.us>
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 1:53 PM
To: - City Clerk <-CityClerl<@cLpetaluma.ca.us>
cc: Heather Hines <hhines@m-group,us>
Subject: FW: Safeway Gas Station Appeal
From: Adriann Saslow Finaiito•madamesaslow@gmaii,comj
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 1:45 PM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: Safeway Gas Station Appeal
Dear City Council,
Please do not let Safeway built their gas station. They aren't a good neighbor. They aren't doing it as a favor to
us. They are out to mare money. As a part of the No Gas Here coaliton, I have become more and more aware
of the environmental issues with this mega -station and its impact on the school children & surrounding
neighbors. There is overwhelmuig opposition to this project from the people it will have the greatest affect on.
No Gas Here has done our best to give the Council a legal way to turn down the project without getting
sued. Getting sued by Safeway seemed to be the only reason the Planning Commission ended up approving this
in the first place. But even if the City of Petaluma does get sued, maybe its worth it to take a stand for the
vulnerable members of our conummity.
I will be at the City Council Meeting, at least for a while until I have to get home to my own small children.
Adrian Saslow
Petaluma Resident
City of Petaluma records, including emails, are subject to the California Public Records Act. Unless exemptions apply, this
email, any attachments and any replies are subject to disclosure on request, and neither the sender nor any recipients
should have any expectation of privacy regarding the contents of such communications.
Evelyn Ellis
From: Heather Hines
Sent:. Thursday, October 04, 2018 12:01 PM
To: Evelyn Ellis
Subject: FW: Safeway gas
For the Safeway appeal file
From: Crump, Katie <KCRUMP@ci.petaluma.ca.us>
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 10:06 AM
To: Heather Hines <hhines@m-group.us>
Cc: - City Clerk<-CityClerl<@ci.petal urria.ca.us>
Subject: FW: safeway gas
From: Jonathan Ruf [mailtoJonoruf@gmail.coml
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 9:59 AM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: Safeway gas
We recently moved to Petaluma, and part of our choice in where to live was the fact there is a school and park
in the neighborhood (directly across the street from where we live), and it is pretty slow and quiet. A Safeway
gas station will change all of that.
You have already been informed of the health effects such a project entails, and there is plenty of science to
back up the harmful effects of auto emissions, especially to the young, elderly, and people with compromised
iimntme systems. My wife lacks a gene receptor that helps humans to filter and detoxify toxins from your body.
She will feel and manifest the effects from an increase in emissions in the neighborhood. Furthermore, I
conunute via bicycle and a massive increase in traffic will increase the safety risks for cyclists and pedestrians
alike (as well as drivers!).
The welfare of the people should supplant the welfare (read bottom line) of corporations. EPA law states such a
project this close to schools is unlawful. The people who live in the neighborhood do not want it. Allowing such
a project to go through would be on its face completely undemocratic.
The people who live in the neighborhood, who send their .children to school here, should be the one's deciding,
because it is us who will suffer the impacts from the increase in health and safety risks from the safeway gas
Thai* you for your time,
folio Ruf
City of Petaluma records, including emails, are subject to the California Public Records Act. Unless exemptions apply, this
email, any attachments and any replies are subject to disclosure on request, and neither the sender nor any recipients
should have any expectation of privacy regarding the contents of such communications.
Evelyn Ellis
From: Heather Hines
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2018 11:52 AM
To: Evelyn Ellis
Subject: FW: Proposed gas station
For project file
From: Crump, Katie <I<CRUMP@ci,petaluma.ca.us>
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2018 8:55 AM
To: Heather Hines <hhines@m-group.us>
Cc: 7 City Clerk <-CityClerk@ci.petaluma.ca.us>
Subject: FW: Proposed gas station
From: Kailea Frederick[mailto:kailea.sonrisa@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2018 4:48 PM
To; CityCouncil
Subject: Proposed gas station
I am a Petaluma Resident and I don't want a Safeway Gas Station in'Washington
Square. Having the traffic and pollution next to the preschool, elementary school, softball fields,
.and homes is not a good environment for our children. Please do not allow a gas station to be
built herel
Thank you,
Kailea Frederick
Facilitator, Earth Is'Ohaua
City of Petaluma records, including emai Is, are subject to the California Public Records Act. Unless exemptions apply, this
email, any attachments and any replies are subject to disclosure on request, and neither the sender nor any recipients
should have any expectation of privacy regarding the contents of such communications.
Evelyn Ellis
Heather Hines
Thursday, October 04, 2018 11:49 AM
Evelyn Ellis
FW: Gas station
For Safeway file
---'-Original Message -----
From: Crump, Katie <I<CRUMP@cl.petaluma.ca.us>
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2018 8:08 AM
To: Heather Hines <hhines@m-group.us>
Cc: - City Clerk <-CityClerl<@ci.petaluma.ca.us>
Subject: FW: Gas station
-----Original Message -----
From: loanna clack[mallto:loannaclarl<@lcloud,comj
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2018 6:10 PM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: Gas station
To whom it may concern, In this day and age when illogical decisions seem to be being made by
many politicians it is difficult to believe our very own Petaluma City Council would think it's OK and viable to put a gas
station in that location, By my count we have a minimum of 15 gas stations within the city limits so this is clearly not
about Community need. Now as far as what revenue it may bring to the city I can't say but to put it in this location with
so many young people that study and do sports plus even older citizens that live on South McDowell etc. even I.as a lay
person am familiar with studies as to just how detrimental gas fumes and by products of auto traffic are to them. They
already are exposed to what my guess is the upper limit exposure anyway. We already have semi trucks using McDowell
as a substitute for a Hwy. I have.lived in Petaluma for over 30 years and I have seen a lot development most of which I
have understood but this is negligent and I will vote accordingly.
If for some reason I am missing something you can email me back otherwise the above statement stands. Sincerely
Loanna Clark
Sent from my !Phone
City of Petaluma records, including emails, are subjectto the California Public Records Act. Unless exemptions apply, this
email, any attachments and any replies are subject to disclosure on request, and neither the sender nor any recipients
should have any expectation of privacy regarding the contents of such communications,
John- Cinnamon
737 North Webster St.
Petaluma, California 94952-1734
(707)202-4359 Cell (916)591-5691
- September 18, 2018
Petaluma City Council
City•Clerk, Claire Cooper, CMC SEP 20 2018
•1 I English Street
Petaluma, CA 94952 CITY CLERK
Re:, Appeal of Planning Conmussion's Approval of a Service Station in (lie Washirtgion Square
Shopping Center in the immediate vicinity of the North Bay Children's Center, Petaluma Child
Development Center, McDowell Elementary School and McDowell Park
Mayor Glass and Members of the Council;
Submitted for consideration by the Council
and to made a part of the record in the matter of such appeal
• In the 1960s while I was out of state completing my education, my father died while my three
sisters were still in graaupar.aiadljigh school.,M. mother,, long out of the•workforee, required
employment, Her age and inexperience worked against her in this regard until Safeway, then
operating a•regiorial-vs"areliouse'aitd di9fribution'ben ter iii Sacramento, gave her a'chance.-
Safeway-Irained-her in the use of the then computer technology and, until reaching mandatory
retirement age, my mother was a valued, productive and content Safeway employee,
• When Safeway absorbed the former C & C market, I observed the enlightened and fair treatment
received by the C, & C staff who became members of the Safeway team,
• Interactions over the past several years with COTS, the Salvation Army, The Food Bank, etc,
disclose that Safeway has been a responsible-Soiroma County citizen with regard to feeding those
with inadequate resources in our coimnunities,
• I am not unaware that'Safeway and most conventional large-scale grocery retailers are under
siege from the big -box retailers who are able to sell product at price levels unsustainable by
conventional retailers. I understand that the avai,labillfy-of ancillary services and products to its.
customers as a meaus•t,1d attract them to their stores, is essential --for continuedprofitability, I
understand'to6, that Safeway has found that offaring gasolene for its customers' vehicles has
been one of these successful ancillary services. '
• i am myself presently aird'plan to continue to' be a regular Safeway customer,
Accordingly, I regard myself as having no negative' disposition toward Safeway, its management or its
gasolene sales business generally,
Proposed Service Station ,
It is my view bowever, that,faihtie to'ietJerse the actioilrof4h6;P.lanning Coinmission allowing -the
proposed site forSafeway's:Pet�luinT •stati:oii will: be:ai i egy'q pts dereliction of your duty to act in the ,
Petaluma City Council- September 18, 2018 Page 2
City Clerk, Claire Cooper, CMC
common good, The arguments against such a business enterprise in the proxhnitj) of the school,
children's and child development centers and park are well known to you, need'not be repeated here, and
are, to my mind, compelling,
I am also aware of the City's. cl,j'onically precarious financial reality, of the potential cost associated with
defending any litigation that Safeway may bring, and of the projected lost sales and property tax
revenues, development fees and perhaps other potential economic advantages to our City.
Nonetheless, there is a time that these considerations must be secondary to doing what is the "right thing"
for our children's health and safety, our community and our future. I respectfully request that you do so
in this instance and sustain this appeal thereby denying the construction of a service station at this
0 Document Received After Agenda Distribution Agenda Item #6,B
_ Ro !
September 17, 2018
Mr. John Brown
.AIR QUALITY City Manager
City of Petaluma
MANAGEMENT 11 English Street
Petaluma, CA 94952
D i 5 T K I C T
Connect with the
Bay Area Air District:
Lla J
375 BEALE STREET, SUITB 600 • SAN FRANCISCO CA - 94105 •415.771,6000. • tivunv.baagn0.gov
SUBJECT: Comments Regarding Safeway Fuel Center Project
John J. Bauters
Dear Mr, Brown:
Pauline Russo Cutter
Scott Haggerty
Nate Miley
say Area Air Quality Management District (Air District) staff offers the
following comments regarding the City of Petaluma's consideration of
John Gloia
Agenda Item # 6B," Resolution Denying the Appeal and Upholding the
David Hudson,
planning Commission's Approval of the Planning Site Plan and Architectural
Karen Mitchoff
Review for the Safeway Fuel Center Project" at the September 17, 2018,
Mark Ross
City Council meeting.
Katie Rice
(vice chair)
Safeway has an eAstin Air District Authority to Construct (Application No.
Y g Y (pp
405215) for two (2) 20,000 -gallon underground storage tanks,. eight (8)
Brad Wagenkneoht
triple --product gasoline nozzles, Phase 1 CNI EVR, Phase 11 VST Balance
with Veeder-Root Vapor Polisher and Veeder-Root ISD EVR, which is valid
Hillary Ronen
until November 10, 2019, If Safeway's current project proposal differs from
(SF Mayor's Appointee)
this equipment ment descri tion, the Air District will require that a permit
application to request authorization for a change be submitted.
David Canepa
Carole Groom
Air District staff reviewed the Health Risk Assessment (HRA) and two
Doug Kim
related documents from consultants. ESA's and Illingworth & Rodkin. The
Air District has the following comments on the HRA for the stationary'source
Margaret Abe-Koga
Cindy Chavez
emissions (i.e., evaporative emissions from the transfer and storage of
Liz Kniss
RQd G. Sinks
comments on the HRA:
Pete Sanchez
James Spering
1. The Air District recommends the AERMOD dispersion model
analysis instead of ISCST3. Air District permit modeling analysis
Teresa Barnett
procedures have changed, since the project was initially permitted by
Shiriee Zane
the Air District. The current procedure uses AERMOD.
Jack P. Broadbent
Connect with the
Bay Area Air District:
Lla J
375 BEALE STREET, SUITB 600 • SAN FRANCISCO CA - 94105 •415.771,6000. • tivunv.baagn0.gov
John Brown
Page 2
September 17, 2018
2. Based on the Gas Station Modeling Emissions and Volume Source
Parameters table in the Safeway Fuel Center Health Risk
Assessment, revised on September 19, 2017, it appears that the
,dispersion modeling was conducted with 8 volume sources, each with
a dimension of 13m x 13m x 4m. This is the dimension of the entire
gas station. If so, the Air District recommends the model be run with
only 2 volume sources (one representing refueling and one
representing spillage) to represent the entire GDF according to the
CAPCOA Air Toxics "Hof Spots" Program, Gasoline Service Station
Industrywide Risk Assessment Guidelines, November 1997.
Alternatively, the modeling can be done with 16 volume sources (two
volume sources at each dispenser) -- 8 refueling and 8 spillage
volume sources with the dimension of 5m x 5m x 4m. This is the
dimension of one dispenser.
ESA's Memo dated May 7, 2018 "Peer Review of the HRA Impact Analysis":
The Air District concurs with ESA's comment #2 that the HRA was
based on a predicted throughput and not the BAAQMD-permitted
throughput limit. If the proposed Safeway gas station is not limited by
the City's permit to the predicted throughput, then the HRA should be
run at.the maximum. permitted throughput limit.
2. The Air District concurs with ESA's comment #5 regarding the teacher
exposure being omitted and underestimated. Off-site
workers/teachers' .maximum health impact should be addressed and
included in the assessment. For permitting, the Air District includes
off-site workers (i.e., teachers) in its HRAs.
3. The Air District's current HRA Guidance for gas station health risk
assessments is specified in the BAAQMD Air Toxics NSR Program
Health Risk Assessment (HRA) Guidelines (December 2016), Section
2.2 for gasoline dispensing facilities, which specifies using 2003
OEHHA risk assessment guidance with 2015 health effects values,
and age sensitivity factors. Using the full 2015 OEHHA health risk
assessment procedures (specified in Section 2.1 of the Air District's
2016 HRA Guidelines would likely be more conservative and' would
also be acceptable for CEQA purposes.
John Brown
Page 3
September 17, 2018
Illingworth & Rodkin's Memo dated May. 8 20.18, ' Respansa to FSA
The Air District concurs with the city consultant's responses to ESA
comments regarding the receptor height for children (comment #4)
and pollutant of concern (comment #7). However, these changes are
not expected to have a significant impact on the final HRA results.
Air District staff is available to assist the City in addressing these comments.
If you have any questions, please do not hesidtate to contact me at
(415) 749-5041.
Thank you for your consideration of our request.
Damian Breen
Deputy Air Pollution Control Officer
cc: Director Teresa Barrett
Director Shirlee Zane
Good morning,
Please see attached for distribution to City Council and inclusion in the public record for this project.
Natalie Mattel
Senior Real Estate Manager
Albertsons Companies
11555 Dublin Canyon Road
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 226.5754 Office 1 (925) 413-4455 Mobile
natalie.mattelesafeway.com Linl<edln
= Gampamcs
'i . i, i' r1 l- Petaluma City Council, David. Glass, Chris Albertson, Mike Healy, Teresa
Barrett, Gabe Kearney, David King, Kathy Miller
I am writing in support of the proposed Safeway gas station at Washington
Square Shopping Center. The benefits are clear in upholding the Planning
Corn mission's'approval of this project.
Now, more than ever, working families in Petaluma need help in managing
the ever -rising cost of living. Fuel prices, in particular, are at an all-time high
in California. The Safeway gas station will provide myself and all Petaluma
residents with much-needed access to affordable gas.
In addition to providing affordable gas for residents, the project will offer a
convenient and local "one-stop shop" to meet their grocery store and gas
needs, The convenience of having both a Safeway grocery store and gas
station in Washington Square means shoppers will burn less fuel traveling
to neighboring communities to fill up. Less driving means less traffic and
better air quality.
The project will also create new union jobs, as well as generating up to
$400,000 in new tax revenues per year to support Petaluma's public safety,
road improvements, and neighborhood services.
Safeway has conducted 14 independent project analyses and reviews - the
most in City history for a gas station! The reports conclude the project meets
all thresholds for air quality, traffic, and public health and safety, The project
was proposed 5 -years ago, in which time multiple public hearings, studies,
community meetings, and discussions have taken place. It is time to move
this project forward!
I, therefore, strongly encourage you to uphold the Planning Commission's
approval and adopt the resolutions approving the Mitigated Negative
Declaration and Site Plan and Architectural Review (SPAR) for the Safeway
Gas Station Project, Thank you,
Name Location
Support Petaluma Safeway Gas Petaluma, CA
Petra Gardner
Petaluma, CA
Chris Kline
Rohnert Park, CA
Abigail Sexton
San Ramon, CA
Mark Friedman
Tricia Lee
Petaluma, CA
David Romero
Petaluma, CA
Garrett Hardisty
Petaluma, CA
Gloria Gonzalez
Petaluma, CA
Douglas Hoggan '
Petaluma, CA
Amanda Kirk
Petaluma, CA
Rachel Bell
Ryan Floyd
Sacramento, CA
Amur Kuhn
Mill Valley, CA
-Diane Berman.
Julie Mix
Santa Rosa, CA
yolanda gonzalez
Santa rosa, CA
Anne Jones
Petaluma, CA
Stig Werelius
Santa rasa, CA
Warren Sun
Santa Rosa, CA
Chris Banzet
Petaluma, CA
Jayson Merrill]
Concord, CA
Lisa Ginilo
Petaluma, CA
Donald Johnson
Petaluma, CA
Russel Fones
Petaluma, CA
Mike Whooley
Petaluma, CA
John Pederson
Petaluma, CA
Kevin Peterson
Petaluma, CA
Michele Malman
Petaluma, CA
Delina Loftesnes
Petaluma, CA
Lisa Lellis
Oakland, CA
.Robert Wong
san francisco, CA
Lidia Janeska
Jennifer Harris
Alamo, US
Taylor Falk
Rohnert Park, CA
Walt Hussey
Petaluma, CA
Matthew Cooper
Sonoma, CA
John Cruse
Petaluma, CA
Brian Davis
Petaluma, CA
kelly dunaway
petaluma, CA
Alicia Angerman
Rohnert Park, CA
Julie McClelland
Sonoma, CA
Glynnis Papageorgacopoulos
San Jose, CA
Brandy Boese
Santa Rosa, CA
Neil St Andrew
Petaluma, CA
Mikela Gore
Santa Rosa, CA
Debbie Giba
Santa Rosa, CA
Myriam Soto
Petaluma, CA
Melanie Richards
Rohnert Park, CA
Bob Hill
Petaluma, CA
Kyle Schiavone
Portland, OR
Meg Gray
Sebastopol, CA
Crsig Stone
Rohnert Park, CA
Rafael Cubero
Petaluma, CA
Laura Kepaa
Honolulu, HI
Eva Nelson
San Francisco, CA
David Gallardo
Santa Rosa, CA
Ashley Martin
Petaluma, CA
Craig Black
EI Dorado Hills, CA
Shelli Orme
San Jose, CA
Maddy Stewart
Petaluma, CA
Susie Morris
Hidden Valley Lake, CA
Cody Leveque
Santa Rosa, CA'
Tom McCallister
Healdsburg, CA
Eliabeth Sheehan
Petaluma, CA
Treja McClish
Petaluma, CA
Curtis Hankins
Petaluma, CA
Jasmine Benigno-Hall
Santa Rosa, CA
Michelle Barry
Concord petaluma, CA
Tim Cordellos
Petaluma, CA
Misty Bisby
Junction City, OR
Rickey Koebelen
Robert Park, CA
Rachel Bennett
San Jose, CA,
Jorge Rodriguez
Kathryn Olenberger
Healdsburg, CA
Erik Kraus
San Francisco, CA
Loree Tackmier
Hayward, CA
John Brandon
Petaluma, CA
Emilio Giovanatto.
Petaluma, CA
David Patton
Santa Rosa, CA
Bill Wong
Idaho Falls, ID
Dan Martin
Petaluma, CA
Amy Ruiz
Rohnert Park, CA
David Wong
Las Vegas, NV
karen Clayton
San Jose, CA
Wea Sitchler
Rohnert park, CA
Virgil Elliott
Petaluma, CA
petaluma, CA
Mike Mccamish
San Francisco; CA
Randy Jensen
Petaluma, CA
William McCauley
Petaluma, CA
Tony iadavaia
Hayward, CA
Jay Christensen
Petaluma, CA
Lisa Davis
Petaluma, CA
Jade Paterson
Sebastopol, CA
Evon Tuttle
Petaluma, CA
Cameron Tuttle
Petaluma, CA
Morgan Tuttle
Petaluma, CA
Will Mast
Petaluma, CA
Cynthia Clark
Petaluma, CA
Stan Dennison
Petaluma, CA
Steve Newmsn
Petaluma, CA
Eileen Rossi
Petaluma, CA
Manuel Lara
Sonoma, CA
David Pons
Petaluma, CA
Rashna Sharma
Santa Rosa, CA
Jane Worden
Cotati, CA
Nicole Kiger
Santa Rosa, CA
Jessica Diaz
Vallejo, CA
Maricela Perez
Petaluma, CA
Monica Esparza
Vallejo, CA
Vanessa Anderson
Santa Rosa, CA
Jean Santana
San Rafael, CA
Ralph Sobieski
Glen Ellen, CA
Marla NEAL
Santa Rosa, CA
Treavor Kerch
Petaluma, CA
thomas hagle
Santa Rosa, CA
Chet Root
Hayward, CA
Bill Shiflet
San Francisco, CA
Cynthia De Haro
Napa, CA
Noel Ramirez
Petaluma, CA
Jeremiah Rudder
Petaluma, CA
Susan Wolf
Santa Rosa, CA
Erika Escobar
Napa, CA
Michael Copley
Petaluma, CA
Brigid Reilly
Rohnert Park, CA
Phillip Fernandez
San Francisco, CA
Manuel Mendes
Petaluma, CA
Cindy Ramirez
Dacula, GA
Leticia Esparza
Vallejo, CA
Brandy Lara
Sonoma, CA
Kirk Van wormer
Petaluma, CA
shawn langwgell
Petaluma, US
Chris Asimos
Petaluma, CA
Lori Pearce
Petaluma, CA
Rolando Arango
San Francisco, CA
Priscilla Richardson
Petaluma, CA
Dan Monhoff
Woodland, CA
Sheri Smith
San Francisco, CA
Mario Esparza
Tulsa, OK
Nikala Crellin-Quick
Santa Rosa, CA
Josh Gruenhagen
San Francisco, CA
Melanie Whiteley
Napa, CA
Terry Masin
Santa Rosa, CA
madison mccallister
Petaluma, CA
Justin Hull
Victoria Carrillo
William Mast
Petaluma, CA
Troy Fried
Petaluma, CA
Allen Koehlerschmidt
Petaluma, CA
Beth Hughes
Petaluma, CA
Wes McIntosh
Rohnert Park, CA'
Robin Cook
Santa Rosa, CA
Robert) Ransom, Jr - ChFC
San Francisco, CA
Mike Brannon
Rohnert Park, CA
Oscar Sarlandt
Petaluma, CA
David Martin
Sonoma, CA
Leslie McIntosh
Rohnert Park, CA
Rebecca Ludington
Syracuse, NY
George Leonard
Petaluma, CA
Gary Schindler
Petaluma, CA
Heather Gonzales
Fortuna, CA
Chuck Marshall
Petaluma, CA
Douglas Thayer
Santa Rosa, CA
Jeffrey Chamblee
Prescott Valley, AZ
Chris Underwood
Valley Ford, CA
Jeffrey Levenstam
Petaluma, CA
Tom O'Neill
Petaluma, CA
Dick Dow
San Francisco, CA
Michael McLucas
Petaluma, CA
Troy West
Petaluma, CA
Anthony Taylor
Petaluma, CA
Michael Osullivan
San Francisco, CA.
Paul Mooire
Petaluma, CA
Rico Gomez
Petaluma, CA
Steve Parsons
Petaluma, CA
Petaluma, CA
Viraez Martinez
Petaluma, US
Steven Coon
Petaluma, CA
Daniel Solis
Petaluma, CA
Kenny Gatlin
Petaluma, CA
Roy Martinez
Petaluma, CA
Mark Ralske
Petaluma, CA
Ron and Lynne Head
Petaluma, CA
Anthony Dismore
Petaluma, CA
Jonathan Reece
Petaluma, CA
Tim Harris
Petaluma, CA
Bryan Patterson
Petaluma, CA
Richard Lemos
Petaluma, CA
Austin Hagel
Petaluma, CA
Chris Toll
San Carlos, CA
Aaron Cornish
Petaluma, CA
Larah Mcafee
Isaac Abram.,
Francisco Estrada
San Francisco, CA
Peter Redko
Cotati, CA
kim mansuetti
Mark Irving
San Francisco, CA
Donald Aldridge
Philip Cohen
Petaluma, CA
Carl Harrison
Petaluma, CA
Jared Newman
San Francisco, CA
Eloy Amador
Petaluma, CA
Bryna Wigmore
Rohnert Park, CA
Robert Wong
Salinas, CA
Ashley Brown
Petaluma, CA
Michael Grimm
Folsom, CA
Ken Wong
Atlanta, GA
Janie Wong
Glendale, AZ
Steve Bera
Oakland, CA.
Ben Oseguera
Holly Brians
Santa Rosa, CA
Peggy Soares
Santa Rosa, CA
Patricia Sayerwin
St. George, UT
Shannon Bean'
Rohnert Park, CA
Marsha Collins
Novato, CA
Megan King
Lydia Kugel
Irene DeFelice
Lince Martin
Antelope, CA
Fabian Ortega
Petaluma, CA
Richard Aragundi
Arlington, CA
Cami Warner
Petaluma, CA
Jacob Bell
Petaluma, CA
Rebecca Katreeeb
Petaluma, CA
Julia Crowley
Santa Barbara, CA
McKenna Makarka
Jasmin Garcia
Rohnert Park, CA
Melanie Steele
Petaluma, CA
Vickie Hillstead
Sonoma, CA
Crystal Truesdale
Sonoma, CA
Sabrina Cuevas
Petaluma, CA
Tainya Gardner
Rohnert Park, CA
Nand Gonzalez
Petaluma, CA
Elysa Bravo
Bakersfield, CA
April akers
Petaluma, CA
Maximo Padua
Petaluma, CA
Debbie Dailey
Petaluma, CA
Paige Schlager
Petaluma, CA
Cody H
Petaluma, CA
Katelyne Krafft
Petaluma, CA
patsy lopez
Vallejo, CA
Emily Gallerani
Petaluma, CA
Selah Collins McCabe
Sonoma, CA
Carol Chadwick
Petaluma, CA
Gabby Tapia
Petaluma, CA
Maria Lopez
Petaluma, CA
Cassandra hdyt
Petaluma, CA
Korey Yam.agata
Novato, CA
Alyssa Fowler
Petaluma, CA
Christopher Vitale
Shirley Hayes
Rohnert Park, CA
Brylle Martin
Petaluma, CA
Virna Martin
Petaluma, CA
Brianna Gregory
Rohnert Park, CA
Sunny Garnett
Petaluma, CA
Kevin Adams
Petaluma, CA
Edgar Irizarry
Petaluma, CA
Jacob Dunbar
Petaluma, CA
Beverly Kimball
Alex Johnson
San Jose, CA
Kim Roman
Novato, CA
Brenda Garcia
San Francisco, CA
Stephanie Arriaza
Petaluma, CA
Tyler Nord
Petaluma ca, CA
Maya Babow
Rohnert Park, CA
Jordan Olbrantz
San Jose, CA
Christian Gergus
Petaluma, CA
Joe Nakhonesy
Petaluma, CA
Kenneth Goldstone
Petaluma, CA
Taylor Locati
Petaluma, CA
josh hoh
Petaluma, CA
Kathleen Coon
Petaluma, CA
Justin Jones
Petaluma, CA
Stephen Winston
Petaluma, CA
George Himebaugh
Novato, CA
Elaine Caldwell
Petaluma, CA
Emily Whitacre
Petaluma, CA
Matt Thomas
Petaluma, CA
Payge Mallory
Petaluma, CA
Amanda Medeiros
San Francisco, CA
Paul Mahoney
Novato, CA
Heather Hines
Santa Rosa, CA
Maria Salinas
Petaluma, CA
Jennifer Garrison
Sonoma, CA
cesar gonzalez
novato, CA
Erica Ochoa
Richmond, CA
Maria Barajase
Novato, CA
Carla Agles
Petaluma, CA
Israel Chavez
Rohnert Park, CA
Lesly Gomez
Petaluma, CA
Mary Lowe
Jessica Kruljac
Petaluma, CA
Erik Dyvad
Petaluma, CA
Haley Knott
Petaluma, CA
Allan Estrella
Rohnert Park, CA
Jose Santos
Lafayette, CA
Kolten Merrill
Petaluma, CA
Cyndi Merrill
Petaluma, CA
Neal Hoskins
Chula Vista, CA
Ashley Widemann
Vallejo, CA
Jennifer Spease
Petaluma, CA
John Spease
Petaluma, CA
joe Rothenbuhler
San Francisco, CA
Ron Merrill
Petaluma, CA
Rick Lopez
San Francisco, CA
Erika De la Rosa -Smith
Rohnert Park, CA
Dianne Provenzano
Petaluma, CA
Susan Williams
Petaluma, CA
Mary Davis
Rohnert Park, CA
Abbiegai) Cameron
Rocklin, US
Yajaira Garcia Pena
Petaluma, CA
Olwen Pencil
Sally Cervetto
San Rafael, CA
james burke
Morgan Houston
Sonoma, CA
jacqueline parashis
Novato, CA
Robert Brechan
Sebastopol, CA
John Pease
Petaluma, CA
Martha Mendoza
Sonoma, CA
Jimmy Lane
Petaluma, CA
Justin Stockham
Oakland, CA
Angela McCurdy
Rohnert park, CA
Christine Shepherd
Petaluma, CA
Nikola Janeski
Petaluma, CA
Patty Pacheco
Santa Clara, CA
Sarah Krzesinska
Pleasanton, CA
Marco Sacchetto
Petaluma, CA
Denise Harvest-Dreier
Petaluma, CA
Ryan Katreeb
Bakersfield, CA
Patrick Hodges
Petaluma, CA
Tim Ashdown
Petaluma, CA
Angelo Lugo
Petaluma, CA
Denise kilker
Petaluma, CA
Rachel Harris
Petaluma, CA
Isidora P'erattini
Petaluma, CA
Michael Katreeb
Rohnert Park,. CA
Liss.et Rico Caballero
Petaluma, CA
Angela Velazquez
Petaluma, CA
Colton Hughes
Petaluma, CA
Sharon Harris
San Carlos, CA-
Sandi Gibson
Concord, CA
Madison Eubanks
Petaluma, CA
howard sublow
San Jose, CA
Bob Brewer
Petaaluma, CA
Angelina Farmer
petaluma, CA
Debbie Katreeb
Rohnert Park, CA
Ann Clement'
Petaluma, CA
Leticia Moreno
Petaluma, CA
Daniella Cardinal
Rohnert Park, CA
James Sturla
Petaluma, CA
beverly matthews
rohnert park, CA
Bailey Friend
Newark, CA
Toni Robertson
Petaluma, CA
Bridgette Daddario
Petaluma, CA
Haley Kavanagh
Petaluma, CA
Nina Medina
Barbara Ciero
Adam Lamarre
Rohnert Park, CA
Jenny Hulse
Petaluma, CA
Marcus Gallegos
Petaluma, CA
mikaele lee
petaluma, CA
Kiernan Johnston
Robert Stephens
Dallas, TX
Michael Kentzell
Petaluma, CA
Carolyn Tucker
Petaluma, CA
Audrey Elias
Petaluma, CA
Leticia Venegas
Rohnert Park, CA
Maria Benito
Petaluma, CA
Jane Callaway
Santa Rosa; CA
Anthony Giraudo
Oakland, CA
KELLI Merritt Whyte
Petaluma, CA
Sandy Palmin.i
Novato, CA
Jim Broderson
Santa Rosa, CA
L.izeth Vail
Mario Ramirez
Elizabeth Camacho
Petaluma, CA
Debra Brusatori
San Francisco, CA
Vernetta Cizek
Napa, CA
Jazmyne Taylor
Petaluma, CA
Makayla Chavez
San Carlos, CA
Brendan Clark
Petaluma, CA
Jordan Petersen
Novato, CA
Brianna Gutierrez
Sonoma, CA
Cassandra Chastain
Sonoma, CA
Gary Semling
Alameda, CA
Steve Skanderson
Rohnert Park, CA
Natalie Mattei
Petaluma, CA
Ignacio Esquivel
Petaluma, CA
Tammie Smith
Amber Sublow
Petaluma, CA
Allyn Coon
Petaluma, CA
Kelsey Russo
Santa Rosa, CA
Raeanne Smartt
Santa Rosa, CA
Elizabeth Sheehan
Petaluma, CA
Sally Shaw
Petaluma, CA
Eleazar Alvarez
Santa rola, CA
David Gardner
Petaluma, CA
christopher mychajluk
petaluma, CA
Candace Duff
Petaluma, CA
Lakeport, CA
aimee johannesen
Santa Rosa, CA
Rafael Helguera
San Jose, CA
Lynn Hicks
Petaluma, CA
Gina Campigli
Petaluma, CA
Petaluma, CA
Mike Richie
Pleasanton, CA
Matt Krupp
San Jose, CA
Dan Colville
Petaluma, CA
Sevan Engurliyan
Petaluma, CA
Terry Mason
Santa Rosa, CA
Devin Caauwe
San Francisco, CA
Kristine Caauwe
Santa Rosa, CA
Tammara Hall
Petaluma, CA
Kelly Hansen
Cotati, CA
Petaluma, CA
Loretta Bracco
Petaluma, CA
Tania Patino
Petaluma, CA
Sheila Struck
Vancouver, US
Byron salazar
Rohnert Park, CA '
Kenneth Wollman
Petaluma, CA
John Conti
Sonoma, CA
Al Silva
Sonoma, CA
Greg Whearty
Petaluma, CA
Bobb Kosoff
Petaluma, CA
Mary Anne Heffernan
Fairfax, CA
Peter Parks
Petaluma, CA
Andrew Proaps
Petaluma, CA
Joel Sanchez
San Jose, CA
Jeff Reinheimer
San Francisco, CA
Marcie DeCarli
Petaluna, CA
Patty Molles
San Francisco, CA
John Silveira
Petaluma, CA
Kimberly Silveira
petaiuma, CA
Anthony Chavez
Ukiah, CA
Onaje Boone
San Francisco, CA
Kristina Bushur
Sparks, NV
Erin Monahan
Petaluma, CA
Austin Perkins
San Francisco, CA
Cathy Scanlan
Mill Valley, CA
Judith Roberts
Petaluma, CA
Cyndil Ackerman
Petaluma, CA
Ilene Mattison-Shupnick
Petaluma, CA
Brian Rademacher
Petaluma, CA
Karen Murphy
Petaluma, CA
Jennifer Barkdull
Petaluma, CA
Glenn Illian
Petaluma, CA
Eric Younger
Petaluma, CA
candy Otani
Petaluma, CA
Don Scott
Petaluma, CA
Petaluma, CA
Ryan Robinson
Petaluma, CA
Kevin Kern
Rohnert park, CA
Jack Reilly
Petaluma, CA
annie demarest
Petaluma, CA
17 september 2o18
zen destiny
city of petaluma council
affiliated staff
re: agenda item 6B,
the apocalypse
oh my God! there's going to be a gas station in petaluma. what arewe gonna do? someone,
please help us! OH NO!! ! [capital letters are for tonal emphasis] please, there must be
someone out there who can save the city from this environmental catastrophe. for God's sake,
only the fight for global warming/cooling sometimes can save us now! where's al gore?
oh, no, he's busy having sex with older movie stars who slept their way into the industry.
right now, he's breathing out carbon dioxide! someone please call him and have him fly his jet
to sonoma county and come to the site of the gas station site and make predictions.. [but tell
him to fill up the his limo in santa rosa or rohnert park],
hasn't this town learned from all the gas stations that have already blown up next to schools in
petaluma? you're murderer's, we can't sleep at night unless you know exactly what land of
concerned,. involved citizens we really are. what terrible people you must be not to cater to
our every whim, don't you care about us? have you not forgotten that running for office in
this town is just one big ass -kissing contest? pucker up, petaluma city council. its D day!
that's it! we want mcdowell and wa8hington street changed to just bicycle paths, actually,
cars are too dangerous. we must ban all cars in the city limits. cars are racist! cars represent
white privilege! traffic is a result of white privilege!
you're really doing this because you're racist, fascist nazi's! your white guilt is insufficient to
overcome your white privilege.
damn racist white people! that's it! I'm calling the al sharpton hotline!
Oh, my God! please don't do this! [sobbing] I'm begging you.
Oh, No! there's going to be another gas station in petaluma.
Evelyn Ellis
From: Eric Roberts
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:38 PM
To: Evelyn Ellis; Heather Hines
Cc: Evelyn Ellis
Subject: Fw: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
499'HU,'v1I,OLDTSTREET I SANTA ROSA I CA 1954041707.540.0723.ext.317
From: malcolm@johnsonnet.com <mal'colm@johnsonnet.com>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:20 PM
To: mayordavidglass@gmail.com
Cc: petalumaplanning@ci.petaluma.ca.us
Subject: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL. IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR EMAIL. SYSTEM. --
Message: Of the several items up for vote and discussion in the City Council, two are prominent: the Safeway
gas station and the bathtub art. Just in time for the November election cycle.
Safeway Gas Station I believe the proposed gas station at Washington Square would be a benefit to our
community overall. The main argument for it is that it would create needed competition leading to a reduction
in community dollars spent on fuel
Evelyn Ellis
From: Eric Roberts
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:37 PM.
To: Evelyn Ellis; Heather Hines
Cc: Ellen McDowell
Subject: Fw: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
499 HLIMPOLDT STREET I SANTA ROSA ICA 195404 1 707.540.0723 ext. 317
From: Kathleencoon@comcast.net <I<athleencoon@comcast.net>
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2018 11:47 AM
To: mayordavidglass@gmail.com
Cc: petalumaplanning@ci.petaluma.ca.us
Subject: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR EMAIL SYSTEM. --
Message: We totally support and want the Safeway gas station; We filled our truck up yesterday 9/14 at
Safeway in Novato. Paid 2.43 a gallon with our discount. Normal price was 3.43 and the gas station on bay.
wood drive here is 3.83. Always so much higher here. And the gas station across from the.Safeway was over 4
dollars a gallon. So Safeway does not raise there prices to reflect those around them. We never put gas in any
of our cars her in town. Way to high. Please approve this new station
Name: Kathleen Coon
Evelyn Ellis
From: Ellen McDowell
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:23 PM
To: Heather Hines; Evelyn Ellis
Subject: FW: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
From: malcolm@johnsonnet.com <malcolm@johnsonnet.com>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:20 PM
To: mayordavidglass@gmail.com
Cc: petalumaplanning@ci.petaluma..ca.us
Subject: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR EMAIL SYSTEM. ---
Message: Of the several items up for vote and discussion in the City Council, two are prominent: the Safeway gas station
and the bathtub art. Just in time for the November election cycle.
Safeway Gas Station I believe the proposed gas station at Washington Square would be a benefit to our community
overall. The main argument for it is that it would create needed competition leading to a reduction in community dollars
spent on fuel
Document Received After Agenda Distribution a Agenda Item #6.8
Cooper, Claire _
Lori Molden
Monday, September 17, 2018 3:06 PM
Gas station
It would be dangerous to have a gas station on So McDowell and Maria. If you have ever driven by the baseball fields
during Little League season you will see many families parking in the parking lot near Safeway and walking across the
street to the baseball fields, The players range in age from 6 to 12 and many have younger siblings, Many students use
the bus stop to take the bus to school, To add extra traffic to an intersection that is already so congested is unsafe.
There are hundreds of apartments behind Safeway and across the street from the snack shack. Add the traffic from the
shopping,center and the schools and you have a'prescription for a tragedy. I have worked at the snack shack at Murphy
Field and watched the cars run the stop signs on a regular basis, Maria Drive is heavily traveled as it is one of the main
streets in that area. The few dollars customers would save is not enough to endanger our children. There are about 5
other stations in Petaluma that already give discounts for Safeway Rewards members: The average income of Petaluma
residents does not amount to a real need for another gas station. Please keep our families safe and deny them this gas
From: Mike Headley <headlev@lonestranger.net>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 2:59 PM
To: maVordavidglass@gmaiLcom; councilman.albertson@gmaiLcom; teresa4petaIuma@comcast.net;
dayel<ingpcc@kmail.com; I<athleencmilleroff`ice@gmaiLcom; councilmemberkearney@me.com; - City
Clerk <-CitVClerl< ci.petaluma,ca,us>; - City Attorney <^citVattorney@ci eetaluma.ca.us>;
Subject: PVLL Parent, Coach and Board Member Comments Regarding Safeway Fuel Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE
To the Petaluma City Council members,
As a parent, coach, and board member of Petaluma Valley Little League, I believe that
the gas station is not a good fit for this location. I strongly implore you to approve the
appeal and reject the proposed Safeway Fuel Station.
The idling vehicles increase air pollutants and reduce air quality with Known carcinogens
where children are being physically active. The teams utilize both Murphy Field on the
corner of Maria and Park, the Minor field down Maria toward McDowell, and the batting
cage and pitching bullpens between the two. These are right next to the gas station site
and exposed to the emissions from the idling vehicles in line just a few yards away.
With the increased vehicle usage in the area, there is a greater opportunity for accidents
between cars and children. In the Spring, there is Petaluma Valley activity at the fields
every day, whether it is practice or games, ,and further field usage throughout the year
for travel ball and local Fall Ball teams. Parents park along Maria Drive and Park Lane,
and in'the shopping center parking lot. Some Kids ride their bikes or walk to practice.
There is a lot of foot traffic along Maria and across it, as they walk to and from the
The votes of the city council members on this issue will impact my discussions with
other Petaluma Valley Little League parents and coaches. I will make sure that they know
how each of the council members voted so they can make an in decision when it
comes to their own voting in future elections. Please take the health and well-being of
our children seriously.
Thank you,
Mike Headley
Parent/Coach/PULL Board Member
Document ,Deceived After Agenda Distribution -Agenda Item #6.B
Cooper-, Claire
From: Becky Rowland
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 2:23 PM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: Proposed Safeway gas station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR EMAIL SYSTEM. ---
Dear Sir and/or Madam- Please reconsider the proposed gas station on the corner of McDowell Blvd and Maria. Bad
choice in this area. It concerns me you would allow a gas station on this corner. With a daycare center directly across
the'street, an elementary school, a little league baseball field, and another field where I have seen children play soccer, a
bus stop, don't forget the homes across the street. Poor area for something like this, way too busy of an intersection.
What's more important saving a few cents in gasoline or the children's welfare?
Cooper, Claire
Carol Horton <Carol@semlawyers.com>
Monday, September 17, 2018 12:52 PM
Hines, H
Cooper, Claire; Patrick Soluri; Mae Empleo
Email 1 of 7 - Exhibit 1 to Fox Report [Comments re: Sept. 17, 2018 City Council Meeting, Agenda
Item 6.6. (Safeway Fuel Center Project)]
Ex 1.pdf
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR EMAIL SYSTEM. ---
Dear Ms. Hines:
Attached please find the documents referenced in the Fox Report's footnotes. CEQA case law requires that we
physically transmit these documents and not rely on hyperlinks. They are organized according to footnote number
Due to the size of the files, the files will be transmitted through a total of 7 emails.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Carol Horton
Soluri Meserve, A Law Corporation
510 8th Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
W fel: 916.455.7300 ■ Q fax: 996.244.7300 ■ ® email: carolAsemlawyers.com
This email and any attachments thereto may contain private, confidential, and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient,
Document Received After Agenda Distribution - Agenda ,item #6.B
Cooper, Claire
From: Moira Sullivan
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 1:51 PM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: Proposed Safeway Gas Station
September -16, 2018
Dear Petaluma City Council members,
I am writing you in regards to the Proposed 16 -bay Safeway fueling station on Petaluma's east
side. 1 am a toxicologist with the State of California and I have reviewed the relevant scientific
literature on the health impacts of gasoline and fuel emissions in children. Much of it is fairly
'recent; so you may not be up to date on the most current scientific findings regarding adverse
health impacts and proximity to gas stations.
The US Environmental Protection agency (USEPA) classifies gas stations as point sources for benzene, a potent
volatile carcinogen that is linked to cancer in children. Living next to a gas station (within 328
feet) quadruples the risk of acute leukemia in children and increases the risk of developing acute non-
lymphoblastic childhood leukemia by 7 times, compared with children who don't live near a gas station
(Steffen et al., 2004). (Cancer is a leading cause of'childhood mortality in the US, and leukemia is the most
frequent malignant disease effecting children). Because benzene is a carcinogen, the World Health
Organization (WHO) has determined that there is no safe level of exposure,
Studies show that living within 100 yards (300 feet) of -a gas station damages your health and that
a 100 yard distance, at a minimum, should apply to vulnerable facilities such as schools (Morales
et al., 2010). Children with higher exposures to toxins such as benzene and vehicle exhaust are
More likely to require academic'support services later in childhood, and to adversely impact their
educational trajectories (Stingone et al., 2017). The USEPA publishes School Siting Guidelines that .
recommend careful evaluation for any potential school location within 1,000 feeiof a large gas
station (defined'as dispensing more than 3.6 millions gallons/year). The'proposed Safeway gas
station, with 16 bays,, will dispense in excess of 8.5 million gallons fuel/year - and there is a
preschool, daycare center, and playing fields within *60 feet, numerous residences within 80 feet,
and an elementary school within .150 feetofthis fueling station. These are unsafe distances:
There is a large body of scientific literature on the health impacts of gasoline and fuel emissions,
particularly in children. I have included, below, a summary of some of the scientific findings for
your review. Cancer, neurotoxicity, respiratory and other inflammatory effects are some of the
health endpoints of concern. Even at low levels, airborne concentrations of benzene have been
shown to result in oxidative damage to nucleic acids in children 5-11 years of age (Andreoli et al.,
2015). (Oxidative damage is implicated in many chronic diseases.).
Simply put, I don't think Petaluma can manage the liability this has*the potential to create in terms
of the risk of adverse health outcomes — given the scientific weight of evidence. Moreover, I am
concerned about your proceeding with this decision when neither the City Council nor Safeway
have properly evaluated the health risks of this fueling station. Whatever revenues maybe
realized from this commercial enterprise would be offset by likely lawsuits regarding children's,
teachers' and resident's health. Fueling stations, especially mega fuel stations, should notbe
located in areas where vulnerable populations and activities (e.g.,schools, child-care centers)
would be impacted. Interestingly, Petaluma'sgeneral plan already forbids new drive-throughs, in
an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from idling vehicles, and a 16 -bay gas station would
do just that: significantly increase greenhouse gas emissions.
In 2018, as Petaluma continues to grow and land becomes increasingly expensive, it doesn't make economic
sense to keep building gas stations, let alone mega -sized gas stations. In many cities, a -gas station falls far
down on the list of the best things to do with a piece of land. It would be far more preferable to build housing
above with stores below than to put in a conventional gas station which - given the cheap price of natural gas
and the drive to move towards natural gas -based fuels and electric.cars - is on the -wane, Moreover, no need
for additional gas stations to meet the needs of Petaluma citizens has been shown. Thus, the Wilding. of this
gas station is without merit, and poses a gravely unacceptable risk to our community's most vulnerabe
citizens: young children.
Thank you for-yourtime and attention to this critical matter.
Sincerely, Moira Sullivan, M.S.
Health Impacts of Gasoline and Vehicle Emissions on Children
Toxicity summary prepared by Moira Sullivan, M.S.
With fueling stations, comes traffic. Lots of it. From the refueling trucks, to the numerous idling cars.
Residents living, working, and playing in close proximity to gas stations have a greater risk of developing
serious health effects, including cancer. There is a considerable volume of peer-reviewed, scientific
literature on the adverse. health effects of traffic pollution on infant and children's health. Some of the
studies showing adverse effects specifically relate to.children's proximity to gas stations.
Liquid, aerosol, and gaseous components in fuel and fuel exhaust (e.g.,volatile compounds, particulate
matter, and nanoparticles) are examples of hazardous air contaminants found in and around fueling
stations. Benzene, a volatile organic compound (VOC), is a carcinogen found in.gasoline and automobile.
exhaust. Areas in close proximity to gas stations contain a different ratio of contaminants from those
found in urban air, due to vapor emissions from unburned gasoline (aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbon
pollutants) from fuel loading and unloading operations, refueling and liquid spillages. A study by Johns
Hopkins School of Public Health reports that even small spills at gas stations -- "droplets of fuel" -
cumulatively cause long-term environmental damage to soil and'groundwater in residential areas close
to the stations, resulting in significant public health risks (Hilpert and Breysse, 2014). Large filling
stations can dispense'as much as 1 million gallons fuel/month (12 million gallons/year).
The proven causal relationship between benzene and cancer is well documented and accepted by the
scientific community -- and gas stations are classified by the US Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) as a point source for benzene, A number of studies have linked residential proximity togas
stations to an increased risk of adverse health outcomes (Brender et al., 2011).
Proximity togas stations is a risk for cancer (Talbott et al., 2011), and, specifically, leukemia in
children (Brosselin et al., 2009; Infante, 2017; Steffen et al., 2004; Steinmaus and Smith, 2017). Living
next to a gas station quadruples the risk of acute leukemia in children and increases the risk of
developing acute non -lymphoblastic childhood leukemia by 7 times, compared with children who don't
live near a gas station (Steffen et al., 2004). Thusly, gas stations should notbe located in areas where
housing or vulnerable populations and activities -- such as those in schools, hospitals, or community
centers - would be impacted.
Studies show that living within 100 yards of a gas station damages your health, and that a 100 yard
distance, at a minimum, should apply to vulnerable facilities such as schools (Morales et al., 2010), A link
between childhood leukemia and residence within 100 meters (328 feet) of a gas station has been
reported by one group of researchers (Steffen et al., 2004). Distances between gas stations and schools
depend on -the number of gas pumps, the amount of fuel drawn from them, and the traffic intensity that,
in the case of a 16 -bay gas station, is considerable. The USEPA publishes School Siting Guidelines that
recommend careful evaluation for any potential schoof location within 1,000 feet of a LARGE gas station
(defined as dispensing more than 3.6 millions gallons/year). I don't think Petaluma can manage the
liability this would create in terms of adverse health problems.
Finally -as Petaluma continues to grow and land becomes exceedingly expensive, it doesn't make
economic sense to keep building gas stations, let alone mega -sized gas stations. In many cities, a gas
station falls far down on the list of the best things to do with a piece of land. It would be far
preferable/desirable to build housing above with stores below than to put in a gas station which - given
the cheap price of natural gas and the drive to move towards natural gas -based fuefs and electric cars - is
on the wane.
Studies in Humans
Overall, babies and children are at greater risk than adults from exposure to environmental
toxins/insults because their cells are rapidly dividing, and because they have higher rates of
respiration, In one modeling study that assessed the impact of inhalation exposure to
benzene in adults, pregnant women, toddlers, and neonates - neonates were always the most
sensitive subpopulation (Valcke and Krishnan, 2011). Body burdens of benzene have been
found in greater�amounts in children than adults (Choi et al., 2017; Jain, 2015). In one study
of 65 elementary school children, levels of the VOCs benzene and toluene were detected
above the "limits of quantification of the samplers",in 90% of the children; the median
concentration of benzene was 10.9mcg/m3(Araki et al., 2012). Because benzene is a
carcinogen, the World Health Organization (WHO) has determined that no safe level of
benzene exposure can be recommended. An airborne. benzene concentration level
of 17mcg/m3is associated with alifetime cancer risk of 10 -4, or 1 in 10,000 (WHO). That's
dangerously low (1 in 10,000 individuals). Crosignani et al. (2004) showed significantly
increased risks for childhood leukemia with benzene concentrations'higher than 10 mcg/m3.
(This study just looked at cancer as an endpoint, but no amount of exposure to a carcinogen is
a good thing).
Several studies that looked at VOC levels (including benzene) in education environments for young
children found that indoor and outdoor levels of benzene were higher than the European Union standard
of 5 mcg/m3(Norback et al., 2017). In CA, a number of VOC levels, including benzene, exceeded age-
adjusted "safe -harbor levels" based on California's Proposition 65 guidelines of educational facilities
(Hoang et al., 2017). The authors of the CA study -- the Berkeley School of Public Health, Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory, and the California Air Resources Board - state that, "mitigation strategies
are warranted to reduce exposures".
Evaluation of VOC concentrations in indoor and outdoor micro environments at 4 elementary
schools in Texas showed that VOC levels (benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene; and xylene)' were
higher in schools situated near areas of high traffic density (Raysoni et al., 2017). Other
studies have reported similar findings, and that the source of polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs) in primary school environments originates from infiltration of ambient
air indoors, and that vehicular traffic is the predominant source of indoor PAHs (Oliveira et
al., 2017). The study found that the total cancer risk of children 8-10 years old exceeded (by
up to 22 fold) the USEPA and WHO recommended guidelines for PAHs. Because of such
findings in numerous scientific studies, exposure of susceptible populations (e,g,,infants,
children, pregnant women) to ambient VOCs should be considered when planning public
service facilities, such as fueling stations (Wang et al., 2016).
Cancer Risk - Children
Cancer is a leading cause of childhood mortality in the U.S. And leukemia is the most frequent
malignant disease. effecting children. A number of scientific studies have found that .
environmental exposure to gasoline and automobile exhaust are associated with significant
elevations in the risk of childhood cancers (leukemia and central nervous system tumors)
(fanitz et al., 2017; Raaschou-Nielsen et al., 2018). Childhood leukemia has been significantly
associated with living near gasoline stations (Brosselin et al.; 2009; Steffen et al.,
2004). Moreover, a significant exposure -response relationship exists between the likelihood
of childhood leukemia and the number of gasoline stations per square mile (Weng et al.,
A meta-analysis of outdoor pollution and risk of childhood leukemia reported a link between
ambient exposure to traffic pollution and childhood leukemia risk, particularly due to
benzene (Filippini et al.; 2015). Even at ambient levels, exposure to benzene was found to
increase the riskfor childhood cancer (Raaschou-Nielsen et al., 2018). One meta-analysis that
compared a number of studies on childhood cancer and early -life exposure to benzene found
evidence of associations between childhood leukemia and exposure to benzene (Carlos -
Wallace et al., 2016). A study that examined brain cancer risks in children with early life
exposure to ambient air toxics, found that prenatal exposure to PAHs generated byindustrial
and road traffic sources (including benzene) was associated with brain and central nervous
system tumors in young children (von Ehrenstein et al., 2016). Studies that have looked at
susceptible populations - like school children - with exposure to PAHs, have found that "city"
school children (compared to children in rural areas) have significantly higher levels of PAH -
DNA adducts, 8-OHdG (biomarker for indicating the presence of DNA damage), and DNA
strand breaks, and significantly lower levels of DNA repair capacity. Further, that the levels of
benzene and PAH exposure correlate significantly with 8-OHdG levels, DNA strand breaks,-
reaks,and DNA repair capacity in schoolchildren-(Ruchirawat et al., 2010).
Cancer - Adults
Another study that evaluated leukemia in a community in Pennsylvania following exposure to
gasoline vapors from a fuel, spill found an association between chronic, low-level benzene
exposure and increased risk of leukemia (Patel et al., 2004; Talbott et al., 2011). The overall
evidence (from looking at 43 case --control worker studies that evaluated exposure to
benzene and adverse health. outcomes) supports an association between benzene exposure
and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (Smith et al., 2007). Even at low benzene exposure levels
(levels >100 times lowerthan the Occupational Safety and Health Administration), blood levels
of MtDNAcn, a biological oxidative response to mitochondrial DNA damage and dysfunction,
were increased (Carugno et al., 2012). Benzene is an established leukomogen (promotes
development of leukemia).
Neurotoxicity - Children
There is a growing body of literature showing associations between prenatal and early -life
exposures to air pollution, and children's neurodevelopment, Children with higher exposures
to PAHs, such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) were more likely to
require academic support services later in childhood, and to adversely impact their
educational trajectories (Stingone et al., 2017). In one study that looked at neurobehavioral
performance in 606 adolescents, an inverse association was found between sustained
attention and traffic exposure; benzene was used as a biomarker of exposure (Kicinski et al.,
2015). A study that looked at 438 mother -child pairs found that prenatal residential exposure
to PM2.5 (particulate matter 2.5 microns in diameter) resulted in impaired cognitive and
psychomotor developments in infants in -their secondyear of life (Lertxundi et al., 2015).
Inflammatory Effects - Children
Significantly higher serum IgG antibodies to benzene and other air pollutants were found in
children from high pollution areas compared to those with low air pollution,exposures; the
children showed an early brain imbalance in oxidative stress, inflammation, innate and
adaptive immune response -associated genes, and blood -brain barrier breakdown (Calderon-
Garciduenas et al., 2015). Exposure of children and other susceptible groups to vehicle
exhaust induces mechanisms of pathogenesis in heart and lung tissue (cardiopulmonary
pathologies), and contributes to long-term diseases such as asthma, allergies, and cancer
(Manzetti and Andersen, 2016). Ina study that looked at intrauterine and early postnatal
exposure to outdoor air pollution, higher exposures to benzene were associated with reduced
lung function in preschoolers (Morales et al., 2015). Significant changes -in airway response.
were seen in the respiratory tract of 51 children exposed to increasing air pollution levels
(Martins et al., 2012). Increasing exposure to benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, nitrogen oxides,
and PM 10 was significantly associated with a decrease in forced expiratory volume in 1
second (FEV1); and with an increase of change in FEV1. Increasing benzene levels were also
related to a significant decrease in forced vital capacity, and with acidity of pH in exhaled
breadth condensate (EBC). An evaluation of long-term exposure to close -proximity air
pollution and health effects in 6,683 children aged 9-11 years attending 108 schools showed
that asthma, eczema, and sensitization to pollens was significantly associated with benzene,
as well as other vehicular contaminants (PM10, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and carbon
monoxide) (Penard-Morand et al., 2010). VOCs such as benzene, found in gasoline, are a risk
factor for Otis media in children (Kim et al., 2017); and indeed, from studies in gas station
attendants, it is known that gasoline causes alteration in the central hearing system
(Ototoxicity) (Quevedo et al., 2012). Even at low levels, airborne concentrations of benzene
have been shown to result In oxidative damage to nucleic acids in children 5-11 years of
age (Andreoli et al., 2015). (Oxidative stress plays a critical role'in the development and
perpetuation of inflammation). Oxidation and inflammation are implicated in many chronic
Studies in Animals
Numerous studies have reported associations between benzene exposure and development
of lymphomas in mice (Smith et al., 2007). Studies in animals have shown -that short-term
exposure (i:e.,2 hours) to particulate matter from gasoline engines exhaust upregulates genes
related to PAH metabolism and inflammation in the lungs of mice (Maikawa et al., 2018).
Andreoli. R et al. (2015). Environ Res. 142:264-72. Urinary biomarkers of exposure and of
oxidative damage in children exposed to low airborne concentrations of benzene.
Araki A et al. (2012).-1 Environ Monit, 14(2):368-74. Validation of diffusive mini -samplers for
aldehyde and VOC and its feasibility for measuring the exposure levels of elementary school
Brender JD et al. (2011). Am J Public Health. Suppl 1:S37-52. Residential proximity to
environmental hazards and adverse health outcomes.
Brosselin P et al. (2009). Occup Environ Med. 66(9):598-606. Acute childhood leukaemia and
residence next to petrol stations and automotive repair garages: the ESCALE study (SFCE).
Calderon-Garciduenas L et al. (2015). J Alzheimers Dis. 43 (3):1039-58. Air pollution and
children: neural and tight junction antibodies and combustion metals, the role of barrier
breakdown and brain immunity in neurodegeneration.
Carlos -Wallace FM (2016). Am J Epidemiol. 183 (1):11.4. Parental, In Utero, and Early -Life
Exposure to Benzene and the Risk of Childhood Leukemia: A Meta -Analysis.
Carugno M et al, (2012). Environ Health Persp-ect. 120(21:210-5. Increased mitochondrial .
DNA copy number in occupations associated with low-dose benzene exposure.
Choi J et al.. (2017). Int J Hyg Environ Health. 220(2 PtA):282.�298. Identification of exposure
to environmental chemicals in children and older adults using human biomonitoring data*
sorted by age: Results-from a literature review.
Filippini T et al. (2015), J Environ Sci Health C Environ Carcinog Ecotoxicol Rev. 33 (1):36-
66. A review and meta-analysis of outdoor air pollution and risk of childhood leukemia.
Hilpert M and Breysse PN (2014). J Contain. Hydrol. 170:39-52. Infiltration and evaporation of
small hydrocarbon spills at gas stations.
Hoang et al. (2017). Indoor Air. 27(3):609-621. VOC exposures in California early childhood
education environments.
Infante PF (2017).',AmJ Epidemiol. 185 (1):1-4.Residential Proximity to Gasoline Stations and
Risk of Childhood- Leukemia.
Jain RB (2015). Environ Res. 1.42:461-70. Levels-ofselectedurinary metabolites of volatile
organic compounds among children aged 6=11 years.
Janitz AE et al. (2017): Environ Res. 158:167-173. Benzene and childhood acute leukemia in
Kicinski M et al. (2015), Environ Int. 75:136-43. Neurobehavioral performance in-adolescerits
is inversely associated with traffic exposure.
Kim SYet al. (2017). Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 93:157-162. Impact of environmental
volatile organic compounds on otitis media in children: Correlation between exposure and
urinary metabolites.
Lertxundi A et al. (2015). Environ Int. 80:33-40. Exposure to fine particle matter, nitrogen
dioxide and benzene during pregnancy and cognitive and psychomotor developments in
children at 15 months of age.
Li Jet al, (2015). Sci Total Environ. 524-525:74-80. Co-exposure to polycyclic. aromatic
hydrocarbons, benzene and toluene and their dose-effects on oxidative stress damage in
kindergarten-aged children in Guangzhou, China.
Maikawa CL et al. (2018). Int J Environ Res Public Health. 15 (3). Comparison of Airway
Responses Induced in a Mouse Model by the Gas and Particulate Fractions of Gasoline Direct
Injection Engine Exhaust:
Manzetti S and Anderson'O (2016). J Paihopho siology_. 23(4):285-293. Biochemical and
physiological effects from exhaust emissions. A review of the relevant literature.
Martins PC et al. (2012), Eur Respir 1.39(2):246-53. Airways changes related to air pollution
exposure in wheezing children.'
McKenzie et al. (2017). PLoS One. 12(2). Childhood hematologic cancer and residential
proximity to oil and gas development.
Morales Terres IM et al. (2010). J Environ Manage. 91(12):2754-62. Assessing the impact of
petrol stations on their immediate surroundings.
Morales E et al. (2015). Thorax.70(1):64-73. Intrauterine and earlypostnatal exposure to
outdoor air pollution and lung function at preschool age.
Norback D et al. (2017). Sci Total Environ. 592:153-160.Volatile organic compounds (VOC),
formaldehyde and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in schools in Johor Bahru, Malaysia: Associations
with rhinitis, ocular, throat and dermal symptoms, headache and fatigue.
Oliveira M et al. (2017). Sci Total Environ. 575:1156-1167. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
in primary school environments: Levels and potential risks.
Patel AS (2004). Arch Environ Health. 59(10):497.503. Risk of cancer as a.result of
community exposure to gasoline vapors.
Penard-Morand C et al. (2010). Eur Respir 1. 36(1):33-40. Long-term exposure to close -
proximity air pollution and asthma and allergies in urban children.
Quevedo Lda S et al. (2012). Braz I Otorhinolaryngol, 78(6):63-8. -Auditory brainstem
response in gas station attendants.,
Raaschou-Nielsen 0 et al. (2018). Int , Cancer. (Epub ahead of print). Ambient benzene at the
residence and risk for subtypes of childhood leukemia, lymphoma and CNS tumor.
RaysoniAU et al. (2017). Environ Pollut. 231(Pt 1):681-693. Evaluation of VOC
concentrations in indoor and outdoor micro environments at near -road schools.
Ruchirawat Met al. (2010). Chem Biol Interact. 184(1-2):67-76. Exposure to benzene in
various susceptible populations: co -exposures to 1,3 -butadiene and PAHs and implications
for carcinogenic risk.
Smith MT et al. (2007). Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 16(3):385-91. Benzene exposure
and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Steffen C'et al. (2004). Occup Environ Med. 61(9): 773--778. Acute childhood leukaemia and
environmental exposure to potential sources of benzene and other hydrocarbons; a case -
control study.
Steinmaus C and Smith M (2016). Am l Epidemiol.183(1):1-14.Parental, In Utero, and Early -
Life Exposure to Benzene and the Risk of Childhood Leukemia: A Meta -Analysis.
Steinmaus C and Smith MT (2017). Steinmaus and Smith respond to "Proximity to gasoline
stations and childhood leukemia". Am 7 Epidem 185 (1): 5-7.
Stingone j et al. (2016). Environ Res. 148:144-153. Association between prenatal exposure
to ambient diesel particulate matter and p erchloro ethylene with children's 3rd grade
standardized test scores.
Stingone lAet al. (2017). Environ Health. 18; 16(1):2. Early -life exposure to air pollution and
greater use of academic support services in childhood: a population -based cohort study of
urban children.
Talbot E et al. (2005). ,Arch Environ Occup Health, 60(1):53. Risk of cancer as a result of
community exposure to gasoline vapors.
Talbot BO et al. (2011). Environ Res. 111(4):597-602.Risk of leukemia as a result of
community exposure to gasoline vapors: a follow-up study.
Valcke M and Krishnan K (2011.). Inhal Toxicol. 23(141:863-77. Assessing the impact of the
duration and intensity of inhalation exposure on the magnitude of the variability of internal
dose metrics in children and adults.
Von Ehrenstein OS et al. (2016). Environ Health Perspect. 124(7):1093-9. In Utero and
Early -Life Exposure to Ambient Air Toxics and Childhood Brain Tumors: A Population -Based
Case -Control Study in California, USA,
Wang YC et al. (2016). Environ Sci Process Impacts. 18(11):1458-1468. Characteristics and
determinants of ambient volatile organic compounds in primary schools.
Weng HH et al. (2009). J Toxicol Eniron Hlth A 72(2): 83-7. Childhood leukemia and traffic
air pollution in Taiwan: petrol station density as an indictor.
Document Received After Agenda Distribution - Agenda Item #6.D
Cooper, Claire
From: i
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 1:38 PM
To: CityCouncil .
Subject: No gas station at Safeway
I'am unable to attend the city council meeting in person to state my position, so I am sending this.
As a resident of Petaluma, I STRONGLY oppose the approval of the proposed gas station at Safeway on N. Mc Dowell for
the following reasons:
• The fumes from the idling cars present a real risk to the children at the nearby schools and parks as well as the
residents living in the area. Please do not value money over the health and well being of our children.
• There are already 3 gas stations nearby, and Safeway customers can get a discount at Chevron.
• This station will also increase traffic congestion in an area that -is already frequently backed up.
• The increased traffic poses a safety issue forthe children and adults of the neighborhood, as -well as those
visiting the shopping center.
You are supposed to represent the people of Petaluma. Please honor that obligation and do the right thing, up to and
including taking this to the courts.
Reverse the planning commission's conditional approval.
I will never vote for any of the city council members who approve this gas station, and I will encourage all my friends and
neighbors to do the same.
Thank you for your consideration.
Joann. Binder
Document ,Received After Agenda Distribution m Agenda Item #6.D
Cooper, Claire
From: Mike and Fran Adams
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 12:08 PM
To: - City Clerk
Subject: Safeway / Walgreens
How can the City support a large gas station with idling cars most of the time, when you did• not support a Walgreen's
with a drive.thru window?
Fran Adams
Cooper, Claire
Subject: FW: Safeway Gas Station Proposal at Corner of McDowell & Maria,
From: Richard Duarte
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 11:20 AM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: Safeway Gas Station Proposal at Corner of McDowell & Maria.
Dear Petaluma City Council Members,
Please consider the arguments put forth by the NoGasHere organization and the Petaluma City Schools in opposition to
Safeway's plan to put a Gas Station at the corner of McDowell & Maria. Their concerns center on the proximity of the
proposed project to McDowell Elementary School, a Pre -School, and the Little League Baseball Fields located on the
school grounds and down the street at Murphy Field (McDowell Park) and I share those concerns. As a longtime coach
and Board member of the Petaluma Valley Little League I have spend the better part of the last 35 years on those
My concerns center on adding additional. traffic to that already impacted neighborhood. The City of Petaluma has allowed
the Artisan at Petaluma luxury apartments to be built (behind Safewayand across from Murphy Field without providing
adequate parking for the residents and removed on -street parking from Maria Dr. pushing residents to take all the parking
around the ballparks and play fields, Then, Addison Ranch Apartments were allowed to effectively double in size without
adding much parking (if any). The net effect of these City approved projects (Addison Ranch doubling !n size; the Artisan
at Petaluma project AND the Safeway expansion into the old Mervyn's site) has increased-fhe traffic In the area
I believe adding a large Gas Station to that corner AND removing parking in front of Safeway will make a bad traffic area
much worse!. Heavy traffic and kids playing ball with foul ball getting hit into a busy street is just not a good mix. If this
project is confirmed by the City Councii.tonight ... I would appreciate consideration for 2 things:
1. There needs to be a'3 -way stop on Maria Dr. at the Safeway driveway between the 2 Little League fields with
crosswalks OR a flashing crosswalk should be put in there,
2. The 2 baseball diamonds should have additional netting installed to prevent more foul balls from flying into Maria Dr.
and Park Ln. If this were to be considered, I would be happy to work with City Staff and the developer to design and
implement.a fix that works for the Little League, the School District and the City.
Thank You for your consideration.
Rick Duarte
Petaluma, CA 94954
City of Petaluma records, including emails, are subject to the California Public Records Act, Unless exemptions apply, this
email, any attachments and any replies are subject to disclosure on request, and neither the sender nor any recipients.,
should have any expectation of privacy regarding the contents of such communications.
From: melakia@comcast,net <melakia@comcast,net>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 1.0:43 AM
To: mayordavidglass@gmaii.com
Cc: petalumaplanning@ci.petaluma.ca.us .
Subject: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments, THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR
Message: Please support the Safeway Gas Station, I live in Petaluma but buy gas in Novato,
Rohnert Park, or Santa Rosa. Safeway gas in Petaluma will bring my fuel dollars back to
Name: Melodie Kee
Evelyn Ellis
From: Cooper, Claire <ccooper@ci.petaluma,ca.us>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 1:31 PM
To: Crump, Katie; Evelyn Ellis
Subject; FW: Opposed to the Safeway gas station
From: Eugenia Praetzel <epraetzel@petl<12.org>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 12:46 PM
To: - City Clerk <-CityClerl<@ci.petaluma.ca.us>
Subject: Opposed to the Safeway gas station
---Warning: Use caution before'clicl<ing any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR EMAIL SYSTEM. ---
I urge the City Council to overturn the planning department's approval of the Safeway gas station. When they
embarked on this project, Safeway ignored the California Air Resources Board's (GARB) recommendation that
school boundaries be at least 300 feet from a gas station. This project. has the potential to negatively impact the
health and well being of tens of thousands of Petaluma's children attending the neighboring schools over the next
decades. These children are counting on you to ensure that their health and quality of life is not compromised, by
this horribly planned project.
Genie Praetzel
Bilingual Resource Teacher
McDowell Elementary School
Petaluma, CA
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Information contained in this message may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not an
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Thank you.
17 september 2o18
zen destiny
city of petaluma council
affiliated staff
.re: agenda item 6B
the apocalypse
oh my God! there's going to be a gas station in petaluma, what are we gonna do? someone,'
please help us! OH NO!! ! [capital letters are for tonal emphasis] please, -there must be
someone out there who can save the city from this environmental catastrophe. for God's sake,
only the fight for global warming/cooling sometimes can save us now! where's aJ gore?
oh, no, he's busy having sex with older movie stars who slept their way into the industry.
right now, he's breathing'out carbon dioxide! someone please call him and have him fly his jet
to sonoma county and come to the site of the gas station site and make predictions.. [but tell
him to fill up the his limo in Santa *rosa or rohnert park].
hasn't this town learned from all the gas stations that have already blown UP- next to schools in
petaluma? you're murderer's. we can't sleep at night unless you Imow.exactly what kind of
concerned, involved citizens we really are. what terrible people you must be not to cater to
our every whim. don't you care about us? have you not forgotten that running for office in
this town is just one big ass -kissing contest? pucker up, petaluma city council. its D day!
that's it! we want mcdowell and washington street changed to just bicycle paths. actually,
cars are too dangerous. we must ban all cars in the city limits. cars are racist! cars represent
white privilege!, traffic is a result of white privilege!
you're really doing this because you're racist, fascist nazi's! your white.guilt is insufficient to
overcome your white privilege.
damn racist white people! that's it! I'm calling the al sharpton hotline!
Oh, my God! please don't do this! * [sobbing] I'm begging you.
Oh, No! there's going to be another gas station in petaluma.
From: Mike and Fran Adams <mpal@ix.netcom.com>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 1.2:08 PM
To: - City Clerk <-CityClerk@ci.petaluma.cn.us>
Subject: Safeway / Walgreens
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR EMAIL
How can the City support a large gas station with idling cars most of the time, when you did not support
a Walgreen's with a drive thru window?
Evelyn Ellis
From: Natalie Maffei <Natalie.Mattei@albertsons.com>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 11:25 AM
To: MayorpavidGlass@gmail.com; kathleencmilleroffice@gmail.com;
councilmemberkearney@me.com; Michael Healy (mthealy@sbcglobal.net);
chrisalbertson@comcast,net; davekingpcc@gmail.com; teresa4petaluma@comcast.net
Cc: Heather Hines; Olivia Ervin; Adam Petersen; Evelyn Ellis; Cooper, Claire; Francois,
Matthew; Natalie Mattei; Brian Sobel
Subject: Petaluma Safeway Gas Station - correspondence regarding Petaluma City, Schools
Attachments: Project Correspondence with Petaluma City Schools.pdf
Dear Mayor and Council Members:
We understand that you received a letter on.Thursday September 13th from Ms, Lauri Anderson, Principal of McDowell
Elementary School. Upon review of the letter, Safeway and Fulcrum identified several errors and omissions that do
not portray the facts accurately. Out of respect for your time and the considerable volume of paperwork that you've
already been provided on late notice, we will be brief and focus on two specific items.
1. Omission of ESA Peer Review Study.
Ms. Anderson's letter speal<s to potential project rjsl<s without any mention the ESA peer review commissioned by
Petaluma City Schools in May 2018 to assess the HRA completed by our consultant Illingworth & Rodkin.
• ESA's initial analysis included flawed assumptions that led to overstated air quality impacts, Our understanding is that
these findings greatly influenced how McDowell shaped initial impressions of the project to parents and teachers.
• ESA subsequently corrected their report after Illingworth flagged the errors, leading Ms. Chris Thomas of Petaluma
Safeway Schools to write that the District now "accept[ed] Illingworth's responses to the air quality impacts." (See
• In a July 20, 2018 telephone call with Ms. Anderson' we requested her to ensure parents and teachers received the
corrected information on air quality impacts, She declined.
• On August 20, 2018, Petaluma City Schools held a meeting where ESA presented its corrected findings. While both
parents and teachers were apparently invited, no parents attended,
• Dissatisfied with ESA's revised findings, the District requested ESA to perform additional work to seel< new flaws in the
HRA, ESA declined, leadingthe district to shop for a more malleable consultant willing to prepare a critical assessmept.
2. False statements regarding project outreach.
Ms. Anderson's letter states that she is "not aware of any of Safeway's efforts between 2014 and 2018 to seek the
opinions specifically of McDowell's staff, students, or familles on the matter," This is demonstrably false. Safeway
representatives met with Ms. Anderson on June 19 to seek opinions of McDowell stakeholders. On several occasions
this summer, we contacted Ms. Anderson and others specifically to request assistance with outreach to McDowell
families. Attached for your review:
• July 22, 2018 email to Ms. Anderson requesting guidance on how to schedule opportunities to connect with McDowell
families in early September. We received no response.
• July 22, 2018 email to Ms. Thomas updating her on our conversation with Ms. Anderson requesting additional help in
scheduling time to connect with families. We received no response,
® August 16, 2018 email to School Board President Sheri Chlebowski seeking guidance on the lack of responsiveness
from Ms. Anderson and Ms. Thomas. Ms. Chlebowski graciously responded to our email and pledged in a follow-up
phone conversation to remedy the lack of responsiveness.
Taken together, these facts suggest a lack of interest in facilitating balanced and fact -based dialogue regarding our
project. We respectfully request that you consider this information as you evaluate the project and appeal.
Natalie Maffei
Senior Real Estate Manager
Albertsons Companies
11555 Dublin Canyon Road
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 226-5754 Office 1 (925) 413-4455 Mobile
natalie.mattei@safewaV.com I Linkedln
� pf Cy
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you have received this message in error and that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is
strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately.
Office of Chris Thomas - Chief Business Official
707,778,4621 (office) 707,778.4822 (fax) cathomas@petl<12.org
200 Douglas Street, PcUtiuma, California 94952 (707) 778-4813 tivwm.petalumacityschools,org
,lune 18, 2018
Natalie Mattei, Senior Real Estate Manager
Alberstons Companies
11555 Dublin Canyon Road
Pleasanton, California 94588
Subject: Washington Square Safeway, McDowell School Petaluma
Dear Ms. Mattei:
As you are aware, Safeway has been developing and analyzing the proposed Safeway Fuel Center at 335
South McDowell Boulevard for over five years, with little to no ongagemont: with the Petaluma City
Schools during that time, Although the City mailed notice to the .District on April 5th, it was not
addressed to any specific Department and alae District does not have any record Of receiving said notice,
Only six (lays prior to the Planning Commission's meeting to consider the approval of Proposed Project,
dill the District, through school site staff; receive notice of tile attendant Mitigated Negative Declaration
("MND''), m4lich is dated March 29, 2018. This was not nearly sufficient time for the District to
adequately review the MND, The District had to scramble to at least engage an air duality expert to
analyze the MND's Health Risk Assessment (" IRA") on McDowell students, faculty, and staff. Only
C01-Wit0usly was the expert available to provide a comment letter on the 1 -IRA through a review
performed, in part, over the weekend.
Furthermore, we did not receive a copy of the Illingworth & Rodkin, lim's ("lllingvvorth")i�4emarandum
entitled, "Safeway Fuel Center Health Risk Assessment, Response to Comment made by ESA," dated
staff at the Planning Commission. Please note, the air quality expert, ESA, has reviewed and accepts
Cllingworth's responses and recommends that that they be included in -the final MND or that the final
MND be modified accordingly,
We request that Illingworth's memorandum be included in the Proposed Project's record of proceedings,
Although the District accepts Illingworth's responses to the air quality impacts, the same cannot be said
For traffic safety impacts and concerns, The District agn•ees witli the McDowell Elementary School's
parents and community that the Maria Drive and South McDowell Boulevard intersection is not a safe
intersection, which has been characterized as one of the city's most accident-prone intersections. We
believe the 'Proposed Prgicet will substantially exacerbate the traffic hazards at this intersection.
1-lowever, the District also feels it is inappropriate i'or it to have to expend further scarce public funds to
Sup-Orhrtondeat's Office Educational Services Business Services Human Resources
(707) 778-4604 (707) 778-4619 (707) 778-1621 (7(}7) 77&4610
I'AX (707) 778-4736 FAX (707) 778-47 FAX (707) 778-4822 rAX (707) 778-4790
16-86 -
Office of Chris Thomas - Chief Business Official
707,778.4621 (office) 707.778,4822 (fax) cathomas@a petl<12,org
200 Douglas Street, Pctalumu, Calirornia 91952 (707) 778-4813 nti�w.pctalumncilyschools.org
retain a traffic expert to conduet a 17ee1• review of Ole MND's traffic analysis, Thus, the District requests
that Safeway reexamine the Proposed Prgiect's traffic and safety impacts at this intersection,
As ,Afe tlavd indicated, we feel it is inappropriate for Safeway to schedule public, outreach that involves i
McDowell Elementary School family during the summer when many of the school's families are
vacationing or othersvisc busy. While We appreciate thG oat•e8011 you have scheduled for,lune 19th and
23"1 and have provided the school comununity with this information, we do not believe that this is a
substitute for adequate school family engagement. Wo request that another meeting be scheduled when
school is back in session, which Is ALIgUSt 15, 2018,
I am happy to n]eetwith you this weak, i have availability on Wednesday (6/20) or Thursday (6/21) to
discuss our concerns, Please let nic know if you have time to meet on either of these two days,
Chris Thomas
Chief Business Official
CC: Gary Callahan, Superintendent
Sheri Chlebowski, Board President
Members of the City of Petaluma Planning Commission
Heather Hines, Planning Manager
Superintendent's ai'fice Gducati011ai Sel'ViCes [3usiness Services Human Resources
(707) 778-4604 (707) 778-1619 (707) 778•11621 (707) 778-4610
I' (707) 77,M736 PAX (707) 779.47 FA\ (707) 778-4922 FAX (707) 77S-4790
r om: , Mark Friedman Mark0a fulcrumproperty.com G� 3 ,
f;uNJect: Thank You�y:�
U;vie: July 22, 2018 at 3:01 PM
To: landersonCftatk12,org
Thank -you again for your time on Friday.
Per our discussion, I would appreciate your help in scheduling opportunities to conueet with ._.i
families at McDowell regarding the project, Please advise on potential dates in early
September at your convenience, }
In addition, I would like my team to prepare Spanish-language materials regarding the
project, Did you or the school district previously prepare Spanish-language materials
regarding the project? Perhaps during the outreach to families conducted in April, May and
June? If so, I'd greatly appreciate if you could share copies for us to use as a model.
Lastly, on a candid note, I was surprised and disappointed to hear that McDowell has not
made a greater effort to correct the misinformation previously provided to families
regarding the overstated environmental risk suggested by district's original peer review, I'll
connect with Chris Thomas as you recommended, but my hope is thdt'you will also consider
joining us in making good faith efforts to update families and ensure that they have the latest
and most accurate information,
Again, thank you for your consideration,
K. �,C�!tr�i<FrilM�tr~t
1530 ,J VNEET SUITE 200
L i
i `J 1.6 ! 244 8586
rom; Mark Friedman Mark@tulcrumproperlyco, m
S ;tbiera: FW: Thank You
Oa?e: July 22, 2018 at 3:07 PM
To; cathomas(OpPW2.org
j This is Mark Friedman from Washington Square Shopping Center. As part of our ongoing efforts
to facilitate better dialogue with the schools, I had a nice conversation earlier today with Lauri
Anderson about scheduling time to meet with families in the fall, Below is an email I sent her after
our conversation for your reference I'd appreciate anything you can do to further assist.
More broadly, while my conversation with Lauri was generally consistent with what we've
previously heard from the district, there were afew notable discrepancies. I'd appreciate the
opportunity to connect with you directly at your convenience .to get clarity and gather your
thoughts on how we can better collaborate with the district going forward, I've left you two voice
mails at your office over the past week, but I imagine that you are taking advantage of a we11-
deserved summer break,
You can reach me at this email address or if you'd prefer to call, my number is 916-244-8572.
1530 ,J ;TNEET SUITE 1200
916 1244 8586
From: Marl< Friedman
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2018 3:01 PM
To:'landerson@petl<12.org' <1anderson@petl<12,org>
Subject: Thanl< You
Thank, you again for your time on Friday.
Per our discussion, I would appreciate your help in scheduling opportunities to connect with
families at McDowell regarding the project. Please advise on potential dates in early
September at your convenience.
In addition, I would like my team to prepare Spanish-language materials regarding the
project. Did you or the school district previously prepare Spanish-language materials
regarding the project? Perhaps during the outreach to families conducted in April, May and
June( i,so,,.(, greaity appreciate iz you coma snare copies zor us to use as a moae>,
Lastly, on a candid note, I was surprised and disappointed to hear that McDowell has not
made a greater effort to correct the misinformation previously provided to families
regarding thb overstated environmental risk suggested by district's original peer review, I'll
connect with Chris Thomas as you recommended, but my hope is that you will also consider
joining us in making good faith efforts to update families and ensure that they have the latest
and most accurate information,
Again, thank you for your consideration,
1530 J S7REET SUITE 2,00
C;A 95814
; 91 CJ f 244 8586
rrom: Mark Friedman Marl<(q-Oulcrumproperty.com
Subjr,ct: McDoWell Elementary School
:ate: August 16, 2018 at 7:18 PM
To: schlebowskiesq fti-nail,com
Dear Sheri;
Thank. you very much for your time. I have attached for your review:(!) the original comment
letter from Chris Thomas to the Planning Commission, (ii) the first ESA peer review raising
(mistaken) concerns about air quality, and (iii) Chris Thomas' second letter, conceding that the
project meets air quality requirements.
As we discussed, the ESA peer review was based on a mistaken assumption about the volume of
gas pumped at the station. Safe«ray's consultant (Illington) pointed out the error, which prompted
the District to seek a second opinion from ESA. To the District's credit, when the error was
pointed out, it acknowledged that the initial Safeway study was correct. Unfortunately, the results
of the first study were widely shared with.parents and teachers, but the results of the corrected
study were not. Accordingly, many parents and teachers are left with a mistaken impression that
the project creates health risks. We've asked the school to provide parents and teachers with the
corrected information.
While Chris Thomas' letter concedes that the. Safeway project meets all air quality standards, it
raises new concerns about traffic safety without any foundation or basis for the claims. As it turns
out, the City required Safeway to conduct four separate traffic studies over the past four years.
Staff accepted the consistent conclusion of the studies that the project does not generate significant
traffic risks. Chris Thomas could have easily'requested that information from City Staff or
Safeway before raising her objections.
Finally, the second Thomas letter criticizes Safeway for attempting to schedule outreach over the
sunnner when families are away on vacation. As noted in my earlier email, we have reached out I
to the Laurie Anderson, Gary Callahan, and Chris Thomas on multiple occasions over the last
eight weeks to schedule a time to meet with parents to correct the record. We have not received
any response to those requests.
I can fully appreciate the District taking vigorous steps to protect the health and safety of its
students ... when its concerns are founded on facts. There is nothing in the record that would
justify further opposition to the projectand we appreciate the District's official position of
neutrality. Unfortunately, the continued engagement of the McDowell principal with project
opponents, leer unwillingness to respond to Safeway or me, and her inability to clarify whether she
is acting in a personal or professional capacity, cause'us to wonder if the facts are being fairly
presented to the McDowell school community.
I really appreciate your willingness to look into this.
Thank you,
j 15301 SiIFEI QUITE 200
SAiA1�fi=J`�t3, {,A "J5814
w s 9;16 1 244 8886
From: Sheri Chlebowsld[mailto:schlebowsl<i@petkl2.org]
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2018 8:24 PM
To: Marl< Friedman <Marl<@fulcrumproperty.com>
Subject: Re: McDowell Elementary School
Good Evening Mr. Friedman,
Fust, I apologize for not getting back to you witil this evening. I am an attorney and my
associate was on vacation until today and I was a bit swamped covering some cases. This is
a busy week in the office and getting the school district going for the fust day of school
Wednesday adds to the madness.
I would appreciate the opportunity to talk to you about the situation, I am familiar with the
controversy surrounding the gas station. I have court in the morning and a client meeting at
noon. Is there a time in the early evening tomorrow that would work for you? If not, give
me a few tunes over the next couple of days and I will mance sure to mance something work.
Thank you for your patience. I appreciate it!
On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 4:07 PM; Marls Friedman <Marlc a,fulcrtmlproperty.conn> wrote:
' Dear Ms. Chlebowski:
Mike Baddeley suggested that I give you a call to express some concerns about misinformation
being disseminated at the McDowell Elementary School regarding a proposed Safeway gas
station at the Washington Square Shopping Center. Members of my team and Safeway's have
reached out to the Chris Thomas and Laurie Anderson on several occasions to request an
opportunity to correct the record, but so far we have not received a response (an example of
such communications is provided below).
I'd appreciate the opportunity to share the history and details with you. I'd also appreciate
some guidance on how to get a response from school representatives. I can be reached at the
number below or on my cell, which is 91.6-812-7999.
Thank you,
9.16 12414 8535
From: Marl< Friedman
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2018 3:08 PM
To: 'cathomas@petk12.org' <cathomas@petl<12.org>
Subject: FW: Thank You .
This is Mark Friedman from Washington Square Shopping Center. As part of our ongoing
efforts to facilitate better dialogue with the schools, I had a nice conversation earlier today with
Lauri Anderson about scheduling time to meet with families in the fall. Below is an email I sent
her after our conversation for your reference - I'd appreciate anything you can do to further
More broadly, while my conversation with Lauri was generally consistent with what we've
previously heard from the district, there were afew notable discrepancies. I'd appreciate the.
opportunity to connect with you directly at your,convenience to get clarity and gather your
thoughts on how we can better collaborate with the district going forward. I've left you two
voice mails at your office over the past week, but I imagine that you are taking advantage of a
well<deserved summer break. .
You can reach me at this email address or if you'd prefer to call, my number is 916-244-8572.
130 J SMtET SLJ(-rg 200
916 1244 8586
From: Marl< Friedman
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2018 3:01 PM
To:'landerson@petkl2.org' <landerson@petk12.or9>
Subject: Thanl< You
I nanitc you again for your -tune oii Prrclay.
Per our discussion, I would appreciate your help in scheduling opportunities to connect
with families at McDowell regarding the project. Please advise on potential dates in early
September at your convenience.
In addition, I would like my team to prepare Spanish-language materials regarding the
project. Did you or the school district previously prepare Spanish-language materials
regarding the project? Perhaps during the outreach to families conducted in April, May
and June? If so, I'd greatly appreciate if you could share copies for us to use as a model.
Lastly, on a candid note, I was surprised and disappointed to hear that McDowell has not
made a greater effort to correct the misinformation previously provided to families
regarding the overstated enviromneital risk suggested by district's original peer review.
I'll cornnect with Chris Thomas as you recommended, but my hope is that you will also
consider joining us in making good faith efforts to update families and ensure that they
have the latest and most accurate information.
Again, thank you for your consideration.
Sheri Chlebowski
President, Board of Education
Petaluma City Schools
District Office
200 Douglas Street
Petaluma, CA 94952
925/876-5816 Cell
Notice to Recipient;
r RE alG]W
100. 1 STREET SUITE 200
916 /2744 8586
Information contained in this message may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If
you are not an intended recipient, it is strictly prohibited to use, disseminate or copy
this communication. If you have received this in error, please reply to the sender and then ,delete
the message.
Thank you.
Peer Review of
Safeway Fuel
School District
Letter ... nl8.pdf
From: melaIda @comcast, net <melakia@comcast.net>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 10:43 AM
To: mayordavidglass@gmail.com
Cc: petalumaplanning@ci.petaluma.ca.us
Subject: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR
Message: Please support the Safeway Gas Station, 1 live in Petaluma but buy gas in Novato,
Rohnert Park, or Santa Rosa. Safeway gas in Petaluma will bring my fuel dollars bacl<to
Name: Melodie.Kee
Evelyn Ellis
From: Eric Roberts
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:38 PM
To: Evelyn Ellis; Heather Hines
Cc: Ellen McDowell
Subject: FW: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
499 HUNvIBOLDTSTREET I SANTA ROSA I CA 1 95404 1 707.540.0723 ext.3U
From: zipadeedoodah249comeast.net <zipadeedoodah24@comcast.net>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 10:36 AM
To: mayordavidglass@gmail.com
Cc: petalumaplanning@ci.petaluma.ca,us
Subject: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR EMAIL SYSTEM. --
Message: It is time that Petaluma residents do not to leave Petaluma to get reasonably priced gasoline
Name: Elaine Caldwell
Document ,Received .After Agenda ,distribution n Agenda Item #6.B
Cooper, Claire
From: Jennifer Restivo
Sent: Monday, September 17,.2018 9:04 AM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: Gas station
Please DO NOT ALLOW GAS STATION @ Safeway. please i
Danny and Jenny Restivo
Petaluma 94954
Sent from my iPhone
1 16-98
From: jwpugdog@comcast.net <iwpugdog@comcast.net>
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2018 8:48 PM
To: mayordavidglass@gmail.com
Cc: petalumaplanning@ci,petaluma.ca.us
Subject: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL. IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR
Message: The store offers cents off the price of gas when you purchase groceries. It would be
nice to be able to utilize that savings right at the store. The only other Safeway gas stations are
American Canyon, Santa Rosa (which does not have convenient access) or Novato. Doesn't
seem logical to drive 15-25 miles in otherto usethe rewards earned.
Name: Jane
Evelyn Ellis
From: Eric Roberts
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:37 PM
To: Evelyn Ellis; Heather Hines
Cc: Ellen McDowell
Subject: Fw: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
499 PI1f 1ROLDTSTREET I SANTA ROSA I CA 195404 1707.540;0723 ext. 317
From: 19ambulate63@att.net <19ambulate63@att.net>
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2018 8:46 PIVI
To: mayordavidglass@gmail.com
Cc: petalumaplanning@ci.petaluma.ca.us
Subject: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR EMAIL SYSTEM. --
Message: I commute daily 6:days a week to Marin General Hospital. I have been forced to by my fuel at the
.Safeway in Novato. By having it here in Petaluma it would be much more convienent and my tax dollars would
be spent here. PLEASE let the station become a reality for all of us hard working Petaluma families. .
Name: Bobb Kosoff
From: rldt@aol.com <rldt@aol.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2018 3:31 PM
To: - City Clerk <. CityClerk@cLpetaluma.ca.us>
Subject: Corner'ofS. McDowell/Maria.
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR EMAIL. .
Hello, please pass this on to the City Manager. Couldn't find his email address. Thanks.
We are writing our concern about Safeway building a massive gas station on this busy corner. We are
OPPOSED to this project for many reasons. The location is too close to three schools, a busy congested
shopping center and intersection, Little League Fields, and a bus transit area, and many close -by
neighbors who will lose their privacy and 'be exposed to'toxic benzene fumes, idling cars and noise 17
hours a day.
We don't need another gas station a stone's throw away from Chevron and 76. We don't need another
convenience store selling junk food and sodas -- there are already three convenience stores within this
two -block area, including Quik Stop, Chevron and the 76 store.
We realize Safeway wants a monopoly by forcing customers to shop at their stores in order to get the
cheaper gas prices. This will hurt our other existing grocery stores.
Please please do what you' can to stop this project. Enough with the east side gridlockl Huge mistake if
this goes through. Please read some of the many comments on the Nextdoor website. Hundreds of
people are opposed to this[
We are concerned grandparents/senior citizens/long-time Petaluma residents. Thank you.
Robert and Linda Hartrich
RLDT6a aol.com
Late document
From: Gayle S Travalini <gitrav2@att.net>
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2018 2:25 PM
To: - City Clerk <-CityClerk@ci.petaluma.ca.us>
Subject: safeway gas station in Petaluma
As a resident of Petaluma I oppose the building of the Safeway gas station on
Thank you
.Gayle Travalini
1881 Castle Drive
Petaluma -
16 -102
-----Original Message-----
From: Cathy Teague <teagueca@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2018 11:16 AM
To: City Clerl«-CityClerl<@ci.petaluma.ca.us>
Subject: Safeway GasStation
Please pass on my comment that I am totally in favor of the Safeway gas station - in fact, I drive to the
Safeway in Novato to buy gas now. It is so much less expensive, and, as a senior on a fixed income, every
penny counts. Please vote yes.
Thank you -
Catherine Teague
1634 Oneel Drive
Petaluma, CA 94954
----Qriginal Message -----
From: esmerelle240aol.com <esmerelle24@aol.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2018 10:44 AM
To: davel<ingpcc gmail com
Cc: petalumaplanning@c1.petaluma.ca.us
Subject: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR EMAIL
Message: Build the stationil
Name: Robin
-----Original Message -----
From: AIb2368@yahoo,com <AIb2368yahoo.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2018 9:57 AM
To: mayordavidglassPgmail.com
Cc: aetalumanlanning@ci.petaluma.ca.us
Subject: Please Vote YES.on the Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR EMAIL
Message: Please allow this project! We need more tax dollars and businesses in Petaluma. Safeway
followed the rules and plenty of people would benefit from lower priced gas. Everybody avoids buying
gas here anyways right now. The nimby's will always find some reason or another to try to scare and
shame people into voting no for things. But they never have ideas of their own to -solve problems and
make things better. It's an old and.t!red playbook. Don't fall for it! Vote yes for Safeway!
Name: AlexBeal
Document Deceived After Agenda Distribution - Agenda Item #6.13
Cooper, Claire
From: Marie Lehman
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2018 12:12 PM
To: citycouncil
Subject: Safeway gas station
bear Petaluma City Council,
We have.lived in Petaluma for over 20 years raising a family. We are completely against the
Safeway Gas Station. Petaluma does not need more gas stations, much less contributing to the use of
fossil fuels. Our neighborhood is already under construction with the•multi-building apartments on
Baywood_ and the new buildings at the Marina contributing tfo even more congestion!!! Enough already.
Please help Petaluma and the environment and vote NO SAFEWAY GAS.
Thank you,
Marie Lehman
From: EtVounger@gmail.com <>
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2018 11:59 AM
To: teresa4petaluma@comcast.net
Cc: petalumaplanning@ci.petaluma.ca.us
Subject: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR
Message: I fully support the construction of this gas station!!!! I Petaluma needs an cheaper
alternative for fuel: I work construction and travel a lot for work. PLEASE make this happen!
Name: Eric Younger
-----Original Message -----
From: Paigeschlager@yahoo.com <Paigeschlager@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2018 10:31 AM
To: councilman.albertson@gmail.com
Cc: petalumaplanning@ci.petaluma.ca.us
Subject: Please Vote YES on the Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR EMAIL
Message: I'm not a rich person. I send $100 in gas -a week and I have to LEAVE Petaluma to buy.the gas.
This is stupid. LET SAFEWAY BUILD A GAS STATION 111 live on S McDowell traffic is ALREADY busy. The
gas station won't add to that) 80% of people in town shop at Safeway and are coming and going from
that parking lot already. Do you guys not live in Petaluma? Is everyone on the Petaluma city Council
living in Marin or San Francisco? You seem to not know about Petaluma.
Name: Paige Schlager
Document Received After Agenda Distribution -Agenda Item #6.B
Cooper, Claire
From: Daniel Wonnacott
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2018 9:55 PM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: No new gas station at Safeway please
Daniel Wonnacott R.N.
Petaluma, CA 94954
Dear Petaluma City Council Representatives,
I am writing to oppose any gas station that is being proposed in,my neighborhood at the Safeway shopping
Center on McDowell Ave. The proposed site would 'place an unacceptable safety and environmental risk to
the children at the adjacent property which includes Petaluma Child Development Center and Preschool as
well as McDowell Elementary School.
The intersection at McDowell and East Washington is already served,bythe"two gas stations, Chevron and
Seventy-six. If Petaluma _is looking to promote transportation infrastructure electrical charging stations
should be installed at the proposed site: But more gas pumps at this location is unacceptable. I frequently
walk to this shopping center and greatly increased traffic seeking marginally cheaper gasoline would be a
I wish my neighborhood to be developed in a way that will minimize -public risk and promote wise
Infrastructure plans. Any representative which allows this gas station will not be supported by me further. I
urge you to protect out neighborhood from this unneeded safety and environmental risk._
Respectfully yours,
Daniel Wonnacott
Document Received'A ter Agenda Distribution -Agenda Item #6.D
Cooper, Claire
From: Maribel Baron ,
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2018 5:27 PM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: No gas here
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments, THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR EMAIL SYSTEM. ---
Petaluma City Council,
.After debating and checking schedules to see if I could attend the September 17 meeting. I.'ve realized and have made a
difficult decision not to attend. I have class in Santa Rosa and can not miss that day! Therefore, I have chosen to write an
email instead.
I'm representing 2 families, one that lives on South McDowell and my families who lives on Cortez Dr.
Having a gas station close to•a preschool; daycare, baseball fields and residential homes I urge you all to please
reconsider this petition for the city of Petaluma. I understand the need for cheaper gas but why this location?
I have lived in this neighbor hood since the 90's and this immediate community does NOT need a gas station, we do not
need anymore litter on the fence of McDowell School, we do not need any more traffic congestion when children are
being dropped off and picked up from school. Many school age children walk home by themselves Having a gas station
is NOT the bestinterest of these children I More cars at the intersection of McDowell and Maria are not needed. The
crosswalk is already a danger to pedestrians.
I ask, We ask that you please reconsider this and deny the proposal. WE DO NOT NEED ANOTHER GAS STATION WITHIN
THE SHOPPING CENTER, what happened to Petaluma in the past several years?
Maribel Baron
From: es [mailto:yards4u@aol.com]
Seng Thursday, September 13, 2018 4:17 PM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: Safeway Gas Station
Dear Mayor Glass and Members of the City Council,
I am opposed to the proposed Safeway Gas Station at the corner of Maria Drive and South McDowell
Blvd. for the following reasons:
1) This location is too close to schools: approximately 60 feet from the day care and nursery school
directly across Maria Drive and less than 500 feet from McDowell elementary School. As far as I can tell,
there is no other school in Petaluma that has a gas station directly across the street from it.
2) This location is too close to the homes on South McDowell: approximately 80 feet.
3) The proposed gas station will have a negative impact because of the increased traffic not only on
South McDowell and Maria Drive but also on the surrounding neighborhood streets as people look for
alternate routes to get to the highway, to get to neighborhood shopping centers and to try to get across
4) This proposed gas station will result in an increase in noise all da,, long as well as an increase in light
pollution which will impact the entire surrounding neighborhoods.
Just because this corner has a commercial zoning designation, and just because a gas station is
a permitted use under that zoning does not mean that a gas station should be built there[
The Petaluma General Plan outlines a vision for Petaluma that "enhances the quality of life for all
residents.and visitors." Allowing a gas station to be built in this proposed area does' not, in any way,
contribute to our quality of life but rather detracts from -it.
I have spoken out at City Council meetings and Planning Commission meetings to voice my opposition to
the proposed gas station. Many other people have done the same. I hope that you will consider the
interests of the many over the interests of the mighty. Please do not allow this gas station to be built in
this location.
Elizabeth Ambrosi
I have submitted a letter with three attachments for inclusion in the Monday September 17th meeting
of Petaluma City Council. it pertains to agenda item 6B about the Safeway Fuel Center Project.
Please reply to confirm my letter and attachments A, B, and C will be submitted.
Thank you,
Lauri C. Anderson
McDowell Elementary School
Check us out on Facebook!
Petaluma City Schools
(707) 778-4745
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tMcDowell Elementary Schoo'
421 S McDowell Blvd
Petaluma, CA 94954
September 13, 2018
City Council of Petaluma
11 English Street
Petaluma, CA 94952
Re: Safeway Fuel Center Project
To Petaluma City Council:
I appreciate this opportunity to write on behalf of the students, families, and staff that I represent, and that
would be directly impacted by the proposed Safeway fuel center project. As the proud principal of
McDowell Elementary school, my two main concerns about this project are the health of our community .
and the lack of our school community's input in the project's proposal.
Since I became aware of this project in early May, I have been speaking with many concerned parents
and even -prospective parents about the health risks posed to people, particularly young people, spending
a significant portion of their day within close range of and directly downwind from major construction and
pollutants. My colleagues and I spent some time gathering information from leaders of many
organizations running programs on the block of South McDowell Boulevard between Maria Drive and
McGregor Avenue to create a complete' picture of the times, ages, and number of people coming together
to do various activities in this area (see attachment A). I would hope that the sheer number of hours
young people spend indoors and outdoors on our block is enough reason to give our city pause in
installing anything that adds harmful pollutants and contaminants to the environment.
While the revised Health Risk Assessment asserts the project remains within the allowable incremental
increase of pollutants, members of our Mcdoweli community are left with many concerns about the
Negative Declaration, and wonder why we would risk the health of hundreds of children per day rather
than having a closer look, through a thorough and current Environmental•Impact Report, to fully consider
the impacts this project will have on our city's young people and those supporting them.
I also remain concerned about whether our McDowell families have been reached out to, listened to, and
heeded in the plans to develop this project: Before my time, in 2014, there were over 400 signatures
gathered between Petaluma Adult School, the Family Resource Center, and McDowell Elementary of
families and staff opposing the project (see attachment B). I am not aware of any of Safeway's efforts
between 2014 and 2018 to seek the opinions specifically of McDowell's staff, students, or families on the
matter. They also did not reach out to the school to fully understand the programs or the ages of students
those programs serve. This year, as the project has re-emerged in 2018, over 100 signatures were
gathered in opposition to the project in just tha few days leading up to the May 8th planning commission
meeting (see attachment C). Between May 8th and the end of our school year on June 1st, Safeway did
not initiate efforts to create welcoming forums where McDowell families or staff could express their
opinions, nor did they provide information in Spanish, which is the preferred correspondence language of
the majority of our McDowell families..Our students remained on summer break from June 2nd through
421 S McDowell BlvdPetaluma, CA 94954(707) 778-4746
August 14th. Safeway conducted two Open House. events in Washington Square during this summer
break when many of our students and staff, myself included, were not present, This matter was
considered again -by the planning commission on June 26th, which was also prior to us welcoming
students back for the 2018-19 school year.
While we understand that Safeway has held some recent outreach meetings in English and Spanish, they
were not well attended. This lack of participation could be attributed to many reasons, including work
schedules, childcare availability, and more. Many of our school community members are aware of the
Public Hearing, and may have arranged their resources to prioritize participation in the City's forum.
In summary, I feel there was a missed opportunity here. Had our community felt that their feedback was
sought and utilized to improve Safeway's plans, I wonder how this process could have been different. In
my work, I am very familiar with the deliberate effort it requires to authentically engage our students'
families and ensure they have a say in programs, initiatives, and activities. This work requires
communicating respectfully, through many channels, to reach people in a way that considers their time
.constraints, available resources, language preferences, -and unique perspectives. This is, after all, a
cgmmunity. And to have a true community knit together by respect and support, we must never
underestimate the power of effective communication.
Thank you for your consideration.
Respectfully, •
Lauri Anderson
Principal of McDowell Elementary School
t ` Q
May 7, 2018
Dear Members of the }Tanning Commission;
We are parents of children who attend educational programs at McDowell School. This
weekend, we learned that a new -Safeway gas station is planned- for thie corner of Maria
Dr. and McDowell Blvd. We are very worried about our children's health and safety, -
because of the environmental and health impacts that this project will bring. Toxic gas
fumes are our greatest worry; also there will be an'increase in traffic and many of our
children walk to school. We -urge you to protect'the safety of our children and not
approve this project.
Estimados miembros de la comision de planificacion de la ciudad de Petaluma,
.Nosotros somos padres de familia, cuyos hijos atienden programas de educaci6n on, la
escuela McDowell. Este fin de semana nos hemos enterado de que hay un proyecto
de Safeway para hacer una nueva gasollnera entre las calles Maria Dr y South
McDowell Blvd. Nosotros estamos muy preocupados poria seguridad y la salud de
nuestros nihos y ninas asf mismo del impacto ambiental que conlieva este proyecto, La
emislon de gases toxicos es nuestra gran preocupacion, tambien habra un aumento
considerable del trafico de automoviles en este sector, muchos de nuestros nitros
caminan a la .escuela. Estamos solicitando a ustedes protegee la seguridad de nuestros
hijos no aprobar este proyecto.
Nombre y apellido del padre/madre
Numero de nitros que
Grados y edades '
Full name of parent
atienden -programas
de los ninas(as)/
en la escuela
Grades & ages of
Of children who
attend programs at
f5 perQr", Sc<< rcr ���„
Vol undo r i cif
Nombre y apellido del padre/madre Numero de ninos que '-
Full name of parent atienden programas
en la escuela
i# of children who
attend programs at
• Grades y edades
de los•ninos(as)/
Grades. & ages of.
6" -2-
r(ny) C' 5 fb 51 ka5l
Ct v c?
61 (C
Y r >vI e I
I Ca; .
May 7, 2018
Dear Members of the Planning Commission:
We are parents of children who attend educational programs at McDowell School. This
weekend, we learned 'that a new, Safeway gas station is planned for the corner of Maria
Dr. and McDowell Blvd. We are very worried about our children's health and safety,
because of the environmental and health impacts that this project will bring. Toxic gas
fumes are our greatest worry;- also there will be an increase in traffic and many of our
children walk to school. We urge you to protect the safety'of our children and not
approve this project. ,
Estimados miembros de la comision de planif eaclon de la ciudad de Petaluma,
Nosotros somos padres de familia, cuyos hijos atienden programas de aducac16n en la
escuela McDowell. Este fin de semana nos hemos enterado de que hay un proyecto
de Safeway para hacer una nueva gasolinera entre las calles Maria Dr y South
McDowell Blvd. Nosotros estamos muy preocupados por la seguridad y la salud de
nuestros nitros y nihas asf mismo. del impacto ambiental que conileva este proyecto. La
emisi6n de gases t6xicos es nuestra,gran _preocupaci6n, tambien habra un.aumento
considerable del trafico de autom6viles en este sector, muchos de nuestros nIhos
caminan a la escuela. Estamos solicitando a ustedes proteger la seguridad de nuestros
hijos no aprobar este proyecto.
Nombre y apellido del padre/Madre
Numero de nitros que
Grados y edades
Full name of parent
atlenden programas
de las ninos(as)/
on fa escuela
Grades & ages of.
# of children who
attend programs at
$ cj� l.1 Ce
/j /�/
C�t r U ✓Y�e9
%� 16-11 .
Nombre y apellido del padre/madre
Full name of parent
Numero de ninos que
on la escuela
of children who
attend programs at
Grados y Wades
de los ninos(as)/
Grades & ages of
Nombre y apell►do
Full name
` f9?01.1'
Nombre y. ellldo del padre/madle-----•••'••
Tull -name OT pare`
NOTero de ninos que
atlerlden g spas-
en laflescu�l�_ `" •-,/-
M� Well./�A
it t f
# o ch�idr�e �niho
a ,f nd rograms of
-.--Gra, $I des
�_d. geninos. s)/
tees && c es of
c ifd�n
t � .
May 7, 2018
Dear Members. of the Planning Commission:
We are parents of children who attend educational programs at McDowell School. This
weekend, we learned tfiat a new Safeway gas station Is planned for the corner of Maria
Dr. and McDowell Blvd. We are very worried about our children's health and safety,
because of the environmental and health impacts that this project will bring. Toxic gas
fumes are our greatest worry; also there will be an increase in traffic and many of our
children walk to school. We urge you to protect the safety of our children and not
approve this project. ,
Estimados miembros de la comision de planificacion de la,ciudad de Petaluma,
Nosotros somos padres de familia, cuyos hUos atienden programas de educacion on la
escuela McDowell. Este fin de semana nos hemos enterado de que hay un' proyecto
de Safeway para hacer una nueva gasolinera entre las.calles Maria Dr y South
McDowell Blvd. Nosotros estamos muy preocupados por la seguridad y la salud de
nuestros ninos y ninas asf mismo del impacto ambiental que'conlleva este proyecto. La
emision de gases toxicos es nuestra gran preocupacion, tambft habra un.aumento
considerable del trafico de automoviles en este sector, muchos de nuestros ninos
caminan a la escuela. Estamos solicitando a.ustedes proteger la seguridad de nuestros
hijos no aprobar este proyecto,
Nombre y apellido del padrelmadre
Numero de ninos que
Grados y edades
Full name of parent
atienden programas
de los ninos(as)/
en la escuela
Grades & ages of
# of children who
attend programs at
(ta J
Nombre y apellido del padre/madre
Full name of parent
N6mero de n1hos que. '
atienden programers
en la escuela
of children who
attend programs at
'Grados y edades
de los nif"ios(as)/
Grades & ages of
v O. Yl vl!.
Nombre y apellido del padre/madre
Full name of.parent
Numero de nitros que
atienden. programas
on la escuela
�# of children who
attend programs at
Grados y edades
de los ninos(as)/
Grades & ages of
C a,
�alr��� Grc.tdzrel�cVl.f=K-
QL ►
Full name of parent
atlenden programas
en [a escuela
of children who
attend programs at
do los nifio's(qs)/
Grades & ages of
Nombre y apellido del padrelmadre
Numero de ninos que
atlenden, programas
Grados y edades
de [os ninos(as)/
Full name of parent
en [a escuela
Grades & ages of
# of children who
attend programs at
CIO 7.
May 7, 2018
Dear Members of the Planning Commission:
We are parents .of children who attend educational programs at McDowell School. This
weekend, we learned that a new Safeway gas station is planned for the corner of Maria
Dr. and McDowell Blvd. We are very -worried about our children's health and safety,
because of the,environmental and health impacts,that this project will bring. Toxic gas
fumes are our greatest worry; also there will be an increase in traffic and many of our
children walk to school. We urge you to protect the safety of our children and not
approve this project.
Estimados miembros de la comision de planificacion de la ciudad de Petaluma,
Nosotros somos padres de familia, cuyos hijos atienden programas de educacion on la
escuela McDowell. Este fin de semana nos h.emos enterado de que hay un proyecto
de Safeway para hacer una nueva gasolinera entre las calles Maria Dr y South
McDowell Blvd. Nosotros'estamos muy preocupados por la seguridad.y la salad de
nuestros Winos y Was asi mismo. del impacto ambiental quo conlleva este proyecto. La
emision de gases toxicos es nuestra gran preocupacion, tambien habra un aumento
considerable del traflco de automoviles en este sector, muchos de nuestros ninos
caminan a la escuela. Estamos solicitando a ustedes proteger la seguridad. de nuestros
huos no aprobar este proyecto.
Nombre y apellido del padre/madre
Numero de ninos 'que
Grados y edades
Full name of parent
atlenden programas
de los ninos(as)/
en la escuela
Grades & ages of
# of children who
attend programs at
Nombre y apellido del padre/madre
Numero de ninos quo,
Grados y edades
Full name of parent
atienden programas
do las ninos(as)/
on la escuela
Grades & ages of
# of children who
attend programs at
MaLd e.YO 2 d
May 7, 2018
Dear Members of the Planning Commission:
We are parents of children who attend educational programs at McDowell School. This
weekend, we learned that a new Safeway gas station is planned for the corner -of Maria
Dr. and McDowell Blvd. We are very worried about our children's health and safety,
because of the environmental and health impacts that.this project will bring. Toxic gas
fumes are our greatest worry; also there will be an, increase in traffic and many of our
children walk to school. We urge you to protect the safety of our children and not
approve this project.
Estimados miembros de la comision de planificaclon de la ciudad de Petaluma,
Nosotros somos padres de familia, cuyos hijos atienden programas de educacion en la
escuela "McDowell: Este fin de semana nos hemos enterado de que hay un proyecto
de Safeway para hacer una nueva gasolinera entre las calles Maria Dr y South
McDowell Blvd. Nosotros estamos muy preocupados por la seguridad y la salud de
nuestros ninos y nlnas asf mismo del impacto ambiental que coniieva este proyecto. La
envision de gases toxicos es nuestra gran preocupacion, tar bWn habra un aumento
considerable del .trafico de automoviles on este sector, muchos de nuestros.ninos
caminan a la e.bcuela. Estamos solicitando a ustedes proteger la seguridad de nuestros
hijos no aprobar este proyecto.
Nombre-y apellido del padre/madre Numero de ninos que Grados y edades
Full name of parent : atienden programas de los ninos(as)/
en la escuela Grades & ages of
McDowell./ children
/# of children who
attend programs at
DOW --)�O r
vel l� , �5
Ori kC e-- (AlAr 1 r> -i Y
Nombre y apellido del padrelmadre
Numero de.ninos que .
Grados y edades
Full name of parent
atienden programas
de los nin"os(as)l
on la-escuela
Grades & ages of
# of children who
attend programs at
Nombre y apellido del padre/madre
Full name of parent
Numero de ninos que ,
Grados y.edades
atienden programas
de los ninos(as)/
en la escuela
Grades & ages of
# of children who
attend. programs, at
r5�� �Gc-"o1 o„S
(Ufa a' ` /
May 7, 2018
Dear Members of the Planning Commission:
We are parents of children who attend educational programs at McDowell Schooh This
weekend, we learned that a new Safeway gas station is planned for. the corner of Maria
Dr. and McDowell Blvd. We are very worried about our children's. health and safety,
because of the environmental and health impacts that this project will bring. Toxic gas
fumes are our greatest worry; also there will be an increase in traffic and many of our
children -walk to school. We 6r e�you to protect the safety of our children and not
approve this project.
Estimados miembros de la comision de planificacion de la ciudad de Petaluma,
Nosotros somos padres de familla, cuyos hijos atienden programas de educacion en la
escuela McDowell. Este fin de seMana nos hemos enterado de que hay un proyecto
de Safeway para hacer una nueva gasollnera entre las calles Maria Dr y South
McDowell Blvd. Nosotros estamos muy preocupados por la seguridad y la salud de
nuestros ninos y ninas asi mismo del impacto ambiental que conlleva este proyecto. La
emisibn de gases toxicos es nuestra gran preocupacion, tambien habra uri aumento .
considerable del trafico de automoviles en este sector, muchos de nuestros ninos
caminan a la escuela. Estamos solicitando a ustedes proteger la'segur'idad de nuestros
hijos no aprobar este proyecto.
Nombre y apellido del padre/madre
Numero de ninos que
Grados y edades
Full name of parent
atienden programas•
de los ninos(as)/
en la escuela
Grades & ages of
# of children who
zittend programs at
1�� 1,49i�..
>�. 1 6- 13
I !
Nombre y apellido del padre/madre
Full name of parent
Numero de ninos que
atiendpn programas
en la escuela
# of children who
attend programs at
- •Grados y edades
de los nihos(as)/
Grades & ages of
May 7, 2018
Dear Members of the Planning Commission:
We are parents of children who attend educational programs at McDowell School, This
weekend, we learned that a new Safeway gas station is planned for the corner of Maria
Dr. and McDowell Blvd. We are very worried about our children's health and safety,
because of the environmental and health impacts that this project will bring. Toxic gas
fumes are our greatest worry; also there:wlll be an increase in traffic and many of our
children walk to school. We urge you to protect the safety of our children and not
approve this project.
Estimados miembros de la comision de planificacion de la ciudad de Petaluma,
Nosotros somos padres de familla, cuyos hijos atienden programas de educacion en la
escuela McDowell. Este fin de semana nos hemos enterado de que hay un proyecto
de Safeway para hacer una nueva gasolinera entre las calles Maria Dr y South
McDowell Blvd. Nosotros.estamos muy preocupados por la.seguridad y la salud de
nuestros ninos y ninas asi mismo del impacto ambiental que conlleva este proyecto. La
emision de gases toxicos es nuestra gran preocupacion, tambien habra un aumento
considerable. del trafico de automoviles en este sector, muchos de nuestros ninos
caminan a la escuela. Estamos solicitando a ustedes proteger la seguridad de nuestros
hijos no aprobar este proyecto,
Nombre y apellido del padrelmadre
Numero de ninos que
Grados y edades
Full name of parent
atienden programas
de los ninos(as)/
en la escuela
Grades & ages of
# of children who
attend programs at
r I
Nombre, y apellido del padrelmadre
Full name of parent
Wmero.de niflos que,
atlenden p*rogramas
en la escuela
# of children*who
attend programs at
-,Grados y edades
do los nifios(as)/
Grades & ages of
February 27, 2014
To the Petaluma City Council
Dear, City Council,
We would like to let you know how.we feel about the proposed
fueling station across the street from our school, and also across
the street from a park and baseball field, Murphy's Field. The
health and safety of our children and neighborhood comes first.
We are worried about the amount of traffic generated by the
proposed gas station. In an already crowded area, more traffic
creates more accidents and 'more risk for our children. We have
a lot of foot traffic in our neighborhood, mostly women and
children pushing .strollers, and additionally, there are two nursery
schools- on the corner right across from this proposed station.
Many parents delivering their children to school are traveling in
the streets. The children play outside and .are exposed to
potentially toxic fumes. We also have 200 new -housing units
going up on Maria Drive in a few months.
We are not accustomed to speaking out against activities in
our community, but.this'station will have a negative impact on
the safety and health of our local. community, and we feel we
need to express our voices. We haven't seen anything in the
newspapers about the fact that an elementary school is the
closest neighbor to this. building project. -
Thank you for reading our letter.
McDowell Adult Students, Parents and Community members
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From; Vera Steinfels rmailto:verasteinfelsC�gmail.com]
Sent, Thursday, September 13, 2018 3:15 PM
To., ClWCouncil
Subject: Safeway Gas Station
To the Mayor and City Council Members,
The argument from the opponents of the gas station I hear most often is that Petaluma has the highest
prices and people drive to neighboring cities to get gas. Why does Petaluma have such high -prices and
why are the prices lower in Sebastopol where there are no Safeway or Costco gas station?. Has anyone
done a study on this?
I do not mind lower gas prices and would rather buy my gas in Petaluma but is having a 16 pump station
in a residential area right next to an elementary school, playground and Little League field really the
answer or could there be better options?
Accordingto Salkhi, Safeways gas prices in cities where they have been established for some
time - such as Novato, San Ramon and Pleasanton - are 20 cents higher than Santa Rosa because the
company is trying "to shock the market". By this he means Safeway draws customers' attention with
abnormally low prices and then slowly raises them once a customer base is generated.
In order to benefit from the low prices most advantageously one would have to shop at Safeway. I very
much resent that, but most of all I OPPOSE the gas station because it simply is the WRONG location.
Vera Steinfels
81 W Napa Drive
From: Rebecca Carpenter <rcarpenter 55@yahoo,com>
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2018 2:40 PM
To: matt.brown@arguscourier.com
Cc: daveglass@comcast.net; mthealy sbcglobal.net; councilman.albertson@gmail.com;
teresa4petaluma@comcast.net; councilmemberkearney@me.com; davekingpcc@gmail.com;
kathleencmilleroffice@gmail.com; - City Clerk <-CityClerlc@ci.petaluma.ca.us>
Subject: No Safeway Gas - Conflict of Interest
--- War ning:'Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL. IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR EMAIL
Petaluma Argus Courier
P.O. Box 750308
Petaluma, Ca. 94975
I read with interest Thursday's story, "Decision in council's hands," in which a letter from
NBCC Director Susan G!Imore Was quoted stating that they were satisfied that the
Safeway Gas Station does not put children at an increased risk. I found that letter as an
attachment to the City Council Agenda for September. 17. What was of. particular
concern to me was that there, on the left side of the letter, is listed the Board of
Directors, one of who is Gina Benedetti-Petn!c. She is also listed as a Board Member on
the NBCC website. Gina Benedetti-Petnic is one of the Petaluma Planning Commission
Members who voted in favor of constructing the Safeway Gas Station. Did she in any
way advise or help to craft that letter from the NBCC? How is it that she can sit on the
Board of NBCC and involve herself in the approval of this project? Is there some sort of
conflict of interest here? Gina Benedetti-Petnic should recuse herself from voting on this
Rebecca Carpenter
Petaluma, CA
Document Received After Agenda Distribution - Agenda Item #6,6
Pascoe, Samantha
Crump, Katie
Thursday, September 13, 2018 1:26 PM
To: .
- City Clerk
Hines, H
No Safeway Gas
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Flagged
Late document
From: leggvall
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2018 1:23 PM
To. CityCouncil
Dear Holders of the Public Trust an Welfare,
I am a 25 year resident of this special place we call Petaluma and home.
A registered voter who does vote!
The proposed site for the 16 pump gas station at the corner of McDowell Blvd and
Maria Dr.
DOES NOT BELONG across the street from an Elementary School, Little League and
Soccer Fields. Let Alone 60 FEET from A CHILDCARE CENTER and PRESCHOOL!
Many of us will be able to see, hear and smell the effects of your decision from our
homes. Others will experience difficulties in their DAILY LIVES getting to their home,
work, appointments and even emergency medical care.
Still others will face negative effects. on their HEALTH, SAFETY and finances for
decades and perhaps for the rest of their lives!
PLEASE remember it is incumbent on you to PROTECT ALL the CHILDREN
of Petaluma!
HONESTLY, would you vote to allow this if it were across the street from your, HOME?
The prevailing winds blowing on YOUR CHILD'S: Pre -School, Playground, Bali Fields
the Elementary School they would attend for their most VULNERABLE YEARS!!M
OR would you STOP IT if it were within YOUR POWER?
We will be paying close attention to your decision on this matter and WILL. VOTE
accordingly this fall on .Election .Day!
Sincerely, Chris Marsh
city of Petaluma records, including emails, are subject to the California Public Records Act. Unless exemptions apply, this
email, any attachments and any replies are subject to disclosure on request, and neither the sender nor any recipients
should have any expectation of privacy regarding the contents of such communications. .
From; Nan Maniscalco rma!Ito:nan.man iscalco(@tamgroup.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2018 12:53 PM
To: CityCouncil. '
Cc; MayorDavidGlass(a)gmail,com; mtheal)(@sbcylobal.net; teresa4petaluma@comcast.net;
councilmemberalbertsonOgmail.com; councilmemberkearhey(a)me.com; dayekingpcc@gmail.com;
kathleencmilleroffice@gmail,com, Adriann Saslow
Subject: NO GAS HERE - Oppose Petaluma Gas Station
Please come visit our side of town some evening or noon hour"rush. Then be honest, how a 16 pump
station would not deeply effect our neighborhood
PO Box 18762, Oakland, CA 94619
Dear Petaluma City Council Members,
35o Bay Area joins its local group, 35oPetaluma, in strongly opposingthe proposed
Safeway gas station. 35o Bay Area is a large regional nonprofit working atthe state,
regional, and local level to pass and enforce policies that fight climate change and to
block actions that not only harm the climate but also harm human health. To meet
California's ambitious climate change targets, we must stop new fossil fuel
infrastructure projects. We emphatically support environmental justice and stand up for
communities that are hit hardest by fossil fuel extraction and pollution.
The Safeway gas station exemplifies exactly what we are working to avoid.
First, the cumulative emissions from the project,will harm a vulnerable
community, especially the children of 4Cs Petaluma Child Development Center and
McDowell Elementary. (Please note that 85 percent of the children at McDowell
Elementary are not white and 97 percent are on free or reduced lunches; these
populations are the kinds of, communities already bearing the.brunt of toxic pollutants.)
The increase in toxic fumes and trafficfrom the proposed gas station siting would
create a significant cumulative health hazard for this. population.
As you know, California guidelines for siting new school facilities require that
health and safety be a primary consideration. This includes evaluating hazardous air
emissions and facilities located within a quarter mile (about 1,320 feet)
littps•//www cde ca gov/ls/fa/sf/sclioolsiteguide,asp#emissions. In addition, the U.S.
EPA publishes school siting guidelines that recommend careful evaluation for any
school within i,000 feet of a large gas station, defined as dispensing more than 3.6
million gallons/year. Safeway projects that they'll dispense 8.1 million gallons/year at
this station. Finally, the California'Air Resources Board (GARB) recommends that
school boundaries be at least Soo feet from a gas station. This gas station would be too
close to meet any of these guidelines.
Second, this project is likely to produce significant cumulative emissions for
decades—at the very time we need to dramatically reduce emissions. Under the bill
recently signed by Gov. Jerry Brown, California is to rely on i00% clean electricity by
2045. We are now better primed to make the transition to all electric vehicles. It's time
to build electric vehicle charging bays, not add to the infrastructure that supports old,
inefficient, and dangerous technology.
Opposing this project is in line. with Petaluma's stated goal of reducing
greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, ourtown has no need for another gas station,
especially at this location, where two large stations are within only one block of the
proposed Safeway station.
Council members, please . reject this. project.
Laura Neish
Executive Director
35o Bay Area
Tonya Parnak & Annie Stuart
Co -Leaders
September 11, 2018
To: Petaluma City Council
Dear Ladies & Gentlemen,
SCP 13 20
I heartily condemn the plan for establishing the Safeway Fuel Center (Truck
Stop) project.
Petaluma is'a beautiful city of which I am proud. In the forty-five years I
have been here, Petaluma has become a wonderful place in which to live and
raise a family. (It has even gained recognition as a tourist destination.) A TRUCK
STOP with noisy 18 -wheeler semis pounding into the center of town day and night
will seriously detract from the serenity and desirability of this unique community.
Most cities have planned their truck stops well outside of the city limits. If
we feel a truck stop is necessary to the functioning and well being of this
community, I suggest we look elsewhere.
Donald R. Martin
Copy: Petaluma Argus Courier
Donald R. Martin
7706 Catpegs Ct.
Petaluma, CA 94954-4530
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For the project file
From: Crump, Katie <KCRUMPCa@ci.petaluma.ca.us>
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2018 9:48 AM
To:,- City.Clerk <-CitwClerl<@cl.petaluma.ca.us>
Cc: Heather Hines <hhines@m-group.us>
Subject: FW: NoGasHere
Late document
From: Annie Stuart [mailto:l,annie,.stuart gmail,com]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2018 9:38 AM
To: CityCouncll
Subject: NoGasHere-
September3.2, 2oa.8
Dear Petaluma City Council Members,
As a climate activist, health writer, and concerned citizen, I strongly oppose the proposed 1.6 -pump Safeway gas
Although profit margins may be a driving argument for this project, in a moral world, the health of our
children and neighbors would take precedence: You have no doubt already received countless pleas to consider
the health consequences of this project. Here is yet another:
in 201.4, researchers at Johns Hopkins published a study suggesting that drops of fuel spilled at gas
stations could cumulatively cause long-term environmental damage to soil and groundwater In nearby residential
Gas station owners may work to prevent gasoline from leaking out of underground storage tanks, but
routine small spills may be causing more harm than previously thought. That's because gasoline droplets don't all
evaporate. They can also penetrate concrete and seep into the ground below. The Johns Hopkins researchers
estimated that roughly 1.,56o liters of gasoline are spilled each decade at a typical gas station, and that a
significant fraction may be releasing harmful chemicals such as benzene, a known carcinogen, into the ground
In summary, one of the study's co-authors had this to say: Since the health effects of living neargasoline
stations have not been well studied, there is an urgency to look more closely, especially since the new trend is to build
largerfilling stations with many more pumps. These stations continue to be located near residential areas where soil
and groundwater could be affected. .
As we consider this project, let's remember: These are not somebody else's neighbors. They are our
neighbors. These are not somebody else's children. They are our children.
Annie Stuart, Petaluma
1. Markus Hilpert, Patrick N. Breysse, Infiltration and Evaporation of Small Hydrocarbon Spills at Gas Stations.
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2.014; DOL 1o.1o16g.iconhkd.2o14.08.00
Annie Stuart
Encore Editorial Services
707.242.6171 i
Evelyn Ellis
From: Heather Hines
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2018 9:27 AM
To: Evelyn Ellis
Subject: Fw: Opposition to Petaluma Safeway gas station
For the file
6`)9 Oitzts90WI SIRE i I SANTA ROSA i CA 195404 1 707.,540.0723 ext. 206
From: Crump,Katie <I<CRUMP@ci.petaluma.ca.us>
Sent: Thursday, September 13,.2018 8:32 AM
To: - City Clerk
Cc: Heather Hines
Subject: FW: Opposition to Petaluma Safeway gas station
Late document
From: JoAnn McEachin[mailto:joannmceachin@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2018 8:27 AM
To: councilman.albertson@gmall.com; teresa4petaluma@comcast.net; mayordavidglass@gmail,com;
mthealy@sbcglobal.net; councilmemberkearney@me:com; davekingpcc@gmail.com; kathleencmilleroffice@gmail.com;
Subject. Opposition to Petaluma Safeway gas station
To Petaluma City Council members,
I would like to address an issue that I have not heard comment on before: specifically, the delay of access to the only hospital and emergency
room in Petaluma, which will only be exacerbated by the more than 500 vehicles per day that Safeway has (conservatively) stipulated it expects
to attract to its S. McDowell and Maria Dr. location.
The E. Washington and S. McDowell intersection, just one block north of the proposed Safeway gas station site, Is recognized now as THE
most congested intersection in all of Petaluma. This already traffic -plagued intersection is a mere 4/10ths of a mile from Petaluma Valley
"Hospital and is an integral part of the primary route to that hospital.
Consider all the non -Petaluma vehicles that, when Safeway advertises its cheap gas is available at its new location, will get off of and back on
to Hwy. 101 at E. Washington at.all hours of the day to go to Safeway. We cannot delude ourselves that this isn't exactly what Safeway is
hoping for, however gently and quietly they propose this beneficent `:fuel center" for our community.
Safeway cleverly made an effort in the Health Risk Assessment it presented to the Planning Commission to point out that the added traffic at its
proposed site would not detrimentally affect the Petaluma airport. Strategically, however, Safeway made no mention of how the added traffic
would affect access to the hospital and its emergency room.
This a significant impact that City Council must recognize and address. I hereby formally request -that City Council require a full Environmental
Impact Report be done before any further decision be made about the viability of any gas station that Safeway wants to impose on- Petaluma at
this site. .
JoAnn McEachin
1512 Sierra Dr.
(415) 518-1950
Evelyn Ellis
From:' Heather Hines
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2018 9:30 AM
To: Evelyn Ellis
Subject: Fw: The ill Safeway gas station project!
For the file
499 i3G.lCi9i�OI. 'r,a1ZFET I SANTA ROSA I CA 195404 1707,540,0723 ext, 206
From: Crump, Katie <I<CRUMP@c!.petaluma.ca.us>
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2018 7:22 AM
To: - City Clerk
Cc: Heather Hines
Subject: FW: The !II Safeway gas station project!
Late document
--'--Original Message -----
From: Horst Steinfels [ma!Ito:horst.mt.tam@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 8:03 PM
To: C!tyCouncil
Subject: The ill Safeway gas station project!
To the Mayor and City Council members,
Yes, I do like to pump cheaper gasoline as any other driver.
However, I'm not in favor of this project due to the closeness to the
adjacent schools and Little League and soccer fields..
I'm not going to rehash the many pros and cons (you must admit the
majority are anti opinions) that have been debated for so many months.
Here's a refresher of the dilemma in which City Hall finds itself.
Back in August of 2013, when City Hall was approached by Safeway and
its suits, a handful of City employees were suckered into the renaming
and rezoning of the property at Maria and McDowell from a'gas
station.'to a'fuel center' .... without the proper evaluation and
input of the Citizens of Petaluma.... I'd say it's hair-splittingly
City Hall was lured into believing of great tax income .... yes, a what
future health cost?
This is why City Hall is now under the threat of being sued by Safeway
if it does not obtain the approval to build that monstrosity... in
other words City Hall colluded with Safeway by renaming the area and
being blinded by slick lawyers of the eventual tax revenue for the
City of Petaluma and, it is now stuck with a badly thought-out issue.
Then on June 25, 2018, at the town hall meeting we, a number of
concerned Petaluma citizens; had to endure listening to the 'suits' of
the great'benefits' that would befall the City of Petaluma and how
the 'detailed' environmental studies that had been conducted would
ensure the safety of the children playing far too close near by.
On that day in June it was already a foregone conclusion and decision
by the Planning Commission to vote for the gas station to be built...
in other words without the approval of the greater citizenry of
Petaluma. We, the dissenters of that day, wasted our time in speaking
against it ... a verdict which had already been decided on beforehand}
Now with this badly done nod of 2013 and forced approval of 2018 by
City Hall the citizens of Petaluma would be exposed to a myriad of
future health hazards.
it is morally and ethically corrupt for City Hall to cede to the
demands and greed of BIG MONEYSafeway.
I strongly urge that City Hall stand up to the threat of Safeway -and
ask not to succumb but defend the citizens of Petaluma.
Horst Steinfels
Eastside resident
City of Petaluma records, including emails, are subject to the California Public Records Act. Unless exemptions apply, this
email, any attachments and any replies are subject to disclosure on request, and neither the sender nor any recipients
should have any expectation of privacy regarding the content's of such communications.
Evelyn Ellis
Heather Hines
Thursday, September 13, 2018 9:30 AM
Evelyn Ellis
Fw: Gas station'
For the file
E! 9 1V i1A"BC-U V STREET I SANTA ROSA I CA 195404 1 707.540.0723 ext. 206
From: Crump, Katie<I<CRUMP@ci.petaluma.ca.us>
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2018 7:21 AM
To: - City Clerk
Cc: Heather Hines
Subject: FW: Gas station
Late document
-----Original Message -----
From: Danielle Harnisch [niailto:danyharn(o)comcast.netj
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 9:48 PM
To; CityCouncil
Subject: Gas station
I oppose the building of the Safeway gas station at McDowell. No fumes and idling cars, congestion in this area
Thank you !
City of Petaluma records, including emails, are subject to the California Public Records Act. Unless exemptions apply, this
email, any attachments and any replies are subject to disclosure on request, and neither the sender nor any recipients
should have any expectation of privacy regarding the contents of such communications.
for the file
�s-�9 HUMBOLDTSTREET I SANTA ROSA I CA 195404 1 707.540.0723 ext, 206
From: Crump, Katie <KCRUMP@ci,petalu_ma.ca.us>
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2018 7:21 AM
To: - City Clerk
Cc: Heather Hines
Subject: FW: Safeway Gas Station
Late document
From: K. Pierce [mailto:shutterpix amail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 10:02 PM
To. CityCouncil
Subject: Safeway Gas Station
City Council. members,
I'm a.'resident of Petaluma, In fact, I was born and raised here along with my Mother who has
lived in the same east side home for over 40 years.
I do not have children of my own nor do 1 shop at Safeway but the reason for my email.to you is
to state the same concerns of so many other'Petaluma residents who oppose this absurb gas.
We have plenty of gas stations in this town so.why the push for another one? It's complete
nonsense. We can tall( all day about the problems this gas station WILL create. in the short term
as well as the longterm health concerns this will have on our children, elders and all the folks
waiting to catch the bus to get where they need to go. Cheap gas (provided you shop at
Safeway) at the expense of people's health is criminal, How dare you,
Safeway has a team of lawyers just looming around waiting for a chance to file suit against the
City of Petaluma if they can't build this precious gas station. Bully comes to mind. How about
The people of Petaluma demand a better outcome, to stand up to bullies and to be treated like
the hard working citizens we are. What about us? We stand proud, so should you.
Kim Pierce
Petaluma eastside resident
For the file
4 91 HUM80LD'r STI RFET I SANTA ROSA I CA 1 95404 1 707,540,0723 ext, Z06
From: Crump, Katie <I<CRUMP@ci.petaluma,ca,us>
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2018 7:21 AM
To: - City.Clerk
Cc: Heather Hines
Subject: FW: Safeway gas station
Late document
-----Original Message -----
From: Stacy Calkin [mailto!callcinonl@comcast,net]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 10:06 PM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: Safeway gas station
Petaluma city council
I can not believe that you think it is a good idea to put a gas station next to a school, preschool and little
league field. I have boys that have played and play at Murphy field, Over the last few years with all the
new apartments going in the streets are to busy, I witnessed a kid get hit in the cross walk at Maria and
Park, People drive too fast down that street, You will be adding to the amount of cars that travel that
street. I know most of you have children. Think about the kids for once, it is a bad idea to have a gas
station where children play!
I do not support this gas stationl I
Stacy Calkin
Sent from my iPhone
Begin'forwarded message:
From: PEARSON TAX TEAM <pearsong1(@ao1.com>
Date: September 18, 2018 at 11:54:58 AM PDT
To: oervin@m-group.us
Subject: no vote on gas station
after reading the news paper and driving around the gas -station
area and seeing all the No Gas signs ..............
what are you going to do City Council?
vote in favor of your towns people, that live- here, voted for you,
expect you to make the right decision for all of us close to the area
in question,. be good stewards of the land, knowing in the future
cars will not need gas,knowing the health issues, traffic issues and
Or vote for Safeway? That has only brought money to the table.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gloria K Pearson
This is my 2nd email, how am I to know that either one of them get
where they need to be, to be heard. -City Council? .
Safeway fitel center project
From: PEARSON TAX TEAM <pearsongl<@aol.com>
To: oervin <oervin@m-group.us>
Subject: safeway fuel center project
Date: Sat, Sep 8, 2018 12:41 pm
I strongly oppose the Safeway fuel center!
the center is too close to the school and residential area, a very
important and big concern
traffic in that area is very congestive
Page 1 of 2
there are 2 other gas station in the immediate area, so the revenue
Safeway mentions for the city , is just taken away from the other
stations, It will not be new revenue, or very little!
and 16 pumps is 16 too* many
the grocery store needs a convenience store at the station?
The West side of Petaluma has traffic congestion now that cant be
solved; to add a station and the Cast side chooses to cross town and
purchase gas that will add to Washington Street and all other cross
town connectors. (is there other cross town connectors?)
Please be good stewards. of the land, please think of the people of our
great city, think about the future (when cars don't need gas) traffic
needs to get to the fuel station, Lots to consider besides revenue to the
It would be nice to know how the revenue to the city is.spent now,
Respectfully Submitted, �t'l
Gloria K Pearson
resident and business owner of Petaluma
https://m.ail.aol.com/webinail-std/en-us/PiintMessage 9/8/2018
APN 007-820-046
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to all interested persons that the City Council will consider an appeal of the Planihfrg
Commission's approval of Site Plan and Architectural Review (SPAR) of the Safeway Fuel Center project as summarized
EPROJOECT DESCRIPTION: On June 26, 2018 the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2018-21B approving
Site Plan and Architectural Review for the Safeway Fuel Center project, including development of a new gas station on a
0.71 acre site located at .335 South McDowell Boulevard, within the Washington Square Shopping Center. Site
improvements include the construction of a 5,932 square foot fueling canopy covering 16 fueling positions, a 697 square
foot convenience store, two 20,000 gallon underground storage tanks, landscaping and parking. Site preparation will include
the demolition of the existing 13,770 square foot commercial building and associated existing site improvements. Offsite
improvements consist of modifications to the adjacent Transit Center to increase the width of the bus turnout area to allow
for buses to queue outside of the Maria Drive travel lane. Additionally, the Transit Center amenities will be enhanced to
include new shelters, seating, landscaping and ancillary improvements.
PROJECT LOCATION: The project is located at 335.5. McDowell Blvd, within the Washington Square Shopping Center.
ENVIRONMEN'TAL RE, VEECIW: An Initial Study (IS) was prepared for the project and published for public review period
that extended from April 5, 2018 to May 7, 2018. The Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2018-21A approving
the Mitigated Negative Declaration on June 26, 2018.
CITY COUNCIL MEE, TING DATEE/TRVIE: Monday, September 17, 2018, at or after 6:45 p.m.
MEETING LOCATION: City Council Chambers, City Hall of Petaluma, 11 English Street, Petaluma, CA,
WHAT WILL HAPPEN: -You can comment on the project. The City Council will consider all public testimony and
approve, approve with modifications, or deny the appeal. Y .�l d
H+' YOU CANNOT A.TTEEND: You can send a letter to the Planning Division, City. of Petaluma, I 1 English Street,
Petaluma California, 94952. You can also hand deliver letters prior to the meeting or e-mail comments. All Planning
Commission meetings are televised on the Petaluma Community Access Cable Channel 28. ty, Vt
FOR MORE INFORMATION: You may contact Olivia Ervin, at (707) 778-4556 or oervinair%roup.us and/or Heather
Hines at (707) 778"4316 or hhines@m-group.us. You can also come to the Planning Division to review the proj ect file. The
office is open Monday through Thursdays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. City Hall is closed Fridays.
Efforts will be made to accommodate persons with disabilities. The City Manager's office must be notified at (707) 778-
4345 within 5 days from date of publication of this notice*if you need special accommodations.
For accessible meeting information:
Please call (707) 778-4360 or. (J�,
TDD (707) 778-4480
Iri accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you require special assistance to participate in this meeting,
please contact the City Clerk's Office at (707) 778.4360 (voice) or (707) 778-4480 (TDD). Translators, American Sign .
Language interpreters, and/or assistive listening devices for individuals with hearing disabilities will be available upon
request. A rriinimum of 48 hours is needed to ensure the availability of translation services. In consideration6 twi0 with
chemical sensitivities or other environmental illness, .it is requested that you refrain from wearing scented pro LOs,
Box503 Graton, 'CA 95444 n info@northbayop.org
Petaluma City Council
11 English Street
Petaluma, CA 94952
September 12, 2018
Dear Petaluma City Council,
I have been wrestling with understanding the decision by our City Council, School Board, and Planning
Commission to -approve the installation of Safeway's 16 pump gas station directly across the street from an
elementary school and an early -childhood education center in our town. • '
Even my eight-year old child knows we have a collective responsibility to limit sources of air
pollution near places where children spend, time outside. His simplified view echoes that of the government
regulations that safeguard children, who are more sensitive to polluted air than adults because they breathe
air more rapidly. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the California Air Resources Board
recognize that children should be protected by limiting.the placement of gas stations near schools.
Ninety-eight percent of McDowell Elementary students are eligible for reduced lunch, and ninety
percent are students, of color. According to the National Institute of Health, people from poor communities
and communities of color are disproportionately exposed to elevated air pollution levels. In Petaluma,
parents and citizens from all our schools and neighborhoods are now faced with an opportunity to use their
voices to collectively protect our community's children from locally increased air pollution.
In Sonoma County, as we witness more and more days with poor air quality, everyone, not just
children or those with Iow socio-economic status, is becoming more familiar with air pollution. Due to
fossil fuel burning, climate change, and wildfire smoke from as far away.as Canada, we are increasingly
subjected to decreased air quality.
The decision by City representatives to support the gas station.seems to be part of a larger socio-
economic and political agenda beyond the scope of this letter. One in which residents want cheaper gas,
City representatives have been threatened by Safeway with litigation, and the City would.receive increased
revenue from local gas taxes. It remains unclear to me how we lost sight of our students' needs for a
healthy environment in exchange for yet another gas station. The consequences of the City's lack of initial
foresight in this matter will now be borne by low income children of color.
Interestingly, the Pew Research Center has found that young people and people of color are more
likely to demand stronger environmental policies. With that in mind, I am looking to our upcoming City
Council and School Board electrons for leadership on environmental protection.
As a community in Petaluma, we may lack the foresight and leadership to, recognize that
California is moving toward 100% renewable energy, and away from fossil fuels. But that is not'the case in
the greater Bay Area,.California, and around the world. This week has seen indigenous communities and
their supporters march for climate justice, including 30,000 people in San Francisco. Actions that
emphasize the need for environmental justice around climate change and fossil fuel burning are taking
place this week during the Global Climate Action'Summit in San Francisco. California is on the path to
100% fossil -fuel free electricity by 2045 with the signing of Senate Bill 100 by Governor Brown.
Amber Szoboszlai, Petaluma Resident
Member of North Bay Organizing Project, Petaluma
North Bay Organizing Project
Box 503 Graton, CA 95444 • info @b north bayop.org 16-174
Document Received After Agenda Distribution - Agenda -Item #6.B
Cooper, Claire
To: Cooper, Claire
Subject: RE: Petaluma Safeway Gas Station - Update
From: Natalie Mattel
Date: September 11, 2018 at 3:49:37 PM PDT
To: "teresa4petaluma@comcast,net" <teresa4petaluma@comcast.net>
Cc: "Nick Carter Natalie Mattei
Subject: Petaluma Safeway Gas Station - Update
Dear Council Member Barrett,
This is.Natalie Maffei, Senior Real Estate Manager for Safeway. in preparation for next Monday's discussion of the -
proposed Safeway gas station at Washington Square, I wanted to reach out to share a few thoughts and updates for
your consideration:
1. Continued outside validation of project.
As you know, over the past 6+ years, Safeway has completed 14+ technical studies to assess the project, more than
any gas station in the history of the City. The clear conclusion across all studies is that the project meets all
thresholds for health, safety, traffic and environmental considerations. We'have been encouraged to see the project
Independently validated by other stakeholders, namely:
• City Planning. department's decision to recommend project approval
• Planning Commission's approval on. June 26 '
• Petaluma City School's decision to concur with the project air quality study after correcting flawed data in
their original peer review
• North Bay Children's Center's independent review and conclusion that the project "does not place the health
and safety of the children and staff of NBCC at increased risk".
We hope these additional validations provide the Council with further assurance that this project has been thoroughly.
analyzed and vetted.
2. Responses to Letters from Moira Sullivan and Richard Sachen.
In an effort to further ground the public dialogue in facts and evidence, we have prepared responses to two recent
letters submitted to the City, one by Moira Sullivan dated August 14, 2018, and one by Richard Sachen dated
September 4, 2018 (both attached for your convenience).
3. Public opinion survey results.
For your reference, attached is a summary of a public opinion survey of 502 likely Petaluma voters completed in late
June by FM3 research. Key findings:
• 671A are concerned with the increasing cost of gas in Petaluma
52% often travel to other cities to buy gas because it's too expensive in Petaluma
After hearing balanced pro and con arguments, respondents supported the Safeway project by a 55% - 35% margin.
4. Continued Community Outreach.
After 6+ years of consideration, public awareness of the project is extremely high (68% in the FM3 study).
Nevertheless, we are committed to providing continued opportunity for public engagement and outreach. A few recent
• Presentation to and formal endorsement from the Petaluma Area Chamber of Commerce
• Calls, meetings and site tours with Petaluma City Schools, North Bay Children's Center and 40's Petaluma
Child Development Center
• Calls and meetings with neighbors and other concerned residents
• Expanded online resources via our bilingual project website and Facebook page
• Two additional community open houses on September 8, 2018 and September 1 f, 2018
Thank you for your consideration. l am available at your convenience at (925) 413-4455 or.
natalle.mattei@-safeway.com should you like to discuss any of this further.
Natalie Mattei
Senior Real Estate Manager
Albertsons Companies
11555 Dublin Canyon Road
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 226-5754 Office 1 (925) 413.4455 Mobile
natalie.matte!@safeway.com ( Linkedin
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information and is intended only for the use of the intended..recipient(s). If the reader of this message.is
not the intended recipient(s), you are notified that you have received this message in error and that.any
review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received
this message in error, please notify the sender immediately.
2 16-176 .
Document Received After Agenda Distribution - Agenda Item #6.B
Cooper, Claire
Subject: FW: Proposed Safeway Gas
From: kane_rosebud
Sent, Wednesday, September 12, 2018 2:50 PM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: Proposed Safeway Gas
Good afternoon!
I'm writing to you because of the gas station that has been approved for McDowell & Maria and my love of
Petaluma and my small community that surrounds this proposed site.
The focus and primary concern is the health risks to the many young, vulnerable children that spend
their days. less than 200 feet from this proposed site. Even with best efforts to. avoid it, Fueling
stations add high levels of VOCs to the air, leak hundreds ofchemicals into the soil and groundwater,
and increase risks of respiratory diseases and cancers. This business will also increase traffic, attract
more, transients/ drug users (PPD can barely keep up now)to the area, will encourage loitering,
increase crime, and will bring chemical, noise, light, and trash pollution to our air, soil, water and
neighborhood.There are already two fueling stations less than a mile from this proposed site and
plenty more down E Washington, Traffic in this area is already very heavy with parents getting their children
to school. Adding an element of non -school drivers in a hurry to fuel up'and get in and out of a convenience
store will surely result in small children getting injured.
We don't need more gas pollution and traffic this close to our schools and homes. Let's consider our
future for Petaluma, the children. -
Thank you for your consideration.
Jessica Potts
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
City of Petaluma records, including emails, are subject to the California Public Records Act, Unless exemptions apply, this
email, any attachments and any replies are subject to disclosure on request, and neither the sender norr any recipients
should have any expectation of privacy regarding the contents of such communications.
Document Received After Agenda Distribution -Agenda Item #6.B
Cooper, Claire
From: Laura Rivera
Sent: Wednesday, September 12,.2018 9:04 AM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: Oppose Petaluma Safeway Gas Station
---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL_ IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR EMAIL SYSTEM. ---
I oppose the Albertson's/Safeway project to build a gas/fuel station at the intersection South
McDowell and Maria Drive.
The proximity is too close to the pre-school and elementary schools for these children to be subjected
to the unhealthy fumes from idling cars.
Also, the neighborhood was -not informed of a zoning change 3 years ago or we would have protested
The traffic is already intense getting through the intersection of McDowell and E. Washington. This
will increase increase potentially 2x.
Don't be bullied by the big Corporation and their wallets. Think of your community and your
I hope you do •the right thing.
Laura Steinfels
Petaluma, CA 94954
Document Received After Agenda Distribution a Agenda Item #6.D
Cooper, Claire
From: Rosie Gibson
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 3:41 PM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: Safeway gas station
•---Warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR EMAIL SYSTEM. ---
Things I like in my neighborhood of 29 years;
1. McDowell School where my daughters attended elementary school.
2. Little league playing fields where my nephew played baseball.
3. McDowell playground where my granddaughter plays on the swings.
All these places are one block away from the proposed Safeway gas station.
This is wrong in so many ways, not just the proximity to children coming and going but in the pollution, noise and
increased traffic on an already busy street.
Oh and rlgM across the street from a low income preschool. Does the fact that this preschool mainly serves the children
of our immigrant population have anything to do with the way this project has been steamrolled into our neighborhood?
I would like to hear the uproar if this gas station was proposed for a westside neighborhood near schools 'and playing
I will also be closely following who votes/voted for. this project as I decide whom to vote for in.the coming elections.
Rosemary Gibson
Document Received After Agenda Distribution - Agenda Item #6.D
Cooper, Claire
From: oliver steinfels
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 10:30 PM
To: CityCouncil
Subject: Safeway Gas Station Opposition Letter
---warning: Use caution before clicking any attachments. THIS EMAIL IS FROM OUTSIDE OUR EMAIL SYSTEM.---
'Mr..Mayor and member of,the city council,
My name is Oliver Steinfels and I own a home on Grinella drive, about three blocks
from the proposed gas station, so it would be disingenuous for me to say that that one
of the reasons that I oppose this project because l don't want this gas station in my
neighborhood. However, I am also a father and an elementary school teacher, so my
main reason for writing to you today in opposition of this project is because I believe
strongly in protecting the health and well being of the children who cannot be here to
speak for themselves and who would be negatively affected by this project. This
project has very few positive aspects that would benefit the community as a whole. It
will mainly benefit Safeway customers by providing them with cheaper gas. And of
course, it would help Safeway with its primary goal, to make as much money as
possible. But at what cost? The downsides to this project are numerous; increased air
pollution in proximity to "sensitive receptors", increased traffic in an area that is already
one of the most heavily impacted intersections in the entire town, and overall
detrimental quality of life for all the residents that live near the proposed site.
As you weigh your decision on Monday the 17th, I ask that. please keep the guiding
principles of the Petaluma General plan in mind. Specifically;
Policy 4 G 3 & 4 P 7, which states that the city shall improve air quality and meet
all' Feder -al and State ambient air quality standards and goals by reducing the generation
of air pollutants'from stationary and mobile sources, and aim to reduce Motor
Vehicle Related Air Pollution
Policy 4 G 4, which states that the city shall reduce the reliance on non-
renewable energy sources in existing and NEW development.
1 16-180
Policy 4 P 17, which seeks to avoid potential health risks and complaints that
may be caused by sources or odor, dust or TOXIC AIR CONTAMINANTS. In an
effort to do, so the city should: Locate new stationary sources of airpolluiants, such
as industrial facilities, at sufficient distances away fi om residential areas and facilities
that serve SENSITIVE RECEPTORS to avoid significant impacts caused by odors,
dust, and toxic air contaminants.
The BAAQMD (Bay Area Air Quality Management District) defines sensitive receptors as
"facilities or land.uses that include members of the population that are particularly sensitive to
the effects of air pollutants, such as children, the elderly and people with illnesses. Examples
include schools, hospitals and residential areas."4 Heightened sensitivity may be caused by
health problems, proximity -to the emissions source, and duration of exposure to airpollutants.
Sensitive receptors in Petaluma include approximately 20 elementary schools, two junior
high schools, seven high schools, one hospital and several convalescent homes. Any residence
can also be considered a sensitive receptor. Recognizing those sensitive members of the
community are also likely to be atparks and in or around any residential area, all residential
structures could also be deemed sensitive.
In closing, I ask you to listen to the voices and concerns of your constituents. I
ask that you stay true to the guiding principles of the Petaluma General Plan. I
ask that not succumb to the bullying tactics of the Safeway lawyers and I ask you
to think about what approving this gas station says- about our town and about our
priorities. Is the almighty dollar more important than the health, well being and
safety of our children, our -most precious citizens?
Oliver Steinfels
September 11, 2018
Petaluma City Council
11 English St.
Petaluma, CA 94952
Dear City Council Members:
We are adult students at Petaluma Adult School. We study English on the
McDowell School campus. We bring our infants and -toddlers to the school's
childcare. Some of us also have children at McDowell Elementary, NBCC or
4C's preschools. We oppose the gas station- that Safeway wants to build right
across the street.
The air at the schools will be dirtier, and children's lungs are still growing.
Many of the children have asthma and we Worry about them. Studies say there
will be at least 500 extra cars every day in our neighborhood, so traffic will be
more dangerous for pedestrians. Some of us take the bus, and when we cross
the street it will be more dangerous.
This neighborhood doesn't need another gas station. There are two
stations - a 76 and a Chevron - in the next block. The noise level will distract us
and our children -from learning. We are concerned about the danger of fumes or
an explosion near our school.
Please listen to our voices and consider our serious concerns. It is your
responsibility to protect the people of this city, especially the children. Thank
you for listening to us.
16-182 1
ESL Students, Level 2 Morning Class
Petaluma Adult School
421 S. McDowell Blvd.
0"6 ce
>> o
ct YL,�'
16-183 2
September 10, 2018
Petaluma City Council
11 English St.
Petaluma, CA 94952
Dear Members of the City Council:
We are students at the Petaluma Adult School on the McDowell
School campus, and we oppose the gas station that Safeway wants
to build right across the street from our school and our children's
The quality of air will be negatively affected, and our children's lungs
are still growing, and some have problems with asthma. We
understand that there will be at least 500 extra cars each day in our
neighborhood, so that traffic will be much worse and more
dangerous for pedestrians. Some of us take the bus, and so when we
cross the street it will be much riskier. Also, this neighborhood
doesn't need another gas station, as there are two stations, a 76, and
a Chevron, already in the next block. Additionally, the noise level will
be a distraction for us and for our children's learning. Finally, we are
concerned about the danger of an explosion so near to our school.
Please hear our voices and consider our serious concerns. It is
your responsibility to protect the people of this city. Thank you for
listening to us.
ESL Students of Level 3
Petaluma Adult School
September 11, 2018
Petaluma City Council
11 English St.
Petaluma, .CA 94952
Dear City Council Members:.
We are adult students at Petaluma Adult School. We study English on the
McDowell School campus. We bring our infants and toddlers to the school's childcare.
Some of us also have children at McDowell Elementary, NBCC or 4C's preschools. We
oppose the gas station that Safeway wants to build. right across the street.
The air around the schools and the neighborhood will not be health . Children's
lungs are still growing, many children have asthma and we worr about them. Studies
show there will be at least 500 extra cars every day in our neighborhood, so traffic will
be more dangerous for children, parents and teachers walking to school. Some of us
take the bus, and when we cross the street it will be more dangerous. We have
baseball fields and playgrounds all around the McDowell quadrant, where parents and
children come to play and relax. With more traffic, it will be noisier for everyone.
This neighborhood doesn't need another gas station. There are two stations - a
76 and a Chevron - on the next block. The noise level will distract us and our children
from learning. We are concerned about the danger of fumes or an explosion near our
Please listen to our voices and consider our serious concerns. It is your
responsibility to protect the people of this city, especially the children. Thank you for
listening to us.
ESL Students, Level 2 Evening Class
Petaluma Adult School
421 S. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954
September 11, 2018
Petaluma City Council
11 English St.
Petaluma, CA 94952
Dear City Council Members:
We are adult students at Petaluma Adult School. We study English on the
McDowell School campus. We bring our infants and toddlers to the school's childcare.
Some of us also have children at McDowell Elementary, NBCC or 4C's preschools. We
oppose the gas station that, Safeway wants to build right across the street.
The air around the schools and the neighborhood will not be health . Children's
lun s are still growing, many children have asthma and we worry about them. Studies
show there will be at least 500 extra cars every day in our neighborhood, so traffic will
be more dangerous for children, parents and teachers walking to school. Some of us
take the bus, and when we cross the street it will be more dangerous. We have
baseball fields and playgrounds all around the McDowell quadrant, where parents and
children come to play and' relax. With more traffic, it will be noisier for everyone.
This neighborhood doesn't need another gas station. There are two stations - a
76 and a Chevron - on the next block. The noise level will distract us and our children
from learning. We are concerned about*the danger of fumes or an explosion near. our
, school.
Please listen to our voices.and consider our serious concerns. It is your
responsibility to protect the people of this city, especially the children. Thank you for
listening to us.
ESL Students, Level 2 Evening Class s
Petaluma Adult School Cr 1
421 S. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954
September 11, 2018
Petaluma City Council
11 English St.
Petaluma, CA 94952
Dear City Council Members:
We are adult students at Petaluma Adult School. We study English on the
McDowell School campus. We bring our infants and toddlers to the school's childcare.
Some of us also have children at McDowell Elementary, NBCC or 4C's preschools. We
oppose the gas station that Safeway wants to build right across the'street.
The air' around the schools and the neighborhood will not be health . Children's
I unas are still growing, many children have asthma and we worry about them. Studies
show there will be at least 500 extra cars every day in our neighborhood, so traffic will
be more dangerous for children parents and teachers walking to school. Some of us
take the bus, and when we cross the street it will be more dangerous. We have
baseball fields and playgrounds all around the McDowell quadrant, where parents and
children come to play and relax. With more traffic, it will be noisier for everyone.
This neighborhood doesn't need another gas station. There are two stations - a
76 and a Chevron - on the next block. The noise level will distract us and our children
from learning. We are concerned about the danger of flumes or an explosion near our
Please listen to our voices and consider our serious concerns. It is your
responsibility to protect the people of this city, especially the children. Thank you for
listening to us.
ESL Students, Level 2 Evening Class F
Petaluma Adult School
421 S. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954 -
September 11, 2018
Petaluma City Council
11 English St.
Petaluma, CA 94952
Dear City Council Members:
We are adult students at Petaluma Adult School. We, study English on the
McDowell School campus. We bring our infants'and toddlers to the school's childcare.
Some of us also have children at McDowell Elementary, NBCC or 4C's preschools. We
oppose the gas station that Safeway wants to build right across the street.
The air around the schools and the neighborhood will not be healthy. Children's
lun s are still growing, many children have asthma and we worry about them. Studies
show there will be at least 500 extra cars every day in our neighborhood, so traffic will
be more dangerouso for children parents and teachers walking to school. Some of us
take the bus, and when we cross the street it will be more dangerous. We have
baseball fields and playgrounds all around the McDowell quadrant, where parents and
children come to play and relax. ' With more traffic, it will be noisier for everyone.
This neighborhood doesn't need another gas station. There are two stations - a
76 and a Chevron - on the next block. The noise level will distract us and our children.
from learning. We are concerned about the danger of fumes or an explosion near our
school. -
Please listen to our voices and consider our serious concerns. It is your
responsibility to protect the people of this city, especially the children. Thank you for
listening to us.
ESL. Students, Level 2 Evening Class
Petaluma Adult School
421 S. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 9.4954
September 11, 2018
Petaluma City Council
11 English St.
Petaluma, CA 94952
Dear City Council Members:
We are adult students at Petaluma Adult School. We study English on the
McDowell School campus. We bring our infants and toddlers to the school's childcare.
Some of us also have children at. McDowell Elementary, NBCC or 4C's preschools. We
oppose the gas station that Safeway wants to build right across the street.
The air around the schools and the neighborhood will not be healthy. Children's
IgDnggs are still growing, many children have asthma and we worry about them. Studies
show there will be at least 500 extra cars every day in our neighborhood; so -traffic will
be more dangerous for children,® parents and teachers walking to school. Some of us
take the bus, and when we cross the street it will be more dangerous. We have
baseball fields and playgrounds all around the McDowell quadrant, where parents and
children come to play and relax. With more traffic, it will be noisier for everyone.
This neighborhood doesn't need another gas station. There are two stations a
76 and a Chevron - on the next block. The noise level will distrac us and our children
from learning. We are concerned about the danger of fumes or an explosion near our
Please listen to our voices and consider our serious concerns. It is your
responsibility to protect the people of this city, especially the children. Thank you for
listening to us.
ESL Students, Level 2 Evening Class
Petaluma Adult School
421 S. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954
September 11, 2018
Petaluma City Council
11 English St.
Petaluma., CA 94952
Dear City Council Members:
We are adult students at Petaluma Adult School. We study English on the
McDowell School campus. We bring our infants and toddlers to the school's childcare.
Some of us also have children at McDowell Elementary, NBCC or 4C's preschools. We
oppose the gas station that Safeway wants to build right across the street.
The air around the schools and the neighborhood will not be healthy. Children's
IUD gs are still growing, many children have asthma and we worry about them. Studies
show there will be at least 500 extra cars every day in our neighborhood, so traffic will
be more dan Brous for children parents and teachers walking to school. Some of us
take the bus, and when we cross the street it will be more dangerous. We have
baseball fields and playgrounds all around the.'McDowell quadrant, where parents and
children come to play and relax. With more traffic, it will be noisier for everyone.
This neighborhood doesn't need another gas station. There are two stations - a
76 and a Chevron _ on the next block. The noise level will distract us and our children
from learning. We are concerned about the danger of fumes or an explosion near our
Please listen to our voices and consider our serious concerns. It is your
responsibility to protect the people of this city, especially the children. Thank you for
listening to us.
ESL Students, Level 2 Evening Class
Petaluma Adult School
421 S. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954
ndm (I(,,: k (�,
September 11, 2018
Petaluma City Council
11 English St.
Petaluma, CA 94952
Dear City Council Members:
We are adult students at Petaluma Adult School. We study English on the
McDowell School campus. We bring our infants and toddlers to the school's childcare.
Some of us also have children at McDowell Elementary, NBCC or 4C's preschools. We
oppose the gas station that Safeway wants to build right across. the street.
The air around the schools and the neighborhood will not be health . Children's
lun s are still growing, many children have asthma and we worry about them. Studies
show there will be at least 500 extra cars every day in our neighborhood, so traffic will
be more dangerous for children parents and teachers walking to school. Some of us -
take the bus, and when we cross the street it will be more dangerous. We have
baseball fields and playgrounds all around the McDowell quadrant, where parents and
children come to play and relax. With more traffic, it will be noisier for everyone.
This neighborhood. doesn't need another gas station. There are two stations -- a
76 and a Chevron - on the next block. The noise level will distract us and our children
from learning. We are concerned about the danger of fumes or an explosion near our
Please listen to our voices and consider our serious concerns. It is your
responsibility to protect the people of this city, especially the children. Thank you for
listening to us.
ESL Students, Level -2 Evening Class
Petaluma Adult School
421 S. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954
September 11, 2018
Petaluma City Council
11 English St.
Petaluma, CA 94952
Dear City Council Members:
We are adult students at Petaluma Adult School. We study English on the
McDowell School campus. We bring our infants and toddlers to the school's childcare.
Some of us also have children at McDowell Elementary, NBCC or 4C's preschools. We
oppose the gas station that Safeway wants to build right across the street.
The air around the schools and the neighborhood will not be healthy. Children's
lun s are still growing, many children have asthma and we worry about them. Studies
show there will be at least 500 extra cars every day in our neighborhood, so traffic will
be more dangerous for children parents and teachers walking to school. Some of us
take the bus, and when we cross the street it will be more dangerous. We have
baseball fields and playgrounds all around the McDowell quadrant, where parents and
children come to- play and relax. With more traffic, it will be noisier for everyone.
This neighborhood doesn't need another gas station. There are two stations - a
76 and a Chevron - on the next block. The noise level'will distract us and our children
from learning. We are concerned about the danger of fumes or an explosion near our
Please listen to our voices and consider our serious concerns. It is your
responsibility to protect the people of this city, especially the children. Thank you for
listening to us.
ESL Students, Level 2 Evening ClassU67—
Adult School
421 S: McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954
September 11, 2018
Petaluma City Council
11 English St.
Petaluma, CA 94952
Dear City Council Members:
We are adult students at Petaluma Adult School. We study English on the
McDowell School campus. We bring our infants and toddlers to the school's childcare.
Some of us also have children at McDowell Elementary, NBCC or 4C's preschools. We
oppose the gas station that Safeway wants to build right across the street.
The air arou-nd the schools and the neighborhood will not be healthy. Children's
lungs are still growing, many children have asthma and we worry about them. Studies
show there will be at least 500 extra cars every day in our neighborhood, so traffic will
be more dangerous for children, parents and teachers walking to school. Some of us
take the bus, and when we cross the street it will be more dangerous. We have
baseball fields and playgrounds all around the.McDowell quadrant, where parents and
children come to play and relax. With more traffic, it will be noisier for everyone.
This neighborhood doesn't need another gas station. There are two stations - a
76 and a Chevron - on the next block. The noise level will distract us and our children
from learning.. We are concerned about the danger of fumes or an explosion near our
Please listen to our voices and consider our serious concerns. Itis your
responsibility to protect the people of this city, especially the children. Thank you for
listening to us.
ESL Students, Level 2 Evening Class
Petaluma Adult School
421 S. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954
September 11, 2018
Petaluma City Council
11 English St.
Petaluma, CA 94952
Dear City Council Members:
We are adult students at Petaluma Adult School. We study English on the
McDowell School campus. We bring our infants 'and toddlers to the school's childcare.
Some of us also have children at McDowell Elementary, NBCC or 4C's preschools. We
oppose the gas station that Safeway wants to build right across the street.
The air around the schools and the neighborhood will not be healthy. Children's
lungs are still growing, many children have asthma and we worry about them. Studies
show there will be at least 500 extra cars every day in our neighborhood, so traffic will
be more dan Brous for children parents and teachers walking to school. Some of us
take the bus, and when we cross the'street it will be more dangerous. We have
baseball fields and playgrounds all around the McDowell quadrant, where parents and
children come to play and relax. With more traffic,, it will be noisier for everyone.
This neighborhood doesn't need another gas station. There are two stations - a
76 and a Chevron - on the next block. The noise' level will distract us and our children
from learning. We are concerned about the danger of fumes or an explosion near our
Please listen to our voices and consider our serious concerns. It is your
responsibility to protect the people of this city, especially the children. Thank you for
listening to us.
ESL Students, Level 2 Evening Class
Petaluma Adult School
421 S. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, C0
A 94954
September 11, 2018
Petaluma City Council
11 English St.
Petaluma, CA 94952
Dear City Council Members:
We are adult students at Petaluma Adult School. We study English on the
McDowell School campus. We bring our infants and toddlers to the school's childcare.
Some of us also have children at McDowell Elementary, NBCC or 4C's preschools. We
oppose the gas station that Safeway wants to build right across the street.
The air around the schools and the neighborhood will not be healthy. Children's
lun s are still growing, many children have asthma and we worry about them. Studies
show there will be at least 500 extra cars every day in our neighborhood, so traffic will
be more dangerous for children Barents and teachers walking to school. Some of us
take the bus, and when we cross'the street1 will be more dangerous. We have
baseball fields and playgrounds all around the McDowell quadrant, where parents and
children come to play and relax. With more traffic, it will be noisier for everyone.
This neighborhood doesn't need another gas station. There are two stations - a
76 and a Chevron - on the next block. The noise level will distract us and our children
from learning. We are concerned about the danger of fumes or an explosion near our
Please listen to our voices and consider our serious concerns. It is your
responsibility to protect the people of this city, especially the children. Thank you for
listening to us.
ESL Students, Level 2 Evening Class
Petaluma Adult School
421 S: McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954
cud 0
(A l V 16-196
September 11, 2018
Petaluma City Council
11 English St.
Petaluma, CA 94952
Dear City Council Members:
We are adult students at Petaluma Adult School. We study English on the
McDowell School campus. We bring our infants and toddlers to the school's childcare.
Some of us also have children at McDowell Elementary, NBCC or 4C's preschools. We
oppose the gas station that Safeway wants to build right across the street.
The air around the schools and the neighborhood will not be health . Children's
IgD s are still growing, many children have asthma and we Agrry about them. Studies
show there will be at least 500 extra cars every day in our neighborhood, so traffic will
be more. dangerous for children parents and teachers walking to school. Some of us
take the bus, and when we cross the street it will be more dangerous. We have
baseball fields and playgrounds. all around the McDowell quadrant, where parents and
children come to play and relax. With more traffic, it will be noisier for everyone.
This neighborhood doesn't need another gas station. There are two stations - a
76 and a Chevron - on the next block. The noise level will distract us and our children
from learning. We are concerned about the danger of fumes or an explosion near our
Please listen to our voices and consider our serious concerns. It is your
responsibility to protect the people of this city, especially the children. Thank you for
listening to us.
Sincerely,' dnoa
ESL Students, Level 2 Evening Class �.
Petaluma Adult SchoolF�y.
421 S. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954
September 11, 2018
Petaluma City Council
11 English St.
Petaluma, CA 94952
Dear City Council Members:
We adult students at Petaluma Adult School. We study English on the
McDowell School campus. We bring our infants and toddlers to the school's childcare.
Some of us also have children at McDowell Elementary, NBCC or 4C's preschools. We
oppose the gas station that Safeway wants to build right across the street.
The air around the schools and the neighborhood will not be healthy. Children's
IgD s are still growing, many children have asthma and we worry about them. Studies
show there will be at least 500 extra cars every day in our neighborhood, so traffic will,
be more dangerous_ for children, parents and teachers walking to school. Some of us
take the bus, and when we cross the street it will be more dangerous. We have
baseball fields and playgrounds all around the McDowell quadrant, where parents and
children come to play and relax. With more traffic, it will be noisier for everyone.
This neighborhood doesn't need another gas station. There are two stations - a
76 and a Chevron - on the next block. The noise level will distract us and our children
from learning. We are concerned about the danger of fumes or an explosion near our
Please listen to our voices and consider our serious concerns. It is your
responsibility to protect the people of this city, especially the children. Thank you for
listening to us.
ESL Students, Level 2 Evening Class
Petaluma Adult School
421 S. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954
N 0
September 11, 2018
Petaluma City Council
11 English St.
Petaluma, CA 94952
Dear City Council Members:
We are adult students at Petaluma Adult School. We study English on the
McDowell School campus. We bring our infants and toddlers to the school's childcare.
Some of us also have children at McDowell Elementary, NBCC or 4C's preschools. We
oppose the gnas station that Safeway wants to build right across the street.
The air around the schools and the neighborhood will not be healthy. Children's
I unas are still growing, many children have asthma and we worry about them. Studies
show there will be at least 500 extra cars every day in our neighborhood, so traffic will
be more dangerous for children parents and teachers walking to school. Some of us .
take the bus, and when we cross the street it will be more dangerous. We have
baseball fields and playgrounds all around the McDowell quadrant, where parents and
children come to play and relax. With more traffic, it will be noisier for everyone.
This neighborhood doesn't need another gas station. There are two stations - a
76 and a Chevron - on the next block. The noise level will distract us and our children
from learning. We are concerned about the danger of fumes or an explosion near our
Please listen to our voices and consider our serious concerns. It is your
responsibility to protect the people of this city, especially the children. Thank you for
listening to us.
ESL Students, Level 2 Evening Class
Petaluma Adult School
421 S. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA -94954
September 11, 2018
Petaluma City Council ,
11 English St.
Petaluma, CA 94952
Dear City Council Members:
We are adult students at Petaluma Adult School. We study English on the
McDowell School campus. We bring our infants and toddlers to the school's childcare.
Some of us also have children at McDowell Elementary, NBCC or 4C's preschools. We
oppose the gas station that Safeway wants to build right across the street.
The air around the schools and the neighborhood will not be health Children's
IgD s are still growing, many children have asthma and we wort about them. Studies
show there will be at least 500 extra cars, every day in our neig6hborhood, so traffic will
be more da n Brous for children,_parents and teachers walking to school. Some of us
take the bus, and when we cross the street it will be more dangerous. We have
baseball fields and playgrounds all around the McDowell quadrant, where parents and
children come to play and relax. With more traffic, it will be noisier for everyone.
. I. This neighborhood doesn't need another gas station. There are two stations - a
76 and a Chevron - on the next block. The noise level will distract us and our, children
from learning. We are concerned about the danger of fumes or an explosion near our
Please listen to our voices and consider our serious concerns. It is your
responsibility to protect.the people of this city, especially the children. Thank you for
listening to us.
ESL Students Level 2 Evening Class
Petaluma Adult School
• i
421 S. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954
September 11, 2018
Petaluma City Council
11 English St.
Petaluma, CA 94952
Dear City Council Members:
We are adult students at Petaluma Adult School. We study English on the
McDowell School campus. We bring our infants and toddlers to the school's childcare.
Some of us also have children at McDowell Elementary, NBCC or 4C's preschools., We
oppose the gas station that Safeway wants to build right across the street.
The air around the schools and the neighborhood will not be healthy. Children's
lun s are still growing, many children have asthma and we worry about them. Studies
show there will be at least 500 extra cars every day in our neighborhood, so traffic will
be more dangerous for children parents and teachers walking to school. Some of us
take the bus, and when we cross the street it will be more dangerous. We have
baseball fields and playgrounds all around the McDowell quadrant, where parents and
, children come to play and relax. With more traffic, it will be noisier for everyone.
This neighborhood doesn't need another gas station. There are two stations- a
76 and a Chevron - on the next block. The noise level will distract us and our children.
from learning. We are concerned about the danger of fumes or an explosion near our
Please listen to our voices and. consider our serious concerns. It is your
responsibility to protect the people of this city, especially the children. Thank you for
listening to us.
ESL Students, Level 2 Evening Class
Petaluma Adult School
421 S. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954
September 11, 2018
Petaluma City Council
11 English St.
Petaluma, CA 94952
Dear City Council Members:
We are adult students at Petaluma Adult School. We study English on the
McDowell School campus. We bring our infants and toddlers to the school's childcare.
Some of us also have children at McDowell Elementary, NBCC or 4C's preschools. We
oppose the gas station that Safeway wants to build right across the street.
The air around the schools and the neighborhood will not be healthy. Children's
lun s are still growing, many children have asthma and we worry about them. Studies
show there will be at least 500 extra cars every day in our neighborhood, so traffic will
be more dangerous for children, parents and teachers walking to school. Some of us
take the bus, and when we cross the street it will be more dangerous, We have
baseball fields and playgrounds all around the McDowell quadrant, where parents and
children come to play and relax. With more traffic, it will be noisier for everyone.
This neighborhood doesn't need another gas station. There are two stations - a
76 and a Chevron - on the next block. The noise level will distract us and our children
from learning. We are concerned about the danger of fumes or an explosion near our
Please listen to our voices and consider our serious concerns. It is your
responsibility to protect the people of this city, especially the children. Thank you for
listening to us.
ESL Students, Level 2 Evening Class
Petaluma Adult School
421 S. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954 5n
(� co E
September 11, 2018
Petaluma City Council
11 English St.
Petaluma, CA 94952
Dear City Council Members:
We are adult students at Petaluma Adult School. We study English on the
McDowell School campus. We bring our infants and toddlers to the school's childcare.
Some of us also have children at McDowell Elementary, NBCC or 4C's preschools: We
oppose the gas station that Safeway wants to build right across the street.
The air around the schools and the neighborhood will not be health . Children's
lun s are still growing, many children have asthma and we worry about them. Studies
show there will be at least 500 extra cars every day in our neighborhood, so traffic will
be more dangerous for children, parents and teachers walking to school. Some of us
take the bus, and when we cross the street it will be more dangerous. We have
baseball fields and playgrounds all around the McDowell quadrant, where parents and
children come to play and relax. With more traffic, it Will be noisier for everyone.
This neighborhood doesn't need another gas station. There are two stations - a
76 and a Chevron - on the next block. The noise level will distract us and our children
from learning. We are concerned about the danger of fumes or an explosion near our
Please listen to our voices and consider our serious concerns. It is your
responsibility to protect the people of this city, especially the children. Thank you for
listening to us.
ESL Students, Level 2 Evening Class
Petaluma Adult School
421 S. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954
September 11, 2018
Petaluma City Council
11 English St.
Petaluma, CA 94952
Dear City Council Members:
We are adult students at Petaluma Adult School. We study English on the
McDowell School campus. We bring our infants and toddlers to the school's childcare.
Some of us also have children at McDowell Elementary, NBCC or 4C's preschools. We
oppose the gas station that Safeway wants to build right across the street.
The air around the schools and the neighborhood will not be healthy. Children's
lun s are still growing, many children have asthma and we worry about them. Studies
show there will be at least 500 extra cars everyday in our neighborhood, so traffic will
be more dancierous for children. parents and teachers walking to school. Some of us
take the bus, and when we cross the street it will be more dangerous. We have
baseball fields and playgrounds all around the McDowell quadrant, where parents and
children come to play and relax. With more traffic,. it will be noisier for. everyone.
This neighborhood doesn't need another gas station. There are two stations - a
76 and a Chevron - on the next block. The noise level will distract us and our children
from learning. We are concerned about the danger of fumes or an explosion near our
Please listen to our voices and consider our serious concerns. It is your
responsibility to protect the people of this city, especially the children. Thank you for
listening to us.
Y ro -?>nl�!�
Sincerely, _ Ea I -
ESL Students, Level 2 Evening Class
Petaluma Adult School
421 S. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954
September 11, 2018
Petaluma City Council
11 English St,
Petaluma, CA 94952
Dear City Council Members:
We are adult students at Petaluma Adult School. We study English on the
McDowell School campus. We bring our infants and toddlers to the school's childcare.
Some of us also have children at McDowell Elementary, NBCC or 4C's preschools. We
oppose the gas station that Safeway wants to build right across the street.
The air around the schools and the neighborhood will not be health . Children's
lun s are still growing, many children have asthma and we worry about them. Studies
show there will be at least 500 extra cars every day in our neighborhood, so traffic will
be more dangerous, for children. parents and teachers walking to school. Some of us .
take the bus, and when we cross the street it will be more dangerous. We have
baseball fields and playgrounds all around the McDowell quadrant, where parents and
children come to play and relax. With more traffic, it will be noisier for everyone.
This neighborhood doesn't need another gas station. There are two.stations -- a
76 and a Chevron on'the next block. The noise level will distract us and our children
from learning. We are concerned about the danger of fumes or an explosion near our
Please listen to our voices and consider our serious concerns. It is your
responsibility to protect the people of this city, especially the children. Thank you for
listening to us.
ESL Students, Level 2 Evening Class
Petaluma Adult School
421 S. McDowell Blvd. / 1,
.Petaluma, CA 94954 fes -
16 -205