HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-185 07/21/1997
of the City of Petaluma, California
WHEREAS, the employees in Uiiit 4 are not represented by any recognized employee
organization; and,.
WIi1=.REAS, the City Manager, pursuant to Section 28, City of Petaluma City Charter, is
required sad empowered top make a recouvnendation to the C'sty Council on matters related to
employee's compensation; and .
WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended that employees in Unit 4 receive salary
and supplemental wage benefits,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the supplemental wage and benefits as
specified in the attachment for employees in this Unit, being in the best interest of the City, be
approved and shall become effective upon adoption.
Under the power and authority cronfezred upon thi.9 Council by the Charter of said City.
REFERENCE: I hereby certify the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted by the Approved as to
Council of the City of Petaluma at a (Regular) ( meeting form
on the .....21sT day of ...........July ............:.......:....................IS.9.7..., by the
tauowing Sete:
City Attorney
GLZI!~~....... st%%L~ 1GL~C.~~..
ATTEST: - ~ ~
City Clerk Mayor
(bwcil File.._......_.._........._......_
cn io-as ens, no,.....9Z=.185....._ n.cs.
~~n: ~.c nr-~ a.i-.r.1.
/l\.11)l\ lS~ ~Tl/l\ (ll Ctl Ll `~1 ~l.C`` \I
C V vll 1. "~Jlll IV \ I'1 \ VI\ ~i `I' Y ll)11V1 1 JJI VIV.yII
~e:~o, q~-1$5 ~1GS
"i .~u~L V' Zli ~LZii
i~~l~i. ~~iJ
vi. a'~~: ii:
Section I~u-rdf.~ar~a~;ent
Section Sa1a~
.~i~ui0n. J, iZatlri:w i~i'~: Jitii butiGn
Sc'uivn~ ~i~e~Tmlc. .
Secllon it liarc5 OiPati JR PG(nlanlill ~'ransiar tJ T•i
Sel:abn, i Iein~70rart" i~;Jrk (Jlii Ot'C,iaJSitleatl017
Sccnon:3 tompat;ation.tur CloCiiag Loss
Section.~t. C',acation. Pa~nizrir,of
SCetiGn iU. 51ci." Lc:a~"J: Pa~TricTitait~C2lri:mtTii
Sc~.iO? Ld-, Detzrred,C~ampen;ation
Section l>'. Rctiree$cticliYPatimcnts
SzCtion P3. Fiealtlu~enial Cfare'Cash Sack
5cciion l~. hlcalLh Insurartcc
'Section, I_~. Dznial.Prggram
Suction' [(i. Life Insurance
Section 17. Long-Temr;Disaliilih°
Section 13, Vision;Pro(;?am
Section. f9. OlherHealth t~ Welfare Pay Ricnt;
Settion 30 Vacation
Section _'t Sick Lcain
Section•_? Sereavement? Leave
Section EloliBa?s -
Seiaioli3~ ;`1ilitan Leaie
Scetion _'-5 Leave of:~bscnces ~~'ithout Pat
~ '
$~ctlon, _'6 Jun- Lea~~e
Section ~7 Conipznsaion Cimz Off
Seztion 23. ft~~irzment
Secrcn _'J. Grz.ance Prccedurc
Sa~ion 30 La~or~'and ftacall
Section i. Tzrm oF'AereemenY
Ti"li5 COTipCnSaiiGri'plan Shaii bC iur a i\t'O (2)'' Car TCrmttOi ii~i:'hSCal .CaF;'COi['um~nCm~ JUIc I+:
' 19St7 thtcueh Jw-;e.30., iS?S%9.
~~Ci ~'ii~~\~~. T.i Citi~
~`ettiu'i. ' J81arv'
~4 ilt' C.IA' shall aGOpi Iile iOiIOR'ID;.Salal~' ran°ea iOi,;JaU'1 Of iiie ctttpiOC C'e$;II7 i he •iQiiO[~ Ing~
clas~iScatiGrs aurli~g the term pf u'iis compcnsatigp plea.
~:FFECTIVE JA\'L'.=;R (.72.'7993
Program Conrdi~i.;cor S ' 1:3%t $ 22' 1J ~C 23.1' ';f Z~t.,7~ S 25.98
Buser `S,).__ `520._0 `S,_L_~ ~cc._r $,~.3~
IZ2Crcati Oll,~i00 '~iriaiOr i_':9Y `a 13.:9 Y j~?b~ ~ I* iv ~.:I'J:.,7j
Associate Citii Enginzer S 2.5 i0 S 2':-41 ~ 21;178 ~ ~O '2 S~3 C.73
' ; ~ - J~,rr.. , x'30.;=..
Assgciatc,in cn? Engincenng 'S _?.03 > _6.~) a _~:b0 S _8.98
.-~~aOC18ie rlaRilc- ~ _ i.~fi y :c':G.i ~ i6 S zy.9? ~.c(i._0
Xssi;iant Planer- ~ 1~1:23~ 2(;.19 'S 2'I:2U S'_2?b S:_338
Pldn~ Galliln'.r -4'_ ~ ' ~ cY. 1 S c?.y~ L._.~
Program Cooruir._~or ~ •2-.62 `5:2:1.12 ~ 2:27 ~ 2~.~It) ,?t;.7G
Buyer `5 I[l.~e l $.70.XJ $ 21 :8I 'S c2:~)3 ~ 2+:Oit
Rz.reation Coor~~ator 5 13.33 `S C3.'>v S C~:b~) 5 1~.~:. y iti:20
associate Civil Egineee ~S 2<,.88 :'S 28.23 u 29:b=t S 3'L 12 `S"32:Fi8
Associate in Cit.; Eneihzerine ) 2..78 `5=27`07 $ _8.d9 S 29.8 5.31:34
Associate Planner V S 2210 $'23.31 S 24:J8 5:24J0 5.26.94
Assistant Plainer ~ 19:81510:80 $ 2'i:3d' 522.93 $ 24:08'.
Plans E~aminzr 5 23.(19 $ 242 2~,4~ ~"(1.73 $ 28aXi
2'.'~ u !ll J 7.
Pending ratifica~i; ~ bt all;bargairimi? units e6iiiamme°:ttiseclleneous;membees. thls•bencfit dill be
zffizcti[°e-.apri6 ; :~t18: ~hotild,ihisbzneht'notsbe approved br all, Sargaming,umts zflb~`ted. the
ISM taluehall b, rallgcated i0;{I1is Lnirin the form ofsalan efreciitz heaii•st;fullpa} penbd of,
April'1998. .
Section 2A
Upon rcccipC:b} ~'tc'rPcrsounc; Oti:ccof an ctnplc~cc's Cori; cation as a Rcgisicrd Cr, it
Engineerhe;'shCshail'be advanCCd l0 iiie Ci."SSiiCailOn of ASSOCi&Ie'Clvil Engineer at t hC
bcgrinsg crt;~c nc\i pa.' pencd.
Section 3: Retirement;Confributions
Thc;pcscm,.:gc o ~ ~.,,~'ccce's ccntrbuiic ; pr;,~, toush paid by L"c Cih prier tq the adoption
of this Ccmpensan~n Plar, ai the EniplocerBa}~~~ehro&Slembcr. Contribution (E`iPC) s1~a(I
istca.', be paid to nc~grnplc~ ~,a}hcs4all-then pa that amount to PERS. Fcr pu,t,osesof
tcttliholding. the: Cin shat. deferthatportion of the emplo}:ez s. contribution paid to PERS
through Section d l~(h)(2);of;tlie Internal Rcvenu: Code pursuant to Cin' of Petaluma Resolution;
>0-~ 6~, Therefore for'calculation`ofbnse salon at rztiremeht, the erriplo} ee shall no«: have ar,
increased base salary •that ~~ilCinclude the total amoum of ttteemplo~ee's contribution to PERS
previousl} paid as. EbdP.C
The eritplc}ze's contribution ~tii(( be ~,~ithheld from thz'emplo}'ee'spa} b} the. Cin, and thz City
~~ih mal.c th; emplocee's!pa}irtertdithc emptcvicecontributiomdirect:v to PERS on behalf a'~,.".e
emplOVez: The emplot tC mat" r10T male an ele~iiJn t0 [a~2 Ch1S am0[lni In Salad- and~'Or iJ manC
Lye pa}meat to PERS. Thy iasz~emption does not appl} to FICAJsccial securin . The follc~~ i s
is an e~;ample of the application ofIRC d l-:(h)('? as uppfied to a miscellaneous e~~~pfo~ee.
An ertiplo}ee ma'zs S'LOOO;per mcir,Ii bate solar:. Ug~erthe.pror contract the emplo} ee ;cos
notYesponsible fer pa}ine 79Sf of the required 7° emplovee-contrbuticn. The Cin ryas
respensibie for pay ing %~u (S7U.UU). Ahick eras a'Cin respoitsibilin that «as in addition to dtc
5.1:000 base solar, .
he ~ . u., br 1
C-ado: t .~1~1(h)(_) m;.t...,d L., E~h , Hill r~,,, 'to sa.ac:'and tfie ~irtplo~co's'basc salar:'itill
Hole 6e S LO70: Of this . 7?s (appro.,; roafcly 5-~ tit)) [till bt:'paie~ to PERS from the S I.(P, 6.
The fi;il 74'~ dill b~ ta.ozciupt aild;this means L`:e cniplo;~ce nill'pa}° ta~cs on $9y;,00.
Settion Overtime
4.1. General. All hours wbrled in e~cessofciehe (3), in an}' one day or an c~ccss ct fott}'
(t10)-in an}:work :week shall becomUznsated,foc arthe overtime rate «hicti shall: be one and
one-tial` (I )]times'the rceular ratc.of pa}; prodded. howe• :.r, ttpt in the event amcmglo~'ee is
required to ~}ork o~emme «ttliout a break in e~ccss of-~ hours bicond the end of his;herregulark
schedute'd «ortshift,'the empto} ce shall be comp,°nsated for -those excess hours at the"o~ ertimc rate
of tno Q~ tinies'the'regular rate of;pa}. Overtime shall°orily bcworked after havingreceived
prior authorizatibn be the departincrit head or a managerial supervisor.
Emp(o~cos iihoa.:; icorkihe`a .-Vtcrnati~c \Lrorkrceek of ~0 hours,pcr work «rckshall'bc paid
overtime for hours l~otk~d'tbe~orid the regularlc assiened hours for that dac in accordance with [he
Cia s :~Itcrnati~e(~4ork~ccck.Policc.
~1. 1'Iinimum. ;liicemplo}ee.raquired to isork oczrtimz shall. in no case. lie:
compc7tsatcd,for less L'78i1 arr liourfor such ~certimi:.
X5.3, btinimum #orCallbacks; Am-employee;requirzd to rztiim to work on an
unscheduled, erne;3ency oasts aftcr:the end of the'emplo~'c~ s a~orkii~,da}, shall, m no`case.'be'
compen,atedfor fens than:mo hour; for such o~zrtimz.
Section':: Call Back Pav
1. ~n emplo}.ze who is cdllzd back to ao~k inran emersencr situation'atizr~lia~ing;
corripletcd hs~~cr rewlar shtY and',Icft L4c cii::'pr^misesshatl rccei~c a rliininum of m.~ (2}
hours work ormo (2} hours pa}'. atahz overtime rate To he z<<enf,an emplotze IS~paid
ovcrtun~.premium pursuant to thc:oycmme schcdni;; under Sc.ctit?n f_ (Over~i,;icl lissdabbi'c,
he,('shz shall nqt bz paid ocertimz;przm)um un3cr ihz:calL--back section nor t;;esamz iime:)corl:zr;:
Thisrparaeraph shall norappk,to,emplovzzs tvho are:called m earh;;for a sf~itt i ~chenjthc}'
~~otk continuously fromzhz time'.thz~ are called in utitil.thetr rzeiilarshtft bed ps.
SECTION 6i Rates of Esy on,Pei`m:tnent Transfer to a Yew Classification
1. R~'ficn.;.n ~-iplocce is prornoted,<h~'she shall be;paid the4ourh rat<•aes- ht~>her to his~'her
otvn ~utlim ttie pa} gradz,for the clasaificauoii';to t~hicli:he;shz tias ~rornoted
2. W'tien,an.enpb~ ee istransferred from one classification to anothzr classiticationin the
Same pav".grade, hlSiilG'r hOUii~",iaiC Shall rt;maln.,thC;Saiiii:.
J. ,:~pCm1,.:I:::.t OCprObahOnar: uuN1G~CG;,R"hO.1S traliSfCrrCd YOa ~aSS`.\1ti1 a IOR CriSalaFb
nitligut a break ir, ;en ice «tll'raceit`z ihe~sanie fate of:pav' hz/sl7z.rzceivz¢ prior to thz trans r-
Sueh salas~ -shall not bcinrcaSed until tlic.fime flat°a hiehcrsalar: of tie class to iv6ich he/she
tcasaransferrzd equals br z~ceeds liis;hzr salacc. Sucfi railsfar mav'be;di;pamnehtal or intzr-
dcp:.rtment;,l; and ma}':be made bs'_appotntment from an.~~rriplo)ment hst. iLmporas.
appointmznt, teclassitication of position;;or reorganizafion,of dzpamnznt.,and shall b~,iil accord
nih thz personnel rules and regtilatiors. Thelproviston ofttus rulz dasngc apph in uses. of
dis:iphnan demoi ion.,demotion in lizu ot•lacot~; or voluntan demotions, hzna ilzrson is
imolunranh asstoried_to a lolcer classification. h~~ste shall receii'e the (ot~c; rate ~f pal',
effzctive.the firstidavrassiened fo that,classification,
SECTION'? Tempdrary Work Out of Classifieation,
p ~
anothzr o it
onlm,ayhhole classi~sified position mac temporanls::be asstgti;,d the duties of
- ,
p gti"' ficaiton Tfie;emplo~eeishall teceive~erther<fhe ne~t,ti`igherstep
in thz classificatcn to;~chich he/she"is,assigned'or a3°o increase, ichichcver is grcate;. Ttus.
parmeni shall begin-upon•compleiion of the first fb confinuaus wotkda} s in tha$:assienmerrt:
.1n;employ ze'assiened toga position at airequal'or lo~~er classification shall remain at the.
current ratcof pay.
Section 3'r Compensation for ClothinH Loss
ThC Cltt" titana~Cr.1S allr}10r7ZCdtGpiOti7dC Comp(`IISaLiun~tO.C1R~.firiplG\'CCS iui IOSS GL daiTia~i: IO
~hzit clothing which occurs:during the course-o#~carnihe out-,an a, :;ial dun. .a raquest for
cGmpcnsaziam'hereunder shall be>submiitcd in \~ritine, imdctail. to' ilhc Cin ~[a,~er aia.thc
department head-concerned. The'ainounbof compensation. if iim ..shall be at the discretion of the
Citi ~[ana~=c;r.
Section9. Vaenti6n. ~ ti~`menf at Termination
cmplGC,;es \cho terntinaie employment shalGbe paid in a lump<sanl forall ace:
u, d \aearon laa;z
eat nCd priJr IG Lh~ C~CCilye datC Gf [CrmmatiGn ntli t0 \:,CCd U:i,-j'\CaiS LCCai„uiattOn.
Section 10. Sick Leave. Patiment of
[n the z\ ent of the death,',ocretirament of an emplo} ee ho has completed tzn I . U) or more eedrs
of continuous senicri\ ith'the CiR, the cmplo}'ee'sfiall be,paid Gi'shall recci~: e to his benefit fift<'
percent (^~h9L) of his ac~utnulated but unused-sick leav~i: not toe:aeed9tS0 hoar, The employee.
ma\ electnot to recciye°,his benefit-and instead place all sick Iea:e hours mic dIe PERS Sick
Leayz C'Gnyzrsioh'Bene'tit. '
Section 1'L Ueferred.Compensation
T'ne Gii\' Gf Petalumashall mak:, available to t.".r:menlbers of this unit the C~i_:'s Defcl~cd
Compensation Plan.
Section l2. Refii•ec Benefit:Payments. '
1. ,an;emplince Frith metro-(20)~~ears,o€serrice and trtio: is age;~p ordlder,and dHgretitees ~n a
service retirement duiingithe ferm'of;ttus;a>rcemertt, rwll`be ehs~>'tble fora senice'bznefiin the;amourit
equailto 5100 lesstfie amoum corrtributedidirzctfr'to•the.P.EM11CH:a premmtn $i the Cin. 'This-pa}meet
isill continue as long__as'theetnplgccacontmucsin;thc PE.~[CHA plan as a.rctiree. Shgulii tlte:retircd
emplo}ce-noUCOntinuc irtihe PEi11CH;a,"plan. that;rzfired emplo}ze,r~ill be;zlieible for;an amount of-S IUO
as a flircct payment as a?renraesenicc bertcfit; It is the responsibilin of the rctir~..,to,notifi the,•City iii
writing that he/she u; not being covered b~°thc PE~ICH,a.plan and the Ciii, hill commeaczpa}mcnt of the
5'i 00 00 at dtc beghuting of die motidt folloicuig die rccipt of «rittcn noucc~br dicarctitcc
Far:emp;oti eel retiring,aftzr Szptember I, 1997 and wfio meet the" szri icz requirzmznts li;~~d ih
paragraph,l abut c.: dwsc cnipluc ccs shall rccciy c aii'additional',52 C j~cr month as a r~tucas~n ii c, benefit.
Shculd.the tetired.'zmplo}ee not.continue m thzl~f?EhICHia.plan, that~retired emplocee nillsbe ehgiblc for nit
aniowg of 5120,x; a di;cct parmcnt _as a rctircccscnicc 6circtit lt'is"thc~responstbthri 'ofahc,rctircc to
notift the Ciri in ~rriting that he,~shesis'not.being covetcd:b~ the PEMGHA p(an;and the'Cin'rri11
cbitvitcticc pa~tnetit;of die 512().0() at dte bcguttung of-tlte month-follorcing,tlte.recctptof icritfcn notice by
- Section 13r 'Health/Derital Care'sCash Back
An`ehgtble'zinplo}ec mac,requestcanc:Nation of the employ ee's City-paid.medical and,'or dental
insurance coyeruge under Section I?~ of the IRS 'rae'Codes upon presentationao.the Cin; of
satisfacton' prcoi;that he /sfie has medtcal'andlor dental insurancecorera~e from another source..
Sucfi?a:request mar 'tie'made during the open'enrottment for PE~ICH;a medical ~lectionsbur~rill
be; in all casts subjectrto the terms,and conditions and;cancellatibn'requireinents:of the particular
When the emploseehas demonstrated such cocerade to,the Cm's satisfaction. th Gtcy}till rzqu~st
.cancellation of the eiriplocez s mcdicdl and,'ordental coverage. subject to the~terms;and conditiohs
of the particular polic},: G~pon actual cancellatiomofthe.emplo~'ze';medical co~ira,e,:and
commericmg on the date of cancellation of such.pollc}'; he Ctn ~~ill instcadrpa} to the ell; Ble
emp(o}ce. on a monttilr'tiasis, an amount equal to ~0'%,ofthe "equivalent monthh'cost". as_defined
- ~ - ,
herein. of insurance coverage df said empld~:ec: In determining the'"equn algnt mont}il} cost' of
'such cd~crage: the Cn shall calculate the montfilz-premium.amount ~cfiicti icoiild be paid b~'the
City on the emplo}ees behalf under the Health Plan of the Redd}oods plan: based on the empl_oc~e's
coverage; e~ el'(e:g. self, self plus spouse. self,plus spouse`plus children) at'.the time of such
cancellation. Ho~revcr,:iftheactunb'.monthly.,castoftheemplb}ce'slcurrenr;planco~'erageis'fess
than the.montlily HPR cost. thenthe loner-figure shall be tiled. In the event~cocerage is canceled:
oiil~ for the'emplo~'ee'sspouse or'dependent:children, the reimbursement ~r-t11 6e ~0°0 of tfie`cost
difference benr'een the old and new levelxof:covemge (as'calculated`.usingtlc HPR plan).
Upon such'cancellation of the empld}ee's dental coverage; the City trill instead pa} to the:eligible
cmplo}'ce_,on amonthly basis: an amount equaCto ~0%ofthc Gn's'intetnall generated estimpted
monthh cost; of the fi~edmotitfilc'chargc for this program.
r~t:•; cmplo}'crcanccling cot cragc ttill`bc rcquircd'to.mccTall rules and condiccns of the
particular;plan.`ii9cluding, but not limited to, all rules and,conditions governing administration.
cancclla[ion.:and re-~~itrollment zli~ 6ilin b~ requcstmg'a cash pa}ment pursuant to ibis section,
such emplo}'ee.undersFands and agreesas a condttton°ot receipt of this pa~nien't. that re-
enrolliricnt-eli~ibilin into am plan in not guaranteed;
Section l~. Health [nsu~ance
L aCTI~"E Emplo}rzs
The City shalt participate in ;he ('ublie Employees' ;4fedical Health Care IPE`1CH.a) for
membersof the Unit. The desigriard przmium paid b}; the Cin totcard this`program shall be in
theamaunt of S IQt1.00 permonth peremplocee.
2. RETIRED Emplo}ees
Emple}ees «ho retire from the Cin of Pztaluma trill receive contributions to their medical
premium tyhile under the PE\IC'Hr?. plan.. This pad ment trill increar in thz amount of:'S..00 per
tear until it reached the amount of S1'b0.0U as listed in paraeraph f above,
Section C~. Dental Program
The Cin shah provide for a:group self funded Delta Dental Program for Citt zrnployee.and
depend~i is in hs unit. Ad'wtionall., zhe Cit< shall contribute nitcard an Onc~doitmr plan
SLOi)0 per clu!d at a ~0~'o co-pa~nuta rate. The Cin shall„pa}. durntg the perod of this
Compensation Plan the full ti~zd monthly charge for the Citcsroup dental cot erase' program..
Section 16. Life Insurance
The Cin shall provide for a.eroup term life insurance program for City employ; e°s iri this unit.
Tlic Cin shall pay, during the course of the Compensation Plan, the; insurance cremium to~yards
cmplo}'cc onh covcraec for such utsuraucc of the prutciplc'swu of X2:,000.
Section 17:. Loner-Term Disability
The Cin shall provide for alone-term disabilih' plan.. The premium to be paid toi b}' the Cin'.
Section 13: ~ ision Program
'The C'.in shall provide a self funded Vision PL3rr for emplocees and dependents. The fixed monthh
cost shall bepud for b} the Cin.
Section 19. Other Health and Welfare Pavmenfs
The Cih shalllpro~~deto the actiy:c members of Units-_ and ~ additional monthh'health';and
~celfare payments equal the PEJ1CH:a Health~Pian of the Redwoods premium amountscless
D: Relationship to Workers Compensation •B~pefits shalt be pa}'able in situations where
ihisccll3neods emplo}ee's absence is diie to'industnal injure as provided in Califoniia State
Workers' C'ompensa[ion Law. Durin_ the'first three (3),«ork days when the c'mplo}'ee's absence
has been occastoned,by injun~ suffered during,his/her emplo}ment and he/she recei~~es Workers'
Compensation- helshesh311 receive fullpay. 'Followmg<fhis period stckleave ma~• be a
supplement to the Workers' Compensation benefiu provided`tfieemploczz. Compensation is at
his~'hzr regular rate fora' period sotto zscceds[~ months;pr until`such sick legvc is exhausted. or
the disability is abrogated, or that emplo}ee is.certiffed "pemtanent and'stationaR" by a
,competent medical'authonh. The City'--shall pay him/her°the,regular salary. based dn'the
combination ofthe'Workers: Compensatiodbznzfirplus sick lza~e.
Sicl: eavz for indusinal injure shall net be alloited:for a disabilitc rzsulting from
sickrtess, self-inflicted'injun or «illful misccnduct:
The Cii` ma} retire anc'etnplovee prior to the'zsltaustibn of a¢cumula[ed sick leave. at
- vchicli time alLaccruzd but unuscd.sick leave shall be abrogatgd; subjzct only to the limitations
prodded under this Vlemotandum of Understanding.
E. Sick Lzace Transfer°Polia' Employees vvishing,to.donate hours of sick leave.to anothu
emplo~ze,ma} do so,b~'sending,a,tcrittzn rzgiiest..approyed' b}'their department hzad, to thz
Pcrsonne4:Officz namingthz;ndiyidual to receive thcsick leave and the amount donated, mth the
followine restrictions:
L Emplo};zes }cho:yyish to transfzr sick Izave must rztain a minimum of 1'60 hours
of sick leave to be zligible to transfzr sick Icave.
All such transfers of sick lease are:irrzvocable.
,i. The c~rnployee;receiying thz sick leave transfzr must havz zero (0) hours of
acc,ued'sick leave. vacatian.and CT.~ Izave or. thz books:
Employ_ez$mav ngtbuv.or sell sick lease. Only the time mac be transferred.
Employeessmay; not-transfer sick Izave upomseparation of sznice.
6. Transfer of sick leavz shall be alloyvzd bmveen Units I.~. 8 and ~l.
7.. ivo more than:ninety-{90):vcorkda}'s'ofSick'Lza~e may be.reczived bean
employee for ani one illness or injiir:
Section 22: Bereavement Leave
A.I. ln_'ahe event of the;death;of an emplo}ee's spohse mother. step-mother, mother-in-Iaye,
father.,step-father.'faiher-m-lave, brother, sister. child: including an adoptzd child. grandchild and
emndpai'ent,:an zmplof ee n'ho attends the titnzml shalt begrantzd time off .cork ith pa} . The
amount of timeoff ~york .nth pgy'stiall be only that y~hich is required to attendshe funeral and
make necessan tunzral arrangements. but.in no zvznt+shall it;exceed three:(3) working days.
T'hesc three (3) days shall not be chargeable to sick leave. An additional nvo (2) da}'s required
Secon ZO ~Saeation:
A.1. ,4rrloiirts ,~ll;r,_utar~:nploiccs:bf,thc City' of,Pctaluma,.aft~rnor`kipg'one full i"eaf~are'
zrttitlzd'_to the zqun-,Jcni;gf etghi<;'(~U; hoursof vacation tiith.pa~ in The year follq}vin_ t;ie:czar in
~chich ~"acaiion is-::ar ed. v
' A11.7eW1aI^' n~.~iu~ c.5 O"u~;C Cat~`Oi.pCtalllma.. Sli:,i TIVC ~Oj ~e1r5 OT i;OiliinllOLLS_SC.^:ICc
iiith the Ciro. and bcg:r~ning With=tiesi~~h czar: shalhhe entitled to thz.zquitalent ofane:hundred-
t~cznn (1?U) hour of ~'acanon'p« ~`ea; i`;Tier-ten (lU~ ~'carsrof co«tu~uons>son i.;,; tnth.ihe tits.
ehht (Sj hours gnacat;on ;hall bz gdded:~pr~eai,h„~'ear ofconnnuoussen ce;to a maz~rnum of n~q
ilUIld: ^d''('_'OO)'hOULS:JT-'~1c1nOn. ~?aCATiOn.IimC aiCllmnlatdd--m-,CXCc:Sa~O1:31i'O 1Car5 Shall bc':'IOSi
B. Scheduling The rimes during a calcttdar tear in ~~"lvch an emplo.ze may=take.his~hcr
~"acauon shall 6e deterriined bcatie departmehr'head with due'Yespect for the;«ishes"oftlie
emplo}ceand pamcular,regard ;'orthe needs of the;service If,the regmremznts of tha scnice.'.arc
such that an ernplb~ee cannot~take;pan orall oY=his.annua4 vacation in_a panicularcafzndar rear
such ~acanon hall be"takn'duiiri~ the follo~iine.cdlzndar Fear.
C. Deferral .anc ehgiblz emplo}ze nith?the consent of the head ofrhishzr-dzpartment and!the
Pefsonnel Othce inav dear htc 1 ~j «orltng da;'s o€hislher annual-vacation [oan~ s-uccccding
calendar rear subject to other ~rpcisions of this rula. :a'~cntten ieFon of each.deferted vaca?iori
limed by the appropriate depar~neni head and the Personnel Offtcernoting thedetr[ils shall be'
kept on fife kith ttie Perennel:Ottice . Ih the eveht one or more,muntc;p'aCfialida~ s frill i~ ii5in an
annual cacltion leave. such holiday sshalLnot be charged as vacation lea~:e and' cacaiion lcaceshall
be extended accordihely. ,
Section ?1,''Sick Lzave
A. General Si;k,!elce n"its pac'shalt'be granted to al( emplo~'eys as sctforzh mthissecron,
Sick Iea«.,is not a ri`}tt :chick an emplo}ec ma} use at his;her discreilon. fiut rather.. shall be
used onh"'in caseofper_onal illass dtsafiiliti of the serious illness or m~un" of an „mplo~"en's
family member which „quires the emplo~'ee s attemion. The term famlh members shall include:
spouse, childien, parrlts. spouse's parents, bYOthers..sisters or otherindiiiduals «hosu'
relationship to the emplo} ee is.zhat of a dependent or n~ardependent.
13, I Accrual. SiclIleace shalLaccrue to all full-time emplo}'eel at the:,rate af, ighrhours'for
each-mon[h of con[inuous sen'ice. Na employeeshall accumulate more>sick lca~ cSin any y"car
C. Notification Procedures [n order to receive compensation while,absent on sick lease; the
etaplo}'ee shall nonfi'1nsrlieT immediate superior or; the Personnel Office pno"rto or ~~ithii3'four
hairs after the nmz set for beginning" his,'hcr'd3ih dunes as ma~'.6e spec:tied fie the,head' of
his~her de artment, riemabscnce Is for more than three da} s duration the etnplocee rna. be
required toaile a ph}sicians ceniticate a'ith•tfie PzrsonneG"Office statineiRhe causc~of;tfie absence.
for nccessan `funeral arianganieri[s;rnav 6e chaffged'toithe,~'mp(o~ze's`sic~ leave and am
addinonaLtlme be~odd'the;e nco da}~; mat' bz.cha~gzd to accumulated vacation or lea~z ttithout
pa}-, Suchberea~emztlt leate shaltnot be accruable ~rgrrl fiscal tearto fiscal year, nor ;hall it
Have am'>monetan-value if unused.
Section 33. Holidays _
FI LD IIOLID.~1"S The Cin ~ gall gb;znz nt'ehe ((2) filed-dale hoGdat's.. Thee
tlolida~s shall be e,~abli;hed:for the i:ii,'s fi;ca1 vein a; determined by Cin Council sc;olu[ion.
B. FCv.,T~\'G HOLID,~ r, Cun_'n_ the Fiscal I,za; tale Ciro-}}ill auihonze one 1:) "Flaatin_
Ilohdut''peremplot'Ce, t[hlch mav'be,tai:eR-bt" ihc,emplotde•ata iimC;C12CICd bt'-u:z :mplot'ee.
subject to opeidiional;iegntreinehis 3rid aporotardetel~iiined bc'xhe Cih. Empiotce, :vied
bem eon Juh 1. and'Dzc iil6er.: I. Mill be eligiblz fora "Floating I-Iolidat_ " dw ~m~ thz coursz of
the Fi;cafl'car.
Secton '':1lilitarv Leave
' ~.(Ihl~r~'leate shall. be ari rilleed m aCCGidaIlCe ttiiilihe`pi041;ions v"i Slate Late, ail :mplOt'c^e5
entitled to miirarv leave ;hall give the appointive potczr an opporunin within file h:::a; of
mihian' LePlllaiiOn; i0 deic;ri111Re l\}]c:n Suill leat'e ;ha~i be taken.
Section 25. Leave of .absence ~'.'ithout Pav
A. T7-~e C`.r~ ~tanager~mat' Brant a re^ular oT probationa~' emplocee Ieat'e of absence
' ttlinoUi pay piii5llanit0'State.and }'ederai LatC. Good C3U;e'b2lnv ;ilOttTl b~~ a l~ilIIe~ rcgUe~~.
the CICt" ~'Iana~_er ma\' e\iend ;UCi7. leave Ji ab;ence.ltlihOllt pat'. or semoitn'. or 62 n~tltc fOT ari
a~dinonal pzried not to e~ceedsi~ (6) months. 1`p such leave shall,be granted elcept upon
II bz
written toques ;;f the emplotee setting for~Jt the•TCason for i he Tcquest. and the approtal tt
in t~ ntine: h'F~on zxpiiation of a reeularh.: approved lzat`e`ot ttithin a reasonable pericd of time
a8cr noiice'to return io'dun . ~Se cmpl~t ee„shall 6c reinstated in ttie position held at t~,c time
leave tvas granted. Failure omthe`part otan emplo}ee on Leave to sport promptl} at a;
espti atlOR. Oi ":~liill» a TCa;O»ai)ld lm aiir ROilce'iu ietilr[1.t0 dnh: Shalt be C1U;e iOr discharge.
:Section ?3. Jurv Leave
Ecen classifd zmplq}ze of ih"e Cite ttilo-s called or7gquirgd to serve gs a trial juror shall be
entitled;to absent himselftrom his duties ttith the Cin'sduring the period of such sertice or white
necessarik tiein¢ presem in coiirt as a' iesult,of such call. Under such citcums[ances. the
employee shall,be paid the difference between his full'salan and anc paymenbreceived'bv him.
elcept travel pa}, for such dun-. This compensation shall riot extend be}°ond nienn I-0) tcoiking
Section'.?.- CompensatocrTime Off
Emplocces may receive; in lieu of 6emg,paidfor o~ertimc. compensator, timeoffaramutuall
agreeafile.time'berneen the Cm"and the ~mplo}'ce subject to ttiz operation requirements of the
Cite and ~~ith approval determined b~ the Cit?. No,emplo}'ee•may' e5m•more than tiro handfed
fom• (2~0) hours of Compensatdn' Tune Off pet fiscal Fear ln;addnion..no'ziitplo};ee ma}'
retaui on the;books more than fort'hours ofunused,Compcnsator}'Tune,atam, snen~poini
during the fiscal sear. ~tnounts submitted in c~cess of these:(imits sfiall be pall
atiimc aind;olie;
Section.?3:, -Retirement
lhz Cm of"Petaluma's•retirement~plan.under-thz-Public Emplo~ecs: Re[irzmznt'Slstem sfiall
consist of [tic follodim~ Items:,
~IiscellanedusdEmplo} ees: 2° o °a;. 60
Options ly9'Sunyors BencfiT
One }'ear{iimal Compensatibn ~~eraez
Unused Sick:LeaceiCtedit
ivlilitan Senice Credit
Section'?9:. Grievance Nnocedure
Purpose of Rule •
(1) To promotc;impro}ed emplo}e.r=~7npiocec-relations b~ establishm~~ Viiedance
procedures do matters for t~hrch;appeal orlieanng=is not,pro~ rded~in Sthet revulattons.
(2) To afford amplb<ees individualh°or through qualified employee organization a•,
svstematicmeans ofobtdmmg further consideration oP:problenis after a~:zn repsonalh zttort;has'
failed to resolie them through_discussions.,
(3) To provide that gnecancesstiatl be settled as near;as possible'to the'point of
Ofi X111.
(-F) To pro~~de that appeals shall be conducted as mfotmalh':;as possible:
B: :Matters SubjeeiToiGrieeancc.Procedurc The.Gne~ance`piocedurG shall be iced to
process and'.resol~e=grievances arising aut of the interptctauon',,application. or_ enforcemenrof the
express terms~of ibis compensation<plan.
C. informal Grievance Procedure. An"employee,}tho.has a.problem or complaintshould`
first to to gef lt•settled;through discussion-with fits immediate supen•ISOr i~`ittiout undue„delay .
If, aftertfiis discussion,fie doesnot belic~'e.[hc problemshas been sansfdctonh_', resolc~d, he shall
have the ngfitto;discuss;it with his supervisor's immediate supervisor It am', intliz
admmtstrafive`senice: Even-effort should'be made to find an aeceptable'soluhon b~ informal
means at the dot~,cr.possiblc level ofsupzn'ision..[f the"emplo}ce'is no[ in a_~rcement kith the
decision reached by discussion, he shall then have the,rigttt to file a formal appz3l'in venting
«ithm tem(d'0) calendar dais after reccningthc utformaLdecision of hts imm~diatc superior. e1n
informal appeal shall not betaken above the appbin"ring power.
D. Formal Grievance Procedure (Izvels of review through chain of commarid)
(l) Firstlet'ef of rc~iew The appeal, hall be presented in tmti n~> to the emp(o}'cc's
immediate supervisor, ~>ho shatt.rende; his;
her decision-arid comments in ~crt;ng and return them
to the emploccc «ithin five calendar dacs afjcr rccei~ing.ihe appeal. If tike emplo} ee does not
a_rzz with his~'her super,`isar's?decision. br if no ans~,cer has bzen received ~,vitltin five calendar
da s. the employ cc tune present, the appeal in ~mnno to his,'ticr; supervisor's ir,Jrtediatc supericr.
Failurz of the emplo}'zeao tale further action tcitht? fi~2 (~);calendar days after receipt,of the
«ritten decision of tiis,5zr supervisor. cr within the total of hitpcn (1 calms ,:ar davs if no
decision is rendzrzd, t~ifl constitute a dropping of the.,appeal.
Further leeel or levels o'revizw, as appropnatz Thesupeni;or receiving-the
appeal shall recic>v it:_ reader,tiislhcr decision and comments in iyiiting. and return them to the
zmplo}ec wit}uh~five calendar da}s after rzceiving',the appeal. ffthe zmplc}ee does notagrez
t~ith the decision. or if no ans~cer has been received «ithm,fi~e (d) calendar days, emplo}ez ma_v
presentthe appeal, in teritin~ to the deparzmznf bead. Eailurz of the emplo} ze to take further
action ~~ithin-five calendar'da} s after receipt of the-decision is rendered, «iIl constitute a
dropping of the appeal.
(3 Department.Revie~s Thz departmcnthe~S receiving the appeal of lusJher
desi_~nated repres;,ntatice, hould discuss thz gnc•,anc;, t~ith thz zmplo~ce: ht~ her reprsentaivc,
if am :and t~ith other appropriate persons: The'dzpartmznt head shall render his'her decisioh and
commznts in ~~nnng, and rc[um them to the cmplo}ze ~~ithin'fi~e calendardacs after
receiving the appeal. if die emplocee dczs not agree with the decision rzaclxd.~or if no answzr
has been receiad nithin five (~),ealcndar dai s after receiptofttie decision or «ithin a [oral of
tirtzzn (1 calendar days if no decision' is rendered. will consitute a droppin_ of the appeal.
(=1) Cin-~ttanaser The Cin :~tanagerrecei~ing tfiz appeal or his dzsienatzd
rpreserttaticc should~diswss the erieca~.ce With the zmplo~,ee:. his/her rcpreszntati~'e. if env. and
with other appropriatepzrsons. The 6n :~ianager,ma} designatz a fact tindine committee,
otliccr ?ot ih the normal line,of supervision, or Personnel'. Board'to ad~isc him concemin_ the
appeal.. "fhe Cin iVlanager shall render a'dzcision in writingxc the emplo}ze «ithin ttcenr} (Zp)
calendar day s afrer rccei~ing the appeal.
(a). The ime,limitspecit3ed above tune be.cxtended to adefinite date by
mutual agreement of the zmplocee and ttiz reviewer concerned.
(b) The emplogee ma}' rzquest the assistance of another pzrson ofhisAtzr
o«n choosing in;preparing;;and presenting his/her appeal atam-level ofreiie«.
(c) Tlie emplo}ce and his~hcr rzprescntafivcma~ be privikgcd to use a
reasonable amourrt of nark-.time as detzmined by thz'appfiopriate depanmzrtt head ihsconferring
about-and presenting the:appeal.
(d) Emploi`ees shall 6e asstired freedom:framreprisal for usins the
~riccancc`proecdures. '
Section 30. L3voff and Recall
A. LacoffandRecall
SU. L Statomenroflntent
~47ienever.,in ttieludgmcnTOfthe Cin Council. it becomes necessari°to-abohstiani
posinon,of emplo}menedue to a-rcoreanization or to separate cmplo}'ees~duc;'to lac k ot.uork or'
tuhds. the erplo}ee holding such posmon or,emplo}ntentmac t5e laid offoi• demot.:d C~`ithout
disciplmaa' action,,and ~~ithout,tlie ngfit o_f;appcal:
30'.:2. Nbtihcationi
Emplo}'ces io be laid offshall be gnv.°n_ t~henerer possible: arleast'1~ calzndardavs prior
30: 3. Vacancy and<Demotiom
Except as ~thenctse pru~,ided. ~~henever there;is kt roducfi~i m;[tte icerk furce; the;
appointive authonn' sfiall first demote to a vacancy; if'anc, in,a lowerclassification for w}iich the
emplo~ez dtfio is the latest to be laid off in accordance dith Sectioti'6 is qualified .~'i( persons-so
demoted sha1P'havezheir namcsplaced on the re-emplo~meht list.
30.E Emnla~ee`ltiehts:
cmplo}ee.aiisted'.bvlacoff'shall hate the risht to displace~an emplo}ee in.ihe same
departmentlctio has legs_'semonh"in ~ a loner classification m.tlie same classification senes;or;in
a lo«crclass~ficatiomin «htchalic affected.e7nplo}ce oncc;had renular,staius. Fortlirpurpose
ofthts;scctiog and Section semonn, ihchides,all'periods of full-tinie'sergice at-or,abo~e thz
classification level.:nhereahe Ia~otF:is to occur.
311: ~ 'Seniorih:
Iirorder to retreat to a.fonner or lower,classtfication; an employ'e~ musU had c more
senionn than;at leasrone of the,+incumbents in the retreat classification _be quahfied.to:hold'tfie.
rctreatclassiiicatton ortiave sen~ed'in the retreat classification prior to't6e la'off and request
displacement actton;in writing toythe Personnel Officer«ithin,(~) working dacs;of receipt of notice
of layoff.
Emp_lovecs ~~ithin each' categow shall be laid off.in'reve;se order of sertiorin' uitlun the
classification series. Seniorit<' forthe retreat classification~w'ould:bezhe!combinatibn oftime.served
(at or above) in the; la}off'classification'and an}' prior,time sen'ed in'thedetrcarcla"ssificatioti. Tics
~7ill'be broken basedsenionn~ of total Citcservice
.,,p.~.•..~ ......tutg to aYo\ce: or stmilar classthcanon shall he placedat u`te salar: std
representing the lestlbss'of pa}. In no case §tidll the salan~ be inc:;ased abocz that recci~ec in
the classi catibr,,7cm. Which the ;.:rplo~:.c ins idid off.
Empla}ces retreating to alone: or similar classihcaiion shall sen'c a prcca.ianar} pedcd
in~the ne•,~"c;as;i;~canon unless they ha\e pr~tous;c suc,.esshtlh completed:, proca;sonar. peaod
irr¢he -circa c:assiticadcn or a hiehc: c:assi5cation in the schcs.
~U. Ei. Emtilc~•mcnt Sranis:
In ,ach c!assi caticr, of pcsi cn\\;ittin [hacgmpcdtiic scr: ice. cmpia}'ces shall bc':a ci or
according to ~mpio~_rte.^.[ sates in the tollo~.~in_^ order; :en;poran:.,^.rosisienJ. prcoa:icran_ . and
m~bran. pra~sic;,a. p~c„u.,~nan ;:mp.,,..es s„a„ 1,,. .,.ire ;a ,
needs ot.thc szr: ica as dctemtined b~ tk, appointing aut holm-.
3b i. Re,;mcfa~mcnt Lis:
The nam: of persons ;aid offar demoted imaccordance with these ;,:ies s~:all be ente-ed
upon a rc-einplo~mcht List. Lists. fiotn.disc:.,:,t-d~~,a,^;cnts cr a: different ,^.'mcs r the sa.;,;
classfication ofpositior ;hall be comoired into a sirgie iis. Such list shat' be ased b~ e~.z~.
appoihting authehn \chen a cacance arises in the same or lone: dassincaticr, of position be'arc
certification is mode From ;ut alieible iist_
=U;;4 Duration of-Re-Emolesment List
~am..~ oP UCr5Cn5 Ia:C CLI s['.aii be is rrlCQ LP, a re-emploi';?'enr li~C IC.' r.\o ..ears.
~eso 185 n1C~'
RESOLUTION N0. s7-ras N,C.S.
of ttie .City of.Petaluma, California
1-:r.BOLLTION.,~?P2CVT\G 5':-\L..^~I~'1'.-V~~ SLYPLE~IE~T~i. VV~GE BE`~~FIT.S„FCR
Eit1RL0`t EES I~ CHIT -1 (Pn~FESS1CNhLj.
VVaE'i;c.'~5. thz:cmplo~c ~ iii Uitt - are nvi'i-euresented bs am c~cosi~ized,enipi~yee:
orraniiation; and,
lG;{ER.~S. the ~i~ ~ianaser, pursuanr to Section 33. Cin ofYeta;;ma Cln; @fiare:~.,is
required and empoza:ered rop make a recoti~nteiidatie? t6die City Cowtcil un inatter re!ated;to
employ ee~s compensation; and .
WARE:-VS. the City Nana§ei`has rzcommended tYiat emp[oiees in Cnit + receive safari`
and supplemental zsaQe benefits;
b'OVV", TFLEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the supplemental cca§e;and~benefirs:as
specified in the attachment for einployees.in this Unit, bein_ in the best inreres'of'the,C`iri, be
aepto~ ed and shall become ertecrive upon:adopron.
Underthe:power.andrauthority'mnferxed'~.upon~this'Councilby'the Charter o[ said~~City
REFERENCE: I hereby certify the forngbing'Resolution was introduced and adopted'.'by' he Approved`as to
Council'of the.:City'of..Petaluma at a (Regular) ( IDeet3116. .form
on'ths .__215L......._. day of .._.....:,.I11I~ 199.2:., 6yt6e
following vota:
ATTEST: ._.~S%9%~~t
City'Clerk' -
Q~wnl F~
CA Io:AS Rcs va.....9.Y.-.185...... n.cs