HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-187 07/21/1997 , i RESOLUTION NO. s7-187 N.C.S. of the City of Petaluma, California RESOLUTION APPROVNCi SALARY AND SUPPLEMENTAL WAGE. i3ENEFITS FOR EMPLOYEES 1N UN1T 9 (MIDNIANAGEMEN'I') WHEREAS, the employers in Ulut 9 are not rrprrsented by any rrcognized employee organization; arid, WHEREAS, the City Manager, pursuant to Section 28, City of Petaluma City Charter, is rrauired and empowered top make arecommrndation to thr City Council on mattrrs related to employee's compensation; and . WtiERLA5, the City Manager has recommended that employees in Unit 9 receive salary and supplemrntal wage benefits, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the supplemental wage and benefits as specified in the attachment for employees in this Unit, being in the best interest of the City, be approved and shall become effective upon adoption. Under the power and authority conferred upon this Council by the Charter of said City. REFERENCE: I hereby certify the foregoing Resolution was inXtryo7dtuXce7~7d~7[a~n(7d[) pa(d7o~7p~yted by the Approved as to Y ( gular) (r~a~urcm~) Z~pecis[7 g form Council of the Cit of Petaluma at a Re meetm j~/J on the ----215t..__..... day of ........._•.T.~3'...._ 1997... by We ~ following vote: City Attorney AYES: READ, KELLER, STOMPE, TORLIATT, MAGUIRE, MAYOR HILLIGOSS NOES: NONE .ABSENT: VIC /AYOR ~/y~~ ~ ATTEST: ~ ~ _ City Clerk Mayor lbuncil File cn loss a~~. rv~......97_-187....... n.cs. Ciiti OF PET~~I.I3•[.1 COJiPE~S:aTIOti; PLAN FOR L~~T 9 - (~-IID-~L1N~GEl[E~T) F-t 1997 - 19)9 I Rena q7- I$) ~C~' TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL Section I. Term COS(PEi`15ATION Section 2. Salan• Section .3. Compensanon;For.'Clothing Loss SecJOn 4: Vacation, Pacrttent40f Section Sick:Lea~•e; Pa~ntenrOf Section b: Deferred Compensation Sectioc 7: PERS Emplo}er Paid Contiibution Section 3. Work DuringrA Local Emergenc~• Secrcn,9 Retiree Bene&t Pa~itients 'Section f0 Health./Dental Care Cash Back INSURi,\~yCE Seciop, l L Health fiisutance Sectior. 12. Dental Program :Section' C.'>. life~tnsntance Secacn,l~l. Long-Term Disabilitc ~Szction,Li. Vision Program Section 16. Qther Health'and ~L'clfare,Pa~ments LE:aY`ES Section I7. Vacation Section 18. Sick'Lea~.e Section lei. BereacemenrLeace Sec on 20. Holidacs Serion 2l. blilitan Lease Section 22. Lease Of:Absences «ithouf Pav Section 23. Jurv Leave Secnon_24. Admittistrative Leave Section 23 Family iV(edical Leave Act OTHER Section 26.. Retitemerrt Secuod27. Grievance-Procedure CE~iER.1L Section 1. Term Tltis compensation plan shall be for a nvo (2) }ear term for the fiscal } eaf commenting 1ut~ 11. 1997 through'Jtiae 30, 1999. COiytEEYSATIOy Section Z. Salan~ T'ne Cirv shall adopt the follot~irg salgn ranges for each of the emplocees in the foilo~~ing classifications effective lanuarr 12, 1998. Accounting Ot`hce Supervisor 53?37 53.3991 5,~69~ SS,738 53,9=5 Chief Buildins Official 53:703 =54,933 5=,13_ ~ 5..331 5.716 Controller 51';367 5-1,36 5~.81~~ 5~,056I 5,308 Housing administrator 54;179 $4,8071 5:,048] 5.300 53.365 Information Scstems Administrator 54:1692 $3,9271 53,17= 5.332 56,703 Legal Secreran 5.174 $3,3321 5.199 53,67.11 53,858 Parts Maintenance Supervisor 5,3:306 53,9961 5-1.196 5-1.4061 53.626 Principal Planner $1;.'79 54,8071 Sj.n1g;~ j;.3t)Ol S; ;6; IPubiic~4'orks Supenisor 5;306 53,996] 5-~.196j 51,3061 .53:626] RecnationSupenisor SS:279 53.113 53.61=; 53.7961 53,986 jSecretan'toCinbtanaser 53.073 5=,__21 5..1991 53.6711 53.8.31 Senior Planner SI,l3Q 54,326 53.~32j 51.770 5.008 Suoe: ~isine Cicil Engineer $x.169 S~;d23~ 5:.6991 5,98»1 5b,233 ITmr~c Engineer S,lti9 53.1281 5=.699] 5=,931] 56;283] Colin Engineer $3.169 5-,32K 5,699 5.981 .56,283 ;~~a[erS~stamSupcnisor 53.800 5;,9901 51,189~~ 5+.399' S+:619 Effective the first full par period ofJanuan 1999, these rates'«ill be increased 2"'0. Pending ratification b}'.all-bargaining units containing bliscelleneous members. this beaefit «ill be etF dive April 1, 1998. 3 Section3. Compensation For.@Iothin2 Loss The City°Manager;is audtorized,to provide compen§3tiori.to Citj emplocees forSloss or datnage to their clothing which occurs during-the course of;cat~rting out an official ditty: A requesG_for c ensation'he;eunder:shall be submitted.in Writing, in detail, to the City Manhger via'tha. P Ciiv~fanager~ concerned. The amount oficompensation, if any, sliall be atahe discretion'of the Section 4. ~:acation. PSvment 4t Termination Emplocees ttho terminate employment shall he;.paid in a lumpaum forall accrued cacafiorrleaye tamed prior [o; the effective date ofzemunation. ~ Section 5. Sick Leave. Pavroent-Of In the,e~~ent;ofthe death,or ttairemericofan employee:«ho has completed ter,(10) ormbre years of contmuous~sen~ice With the Cin•, the employee shall be'paid or shall receiveao his/her benefit; fifty percetn (~0°6) ofhis;'her accumulated but unused'sick'feave pat fo exceed ~SO.hours. The eniplo}'ee,mac'elect:not;to receiceahis benefit and instead place all+sick leave hours into the PERS Sick Leave'Conversion. Section 6. -Deferred Ctimoensation The Cin of Petaluma shall mal.eaeailable'to.the members+of this unit, the!Cin's Deferred Compensaton Plan: SeMion 7. I?ERS Employer-Paid Contribution The percentaee'of zac4i,empiocee's PERS contribution previousl}' paid b}'the Citm prior to hz adoption of this~Compensation;Plan~as,the Employer Pa}mentof iVlemberConfribution:(EP~IG) shall`instead be'patd,to the emplo}ee nhoshalPihen pay'that'amount to,PERS. For pdrposes of ~~ithholdmg. the.Gn~ shall defer that. porrion of the, emplocee's contribution paid to PERS through Section ~i l~(hj(2)~of ttie Imemal Revenue Code,pursuant to City of Petaluma Resolution 90=363.. Therefore, for calculation :of base•salan at retirement, the employee shall now hay a an. increased baseaatary'that'--will include the totaL'amoum of the employee's'contribuuon to PERS pre~ioush•. paid`as EP:~[C. The emplocee's:contribupon «ill:be «itliheld,from the employee's pac by the City,and the;City mll make the employee's pa}~rtein of the employee contribution directly to PERS on behalf of the:employee: Ttie employee:may not make an election:to,taltetliis amount in salaiv, and/odto:male,ihepaytnent to PERS. The tae~exempt[on does not apply to FIGA/socia_f security. The fgllo«ing is' an example of the applicationbf IRC 4l4(h)(2) as applied to a mtscel laneous, emp to}~ee.. ti An,employee makes ~i,000per month base'salary.: Under the prior corttractahe employee Sias norresponstble'forp3}ing 7%ofthe required 7%employce contribution. The Cin~ wac responsible;foepaying 7 0 (570.00), ~chich teas a Cin', responsibilin' that ivas in additiomto the $1.000 bascsalarc. [:nder the a14(ti)(2) meihod,.the EP~{C tvdl repert to'salatvand the emplmee s base salan' will non be 5 f,070.. Of tiv§ 7°'0 (approximately ~75.OQsw~11 be~paid to PERS from the $1,070. The fiill 7°6 cvill,bctac ~cmpt and flits means thc,i~ploycc will pay- rates on 599~.0U. Section 3. VVork:Durine A Local Emerecncv `tembers of this-Associationw'ho are-required to trod: ~chen called to an activazed EOC Local E.mergenev shall be paid at their regular hourl}'.mte for all hours'be~'ond theirnormal cork day. Section 9. ,.Retiree Beriefit Payments ~1rt employee tvith,rn'enri' (20) years of service and tctto is ageSO or older and tvho retirees on a service retirement during the;teim of this agreement, «ill be eligible forasertice benofitin the atroum equal to 5t()0 less the amount contributed directly to the PEMCH.a prermum bt the Cite. This paymentttilLcontinue as long,as die employee continues ih the.PEil1CHA plaa as a retiree. Should the reared emplo}ee not;continue in the, PEAdCHA plan, ahatretired employee Hill be eligible for an amount of S 100 as a dircerpacmcnt as a retiree sercicc benefit. It is dtc rsponsibilitc of the rdrec to notify' ttte Cin ¢r ttiitingthat fie%she:;islno[ being covered by the PE~4CFLa plan and the City kill commcace pa}mcnt of the 5100`00 at+;thc~bcginning of thcmonvh fcllotting the rccciprof corittcnmoticc by the retiree 2. For emplo}'ees refirih~ after September 1, 1997 and tvho'meet the serice requir°ments fisted in paragraph 1 above, those,emploiees shall receive:an additional 52D per mcnth as a retitae service b.°aefit: Shoulii the retired-.:vnployee got,continue m the,PEl4CHz1 plan, that mired emplo}ee «ill be eligible :or an amoum of 5120 as a direct payment as•a retiree service benefit: Itis the responsibility of t}:e rearze to notifi the Cin in~driting thathe/she'is not being covered b} the PE34CI-L4 plan and the Cin' Hill rommence paymentof the 5120.00 at the beginning ofthe month following the receiprof ttiitten notice by the`tetitee. Secrioo 10: Health/Dental.Care'Cash Back An eligibleemployeemav7equestcancellauon ofthe'emplo}!ees•City paid medical and/or dr..ta! utsurance coverage.under Section 12~ afthe IRS TaY Codes upon preservation to the Cin' of satisfacton~ proof thaUhe 7she has medical and/or derital insurance coverage-from another source. Such-a requestmay-be made during the open enrollment for PE~fCI-L4 medical'zlections butttiill be, in all cases subject to'the,terms and coirdaions and cancellation requir°ments of the particular plan. when the employee has demonstrated such coverage to the City's satisfaction. the City will request cancellation of the employ'ee's medical and,'or demal coverage, subject to the terms-and conditions of the paricular policy. upon actual cancellation of the employee's medical coverage: and'commencing on the date ofcancellanon of such police, the.Cin «ill,instead pay to the eligible employee, bn a monthly basis, an amountequal to ~0°% of the "equivalent monthly cost"; as defined- herein: of insurance coverage of said employee. (n determining. the 5 "equiralem monthh• cost"'of such crn~erage;,the City shall calculati: the momlily prettiium amount trhich would.lie paid by the City on:the emplocee's bet~alEunder theHea(th Plan'ofthe Redaoods;plan, based'.on the~employee's cocetage le~~eh(e.g: selgself,plus spouse, sel$plus spouse plus chitdren)at,the time of such gncellation; How~et•er, if;tlte actual montfily cost-of the emplrnEe's curtent'plan coverage i§'les`s ttiatt thb;mottttily.HPRrnst, then;the lower fi3ure shall be used: In"ttie event coverage is canceled only for;the etaplrn~ee's spouse'or dependent ctiildren:'the reiinbursemem'will,be~50;%of 4he cost difference fet~veen:•the old and new le~,•els of coverage'(as calculated using the'HPR plan). Upon such ~ttcellation of the emplrn'ee's dental}covers=e, the Citi? ~~ill instead' pac fo the _ - eligible eirtploiee, on;a`momhlc basis. an'ainoun[ egiialao d0;o of the Cin's intetnalh• geuerated~estimated montlilv cost'of the fi.~ced monthly charge for (lus program; Am~-ea[plrn~ee;canceling coverage «ill.lie required to,meet all;rules;~nd conditions oftlie particular,plan: including, but not_limited to.,all tul_es~and.conditions grnerningradministration. cancellation, and re-enrollmenreligibthty li}`regiiesting.a cash~pa}7ttent.pursuaht,to this•'sectioh, sack emplrnee understands and`agrees as a?condition•oY receipt of this pa~meni that re-enrollment. efigibiGiy into any::plan imnotguaranteed: 6 INS[>RAiYCE Section 11. 'Healtti Insurance L r1CTIVE Employees The!Citc shall participate;wahe'Pu_blic Employees' Medical Health Care ,act"(PEVICHA) for members of this unit. The-designated premium',paid by the Cite toward this program shall be in thcamount of 5100:00 pcr:month pcr cmplo}cc. 2. RETIRED Emploczes Erirplovees «ho retire_.from-the Gity.of Petaluma will receive contributions to thzir medical p2mium «'hile under the>PEJ1CH;a plan. This payment Hill increase in the amount of 53.00 pcr year until irreacficd' $c amount of 5100.00 as listcd,inparagraph 1 aboc'c. Section 12 Dental P.rost•am The Cin' shall provide;:fdr, d!group Delta Dental Proeram for Cin' zmployze and dependents in this Unit. caadiuonall~, the Cin .shall contribu[c toward an Orthodonturc plan 51.000 pcr c}uld at a 304 o co-pacmentrate. The Cin shall pa}', during the period of this Compensation Plan the full filed mont4ilc charee to~card the Cit} stoup dental coverage program. Section 13 Life Insurance A. Thz Cin' shall procide:for ag;oup term life insurance program for Cin' zmployees in this Unit: The Cin shall pa}'. during the course of the Compensation Pfan, the insurance premium to~~ards emplo}ee only cocera~e for`such insurance in the principle sum of 523.000per zmployee. B. :tilanaQemem Litz. Insurance shall be in the amount of one and'one-half (l-l2) times, their annual salan~ rotm_ dcd'to the nearest even dollar. i:c.. 51'2.000. $13.000. etc. not to exceed 5123A00. ' Sectibd l4 Lone-Terrrt Disability The Cin shall provide a dng-term disability plan, premium to be paid b} the Cin. .Section 15 Visibn'Pra~ram. The City shalPprovide a Vision Plan for zmplocees'and dependems. The fixed monthly°cost shall be paid for bathe Cite. 7 Section•16 Othec$ealth and Welfare:,6avments The'Cit}• sfiall.provide to the active members of Unit~9 additionalmomhl~• heakh and welfare paymcats cqua! the PEMCHA Hcalth'Ptan of the Rcdicoods pi~ium=amou~ loss 5100:00: 8 LEAVE ' Section' 17 Vacation A.1 Amounts All r°gttlaz cmplocces of thcCih• of Petaluma, after vvorking;one fullyeaz are emitted to the equivalem,of nighty (80) hours'bf vacation-.with pay in the year following the year in which vacation.is'eamed. - All regdlaz employees of the City of P°tllurtta, after five cears;of continuous service with the City. and begtnniigavtt(t the stxtlt;year;-shall 6e enntled torthe equivalent of one hundred hcenty (I20) I;ours:of vacatibn per, cear: .after ten (IO).}e.:rs':of continuous'senicewith the CiR..eigfir(8),hours of vacation shall. be addedfor each vear'ot cotitinuons "service to a mavmum ofmo hundred',('_00) hours'of vacation. B. Scheduline. The times during a calendar tear in dhich an employee mac take his,`her vacation shall be defemiiried by the deparunent'_head with duerespect for the wishes of the employee and particular regazd for the needs'of the serdice. If the: requiremems of the sen~ice are such that an ~ rtployee,canrtot take part or all:of his/her aiinual vacation in a particular calendar year, such vacation shall Ee taken during the following calendar tear. C: Deferrl. In the ei~ent one or more municipal holiday's fall within an annual vacation lease, such hoiida~s shall nor 6e charged as vacation leave-and vacation leave shall be~e~r°nded accordineh•. Ar,} eligible einployee with the con$ent:of the head of~his~fier deparzmem and the Personnel Officer may. defer ~3:ikshiftsaf hisrher annual`vacanon Co:'the succeeding caleadaz ceaz, subject to tFe otherprocistons of ttis rule., wnnen report ofeach dzferred vacation ;ignu.' by the appropriate de;iarnneat head ardahe'Personnel OtTicer notine'1ie details shall 6e kept on file with the Personnel 0i?icet Section 18.Sick-Leave A. Generl. Sick'Ieave wnh Fay shall be;srattted to all.probationan and,regular employees within-the compenme se:lice Sick':'leave shall nat be consider°d'3 riehi which an empooyee may use at,fiis;her discretion. but shall be allowed onh'iii the case of necessin and acnial personal non=semce=connected stclaiess or off theyob: injun, disability or the serious illness orinjun of an employee's famth members; whtch;requtres theemployee's attention. The term famili~ member shall includr. spouse, chtldien, parettts_ spouse's parents; brothers, sisters'orother individuals }chose rzlatibns4ip'to fhe employee is'that of a dependert'or near dependent. B. Accrual. Sidk;leave shall;acciue,to all fiill-time employees'at,the rate of eight hours for each;month,ofcommuous?sernice. No employee'shall. accumulate iriore ick leave in anc tear than provided " " G. NotificationvP.rocedures., In order to receive compensation while abseri[ on sick leave. the emplo} ee shall ndnfi`}usiherunmediate superior or the Personnel Office priorto or within tour hours atter,the time se[ tor-begirtiting his/her daily duties as mac be"specified be the head of lus,~tier deparunent: When absence is~for marc than three days/shit~.s duration- the employee may 9 be requiredsto file;a physician's certificate with the.Rersonnel0ffice.stating the cause of the absence. D. Relauonsliip Ta'Workers' Compensation.. Benefits shall:be payable iiisttuations ~vfierc miscellaneous employee absence is#dite toiihdustria! injury as,provded•in+CatforniaiState Workers' Compensation La«•..During,the first three (3) work days «hea the:emplrn~ee's?absence has been occasioned;by _injun• suffered.during-liislh6r employtnent aril helshe receives Workers'- Compensation;,tie/skie shall receiveifiill pay. Follow•m~ thisopeiod sick leay'e mav:'bela supplement to the. Workers Compensation benefit provided the employee. Compensation=is at his/her regular rate; for a;period not to exceed sii,months or until such,sick'le3ve is ealiausted. or the disability isabrogated;;orthot emp(bcee ~s,certified"'permaneneand stationan~" by°a competent medical authoriR The:Cin shallpay liim7her the:regtrlar salon,, based oh the ~combinatioq o£the~Workers' Compensation:6eneht pliislsick'leace. All,employees reeei~ing full;salaries irr lieu-oftemporan:disabdm; pa~ments,pursuant;to 8ectios=l8~0 of the Labor Code'are'entitled tb accumtjlate sick lease during such periods of sick 'leave. Sickrleave forindustrial injun~ shalLnot be:alloyced for a disabilin_' resulting from sckness,.self'inflictedinjurc orwillful misconduct. The City may retire any emplo} ee'prior to the e~hausnaaofraccumulated!sick leave, at which time:alkaccrued=but unusedsick leaveshall be abrogated. subject onl}-toahe limitations pro~ided,dndei thisblemorandum;of Lnderstanding; E. Sick Leave Transfer Police. Emplo}ees ~~~shingao danate;hours ofsick lease to another . egiployee:;may; do;so bc•sendmg a ~~~ntten:reguese approved by their departinerit head.'to the _ Persormel Office, naming the mdividual'toreceive.the sick leave and,the amount donated: w~th.the following restrictionsi 1. Emplo};ees «ho ti}sh to transfersickaeave mustretam aminimumwf t'E~0 hgurs ,sick leave,to-fie eli~ bleaa transfer sick leave:. All such transfers of sick lease are,irrevocalile. 3: •I'he,empfoyeerecciving thesick-leave [ransfermust',hacezero (U): ioucs:of' accrued sick leave. vacation and CTA;Ieft on the books `Employees may-not buy or;sell sick leave, only;ttie'aime;mac be transferred. S. .Employees marnot tiansfec,,sick^leave uponsepgration of service. 6. Sick Leave ma~•'6e transferred to.nfem6ers of ather:uiiits. 7: No more than,ninen (9U) workdays of Sick.Leave,mac5e'received b}="an, employee for!aiiy one'illness`orinjun. 10 Sectionil9 Bereavemertt Leave A.1. fn the edent'ofthe death of an empldyee's spouse, mother, "step-mdther,,mother<in-lan', father, step.=father. father-in-law, brother,. sister, child,:ihcluding an adopted child grandchild and grandoatetrt,.an employee who attends the ~tnera! shall be gtattted tirrie off cork With pay. The amount df time off work with payshall be onh•`that Which is required to attend the funeral and make necessarc funeral arrangements. but in:no:eyent shall;it exceed three yvorkitte days. These three days shall not be"chargeableto sick'leace. An additional hro (?).days required far necessan- ftineral atratigernerrts may be charged tdthe etttployee's sick (eave,and anc additional ame becond these h~•o~dacs tnac'be charged to accumulated ~~acarion or leave withouGpay. Such bereavemem leave shall not be accruable from fiscal year to final tear, nor shall it hate am_' mcnetan' value if unused. Section 20 Htilidavs Fixed'Holidacs. The Cih~ shad observe rnel~e'(l2) fised~ate holidays. These hdlidavs' .shall be established fafthe;Cin's fi3ca1 cear,as deternnhed b}' Gin• Council resolution.. B. Floatino.Holidac. During the period of this"Catnpensation Plan. Cih wall authori:.e one 1 l) "Floating Holiday-" per zmptoyee_ ~rhich.mav betaken by theemplocee at a time selected Sc tae e:rtplocee, subject to operational-.requirements and approval deter..uned bv.the Cin~. Emplo}ees tined behieen Jule C and Decerriber"3 L ~i'ill 6e'eligib(e for a Floating Holiday Suring u4e course of the Fiscal Year. Settion 21. ~[ilitan• Leave `•ti(Itan~ leavestiall'be arrangedin accordance niththeprovisionsof State Law...all emnlovees enntled`to rmlitan-leave shall give tlie,appoinnngpower an.dppcmtnih within il:e limits of militan' rewlardns tadetermine.when such leave shall betaken. Section 2?: Leave Of Absence^~'t'ithout Pav .a. The"Cih ~[anager may' grant a regular or pi•cliationan employee. leave of absence :~ithout pay pursuantto State and`Federal Laty: Good cause being shown'bc a Written request t.'e Cin l4anagermay extend such leave:of absence without pac orseniorih or benefits for an additional^period not to exceed six (6) momhs. No such leaceshall;be gramed exceptiipon «:itten re nest of the loy;ee"settin forth tlie.reason forthe request. and the appro~gl Hill be in: q ~P B Writing. L'ponrexp~ration ofa regularly approved leave be within a reasonable period of.time aRer notice to,renrn;to duh•, the employee shall,be rctnstated in<the position held at the tune leave w-as m~amed: Failure on the part of.anempldyee on leave to report"promptly at its expiration. or within a reasdnable:time after notice to retutn tb duh•, shall be cause for discharge. Sectiom23. Jurv Leave E•,en "classified employee of the Cih Who is called or required to-sere as a aia! juror shall be emulzd to absent himself from his; her duties with the Cin during'the period of such service or while necessarily being present in court as a resultofsuch call. tinder such circumstances, the 11 employee shall be';paid.the:difference benveen,hts`her full`salan+and;anv pa}~tienCreceiced'bv - - hmt, a ~cept_uavel pay; for such;dun•. This:compensauon shall not.eetend be~'ondin~eritn~ (20) R~orkm days: SeiYionl4: Administrative Leave • Members of thisUnitare'eligi}ile for administrativeleave. Dacs,mac be,-granted ln'the,_Citc Manager upon written request,Anorto exceedzen (IO) dacs per Fiscal Year, Battalion Chief shall begcanted,three (3) dacs Admutistrative:Leave,at ncenn~=four (2~) hours per„day: Section Z5. Family And Medical Leave. 'Pursuam to ttie Famik and ,btedical Leave..Act of 1993'(F.~1LA) lea"ve may be granted town emplo~zr ~cho'has~been-emplo~ed'for at least,rnel~'e',(12).months be the Citrtc.an3:who,6as provided'at~least 1,20 hours of service during.tlie ncel~e (G2)months; before the leave is-requested. The leave mav;be granted up to a+total of m•elve'(12) ~"seeks for the following:reasons: A. Because of the fiirtti(of a child onplacemem for adophan or.,fos;er care;af a child: B, In*order to care..f~r the spouse; son, dauefiter. parent:;orone nho stood in place of a parent of the ecnplo}ee: ifsuch,spouse son, daughter, parent or''in'loco parentis" has a serious health condition: C: Because ofa serious.health condition That makes the emplo}ee,iuiable;to. ' perform',his employtnent fvnciions: The=Ernplocee,must provide the,Emp'lo~erwifli4ttiirri`(;0)',da~'s advance not~ceofthe lea~e:;or such nonce as is practicable. if.thim~ (30)~days notice is.not possible. The Emplo}'ee must prd~ide he Employerwith certification of the conditionarom ahedlth care pro,~~der. THe Employer:-at;Employer expense.:ma} require a second opinion on the ~ahdm of-the certification. Should a contha;arise,;ben~een^healtfi_prociders a third~and bindine"opinion, at Employer expensea~111•besou~rhi'- e1rt.Employee seeking'_F~iLA leave must•first-.use patd'sick ttme (if applicable) and'vacation,befdre,going on unpaid,leave. The#otal amoum of,famih~ leave,patd and:uppaid y~ill noresceed a'toitl of ncehe, (l2) w`eeks. In any caseiihawhich a fiusband and'wife emrtled to fami}i°teave are,fioth eriiployed bpthe;Employer;,the Aggregate number or w!orkweeks;of leave,tbi~chich both°may be enptled ma}'-fie litmted to ncelve (12) weeks dunng+if such leave is taken'because ofthe'btrth of a child'or placement_foradoption or fostei care;of a cliild. The Employee will be responsible for his share of the healthrinsurance . - costduring ihe.leave. Ifthe'Emplocea does:not retur_n_ from the:leave; he is responsible-for the total insurance premium paid by the Employer. 12 OTHER Section 26. Retirement A. General The City of'Petaluina's retiremem plan under-the Public-Emplocee's Retirt;mem Scstem shall consist of the following items: V[iscellaneous Emplo}ees: 2;~o'a 60 Option: 199 Survivors' Benefit Lrnused'Sicf: Leave Credit One Year Final'Compensation Average Public Service Militan• Bucbaclc Section 27. Grievance=P.rocedurc A. Puroose of Rule 1. To promote improved ~°mployerritplo}kee relations,bv-establishing gdecancz procedures on maners for µhtch appeal or Bearing ~s notprocided be other regulations. 2. To afford emploceesindiciduallc orthrough!-qualified emplo}:e organization a svsiematic means of obtaining further'-osideration of problems-after evert rzasonable cffor, has failed to resolve them throuehdiscussicrs. 3. To provide that grievances shalf be ettled as near as possible to the poinYof origin. a. To provide ~hdt_appeals shall.be conducted as informall} as possible. B il4attersrSubiect To Grizcance-Procedurz. Ant emplo}'ez in the competitivz service shall have the iight.to appeal underihis rule. a decision affectingtis,!her;employment over which his/her appointing pouter has pamal',';or cempl'etc jurisdiction and for which appeal is not providzd bv~ other regulations or is not prohibred. C. Informal Grievance Procedure. .art employee wfio,has:a problem.brcomplaim should $rst to to get,it settled,throueh discussion with his/her immediate supervisor vvithoutundue deta}. If, after this discussion,;he/ste does not;beliece the problem has been satisiactorih resohed, he/she shall have,the right to discuss it With his/her supervisor's immediate supervisor; if any, im the administratiygaervice. Egen~ effor[ should be made4b find an acceptable solution by°informal means. at the'lotvest possible level ofsupenisian. If the employee does,noi agree with the decision :reached. orifno answer has been received v?itttin five calendar days; he mac present the appeal'in t~Titingto the Cit}-Manager. Failure of the employecto take further action within five calendar days aRer receipt of the decision or within'a;total of fifteen (I calendar da_es if no decision is rendercd.:wiI1 consntute a dropping of the appeal. D. Formal Grievance Procedure (Levels of revievr through chain of conunand) 13 (1) t:irst level of i`eview. The,appeaLshalCbe presented in writing.to.the emplrnee's immediate:supenisor, wtto,shaIl,render hts/lier decsioaanti;comtnents in ty-riting and,tetuta them to the emplrn•ee within five caletdar days a_fter,receirittg the appeal. lfthe emplrn~ee does:not agree with liis/tier supervisor's decision, or tf nb ansticer has`been'received within five (~)`cileadar da}s, the emplovee mac presettt the`;appeal in ~cTitittg,to tus/her,'superviso~s:immediate;snperior; Failure of the employee fo:take further action «ithin+five (5) calendar~da}s after nzeipt~of tfie written decision of his/her supervise"r, or wiitiiit'a total of$fteep (1S) calendar davs'if no-decision `is rendered. will constitute'a:dropping of die:appeal: (2) Further level•or levels of'ret5etiv.as appropriate. The'supervisor,receiving the ,,appeal shalt;reylelr a; render his,~fter decsion:and~`comments'in «riiing, and ce[um them to the emplo}'eemittvn five (~),calendar;days after receiving the appeal. `Ifahe etnploi:°e doe`s;not agr~. with the decision_ or if no answer h`as been received'within five O'calendar dacs. heJshe mac present the appeal~in;wTiting fo'thedepartrnent head. Failure,of the employee fo rake furrher action`witliin fi~e;(~) calendar dacs after'receipt of the decision or,wittun,a total of fifteen (li) calendar'days if no decision is rendered, «ill constitute a dropping of;the appeal; (3) Department Review. Tfie department head receiving`the;appeai;ofhivher designated represerttative; should discuss the grievance..with the employee,liis'tier:represematice, if an}•, and ~~tli ather;appropriate persons:. '11ie depaitment headsha!! render hisrher decision an¢ commetrts'in.writing; and~retum'ttiem tothe'employee.within five (d)calendar~dacsiafrer~receiving the appeal. If,the,etnployee dce"s not agree with the decision.reached. or rt-noans~er has been received within five (~)'calendardacs after, receipt of the'decision_;o~ if within a,total of fifteen (l~) calendar day's-no decision is!rendered,''it'mill consritute a dropping,of,dte appeal. City V[anasen: The Gitc-.Manager receiving the appeal or hisiher.desi_z3tated rePresentativeishould',discuss the'grievance with the employee, his/her representanve ~if an}~, and, with other appropriate person(s). The Cin•°~(anager mag designate,a,fact=findins committee, officer,not-in the•nonnal line ofsupervisor; or Personnel Board to advlse,hini concemms the: appeal. The.Citv;,Manager shall render a'decision:ihia~-ruing to the;emplo}~°e;withm"nc,°nn `(?0) calendar:dacs. after receiving the appeal. @onduct'of Griei~ance Procedure. ' (a) Tlie timelimits specified above ma} be e~Kended'toa definite dare:b~ mutnal`,agreemenrofthe employee and the reciew;er concerned: {b) The employee may request,the'a.5sistance of:another~person;of his/her otvn choosing iu preparing and presenting his/her appeal at arty level of rerieC~~. (c) The einploy`ei5 and'Ins/liertepresentanve may be pmileged'to,use a '.reasonable amourt of work time asdetemiined~bv the appropriate department:tiead intonfercing about and presenting the,appeal'. - (d) Emplocees shaiGbe assured=freedom from reprisal forusitzg thb grievance procedure§. 1 ~eSo 97-Ig1 uC,~