HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-186 07/21/1997 RESOLUTION NO. s~-ISS N.C.S. of the City of Petaluma, California RESOLUTION APPROVING SAi.,ARY AND SUPPLEMENTAL WAGE BENF.FiTS FOR EMPLOYEES IN UNl'f 8 (MANAGEMI?NT) WHEREAS, the employees in Unit 8 are not represented by ally recognized employee organization; and, WHEREAS, the City 1Vlanager, pursuant to Section 28, City of Petaluma City Charter, is required and empowered top make a recommendation to the City Council on matters related to employee's compensation; and . WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended that employees in Unit 8 receive salary and supplemental wage benefits, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the supplemental wage and benefits as specified in the attachment for employees in this Unit, being in the best interest of the City, be approved and shall become effective upon adoption. Under the power andauthority conferred upon this Council by the Charter of said City. REFERENCE: I hereby certify the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted by the Approved as to Council of theCity of Petaluma at a (Regular) ( meeting form on the ......~1$t__........ day of .........-_dldy-........_ 19_2.., by the /L following vote: City Attorney AYES: READ, KELLER, STOMPE, TORLIATT, MAGUIRE, MAYOR HILLIGOSS NOES: NON ABSENT: AYOR A N , • i ATTEST: L'/..Y... City Cterk Mayor Cowal File.._.._.._._.._.._.__...... cn lass His. no.......97.-1$fi.__. ~,v cs. C1 L T GC Yc'~LL~'I~~ CObP€\S:~TIG~i PI. aY FOR L,'\ZT 3 ' FISCAL YE.aR 1~7-1998 ~e.so q7~ I~,(~ ~S • TABLE OF CO;VTENTS ENERXL 'Section 1. Tenn ofAgseetnent= COIVIPEVS:~TION Section 2. Salan- Section 3. Compensation €or Glothing,Loss Section. Vacation,dPayment.Of Section Sick Leave;,PayTiient Of Section 6. Dcfened'Compensation Section 7. PERS'Emplover• Paid Contribution - Sectibn 3. Work Outing Loca!`;Emergency Section. 9: Uniform Allo~cance Sec[ion:10. Reaee Benefit ~Pa}~nents Seenon;l't'. Health/I)eitial Caie,Cash'.$ack NSUR~\'CE Section 12. Health Insurance - Sec[ion l3. Dental°Insurance Section la. Life Insurance Section' 15. Long-TznniDisabilitc Section 16 Uisionrtnsutance Section l7. Utlier Health and:Wzlfare Pa~~rents LEAVES • Section 13. Vacation Section l9: Sick'Leaec Section 20: Bereacemerrt Leave Section 21. Holidays Section 22'. Mlitary'Lea~•e Section 23. Lea~~e Qf eYbsence Without Pay Section 2a. Jurv'Leave, Section 25. Admimstranve Leave TIdE Section 26. Famlv,Medicat Leave Ac[ 'Section 27. Reiitt~ent - i CENER,aL Section 1. TerntofXsreemem This compensation plan shall be for a-one (1) }ear terrir fdr the Fiscn! Year cotmneaciag July 1, 1997 throughJune3U; 1193'. COhIPENSATION Section Salarv EffecticeJanuan~ l2; 1993, theCin' shall adoprthe follot~ing salan~ ranges for each ofthe emplo~~ees in the follo~~ing classifications during the term of this compensation plan. PRLYCIPLE APPOL~TED CLASSES ?,ssistaat Citti-'~bfanagcr $6,213 56,529 56,36 57,193 57,553 ' DitrctorofEnginccring $6,497 $6,322 $7,163 57,52I $7,397 DucctorofInformationScrciccs $5,475 . $5,743 56,036 $6,33 $6,6= Ducctorof Parks & Rcciratiou $5,323 $5,539 $5,369 56.162 $6,470 DircctorofPcrsonncl 55,~i75 ~~',7~3 56;036 56.333 56,6_5 Director of Public Works 56;34.1 56;660 $6,993 57,342. 57,709 Finance Dircaor 55,721 56OQ7 $6,307 56:623 56,954 Fire Chief 56.349 56.635 $6.967 57.315 57.631 Planning Director $5;721 56;003 56,303 56,623 56;95 Police Chief X6.639 $6.971 57.319 57:635 53.010 Public Works Supc.~iaradcat 5-4,760 54,993 55;243 55.510 55:736 Parks &; Building _~laintcnancc Supcrintcndcnt 54:134 $4:340 54,»7 5-4,7351 55.025 COUi`ICIL .IPPOGv-TED CL ASSES Cin~i~tanagcr $9,0_9 CitcClcrk 53,932 54,131 54,390 5.4,609 5~:34U 2°.0;? 55 - Pending tatificsnon bc_ a!1 bargaining uniu containing N(iscelleneous members, this benefit ~~ill be effective April I, 1993. .Section 3: Compensation ForClothine Loss The City Manager is authorized to provide compensation to City employees;for loss or;damage to'their clothing w~}uch occurs during,tfie coutsc of carrying out an official duty: A;tequese for:competisation hereunder.shall.be siibtcritted in writing, in detai), to',the CnyManager via die depar$ie~=head.concetned. The amount o8compensatoa if any, sliall be at the discretion of the Cite Maruzger. Section. Vacatiiin..Pavment 1t Termination Employees echo termindte employment shall.be paid'in a ump'sum for albaccrued vacation'lea~~e carded .prior to the effective.datebf termination. Secfion.~. Sick'Leave: Pavment.Of In,the event;of the death orretirernenrofaa employee ~cho,lias-completed ten (10).or more}-ears of cotttittuous sernce ~dt the City, the employee shall;be paid or shall receive"to his'betiefit fifty'perceiit (50%) oflus acc~mtuL•ttedbut unused sickleave notto;esceeed X80 hours. 'The employee mac elect aoi io receive this benefirand instead place all sickleave hoots imp the PERS Sick Leaye Conversion:. Section 6. Deferred Compensation The Cit. of Petaluma shall make available to the members of this umfthe Cit~~..'s DefecredCompensation Plan. Section-?. EERS'-Employer Paid Contribution The percenrage;of.zach employee's'P.ERS contribution,pre~ioush-paidbc the Ctn prior to the adoption of this Compensation Alanas,the.Employer Payzttent of Member Contribution (EP64C) shall'mstead:be,paid tdthe employee echo shall thenpay that amoum to+P.ERS. For purposes of ~~ithholding, the Cin~ shall defe;: that pomon of the employee's cotnntiuuon paid to PERS through Section ~'la(h)(2)!ofthe [memal~Revsnue Code pursuant to City of Petaluma Resolution 90-363. Therefore, for cfilcnlation of base'salarc:at retiremetrt_ the emplocee,shall!nrnv have an increased'base salary that «ill';.include thetotal amount oftti"e employee's contribution;to, PERS previously paid+as EPMC. The employee's contnbiition ~~i11':fie withheld from the,employee's pay-.Irv the City, and the Citywill.make,the employee's4paymem'ofthe employee contribution directli= to PERS an behalf of the employees The employee may aormake an election to:rake this amoutrt'in.salan•. and/orto make the payment:to PERS. The"ta.~c.exemption doesrnat apply to. FICA/soaal security. The'follo~cing is an example of thrapplication of IRC 41~(li)(2) as.applied to-a. miscellaneous! ertiployee. . ,~tt~rploycc makes 51;000 pct month base salary, Undrs the prior contract the employee was aot resporisilile for paling 7% of the required employee cofdributibn: The City was responsible for paying 7°0 (570.00), a-hich Ras a City-responsibiliry that R•as in addition to the 51,000 base salary. Under the ~i 1~L(h)(2) tnethod, the EPMC will revert to salary and the employee's base salan• will nrnv be .51070. Ofthis 7% (approsimateh• X75.00) «ill be-paid to PERS from the SI070 . The fu117°.'o Rill be tas cscmpt and this means the ctnploc-cc, Rill pac secs on 5995:00. Section 3. Work Durins~Laca1 Emergency lvtembers of this Association hho are required to work R'hen called to an activated EOC Local Emergency shall be paid a[ their regularhourlc mte forall hours be}'ond;their nortnal`work day. Section 9. Uniform :~Ilowance The classi&cauons of Police Chief and.Firr Chief shall receive 530().OU per }tar as a Uniform Allonance in December. Section l0. Retiree Benefit Payments r1a employee With ncenn• (ZO) years of service and R-ho is age 50 oroldei and :cho retiirs on a service retirement during the term of this agreemem, ~~ill be;elieible for a service begeiirin the amount equal to 5100 lcss'dre amount cpntribgted directly to thc'PEMCHA prcntium by the Cin'. This.paymcnt Rill continue as longas the employee continues in the PEytCH:a plan as a retiree. Should the retired unployce aot continue in the PEMCfia.plan, that retired cmploy;ecRill be eGgiblc for as amount of51 UO as a direct pa~irtem as a retiree service benefit. !t is the responsibilin-ofthe retiree to notifc the Cin- in Rriting that He/she is not beirte covefcd br:the PEMCHA plan and the City Rill,corrun~rce payment of the 5100.00 az the beginning-of the month folloRing the receipt of ~tiTitten notice by the ranree For emplo}'ees retiring after September 19y7 an8 rcho meet the service requirements listed in paragraph 1 above, those emploveesshalLreceive an additional 52U-pet month as a retiree service benefit. Should'the reared emplo}'ee not continue is the PEMCHA plan; that retired emplrn~ee Rill be eligible for an amount of 5 C2U as a direct pa}meat as a rerirze service fienefn. '[t is the responsibilrt- of the retirrer to nonfi-the Cin' in R7iting thathershe is,not being covered by the PEiV(CH.4 phut and the Cin• Rill commence paymem of the ~ 120:OU at the beziruting of the momh' follmving the receipt of R~itten notice by the. retiree. Section L1. Health/Dental,Care Cash Back An'eligible emplrn_ee ma}' requestcancellanon of the employee's. City paid medictl andlar dental insurance coverage:under Section 125 of the [RS Tax Codes upon presentation to the City of satisfactory proof that he~she has"medical,and/or denial insurance coverage from another source: Such a request mac be made during,the open eoiollmeat forPEbICHA medical elections. but ~~illbe„in all cues, subject to the teens and condmons and cancellatiom,requin~neats of t6e,particular plan. When the employees has demonstrated weft covetage.to the City's satisfaction; the City will^.cequest cancellaricn of the;employee's medical:and/or dental coverage, subjectto the tears and conditions of the particrilar,policy: Upon actual cancellation ofthe Imees'-medical cov and"commencing od the e11tP date of cancellation of stria policy; thesCityj~ill instead.pay tb'the eligible':employee, on a monthly,basis, an amoum equal°to;~0°'o'of the "equivalent mondily'cost'',;asdefiHed herein, of insutartce: coverage of said • employee: In determining the "equivalent monthly cost" oflsuch coversge,'the City shall calculate:the monthly premium amount which would:be paid byafie Ciri• on'thc employee's befiatfunderahe,Health Plan of the Red~coods plan, Based an the,emplovee's coverage level (e:g: self ,self plus!spouse,'self plus spouse. plus children) at the time of such cancellation , Hory~eyer; if the actrra! monthly cost of the employee's curent plan coverage is less tliaii the monthk HPR' cost„then,the lrncer figure-shall.be6sed. Tn the evem covciageis cancelled';only for the employee's spouse'or dependem children, the!reimbursementa~ill be ~0°% of the cost'difference beriveen;the old and nnv leyels'of coverage (as calculated using-the HPR phm). Upon~such cancellation of,the;employee's denial coverage, ttte City «ill instead,pay to dre;eligible employee; on a mog_ilily,basis: an amount equal to ~0%ofthe City'sfcced monthly payrolLc}iarge foi'tlvs Program, An}•. emplocer cancelling coverage tivill be required"to meenall-rules and conditions of the pazticular plan, including, but~notslitriited;to; all rules and'condition"s goveining administrdtibn, caucellatiori. aad,re- .enrollment eGgrbility._by tequesting a cash payment;pursuant to this section..'such employee~understands and agrees as a condition of receipt of this.pa~mem, thai re-enrollriiem eligibility irto any plan`is'oot guaranteed. INSL'R4I~rCE Section 12. .Health insurance 1. ACTIVE Employees The City shall participate in the Public Employees' Medical Health Care Act (PEMCHA) for members of this.Unit. The desigbhted,premiumpaid h}• the Cirl toward this program shall be in the amount of SlUU.00 pet montli'pet2mp(ocee. 2. RETIRED Emplo}•ees Employees ~yho retire from the Cin~ of Petaluma «ill receive camributions to their medical premium acltilc uttdcr the PE~iCH2, plan. This paemcnt «ill increase in nc~ amouur of Sd.UO per czar until it reached the amount of 5 fU0.0U as listed in paragraph 1'above. Y Section 13. Dental Proeram The Cin~ shall provide for_ a group Delta Dental Pro,~ramfor City empoyee and dependents in this Unit; Additionalh•. the Cin shat[ contribtite to~card an Ort[todoiimre plan.51,U0U per child at a ~D"% co,payinent rate. The Cin shalipay, during the period of this Cotapensanbn,Plan'the full cost to~card the Cin group dzmal coverage program. Section 14. Life Insurance A. The Citcshall pto~ide for a ~tcup term life program forCin~ employees itt this Unit. The City shalt pay,;duting the coursz of tttz Compensation Plan. the ipsur~.rtce premium torcards empoocee onl}~ coccragc for such insurance in dtc prirtciplc sum of S3~,000 per cmplo} x. B: Management Life Insurance shall be m the amount of one and one-half (1-Ii2) times their annual salan~ rounded to ttie nearest even dollar, i.z., S li!_UUO; ~ [3,000, etc. not to etce..d S I2~,000. Section 15. Lon?-Term Disabilirv The City shall,procide for along-term disability plan- The premium to be paid for be the Cite. Section 16. Vision Pt6eram The City shaliprovide a Vision Plan for employees and depende;tts. The shalt be paid for by the City. Section77. Other Health and 1Yelfare Payments The City shall provide,to'the'acfive"members of Unit8 additional'maathly-health and ~velfate phyments equal the PEMCHA Heahh Plan of the;Red~coods,premium a;noums less $100':00. _ LE1VE Section I8. Vachtian A.1. Amourts ,411 regular:zritplocees of the Cin• of Petaluma, a8er u-orking ohe;fiill year are aatitled to the equitialent of eights (30p hours of vacation ~~ith-,pas in the,v~ear follo~~ing the y-eat is which vacation is'zamed. .Ul regular employees of the;Cin• of Petaluma, aftzr fice:(~)}'eels of cdiifiinious service «ith the City, and beginmhg ~yith the'si.~-th tear, shall"be entitled to the equivalent of One hundred ncenry (12O) hours of vacatibn pzr yzar. :after ten.(l0) years,af continuous service with the Cin-. zight(8) hours ofvacation shall be added for each }'ear of continuous service to a maturtum of tiro hundred"(Z00) hours of vacation. Section I9. Sick Leave A. General Sick leave With pay shall be:gtanted to alI etnptoczes'as set;forth in this section. Sick leave is net a right which an employee mat• tine atiliis discrendn, buiiather, shall be used onic in cases of pers~rtal illness, disabilitc of ~thz serious;illness or injun- of an emplocee's family- member which requires the employee's azTZnuon: The term familymembershall include: spouse, children; parenU. spouse's parents, btothers,.sis[i:rs or ether individuals whose>relationship to the employee is that of a dependzm or near dependent: • B. ~lccrval, Sick Igaye shallsccnte to all full-time e:.iployees at the rate of eieht (8) hours for each month of continuous service. No employee shalt accumulate more sick cave in any year than provided. C. Relationship To Workers` Compensation Benefits shalCbe pa}able insituati6ns where miscellanzous employee's absenceis due to industrial injure as provided in CalifomiaSratz Workers' Compensation Lavv. 'During the firsithree (3) ~v'orl: dacs when the emplocee's absence.from nrork has been occasioned by- injury sufferzd during his/her zmplo}•mentand'he~she receii-es Workers' Compensation, he/she-shall receive full pay. Follrnving this period sick leave mac be a"supplemzm to the Workers' Compehsation benefits provided the employee. Compensation is ar lns/lter: n-gular late far-a.period not to e,cceed sis momhs, or until sick leave iszxhausted; or.the disatiilin- is abrogated,,otthat employee is cerufied."petmanenrand stationary-" be a competent medical,authorin_. The.Citv:shatl pay him/her the,regstlar salary, based on the com6inavoii of the' Workers' Cotnpensanon beneftt plus sick- leave. X11 public safen•:employees receiving fullsalaries in fieu oftemporary,disabilitc-payments pursuant to Section a8~0 ofthe Labor Code are errtided'to accumulate sick leave during,such periods of sick Leave: Sick leave for industrial injun• shall not be allowed for"a disability- resulting from sic]mess; self inftieted injure- or Rillful misconduct. The Cm- may retire am-emplocee prior to the esltaustion ofaccnmutated sick.leave, afictiich time all;accrued,liut;uoused~sick•leavesliall be abrogated, subject only to ~the;limitations provideii'unde; this Memorandum'of Understanding: D. Sick Leave Transfer!Eolicv An em !oyes w~shiit to donatehours of sickleave to another employee,magdo so liy sending a P ~ g, ; written request, appioyed by Iris/her department head:to the Persormel,Office naming the: individual to'teceive ttie;sick'teaye andthe amount donated, with'the follo~v=iitg'restncnons: L Eaiplovees.who vvishlto,ttansferstck leave'must retain;a minimum of ono hundred-sisty- (l60) Hoursiof sick feave_to be eligible to transfer sic!: leave: . r..- 2. :1111 such transfers of sick leave are irreyocalile. 3. The etriplrn-ee receiving-the sick leave;taasfermusrhavezero;(0);hours of accrue3"sick. leave, vacation and CTr?~ leave~onthe books. 4. Employees may not btiy or,sellsiclt !soya. Onli~ the time may be transferred: Employees may not transfer sickleave uponseparation of sertiice. 6. Sick Leave Transfer shall be alloviced'benveen all Umu:. 7. No more thou niaetp (90}:norkda}~s of Sick'Leave may' be receiged by an emplo~~ee for any one'illness'or it>jun•.. Sectibn 20: Berea6ernenTLeave [nthe evem of.the death of an employ'ee's pouse. mother; step-mother.:mother-in-lave; father, stepfather, father-in-lavc,;brother, sister;;child, including an=adopfcd.child gtandeliild and grandparent. an"employee. vvho attends the funeral shale' be grained rime off work-with pay:. The amount of time;off work with pal ' shall°be only tharvvhic}i is iequiredto attend the,funeral and""make necessan' funera( arranserrients. liuYim no event stroll°a exceed three,(3) vvorking:days: These three (3) days stroll not be chargeable to sick leave: r1n additional't«o (2) days:tequired'for•necessan' funeral arrangemems maybe charged to:the employees' .sickleave and anvadditional~time bei•ond these tyro does macbe charged;to accumulated wacation,or--leave wzthoufpay. Such''6err:avemenrleave shall'not be accruable from fiscal year to fiscal;year, norshall:if have any. monetarti~ valve if umued. Section-21'. Holidays A. FL`i;ED HOIIDAYS:; The City shall obsetve,twelve (;l") 5sed~ate holidays:. These lrolidavsshall bejestablisfied forttie city's fiscalyear as determined 6y'City Council resolution: B. ELOAT[IYG_I-IOLIDAY: ,During the Fiscal;Year the:Ciic will authorize one (1) ';Floating P ~ „ ' ~P at a time selected by the,Employee, Hohdav 'per etaployee„tichich may be taken^:by the Emplrnee subject to o eranooal- tremertts and' royal determined by the City. Employees:hred bcricceziJuly: 1, and Dcetad6cr 3!P; n-ill;be eligible fora "Floating HoGda~"during the course of the Fisca!`Year. Section=22. :Military Leave Militan• leave shall'be:arranged imaccordancaiiiith this;provisions of Stafe'Lan•. Alleticplo~-ees entitled to miilitarv'leave shall give the appointing;potceran oQpottunity ~~-ithitt the limits of militate regulations to determine when such leave shall be taken. Section ?3. Leave,Of Absence Without Pav The Cin• ,Manager may grant a regufar`or pto(iationarv employee leave:of absence Without pav puisuant to the-State and Federal Lavv. 'Good cause being sho«n by awritten-request the Cite ~lanagcr mac,extcnd the leave of absence Widtou[-:pay oraeniority or benefits for an-additional'.period notzo eeeed sly (6) nLL. months. No such;leaye shall be gtamed eYCept.up'oir vvnttensrequest of the.emplbpeesetting forth the reason forthe request, and the approval wll'be in vciting Upon ezpiiafioh of a regularh• approved leave of Within a reasonable period oftiine atier notice to tetum".to duty, the employee shall be reinstatedinthe position held at the time leave,nas ;aimed. Failure on the,part of an,empiayee on leave to,report,prompdc at'its z:cpiranon, or Wiihia a'reasonalili: tittle after: notice to,return to;dutc, shall be cause for discharge. Section 24. Jury Leave Even classified employee of the Cin--W-hd is called or required to serve as a traf juror shall be zrrtitled to abserrrhimself from his:duties With the Cin- durirt~ the period of stieh service or tchile necessarily being presem in couir as a result of such.calb: Undersuch circumstances; the emplovee'shall be paid the difference benceen liis.tull salas and'aav-pav-ment received by him;:escept travel pae, for such duty-. This compensation shall norestetrd beyond'm-emc ('Uj W-orkine days. Section 25. Administrative:Leave Members of this Unit are eligible foradtninistratice.leave: Days may be ~orartted be the Cite ;Manager upon Written request, not to c~ceed ten (10) days per Fiscnl Year. Section 26. Familv'Medicai.Leave Act Pursuant to the-Family and Medical Leave Act of ty93. FMLA leaye may be granted to an employee.W-ho has beesemployedfor at least:hcelve (13) months byahe City'and Who has provided at least 1,2250 hours of service doting the i<velve (12) months before the leave is regbested: Tha leave may be grarmed`up to a total of rivelve (12) ,w•eeks'forthe folloiving•r•easons: _ . - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - -r-- A Because of the;bitth;of a child or placement for _adoptioa or fiister care of a ehild: B. .In order to care for the spouse, son, daughter,'parent Drone echo. stood° in place of a pare~• of;the employee, ifsueh'spouse, son::daugtrter parecn, or"in loco;pacentis" has a-serious health condtson; C: Because of a serious health condition.rhat inakes-the employee unabte'_to perform his einplrnmeat functions: The emplocee mustprovida the employee"n~it}i him (30) davs'advance notice'of the;leave. or uch notice as is practicable, if,thirrv (30;days ¢otice'is noipossble. Tbe:employee,must pro~~de he emplocer dirk cettification of the;condiuoafrom a healthcare provider: The emplrner, at-employer espenseiniac require a second opinion on the validity- of tha certificatioh. 'Should a conflict arise behveen health prodders.; a tlvrd and bindingopinion; aiemplrn~er;expense ~~i(Fbe'sou~aht: An zmployee seeking,FN1LA leave musc'first use paid¢srck-time (if applicable), and ~-acation before going on unpaid lease: The total amoum of family leave;paid`and;u;ipaiii «ill not exceed atotal of,nvelve (12) weeks:. In anyacase in which a 6usba¢d';and,wife entitled to;fariiily leave aie both~emplo}•ed'bv tke employer, the aa„gregate aumlier:ofdorktl'eeks of leave to.~yhicliboth"ma}•'be,eatit(ed~ma~',be limned to melee (12) weeks if uch leave is takenbecause of the both of_,'a child or,placement frir adoption orfoster care ofa child. The emplrn2e:«ill,be cespansiiile forhis share_'ofthe health insuranceicost duri¢g;the leave. Ifthe;emplrn~ee does not return firom`t}ie leac~e; he is responsible for the total;insuranceprernium paid fidthe'emplo~~er. OTHER Section 27. Retirement The Cin• of Petaluma's'cetitemem'plan under the Public Emp[o}'ees: Retimmeni S~•stem shall consist ofthe follo«ine items: • Oprions: ~rtisccilaneous 19~N Survivors Benetn (Leczl One Year Final Compensation. Unused Sick Lzacz Crdit. 14ilirar~, Service Credic as Public Sznice: Options: Fire - ? o tQ; 50 1 y5) Sarvivors Bzne&t (L. rel 3),SecvonZ 1382.?. Ore Year Finn! Compe~satign. Unused Sick Leace:Credit:. ~[ilitarv Service Credis'as•Public Sznice{Szctien:20930,3. Pos Retirement Sanii'ors .alloii`ancz (Sections '_'1_'63: ?1263: lard ?1263.3. Options: Police i0u `U: JO 1y~9 Survivors Benefit (L~cef One Y"zar Final Campznsatio_ n. L`auscd Sic!c Lu.~c Ctcdie Rem q~1- I BLS RESOLUTION N0. s7-las N.C.S. ' of the City of Petaluma, California RESQL-L-ITON--:YPPRO~~iG S.u:,aRY:~~ID~SL~PI:~IEti-I?;aI, ~V:~GE BE~'EFITS FOR EMPLOYEES N G'NLT 3 (~I,aN,~GE~IENT) W'HERE~IS; the:employees in (J`n S are noc;rep~esenred byany're~.:oeriized zlnplovee organization; and, WHERE., the:City Tana=er,, pursuani to Secion,28, City of,Petaliuna City- Chaiter is i required and empowered`top make:a tecommeniatioa to the Citg Council on mattets related to { employee's compe.~sarion; and.. ' ~VfiERE~S„the;Ciry"" iVianager has recommended that employees in Unit $ receive salary and stipplemenlal wage tieneSis, - _ N06V, THEREFORE, BENT _RESOL4~D~that the supplements[ wage,and'bene~ts as specified'i6 the attachmr:nt for employees in this Unit- bung in the best inrerzst of the City, be appro~-ed and shall:become effective upon adopion: Undefttie~,powez.aad'arthadtycanferted,vpon thin Couacil.by~the'~Charter~of'aeid~Cty' . 'I bexeby~.~si4fq'thefoie6pmg Rewlut~ca avea~.,intmdund aa3#adopted by, the Appmvedasto~ REFERENCE: CauaciI,oft]uCity',ofPefalumaat;a.(ReBnlar) ( =meeting. ~foim oa the,_?.~St_:day.-,ot- •7uiy " _:tt9 9-~.~:hs the ( ~ follocvrmg'voie: City Attorney AYES: READ,.KELLER; STOIVIEE, TORS.IATT, bIAGUIItE, NI~iY08 13II.I:IGOSS: NOES: NO ~t'(T~ Y0 _ H ATTEST6° ~ ~ _ - ~ , City Clerk - ~ ~ Mayor Qp®p140. c. tone an.vo....:.9.Z=18.6.:.:..a.cs