HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 8052 N.C.S. 01/03/1978- Resolution No. ......... $0.5.2 ................. N. C.
INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMAN.._.:- ___ -___ • _ ________............. John L. Balshaw
...................................................................................................... and
SECONDED BY'COUNCILMAN ................ _-------------_ GRoland Bond: .
------------ ------ .......................................... ................................................... at a
............................................................................................................. Re .g. u1 . - a r......_ - W. .............. ......... Meeting the City Council of the
. ..... .. .. ......
3rd January
Cityof Petaluma, bfi the ......................................... day of ............. ...............................................................................................
(WHEREAS, Lawrence A. Jon a:.-, as owner ftk and
Subdividerj has / imxrx filed with th-is Council a tentative map propos-
ing t8 subdivide land within this City' to be known as CREEKSIDE OAKS
SUBDIVISION and have paid all .required . fi.ling fees; and,
MHEREAS, the City Engineer, the Director of Planning, the Sonoma
.County Water Agency, and the Planting Commissiot.have examined and re-
viewed the same as required by law and all reports,. recommendations,
and comments thereon have been forwarded to and considered by this
Council at its meeting held on Janusrz I 147R
:NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Council hereby finds
as follows:
.1. The proposed subdivision, together with provisions forits
design and improvement, is consistent with the General Plan.
2. The proposed subdivision is compatible with the objectives,
policies, general land uses, and programs specified in said General
3. The site is physically suitable for the type of - develop-
ment proposed.
A. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density
of development.
5. The design of the Subdivision and the proposed improvements
therefor will not cause substantial environmental damage, and no sub-
stantial or avoidable injury will occur to fish or wildlife or their
6. The design of the,Subdivision and the type of improvements
will not cause serious public health problems.
7. The design of the Subdivision and the type of improvements
propos ed will not conflict with easements,; acquired quired byrth,e public at
1-arge access through or use of pr within the proposed sub-
8.. The discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into
the existing community sewer system will not result in violation of
the existing requirements p"rescribed the Regional Water Quality
Control Board.
COUNCIL MU. 7.2_ G-_
the findings BE IT FURTHER. RE'SOLVED, based on set forth
abode, that the above referred to tentative map be, and the
same is; hereby approved 'subject to, the conditions , set forth
in Exhibits A, acid B; attached. her•e:to and ircorpo:rated herein
:as if fully set forth, .provided, however, that condition .No.
3 shall be modified t& read as follows::.
"'The final ubdivis'ion map and improvement .plans. shall
show full street improvements .for. Jonas- Lane;. including
s,idewalk:s,, as ou�tlin'e,d in the exception to the Subdivision
Or-dinanc:e, granted to the aapplicant' by Resolution
#8051 N, . C. S
under: the,'poweryand' authority tonferred ;upon ",this Council, by the Charter -of said,:Cify.
I hereby certify that the..foregoing Resolution wasp duly�and :regularly introduced and
adopted by the Council of the City of Petaluma, on the , 3rd
dayf- January 19 �:8.._ „ by the following votes:
AYES; Coun;ci`lmen Ba,lshaw,, Bond, Cavanagh,, 'H'arbersoh,
Hil`lgoss;, Perry, .arid Mayor .Putn °am
NOES. None" '
Norie o
City Glerk Mayb
FORM CA 9'7/741.
1. The conditionsf outlited-in'the. - City Engineer letter to' ,t , fie'Planning
Commission (at- tacked
the landscaped island in Jonas Lane
- Z. A: landscaping arka� i.r -igdtioii plan for
must be approved.
The final subdiy map ,And improvemetnt'p shall show full street
1 M '' ovements for ,Jonas Lane, excludin& sidewa Iks
Surinyslope'Road improvements across the , full frontage of the subdivi sio
shall be constructed as part of this subdiVisilpq.
Under the existing, emergeAcyvater• regulatioris.,, - the developer must provide,
in..'alternate water source before' ` building I ts, can kssued, If the
u ermi'ts,-,this
re "'lations ;are-'lifte prior to 'application lo',r building-p
condition shall be . d e- e t- b &
"- 22:. 7 i 40.4, of the` Subdivision Ord inance., corner lots #1 and #13
mus,t be platted wider than the interilof - lo ts . in order to-.permit confor-
make with required-streelt,side- yard requirements*o.f. the ! Zoning, Ordinance.
. appears be less than 10,000 sq. in area.
In,6rder to allow the garages on lots ,5. and 6 to be. placed within 6 feet
of'"the front property line the applicant must', submit' a cross section view
of,;,these pro-virig, that the average slope of the. front 25 feet of the
lot' exceeds 15Z.'.
Six ioot%, high - decorat -ive _,wood, f 6 ficing, - shall be7 required along the property
lines that-dre contiguous with Lands of' Ols . #19-201-09.), and Lands:
of ! 'King (A.P,41-9-201w-,07), except that the f encing' will be only three, and
one-half feet high within fi . of $,&0riys.lbpe Road and I", Street
`Extensio n
The roads de drainage alq sha:zll.. I . b.6 - `rb tit ed across Jonas Lane •
d,not be'd1lowed: to the subdivision the cu
an - division �
Private drainage collettion, along the- rear 'lo t lines shall be an under-
ground or other. ac'dqp't,41?,1,e SVS tOt-
_911. drainage imgtovemen .1 t plans- - must be approved by'. the 'Sono ma County. Water
Agency prior to f iridl •pa g . 4p -proval.
�h Subsection 21.7.7,00 of the Petaluma
12. The, subdivid'er'-sha-11 comply wi
Subd'l , vision Ot(i to one street tree. per lot.
13. All ut ilities 'shall ble,glaced underground within the public utility ease
menu • whlch must' Se indicated an the final map.
14. Pro ame
per, stand_qq:. sitreet.:n , "stop" siegn:- poles: shall' be installed as
required, by the City.Engineer.
15. The street :name as indicated on the teritAtiV6 ..s ub divi s i o n - map is subject
to; chetkirig arid- revisions by. the Polic:e 'Department, and the Chief Building
a. Elevations at, intersection of property lines:.
b,. All slopes to scale and indicate grade of slopes.
c. 'Direction, 6f-drainage flow:;' "
d.. Top' of slopes' and toe of slopes shall be designed `to show a minimum'
of .four feet "from any' point: at the perimete -r of the foundation.
e. Detail of any ;reta.inng walls must be shown..' .,
17. In. accordance with, ,:Section 2 of the Subdivision Ordinance,, the : .
subdivider shall pay a fee for ,park and recreational purposes equal in
value to the app percentage of one and one - half' (1 ); ,acres • per one
hundr.ed..(100) lots or five (5) p.ercent•of the total land -area in the
subdI. is? on. whichever is greater.. ,The- fee shall. be - based on the average
appraised market value o'f the,,. undeveloped land in the: subdivision . as
determined' most recently" 'by -the County :Assesso.r.
s ,Parcel- Number, Avera , e Appraised Mark
Assessor' .
:. g et,. Value of 'Land
''1$38 9-201-08. 600
.OS x $38 = $1,930
18. A fire hydrant shall- be located on "Jonas Lane. As indicated.. on the tenta-
tive 'map with fire flow to be 1,000" G:.P.M. °with - single' 2 %x' 4% outlets:.
19. Access to. Lot #10', large remainder, shall`be sub;j'ect to the: approval of
the,,Fire Department at' the time improvements are made to the lot.
20. Prior to . '-,approval of the final subdivision map, "the, subdivider;must a
qualified; archaeologist conduct an extensive archaeological ' on the ,
subject property;. If: the survey discovers any substantial archaeological
finds, ;the proper ; steps must•be taken to preserve the site(s). (Contact
the .Anthropology Laboratory at Sonoma State College for:. the .,proper steps) .
21. At least thirty (30) days. prior 'to r..ecordation`of' the final subdivision;
map for each unit,, the 'appli'cant shall submit the following documents to
the Planning °Director for review and. approval _
The doc
•a. is to fie used to `convey title to p.urchas:er of lots.
b�.", The covenants; 'conditionsi and restrictions to bik,'record'ed,
22. , Al =l, other .applcable provisions of the City's ordinance mus°t'be - met. '.
- 2 - 3. Tha e coven_ar►t be recorded on Lo- t 10 'that' 'prior ' to any . future• .subdivision ?
thereof, or prior, to construction of more than one d residentia
Allocations 'shall be 'obtained' for' said =development ,pursuant .to .the. residential•
evaluat=ion control system adopted by the Ci -ty of Petaluma,,: as `the. same may now
or hereafter be amended.
_24.. No existing tre "e_'s. over' six inches .in diameter • ,(•measured three• feet above the. "
base of the trunk): be removed from the site,.
CITY O F P E'TA L J A, California
December- 15, 19,77
- Petaluma Planning Com_ms's_:on
City Hall
Petaluma, CA 94952
Attention: Ronald F' 'Hall, Planning Director
P - ,
, Subject• Tentative. Ma , Jonas. Subdivis one Unit ��'1 -
Section. 22.4 :902 of the ; ;Subdivision - Ordinance specifies that the City Engineer
shall,;prepare a written report of recommendations on,the Tentative Map .in rela-
tion to the Public. Improvement requirements of the Subdivision - Ordinance and the
provisions of the -Map .Act..
1. The Tentative Map, does, not conform to Section 22.7 :506.2 .of the City 'Sub
division Ordinance regarding requirements for sidewalks..., Jonas Lane is.
required to -have City Standard sidewalk. on both ; side.
.2. I't;is recommended that Sunny slope Road improvements across. the full front=
-age of the subdivision Be constructed 'as a- condition of the first phase
of development.
Is The closest, ,city bench mark should . be . called out 'on the map in. order to
conforms to, til ty Subdivision Ord, riance'. Section :22•.4.609.
4?. . It should be noted that the proposed • isolated landscape island in Jonas
Lane will require; ;maintenance. effort 'and' expense by :City.
Very truly yours,
David A. Young
City E eer
by: Thomas S Hargis
Assistant 'City Engineer
TSH /p;f
cc: CE ACE