HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-184 07/21/1997 RESOLUTION NO. 97-184 N.C.S.
of the City of Petaluma, California
WHEREAS, the City, through its duly authorized representatives, and the Petaluma Employees
Association through it duly authorized representatives, have concluded their mutual obligation to meet and
confer in good faith with respect to terms and conditions of employment for the employees in Unit 2, in
accordance with the Meyers-Milian-Brown Act and the City's Employer-Employee Relations Rules and
ReguVations (Resolution No. 5~ 12 N.C.S.); and
WHEREAS, the duly authorized representatives of the City and the Yetahema Employees
Associarion have executed a Memorandum of Understanding pursuant to Section 15; Resolution No. 5512
N. C. S. and recommend its approval b~ the City Council: and
WHEREAS, the City Manger, pursuant to Section 28, City of Petaluma City Charter, and as the
City's Municipal Employees' Relations Officer (Resolution No. 5375 N. C. S J is required and t-mpowered
to make a recorcunendation to the City Council on matters related to employees' compensation; and
WHEREAS, the Cit}~ Manger has reviewed and concurs with said Memorandum of Understanding
for Unit 2, and dots recommend that the City Council ratifi~ said Memorandum of Understanding.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the Memorandum of Understanding, being in the best
interest of the City is ratified and the terms and conditions of said Memorandum of Understanding (as
attached) shall be effective July L. L997 through June 30, 1999.
Under the power and authority conferred upon this Council by the Charter of said City.
REFERENCE: I hereby certify the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted by the Approved as to
Council of the City of Petaluma at a (Regular) ( )C meeting form
on the ....._.2Lst......... day of .............dL11J._..................................., I9._fl4., by the
following vote:
~ty t oxney
ATTEST: ....~i~~.. ...G~~..i~ ,j//'////,J''" ~ ~
~~_.'_.VY lG~......
City Clerk Mayor
lb~meil Fi{n.._
CA IU~H5 Hes. Nn. ___.97.-I84.... N.CS.
F[SCAL Y"EAR 1998/99
~esd ~`7- I nJcs
Section 1. Recognition
Section Z, :DefmIdon
' Section 3. Severabiliiv
Section Nan-Disci'nnination
~ ~ Section Association~Security
Section! 6. Dues Checkoff
Section. 7. Steryaids and~Reptesematiges
Section. 8. Bulletin Boards
Section. 9: Excused Absence
Section 10. AssociatioruCity Meetiirgs
Section 11. Wages.
'Section 12, Overtime
Section 13, Gall-back Pav
_ .
Section la., ..Stand=[iy Pay
Section li. Pav Rafe Permanent.Transfer-New:~Glassificatiom
Section 16. Tempotan~ W
ork Out Of Classification
Section L7, Pavmenr'Eorlofissed Ivfeals,
Section 18 Retiree Benefit,Pa}meni of
Section'l9. Termination:Pav
Section 20. Renrement'Contribatiori
Section 2_l; SmokingdCessation Plan
Section 22, Work Boots
Section 23. Compensatory Time Payment
Seetiou Z4. Heahh Insurance '
Section 25. Life Insurance
Section 26: Dental Insurance
Sectibn.27. tiong-TerrrfDisability Insurance
Section 28: Vision lnsttranca
Section 29. Other Heahh & Welfare Paymems
Section"23. Vacation
Section`3 L. 'Sick Leave
Section 37:. `Bereadement Leave,
Section-33.; Family IGfedical Leave:Act
Section',3a Holidays
Sechon`35: Industrial Injury'Leaye
Section 36; Leaves of Absence Without Pay
Sectioa 37. .Annual Military Duty
Section 38 JnryDuty
SetAOn 39. Meal and Rest Period
Section ,40. Compensatory Time Off
Section d C Voltmtary• Leave Plan
Section d2. Ne~v 0< CSaiiged Glassificarions
Section 43 Seniority
Sectioa 44 Promotions
Section=LS Temporary Appointments
Section 46 Transfeis Between Sections
Section 47. Probationary Employees
Section 48. Layoff And RecatI Procedures
Section 49. Retitemeirt Plan
Section ~0- Discipline
Section S1. Grievance;Procedure
Section.~2. Employee'Job.Training
Sution~3.- SafetyCOmmittee
Sutton ~4 Bomis Holiday
Section» Drivers-'License
This AGREEIv1ENT eatered,iiito.bytbe CITY OF PETALUIvil, hereinafter,referred';to,as the CITY, and
The G1TY`OF'PETALUIN:4 EMPLOYEES,ASSOCIATIOfY, fiereinafter'referredto as~the^Association.
The. parties,hereto desire to confirm andmaintain the spiriCOf cooperation whicli'has existed,bettiveen the Cin•
and its employees: The Association and~;the City will?strive to,promote a6aimonious;relattonslrip between all
parties to this:agn~meiit that-"will result in'benefits to"the City's,operations and itsremptoyees; and;provide
continuous and uninterrupted service.
Both parties :agree;to the establishment of an equitaEle and;peacefiil procedure for;tfie resolution of
differences;;and the,establishmenr of rates of pay;•hours of work and other termsiand conditions;of<
The use of the mascutine'or femininegender in:this;Agreement shall be construed as including both.genders
and notas.sex (imitations.
For the'p'urpose ofineetuig.sitd confemng with respect to wages;`.houts~ and conditions of etttployment, the
_ . per;cu, y, the°Associahon'as'~the'represemanve for all employees who
City, to the extent fled b 'law; re - ~ .
aze employed in and assgted to the'job classifications whicftm'tlie'agg~e3ate constitute the Gity's work Unit
Number Two (2)'Ma~*+*P*+~*+ce).
1. The terms "employee" and. "employees"'as;used'in this agreement (except where the,agreement.
clearly indicates otherwise) shall mean only an employee oremplov`ees within the-;unit described"in
2. The term "tetnpotan•" shall mean any individual`or individuals~uitose employment is limited in
3 forty ( 0) hours peruealendar wol'rn w~sha(1 mean''an employee ~iirose normal. schedule of work is.
4. The term" art-time employee" shall'mean an employee:wi~ose normal schedule of work is;less than a
regular full time employee~:'excluding those employees oh a Volunrary'Reduction of Hours.
"Calendar`dav" means the twemy-four (24) consecutive hour period beginning at midnight, and
ending at midnight therfollowing day.
6. "Calendaz work week"means a consecutive plays. Begiffiing az-0001 day I and continuing until
2400 168+tiours later. '
7. "Normal work week" means any-five wnsecutive calendaz:da~s within a calendar workweek.
8. "Seniority".means uninierritpied employmem with the City beginning with.the last date hired by the
City'and shall include periods of Ctty. employment outside the-Unit, but sha11 exclude:periods of
Ltyoff and leaves of absence, except'medical, in excess of30 consecutive days, including the first ~0
days of such absence:,
9. An employee is a "probationary employee" for hisihcrfirsrsi~c (6) momhs ofemployinetrt:.Periods of
absence exceeding five (5) working;days shall:not be counted towards wmpletion of the probationary
period. .
10. "Voluntary Reduction of Hours" means a flexible workweek established between the employee and
the City to workless ban forty (40) hours per calendar:workgeek.-
1. In the evenr'tliat,any portioa.of,t}iis agreemenf'is declared-.iflvalid' by a court'of competent
jurisdiction; itsliall:not affect tfie validity of any other;portion of;this agreement not invalidated. Any
portion hetd'invalid~shallbe re_-negotiated sous to effec[uate the:purposes and intemof the invalid
porfien if legally possible.
2. NEGOTIATION PERIQD• The Association will,su[mit tn.wTitirtg to the City not less than
ninety'(90) days':prior to the expirnfion date of this`Agieeincnt'and a~proposed modifications to this
Agreement for the subsequent Fiscal Year: The parties will commence Meeting and Gogf'erring not
less than,seventy-five'(95)F days prior to`fhe,expiiation date of this_Agreement and will'endeavgr to
reach;an agreement„in a written I~femorandum of Uiideistanding for §ubinission to the City Council-
for,its determination,;prior to the adoptionby"the'City of its-Final:Bu_dget~forthe subsequent Fiscal
Year. .
' a. Ttns'agreeiirert is sabjectto the app'r`oval of the City Council of the City of,Petaluma.
b. The;:terms, benefits and conditions:ofeinplovinent:granted'this,uirit'are governed~solely b'tlus
memorandum of agreement.
c. Theaenns of this Agreemerttsha!! commenc8on July 1, 1994, .July3, 199~_and,coirtirtue
unul:.the expiration daterof June;30;1992 ;and from~year to year thereaftt:r unless w-riiten
`notice is:giyen by one party to'the Agreemerrt'as set forth'in Section 3, Paragraph _2:
d. L`such'nonce is given byerther party, the party receiving: such notice,may'also during
ensning.negotiauonspreseut chaiiges in the agreement desired by said party.
e. Negotiations upon the modtfication,or amendments sliall';be conducted,promptly at a time.
and place mutually agreeable [o both,pattie's'and shall cominue through`said:.period in an
effort-to reach agreemem.
a. 'The Associauoaand its of5cials will not, directly or irrdirectly take,part in.any action
against or am imerference wnh the,operauons of the City durmg;tne term ofthis Agreement..
b. The Cityshall notconduct a lockodf of rtsieinplovees during the term of:this.Agreement.
I. The Cm• willnot interfere with or discriminate in anyway against,anyemployee by reason
of his / her~membership in, or activity required by ttirsLAgreement~ or will theCity discourage
.membership. in the Associaton or-'encourage _membership in any, other Association.,
2. The;Assocauon;,ut;turn,.recognrzes it: responsrbrlityas;the employee,represematiye'and agrees to
represenCall:employees without'discrimination'irtterference.,restramts:,or eoercion: The termsiof
this Agreeinem sliall 6e applied.equally to all`employees, withoirf discrimination as,to
marital status;;religion, race; colgr, creedmational;origin, or political affiliation. The Association
shall share equally with the City;the responsibility for•apptying;ttus provision o£the Agreement.
The City.;and the Associauon:'recognizes that the`Atnericans with Dtsabilities Act'and the. Fair
Employment'and Housmg.Act may requrre accommodation of indrvtduals,pmtected;under.the;Act
and these:acconrmodauons.rriust be deteriiiined on'anindryidual, case-by--casertias~s. The Union.
recognizes that the Cityhas:the;legal obligation:to;meet with the'indivdnal`to be,accormrrodated
before auy adjtunnent is-made in working conditions; The Umon also recogttizes; that individual
emplrnEes.t>ave;rights to'privacy and~confidengality of medical information which the Qity is
required tn'Protett-
If the City determines that, in order, to acconuttodatea-member of
this Unit, it would be
necessary to significantly abet the terms and!conditions of emplovmem of other members of
the;bargaimng:u~, the'City agrees to iiotify the Assoc:iatian~prior to the implementatioti of
'any sacfi aceo®odation:, If the-Union disagrees with the proposed accommodauon'it may,
before ttie end of the third;busmess day following such notification, request to meet with the
City fio discuss the accommodation.
The Associarion nnderstaods and agrees that, in agreeing to meetin such instances, the,City
may takethose steps teasonabiy,necessary in the circumstances to protect individual
employees' rights to;privacy and?tights to confiderniality of medicalinformation. The
Association agrees that;its representatives will keep infon-nation',shared in such'meeting
wnfidemial and will not disclose'such information to am othermember.
In the evenrthaithe'Gity and,the Association are unable tb agree'with respect to the
proposed,accommodatioq theAssociation may resort to a'wu;hof competent jurisdiction
foi nay relief it believes irmay lij etttitled to. However, unW otherwise ordered by a court
ofcompetent junsdiction, the City,may implement the proposed accommodation if the: City
and the Association are unable to reac$'agreemettt.
. Any accontmodanonprovided to an individual shall nat zstabli_sfi a past practice, nor shall it
be cited or used as e~ldenee of a past practice.
I. It-is the, itttent'ofthis -Article to provide for theregular.dues of Association!members,to`be deducted
from their checks insofaras permitfed,byiaw._, The~Cty;agrees'to dedud~atid',transmitito the:
Association,; dues from all A"ssociation'memliers witlih the foregoing untwho have signed an
authoriration card'forsuch deductions in a form agreed'upon by the,City,ahd the,Association:.
However, tbe'City'assumes no responsibility either-to the employee:orto;the,A"ssociatioq for•am~
failure to make or for any errors'made,in_malang,such.deductions:
2. The`written authorvation;for,Association;dues deduction shall remain in full-farce and"effect,
during the life of
the currern agreement between the City'and the Association' unless canceled,in,
3: Upon,written request of the` Association the'.City stiall change the'amoum;of dues,deducted ,from
• Association members' checks,.
4. The Association agrees to indemnify, defend'and hold,the;City harmles`s'against am~claims;made
of any nature-whatsoever;;andEagainst;anysuiiinstituted''against tfie City.arising from;its check-0fr
of•Association dues.
I. During the'?ife ofthis Agreement; and to;the extern the laws of the State of Califomia;permit; and'
as provided in t}iis Article, the City. will deduct one month's current,-and periodic•'Assocation dues
based upon a,unifonn,dues schedule fiom;the pay:of each employee who voluntarily `executes and
delivers to the'City the_followmg authorizaton'forin;
Name Social Security=No.
Division and Department: .
Z. Lauthorize,the-City tb deductfivrn wages earned'by me motithly Association dues as certified to
the City by the,Sectctary-Treasurerof the Association;. andto remit the.same w the Association at
such time and'in such manner as'may be agreed upon between the-City and the Associatian.
3. • This atrthoruation and directionshall remain.in'effect from
to and shall be forthat
period of tmie;;provtded, however; ttiafit'shall not estend,beyohd the term of this agreement: Tliis
a++*w+*i~on aiid dirertiou~.shall`$e.automatically revoked'upon my terminationof employ~rtent
with the City:
Signature of Employee
Address of Employee
Date of Signing
Date of Delivery to the Cin'
4. The following certiScation form shall be used. by the Association .when certifying membership
I certify that the tembership dues for employees in ttie unit is
$ per
Date (Secretary-Treasdrec of the Association)
Date'of Delivery to.the City
6. Payroll dedttctions~shall tie made in equal amoutrts fiom'eacfi regular pay check provided, however,
the initial deduction'for employees shall not begin unless:
a. A,piopeily~exeeuted "Voluntary riot&orizaEibn for Deductioaof Association Dues";;is;on
file with the Gity,.atul;
b'. 'Ihe amouat:ofttie monthly memberslvp diias certified+by the~Sectetaiy-Treasure~~ofthe:
Association has' been:delivered to the City aUa place designatedby the City at`least ten
(10) calendar days prior to the last day of the'pay period.
7. Changesi'in the amount;of the montlily~membersliip ;dues must be delivered to`;the City, at a.place
~designated'by-the City'at leastthiity (30)caletidariday§ prior to the last payday of the'calehdar
month prior to,the change becoming effective. .
8: An',employee may revoke his/her"VOhmtarv: Autfioriiation for'Deduction of:Association Dues.",
oniy asprovded by the tents of,hisllier Voluntary 4uthorization:
9. All'sums,deducted by.the,City~,shall be remi[ted to.the'Secretary'-Tteasurer:ofthe Association az an.
address gitiea:to t)ie City by the,Association; by the tenth (10th) calendar day following the;pay
period wfien-:the deductions were made;>togetHer with a:list of names and theaamount;deducted for
each,employee for whom a~deduction,was made. TtieCity will"also`notify"tHe Association'o£the
name of each employee who.revokeshis/tier "Voluntary:Aythoriuation for;Deducfion•of
Association Dues".
1. The City recognizes;and agrees.to:deal with theaccredited Association Stewards arid'.
Repre`sentative`s of the Association in'all matters relazing to grievances and the-imerpretation of this
Agreement. '
2. A writtea,list o$the Officers oftlie Associaton and;the,Association Stewards,.with'the:specific
azeas they:represent, shall`be fumished!to the City. Notice of:any changes:ofsnch Association
Officers br Stewards shall bepramptly forwarded'to the'City in writing.
3. The number, of AssociatiomStewards shall; notesceed three. Any change in the nuinbe`r of
Steward's shall:be made by w~-itten:consem ofhath patties.
4. Upon the request of the aggrieved employee;,a Steward or Association Officer,may investigate the
sPecifiedsgrievance and assist in its,presentation:: A-reasonable amount of paid tune shall be
afforded the'Steward or Association Officer while investigating,such grievance: -ln.presenting-such.
grievance to;,the Ciy the Steward or Association Office,shall be allowed~reasonaiile time off during
regular workiag hours withoui,loss;of pay,.subject 20 prior notification of His/her-iinme_ diate.
Supervisor, and nvith the conotirrence of dteCity Manager.
5. Upon~requestto.theCity Manager,:a representative;ofthe Petaluma Employees;Association wtio
will be~rgpreseming,the employee.in the grievance procedure, mayvisit work areas at'a'time
mutually_agreeable,to'both parties forthe.pu_rpose of preparing the case. Such"visitanonsrights
"shall fie limited to a reasonable!amaunt of time and'shall not-uiterfere with normal work+operations.
6. ..During such:visit.the representatives may.inspect-any,area releva_nt_ to the,gnevance with the
Association Stewartd or his/her designated representative.
1. The City shall provide the Association with`space onllullenn,boards.in areas where the Association
has emQloyees it,represeats forthe purpose of posting.ASsociation norices. Such notices may be
posted by the•Steward; ahhough not limited to tie'following.novices, they may include:
a. Recreational and social event of the Associarion:
b. Assa~iarionmeetings.
c. Associationelecfioiis,;appointitients.
d. Results of Association elections.
2. Inthe:event a dispute arisesconcerning the•appropriatepess'andloramrnmtof material posed, the
Steward of the Association will be advised by the City Manager of the nature of the dispute and the
disputed material will be.iemoved from the:bulletm boards until the disptne is resolved. The City
and the Associationwill meet'•wittiin'five (~pwork-days to attemprtb resolve the issue.
I. An employee; who is elected'or'selected by the Associanon; upon the wrirten request of the
Secretary-Treasurer'of the.Association, maybe grantedtan excused absence withourpay for a
period not to exceed five{~) days'per year to atfend_:conferences or conventions. No[ more than
one employee will be granted an excused absence at'any onetime.
I. Arrhe request of either the.Association orthe;City; conferences shall be held for the purpose of
considering marters of mumal,interest; other thanmutuallyacceptable arrangemenu as to time and
place can be made. All sgch conferences shall be arranged through the Steward of the Association,
or 6islher designated representative, and'a desigoated,representarive of the City ~naoer.
Representatives of the Association;,notto exceed ni~o,(Z), shall not suffer loss of time:orpay when
absent from their normal schediile of work for the purpose of attending a conference. Conferences
may be attended,by representatives of Petaluma Employees-Association. Benefit plan review and
proper classification assigrunent will'be appropriate subjects'for conferences.
2. It is unders[ood that am• mat[ers discussed, or any action taken pursuant to Bach conferences shall
in no way change or aher,am of the",provisions of the A~eemem, or the rights of either the City or
the Association under the terms of the Agrcemern.
1. Wages shall be paid. in accorda~e wRh;tbe wage schedule set•forth below:
Z. Tlie,pay grade assigned to each„ex'rn~.classification and the pay grade-assigned to each?aew or
changed classification shall teroain'in'et~ecrduring the term of this agreementuniess the;job
content of a classification is snistantially clanged.
A. January 12, 1998
Custodian $:.13.22 $'.13.88 $~145Z $;;15.3 $ 16.0(1
Electrical;Maiinenance Workei.I $ 14.68 $'.15.41 16..18 $ L6.99 $ 17.84
Elecu-icalMairrcenance'Worker Ii '$''18.09 $ 19.00 $,:19:95 $~20.9a $ 21.9y
Equipment;Maintenancei Lead $-20.>j $'21:58 J$>22:66 x:23.99 $ 24.98
Equipmert,!Mechanic $49:1'4 ,$:20.10 $'2L10 $ 22.111 $ 23.27
Equipment;Service~Worker $ 15:17 $ 15:93 16:73 $:17:56 $ 18.44
FacilaiesMaintenance'Worker $'17'67 $ 1.853 I9t48 $'•`20:85 $'21.18
Maint Wkr,IILDocks and?Bridges $ 16i~3 $ 17:36 1$:23 L9. l4 $ 20.09
Park^Foreworker $ 19.1'1 $ 20:06 $"21.06 $'22.12 $-23.22
'Park Maiirtenance Lead' Worker $ 17:76 $ 18,64 $ 19;58 $t30Sb $2 L58
Parks Maintenance Workei I' $ 13.x,0 $ 13,-54 14,22 14:93 $ 15.68
Parks Maimenance Worker II 15:75 $ 16154 $ 17.3T $ 18x24 $ C9.li
Parks Maiirtanance WorkenlII $ 1653 $ 1.7:36 $ 18'23 19:44 $ 20:09
Streets Maitnenance Worker III $ 16:53 $ 17:36 $':18:33 $ 19.14 '$'20:09
Streets`'Maintenance Lead Worker $ 17176 $ 18:64 $ 1958, $"20'56 $-2158
$treetslMauttenance•WorkerI $ 12;90 ,$,13',54 $ 14:22• $ 14:93 $ 15:68
Streets Maicitenance WorkcrII $ li":75 1654 $ 17x37- $ 1824 $ 19:15
SupervisingCustodian~ S 14?88. t$ Ifi:63 $ 16:41 17:23 18.09
Utility Service Worker'I $ 12'90` $ 13:54 $ 14:22' $ 14.93 $ 15:68
Utility Service Worker-II $ 15:75' $ 1bS4 $ 17:37 $.18Y2'4 $ 19:1
Utility Service Worker'lII $ 1653 77.36 $ I8 23 $ 19.14 $20:09
Utility Svc. Lead Worker $ 17.76' $ 18.64 $ 1958 $ 20:56 $ 2158
WaterService RePresemative S 16:57 $-19.40 $ 18.27 $ 19:19 $_30,li
Water Service Worker $ 16.65 $ 17.49 $ 18'36 $ 19.28 $ 20:24
WaterSy„stems Operator- $ 17:31 $ 18.17 $ 19:08. $ 20x03 .$37.04
Water'Utility'fechnician $ 17.3:1 $ 78.17 $ 19.08 $ 20.03 $,27.Oa
.Effective the beginning of
the fiist fiill',pay period:of°Jauuary 1999
Custodian $ 13:6L 14'.29 $ 15.01 $'15:76 $ 16:55
Electrical Maintenance:Workenl $ 15:12 $ 1:5:88. $ 16:67 $'17:50 $ 18.38
Electrical Maintegance'Worker II $.18.63 $ 19:Sfi $:20:54. $:21.57 $"22.65'
Equipment iGfainfenance Lead $ 21.17 $.^22:23 $.23.34' $ 24.50 $ 25.73
EquipmenEMechanic $ 19.71 $i20:Z0 $ 21,74 $.22.82 $'23:96
Equipment-,;Service Worker $-li.63 $i 16:4,1 $ 17.23 $18.09 $ 19.00
Facilities Maintenance:Worker . $ 18.20 $ 19:1'1 $ 20.06 $ 21:07 $ 22.72
Maint Wkr IILDocks and Bridges $ 17.03 $ 17.88 $ 18.77 $ 19:71 $.20.70
Park _Foreworker $ 19.68 $.20:66 $ 21.70 $ 22:78 $ 23:92
Park MainteuancetLead Worker $..18:29 $'19.20. $ 20.16. $ 21.17 $ 22.23
PazksiMaintenance Worker'I $ 13.29 $ 1.3.95 $ 14.65 $ 13.38 $ 16.15
Parks Maintenarice'WorkerII $ 16.23 $'17:04 $ 17.89 $ 18;79 $ 19. Z2
Pazks Maintenance'Worker III $ 17.03 $ 17.88 $ 18.77 $ 19.71 $-20.70
Streets Maintenance Worker iii: $ 17.03 $.10.88 $ 18.77 $ 19.71 $ 20.70
Streets Maintenance'Lead Worker $ 18:29 $'19.20 $ 20.16 $.21.17 X12.23
Streets Iviaintenance`Wotker I $ 13.29 $ 13.95 $ 14.65 $ li.38 $ 16.15
Streets Maintenance Worker II $ 16.23 $ 17:04.. $ 17.89 $`.18.79 $ 19.72
Supervising Custodian $ li.33 $ 16.09 $16.90 .17.74 $ 18.63
Utility Service Worker I $ 13.29 $ 1395 $ 14.65 $:15.38 $ 1b:15
Utilih~ Service Worker II $ 1613 $ 17.04 $ 17.89 $ 18.79 $ 19.72
Utility' Seivice:Woikec ~ $ 17.03 $ 17,88 $ 18.77 $ 19.71 $30:70
'Utility'Svc. Lead'Worker $ 18.29 $ L920 $ 20.16 $ 21.17 $'22.23
Water Service Representative $ 1.7.07 $ 17:93 $ 18:82 $ 19.76 $ 20.75
WaterService Worker $ .17.15 $ 1'8;01 $ 18.91 $ 19.86 $ 20.85
Watet.Systems Operator $17.83 $ 18.72 $ 19.65 $ 20.64 $ 21.67
WaterUtility Teclinician $ 17.83 $;18.72 $ 19.65 $.20:64 $ 21.67
2% C 55
Pending ratification by all,bazgaining,umts containing Miscelleneops members, this~benefit ~tiill be.effective
April 1, 1998.. Should this:benefit not?6eapproved'6y all bargaining•units effected, the l ;o value s}fall'be.
reallocatedto unit 2 in the formof salary.
All;-hours worked in excess of:eight (8) in anyone day or in excess of forty~(~l0) iii any wotk week.
shall be paid far at,t)ieovertime;iate•whieh shall be-;one!and one-lialf (1-1/2thnes the regular
_ _ -
timehourlymrate of pay. overtime shsil not be pyiaiinded~'or,compounded:
- -
Wlieneverpractical; employee"s tvho for;any~reasonwvrk beyond theu'reguhtr quittingtiine iittoitiie
net shu3 ccill'be afforded a fifteen;(l~) minitte restperiod before,starting'woi•]c:ori tlie;ne~its}uft:,
In addition; they shall:be granted.,the regular,rest-peziod unless anemergency_situationoccurs:or ,
If an•:emplrn~ee.is+requited"to woik+more':than•five conseitinve hotirs•without,amenl period dunng'a
regular work;shift; the employee shall be;paid at the.iate oftitiie and one-lialf~(1-1/2) for all time:
aorked'in excess of fiv8 hours;until such time'as the employeetrecetves!a~meal period.
g _
In eneral;;ov~ertime-.work shall be voluman, provided;_however, when;a[ least twerity-four (24)
6ours':advance notice ofau overtiiite ass~gninent is given or when it is not p,racUCal to give advance:
notice, an employee will,be expected'-to work
Ovemmeshail~be distributed as~equttalily.'as possible, withouL.fitvoritism;,and tn;ttfe 6e'st interests.
of.the Ciry, among.the members:of the deparrrnent w•hoare qualitiedto perform and who have
demonsdate the ability to perform overiifiie'services efficiently.
Rn emplrn-ee required to work;a paid'Iiolidaysliall iECeive, in addition to the-eight hours. holiday
pa}°; further compensation atthe overtime rafe for
the aetual holiday worked.
1. An,empioy;eewho, is called back to work aft8r Having,completed his/hei regular shift!aud left the
premisesishall receive a minimum of two (3) hours'work op~two (2)°hours pay; at the overtime
rate. To the e~denf an employee is paid,overt~te'premium,pursuant.to the overtone schedule urider
Sectionl2 (Oveitime) listed above, he/she shall•riot;tie:paid ovettime premium under the call-back..
secaon'_for the same time.worked. Thispamgraph shall,notrapply to employees,wtidaie"called in
early fora'sliift; i.e, when they work continuously from the time they are called°in until;their
regula shift'begins.
Weekend stand-by, for the purposes of-this Agreement, shall meantime which a scheduled
employee~musf be available on an on-call basis outside the employee'snomial work week in order
to be available to respond o emergency calls.
A minimum compensation of $ IOO.OO per for each weekend of stand'=hy from 4:30 p:m., the last
day of the honnal woile week; to 8:00 a.m., the;beginning of the normal work week.
For a City designated,. fixed-date holiday that falls in the five~(5) day work week, a minimum of
$50:00 pay will bepaid 6y the Gity to an employee on such•holiday stand-by, beginning at 4:30
p.m„ orthe end of regulaz ~york~period and continuing to'800`a:m. of the next regular work day or
A minimum of one hour attime and one-half shall be paid by the City forevery call or assignment
required -
Standby will be mandatory .for those days whesthe Cityshuts off delinquentwater accounts.
Standby shall beat $30.00 for that day: (note: Normally this is "on a UVednesdav.) Standby shall
be 6oluntarv'•if the Public Works Superintendentor his/hec.designeebelieves that standby for other
weekdays is required. These periods shall 6e at $30.00 per day:
1. When an employee is promoted, he/she sha1T be paid the hourly rate next higher to his/hec own
within the pay grade for the classification'to whichhe/she was promoted
2. When an employee is,transferred f{om,one'classification to another classification in the same pay
gmde,.his/her hourly rate: shall. remain the same.
3: ;A pennanentor.probationary-employee who is transferredto a;cLtsswith a ovyer sahuy withouf.a
break•in service will receive.the same rate of pay he%she received prior to the
transfer. Such salary
shall not be increased un[iLtlie.tirrie that a higher, salary of the class~.to which he/she.was transferred
equals or exceeds his/her salary. Such transfer may be departmental orinierdeparRnental, and
maybe.-made by appointment;from anemplo~ment list, t_emporary-appointment~reclassificafion of
,position, or reorganizationof
department, and"shall beMin:accord with.tlie personnel rules and
regulations. The;provisionyofthis rule does notapply in"cases of;disciplinary demoting demotion
in ieu of layoff, ocvoluntary`deniotion. Effective Julv;l,;1987'when a personis involuntarily
assigned to a'lower classification he/she shall receive tfie~lower rate of pay, effective the firstday
assigned io tliat.classification.
1. Ah.employee'hdlding a(:cla§stfied'position may: emporarilybe assigned the duries~~ofanoiher
positon ina;higher.classificationfor.a;peiiod-.not to,esceed nihety (90) calendai'days during;ahy
fiscal year The employee sitall receive ei[her the nesihigher step in the classification o which
heishe ~s assigned of a increase, whichever is greater:
Anemployee,assignedao a postionatan equal.oulo~cer classification shad remaih aia}ie curteht
fate of pa3
• SECTIOiv.17
1. The City shall pay $$':00 to an'ernpioyee who istrequested and' who does=workawo (2)'bours
be~~dnd4the employee's Normal quitting time and has been prevented;iom earinga meal,after+such
Those employees who work beyond'-four,;(a) hours on a call out afrer havingaefr-the Cite premises
shail'.receive he $8 OO meal payment
Upon termination; volunan resignation, orietiferiteht, the empioyee shail,receive a hitnplsum
payment for all!:accumulated bur,unused yacationtime. Two weeics:advance nonce iri «riting
shoul3.be given to the City of theaerminarion•date:
Employees separat~d`from Gty service shall'tecerve'a Lump sum payment r"or all accumulated but
unused compensator- nme' ,
In the event:ofdeath:or retirement;:an,employee who'has,completed en (10) years ormore with~the:
CitV'shall receive,fifty percent'(~0%)*of his/her accumulated but unused~sick+leave, not;to exceed'
four'hundred;eighty"(~80°hours). ~An°employee may, however, elecf-to ptace;alI sickleaye hours-
under the PERS Suk;Leave Credit piogram. •
Compensafionsfor:vacation, sick lease and~fiolidays as'descnbed in'tfiis Article`shall 6e'computed
;at•_ttie employee's>hourlyratte on;the effective daxc of termination,.
p .
1. An employee'whlutwenty (20),years;ofservice and, who is age-~O or older and who^retirees on a
service reureniea[ diiting the term of this'agreemerit, will`be eligible for a service benefit in the
amount equal~to $100`less tite ainountcontnbdted diiectlyto,the'PEMCHA premium,bythe City.
This paymem wip cominue,as long as the employee cominttes in the. PEMCL-It\,plan as a retiree.
Should the retired employee not+continue in the;PEMCHA '
. - phuz„that retired employee:will be.
• eligibie,for an anau~.of $100 as~a~direct payment asa tetiree service beneftt. It is tEe
reutee to nonfythe City in wntmg'thathe/she is not being covered by the.
responsrbilin• of the .
PEMCIIA plan and;ttie'Ciry will'+;commence paymem ofth_e $100:00 at the beginning of the momh
following the receipt ofiivricten nouce by the retiree
2. For employees retiring after September 1, 1997 and who meetthe service.requiremeats listed in
paragraph -P above, those employees+s}iall`receive an-addiiional $20 per month as.a retiree service
- -
benent Should the retired'ernployee notcorttinue in tiie'PEMCHA Plan; that retired cmpioyee wi11
be eligible for an amount;of $120 as,a direct payment;as6a;retiree service benefit. It is;the
responsibility of the retiree to notifc the City in writing_tiat he/she is,not:being covered by.the'
EEMCI~ plan and the City-will commence payment oftfie $120,00 at the bed nning of ttie month
ftllowing the receipt of wiitten notice by,the retiree
The percentage of each employee's EERS contribution previously paid bythe City prior to theadoption of
this as the Employer Payment, of Member Contribution (EPiVIC) shall instead be paid to the employee who
shall thegpay thaz',amoun[ to PERS. For pgrposes of withholding, the City shall defer that pomon of the
employee's conaibation paid io PERS through Section ~11a(h)(2) of the eternal Revenue Code pursuant to
Cih of Petaluma Resolution 90=~63.. Therefore, for calculation of base,satary at retirement, the emp[oyee
shall now have an.incceased base salary tharwill include the total,:amount of the emptoyee'scontribution to
PERS previously paid as.EPMC. The employee's contribution tvill:be withheld from the employee's pay b}
the City,;and the Citc'will-make the employees'.,payment of the employee cohtribution directly to PERS on
behalf of the e~rloyee. The employee may not make an electiomto take this amount in salary and/orto
make the payment to PERS. The taY exempuon does not apply to~EICA/social security. The following is
an example o£the applicauon of IIiC ~11~(h)(2) as applied to a miscatLrneous employee:
An.employee makes $1,000 permomh base;salary: Under the priorwmractthe employee was.. not
.responsible for paying 6% ofthe required 7°io employee,contribution. The'City was tesponstble for pay°ing
6%'{$60:00), w-hich`was a City responsilidity that was in additiodtothe"$1,000 base salary.
Under the'~ila(h)(2),method,,the EPMC will revertto salary and the employee's base salary will now be
$t,060. Of this 7%,(approxih[ately$7~.00) will be;paid to PERS,:from the $1,060. The full will be
tax exemptand this means the employee-will pay taxes on $98b:00.
The City agrees to provide am- member of the Unit up to $0:00 for completion of a smoking cessation
program, upon receiptof the'certificate of completion.
The City shall,pay $ I20 00 per:
_Fiscal Year for safety-work boots upon receipt bemg,provided to the'
Personnel;OfSce. Each'employee covered by this section upon completion,of hislher ,mnal probationan-.
penod'will be c"redited the'above'amount+an"d may'draw"down'through thesubaiittal~of im!oices to the City:
h is understood..that,.this-money.can lie>used for the resoling of ezrtmg
. All accumulated tom on time-as of September30,.199~~and each;year thereafter, but=focsim` hours,.
pensaU ,
will be;paid to,the eiaployeeby the City;, .
1. AC7TVEEmployees
The City shall participate in the Public;Employees' Medical Heahh Care Act (PEMCHA) for members of
unit 2. The designated premium patd by the City toward this program shall be in the amoum of S L 00.0
per mdnth per emp[ovee.
2. RETIRED Employees
Employees who refire from the City of Petaluma will receive comributions to their meaicai premium tchiie
under the PEMCH~ plan. Tius pacnent will increase in the amount'ofSd.00 peryeaz umil it reached the
amourt of $100.00 as listed in paraeiaph l above.
The-City shall provide for agroup-term life insurance program forrCity employes in this unit.
The Cite shall pay, during the coui"se of;the Memorandum of lindersrartding, the insurance premium.
towazds employee only coverage for such insurance in the principle. sum of$2~,000 per employee.
1. The City shall provide tocasroup Qeita Dental Self funded Denial Program for Cin employee and
dependents in"this unit. Additionalh-, the Cin shall comribute toward an Ori:odenture.p!an
S 1,000 per child at a 50°lo co-payment rate.
The City shall pac: during the period of this Memorandum thefull premium towazd the Cin group
dental insurance coverage proerarn.
1. The Citysliall provide for a Long-term disabilin' plan. The premium shall be paid for by the Cin.
1. The Cin shall;pro~ide a Self funded Vision Program for employees and dependenu. T"ae premium
hall be paid For by the City"..
1. The Cit,~ hall'provide,to.tfie active members of Unif? additional monthly hcalthand ~~elfara
payments equal the-PENICHA Health Plan of tfie•Redwoods oremium•amountsiless'5100:00:
1. The Purpose of annual Vacation.leave is to;enable each eligible full-time emplocce annualk to
return to }vs/lter work mentallyrefr_eshed:_ All employees in this unit shall be engtled to annual
vacation with payexcept the fogoahg:
a. Full-time employees who have served;fess than ] 2 months ih the service of the City;
however; vacation credits fottlie,time shall.oe granted to each such employee who later
receives permanent etriplo}men[.
b. Employees wito work on a teiirpotary-.basis and-all part-time employees as defined by
Section`2 ii4 (Definitions):
2. All permanent emplrnees;"of this obit after serving at [east orii full year aze emitled to the
egtiivalerit often (10) woriting da}`s of vacation with pay in the next succeeding anniversary yeaz of
emplocment. All Permanent employees ofthe'unit, after five (),years of continuous service with
the City and commencingrn~itlt the sc~cth yeaz: shall be'eiititled,to fifteen (l~) working'days of
vacation withpay per year:. After 10 tears of setice, ohe additional day of vacation shall be
added for'each addiiional.cear of corttirmous service'to a ma~timum of 23 days vacation..If an
employce dishes to takesmore thanrnetm rnettty-five i2~Z,consecutive working days of vacation,
he,%she shall have the prior"approval of his,~her departmem`head ahd the Cit}• Manager.
3. The time.during the.calendar year t;'hich an`employee.mav take: his/her vacation shall be
determined'64 ilie depaittiienr;head with due:respecrfor the wishes of the employee and' particular
regazd for the needs of the service. LS the requirements of the service are such that an emplocce
cannot take:part or all of hisAter affiual vacation im a patticuhtr;calendar year, such vacation shall
betaken during the following calendaz v'ear.
4. Except as provided above„an;employee shall'not accrue-any paid vacation time during any leave of
absehce without pay or during any calendar month in which he/she?is absent without payfor fifteen
(1 or more worlfing days,
Paid vacation time accrues and.is recorded arthe end of eacfi.calendar morrth of employmem.
6. No employeeshall`accrue;paid vacationtime•in excess of two (2)years vacation leave. The City
shall provide a! prinrout of the=Association showing-the.6acation balances in November and May
of eack Fiscal ~"ear.
7. No employee shall be;eligible for paid vacation time or receive:pay in lieu of vacation time before it
8. An~employee will receive pay in-,lieu of paii'vacation time (i:e:, wnhout,taking actual time off
-..from work) only ender the following circumstances:
a Retireme~; or
b: Resignation
c: Death, in which case;an'heir or heirs willi6e paid.
9. Payin lieu of vacation shall be,afithe employee's hourly rate times'the number, of flours of
accrued,vantion tie.
10. Paid'vapiian time shall be requested in advance'by'employees in accordance with procedures
established!by the City, e+ccept-;that when extraordinary circumstances occur;beyond'the control of
the emplrnze, the;employee maybe pemiitted,to;tescledule hislher vacation at a tune mutiially
11. Ttiefirstdac'off'shall.beconsidered'as,a~Satiuday`for,irregularshiftemployeesforthepuiposerof
computing vacations and compensation for such employees. •Any ggestions~,relatiye,to
iu[erpretatiou of this ,section shall~be resolved!by the City Manager whose detemunation shall be
12. In the eyenrthaz one or more of the municipal holidays!observed,on thespecfic`day falls within an
annual vacation~leave, such holiday shall niit;be charged as vacatibn'leavi:; and tfie vacation leave'
sliall'be,eziended' accordingly.
1. Sickieave with?pay shall be,granted Co,all; Umt Z employees as set forth,in this section. Sick leave
is nota right which an employee may use,az his/hei discretion, bui raiher, shall be used only in case of
personal illness;. disability.or the serious illness or injury of an employee's family member which requires
the employee's attention. The term-'family men}tiers shall include' spouse; childreq pazents; spouse's
parents, biothets,:sisters or othefindviduaLs;whose,relaionship to'the employee is that of a dependent or
neardependent, except'no sick leave:shall be;payablefor any injury'or absence which,results or occurs as
1. Intemionaity self;inflicted
2., Participating+in any criminal acr
3. Participatingin ariot:
4: W"orking'fot an employer"other than ttie City.
Additional family,sick leave shall~be in,accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act.
2. Neither shall anysick'leave be payable(1) during,a vacation except when hospitalized or equivalem
confinemerrt, or (2) duffing{a layoff leave of absence, or disciplinary layoff.
3. .All hours ofisick leayeaccrued and~,all hours of absence. whethen;otnot paid, shall be recorded.
To the e~-tentnecessargto implement-this Section; such!;teco[ds may be inspected be an`individual
employee and/orauthorized Associarion representative:
4. Sick leave.sliall accrue to all full-time"employees,az the rate of one day foreach month of
contirtuous~service. No einploceeiskiall accumulate more'sick leave in anyyear than provided.
5. •Sick leave shall continue to;accrne wfiile an employee is,on vacation„on sick leave,-oronjob-
connected injury leave.
6: No employceshall'.be eligible focsick leave bffote it accrues.
7. Employees,serving tbeir probationarc'period, with the approval,of,the City Manager;may take.up
to one dav:sick-leave with pay--for each month woi-lced. Employees hired on or, before the 14th of
the'calendar month shall'be credited with one,dav-of sick=leave at,the end of tkiat month.
• Emplmces hired on or,afterthe_ .)5 th of the calendar manth,sliall.not be credited'with'anv sick leave
foi that calendar month.
S. Fot'ffie purpose of charging sick leave, the minimum`sick leave chargeable will be one working
9. On taking~sick leave tune; the employee mustnotify his/her'deparlment head either prior to, or
within thirty.minutesrafter the time setfor begiiming his/her daily duties. If an employee's duties
begin before ihe,switchboazd is in operation; he/she'must notify;tbe department not later;than'8:30
10. Sick leave;shall'not be considered assa right which an employee may use at his/her discretion, hula
privilege which sfiall:be allowed only in case of necessity and aeaial sickness or "disability:
1'1'. When an employee:is abseat for'mo"re thantluee (3jconsecntive-days„the City.Manager or
'Personnel O1~cer may require a doctor's certificate for such sick-leave absence:
Upon=review: of:an employee s Sick>I~eave Record, and wtieie theie appearstii be a pattern of
abuse; the;Supervisor,shall notify the,emplovee!and the:Association Represerrtatiyeoin order to
:discuss thesick leave;usage. The Supervisor will have the'option:to, immediately require a Doctor's
Certificateaforany fiiture absences:: This;would`constitute a'Vertial Wartiingi If the abuse sttll
continues;'the Superyisormav initiate!a suspension and/or dismissalaction through the.procedure
outlined in the,Personnel Rules and Regulations:
12. If an employee has noErecovered bv.the time he/she has exhausted his/her accumulated sicksleave,
the City Ntanager,;upoureceipt;ofsuch regpesYin writing, may`grant him/her leave ofabsence•nots
to exceed the tune limitations o£Section'33.
l3. 'Upon"the espirationof a leave of
absence.quoted underSectioq`33, the employee shall be etumed'
toftlie same dass.orposition or to any position to,which heJshe•had been eligible to transfer atfhe
,time his/her leave of absence wasigranted;~provided'helshe fiimishes medical certification of ability
to'performahe position'forwhich;he/she'is eligible: ,
14. The,City_.Manager may'revoke,pay and sickleave timeif the;emptoyeeis not m fact:sick„or if
he/she bas engaged isprivate
"o%other public'work while, on such leave. Abuse of sick ,leave as
stated above:is;siifficicnt grounds.for%dismissal.
1S. No penattiessball 6e`iinposed.on.employees:fortakingjusufiable•sickleavcto which'the employee
is eligible.
d'6. ;Employees wishingao donatehours ofsic_kleaveao another:employee may :voluntarily.'doao by
sending a w-mitten request, approved by thew-department head, to,the Personnel Office, naming the
individual'Sto receive the sick leave andsthe amount donated, with'the following•restrictians:
l: Employeeswho wish to'transfer sick leave must-retain a•miniinum of=1`60-hours sick'leave~
to be ehgi6le to transfer sick leave..
2. All".such'transfers of`sick leave are urevoca6le.
3, Tlie employee receivmg the sick?leave'transfer musthave zero (0)`hours of accrued sick,
leave `vacation and CTA left on the~books.
4 Employees may.not buy;or sell_sick~leave, ontyttie tiinelmay'be'transferred:
5. EmPloyees,may,not transfer sick leave uponisepaiaation of service.
6., Tiansfers;sliall only~be allowed';within't1ie~Umf:
I . In the event ofthe death`of an ,employee's spouse, mother, grandpazent, step-mother; mother-in-
Ltw, father, step-father, father-in-law,brother, sister:brother-in-law, sister-in-law; or child,
including an "adopted child, an employee who attends the-,funeral sliali be granted time off work
with pay, The amrnmt of time:off work':with pay shallbe onlythatwhich is required to attend the
funeral' and make necessary .funeral arrangements, but im no event shall it exceed three (3) working
days°: These three (3) dot's shall no# be'chargealle to sick leave. An additional two (2) days
requited-for,,nece§sary funeral arrangemetits'may be c}iatged to the employee's sick leave, any
additional tip beyond these tw-o days may be charged'to accumulated compensatory time orleave
without pay.
Pursuant to the`Fami}y and'+Medical`Leave Act of 1993,.FMLAaeave may be grantedto an
employee wtio has!bcen.emplrned:for at least twelve (12) months: by the City and who has provided
at least 1;2~0'hours,of service during the twelve (12) morrths before the leave is requested. The
leave may fie'granted up to a total, of twelve (12) weeks during the fiscal year for the following
Because of the birth of a,child or placement for adoption or foster care of a child;
Imorder to care for the spouse; son, daughter, parent, or..one who stood in place of a paiem of the
' emplrn-ee,.ifsuch spause;son daughter, parem; or'"in loco parerrtis" has a serious health
Because-ofa serious heahh condition that makes the employee unable to perform his/her
employment functions:
The employee tausvprrnide the einplrn~erwith tliim (30) days advance;riotice of the leave, or.such notice
as ispracticabie, if thirty (30) days.natice isnot possible. The employee mustprovide the Employer with
certiScation of the condition from a heahh;care provider. The Employer; at.Employer expense, •may
require'a sewnd opmioo on the validity of the certification. Should!_a conflicUarise benzeen heahh
providers, a third and Binding opinion, at'Employer expense will besought:
An employee sceking FMLAaeave must first:use,paid sick time!,(if applicable) and vacation before going
on,unpaid leave. T'he;total amoum'offamily leavepaid and unpaid will,noh_exceed atotal oftwelve (l2)'
' weeks. In any;case in:cctuch a husband and',wife emitted to family leave'are both employed by the;
employer, t}ie`aggregate munberbf workweeks of leade'to which+both may he:entitled may be liintted'tb
twelve (12) weeks diitiug any Fiscal Year if such'leave is--taken because ofthe,birth of a child or placement
foradoption or foster care of a child. The employee will be-responsible,for his/her share of the heahh
insurance cost,during the leave.: If~the;employee'dces not-return fromthe'.leave, he/she is:~:responsible foi~
the oral insurance premium paid;by the employer.
Forms are;availalile from the personnel Offica:
1. Audtorized, City`observed,:paid bohdays:
A. ThesCity'willdesignate twelve ,(12)),paid_fised-date Holidays for employees in'this;umt__
Such-holidays shall be establisbed'foi the City's;fiscal-;year asidetermined bythe City
Council Resolution: ,
B. During tfie fiscal year of the Memoranduni:of Understanding, forttiose employees~hired on
or before;July I ofthatF.iscal Year ofthe-MOU, the City willeauthoriie one (1) "Floating
Holiday' per employee, which maybe taken by. the employee dirring;the Fiscal'Year at-a
time selected.by the employee, siibject~to operational requiiements',and~approval as
detenninedby the: City:
2, `The holiday`shall;be a consecutive twenty-four (2~i)hour period, starting::with the employee's
starting time on,the calendarday`on which the holiday is observed'::
3. Each full-time employee, other than an employee'on'layoffor,oaany+leave of absence;shalL:i:eceive.
eight (8);fiours pay<at his/herhout ly rate for the -holiday, provided';the employee'=meets the
following eligibility regniram`eirts.
4: He works-liis/hec das8scheduled-work daypnot;to and his/her first scheduled work dayfollowing
the holiday unless failure-to work on either, or both such days~is excused because of (1) personal
sickness or'inlury; or`(2)other'e~draordinacy:circumstances beyond-the.contiol of the employee
proven to the'satisfaction of the City Manager wHich camtof be corrected'in time for him/her to
meet'his/her employment obligation`.
5. Observance:bv an employee of ades~gnatedreligious,evem;maybe granted; if practical, w-iih+at
least sever•(7) days prior approval iegiured'for"such leave; undeYthe following methods:
1. Time charged to accrued'vacation allowance; or
2 Time off without pay. -
Benefrtsshall be dyable m sttuaUons when-employee-absence is due to,industrial mjury as
rovided in California State Workers' Com nsapon
m' em t ee'shall be deducted from Sala a a~Law The amourrt of drsabilitypayrtients paid to.the
' Lured p oy ry p y ble to theemplayeg while supplemerrting<}us/her salary
ihiougtisickaeave,;vacation, or wmpgnsatory timeoff.. During the first ten"(10) calendar days of absence
for industrial disa(iility;,the City will pay employees,an amount which'when added;to~tlieir Workers'
CompensaUOn-benefit will equal.their regular salary.rate. This~suppleinental arrioiuit'shall~not be deducted
from the employee's sick leave,<vacation;;or compensatory•tiine'off~benefit.. In;the case.of absences ber-ond
ten.(90)"working days, the;employee shall be entitled to supplemertt the,temporary dsabilitypayTnent"with
the use of sick~leave :.vacation, or compensatory tone off_--for a'period;ofup to six (6)~consecutive months
unless such sick leave is,e?chausted or.the,employee'is:deterniined'to be"petmanenYand stationary (See
Section 26 -Long Tetm'Disabiliry"" Tlie City sliall:payxthe;ie~ilar salary; based onthe combina~on of the
Ternporary;Disability benefrtplus sick leave;'vacarion, or compensatory time'off. The,injured employee
may choose;to receive;workers' compensation_payments only,`wittiout,Gity payment for salary aYno loss of
sick leave,wacati
on, on cor~nsatorytrme.off. Voluntary Leave participants,;who become eligble for
Workers:' Compensation Temporary=Disability benefitsshall`liave their sick'leaye, vacation; or
compensatory time off supplements prorated;to their work week equivalent, hours. Sick lease for industrial
injury shall not be allowed for a disabilityresulting from a noa'job related illness, self-inflictedmjuryor
willful misconduct.
2. Except as otherwise limited by this~Section; the, amount of industrial disability income:available to
an eligible employee shaq~;be'de[emimed by mulhplying;t&e number of hours; not to exceed eight in
a' calendar: day' nor fom ia.a calendaz'week,. of time,lost-fromwoilc' because of the disability, times
the employee's houriyrateat;the time'the injury occurs.
3. No industial disabilit~;Ieave shall,be permitted unless the-employee's superintendent is notifiedpf
the naiure.ofthe disability and the probable dur3tronthereof as soonas possible, liut:in no event
later,than;the conclusion'of the current work day, except when~the"failuze to Notify is due to
crrcuinstances beyond the'coiitr"ol,oftNe employee. T1ie, injured etiiployee must complete a nonce
of injury form withinthe time limits stated.
4. In all. cases on returning-to work~an employee claiming or hayiirg received, industrial disability
leave must'certifj ono form prodded by the City as follows:
1. Thenature of the industrial disabiliri• which prevented him/her from.working, including
time, dates, and circumstances, and whether or not under'the care,of the City's physician.
2. The amountof tirrielost from work in hours because of the disability.
3. The name of the indrvidual;to whom notification of the accident wasgiven or the reason
notice was not given.
4, A release from-ag approged:State Comp physician stating hatthe employee has recovered
and' is capable of returning to' work.
5: In,the even[ thatfacts and;circumstances indicatethat,ihe: employee may not;be eligible for
industrial drsabrlity leaveas~claimed; evidence o£industnal;disability maybe requested
such as a plnsician's~statement of the industrial disability.
_ 6. Arbitrary faihue or refusal to follow.accepted,medical practice in:treating a disability shall
be reason for discontinuing of withholding industrial disability income:
1. Au,employee:w-ho desires'a leave of absence.from,woik_withoat,pay shall;file;a-written:,reguest
,with the DeparunenrHead onforms provided~.by the'Peiso~el.Departinent, stating tlie`title!of
hislher.posi[ion;;the beginning,and endingrdates of-.the requested leave and~a fiill~stateciient,ofthe.
reasons;for such.,re~uest. The:Department Head may;grant,or,deay such-;leave foratpgriod not:fo
eceed three' work, days. Request;for,additional.leave must besubmitted in;the same manner to the
. 'Cry Manager,
2. During a leave,of absence; an employee will not accnie,vacation nor be eligible:for. any paymems
'for time off work as provided' by this agreement.
3. Subject to:and consistent with;tfie:Group Health and Life Insurance'Plan,;cover'age maybe
contmyed. daring a'Ieaye of absence without.pay provided direct,payment,aftke 4ofal;premium is
made,by ttie~employee in'a marmerprescrilied by the City.
4. During a leave of absence, bath the,City's and~the employee'stco~ibutions to the,'Employees'
_ -
'Retirement Plan:are diseoFitiinred and benefits do uot'accrue, nor
can they be;withdrawn; nor-are
An employee foi: jiersonal reasons:mav tie-gramed a~leave of absence wTtlout pay:6y
ttie Crty:fora
period not to exceed three (3);months: The!leave:may be emended for additional:periods; but iano
case shall a leave and ectensionsrexceedsix (6) months! A leave,for personal reasons aspherein
pracnded mavnot be.used"to extend or compound a leave of absence granted under
provision ofihis agreement:
6. An emplrnee;who=(1) is`,unalile o work because of,non-indtistrial personal'sickness or injury, or
(2) has exhaustedsick leave' and vacation paymems, may be granted a lea4e,of absence>withoiit
payupor=requestsin writing and'the furnishing of satisfactoryevidence~ofsickness ordisabiliri~:'
The evidence'of disability maybe furnished byapy'personhaving dirert:lmowledge of;tliesiclmess
or,disability.,'The,leave of absence available pursuairt•to this pacagraph:contemplates a shore teen:
leave which' is agreed to be a period of one calendar momh of less:
7. :For continuing disability, extendedleave of absence.withoui pay may 6e granted;for:a period up to
six (6),months unless;fiuther emended by the:~City:.In no event-will an e+dended Ieave of absence.
without pay~exceed one (1) year, `The ainount'of emended leave,of absence;granted pursuant;to
this paiagraph~shall`,be depeadefit upon';ttie employee'rfurmshmgtsatisfactofy proof,'ofdisability;. a
showiirgyof receiving continuing and,appropriate medical treaunent, and the furni§liingrof a
physician's opm~on that<leave of absence~is warranted for,medicalreason and'that his/her prognosis
is,that the':eniployee will be physicallyfit_tq perform.his/her duties at the'end'of'therequested'leave
of absence. ;In•tlie event"the°employee's;pbys`ician's prognosis and report`is~equivocal, the Gitymay
reques<`its physician to submit liis/her-ihdependent iepor[:
8. Iu order to.oe eligible to return to active employtnerit, the employee re[urning,from a medical leave
of absence;must;provide; of leash fourteen.(14);calendar days prior to;the end'ofleave,.a^statement
fi-om the;employee's physician releasing;ihe employee to return to work. If the employee;cannot
return to his/her former posapon, he/she,will be;placed';in,an eligible category for a classification
fot which he/she has the ability to perform the Kork. ,
9. The City, at its option and withQut,cost to;the employee; may.
iequve that a,physician of physicians
of its choosing eiamine the eriiployee before returning hiiti/her to active employment.
1. An erriployee may be absent on military'leave as authorized in Section 395 through 39.8 of the
Military,and'Veterans~Code of California. The employee'shall furnish to.the•City Manager
satisfactoryproof ofhis/her orders to'report for duty and of his/her actual service.pursuant to such
orders. Employees with less,than one (1) yea City service sliall take suchleave'without
compensation from the Cityoras provided in the Military=and Veterans Code. Armed Forces
reserve or national guazd base payshall be offset against such pay,
2. If an employee receives vacation,pay during a period of training or service, he/she shalLnot be
- -
eligible for the mrlitary`leave provided bythis article for.<that period of time for which he/she
receives vacation pay.
I. Everyclassified.employ'ee';who serves as a trial jarorot;is compelled to appeaz on behaL`of the
Crtv'underseriiee of process, shall be entitled to be atisenf frorii"the employee's duties with the
City duiing;the period;o£such service or while necessarih~ being;presenbin°courG as a result of such
call. The employee shallitie.pazd,the differegce between Jhe;employee's full salarv• and any payment
received by'the'employee, :eeceptuig!travel pay; for such'iduty: However, such'time shall not 6e
considered as time w~otkeft forpurposes' of Section 12.
2. For the prirposes of this Section, tiine,served as a juror or=as a-witness, compelled.to appear on
behalf ofthe City under subpoena; by an irregulazahift employee ha1C be paid`time not to exceed
the-number of hours the employee would have worked on such day: However; such time shall •not
be'considered''as tune worked for pptposes of Section 12, It is the'itrtem of this Section to allow an
employee compelled bylaw to appear as a
jutor oi• witness.to:compute that tiine.as::a portion of the
employee's work day so!that' he employee will not be:requiied-to-appeaain,court under service of
process and`also worker shift°-forthe City during one twemy-four (24) hour period.
1. All employees sha(l,be;ganted ameal penod,ofahuty (30)',minutes:during;each scheduled work
shift; except for--employees wto work other Than the:regiilar;day shift. The designated thim (30)
minute meal period'shall lie without'pay.
2. There shall be;gramed a rest period at the time, place'and manner that,does not,interfere.witb the
efficient.operationn of the. -Departrnem. Such rest periodshall be with pay and shall not exceed
fifteen (15)niinutes for,each-four. (4) hours of.work. The iest,period is intended to be a recess to
be preceded.and,follawed'liy.an extended work'penod. Consegaerrtly, it may~not$e used to cover
an employee's late arrival to work or ealydepartu;e, to'extend the meal period,,normayo-it be.
regarded as cumulafrve if not taken.
1. Employees:may receive, in heu'of being paid for overtime, compensatory time off
IVo,employee may earn'morethan two`hundred"forty~(240)~hours of:Ggmpensatory Tie Off per
Y 04 emp Y y retain on the books more than two hundred`fotty.houis
of unused'Compensatory Tiine`af'any giden point during`tlie fiscal~year" .Amounts;s6bmitied in
excess of these limits•shall'be paid ar time and one-half. The employee may take Compensatory
Time Off up to maximum of five (5) days at'a:time selected by the employee, subject to the
operational requireilients of the City-and wit'h'approval deternrined by the Gity.-
This section~is~to encourage'emplocees:who mighfivish.to voluntarily reduce their work hours and,thereby
reduce''City eacpenditures, the'Citywillallow employees~to';takewoluntary.leave'withoufpay;on`a daily,
weekly,,or montlily Basis not to exceed 20% oftheir annual regular.work,'schedule.
.Any eligible employee wishingto voluntarily reduce h>s/her work, schedule:shall~discuss,thevproposal-with
their=.supervisor andlor DeparEment.Head. the,proposed~m''odified,workschedule,shall.be submitted=m
writing?toahe City Manager,. If approved"sbgthe-City.Manager;ahe proposed~schedule shail'.6e
implemented,Yprovided to the employee's, department, and~copied to boththe Perso~el anduFinance for
coordination:. ~ _
The following,perameters apply to the~program:
1)' The employee,has therr,;right to cease participatmg ~n,ffie;program upon,providing written
notce~to bis Department Head. The;Ctty reserves the right to cancgl the;program for;an,
employee at any time.
2) .Any leave of absence must have the,prior writtemapproval'oftlierDepartmenf,Head and
'City Manager.
3) Reduced work day, or work week,may fie:on-going,up'to;30%of the;affiual work-schedule
Frill time'leaves of absence may not'exceed-one consecdtive month.
4) ?ill accruals (sick'l_eave; vacatioa,,etc:}:will be,prorated at the end of the calendar year to
reflect the hours of t'eave taken '
No,reduction•isthe City paid healtti premiiiins'vvtll resiiltfovtho's8 employees electing
voluntary reduction-in.hours or extended leave'ofabsence~underthis program-
6) An`employee wdl be;paid'overtime!;for.houis in excessoftfie hoursauthortied;under the
`Voliintary`Reductton~of Hoary piogiarn..ASart e~cample,.if the work day"is':seven°hours
perday and five days~per weak; overtime willbe paid for;all-)rovers+over seven: )fan
employee is working a.workday based on the Voluntary Reduction of Hours, overtime will
be,paid fbr'all Hours in excess of the program.workday: As an example, if the,wo~icday
consists of nine hours per day four days per~week, overtime will be paid for all hours rn-er
'n Once an employer's voluntary Redirctian of Houis'Program is established. am- hours
worked on anon-scheduled,day shall'be.paid under Section of the Memorandum of
Understanding, Call Back Pay.
In the eveirc`anew elassificatioais'established;,tlie City:shall,`assign it toa,pay+grade based upon
the work to be!performed after.comparison with other'classifications:
2. The. City shall provide the Association with a written classificarion description bf the new o;
changed classification which shall describe the:content sufficientlyto identify: the classification.
3. Upon receipt of the City'sdescrip[ioq the Ctnef Steward of the Associatioq or his'designated
representative, sliall be afforded an oppominty to discuss the'new or-changed classificarionand
assignment tothe p'ay glade with'the•Ciry Manager,orlns representaLve. If the Association does
not request a meeting within five (5) work days of the receipt of the C~ty's'recommendatioq it shall
be!deemed'to be approved by the Association.,
1. In-the event of any teducnon in the,work force,.the City •will apply the principle`of seniority and;the
last employee'hiied shall be the first laid off In rehiring, the last person laid!off shall be'the first
rehired. A complaint_regarding;cbmpliance with this section shailbe~a suljecf,forgrievance In
rehiring former'eriiplovees laid offuifder this Article; the Ciry shall"offer re-employment in the
order of seniority to such former-employees;who at?the time of layoffwere'•performing services
essentially the same as requuedfocthe'•vacancy;:provided that-tlie period.of lavoffhas;not
exceeded one (lyyear.
2. In shift assignments,.the City will'gn;e considerationto thepreference of emplacees,and'to
senioriry;.prov~ded, however, that final`resp_onsibilry and authoritym lob assignmems;;the
detertninationofqualifisations; and the method of
determming the qualifications for am; job, shall
remain vested in the City.
3. Seniority'sliall,be;terininated'by:
a.' Resignation
' b. Discharge foecause
c. Retirement
d. Failure to return to workfroin layoffwithm`seven (7) calendar days atternotice to,retum
by;certified:or registered=snail or fiy telegrani,addressed to;the emplrn~ee,at his%her last
known address'on file with the City persoffiel'Office:
e: Absence from-.work for three (3);:consecutive working.:days',without'notifying,the.Citp;
except when-the failure to notify and work>is due to circumstances beyond comrol of the
employee. After such unexcused absence; the'Gity shall: send.wriftennotice!to the
employee`afhis/her lastknrnvaaddress thatlre/she has lost his/her,senioriN;,and His/her
employment }ias been terminated.
4. The City shall prepan; and mamtain'a semarrty`list winch sha11 show"the names, classificationtitle,
department, and setuoritydate of all;employees. The~~ASsociation (Petaluiria Employees'
Association) shall be given two: copies of the-list within-thirty (30) calendar days after the. date of
this Agreement; and thereaRena current list every six months.
5. A,senionty hst;includingthe sameinformation; shall;be,maintainedsfor eachdepartment. This list
shall'be,availalile for'inspecuon by the employeE or his/her steward:
6. These lists. shall~be deemed corecYas,to,an,employee's,seniority;date'uriless•;the employee, or the
steward for`the'employee,'notifies the City to'the contrary in"writing within five (5)'days after a list
is givea'to the Associauon_
• ' 'SECTION 44.
1. Except for those posiiions not requiring written examinations; promotions in the City service shall
be based on a compeuti~;e examinarian'and records of efficiency„character, conduct or other
generally accepted qualifications deemed necessary or reliable'in obtaining a passing grade. The
City will give significant consideration to the performance of the employees, seniority, physical
fitness; and ability toperform~thework: Lists shallbe:created and promotionmadetherefromin
the same;manner as;prescribed for original appointments.
2. Whenever practical, vacancies shalC'be-filled by promotion. The rules coveringpromotional
examination shall be the`same as those.goceming original ertrance examinations.
3. Notice of eraminationssliall be'printed and shall be posted on the'officialµbulletin boards of the
City and may be advertised by am'ather means chosen.by the Personnel Officer- Public notice
shall be posted at least five dacsprior to thefinal filing data;,and shalt contain the following
infom~ation. •
a. The title and rate of pay for the positionxo be filled;
6. Some typical duties to be performed;
c. Minun{~ qualifications egiiired
d. The method of securmg`applieanou forms and"the.final'filirig date on which applications
cvill,be accepted;.
e.. Theerelativeweights assigned'•to the various parts of the examination;
f. The minunum passing score.
4. inadditionao the posting and any other advertising that takes place for a position as outlined in the
above:paregraph,:a copy-ofthe+notice will' be sentto the Association{for thoseposRions'in the work
unit which_tliey represent.
• Employees w•ho have successfiilly passed an examinationfor, a lrighe; positing and'have been
certified for the higher position, will: be deemed to qualify for positions with lesser qualifications
and niav be certified to a'lesser position, provided iio list's exist for the lesser positions.
6. 1n'the event that an applicant accepts a lower classified posrtioq helshe will' be allowed to rerriain
. _
oa the eligibility list for higher classifiiatiou',u~l the list >s abolished.
1. It shall be the policy of the employer to avoid temporary~appoiatmenLS whenever, possible; unless;
failure to,do-so wnll'seriously harupar•the sdccess of the',Crty program Under such circumstances
and.when sufficient;time mayno[-(ie taken tofill,a permanent position
trough"the normal"
procedure,-atemporuy'appouttmegt may le,made: 'Employees receivingtemporaryappoirnmems
shall be~required to qualify bythe`normal'selecuon procedures;to~tiecome a probationary employee
in;thaf class wittun sixty (60) days.
2. During+any.period:m which eiaployees aze'being considered for promotion'and during any posting
' period, u-shall be the policy of thee,employerto avoid.temporary einplovnieht to such positions;, '
'unless the,fadure to-make appointments to such positions would seriously Hamper-tfieisuccessof
the~Gty program. Undet such citcumstances~and when-sufficient tine:may not betakento;fill a
perhiaheht pos~Uon,thiough'`the~norinal`procedure,;aitemporary'appointmeiit may tie"made,
1. The City-Manager may authorize°acliange;for an employee from
one,position to another;in the sariie;orcoinparable classof workwhere~the'Same general vpe;of
qualifications aze required for enhance to such a position.
2'. When an employee ivitliin lus/lietown classificahoii'and work section wishes'to change fram',one
s}iift to anothershift; he7she,shall-file a request.for transfer identifyiiig•the skiifthe/slie is"in aiid the
one helshe'chooses to transferto and fileiiwith-the Persannel.Officer.
3. Request•foraiansfet,from~one departrnentor work ection to anottiei deparunem or work'section
having a differem;iurisdiction or-differerrt funcfiom,shall'tie'Sled`with;the~Pe`rs'onnel 0fficerand
shall be done only with the consent of both department heads involved;-;uidess such a ttansferis
ordered.by the, City Managerfor purposes of economy or efficiency;;
4: Any person transferred-to a~different position shall';possesstlie;miniinum qualifications for that
5. An'employee who has+-been transferred pursuairt,to his/her re,quest*or wlio has+been promoted+and
iiot returned'to his/her former classification, need not be considered by the City for a,sobsequetrt;
transfet orpromotiomduring-tlie six?montt[ period following his/lier,transfer orpromotion.
6. If the erriployee has filed'more~than+one request fot transfer, only the most,iec_ent of his/her
.requests will:be cousideted.by the,City for making;a.transfei•. Such'trazisfers will tie;consideted
only~if the, employee possesses the minunum qualifications forthe position. -
1. An employee is a probationary employee for'his/her first.six months of employm®t;in any
chusificarion. In the event of a promotion of a permanent`employee to a higher classification, the
six month probationary period,in.the'higher classification will`be:reduced by oce day for each two
days the,employee had warked`:in temporaryassigmnents:;in that higher classificarion. Periods of
absence exceeding five working davs-shall not be counted toward completion of the
probationary period:
2. No matter concerning the discipline, lay off or termination of a' probationary employee shall be
subject to the grievance procedure:
3. An employeew•ho-has been-.promoted but does not,successfully pass his/her promotional
probationary period afsis (6) months, shall be reinstated'to the;position which he/she held prior to
the promotion.
4. Upon an employee request w~thitr atone (P),month period;following a promotioq helsheshall be
returned to a,regular job opening inithe classification from ivFiich he/'shewas promoted,, at.the pay
rate from which he/she w-as promoted , but,in no event shall he/she beheld-in.the promotional
position over one (I);
momh follo~i5ng hisllier request for reinstatemem to the lower position. Upon
reinstatement to the.former position; the employee's name. wilt he:removed from the promotional
eligifiility list.
1. When employees are to be laldoff,'the following shall be the order of IavofF.
a. Temporary employees in the affected classification shall be removed first-
b. Probationary• employees in;an affected classifications shalt be removed next.
c, The employeewith the leastsenioriN in an affected cLrssification or department shall'be
removed provideil:tlrat the City Manager may do,otherwise in order to mamtam a;balanced
departmeat,or work umt and to maintain employees'in the classification or departrnent who
have,the abilityto perform the work:-available.
2. An employee who'has been laid off or ttansferred;as a result ofa+reduction on,the work force shall
be recalled to work'in reverse order
m'wluch theemployee was ]aid off or transferred; conditioned
upon the employee's ability to perform the'work available.and that the period of such' layoff or
transfer tins not exceeded one (1) yeaz.
3. When emplrn~ees,are retumeddo work afterlayoff, employee§ sliall be recalled inreverse'order to
which the employees were',laid off Tlie employershall:sendrby registered mall to die emplrnee's.
lastknownaddress notification thaz-.the employee is being'recalled. The employee shall return to
wor& witfiin.seven (~'days`o£the'date of mailing. Failue to'retum after:notice shall`Iie grounds.
for discharge and'total`loss of seniority: ,
1. .During the term of this agreement;:the"City,sball continue;meiubership as an agencyunder contract
with the Stare of California PnBlicEmployees'`Retiremerit System in;accordance with and subject4o the
provisions of the'8tate Emplcjyee Retii'ement'Law
2. Each.pay period.all permanent and'`probationary employees'shall have deducted from their
eamingc'a retirementcomribution at a'perceritage rate established by the Retiremem Law.
3. The City will modify:iks contract-with PERS to implemem'the following options:
a. Sick leave credit:
b. Last year compensation:
c. Militan'Buyback
d: 199 Survivors.I3enefit:(lst"level)
1. , 'The'Citv'shall not discharge or.take,other disciplinary action without reasonable cause. If the Cin
.has reason to repruand an employee, it should be done in a manner: that will not embarrass the
2 There'ari; tvco Rpes of corrective or disciplinary action: informal and formal.
Informal Action: There are'three types of informal corrective action: an oral reprimand, written
reprimand, and if necessary, a,corrective interview. Where a rule, order, standard of conduct or
performance requiremem has been violated, an'oral'orwrittea';eprimand-may be appropriate. The
supervisor, should make it c_ tear thatthe conduct is unacceptable'and repetitionis'inappropriate. If
uecessary,:wamirrg should. be'giyen-that stronger informal,actionwilGBetaken in the future. Where
oral or written reprimands have failed to correcta pattern of unacceptable behavior a corrective
interview may be appropriate In unacceptable behavior, a,corrective interview may be
appropriate. 'Ina corrective interview; the~supervisor confers.privately with the employee -
regardmg the employees' performance and/or conduct, and.together~they develop;a plan;:including
target_dates;:forcorrectionof.unacceptable job,perfomiance This"'plan" shall be ur writiitg'and
signed by Both the employee and supervisor: Together, these two informal types~o£aetion are both
preveative;and corrective measures, intended to correcta problem situation without recourse to',the
severity -and greater complexity - of formal action.
Formal Action: If,the~informal corrective measures; including,written reprimand, do not result in
adherence to joB petforinance requirements, formal"action'may'became necessary. Formal actions
are usuallytakea only;after-,a,seiious infraction of the rules; or:a8er repetitionsoFlesser infractions
where the;irn'om~al process has been unsuccessful. Formal actiosalti;matives include:
(1) Suspension withoiit:pay for not more than 240 houis
(2) Reduction in salary;
(3) ,Demotionab a lower job class¢
(4) Dismissal. ,
In:the event:an employee ~s disciplined o~ discharged?and an appeal is:madeas~provided in the
.Rules of Appeal oftfe PersoiinefBoard in'the Rules and°Regulations ofthe Cityof,Petaluma;and
such appeal resuhs iii~a decisionFfavorable to,the employee; he/stie;shall'be~reimbursed for loss;of`
pay or fiinge'.benefits; as;recommendedbythg Personnel Board:,
1. The grievance procedure shall be,used fo;process and',resolve grievances aiising~6ut of the
int'erpretatio licationorenforcement'of=the"~ ress"tetms!of,tliis eedierit.'It:is.the u se
4 apP e'~P ~ P ~
of,this"procedure toaesolve,grievances.at thedowest^possible level and`to provide foran orderly
procedire-for•reviewing and'-resolving°grievances promptly.
2. An'attempt,sfiall be made fo ascertain all:facts;and adjust all grievances;on an,informal basis;
betiveenthe;employee and, if:he/she desites, Lus/herdesignated represeritative and a snpervisbr in
the employee's chaimofcommand';up to and,'inchrding`}us/herthvision head. Praseiitatiomofthis:
grievance shall' be made within ten 0) woilang days'of ttie.incident causing the:grievance.
3. If the grievance is not'adjustedao;the satistactiona£ithe.employee~involved within five (~);worldng
days a@er the.preseiitatio'n of the,giievaiice, the ~ievance shall''.be~submitted in,writing by the.
employee atidlo"r:`lns/her designated•representahve to;the Departrnent Headwith•a.copy'thereof to
the'Persannel Office within the'nest ten (10) workiug days..Im every case'the grievance must'be
signed by the,employee. T'he,DepamnenYHead sliall.meet with the employee;and/or his/her
designated;representative within'five (5) acoiiaiig•,days o£theaeceiptiofthe.written grievaneeand
stiall delivedhis(lier answer,to the employee within five worlang davs`afjer the meetuig in
writing. .
4. If,the grievance:is:not~adjusted then; the PersonneLOfficer shall meet with the employee and/or
his/her designated,represertative:within frve;(~) working days of the receipt ofthe~written
grievance'and shall.;deliver"his/her answer to:the employee within five (5) working days alter the
~ meetmg?m•writing.
L`ihegrievance is still not adjusted, or if the parties-fail~to agree on the adjustment:ofthe
,grievance; a request:may be_madem.writingby either party:to thePersoanel Boazd to settle the
' grievance: Such request must be'made':tive
(5) wotirmg-davs!after the Department>I3ead's or the
Personnel Officer's~response is"given to tliegrievance.
6. The~Persopnel Board's;decision+shall+be sufimitted to`tfie City Manager fordetermination. The
pow - add,to; dolete, or„alter any provision of this agreemerc~ but.shall
board shall not have:the er;to
limrteits'decision fo the'scope; application-and irrterpretation'oftMs agreement.
7. At am~:step in`.the.grievaaceiprocedure,;tfie employee may'at his/her election.be:permitted tohave;a
. _
SliopiStewazd or,otherAssociation representative present to`assist `liim/lier in the presentation of
liis/her grievance. T'he, Association may: itesignate the:Shop Steward and:sliall-notify the
Departrnent:Head anit`,the C~ty;Manager of the appointment. Shodldaan employee!elect to present a
grievance in person and.withouipartiripation of;any Association Officer or'Shop Steward, this is
expressly.allowed: No grievance appeal shall'be c`onsidered'at any level unless filed in the appeal
periods provided`in this article:
I. .Any training required by the Gity, will be subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act. Bookstand
tuition will be paid for by the employee.
Effective July 1, 1991, aLabor/Management Safety and Health':Gommitteeshah be established within Unit
2. This Committee shall consist of one,member of the Associatian'under the-Public Works Director and
one member of the Associationunder the;Pazks and Recreation Director and two members of Management.
The duties of
the Lalwr/Managemem.Safety Committee shall be as outlined in the City of Petaluma's Injury
and Illness Preve~on,Program. The Committee_shall meet quarterly..
The City of Petaluma and the Petaluma;Employees' Association agree that.for the teen of this
Memorandum of.Understanding an'employee"who does not use any-sick leave during the period.benr-een
July, and June 30, will be awarded one (l) bonus holidayduring the•following Fiscal Year.
It is the goal of the:Association and,the City-to ensure that-all,employees aze,qualified to use,the equipment
required for the job: In order_ to; meet this'goal, the City will provide the:following training for Class `'A"
and/or.."B" licenses.
All new fines ,.assigned to those positions listed below,~willbe required to have a.Class "A' or "B" ficeose.
I) The City will pay the;cost of the initial Medical Exam and the Application Fee for the {icense.
2) An on site training will~be'provided prior to testing.
3) Written training,materials will be provided.
4} The City--will provide framing"videos'regatdmg Driving arid:Safety Checks-
5) The.City wdl provide a DMV~.approved certificatioaprocess to cover m'hoase personnel.
6) As new equipmen4 is brought on line that requires;a.Class"A"" or "B'`Gc®se, this;procedure will
~ The city will payfor one additional Medical and / or.Driving Pracnml`'I'est should:are~zam be
9) Renewal of licenses and associated fees,will~,be paid by tfie:City (i-e. - the difference between the
cost of tfie Class:"A" or.'"B" and the;gegeral,Class:"C"$cense).
Upon completion of the probationary period for allfuture promotions to all'classifiartioas of Leadworker,
candidates must±possess+a,Glass "A" license: If,tfie applicani,succeeds!in rnmpletng the:probatianary
period,-the cost'ofthe Class"A" will be reimbursed: '
For those,individualswho'aze unable to meet the medial certification`.required for the equipment, the
following,will apply:.
1), The City wilLeyahSate the level;ofservices'able to beprovided RnharC;the Class "A' or `°B' and
see if the;license requirement for the individual position can be waived.
- 2) 'The City may use;tle current languagc~in the MQU`to effec4iate a"transfer~to'a position where'the
• license is,not required.' Tliis shall be interpreted'in accordance-with State;and Fede~al,Law:
3) For an employee who is currertly in possession of a Class : A'' or B';ticense and is ,unable to
transfer to anotheF-position,where the license'is not-required, the City-will ha~~e the-righi:to reclassify the:
employee to a lower classification in a'position that does not requuefhe-,Class "tl. or Class;"B" and"Y"
rate the:employee so assigned.
For,:those individuals who are Enable to ineet=the certifications-required',for the;wrRLen /"practical exam, the.
following will apply'
1) The~City wiil,ecaliiate the`Ievel:of services;alile to be:pravided wifiie~at,the:Class ~A" or-"B" and
see if the'individual-position'can be waived.
Z) The':City'mayiise the carrot linguage in ttie>MOU~to effectuate a transfer to a position where the
license is not required.
3) If I or.2'is not aelrievalile, the City and the AssociaIIon will meet and explore other option on an
individual basis.
4) Any dispute shall be resohred through the grievance procedure_as setforth in Section,48'ofthe
This section will not apply to am"disciplinary action that;tesults from Diug'and Alcohol testing.as required
by City Policy or by the'Department of
CLASS "B" REQUIRED Effective 10/U95
CLASS. "A" REQUIItED Effective 10/1%93 Employees who are promoted to the below listed
classifications after the,above effectn'e date will be required to have Class' "A" license.
This,docwnent represents•the_fmal~and complete Agmement resulting<'from,tlie 1997L1998:Meet and Confer
sessions with the City of Petaluma Employees',Association, Ilnit2.
Representatives of.the City;and Unit 2:aelmowledgelhat they have,fulfilled their mutual and_respective
ohGgations=to Meet and Confer under the Meyers-Milias-BrownAd. As a:resuh; the;;par[ies liave,wme to
a mutual understanding which,the representatives of the•Ciry andUnit 2, who.have the approval of thei
members,:;agree: to; recommend`for acceptance and approval to the:City Council: of the,City-: of Petaluma.
The; parties affix their signatures as constituting mutual acceptance andsecommendatian of this'.
Memorandum of:Understanding;to become effective July I, 1997, upon acceptance;and approval'ofthe
S re Date
Signature Date
ignature Date
Signature: Date ,
~es~ , r I ~'``I N