HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 06/24/1912230 : y;
Council Chambers, City Hall..
Petaluma, June 24th 1912.
7.,30 P. M
Minutes of an :adjourned meeting of the City :Council of the
City-of Petaluma of June 24th - 19.12. Mayor - Zartman presiding.
The Clerk called the roll and the following members answered to
their names: Councilman Wal�h,Gossage, Fredericks, Kercheval, Stradling
Healey and Mayor Zart;man.
Minutes of a re gular meeting of June 17th was read and approved
as recorded. ,N
The City Engineer pre:sented' his plans, profile, etc., for the
improvement of Mary Street, between Main and. Kentuckey Stre
I ;t was decided to complete the Cty"s: half of thre work and
then order the Street improved under t-he Street law unl-Less
prope-rt°y owners secure a private contract. The Street Committee
wil -1 at onus have the work done accorJ ng t.o t;ha Engineers
Chairman Gossage brought up the matter of tihe removal of
g =rass fT t he sidewalks. The Street Supt was di rected to
test the oxdinana6 which makes the: 'work a lien on the- pr":operty
of #'ect.e'd and also places delinquents subject to :arrest,
Communication from Ira J..Stone and H'.-Q.Ittown asking that a
sewer be laid under the Street law commencing at a point at
Payran. Street to the intersection of `Fury 'Street Filed.
Gommunciation was received from several. property owners
asking permission to ' by' private, contract a sewe on
Park Ave.
; 3 =1
Introducted by Councilman H.H /Xercheval Seconded by Councilman
W. C, Stradl ng.
.Be it resolved 1hat the City, Engineer be and he is hereby
dir.ecte1 to prepare plans' and sp.ecdf ications for the building
of a sewer on Park Ave.
Vote. Ayes: Councilman Walsh, Gosaage, Fredericks:, Kereheval.,
Stradling-, -Healey and Mayor Zart'man:
A motion was made by Councilman Kerchevaa to reconsider
the vote on the above resolution It was found tha t the petit ion
d id eontain the ,names of all the property owners which was
necessary before the Council could prooeed in the matter.
A roll call on the reconsideration resulted as follows
Noes. Gouni;lman Walsh, Gossage,, Frederio'ks, Ker.cheval, Stradling
Healey and Mayor Zartman.
Introducted by .Cpunci;lman W. C.;St;radling Seconded by Councilman
Be it .resolved that, t -he Supt of Streets be' and he le hereby
directed to order the property owners on the East and 'West
- _
side �of 3rd St e.Let from the a..outherly line of I Street to the
City limits t.o at once to proceed `to construct cement s °idtwalk
Vote Ayes: Councilm:7n Walsh; Gos;sage, Fredericks, Kercheval,
9tradling Healey and Mayor Zart:man..
Introduct By Councilman H-.,H..Kercheval Seconded by Councilman
W. C ,.St rad 11 ng'.
Be it re,a6lved that the_ City Engineer be.. and he is hereby
directed to make a stirv.e,y and prepa the estimate for building
serer commencing at a point om� Payran Street 348 feet from
Wahsington Street, Thence along Payran Street to Waheington
Street to the knter.sect.on of Mary Street.
23 2
As a. matter of an obstruction on Payron Street It was dec1 i d
:tirst tb have same removed And on motion of'R.Mikeicheval resolution
No '3.61 C. S,. Was -withdrawn.
Ihtroduc , t ed by=* Councilman H.H. Kdrch6val :Seconded by. Councilman
Be it reaolved that, the Supt., of,-Streets be' and he is
hereby instructed to', remove a 11' obstructions upon Payron
Vote: Ayes:'Coun.ci,lman Walsh., Dossage' Fredericks- Kercheval,
St.radling, Healey and Mayor Zart man.,
RESOLU NO. 36'3.
I by Counlilman D.-J.Healey 'Seconded by Cou
Be it resolved that the ' Street' Committee be and it �is
hereby directed to prepare the nece's-swry work on Mary Street
to thbf and under the -direct ion and supervision of the
Vote. Ayes: Councilman Walsh.- Goaeag Fredericks, Kerch
Stradling Healey and Mayor Zartman,
Bids for doing the City 'advertising for the f.i.s.oal year .
July 1 1912 to July - 1 ; 913 were read and were as fol 1 ows,
Retaluma Argus Delinquent, tax list nothing advertising pez
half inch 50 first insertion; 3¢ subsequent insertion.
Petaluma Daily Courier DelInquent tax list nothing;, advertising
'per half inch.100 first insertion; 100 subsequent insertion
-Petaluma�krgua Reading notices per line first insertion
50 subsequent insertion 30.•
Petaluma - ,Daily Courier Read-ing Notices 5 pe.r li-
first insertion and subsequent insertion,
Introducted By Councilman M Fredericks., Seconded by Councilman
Be it r,0B0lvffd' t ubm i ted
.Of ficial
mg. been
f or the Ci
t,y in'g . for the fiscal year begint.ing July -lat
1,912 to'Jvly let 1913., by the Petaluma Daily 'Courier and the
'Petaltma krgus and,
Whereas the bid, as submitt6d by the Petf=luma Daily Argus appears
t;o be the lowest and best 'bid.
Therefore be it resolved that the City 'Printing for the- fiscal.
y.eaT*beginging July 1st 1912 be and theisame is awarded tothe
Petaluma. Daily Argus and the -said Petaluma. Daily A - rgus be required
to furnish.a bond 66 the City of Petaluma in the sum of $ 256.00
Vote: Ayes :. Councilman Walsh. GosBa: 9 e, Grederiaks Kercheval,
St.radling..,Healey Mayor Zartman..
Re'solution No. 365 ommited See below.
On-motion of Councilman D'.J/Heal.ey:Seconded by Councilman
W. C. 8t,ra_dli'pg- meetingadjourned,.
City. CV irk .V
June ,24th 1912.,
R-E-80OUTION NO.. 365.
Int.rorluct,ed b Seconded by Councilman
_y Counc W
TOE Kerch
Be- it resolved that :Ordinance' No 74 C.- S., be and the same•,
is hereby ad"Opt An. ordi-nanae providing a speiclsI election 'to
- be 'held In the City of' Petaluma granting a franchize to Great
Weat Power Co.