HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/04/19131 Council Chambers City Hall, Nov. 4th, 1913.. Minutes of a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Petaluma, Mayor Ho rwe Cle presid-ing.' ROLL CALL. The clerk called the roll and. the following members answered' to thelir names:- Councilman Gossage, McCargar, Torr, Stradling, Hea,leyf, and Mayor Horwege, Absent: Councilman Vestal. The reading of the journal was omitted* NEW BUSINESS. Eif Frank Ki Zook of the North-'Western Pacific, and H..P. Vogens n, were present to discuss the - plans of the new railroad The street and-sidewalk plans were also discussed, and after discussion it was decided- to order the sidewalk on the - , , �rest side, of Hopper Street, to be 16 feet instedd of 12 feet, as per the •following resolution. RESOLUTION 110. 644 introduced by Council-man Torr, seconded by Councilman Healey. In regard to the width of the sidewa,'1k on the west side of Hopper,Street as it appears in Resolution Boolk, No. 2 Page 200,, a The Council discussed the advisability of substitutin-TAbitumen --n'or the bridge. floor4instead of oakz Engineer Nook of the North-Western Pacific was asked hi - s opinion, and advised against the use of bitumen iii _ of wood. The Council, therefore, decided to adhere to the original plan's of installing a hardwood floor. ADJOURdUlEiNT. on motion by Councilman Healey, seconded by Councilman Torr, the meeting adjourned. Attest�: Nov. 4th, 1913. Mayor VOTE: es C ouncilman Gossage, McCarg'ar, Torr, Stradling, Healey, and 1lay6r Horwege, Absent: 'Councilman Vestal. F ¢ Council Chambers, City Hall, Nov. 17th, 1913. Miniites, of a.regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Petaliu:na.., Mayor Horwege presiding ROLL CALL The clerk.callea :t'he. roll and the following members answered ; to their names.- Councilman, Gossage, Vestal, bicCargar, Torr, Stradling, Healey, and Mayor Horwee-;e. READING OF JOURNAL t 1 of a regular meeting of :November 3 and a special meeting of November 4th, were read -and app. as recorded. I- EPORT OF OFFICER'S The Clerk presented Affadavit of E.S. Shaver for the posting of notices of Public Work. FILED. The Clerk presented the Affadavit- of Publication of Homer W. Wood, Painter: =and. Publisher of the "Petaluma Couri -er" for the• publicL�tion of notices of Public Work, FILED. ° The monthly report of the Treasurer fo-r the month of October n e was read and ordered filed. The monthly report of the Auditor for the month of October was read and ordered filed. REPO RT OF �!ANDLNG COMMI,TTE:E ON FINANCE Report of the `Firance`�Comtnit ;signed by H.S. - ' b1cCargar, Chairman, and W.G. Stradling,,, was rec(ived and read,and ordered filedo ° s .Report shows '1105.40, as paid, by the General Fu' nd: Same was adopted by the following, °resolution: - _ RESOIJUTI,ON 110. 645 z Approving Finance Report. Adopted by seven affirmative votes. r ETITI0 A1, uOlUI1!-NlJIC ;.T.Tt y 1 �� NQ 5 , A commun:icafion was rece tire'. from VTrs. - helen P. Sanborn, a.c ,le'gi��- ,„ aIth t1ianks the warrnxi�,,of S e'ctonation to the & Pioneer 'iother Monument Fund.. A communica`tio.n From the, .Petaluma Tncubu.tor Company., regar(Iing ` an exchange of" lance , was 'react and :i i ie 3 . A eommunical'",on froir, the Pare Corm s:sioners - was received, stating that they had advertised for bids for the lease of land inside the track at Kenilworth Park and as D. *'_,; +'gams bid was the highest was accepted6 - On r,iotio� b Councilman Gosspg;e seconded by Councilman Stradling, the - act.i.on o tl e lease was rati iec . USP J 1 i f 4 -7 The C1ar3r present ed. an o L'Li cial notice of the Board of Fire Commissioners, relative to its action in cu ±ting off the anneal allo"ance and poll tax of t. ".e Volunteer iP ire Company. The mayor or'ere'. the com^unication riled, and to be ta')-en up again at a special meeting. ?. { { F solutions ac,_opted at a Citizens.` ?Vneeting 5rere read regarding an e :c"an ; of- p .°o,1 >erty with the Petaluma Incubator Company; also reeommenf'ing that the Mayor name a committee of fifteen tax payers to formulate a plan regarding the improvement of the river. FILED. .A.petition was received from property o ?vners on Second Street, I betty en "E "and First Streets, asking permission to lay a six- inchIsewer. Sanie was granted by the following resolution: - RESO`h[JTION NO. 646. I Regarding the petition of the property owners on Second Street Same was adopted by seven affirmative votes. A (petition was received from Johnson w Hasler requesting an• application for a saloon license. Same was adopted by the following resolution:- i RESOLUTION NO. 647 Granting a saloon license to Johnson & Husler. Adopted by seven affirmative votes. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES. Ordinance No. 110 providing for an election on December 16th, was read fo the first time, "Being an ordinance submitting to quali�ied voters, the question of turning over the Public Utilities to the Railroad Commission.' Same was passed by seven affirmative votes! Ordinance in full appears - on next page. ( j r A In i� -4 ' , 1 I T f " ` (G>K .AbtfE SE1 a T0.0RU(&k - N6E PI20UI:DING 17OI2 A SPECIAL CELECTION TO ,BE IJELD 3'N 1 E CITY OF .PETAIAIMA FOR 1 Hl� OB l);.CT AND PURPOSE: OF 8UB117IITING TO' THE .EL1•CTORS UP;;THE CITY; THE QUESTIn \ NEIdYREkt THE CITY OF PETA- 7�LT1VlA,_cHAlri:.3�E'PAIN ITS POW - EE2,S 'O6° CONTROL RESPECTING Qk',AT 'IV CLASSES OF PUBLIC They Cquncdl of thee Cit6 of Petaluma do ordain °as follows: SECT10 -IN A: WHEREAS, The Coun- cil.of the city oil Petaluma did by ordl- nance_No. 108 Charter Series, declare that the public interests of the City, of Petaluma. a'municipal corporation, of , the COuaOr of 1onoma 5t:atc of Cali- fornia reouires the submission of, and i that it is the intention of the Council of-the said city to subunit the question whether said City shall ret<a ^.iii its - 'powers of control respecting certain , classes of ,public utilities, named -therein ; NOliir TH The said Conn. -oil does.,lereby proclaim, call and , order ''zar:special election 'to be held in the City of Petaluma, on tdre 16th day , of December,1913, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of :said City (lie proposals set forth iii rsucb: ORDINANCE OF INTENTION, and su'bmitting,to said eleetors the question whethec,,said City shall re tain its power;; of control respecting the lie reina.fton- , nauied classes of pub -. lie utilities, aunt it i; hereby found and :so declared that the 16th clay of Dec- ember, 1913, the :day upon which said �eiection sliall be held, is nor - less than twenty days nor more than sixty , days• after titre adoption of said Ordi- nance of lntention. SECTION 2: The object and pur- poses for 'which said special election is "caned is to. submit the question to the electors of the City of Petaluma; whether the City of Petaluma shall retails Its powers of control over cer- tain - public utilities, which v ar e or which may be operated and .maintain ,ed' in said City or whether it shall surrender its powers of control to the Railroad Commission of 'the State of California, to be exercised by said Railroad. Commission as provided in kite Act of the Legislature approved on the 23rd, day of .December. 1911, end?: linown as the "PLBLIC UTILI- TIES ACT.." i SECTIOi .3. The propositions to be submitted at such election on the date thereof are as follows to.- quit:. PROPOSITION No. L Shall the City of Petaluma retain its powers of control over .railroad cor- porations? PROPOSI,TION No. 2 Shall the'City ofPetaluma' retain its power, of control over street 'rail - road corporations' PROPOSITION No. 3•. Shall the City of Petaluma retain its pO.w;ers o£' control over common car- riers other than railroad and street railroad .corporations,? PROPOSITION No. 4. Sba.11 the City of Petaluma retain its ,powers of .control, over gas corpora tions'? PROPOSITION No 5. Shall -the City of Petaluma retain its Powers OF controt over. electrical cor- i potations ? PROPPOSITiON No. 6. Shall the City Of Petaluma retain its powers of control over telephone cor- po.rationi s ? 'PROPOSITION No. i. Shall the City of Petaluma retain its pov of control over telegraph C.or'-1 PROPOSITION No. 8. Shall the City of Petaluma retain its )wens of control over water corpora- PROPOSITION No. 9. Shall the City of Petaluma retain, its powers of control over whartingeis ?, PROPOSITION No. 10 Shawl the City of Petatuina retain its powers of control over warehouse- SECTION 4. The foregoing ploposi- .tions do not relate to or affect in'anY I manner the powers of control of thti City of Petaluma over its own inumei- ipal plants. SECTION 5. For the purpose of this special election the Council of the tCity of Petaluma: does hereby c�onsoii- [date the election precincts, of 'fie City of Petaluma as follows, towit_ : special Election Precinct _No. 1, an Special Election Precinct No. ? The �precinct8 and polling places of' said `Special Election Precincts are hereby fixed and designated as, follows, towit: Special Election Precinct No. 1 shall be and is hereby fixed as being Pre - cirict. No: .On&; : Precrndt No. Two. Precinct No. Three: Precinct No. our Precinct. No. Five; and Precinc No. Six; Special Election Precinct .No ;: 2, slrall be and is :hereby fixed as being (;Precinct N o. Seven; Precinct No. 1 :Eight; Precinct. No., Nine; Precinct iNo. Ten and Precinct No. Eleven;. I. The polling place of Special Elec- tion--Precinct No.' 1, slrall be and is i liereby'fixed at the engjue house, oil (tile 'northerly side of Wa'shingtoli Street between :Kentucky, Street and Keller,iStreet ; The polling place of Special Elec- 1 hereby tion Precinct No. 2 shall lie and ' is fixed at the City Hall oft tire, westerly side of Fourth Street, be -. I.tween Western Avenue and A Street. The officers of said special election shall consist of Two .fudges, Tyco' In- spectors, and t o Clerks for each precinct and the following persons: are hereby appointed as officers of said special election. FOR PRECINCT :No. 1. C. II. HALL and Jack Phillips, Judges, J Caccia and N. R. Peters, In- spectors. C. R. Winfield and 0. Riewerts, Clerks. FOR PRECINCT No. 2. l A'(eri is hickey and �V. D. Roux, Judges. Q F. J. Cornwell and W. J. Palmer, (Inspectors. Robes t Turner and .J. . V. Long,: Clerks. SEC'1ION 6. The said persons ap- �poii:ited as eloe'don,of,ficers axe hereby: found and ,declared to be legally- qualified for the, respective positions, and they shall' receive and 9)e paid the sum of Five Dollars each for their services as such officer. SECTION i. The polls at the poll - l iing places hereinbefore designated, Isliall be opened at 6:00 o'clock in the', 1:norning of said clay of. election land' shall be kept open confinu -� ously thereafter .until seven o'clock l in the afternoon of said clay or, election, ivlhen said polls slrall I he cloiied and the election offi- `cers shall then proceed to canvass the ,ballots c rst diet eat. Se;C l IO'I`i S. Notice o'f said elec- � I tnon shall be given by publication of ( this ..Ordinance in the Petaluma Courier a. newspaper printed and'pub- inshed at least six days a week in said City of Petaluma and shall be so published therein once a day., for zit least five days prior to said clay of election. I SECTION 9. Said Special Election shall be held and conducted and the votes thereof canyassed and the re- turns thereof' made, and, .the results, ascertained and determined as herein provided; and in zeal particulars not:I prescribed by this Oi•diu,ince such special election small be held as pro- vided by law, for holding municipal elections in said City. -- 1 �,i — Tir e returns of saId ,Sp eci,il Llectiiirr= shall be made out -and. signed liy fire j office?rs of; election, and 's11a�ll be by them deposited W` -ith the City Clerk ; to with the ballots �casi at said f Special Election; `arid' this_ Council _ shall - ineet and pjniass said_. returns on the first Moil tlay' after - said election , at their �asua] place 'ot meeting; and dec'l'are; the re suit thereof ,by° an order i a Which sll_ be en Bred upor'r its rein- ute6 •a.nd which shall_' shove tine totO uunib`ei; of votes cast upon each such proposition and th number of votes. cat ie�pectii'.el� in favor . of arid; against each such proposition. SECTION ;10. .All per'sohs shall be entitled to vote' at said Sriecial Elecr tiori lvho come w ithiii the ':tot n or coniply with tine reduiremei t`s of th e 'section. >Jvery ipersnn yi -aio iti'as ,a qua"'fied elec €oi at the general' State' l election inrinediatel'v preceding the holding of said Special Election and vAio was registered as required by, la" ly„ as a qual`itied elector of any Pre` eruct included in said City of PetaIu-. mar and «lao continues to reside lvitl1 -. in tie .eeteriot• boundaries of said City, until th time of the holding of said Sptciai Election shall lie entitled, to, vote ue at ,li Special :Election without other or additiorraI re All oilier persons in order 'to be entitled to (vote at said Special Election mdst be fire inter ed'. to the n1 inner required_: b5. Sections .1 1G�9h and 1097. of the Political- Code. of; the rSta "te of Cal- tfoi -aria, as all elector of, and wykhiu the said spec it pl+ecincts. Such reg- - istrat.oii must lie nia'e and had in i l over common carriers other . than railroad. tnd' rail- F Yes } road corporations,? I No PROPOSITION No. 4. r Shall the Clay of Petaluma retain its powers' of control, uver gas, corpo rations I No F 'I t PROPOSITION 'No. 5• Shall the City of 'Petaluma, " Yetaiii its powers; of. control �,Yew j over electrical corporations ?' No PROPOSITION \o, 6� Strait the 'City of Petaluma. ' retain its poi +hers of control j Yesj I ' over telephone 'corporations ? No j PROPOSITION No. 7. Shill the C y 'of Petalu if 4 r eti ur its powers of contT of I Yesj_I offer• telegraph corporations? N f t ` 'PROPOSITION .No. S. Strait rare. City of Petaluma _ jretain, its, powers: of control I Yes over w ter corporations'? j'1\ o, I I 'i' PROPOSTTION No 9 Sht"l the City of Petaluma re,taru it,, power's of control �'Yesl loner wharfnngers? I N PROPOSITION '::No. 70. Shall tire City of Petaluma retain its�powers� of contr of I I :le s,j j lover waieliousegren ?' I No >ections '1094 I09ti ancT '1097 of: the l 'olit c i1 Code Provided tlr'at such leg sti-aton shall be ill progress at all rrri s, excel?f" during the 30 days :im- netlfately preceding; said special el roi , SECTION' J1 The Crty Clerk reieiiy instrile,ed :" to prepare and I . "rl to I)& pr ilfted on tine propel. izind of paper„ at the expense of said: i'ty °.;, a sufficient number ° of iiidees' tolthe Cleat Registel' taIIy sheets, and other suliplies ror said Special Elcb ` tion, and a. sufficient number of foal- lots, and to fuinisli and Provide fire s•inie for ,the: use or- the voters at said Special Election and the ballotsto be used at said Special Election slraIh ha substantially in °tire Poll "oy1`ing .forth; toyV lt No,... SPF- - iV'IiJN TCII P aL F,> EGTION 1 Deceinbei lf> 1913. L INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS To vote on the pionosit oar staulp a. Cross (Y), in the voting agtraie: after the ty or d "yes of ;after the word "no", f ll marks except tIte Cr_ (N) are forbidden:; All dt5tiii5iaishil g marks or e rasures a:re: • forbidden and nia1-e the ball.. y or cl, lit you % rongfull} stamp, tear or. deface this ballot'retul ?? it to the Tn`+ pector iof 1 lection and obtain another. PROPOSITION No. 1. 81 ill rile City- of Petaluma " retain its ' ,powers of control Yea{ ­ lover- railroad corporations 5 - 1 1 PROPOSITION' No 2. Shall the City of Petaluma j lr etain its powers of coiitr of l street, railroad corpora Yesj PROPOSITION No: '3. Slidll the CitY'ot Petaluma retain its powers. of control. 1 Said ballots sl all have printed c,a.l the back. thereof the ay; " iI[J'NICI -• PAL TICKET" _ SEGTIO> 12: Tliis Ordinance cha: he fortlrn ithentered ttpo?r. the:niintttes': of this Council and in the Ordinance Book of said Cit;r and shall take) of feet upon its Passage and approval. I hereby certify that the fore Ordinance No. 110, Charter ;Series, ;vas duly - ubfiitted -to rite as City A? torney of the City of Petaluma and ap -- proved by ine onJ is 17th day - No- veiirber;, T91,P3, and before its filial pas -i c age. G. P H_a,T L,. City A]tfouiey. Adopted Imid l by the �t o rnr l this I itlr dry of Nor efii! - 1913 A W. HORj\�EGE, lfa }oro of Elie City of Petaluma: fittest f - ' S [ N' GLEI City Clerk or tlie. the City of Petaluma,, Pr esen`£ed to anti approved. thrs 1t t day of November, 191". A HO RN'i EGE, Mayor of;_the City of Petaluma; CLERK'S CERTIFICATE. I lierebv, certify that the. foregoui� Ond stance. was' 'introduced and read the tirst thne at '2 meeting of� the Council of the City of Petaldina held' o n n the lrth day of November, , 1913, ad that it yvas thereafter adopted' and passed by ;said Council in •regglalt meetuig assembled ,on ille 17th day •o November, 1 -913 bti the following vote: Ayes,: Councilman Gos"sage. Councilman Festal, ' Councilian i\1cCar.gar, Councilman Torr - � Council man Str`adlrirg; Conucilinan Healev,- ,\tayor - Horw'ege. Noes: NOnea \psent: None. And I further certify that sail Or- dinance •.v rs� ;p.resentPd Ito a slgised` aricl app 6,N eel b, .a. \'F: Horwiege, the ?vidybu. of said GUY on the Ttth dal" of .Noj e iibbv. 191 , acid is etite_red in the 606ko of Crt_� Ordinances. NV TI NESS MY FLkND �N :D T -HI S7 T5 OF S�lD CITY this 17th day y of \ ov ernber,•., 1912'. F. B. SI:NGLEY. City Glee -l•.. Published Nov. 23 - -?G.. L 4"x,9. Ordinance No. '111 providing for a sixteen foot sidewalk on the west side of Hopper Street, from Washington to East I'D" Street, was read for- the first time, and the Clerk ;after •ettinf), the approv��.l of t, City Attorney, w instructed to have �� if"I ear_ o1ficia.1 newspaper. Ordinance No. 112, ordering the openiner, exitendino•, and widening o 2 Do u glaP Street', Tvas- read for the first time, and the Clerk, after the approval of the City Attorney, was. instructed to have same publ'is-hed in official newspaper. I NEW BUSINESS Resolution lio,, 648 directing the Auditor to draw a warrant for the sum of $R75 in favor' of the Park Commissioners. Adopted by seven affirmative votes. Resolution No. 649 regarding the est, of a "Bridge Fund". Adopted by seven affirmative votes. Resolution ho. 650 rescinding Resolution No. 643. Adopted by seven affirmative votes,. Resol No. 651 regarding the exchange of a piece of land belonging to the Petaluma Incubator Company. Same was defeated by the following vote: VOTE: Ayes:- Councilman"Stradlin.g and Mla Horwege. j. Councilman Vestal, McCargar, Torr, and Healey. The Superintendent of Streets reported the street oiler out of shape and it was ordered repaired. The matter of broken cement sideii-ialks wa-, discussed without action, a,s xT.Tas the failure of certain property owners in the hill section to lay cement sidewaaks, as ordered. The Mayor reported that the Electric Light Companies would have their agreement ready by the next meeting. AD J 0 U 11 L�N T. On motion the Council then adjourned.. Attest: Vcit. , Clerk November 17th, 19 6 IvL vo r