HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 586 N.C.S. 11/07/1960OROIRA4CF NO. 586' N. C. S. I for the )efficient- operation .'of =the: shall be• open,.d'in public at the'tiitle •-
Purchasmgt Department. band place." stated in the publio no=
Introdui!,.it by' Councilman JOHN" - Sec' 2.63: Exemption`s From Cerj— tices..'A tabulation of all` )lids f6- sJ. KING tr lized Purchasing: ceived - `shall be open for public iti-
and "
bids p
'Seconle by Counciltnam MARINO The Purchasing - Officer with ap f :period spection ' regular
P business
, CRINEl.I.il' nro`val of, the ""city' Cit Council; 'may au- hours "or a (:pe - °not less' tlia
thorize m writmg agency'to pur , ;thirty' (30) calendar days after the bid
` 'AN ORDIN KC') CAMEi�DING' CHAP chase_ or contract for s ecified su opening i
TER' '2' c rN • THE „CODE_. OF THE}' P p
plies and 'equipment, independently (d), R`election
of Bids. .lii its di
C I T Y -'ly r t BY A DIN(, - CAL O Y of the P squ rchasing . Department, but ,.tion, the City - Council •. may re]ecc
:R t T I'C l ;E VI ,'SECTIONS 2:61 ^" bids ire that such purchases any and" all resenter) re
or_ contracts be made in contor- advertise for
TxIROUrJi 2:70, ROVIllING FOR mrt -, (e) Swards of; Contracts. Contracts
y wi h the procedures established;
THE 1?'U iCN_ASr OP., by by this ordinance, and shall "further 'shall -be awarded by _the. City Coun-
AND EQU1PMEN1 ESTABLI�, cil to ene Jowest responsible •bid'det
C it Al. 'IZ'> )� PURCHA uNG �� ency o er�hdic repoI is from the except ;as otherwise provided herein
6 _purchases and con,.
SYSTEM: CREATING PQ_ tracts m "ade under, such wr t n au= (f) ,Tie Bids. If two 'or more bids
TION Ga PURCHASING' OFFICEP il-orizatton _ received are for the same total
AND '5r LT _YTPIG ':THE FUNC Se'r' 2.64. Requisitions amount_;• or unit price ,quality and
TTO�1S. -) r i WER5; AND DUTIES OF Using a egries shall submit r e• +service: tieing equal and :if the public
7'HE 1JR4H
PA.srNG.�OFF,ICER. (quests for upplies and equipment `to 'interest will not permit the- delay
th'e Purchasing OFfice_r by standard of re•advertisingj r for bids, the• Clt�
E IT "O D BY THEi COUN r gitiisition forms: Council may accept the one it chooses
CIL OF 2 ?►Io ''t"YiY
OF PETALU_MA Sec „260. 'Eidding. or accept the lowest bid made by ;ne=
a 1,OliLCtC4 r Purchases. o£- supplies and,, equip- gotiatioii; with the tie bldders'. the
Section -,I '$'kfat Chapter 2 of _the rile ;it shall be`by proaedtires-pursuant :timee of� the bid', opening
Code of 'ter f ity of, Petaluma, Cali to Sactioris _,8 and 9. Bidding' shall '(>) Pei f' 'mn a `'Bonds-' The: `C.tvr,
oriiia„ ;13 +i be „;and the same, ;is rbe', dispensed with only when an em- s, Council' shall have- .authority to= re:
ereby.:ainc nded to add' thereto .Ar. er regorr s that e t an ' t aVklorder be' qu re;,a, performance bond before en=
t cle VI iSca icon :261 throungh 2.7 w ith
source of tb_ whero It ',sing a?coiitr`act in such amount as. -
to Provide ' for ,the Pure ase o`f su bit sh911 —find reasonably necessary -
plies and, z uuipment; ,establish, a. cen involved is less than $750:00. or when to protect the hest interests of• thN
Tralized purl hasing system; creating the commodity can lie obtained fro 'City If :the City Council requires i,
and s +in o the Fu ,tiro officer i only one 'i?ndor amoaritl the ohoedi`ns alt' e a l
p g ons powers ;Sec 2.66. Pt rchase Orders.
and duties the inr the Purchasing officer, gtirchases of ,supplies and enul -- •scab d m n
as' followg menf 'shall be tnade;'only by' purchase_ Sec 2:69 Open. Marfiet`Proceditre.
AR1IC3 +, VI. = PURCHASING Purchases of suprt and equip-
Sec. 2:6. Adoption o_f- Purchasing ? S ec ,;
.. - SPC 2 6 ::Encumbr5ncr of' Funds. meet of an Ps imated value in the
System. Except in.•r. s o£ nmer envy the amount of $7a0i00 or less' may be.
In order to establish efficierit,':pro - Pihchasip'; : Offs r' tint Wu . ,lade: iy th Eurch nP,. Officer rn.
eedures `foe the purchase of supplies any,- purchase . ord'er for stippfies or ", 1 '`ne ,open mark?t witfi ut obserdi
d equipment to secure for the (City the pro ceciurei" prescribed by Section
supplies and, 'equip” men at the lowest euumm+ nt` unlc s there, an un,
enciiinbered _ aporopriatton; 'vi, the 8
Possible cot eomiirensurate with qual- fund account agalhst which said pur- (a) Mt - Numher of Qiioi r-
ty needeti to oxercise osltive an chase is to. b rhared lions. • Open ,marl et purchases shall
cial control over purchases; to clearly Sec. 2:68. ;Formal' Contrsct, Pro• wherever possible, be based. on a
define authority °for the,`purchasing least ',fire quotations, and shall he
of purclia i s, a puichasing•lsystem Exc pt as oth rwise provided here- :awarded to the lowest responsible
function and to assure the qua lity
m, 'porch "axes' and contracts for sup- 'party
I& hereby dopted plies and equipment of iestimat`ed I (b) N6tice Inviting Quotations'. The
Sec 2 ;61 Purchasing; Officer, value greater than $750 00 shall be by Purchasing Oftic shall solicit qu
'er a
Th re 'is Hereby created the ".posy written contr'art' with; the 9oweSt r,e -' tatrons t y written requests to pros
tie a°i oihfcrl' the City Manager. ponsible bidd r uursuant, to Elie pro b ptrtilic notice posted on Vi and
Lion of Purchasin Officer. s
He shall ertr r� vendnrs,: by t )spoon
P cedur prescribed herein. y iublic
be combined with: those' of an omaX (aj No lletin ice Inviting - ;Bids. Notices 'rn- bu lioa Q in t ity Hall.
The duties ofrPurchasng Officer
y ther viting bids shall include .a (c) Witt n Quotatinnv.';SeaiPd writ- -
office or TiositiFon The `Purchasing general', ten quotation's shall be ,subnutted to
description of the articles tp abe pur• -',
Officer.'sh ill have ;authority to.: the Purchasing Officer who shall keep
chased. tats where; bid blanks
(a) Purc)i se or contract, for sup a reroril of all open mrk orders
,lids, specifications a for o cured, rid quo
oss and' e7iripment required by any ' nd, ro'. and F p eeing quotations
the, fcr a period of. one
using agene y in accordance with ti year iaftier t
;submission of quota-
purcha in; procedures prescribed ,by fi,j Puh.ished Notice. Notice invitm;;l irons or the. Placing of ; ol ders: „• This
this plain tnce, such adinnrstrativ bids,l newsoaashall.'i%e ` nublished ouc in the
regulations as the P record ; while so k pt, ^sh, be open ''urchasing,, fficer ' officiae;r at least five da; t6 oublir vs ,msppc t ��.
and such, other rules and h ?fore "t ae Bats of opening of the 'c. 2:70. Ins;iection, and Testing.
shall adopt
iegu'lations as'sliall b_e prescribed by Th? >Pirch6sinv 'Officer 'shill ' in.
the City' ,Council ';by resolution duly, -sect su lies and equi mein de-
: adopted:; a (2) Bidders' List. Top Purchasing: i `v rAd PP Ae+-
OffTcer shall also - solicit s algid bidsi,' set
(b)' Negot+ato 'and recotnmendt ex - i prospective sox formance with th s.iecilications
from a t reesponstble
cution of r outr?cts for: he s purctiase ford! in: the ^r.?2i or Bantu ar•t. Th°
nt tiers' List or'who•hav;e requested th i pur hasi g Officer shall ha ,, e. ari-
pliers whose names are on the Pul
ne(ededcqu�ilitnd'n equi pment. City the e r,• thor'ty'to r -quire ch, mrc.al an l pliys.-
q P
procure fort s to be `added'tharto: i,
y and name
equip 1l Bulletin Board. The Purchasin cat tests of sae ales si nit ed' w +}r
ment at le St expense to . City: Officer shall also 'advertise: p_nrlin °' bids and samples Of iiv r s whi ri
(d)' Discourage - uniforn`brddmg,Rand • - ” are necessary'to detern r th ir'r
endeavor'in obtain as full and Open purchases by a notice posted on 'a
public board in the City ity and conformance �!i_th s>,ecif:ca-
• competition as pox ible! on all pur- Hall' ',ions'
chases. 2: SEVERABIr IT•Y
(e) Prep re arid' recommend'to'the (b) Bidder's Security. When „ri med` 4Fc
1 If ariy section subsectton subdz-
City Counc nl rules governing the'., pur , beg'essar bv' t'i Purchasing 'Officer 1 vision; sentence,. clause or phrase of
chase „of supplies, and equipment 'for' bidder's' ' security ,may be prescribed reason held
pis r.una a is for any' `,
the, City: fin the public notrcesi inviting lords: tan h unronstitut final or otherw's;
(f) Preparin i.nd recommend to the Bidders shall be entitled to return invalid, such decision shall riot affect
City Coun, it revisions `and amend- of bid security provided' that ` a sic• '! � r; cy oti'the remaining Portions,
ments,.;to f.lie purchasing `rules.' Qessful bidder shall forfeit h.s bid this ordinance The City "Council
(g) Keep informed.,of`,current, de , security rippe refusal or failure to 'hereby declares that it, would 'have
ivelopxrtents iii tlielfield of purchasing execute the contract with" _t n Qq)' ; asses this ordinance and each sec-
rices; maret . _ i ition's and new +clays afterA e n itice,of aidar'd of con- tion 'siitisectio7 aubdr� ision sentence;
prices; s coed
p, t1act has p been mailed unless the ( •and phrase tl'eraof,
(h) irre-
to City Coun
cil may, on refusal or sl of their' #act that any one or
Prescribe, and maintain such Cit is nes onsrb14 for the delay The
forms as ,are reasonably ;necessary' wore is coons subs cticns, :subdi
the. 'operation of` •this ordinama and failure of the successful' bidder , to , visions, sentences clauses or phrases
_, F ,- ldeclar d ririconstituti nal.
other ' rule and regulations- execute the contract; award it to t he l be
p n Ofdi rd published this 17th day of
(r) Supervise the inspection of all next lowest res onsible bidder I the
;supplies aril equipment ment ;purchased, to City awards the contract to O tobEr; 190J
,insure coniiorinance with specifica- the next row st bidder the, amount AYES: Councilmen CrcnPlli, Elgs,
bons: of the lowest bidda•r'.s security shall Gustafson Kng; Matzen, Van L'eiiher.
ki) SRecomxnend the transfer of sur- In applied by the City .to the .differ -,. and "'Mayor" Parent:
plus .or unused supplies and eq uip- ehee between `the low bid and the' NOES: 'None:
ment betewcn departments as need; second lowest bid, and the; surplus,,,) ABSENT: None.
ed and °the} s ^le of all ' - -- lilies ' if any, shall be returned to the low - - AR I;6P. %V. R, \RENT.
equipment • which cannot` be used' by est. bldder- Mayor -
any agency or, which have become (c) Bid Opening Prc cedure. Sealed Attest:
unsui table for City user bids shall, be submitted to ,the Pn'; GLADYS R. WALLIN.
Mainrnn a Bidders' List, Ven Officer and shall' be identi`: City Clerk. t
dots'` Catalog file apd recoids needed I tied, as 'bids. on ..the. envelope Bi lsi
t 1
.1 hereby certify, that the within ordinance was published - in,.full. once .
in the .Petaluma Argus- Courier,, a daily paper aof general circulation, published .
Within the City of Petaluma to. wit: October-21, 1,960, and. that the said Petaluma
Afr.gus= Courier is the official newspaper,, of the • City of Petaluma.
I hereby certify that the whole :number of mernber:s pf the'Council of
the City, of Petaluma is seven, - and that the foregoing ordinance , was passed
by the Counci -1 at its meeting of the 7th day of November, 1960, by the, '
following vote to. -wit:
AYES: Councilmen Crinella, Ellis,., Gustafson, King,. Matzen, Van Bebber
and Mayor-'.Parent.
NOES: None:
(SEAL) City Clerk.
The foregoing Ordinance Number 5'8`6 N; C. S. having been regula -rly
passed and presented, to me this 7th day of November, 1960; is hereby
approved by me thin 7th. day of November, 19'60.,
EFF`ECTIVE:.DATE December 7, 1960