HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda 3.E 04/04/2011A"
• r s 5;8
April 4, 2011
Honorable Mayor and : Members of the .City Council through City Manager
Pamela Tuft, Interim Director, Department of Water Resources and Conservatio"
T: Resolution Approving -the Proposed, SrnartYard Program Budget; Approving the
Purchase of 200 Residential Smart Irrigation Controllers for New SmartYard
Program; Approving a $ Sole Source'Declaration; and Authorizingthe
City Manager io Sign the Professional Service Agreement and All Other Related
Documents for the, SmartYard Program
It is recommended that the City' Council approve the proposed SmartYard program budget; adopt
he.att dh
new Authorizing the Purchase of 200 Residential Smart Irrigation Controllers
for ew SmartYard Program; approve a SmartYard Sole Source'Declaration; and authorize
the City'Manager to sign the Professional `Service Agreement and 'all other related documents for
the SmartYard program.
By continuing with its water efforts; the. City ,is helping, rate payers, offset future rate
increases, which would be necessary to fund the 'development and. delivery o f.new water supplies.
Water conservation continues,to,be the least expensive, method ofproviding "new" water to the
City and's also :a signi "ficant. source of greenhouse gas reduction (less energy consumption due to
reduced pumping needs) The Sonoma .County Water.Agency has estimated'that,water .
conservation efforts of its retailers ..have.offset $800,million dollars of capital projects that would
have been necessary in
the next 30 °,years to,meet demands:.
The Crtyl�,_:of Petaluma of Water Resources'and Co_ nervation proposes to launch a
new water conervation pilot program:. The SmartYard pilot; program,yill;target 200 single
f milyl sid`ential.customers -who have consistently had tier four consumption and offer to �rw
p t. hese customem with new, weather based Smart irrigation controllers. The controller
e installed at their residence' with no upfront cost to the
customer and is anticipat
'Wilt b ed to save.
approxuriately 9.l Trullion gallons (28. acre feet) of water annually with a wholesale cost of over 11
A enc The cost of each controller will b offset b a monthly'programnoma.CountyWater 1. $16;000 based -on the -it 's currerit'cost of urchasm water from the So
g _ y y :fee placed on the
to offset t ' P p, gr crier enough water
participants water bill'. The S_ mart controller is antici s ated to save each custo
he,cost of the program fee on their bill. The SmartYard program will initially cost the
City Atto
rney Finance Director ' CityManage.r 1
City 6262,707. Program costs' will be recovered within ,five years through a program fee placed
on program participants'. monthlywater bill andthrough avoided,cost of,supplying 28 acre feet
per year `of SCWA water.
This ro,
p gram is p _ g. y�, i
;similar to the ro ram model discussed in the Cit s existng_ Water
Conservation Plan, chapter six, page 641, where a finances the purchase of water
conserving fixtures tor City of Petaluma water customers and places a fee on the customers'
water bil
The gall; which pays for the cost.of the water conserving fixtures and associated program costs.
g lof the - program is to provide water- conserving fixtures to, customers with no upfront
costs. I ilthe case of SmartYard, the' City of Petaluma, Will finance the program and there will be
no third party financier. The SmartYard program will act as a,pilot program for the program
model discussed in the Water Plan. Similar programs throughout the US are
labeled.as "Pay As You Save (PAYS) Western, Municipal. Water: District (Western Riverside
County) implemented a similar type program in:April of 2010 with over 650 participants
resulting;4n a 29% average water savings: Pending the results: of the SmartYard program, the
City will, explore program expansion by adding other water saving fixtures such as high
efficiency toilets and clothes washers to the program.
change by users. Smart irrigat.on contro g gy , y g l
ne rate.
The Petaluma SmartYard Program can deliver water use savm s with a minimum of'be
an irr anion schedule based on several f Hers use satellite technolo " ." to automatically enerate
actors including plant type, soil type, and current local
g gp "_ yp yh
weather ',conditions. The irrigation'schedule is updated daily °as weather conditions change
allowing; for appropriate amounts`; of water. to be applied to the landscape without customer.
interaction. This Proposal is based on previous success and demonstrated results from existing
City of Petaluma Smart controller projects.
The City1of Petaluma will be in§tallihg1 WeatherTrak Smart 'ET Plus controllers, manufactured by
Hydropoint Data Systems ( Hydropoint), a local Petaluma. Company. The City of Petaluma has
already installed 73 WeatherTrak residential models as a project in 2007 and 59 WeatherTrak
commercial controllers to various City parks and facilities. The City of Petaluma has seen water
savings of 32% (1.8 MG/Y) with the existing residential WeatherTrak controller programs and is
anticipating, realizing similar savings with the SmartYard program. The SmartYard program will
be;a program piloting the idea of, providing:water.saving technology at. no upfront cost to the
cus'tomer le having the�customer paythe City back through the water bill.
This pro' "gram benefits'-the City by creating a predictable revenue recovery (fixed finance fee
p r � t water bill) for a five year period and reduces consumption by an estimated 28
This benefits the customer by reducing their tier three and fier four consumption levels
as well a
s; providing an affordable. solution to new water -saving lechnology. The program
anticipates utilizing the recuperated. funds to perpetuate the SmartYard program for future.
program participants. The City will evaluate program results after one year and determine when
and if program expansion is warranted.
Pro p ies that subscribe to, the
p ert' SmarfY
ard program that change ownership will have the
controller recorded as,_part of the property-and will be to thene'wproperty owner.
This wills be part of the initial program requirements for each. participant.
The - Department of Water Resources and Conservation has selected Hydropoint Data Systems
( H d pint) to provide enhanced program services based on the fact they are the manufacturer
y ro p
of the WeatherTrak Smart controller and are the only of this technologywith. an
existing turnkey SmartYard program. The City sole sourced ; this equipment, with approval from
City Council, for the previous two Smart Controller projects and is. requesting.a sole source
declaration again with:Hydropoint Data Systems for the SmartYard program based on the below
criteria: I
o . Hydropoint is the only manufacturer of this, techn'ology who scored 100 %0 on the Irrigation
Association's testing protocols. for Smart Water Application Technology (SWAT). SWAT
testing evaluation is conducted bycreating a six =zone virtual landscape subjected to real -time
climate through monitoring of a selected weather station to evaluate the ability of individual
"smart" controllers to adequately and efficiently irrigate that landscape.. After initial
programming and calibration, the controller is expected to perform without further
intervention during the test period. Performance results indicate to what degree'the controller
maintained root zone moistures levels within an acceptable range. Since the goal of this
program is water conservation, the criteria for scoring 100 %mall testing protocols was the
most important factor in determining the controller`technologyand manufacturer. Below is a
summary of test results:
22 total SWAT reports.(22rproducis)
m Only 9 are res dential.versions
Of those 9 residential versions - 6 have less- than 100 / 0 %(perfect) scores,
including;,AquaCohserve (100/13), CyberRain (100 /20.5), Hunter Solar Sync
(100 /20.2), Alex.Tronix Srnart Module (9.9.9/5.6), Raindr-ip WeatherSmart Pro
) therMatic (100/2.3); one residential product company is out of
100/18:6' ;, Wea
1 business ,(Water Optimizer)
Of the 9' SWAT'tested residential products only 3 have perfect test'scores, all
f WeatherTRAK;techinology (Hydro'Point,.Toro, Irritrol)
. On the SWAT website there are 4 smart controller case study reports. Of those
case, studies used as - background, = 3 of 4 (75 %) used WeatherTRAK
technology (S'anta.Barbara, Irvine, Boulder). One case study described
,AquaConserve (S`eattl'e) and described that water bills went up in 40 of
® .Re p orts may . be viewed�ai www irrigationassociation /swat /case- studies
® „ Hydr manufactures the WeatherTrak controller and provides enhanced program
services as described in the attached Exhibit A - Services.
o No other manufacturer of this technology offers this product along with this type of managed
program with marketing, subcontractor management, installation, customer service
(including a.customized webste for - Petaluma customers) and local factory support for field
related issues.
p 3
® The other companies &ferih g;tlis type; of product who scored 1'00 %.on the: SWAT testing
protocols were Toro Company:and I titrol. `Both of these companies,utilize the WeatherTrak
controller technologymanufactured by.Hydropoint intheir product, meaning that Hydropoint.
Data `Systems manufactures the controller and sells `it to Toro and I-rritrol who then place their
name on the product. No other company,:offers a; customer service center open 6 days. per
week: (English and Spanish) specifically for their Smart controller customers and no other
irrigation manufacturer offers a customized website forTetaluma.customers for the
SmariYard program.
The Cityof Petaluma has soiesourced Hydropoint based on IA testing protocol scores and
proven water savings for °two previous programs in the City of Petaluma. Maintaining product
consistency benefits'the City by allowingtle City to get a top of the line product at the best
possible' price (bulk discount. pricing), as well as allowing City staff t6 have extensive product
knowledge and experience which benefits Petaluma customers.
Hydropoint will provide the'below enhanced services as part of the SmartYard program. This
added benefit will take much of the customer service. aspect off ofCity staff. Hydropoint will
provide the following program components as part of the SmartYard program:
• Program marketing
• Project management
• Installation scheduling
• Controller installation
• Landscape and irrigation system.
• Controller programming
• Follow -up site visit to each
• Customer service (toll free #)
Petaluma SinartYard Website
Funding for the SmartYard project will come from the Water Conservation budget and include
the initial cost of the Smart controller, an irrigation and landscapel audit, controller programming
and installation, controller signal fees for '5 years and a post - installation visit. The estimated cost
of the program is $262,707. Thetost.,o'fthe program will be;recuperated.though program fee
placed on each participant's,'water -hill as well as through avoided costs with water purchases and
of operating and maintaining the distribution system. The below table summarizes the program
`costs and potential water and savings.
Target °Customer
1. Current`CCF
4 ,
Indoor Use (CCF)
Outdoor Use (CCF)
28%' a
Estimated Savings w/ SmartYard
Estimated Monthly Water
Savings (CCF)
Value of Savings /Mo::.CCF saved
x$5.57 (tier 4rate)
'$ 28.07
Term (months)
Customer Program I Fee
$. 15:00
Net Customer Benefit
$ 1,3._07
Annual Savings /Customer (CCF) 60
# Custom ers'needed tosaVe 1 AF
Term (months)
# Customers in Program
AF saved from program
Total Monthly Fees Coll'ecte`d,
1 $_36,000:00
5'Y.ear Benefit from Program
Program Cost per Customer
Program Cost
Represents the difference of the cost of water to the °City'fromSMA ($634:1 UAF) minus the!'costPof water that the city
charges per acre foot at tier 1 rates ($2.87 x435.6 CCF). This difference'($616.06 /AF)'is the operational cost to the City to
deliver water to its customers. The differehce is multiplied by the water'saved through the program °(28AF) to get $17,107.18.
The table shows that the target customer is any residential customer using 30 CCF or more per
billing period. Typically sixty percent of `this water (1;8 ecf) is outdoor use for these customers.
Estimating that the SmartYard program -will result in a 28 % outdoor water use savings, a total of
over 5 CCF per month can be potentially saved. customer. This translates into $28 per month
for this customer. Staff proposes charge ai$15.00 program fee resulting in..a net savings to the
customer of $13 per.month or $784 iii, five years. With 200 customers participating, it is
estimated the City will save '28 AF /year, resulting in an avoided cost of supplying water of over
$85,000'7in,five years. The program fee collection and avoided fixed costs will result in the City
recuperating $265,535 'in five years.
After the;:five year period has ended, the.`program fee will be removed from the water bill and the
customer will :be.responsible forEpaying'the monthly signal fee; w:hich,is anticipated to be $5.00
per month and 's predicted to increase after the five year period by 3 -5% (CPI) every five years.
WeatherTrak Controllers — 200 x:$355.24
Wireless&Rain Sensors — 200 x.$51.94
Controller Antennae 200 x $17.43
Hardware Grand Total -
$ 3,486
- Enhanced Program Services $1 '65
-Expenses Total $262
Program fee = $15 x 60 months x 200: participants = $180
Avoided Fixed Costs $ _83.196.98
Revenue Total $265
Program :co st'includes all of the following:
200' ET Plus, 6 9. or 1 -2 station WeatherTrak controllers
® 200 wireless rain shut -off sensors
® 200 contoller antennae
Freight and Taxes
Enhanced Program Services
'6 Site landscape and irrigation system audit
® Controller installation .
® Five'years of -signal fees. per controller
O Program/project management
® Program- worksheet and controller programming management
Contractor arid; customer training
m Ongoing customer service
.® Marketing campaign to drive program participation and adoption, including:
o. Website_ enhancements'
o Hosted events.
o Webinars
o Direct mail
o Telesales'
Proposition 8.4 Chapter 2 Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Grant Program,
administered by the State Department of Water Resources, provides funding for projects that
help local public agencies meet long term water needs-of the. state: Grant funding will be
available-in October 2011 . and wilLcontribute approximately °,$200 per, controller towards the
SmartYard program.
1. Resolution Approving the proposed SmartYard Program Budget ; Authorizing the
Purchase:of'200 Residential Smart Irrigation Controllers for New SmartYard Program;
Approving 'a SmartYard Sole Source Declaration; and, Authorizing the City Manager to
sign the Professional Service Agreement and all other related documents for the
SmartYard Program
2. Professional Services Agreement with Hydropoint Data Systems
.3. Exhibit A - Services, (Attachment to PSA — Consultant Scope of Services)
4. Hydropoint Data Systems Quotation for Services and Equipment
5. Sole Source Form
Attachment 1
Resolution Approvfl`ng the Proposed SmartYard Program Budget; Approving
the Purchase Of'200 Residential Smart Irrigat'on. Controllers For the New
SmartYard. Progra-m Approving a SmartYard Sole Source Declaration; and
Authorizing the City. Manager' to Sign the , PtOfes"Monal Service Agreement
and All Other Related Documents for the SmartYard Program.
WHEREAS, the City of Petaluma operates an exterisive'water conservation program
With current sustained water. savings.of 365 acre feet annually` -and'
WHEREAS, the City of Petaluma's water conservation program has, historically been
designed to improve the water use efficiency of its users; .and,
WHEREAS, the City of Petaluma hired ?a Water Conservation Coordinator in 2006 and
began to expand the program beyond the`required BMPs; and,
WHEREAS, the Water Demand .and Supply Analysis developed iri support of the 2025
General Plan recommended a water conservation program that tnet the requirements of water
offset and' was cost effective. The"City Council directed a study considering the entire breadth of
water conservation measures, not strictly those recognized by CUWCC, with the caveat that
any measure selected must be feasible, cost effective, and attainable; and,
WHEREAS, the Water Conservation Plan was adopted by'the City Council in 2008 and has .
been developed to supply 495 MG/Y'ear :and is comprised of 1 water conservation measures that
are feasible and'attainable by the City; and,
WHEREAS, the City of Petaluma wishes to continue developing, innovative water conservation
programs',lo help citizens conserve: water; and,
WHEREAS, the new SmartYard program oam will help high water users find a low cost solution to
conserving irrigation water and help- reduce tier three and tier 'four water charges; and,.
WHEREAS; the SmartYard program Will be the first; program o,fits.kind in Sonoma County and
wily act. as the City of Petal ima's first Pay As You Save (PAYS) type program _as outlined in the
City o f Petaluma's Water Conservafion,Plan' and
WHEREAS, funding for this SmartYard Program .for the City of Petaluma will come from the
City of Petaluma's Department of Water'Resources and Conservation budget and will be
supplemented by Proposition 84 Grant funding -when it becomes available; and,
WHEREAS, Smart Irrigation Controllers automatically calculate a scientifically -based irrigation
schedule based on factors, including plant type, so.il'type, and current weather conditions.
The u - rtgation,schedul'e is updated daily as weather conditions change allowing for appropriate
amounts of wafer to be applied to the landscape. Smart Controllers have been proven to apply
25- 35 %`less er than conventional, non weather -based irrigation controllers; and,
WHEREAS, the Irrigation Association has developed Iestingprotocol for Smart Water
Application Technology (SWAT) that has idenfified the Weather'Trak ET Plus irrigation
controller, manufactured by Hydropoint Data Systems,,;a Petalumacompany, -as the only
controller with central,control capability to havepassed the Smart Water Application
Technology (SWAT) Protocol with a score of 10;0 %0; and;
W, HEREAS, City Management .recommends`the purchase and installation of the
WeatherTrak controller;
1. The City Council approves the project budget'in the amount of $262,707;
2. That the City Councilbe - reby authorizes tl e.purchase >of 200,residential smart irrigation.
controllers for: new SmartYard program.
,3. The City Council approves the sole source declaration;
4. The City Council authorizes the City Manager to sign the Professioonal Services
Agreement and all other related documents for the SmartYard Program.
Attachment 2
City of Petaluma De
partmenf;'of Water Resources,and Conservation SmartYard Program
FY 01 120 l Fund # fiM
For multi -year
FY 2011/2012 Fund#§6ffl
FY Fund #
FY Fund #
(Title of Project)
Exp. Acct. # -6-= .Project# 54130
contracts or contracts with multiple as
Exp. Acct. # 6720Q Project,# 54130
Exp., Acct: :# Project #
Exp: Acct. # Project #
Amount $ 131.353.5
Amount $ 131.353.5
Amount S
Amount $
FY Fund # Exp:, Acct: # Project #' Amount
FY Fund # Exp..Acct. <# Project # Amount $
THIS 7OFES SIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT ( "Agreement") is entered into and effective
as of , 20 ( "Effective Date "),. by and between the City of Petaluma, a
municipal corporation and charter city ( ".City ") °arid Hydrogoint Data Systems a Irrigation
Controller Manufacutrer and Service Provider ( "Consultant ") (collectively, the "Parties ").
the Parties `enter- into this Agreement` ,for the purpose of Consultant providing
services to City under the terms and conditions set forth herein.
THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained in' this Agreement, the Parties
agree- as follows:
1. Services Consultant shall provide the services as described. in, and in accordance with
the schedule set, forth in' Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein
( "Services ").
2. 'I Compensation; Business Tax. Certificate
A. For the full performance of the Services as described herein, City shall
compensate Consultant under the' following terms:' Time and materials not to
exceed: stated amount
�J B. Consultant :shall submit detailed monthly invoices reflecting all services
performed during the preceding month, and including a revised schedule for
performance and additional documentation requested by City, as applicable.
compensated for services in addition to those described in
Exhibit A, o
C` Consultant s m b
y if .Consultant and City execute a written amendment to this
: ,
Agreement describing the additional services to be performed and the
compensation to be paid for such :services. 'In.no.case shall'the total compensation
under this .Agreement exceed $262,707.00 without. prior written authorization of
the City 'Manager. Further, no compensation for a ,section - work program
component attached with a,specific budget shall be °exceeded without prior written
authorization of the City Manager.
D. Notwithstanding any provision herein, Consultant ,shall not be paid any
j compensation' until such time as Consultant has on file with the City Finance
Department current information requested on the "Vendor Information" form
(iManagc #609321) April 2010
available from City, and' has obtained a currently valid Petaluma business tax
E. City's obligation to 'pay compensation to Consultant as provided herein is
contingent upon Consultant's ;performance of the Services pursuant to the terms
and conditions of this Agreement and any amendments thereto.
7 :
Term The term of this Agreement commences'.on the Effective Date, and terminates on
6- 30- 2012, unless sooner terminated in accordance with Section 4.. Upon termination,
any and all of City's documents or materials provided to Consultant , and any and all of
the documents or ,materials prepared for City or relating to the .performance of the
Services, shall be `delivered .to the City as soon As possible, but not'�later than fourteen
(14) days after termination of the Agreement.
Termination 'City may .terminate this Agreement. without '.cause upon ten (10) days'
written .notice. City may immediately" terminate or suspend this Agreement for cause.
Cause for .immediate termination or suspension shall include, but not be limited to, any
breach of this Agreement by Consultant ,or Consultant's bankruptcy or insolvency. Upon
receipt of notice of termination , or suspension for cause, Consultant shall immediately
p progress gr ment. In the' event of early termination of this
stop all work in ro ess under this A ee,
Agreement b Y City, Consultant shall, be- entitled to payment for all Services performed to
the date of termination "to the extent such Services were performed to the satisfaction of
City in accordance with the terms and .conditions of this Agreement. if City terminates
this Agreement for cause, Consultant shall be liable to City for any excess cost City
incurs for completion of the Services:
Consultant's Representation; :Independent Contractor Consultant represents that
Consultant possesses distinct,professional skills in performing the Services. City has
relied upon said representation as a material, inducement. to enter into this Agreement.
Consultant shall,lherefore,. provide properly skilled professional and technical personnel
to perform all Services under - this Agreement. It is expressly understood that Consultant
and its agents 'and. employees, shall act in an independent capacity and as an independent
contractor and not as officers, employees or agents of City. This Agreement shall not be
construed as an agreement for employment.
Facilities and Equipment Consultant shall, at its sole cost and expense, furnish all
facilities .and equipment that may be required for furnishing Services pursuant to this
Agreement,. City shall famish to Consultant no , facilities or equipment, unless -the City
otherwise agrees In writing to provide the same:
Licenses, Etc. Consultant shall, at Consultant's sole cost and expense, ,keep in
effect at all times during the term of this Agreement any licenses, permits or other such
approvals which are legally required for performing the Services:
Time Consultant shall devote such time to the performance of 'the Services as may be
reasonably necessary for satisfactory performance of Consultant's obligations pursuant to
this Agreement.
(iManngc 0609321 ) April 2010
Inspection , C onsultant : shall provide .the City .every reasonable opportunity to ascertain
that the Services 'are `being;perforrned in accordance with the requirements and intentions
of this Agreement: All work done and materials furnished, if any, shall be subject to
inspection and approval by the City. . inspection of such work shall not relieve
Consultant of any of its obligations pursant to this Agreement.
Progress Reports Upon the .City "s request„ Consultant shall provide, in a form ;
acceptable to City, written, progress reports of all`oral and written observations, opinions,
recommendations, arialyses, progress and conclusions related to Consultant's
performance of the Services.
Confidenti In the course of Consultant's' employment, .Consultant may have access
to trade secrets and confidential information, disclosure of which is protected or limited
by law. Consultant shall not directly or indirectly disclose or use any such confidential
information, except as required :for 'the performance. of -the Sery ices.
Conflict of Interest Consultant represents that it presently has no interest, and
covenants that it shall not acquire any interest; direct or indirect, financial or otherwise,
which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the Services
hereunder. .Consultant further covenants that, in the performance of this Agreement, it
shall not employ any subcontractor or_ person having such a_ conflict of interest.
Consultant represents that no ,one who has or will have any financial interest under the
Agreement is an officer or employee of City. If such conflict of interest arises during this
Agreement or any extension, Consultant will immediately advise City and City may, at
its sole discretion, immediately terminate this Agreement. Certain Consultants are
subject to the requirements, including the disclosure arid' reporting requirements, of the
City's Conflict of Interest Code adopted pursuant: to the Political Reform Act. Such
Consultants .subject to the'City's Conflict of Interest_COde include those whose work may
involve: making government decisions regarding approval or adoption of rates, rules, or
regulations, action on permits or other. applications, authorization to enter °into or modify
contracts, or approval;of,plans, designs, reports, or studies. Consultant agrees to comply
fully with ,all such requirements to the extent they apply to Consultant's performance of
the Services.
13. Consultant No Agent Except as City may specify in writing, Consultant shall have no
j authority, express or implied,, to act on behalf of City in any capacity whatsoever as an,
agent: Consultant shall li ave, no authority, express or implied, pursuant to this Agreement
to bind City to any obligation whatsoever.
14. ' Standard of Performance Consultant shall perforai all the Services in a manner
consistent with , the standards of Consultant's' prrofession_. All instruments of service of
whatsoever nature, which Consultant delivers to City pursuant to this Agreement, shall be
prepared in a substantial, first class and , workmanlike manner and conform to the
i standards of Consultant's profession, All such instruments of service shall become the
{ sole and exclusive property of City upon delivery of the same.
15. ; 'Assignment/Transfer . No assignment or transfer in whole or in part of this Agreement
shall be made without the prior written consent of City.
(iManage #609321) April 2010
Subcontractors Consultant shall direcd I erform all :Services, and shall not subcontract
16. i y P
any portion of performance of the Services 'without the prior written consent of City.
Any such subcontractors shall be required to comply, to the full ; extent applicable, with
the terms and conditions of this Agreement, 'including but not limited to, procuring and
maintaining insurance coverage as required herein -and which shall name City As an
additional 'insured.
i All_Laws Consultant shall .fully comply with all applicable local,
1 7
state federal rules,'laws, ; regulations,;an'd ordinances pertainingto the performance of
the Services required `hereunder, including but not limited, to, the California Building
Standards Code asin_effect in the City, the Americans with, Disabilities Act, and any,laws
and regulations related to any copyri ght; patent, trademark or other :intellectual property
right involved in performance of the Services. .Consultant's failure to comply with any
law(s) or regulations) applicable to the performance of the Services hereunder shall
constitute a;material breach of this Agreement. To the extent that an y other government
agency or entity provides corn
g y y p pensation for any' Services, Consultant shall comply with
I i all rules and regulations applicable to such fiscal assistance.
18. 1 , Living Wage Ordinance Without limiting the foregoing :Section 17, Consultant shall
comply fully with the requirements. of Petaluma Municipal Code, Chapter 8.36, Living
Wage (the "Living Wage Ordinance "), . as the same niay be amended from time to time.
Upon the City's request Consultant. shall promptly provide to the City documents and
information verifying Consultant's compliance with the requirements of the Living Wage
Ordinance, and shall within `fifteen (15) calendar 'days of the Effective Date of- this
Agreement, notify, each of°its 7affected employees as to the amount of wages and time off
d that are required to be provided 'to them °pursuant to the Living Wage Ordinance.
Consultant's noncompliance with the Living Wage; :Ordinance. shall constitute cause for
City's termination of this Agreement pursuant16 'Section,4 hereof
19. Discrimination 'During the performance of this Agreement, Consultant shall not
discriminate against any employee, or applicant for employment. because of race religion,
j creed, color, national " origin, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation,, age or physical or
mental disability in violation of any applicable law.
20. Notice Except as otherwise specified in this Agreement, all notices to be sent pursuant
"to ,this Agreement shall. be. made in writing and sent, to the Parties at their respective
addresses specified below or to, such other address as a Party may designate by written
notice delivered to the other Party °in accordance with this Section. All such:notices shall'
be sent by:
(i) personal delivery, in which case notice effective upon delivery;
(ii) certified, or registered mail, return receipt requested, in which case notice shall be
deemed delivered on receipt if delivery is confirmed'by a return receipt;
(iii) nationally recognized overnight courier„ with charges prepaid or charged to the
a sender's account, in which case notice is 'effective on delivery if delivery is
confirmed by the delivery- service; or
(iM ... ge #609321) April 2010
(iv) facsimile .transm>ssion, in which case notice shall be deemed delivered upon
transmittal; provided that (a) a� duplicate copy of the: notice is: promptly delivered
by first-class or certified' mail or by overnight delivery, or (b)` a transmission
report is :generated reflecting the accurate transmission, thereof .Any notice, given .
by facsimile shall be, considered to have been.:received on the next business day if
it.is:received after 5 :' Wp.m., recipient's time or on a nonbusiness day:
City: City
City of Petaluma
Post Office Box 61
Petaluma, California 94953
Phone: (70,71778-4360
Fax: (707) 778 -4554
Email: cityclerk @ci:petaluma'.ca.us
Phone: 707- 778 -4583
Fax: 707 = 7763635
Email: rscherzin er ci. ijetlauma.ca.us
Consultant: Ben Slick
1720 Comorate Cir
Petaluma CA 94954
Phone: 707= 769 -9696
Fax: 707= 769 -9695
Email: f sl ck(&hydropoint.com
Ownership of Documerits All .original papers, documents or computer material on disk.
or microfilm, and copies 'thereof, produced as a result of this Agreement,: shall be the
property of City and .may not be used by Consultant without ;. the written consent of City.
Copies of such documents or papers _shall., not, be disclosed to. others without the written,
consent of the City Manager or his or her designated representative.
lademnifieadon 'To the maximum extent permittedby law Consultant shall, at its own .
expense, indemnify, defend with counsel acceptable to the City, (which acceptance. will
not be unreasonably withheld), and hold harmless City and its officers, officials, .
employees, agents and volunteers ( "Indemnitees ") from and against, any and. all liability,
loss, damage, claims, suits actions, arbitration proceedings, administrative proceedings,
regulatory proceedings, civil ,penalties and fines, 'expenses and costs (including, without
limitation,, claims expenses,, attorney's fees and costs and fees of litigation) (collectively,
" ty „) ry g tual, alleged or threatened, arising out of or in
connection .vv th the Services or Consultant's failure to comply with any of the terms of
this Agreement, regardless of any fault or alleged fault of the Indemnitees.
(Wanoge #609321) April 2010
The Consulfant's:obligafion to indemnify, defefi &and hold harmless'under this provision
shall,notbe excused because of the Consultant's inability to evaluate Liability, or because
the Consultant evaluates Liability,and determines that the Consultant is riot or may`;not -be
liable. The Consultant must respond within 30 calendar days to any tender for defense
and indemnity by he City,, unless the time for responding has been extended by an
authorized representative of the.Cty in writing. If the Consultant fails;to accept tender of
1 defense and indemnity within 30 calendar days, .in addition to any other remedies
authorized by law,, so much of tlie money due or than may become due the Consultant
under this Agreement as shall 'reasonably 'be..considered necessary' by the City, may be
retained by, the. City until, disposition has been mdde of the matter: subject to tender, or
until the Consultant: accepts the tender, whichever occurs; first. In the event that the City.
must file respon.'sive documents in a matter tendered to Consultant prior to Consultant's
�f acceptance of tender, Consultant agrees. to fully reimburse all costs, including' Y but not
limited to. attorney's fees and costs and fees of litigation, ;incurred by. the City in filing
such responsive documents.
The Consultant waives, any and All rights to express or implied ,indemnity against the
Indemnitees concerning any Liability of the Consultant arising out of or in connection
with the Services or Consultant's failure to comply with any of the terms of this
Notwithstanding the; foregoing-, to the extent this Agreement is a "construction, contract "'
as defined by California Civil Code Section 2785, as maybe amended from time to time,
Consultant's dut
prohibited b y Californ t ia Civil, Code Section s not apply when to do so would
p y " , as may be amended from time to
Notwithstanding; the . foregoing, to the extent that the " ,S'ervices include design professional
.services subject to California Civil Code Section 2782,8,. as maybe amended from time
to time, Consultant's duty to indemnify shall only be to the maximum extent permitted by
California Civil Code'Section 2782.8.
23. Insurance Consultant.shall comply with the "Insurance Requirements for Consultants"
1 in Exhibit B -1 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. [Indicate attached
exhibit, e.g., "B -1 "B -2, "B -3, or "B -4. "]
24' i Amendment This Agreement may be amended only by'a -written instrument executed .
by boih,P "arties.
25. I Litigation If litigation ensues which pertains to the, subject, matter of Consultant's
services hereunder,. Consultant, upon request from .City, agrees to testify therein at a
reasonable and customary fee:
gr p tation „and compromise on the, part
26. Construction This Agreement is the; roduct of ne go
of both Parties and that,the Parties agree that, notwithstanding Civil Code Section 1654,
any uncertainty in the Agreement shall not be construed. against the drafter of the
Wanngc #609321) April 2010
27. Governing Law; 'Venue `This Agreement shall be enforced;and interpreted under the
laws of the State of California and the. City of Petaluma. Any 'action arising from or
'i c the County this Agreement shall be venued in. a court of competent
bt 'in connection ty i f ^Sonoma, State of Califrnia.
28. Non- Waiver Thee City's failure to enforce any ;provision of this Agreement or the
waiver thereof in a particular .instance shall not be construed as a general waiver .of'any
part of such provision. The provision shall remain in.fulf force and effect.
29. Severability If any term or portion of this Agreement. is held to be invalid, illegal! or
otherwise unenforceable by a :court of-competent j urisdiction, the remaining provisions of
this Agreement shall continueln full force and effect.
30. No Third Party Beneficiaries The Parties do :intend to create, and nothing in this
Agreement shall :be construed to..create any benefit or right in any third party.
31. Mediation The Parties.agree to, make a good faith attempt to-resolve any dispute arising
out of this Agreement through . m
mediation prior to comencing litigation. The Parties
shall mutually agree upon the mediator and shall divide the costs of mediation equally..
32. Consultant'sBooks`and Records
A. Consultant shall maintain any and all ledgers, books of accounts, invoices
vouchers, canceled checks, and otheryecords ^or evidencing or relating
to charges for services, or expenditures and disbursements charged to the City for
a minimum. period of three (3) years or for any longer period required, by law,
from the date of `final, payment to Consultant pursuant to this Agreement.
B. Consultant shall maintain all documents and records which demonstrate
1 performance _under this Agreement for a minimum °period of three (a) years or for
any longer . period required, by law, from the date of termination or completion of
this Agreement.
C. Any records or documents required to be maintained, pursuant to this Agreement
shall be made available for inspection or audit, at anytime during regular business
{ hours, upon written request by the City Manager;: City Attorney, City Finance
Director, or a designated representative of these officers. Copies of such
documents shall Abe p_ rovided to the Ci h' for ins P ection at Petaluma .City Hall
when. it is practical to .do so. Otherwise, unless an alternative is mutually agreed
1 upon, the records shall be: available at Consultant's address indicated for receipt
of notices in this'Agreement.
j D. Where City has .reason to. believe that such records or documents may be lost or
discarded due to dissolution, disbandment or termination of Consultant's
business, City may by written request by any `of the above -named officers,
require that custody.of the records be given to the City „and that the records and
documents be maintained in Petaluma City Hall: Access to such records and
documents shall be granted to any party :authorized by Consultant, Consultant's
representatives, or Consultant's' successor in interest.
(4Managc #609321) April 2010
Headings The headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not
intended to affect the interpretation or construction of any provisions herein.
Survival All obligations ansing`'priorAo the.tennination orexpiration of this Agreement
and all provisions, of this Agreement allocating liability, between City - and Consultant
shall survive the termination or of this Agreement
Entire Agreemtent This. Agreement, including the exhibits attached hereto and
incorporated herein, constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to
the Services, and supersedes all prior agreements, or understandings, oral or written,
between the Parties in this regard;
Ifd WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this document the day, month and
year first above written.
I -
.. By
City'`Manager Name
I Title
City,jClerk Address
City State Zip
City `Attorney
Department Director
Risky Manager
Finance Director
Taxpayer fID. Number
L u C-D� 6 <i
Petaluma Business Tax Certificate Number
(i wivVCM21 ) , April2010
Attachment 3
The Petaluma SmartYard program will be a collective�effort between Consultant and. City of
f 200 Petaluma water customers participating in the program.
Petaluma resulting in a minimum o
The scope of services shall include the following:
® In conjunction with City of Petaluma staff, Consultant shall target and make contact with
high water use single farnilyresidential customers and offer the SmartYard program to
these customers. Contact shall be made via letter and follow up phone call.
® Customers .must have irrigated_. landscaping with at least .6 irrigation stations .operated . by
aremote control valve and an existing irrigation controller.
® Customers . must show historical consumption resulting in consistent tier 4 charges during
each billing period:of,any two irrigation seasons between 20.09.and 2010. For the
purposes of this contract, an.irrigation season is defined -as April through October.
® Consultant shall provide project.: management which shall "include product delivery,
s cheduling, installation and programming, training and , per-:formance verification.
Consultant shall also provide resources for issue resolution related to scheduling
conflicts, change orders and siteespecific controller orlprogramining questions
g Weekly e � reporting to City encountered during th_ e Pro am.
® Consultant shall provide weekly program t
p g y of Petaluma representative._
® Controller installation shall be completed in the same visit as site inspection as long as
the site meets standards required for proper installation. If, during the course of an audit,
findings !disqualify the'site -from participating, Consultant shall forward this information
to both the, customer. and City of Petaluma. If subsegruent:repairs are made that are
proven to address sand remedy the reasons for disqualification, Consultant shall re-
schedule an installation, for th& site.
® Controller. installation shall be performed by a licensed C,27 `landscape contractor(s).
® Consultant shall verify installations, .and train'those that need to operate the system,
including end- users, onproduct operation. Consultant, shall also ensure that controllers
are programmed to conform'to any watering restrictions.
o Consultant shall schedule and provide a customer follow up visit fifteen to .thirty days
After `- ins
® Audited sites shall receive, written recommendations for irrigation system repairs or
im p rovements.
® Consultant shall provide a. Project Management Plan prior, to pro gram start. Project
Management Plan shall include-but not' be limited 'to'project timelines; staffing
credentials; and reporting methods.
® Consultant shall develop program: specific, marketing materials to support customer
awareness and education (with City afPetaluma participation and approvals).
® 'Consultant shall create outreach campaign(s); and assist City of Petaluma with media
®. Consultant shall establish a dedicated toll free telephonef riumber,and ;manage inbound
customer and %or,'emails.m r i nature on
Consultant shall ensure custo_ _ e g' any relevant terms & conditions, and to
forward these agr'oeinefifsjoe Ciwof Petaluma.
® All installations shall include an out - processing report, including before and -after
pictures of controller installations,. in order to document program. execution. quality.
® Consultant shall manage scheduling of installations, and follow up inspections.
City of Petaluma may elect to provide electronic water usage information, through water
bill data to Consultant for analysis.
• Consultant shall organize all program data into a standard ;spreadsheet format- for
p rogram reporting.
• Consultant shall-provdeend ofyear report with pertinent project data including but not
limited to units installed, names and addresses of customers: served, irrigation stations
converted, n of follow -up visits conducted both, on -site and via phone call, units of
water saved to date, b total
e cost, labor exp end 'ed;'and all other data regarding
the project that may e _ fit the y
Syste n Support
Consultant shall also ,manage a dedicated team of internal tech support specialists (Bi- lingual in
English and Spanish) that are available by phone 6 days a week, to work with customers to
facilitate: their success and maximize the savings potential.
Consultant shall providea complete training program for its insta'llers'to ensure that all
controllers are installed and programmed for optunum operation.
n and activation. Traintn ,shall cover controller .following the controller
ner training shall be:conducted b
� g y
Consultant on-site
instal atio g features including manual watering,
modifying program settings &, adjustments; alerts, valve checking : and troubleshooting as well as
how to Customer Service.
Based Training (CBT) for programming the controller shall be available on the
Controller Removal /InstallatIon
Any and all- electrical,work performed by Consultant and /,or'it's subcontractors shall be
performed in :accordance with all.current local and State electricanuilding codes.
a) Remove exist ing,controllers and dispose as desired by customer.
b) Record program settings from old controller. (days,-times, starts, # of weekly runtime
c Conduct Ohm reading to identify "not connected" or "electrical shorts prior to retrofit.
d) Label field ,wires before e moving.
e) Shut off power to controller.
fl Remove old'controllers off' f wall / out ofpedestal.
g) Disconnect /cap bf.. electrical for units; that; shall not 'be" with a- new unit.
I '
a) Physically install controller - provided for project.
b) Install /. mount controller per manufacturer's specifications.
c) Connect and secure, electrical including- grounding to local code.
d) Connect and secure 24v' field wires.
e) Install rain ;sensors in sensible places -that .shall capture rain water effectively without .
o verhead interference and with receivers mounted= outside of any metal enclosures.
Connect rain sensor wires to RS port on controller.
f) Run a valve test and troubleshoot wiring on any stations showing ishorts or no- connects'.
a),,- Program controllers ,as pbr manufacturer's recomm endations.
b i) o
cmplete Program Worksheet
Run each zone manualtyand walk site to complete Program Worksheet (provided
with each controller). Program °worksheet is a simple punch list that allows users to
I record zone by zone site data including;
(1) Plant type, soil, sprirkl'er slope, sun exposure.
c) Program Set Up
i) Enter Set up information including:
(1) Date, time, time -zone active stations.
d) Program Days and Times
i) Enter desired water day, patterns, start times and water windows to meet site needs.
e) P 4 rogram'Stations in Auto Mode
i) Program coniroller,in Automated Mode by setting, each station to Auto and then
entering data, from Program Worksheets, plant soil, sprinkler,. slope, sun exposure,
} precipitation rate and root depth optional for maximum water conservation.
NOTE If -new landscape is.in place those stations /zones should be programmed;in User
Mode (Non ET Mode) for a period oftime,(,15 -45 days) to establish roots before being
switched to Automated Mode. In this mode, the. user can set the desired run times.
Leave, "copy" of worksheet with each• controller and one copy with the customer.
g) Check heck Alerts
i) Go to Alerts screen and verifythat no alerts' are present i troubleshoot as needed.
h) Preview
i) Review each station- in the Preview Screen for 'reasonable' program times and days.
A ctivate service to controllers by, calling Hydro,point Customer Service..
Consultant shall conduct. a 1 -5 -point field review of each controller after installation and ensure.
that .eacl .controller is optimized for' each site.. ,A Controller Inspection Report (CIR) shall be.
provided which includes a review of .each- physical installation, verification that it was performed
correctly and up to code, a- review of ET service' status, validation that programming was
performed correctly., and t -hat wiring issues (including detectedp shorts and "no connection" alerts)
are recorded. Notes of any irrigation system repairs shall also be recorded.
Consultant shall record the installation data,, customer address,, customer °name, , phone number,
email address, water meter number; and square footages of turf and non -turf irrigated areas. Data
shall be provided to the City of ?etaluma, in an Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or Microsoft Access
database (or other approved method):
Consultant shall schedule and provide a, customer follow-up visit 'fteento thirty days after
installation. Follow up visit shall, *include an initial phone call or email to the customer addressing
landscape condition, overall, satisfaction with the controller, any issues that may have arisen, and
any other questions or concerns that�the customer may have..Consultant shall offer to physically
visit the site if the customer requests further 'assistance., Consultant shall record all of the data
received during the follow up site v' isit and-provide data t.o City°via Microsoft Excel 'spreadsheet
or Microsoft Access database (or other approved method).
Wkiatherl`F AK*
--' Fxnprt irriga'rion rwloda�srtrcple�,
HydroPolnt Data Inc,
1720 CorporateCircle
Petaluma, Califomia:94954
(707) 769.9696 voice / (707) 769- 9695'fax
I :
Bill To
City of l?etaluma_
On File
Attachment 4
P q.In sal i uete
Quot Petaluma_SmartYard_12 -3 -10
Ship To
Account Executive
Pa ment "Terms
Quote,Ex iration,Date
SmartYard : 'Retail;= Phase 1
�BQuantity ;.Part,
# `, ",° �Descnptlon _ .: .n
�... �, �.
s �Total 2• -'. ;
WTPLS -I2 -ID WeatheiTRAK Olus :lndoor 12 station
$ 355;24
$ 7T1048.06
WRS Wireless Rain "Sensor
$ 51.94
$ 10,388.00
ANT- Bowtie Bowtie antenna
$ 17.43
$ 3,486.00
ETE- 912 -5Y 5'YFService -9 842 ET plus
$ 240:00
$ 48;000.00.
ProfessionalServices as described below:
Program / Project Management
$ 7,400.00
Landscape' Contractor Coordination
ProgramWorksheetand Controller Programming
Follow,up Visit:(1 per site, 15 - 30 days after installation)
$ 71.43
$ 14,286.00.
Contractor „Installation
Residential 6,9,12 station
$ 66;600:00'
Marketmg;Campaign to diivwprogram,participation and,adopt,on; includes:
$ 28,939.10
$ 28
Website enhancements, hosted!events DVD, webinars, direct mail,.and telesales
Estimated Freight- Subject to Change
$ 3,900.00
,.Estimated Sales Tax!(actual taxes will be billed when invoiced)
$ 8,660.15
Applicable sales
pp tax'and.acfual freight charges'will be iill'ed,upon'!invoicing:
/ Ir
Attachment 5
DATE: 12 -7 -10 DEPARTMENT' wR &C
CONTACT David Iribame TELEPHONE; 778 -4591
VENDOR: Hydropoini Data S sv tems TELEPHON'E> 800 =362 -8774
(Initial all entries that apply)
�= 1.
X 4
X 5
Amount of purchase does not exceed-current dollar amount required for formal bidding.
Vendor is the original equipment manufacturer there: are no regional distributors.
The parts/equipment are not interchangeable with similar parts of another manufacturer.
This is the.only equipment that meets the specialized needs of the department and
performs the intended function.
Detailed justification, is available which establishes beyond doubt that the Vendor in the
only sourcerpracticably available to provide! the items. or service required.
I recommend that competitive procurement be waived, and that the equipment and /.or
supplies on the attached Procurement Request be purchased as a Sole Source.
Signed,,:, Date:'
Ap0rovals• .
Purchasing Officer: Date:
e Department of Water Resources and Conservation has selected Hydropoint Data
i tems (Hydropoint) to provide enhanced program. services .based on the fact.they are
manufacturer of the WeatherTrak':Smart controller and are,the -only manufacturer of
s, technology with an existmg:turnkey SmartYard program. The City.sole sourced this
xipment, with approval from City Council, for the previous two Smart Controller
ijects and is`requesting a sole- sourceadeclaration again with Hydropoint Data Systems
the SmartYard 'program based ,'on the'below criteria:
Hydropoint, is the only companythat:, this technology scored 100%
on the Irrigation Association's testingprotocols for Smart Water Application
Technology (SWAT). SWAT testing evaluation is conducted by creating a six -zone
virtual landscape subjected to real -time climate through monitoring of a selected
weather station to evaluate the ability of individual "smart" controllers to adequately
and efficiently irrigate, that :landscape. After initial programming and calibration, the
f controller is expected to perform without further intervention during the test period.
Performance results indicate•to' what degree the controller maintained root zone
f':moistures levels within ran acceptable range. Since the. goal.of this :program is water
conservation, the criteria for scoring 100% in all testing;protocols was the most
important factor in.,determiningthe controller technology and manufacturer. Below is
a summary of test results:
■ 22 total SWAT reports (22 products)
■ Only9 are residential versions
Of those 9°residential versions - 6 have, less than 100% / 0% (perfect)
scores, including AquaConserve (100 /I.3), CyberRain (100/20.5),
Hunter Solar Sync�(100 /20.2),.Alex Tronix Smart Module (99.9/5.6),
j Raindrip Weather.Smart Pro (1'0048.6), WeaiherMatic (100/2.3); one
residential, product company'is out of business (Water Optimizer)
■ Of the 9 SWAT: tested residential products; only 3 have perfect test
scores, all WeatherTRAK technology.(HydroPoint, Toro, Irritrol)
a On the SWAT website there -:are 4 smart controller case study reports.
Of those case studies used background. 3 of 4 (75 %) used
WeatherTRAK technology (Santa Barbara, Irvine, Boulder). One case
study.desc -bed. AquaConserve (Seattle) and described that water bills
went;up in 40 %0 of sites).
Go to www.irrigdtionassociatiOn /swat /ease- studi_es view reports.
e Hydropoint not onlyrrianufactures the. WeatherTrak controller, but also provides
enhanced program services as described in the attached Exhibit A - Services.
No other manufacturer of this technology offers this.productalong with this type of
managed program with.,marketing, subcontractor management, installation, customer
service (including a.customized website for Petaluma customers). and local factory
support for field related issues.
• The other companies offering this ;type: of product who scored 1.00% .on the SWAT
testing protocols.were Toro Company and Irritrol. Both of these companies utilize the
WeatherTrak:coi troller tecl nology from Hydropoint in their product; meaning that
HydropointData Systems:mamifactures the controller and sells it to Toro and "trol
who then place their name on the,product. No other company offers a customer
service Centex °open 6 days: per week (English and Spanish) ,specifically for their Smart
controller customers and no other irrigation manufacturer offers a customized website
for Petaluma customers for the SmartYard program.
The City f Petaluma.has sole sourced Hydropoint based IA,testingprotocol scores
y „
. on
and proven water savings for two previous programs in the City of Petaluma.
Maintaining product consistency benefits the City by allowing the City to get a top of the
line product at the best possible price (bulk discount pricing) as,well as allowing City
staff -to have extensive product knowledge and experience which benefits Petaluma