HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-183 07/21/1997 RESOLUTION NO. 97_183 N.C.S.
of the City of Petaluma, California
WHEREAS, iite employees in Unit 1 arc not represented by any recognized employee
orga+iization; and,
WHEREAS, the City Manager, pursuant to Section 28, City of Petaluma City Charter, is
required a+ld empowered top wake a recommendation to the City Councu on matters related to
employee's compensation; and .
WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended that employees in Unit 1 receive salary
and supplemental wage benefits,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the supplemental wage and benefits as
specified in the attachment for employees in this iJnit, being in the best interest of the City, be
approved and shall become effective upon adoption.
Undet the power and authority conferred upon this Council by the Charter of said City.
REFERENCE: I hereby certify the foregoing Reaolufion was introduced and adopted by the Approved asto
Council of the City of Petaluma at a (Regular) ( meeting form
on the .--21St:.......>. day of .._....._JULY.....---- 1997... by the
following vote: -
ATTEST: .....~!r<t'~J-. -
City Clerk Mayor
Cbwcil Filn......_
cn io~es a~~. eu.....97r183...... n.cs.
~I;~' UPPL~ ~T ~~1.5
i:.>,~IP~\`~prli~i~ pi ~iJ!~ L"'SIT !
TISC:aL Y'E3R`149.',-:9~9
q~- l~3 Ncs
Section Term,of,agrzemenr
S~alOn Salars',
Ject~on R~uf"e,;,~t Contnbiinon
Suction d. Ovurtiiae
Section 5. C511 Back Pav
Section 5 Stand Br~Pac
Section R:.tesofP.a}on:Perranent:T>•ansfet
To'Ne~r Classit5i:azion
Section 3': Out'of Classification`~~'ork
Sc.-.ior. 9. Compensapon for Clot}uiig Loss
Ser.ion `1U. Vacation. Pa~;»ent at Tertiraron
Sccnon ll. Sick Leave Pa~.Yneat at R ..°rtcat
Sectior, ,2. Defected=Compensation
Sectior. l:: P.,,;tir„c B~t~t Pa}:a;rit
Serion Hea1t}i,~Dental Bare Cash Sack
Se~.ion P^. Health Insurance
Section:;b. Detrallisuranc_e
Sectica l i. Lif L-isuiance
Se;.tion: t8. Disabilin.Insurnce
Sectiona y. ~?isioslnsurance
Sectior. 'l;. Other Healfti c£ ~~~e;fare Pa~merts '
Secior. 2: Vacation
S~cfion _'2. ,Sick Lease
Se~.ion,2:. BereavemenCLeave
Sectior. ??J. Holidays
Section _'S. ILSilitarc~ Leave
`Si:etion'26: LeaveofAbsences Veithout Pav
Se.-tion;_'7. Jnn'Leade _ .
Secnon.28: Compensaton Time'Off
Sectiort;29 Famik and Rlediual Leave •
Seztion 2y. Famii~, ~4edi:.a1 Leatie
Senion 30 'Retiterrent
Section. L Griz•;arse Erec~ure
Sze ibn .3 Lacoft~
. agrees to: hfeet and Consnirwith a:represzritanve o`this~'Lnit pro; ~o adoptign of thz
F.scal'~'css Gomp~.sation Pla:. b~ i c Cin "Ccuncii.
~•r. ~~r, m, a.
v v.. u..r~u
Sec cn 1. Term of Ada cc cnt
Ths CTy~Tu'a:iCa pima „aaii v '.vr a ia~v (2) Car :CaTu aui Lie uSCal :Car Cv"ifl7nenCltl~ .IUI}' 1.
1997. through June 3U, 1999.
C0 ~7 PE ~'SA"f l O n
Section S^]an
The C it1' Shaii auvpi the ioilJt:
in_ Salarc' iangeJ ivr each of Lie eiupl0~-e25 in file iJiiv'~: u13
dassifica:io:s du-ng fl:e :erm cf L`iis :ampensa:ian plan.
Effective June 30, 1997
Adntinis:uticcSccn:an (Confdciraial) $ L•.1G S 13.92 $ IG.71 S 17.'5 $ i3.~3
Depur Cin Cle:k (Cenfigentia!) S 1~1?d S 14 S L".70 S 16.~?9 S 1-S 1
LJ~...' 4 '1 T.~ C 1 ` 1 ~1 !14 ( A - ` G 1
Sl. \.r
a.tal\ (C(~1,111Ul~llaial) .J 1_./~! J ll, l3 ~ I'I.VT J IT.%1 .D 1~'.T3
1xµ ~ .,r( ~a'~ $12." S,~-r3 _ Sr.,C9 $~..~~9 i
A~.Slilana a Coru,u~niia, , r ,_.I i_`.•r at. r
ItLromi::tion $_:'s,.ali Analr-„ (CJruSdcaial) S 21.10 S 22.,7 $ 2_.~9 S 2~.'7 S 26.01 ,
C,....... T.... J....'..t 7 ~ , 7
Lii~,,,,utioa S,sacnts ,,,,.Lnician (Confia,~.,aiaa) $ 16.93 S i 3 $ aS.G S 19.uC $ 2C:53
Pcronncl Txitnician (Confidcrtial) $ 16.12 5 16.93 $ 17.7 7 S 13.66 $ 19.59
Pa~;oll Tcdtrician (Co»l;dcntial) $ 1G.1U' S 16.91 $ 17.75 S IS.G~ $ 19.57
Effective Jaruan 1993
r a,. i n- ~
Adn;uusuati-.,: Sxrcran (~oufi~,,Ltia,) $ 15.,6 S 1G._, $ S 17.90 S ,S.3U
Dcpun Cin' Clerk (Confiucntial) $ 1.53 S 15._'5 $ IG.02 S 16.32 $ 17.66
Scciaa;: (..on.,,,...,ual, $ ,_.99 S 13.6, $ 1.33 S aS.C $ 15. 9
OfficeAssisant? (Confidential) $ 1Z.,1 S 13.03 $ 13.63 $ 11:37 $ li`.U9
Ltforhiauon S~rcnu An vst ~ ' ~ ' 33 S 22.9= $ 2~.0', S ~7 $'_6.53
al- (Coiu,d~ntial)' $ _1.
Ltfomtation Srstcnts Technician (Cohfidcrtial)' $ 17.27 $ 13.1.1 $ 19.C~ $ 19.99 $'_U.99
Personnel Technician (Coitfidcndal) $ 1G.,' S ]7'G $ 13.13 $ 19.03 $ 19.99
Pa~TOII Tccliivcian (Coiifidcntial) $.]G,~3 ~ 1',.23 $ 13.11 S ]9.01 ~ 19.9',
Administrative Secretan- (Confidential) $;16.93 $ 16.72 $ 17.:6 $ 13.3 $ 19.36
Depun Cin' Clern (Corfid^mial) $ 1.96 $ 15.71 $ IG.S(1 S 17.32 $ 13.19
Secrean (Cpnfidential) $ 13.315' S IJ.05 $ I~(.75 S 15.-19 S 16.27•
OfficeAssisrantll(Confidential) $ 12.73 $ 13.2 $ I~.U9 $ I+':30 $ t5.5~
1n.`onnation Sc•sa~nts Analcst (confidential) $'_'_:38 $ 2.i.G1 $.21.79. $2G.U3 $'_733
Irifornuuion Sstcitu'Tccltnician (Confidential) $ 1',.79 $ 18.G8 $ 19.G1 $ 2059 $ 21.G2
Personnel Technician (Confidcmial) $ 1 G.9~ $ 17.78 $ 18.G7 $ 19.GU $ 20.59
Pa~TOll Technician (Confid~tial) $ 16.92 $ 17.% $ 18'65 ~ 19.58 $-2056
o 'a` = ~
Pending ratification by' all bargaining uniu containing Miscelleneous mettbers, this btatefit.~tiill'be
effective April 1. 1998. Should this:6enefir not be approved br all bargaining uniu eff cted_ the
1 °.o tialue shall be rcallocatrd to unit 1 in the form of salan . .
Section 2a: Premium Pavmeirt
Positio~is assigracd to ta'tc Coitfidantial [Jnit sliall.r;;acivc a:prntiunt.pacmdnt of 5?L`.00 pcr month.
Section 3: Retiremem+Contributions
The percentage of each ,.;nplo~'ee's PERS cont; ruaor, pry 'ious:} paid b}• the Cm. prior to the
adoption of u`ais Compensation Plar as theEmplo}'er Pa:m~ tt of \f°mber Contribution (EP;~1Cj
shall ittstead bz paid to the zmplo~'ze echo shall then pa} uat amount to PEPS. For puraoses of
ttithhcldin~>>. ta.e Cite s}•,all def r that porron cf the cmplavez's'cogtrbution.paid to PERS though
Szction ~1~(hl(_) ofthe internal R~cznue.Codz purst;ant to Cin of.P~aluria Resolution 90-363.
Therefore, for calculation of base alan' at rerremerat, tl:e emplovm shall noe hate an increased
base salarc-tlaarttill include the=total amount ofthz zmplo} zzs' rontrbution to PERS precious)}'
paid asEPl`1C'. The employee's contribution mill be withheld' from the emplo}'ee's pa}• b}• the. Cih
and the Cin'trill make the empio}ze';•pa}mem of the zmplo}'ee domribution dirzah to PERS on
behalf of the e•nployez T}ie'emplotiee'mav not make ar, eiectio>: to tai:e,this amounrin salon
and,`ortomakz'the paeTnent to P.EFS: The taz zcemption 3ozs not app)} to EICA~`sa;.ial sectrin.
The fcllowirg is an example cf t.e applicatica cf IRC i~'(al(')"as app,ied :o a miscellaneous
emplo} ee.
Ar;,emp,avee males 51.000 per more base salon-. Urdz: the pro,-'comra,. the emplorzz w-as not
responsible far pacing 7°.0 of tape rey^uircd 7°.0 ~ nplot z; c Lt 3ution. The Cin teas responsible far
pd}'irg 7°~ (S7U.OOj, :rhich ;i~as:a Cin responsibilin-t<,att:as ir, addition to ;he 54.000 bast
Under tiie~41=7 (hj(Z),methcd:,i+':e:EP;\-IC ttiL' r ?ert tq salon ara~ ta~ae y npiot'ee's base sa:ar t;itl
ncu ba51;p70. Of this. 7",~{apprgximatzlr S'r:.UO) trill bz paidtaPERS fom the 5L070. T}iz
full 7"b R71i be ia:i CxamaBand t1llS II1eanS utC CniplOt'eC R111:pac a;cs on a99?.00.
Section Overzime
4.1. General. All hours."lvorkzd;ir, eicess of emir ($j in a~}' one day or an e:icess oc cam.
(~Oj in'am- tcork tceek shall be compensated for ar the ov.°tiine rate:dttiah shall 6e one and
one-half (1.5) tunes the r
eeular rate of pad'; pr~;ided, hc~recer. that in the evem an emplo}'ee is
required to'i~ork overtime ttithout a breal:,.in`excess of d hours be}'ond;the end of his,`her regularly
scheduled tyorkshift. xhe employee shall be compensated far-;those excess hours at the overtime rate
of tiro (2.0) nmzs the re_iilar rate bf pa}~. Overtime shall oril~' be tcorked after hating reccic: d
prior authori;,atiomb}'the department bead or a managerial supervisor.
No emplo}'ee norlting under the ~'olutttan' Reduction in Hours prot?ram shall be entitled to
overtime compensation oYacartial unless the employee tcorks ih excess of X10 hours in any
designated work tyeek in accordance with the City of Pealuma's Volurttan' Reduction in Hours
Emploz'ccs ~tho am tieortdng`a ~1ltcinatircR'orkw'c~:l: of3U hours pcr«•orl: ~ccck shall be paid
overtime forhours gorked becond tha!regitlarlc assigned liburs fortbardar in accordance with the
Cin•~s Alternative ~Wotlaveek.Policr.
4sT. Minimum: Anc'employee'tequired to wotl: overtime sfia1L .in no case, be
compensated:for less han one'hour for'such overtime.
~5.3. Minimum for. Call6ac{ts. ,arty etiiplb~-eeraquired to return to wort ,on an.
anscheduled,emergencr basis aP~er the end'of the emplb} ee's worLine dar. shall. in no?case: be
compensated foi-: ess than hro hours fdr such overtime.
'Section+5. Gall'BacS2Pav
1. An emploc'er irhb is.called bacl:;to work iman "emereenci• situation'after'ha~ing
completed hts/hec regulat shifr and lefr he cm` premises~shall'receive a minunum of h;ro (')hours.
pork or nco (2) hours pay; at the o~~erpme;rate. 'To the eztenran empibvee is paid overtime-
premium pursuant td,ttie overtime schedule under'Seruon~3 (Ovet'nme~:listed`abrn=e, he/she,~sliall '
not bepaid oyertime;preimum'tinder the`call-back section'for the same time ticor;:ed> This
paraeraph shall':nd apple to emplo}eesn'ho!are called in.earli;fora shift, i:e.- wt~endhec cork
continuowl~' from t}ie time thec are called in until. their regtilat ship begins.
Section 6. Stand 8v Pav
if -in an emzrgeney situation. an emplo} ee in thtsrunit'iis asked to lease n~ork beforz tht;.znd of
his~'her scheduled work da}' tititft the expec~ation that heishe itiill be ~lled'back to work-to finish
the;rertrainder of their-w-ork dui at a later timz. but ti5e:emplbcze is no['in fa,:~ called back to n-drk
thatch}: the Cm;a¢r~s;to'compensatethe°tnplocee,fortliefullnamtal'wortang:da}'. :In -
eschange,.up untiPthe tune that the.zmpto~~ze's reeular shifr.is s:hedukd'-to end~such•emp{rn'ees
will be on stand-b~'status_,i~ithoutanc entitlemertt.to am e~•tra compensation Es.ept as: so
specified employees imtfiis unn are not required to nork~on a stand-bc basis.
Section 7.Rates of Pav on Permaneirt_Tcansfer. tb.a New' Classification.
1. V1'hen anetnployee;ispromoted, he/she shall be,paid the hwrh rate ne~t;hii~tier to his~'her
otcn within the,pa~~ grade for-the classification to•w'hich he/she teas prtnnoted
2, When:an employee is'transferred.from.one classi5cationito another-c_lassific_ation in the
same pas grade. hislherhouricrate stial{ remain the same:
3. A permanem or probationan-`emplb}~ee.who is transferred to a class with:a lo~c~er salan-
without a breakiin service u~ll receive the'same tateof pay he/she recaved''prior tit-tlie transfer:, ,
Such. salari- shall:not, be increased tuttd the time that.
a higher salarc- of ttie class to iihich he/she
uas transferred equals ot:exceeds hts/ti:r'salan-. '.Such transfermac- be;departmerttal' or inter-.
depargnental, and mar be made"b~- appoinnnetrt from an`emplmineitt lis'~ temporan~ appoitttmetit
reclassificatioaofposirion- or reor¢ani~tion of deparmtent:and shall be;iii'accord diiti the
persomtt:l rules and regulations: Tne protiision of thisrrule does not apply; in cases;of disctplinan'.
z _
demotion_,dernotionin Geu;of lacof£ oT volutttari deiiiotion::W'hen aperson is im ol'untarih-°
as;imp to a°lotcer classifi;,ation hzishz shall reccicrthz.lower tat: of pa}. z:Fccticc tklc first dac
as;imed to that classifi:.ation.
Section 8. Oin ofClassification ~i'ork
Seaions8.1 veneral
Gna membzr~ ~~-ho are askzd to pzrfortn out-o~l:a;s Work arz eligibtz for cut-o~:,lass pa_c ~ti'hen
L~:e follo~~ine conditions are mct'
The m.~-nEer mus:.`,a~:: bezn assu^ied the i~'ark b}° eithzr the ~ ttplo_i'zz ;
Supzn ising ti'ianagzr or Dzpattmzm Hzad.
B. lfthz mzrntiet:.}ittl:; thz as;immzm is 'but-of -clas;~'. ij i; thz rz;ponsibilin of
the m..:~,ber to+infotm the peron assignir~ thz dun' prior tc ehrainrg in thz
C. If the member and pzron assi~;ing thz crork disagrzr that thz ciork should be
compensated as "out-o.~.lass~; the member shall initiate the ti~or1: assigned and mat
resoil'ethz issue through itie'~~rieti'anee p;oczdurz.
D. ~lzmbzr are eligitie r'or an vw of class pac aftzrlie frrs~ dat' of such
conszauitir~e assivnrrieni, except when ~
~ assigranertresults-:,~?m'a ;che~ulep abs~tse,
such a; aacastior cenferenczs etc.
Section 8C2 Pate of Compensation
JLlembeT; pet?OTTnInP'Ollr-0
zi8.i; 1S'OrJ: sralJ be compensatedu-"at anaddltlOnai i,~~e (_~%oi
pzrcenron ar hour-per-hdur basis i~i~ttsuch wo;i; i; bein;: per`,ornied.
Serion 8.3 Fesponsibilitc of the ;Member
Iris Lhz rzspon;ibilii< of the m~tnber to cuorm the pzrson as~ir3line auT of~,1a;; t~ or1:
whin-.such ti~ork is firli;hzd.
Settion 9 Gomoensation'tor Clothine Loss
The Cin' hlanaezr is authorizzd io'grotiidz compzn;atign to Cin emplo~'zes for loss.or damage io
their Clothing istiich xcurs.during the course of carniti¢ out an official dun-. A requer :oi
compznsazionhzreundei•';fiall be.submittzd in r~Tiiing, in detail. to the Cin' 1lanagzr via the
depargnent head•concerned. The amou& ofcompznsation: ifam, shall beat the discrztion of the
Cin RlanaEer:
Section 10, liacationi'Pacment~at Termination
Emplo~'ees ~tifid;t„-rminate'emploi-mznt shall be pa;d in a lump ;um for a;l accrued vacation 1,^,a~e
zarnzd prior to ihz;effectivz date of
' Section 11. 'Sick^Leave. Pavmentof
In ttie event of the death orttetiremzm.bf an?emplo}'ee wiio has completed;ten (10) or morewears of
continuous serr~ce with the Cn; the'emplo}•ee shall be paid or shall receive to his benefit fiftc
percent (50`10) of his accumulated but unused sickdeave nano exceed X80:bouts. The'empfrn~ee
' may electnot to recei~~e,tlis benefit and im-tead,place all sick leave hours into,the PERS sick leave
conversion benefit.
Sectian .12. Deferred' Comnensatian
`The Gity of Petaluma shall male ac•aila6letb the memoers of:;ltis unit:;lte Cin_
Compensation $lan.
Section 13. Retii•ee:Benefrt Pav~rrtents
Section 12 Retiree<Benefit Payments
1. An emplo~,'ee v~itli hrent~~ ("_'0) }ears of,ser<ice andacha:is ase ~U or older and vcho retirees on a,
serc~ce're[irement duringttie term oftfiis 5greemePtt,~w111.be eligible for a service benefit m ihe-amotint
equal to:$100`lcss,thcantount contributed dtrcctl~ to the PE[vICHA,prcnriunt b~'ttic Cite: This pasiucnt
will cotninue"az long'az::ttie emplo}~ee~coininues insthe PEINCFIA plan as a_retirze: Should the refired .
cmployce not coniinuc in.thc PEMCI-I~;plaa that retired ~ploccc «ill;bccligiblcfdt;an aniounf of$100 '
az a direct pa}2ttetmas a retiree:sen'ice benefit. Ib;isthe responsitiilitc'oftfie,retiree,to:notifi-t}ie Cin'in '
~~Titing;that helshe:is not being covered$~ the'PEI4ICHAplasand the,Cin~will commencepa}mentofthe
$100;00'ai the beginning of he;momh following the recetptof iz-ritten notice b~'thetatiree
2. For employees retiring"afrer September;l, 199? and vvho meet the;senice requirements listed'in
paragraph t above, those employees shall recei~e;amaddinpnal $2U pertpoinh as'a retiree-service benefn.
Should;the reared Io}~ee.not coniinue in:tlie PEI<4CH:~-plan, that retired emploc ee y_tillbe eligible for an
amoum of $120 as a:direct paymem'as a`rettree sern~ce benefit. Ibis the;tesponsitilitc of-the:retitee.to
notifi the Cm in:wTiting that'°helshe is not being covered'bc the PEMCH;~,plan and: tbe.City Hill i
_ •
commenceipa}-mentofthe'$ 30:00 at theobe_¢tnningofthemortthfollosing,therzceiptofurittensnoticeb}
the retiree
Section 1~. 'Health/Demal Care Cash Back
An eligible,etnployee mactequest cancellanon of--:the emplrnae's Cin-paicl medical andlordersial
insurance coverage under Section 1_~ of the IRS; Tai Codes upon preservation to ihe'.Citi~ of
satisfacton~,proofthat"tCelshehazmedical:and,~ordental'insarance_ ,coverage fromanoher_source:
req p of PEh1CHA-medical elections but:v~ill
Such a west mati''he trade durin¢;the:o en enrollment f`
be.>in all cases sabjectfo;the•terms and conditions ;and cancellation requiemetits of the`patticvlat-
~rJhen theemplo~•ee`haz°demonstrste~d such coverage to the;Cin's;satis`action, the Cin~ v~ill request
cancellation of the employee's medical and,'or derttal coverageaubjectto the,terms and',conduions
- ~ - --r - - - - - - - - - - -
cf :he pat•ticular polio ::1;'pon;a.tual cancellation of the;emplo}'ee'rmedi:.al coreraoe, and
cominencmg on';t}ie date oFcancellaztoii ofsuch;pglic}: the Cin' ~~ill instead pa}' to he eligible
etttplo}~ee, on a monthlc,basis; an amqunrequal,to ~0°,0 of.;the "equivalent monthlctost",;as defined
herettt_ of insurance co~~etage of satd zinployee In!`de[zrminipetbe""equitialem tngmhic cost" of
such cd~~eraee..the Citti shall calculazei.the montlil~ premium amoum ~chich ~eould be paid b~ the
Cin~ on the zmplo~-ez's bzhalf under ihzHealttt Plan ,of the:Red~z'oods plan, based on.the zmplo~ez's
coc.°raee level (e.g. self, self plus spouse, selfplus spouse,pliis :.hildien)'az the time of such
cancellation: Hou-ever_ if he actual monftilc cost ofthz;zmplq}'ee's currzttt plan cotierage is less
than"the mort}tl}' HPR cost. then the lo~cerfigure shall be used, In-the e~•enrcoveraee is cancelled
onl} for the zmpfo}ee's pause or dzpendenrchildren: the reimbnrsemettt nill.be ~U"~ ofthe cost
dill renee bemeen the old andlneA levels of coverage (as calculated.usirte the HPR plan).
I;pon such cancellaton of the employee's dentaLco~~erage; ,the Ciri'-titiill instead poi-to the eli_nble
employee.-on a monthtc•-basis. an artiounTequal.ta~U°~ oftne Cih's itttztnalti _enetated;zsimated
monthly cost of the fixed monttil~' ~haisz for this proertm.
Am' employee cancelling coverage Hill be required to meet all rules and conditions of the particular
plan. including..but not limited'to. all rules and cond¢ions goeertung admuustratign, :,ancellazion,
and'Ye-enrollment eligtbilii, b~, recu.°sting;a cash patment pursuant,to this-section. sucfi emplo}~ee
understartds and,agrees as ax_ondiiion of receipt ofthis:paimein. that re-enrollment eligibilm_ into
anv plan:in notgtiaranteed.
Section 15. Heahh Insurance
1: ACTIVE Employees
The Cit.• shall parcicipaIC in,the Public Employees' ;vfcdi~;'Hcilth Care Act (PE:vICfIA) for
members of this unit. The'designated,premium;paid b. the'Cin tottard tliisprogram,shall;be in
the amount of $100.00 pct month per'cntploycc.
RETIRED Employees
Employees ~cho'retire from the Cin~"ofPetaluma;~zill re~acz comribuuonszo'aheir medical
premium ii'hile under the PEb1CHF, plan. This pa~zncm nill'ihcn;ase in"the antount of $?.UU per
scar until it reached the amount of $IUUAU as.listcd in para¢iaph 1 abo~c:
Section 16. Dental Prooram
The Citti shall>pro~ide for agroup-Delta Dental.Pro_~,for~Cin eiaplocee and dependents in this
unit. Additionali~ the Cin shall corrcribute trncard an Orthodonmre plan,$1.000 per child at a
~0°o co-payment rate. The Cin shall pat, during the period of this Compensation Plan:the full
fixed monthlc charee for the Cin~ group detnal co~~eraze pro_eram.
Section 17. Life Insurance
The Cir-shall provide^for a6¢roup teen life insurance prof-am-.for Cit} emplo} eel in t}us unit. The
Cin• shall pay, duringthe course of the Compensation Plan the ittnttance premiumtrnaards
cmplo}'cc only corct~c for such insurance in the principle sum of $_'~.UUO.
Section 19. Disabilin• Insurance
Lone Term: The Cin shall provide for along-term disabilin_ plan. The premium;to'be paid#or 6_~~
the Cin . i
Short-Term: The Cin~ agrees that emplrn•ees in,this;unitmay; on a pure)}~ yoluman• basis and at
then onn.expense, pariicipate,in AFLAC's Short-teim disaoilin;insutance; as ]ong as the number
of emplrn~ees electing to participate in the program meeu the minimum participation standards set
b~' the carrier.
Section'19. Vision Prosram
The:Cin shall protiide a Vision-Plan'-for emplo}~ees,and dependents. The filed momhh~'cosishall.
be paid foYby the ,Cin'.
Section 20. -Other Health And N~elfare Pa~•merrts
The Cin shall.pro~ide io the a.-5ce members of i:nit l additional montht~~ health and ~ielfare
pa~merns equal the YEMCHA Heahh Plan o,`--the R~coods premium amounu less x 100.00.
Section2l. Vacation
A. 1. Amottms All regular emplo?'ees, of the Cin' of P.etaiuma, aRer working one full tear are
cntitlcd to the equivalent of cighn• (3U)'}iours of vacation with pa?-in the ?'car folloti~ing'thc v~r in
x~hich tiacation is.earned.
All regulaz etnplocees of the Cin of Peralurpa„afrer five years of wrninuous service
xith the Cin.and_ beginning ~~ith'thesisttt ti~eaz. shall 6e entitled to the equiyalrnt of one hundred
m ertn~ (12U) nours of vacation per teat. Afrer ten (f U) tears of continuous service xith the Cin',
eight (8) hours of vacation shall be added for each tear of continuous service to a matimum of m~o
hundred;(20U),`hours oftiacation. Vacation time accumulated in excess ofncovears shalt be lest
B. 5chedulino •I'he times during a calendaz.?-eaz in xhich an emploverrna~ take his''her
vacationshalFfie determined b?• the departmem:head xith due respect for the «ishes of the
employee and particulaz regard' for the needs of the:sertice. Ifthe requirements of the;senice aze
such thatan employee cannot take part or all ofhis annual vacation in a particulaz calendar }'ear,
such vacation shall betaken during the following calendaz tear.
C. 'Deferral An?' eligible employee xith,the consern'ofttie head of his/her departmern and-'the
Personnel.Office may defer See ~eorking dacs of his/her annual tiacapon to the succeeding
calendar cearsubjed to other provisions df this rule. A xTttteit report of each deferred vacation
simed b?• the appropriate deparmtent.head and:the:Persoanef„Officer,noting the'details shall tie
kepton fife x~idt the Personnel Office... '!n ttie eJetrt one or:more municipal holidays fall xidiin an
annual vacation leave. such holi3avs shall nat be'charued as vacation leave and racauon leatie shat! •
be extended according!}~. '
Settion Sick Leave
A. General Sick leave with pay shall`be granted to all emplo? ees:as set forth in this section.
Sick leave is nova right ti-fiich an emplo~~ee tnay use at his/herdiscretioa but rather_ shall beused
on1~'in case of personal illness, disabilin or the serious'illness of injun'dfan emplo?•ee's.familr
member xiiich requires thetemplo}'ce's attention. Tire term;family members: shall include: spouse,
clnldren, parents: spouse's parenu, bTOthers..sisters or other individuals xitose relationship to:the
employee i5thaz of a dependein or neaz dependent.,
B. Accrual Sidk leave shall,accrue to all full-time,emplo}-ees attheirate ofeieht<hoursfor
eachmonth oficontinuons service. No employee shall accumuhtte more sick leme in hny ?'ear than
G. Notification Procedures Imorder to receive cotgpettsation x••?tile absern on~sick leave. the
employee shall':notify his/her iimnediate superidr or the Personnel Office prior to or «ithin four
hoots after-the time set forbeginning his dailc duties as rna? be specified be the head of his
departmetn. When absenca is for more than three da?s duration, the emplovee,tnay lie requiredao
file a phcsician's certificate xith the Personnel'Office stating the cause of the absence:
D.. Rclationshi~ to Workers Compensation Benefits shall'be,pa}•able in situations=H'here
miscellaneous employee's absence is due to.mdustrial-in~un';as provided in California State
Workers' Compensation Law'-..During the-first three (°3) ivork'datis w~henthe emplgyee's absence
has been occasioned'bc inptre'sufferad during,lvs/heremploement;and he/she receives Workers'
Compensation. he/she shall receive full+pa} . 'Following this p°rriod sick leave ma}' be a supplement
to-the Workers' Compensation benefits provided the employee. Compensation is athis/her reeular
rate fora period not to exceed sixmonths. oruntil°such'sick leave is echausted. or the disabiliti is
abrogated, or that employee is certified "permanent and srationarc" bj`a competerit~medical
authorin'. The Cih' shall pay him/her the regulaz salary'. based'an the combination of the Workers'
Compensation benefit plus sick leai~e.
Sick"leave for industrialsinjun shall not be allotted-fora disabiltte' resulting from sichtess,
self-inflicted injure or ~i-illful misconduct.
The Cin ma} retire am~ employ ee prior to the e~hausnon of accumulated sick leai•e, at
which time all accrued but unused sick leave shall be abrogated. subject only to the limitatioas
prodded under this Memorandum of understanding.
E. Sick Leave'Transfer Police Employees wishing to donarehours of sick leave to another
employee mati'voiumarily do so bd sendine.a ~critten reques~.approved by their deparnnem lead.
to the Personnel Office naming the individual to receive the sick leave and the amount donated.
with the followint restrictions:
L. Employees i}fio wish to transfer sick'leave must retain a minimum of 160
hours of sick leati e'to be elit>ioleao transfer sick leave.
2. All such transfers of sick leave aze+irrevo.:able.
3. The employee,reccirng the sick lease transfer must have zero (0) hours of
accrued sick leave: vacation and CT:4-leave on the books.
Emplo}'ees may' not buv or sell sicl; leave. Only the time maybe
Empio~ ees may not transfei sick leap e upon sepatation of service.
6. Transferofsick leave shall be allotted bent-een Uniu 1. 8 and y.
7. No more than ninet}' (90) ~corkda}s of SSck Leave rnav be received bt an
employee for an} one. illness or injure'.
Section 23. Bereavement'Leave
A. Tn the.eyent of the death of an,employee's spouse: mother, step-mother, mother-in-laic,
father, step-father..father-in-la~i°, brother:.sister, child, mcluaing an adopted child, grandchild and
grandparent. an emplrn'ee ~cha attends the funeral shall;be granted time'off work with pa.. The
amoutrt of time off wort: with.pa}'shall be onl} thatw~hich is required to'attend the funeral and
make necessary fimeral artangements, but in no event shall it exceed three (3) woridng dots.
Thesethree (9) da}'s shall not'fie,char~eaole to sick leave. ~n additional two (2) dots required for
necessan' funeral arrangemertts,mav be charged to the emplm•ee's sick lea~'e and am additional
time be}'ond these hvo days may be charged to accumulated ~aration or leave w-itttout pa} . Such
bcrca~.:,.~t lca~•c shalLnottic ac.-niablc from v~ to fis:.al ~:ar, nor shall it have anv
monetarc ralue.'if unused.
'Section 2~'. Hdlidavs
A. FLYED_HOLID~YS;7he•Cm shall obserem-el-.•e (1_) fi-:ed-datz holida}-s, Thzse
~holida~s shall'be esablished for the Cin°'s fiscal y-car.as dr,.'rmirtcd bti City Counc',:rsolvrion.
B: FLOATPv'G HOLIDAY: During the Fis~l Year the Cin will authorize one (I) "Floating
Holiday",per emplo}'ee, which mac betaken b}'the eatplo}'ee at a vme selected bg the emplocee.
subjectio operational requirements and approval determined b~.the Cih. Emplocees hi>•ed
berweenlulc L and December 3 1, will be'eligible for a'"Floating Holiday" during the course of the
Fiscal ~~ear.
Section 25. M1lilitarv.Leave
A4ilitan leave shall be;arraneed in accordance tilith theptoiisions of State Law'. All emploiees
entitlzd to militan leave shall give the appoiming prncer an opportunity- within the limits'of
militan re¢ulations to determine when such leave shall be taken.
Section 26. Leave of absence Without Pav
A. The Cit} Ivlanager.ma}' grant a;regular or,probationar. emplo~~ee lease of absence without
pa~'pursuarrc to State and Federal Law. Good cause being shown be a nritteh<request, the City
Manager ma} extend such leave of absence without pac or seniority or benefits:for an additional
period,not to exceedsix (6) months. No such leaveshall be graa[ed except upotrnvr¢ten reques of
ihe•emplo~ee setting forth the reason for the request; and the;appro~al ti~ill be ih writing. upon
expiration of a regularlc approved leave ;or within a reasonable period of time after notice to return
to dun, the emplo.-ee shall be reinstated in the position held at the time leave das;granted. Failure '
on the part of an emplrnee on,leave to'report promprh ar ins espitatibn, or within' a reasonable time j.
after notice to return [o duty; shall be cause for discUarge.
B. Employees ma}' reduce their worlu~eek upon approval of their Deparmtent Head and the
City A4atiager under a Voluman,-'Leade Without Pav plan. nat zo exceed 20".0 of their annual Rork
schedule. Medical premiums till cominue to be paidb}'the city and employee as if worlang a full
schedule. -
Section'.',. Jbrc Leave
Ecem classified employee ofthe Cirr [rho is called or requiiedto;sen~e as.a trial jurorshall be
entifled to absent himsetf from his duties :with the City=during the period of suchsen'ice or while
necessaril:' being present in-sown"as"a result of such call. linderaacli eirduntstances, the .°mplo}'ee
shall be:paid the'difference bcfi}een "his full salan~ and an}' pawnent received b~ him. exdept travel
pap. for such dun'. This compensanca shall not extend bepond tivetm (20) tieorl:ing day's.
Section'_3. Comnensaron Time'Off
Emplo} ees ma} recei};e. in lieu of being paid for overzime compensatory tithe off at a mutnaltc
agreeabl; time bem'een the Cin' and the employee subject tp the operatioti requirements of the Cin"
and t~ith appro~•al determined bt the Citm'. No employee mac eam rnore thatr rn'o hundred fom'
(2~0) hours of Compensaton'Time-Offger fiscal year. Inadditidn, nb'emplo}'ee may re-.'+in or, the
books more than fore- hours .o -unused Gompensaton-Time'aram~ giyempoint during the tiscal
year. Artiounu submitted m,ecess of these limiu shall'be paid at time and one-half.
Seaion?9. Fainih And ySedical;Leave
Pursuant to tqe Familti and hledical_,Lzace Act of 1193 (FML:a)
lead e mati 6° monied to-an ~iiplo~'ee echo has beet[ employ ed_for at least ficelve (12) months b~ the
City' and tcho has`pro:ided at least 1.]~0'hours of sernce daring the tn'elde (12) months'before the
leap e is requested. The-leave maybe srartted up to a total of tycelve (12)m~eeks'for the follonihQ
reasons' -
Because of the birth of a child orplacemem foradoptidn nr foster .are. of a child:
B. In order to dare for the spouse, son, daughter, parent, ozone whoaood in place of
a parent of the cmplo} ee. if such spgnse. son, dau~htcr, parent or "in loco parentis" has a "serious
health condition-
C. Because of a serious heahh condition thaz makes the ecitplo}'ee unable to perfdrm
his emplo~-m~tt functions.
The Emplo~'e` must protiide the~Emplo} er«ith chime (30) dacs advance notice of the leap e. or
such notice as is practicable. ifthim (3(1) dacs nocice.is norpossible. The Etnplo}'ee must provide
the Emplo}'er With certification of the condition from a health care pr`d~ider. The Emplo~'er, at
Emplocer expense, mac require a second opinion on the validity- of the certification. Should a
conflict arise benceen health pro~z$ers., a.third and binding opiitioa at Emplo~'er expense sill be
sought..9n Employ ee seel:in¢)FMLA leave must first use paid sick"time (if applicable) and
vacation.before going on unpaid leave. The total amount of famih leavepaid and unpaid mill-not
exceed+a,total of ncelve (12) n`eeks. Inane casein which ahusband-and kfe emitted to famih
lease are bpth emploced b~ the. Emplo}'er. the Ag_!~reeate nufnberor x~orkweeks of lease to «hich
both maybe entitled may be limited to nselve'('12) weeks dunng;if such.leave is taken be:ause of
the birth of a child or plac°aieni-for adoption or foster care of a child. The Eiirplo}'ee dill be
responsibl~ for tiffs share_ofthe health~insur5nce~cost,durii~.;the eave. If the>Emplo};ee~does ndt
remrn`from the leav_e;,he sresponsiblg forthe,total insurance,premtum paid?b}'the',Empto}-er:
Section 30: Retirement`
The Cin'of Petaluma's<iefiemearplan under-thePublic-Emplogees' Redrement`Svstem shall
consist of
the following' items:
T,tiscellaneons'Emplbceesi 2°~.u 60
Options; ly) Sunivors_Benefit(lst;level)
One ~~ear FinalCompensauon
Unused Sick'Leace Ciadn
Militan Service Credit as Public Service:
Secfion:3T. Grievance-Procedure
A. Puroose of Rule -
(1). To;promoie~improved,emplo~'er-ecnplo}'ee relations bc'esta6lissing _eriecance
procedures on maitersfor w-loch•appealbr<heanng.isnorprotiided by other regulations;.
To afford emplo~ees`indi~gdually br througlrqualified'emplb~ e°;or_eanization a
s?'stematicmeans of obtauting:further consi_der_ation o_f problems after ecen~:reasonable;effort,has:
failed to'resolve'themthrougti discus§ioiis'.
(3) To'provide`tlatgriecances shalt 6e settled as+nearas possible to the;point of
To provide thdt appeals shall be conducizd as informallc.,as possiblz.
B. blattersSubiect To Gne~•ance:Procedure The Grievance procedure shall,;be:used to
pra.ess and resolr•e ~erierances ansmg out of the intcrpietarion; apphcauon ,"or`enforcement`of the
etpress tamis of this compensation plan.
C. Inforntal Grievance'P.rocedure. An=eempirn~ee wfio•has a,proflem,orcomplaimshould.first
m' to get it,settled.through discussion with his/her immediate supervisor witboui undue delay: I£
after this discussion;;he/she does not believe the,problem has been;satisfactorih' resolved_ he/she
sball have the right=to discuss it with hisser supervisor's immetiate supervisor if-am•, in the-
administtative service. Egen effort should be made,tb firid:an.acceptable soluuon'b~'Iinformal;
means at,the lower possible level:of•supervision, 'If the'employee is not inagreetnem:~vith tbe.
decision reached b}`discussion: he/sheshall them}iave the rightio file a formal appeal in vvTitittg
- .
aithia.ten (10) calendar.d'av~s after receiriiig,the infotrtfal decision of his/her imrnedia_
to superior.
An informal appeal-shall,nor::be taken above the appoiming pow•at.,
D. Formal Grieiance Procedure (levels o£,reviea--throughchain of.command).
(1) Firstlevel of revien' The;aPPeal':shall.be;presented in uiiting to the^emplo~!ee's
immediatesupervisoi. wfio s}iall render his/her decision and cortmtents in wTitntg,and return them
~~;henevzv: ih thejudgmettrofthe Citc'Council'itbecomes pecessan'to abolish am
position q` emplb~inettt due to a reorgani~tion or to separate emploceesdue to lac]< of icork or
funds: thz employee holding such position.or employment mac be laid'dff or demoied without
diseiplinan-actibn and without-ihe right of appeal.
33. ? tti`otification:
Employees to be laid off shal l be riven, whenever possible; at.least I ~ calendar dais prior
33.3. 1'acanc~-and Demotion:
E~iC pt w othen:ue pr0~]d..(1, l~hene~`er there-is a reductionin aat~°. hOli: fOia. Il;~
appointine authorin shall •first.demote to a ~acancc, if atn. in aaower classification for which the
erriployee who is the latest to be laid off in accordance with'Section 6 is qualified. ".Il person; so
demoted shall have their names placid otrahe rz-emplo}mem`list.
33.4 Emalovee Riehts:
ernplo~eeaffeaed bv,layo;`_shall have the aght'to displacz an eanplotiee in the same
departrr~entwho Bas less,seriiorin tn.~ a-lower classification in;the same-classification sexes or in
1 a lo~..r.lassifica_fion m ic~hch`the affected employee once'had re~*ular status. For the purpose
of this se.,ion.and':Secnon seniority; includzs all periods of full=time szrvicz at or above ifie
classification levetirhere the lavo'ffis io acur.
33. ~ Seniority-:
Ir.order to tetreatto'a furrier orlowerclassfication, an.emplovee mus have more
seniority t;,an at past one of the ineum6ents in the retreat classificaron _be qualified zo hoiu iie
retreai classfi"cation or hay e sen ed m thz;re[reat classification prior to`the layoff and reques
displacementaction in writinr,to theFersonnel Officer within working dai s ofteceipt dfnotice
of layoff.
Emplocees within each cateQori •shall be laid off-in reverse order of senioritc w ithin'the
classification series..Senionrv for the retreat classification ~6otild''be tlie:combination oftime served
(at or aooi e) m tKi; layoff classification and'am prior time served in the'retreat classification. Ties
will be broken based seniority oftotal City service
Employees'retreatingao glower or similar dassificafion shall,be placed at the salary sep
represemmg;the least;loss•of par.: In no case shall;t}ie salan' be ihci-eased=abot'z that reczi~'zd in
the classification from tichich the employee was laid'pff.
Employees retreagttg to a lo~cer'arsiirilar c1.1ssificafion shall serve a probationan period
in the neic classification unless;tfiec have!pretvousfy°successfiilh"completed a probationan period
irr the retreat classification or'a higher dassifi,:atiomin the series.
32: 6. Emolovtnent Status:
to the cmploi-cca~ithin five (3) calcndar:'dais after rec.°itiing-:the appeal..If the emplo•ee does not
agree with his/her supervisor's decisioa;or if no anscer: has been°received tc~thin`fire (5)' ealendaz
days,•the emplrnce-ma}` present the appeal'm xriting to tiis/her, supervisor'rtttanediate superior.
Failure.of the`ertiplQ~`eeio take.furtheraction within`Sve;(~)':calendar`dais after receipt of the
written deciston of his/her supen~sor„arti}iihin the:total~offifteen (1~)icalendaz da}s if no decision
is rendered; willconsiitute a droPPmg'~?he'aPP~:
Further-level or'levels'of re~ex- as anoronriate The suPervisor'receiving the
appeal shall rerietic-it render his'her decisibn and,camments:in,writing; and'return;tliem•iotthe
emplocee,aid»n=fiiz (d)"calendar da}-s after recerving,the;appeal. If the,emplo~~ee`dozs not agree
with the decision; or if no ans~cer has;been receiyed'~cithin$ce calendar'da~~s: emplo}:ee rna~.
present the appeal in writing to the deparimem head. Failpre of the emplo~~ee to takefiuiher;action
within fiie calendaz days after receipt of the decision is rendered. ii511;constitute a "
dropping,ofahe appeal:
.(3) Deoartment'Reroiew The departmeut~head receiiing the appeal' o.`his/her
designated represematrve, should discuss;the grtevance'isith the;employ'ze;'his`har;reprasetttative.. if
any,;and tiiith°other appropriate pcrsans: The department-head;shall~render'tuslher decision and
_ _ .
comments m wrmng,, and remm.them.to the emplocee;wzdtrii-five (5) `calendar da~-s after receiving'
the:appeaP. Ifthe employee does not agree ~~ith the"decision:reached, or.ifno anszcer'has;been.
reserved ~cithm five'{:)calendar da}•s after -receipt of the decision or within:a iaral, of fifrezn { 1 ~ )
calendar;•da~s if-no~dzv-ision is rendered:,nill constitute a dropping`o the appeal..
Cin iviarraeen The Cifc Manager re^,eiiing the appeal:or-lus desianaied '
representative should>'drscuss,the grievance inl[h36e emplrn~ez. Iiis/her3represerrtative.,ifang', and
with'ot}icr'appropriatz persons. The Ch~ ;vlanager may decimate a fitt finding commrtteC:.officer
not in,the normalllinz of supznisron, or:Personnel~Boazd:to advise'him/her concerning the appeal. 1
The Cin °Ivfanagershall rendera'decision in writing to'the employee within;m~rnn (20) calendar
days after rzcei~ing,thz gPPeal.,
(a) The time limits spectfied'aboie mai',6e etiended~to a^o~nfuute date b.•
mutual'agreement of he emplo}'ee and the raviewerconczmed.
(b) The;emplocee ma}'requestthe assistance bf anotherperson.`of his`her'oiin'
choosing',in preparing and presentmg his/lia appeal;'at an}` ler'el;of reviex~.. i
(c)' The;emplrn~ee and his/her representanve;rnav be;pri~ileged to use a
reasonableamoum of icork tune as derermined'bv fhe'appropriarz deparunetrc hzad__in conferring.
about and',presenting the appeal.
(d) E_mplocees shallbe assured freedom from reprisal for;using~the,grieti~ance
Section 32. Lavoffand Recall ,
A. Layoff,and'Recall
32. 1. Statement of Intent;,
L, rack classincatidn or"posidon«ithm'ihe corrtpettdti•e;senicr, employees shall br laid or
accordine'to emplo~metn sates in the follo«in¢ orde_ r; temporan~; provisidnal, probatioran~, and
T~ ttporan, provisional and probationan.emplo}•ees shall 6e laid ofi accordine to the
nerds of the sen•ice as determined;6~~ the appointing auttSorin .
33. Re-emolovmcnt List:
Tne natnrs of persons laid off or drnoted in accni`dancr ~tiiih these mies shall br rnterrd
upon a re-~:mplo~ment,list. Lis-s!`rom diff„rznt depa,-,mrnts dt at diffdrenr imes :or the sa,•nz
classification of position stihll',be combined into a single list. Such list hall be used b~ turn
appointin_~authorit<~ ichen eacancc arises in the carne or lower ;.lassification of position before
cenificadpn is made from an rli~ible-fist.
33.3. Duration of Re-Emnlovment Lint
'.~araes of peaons laid on shall be carried on a re-rmplo}meat list for nco ~~ears.
Re~o9~-183 rJcS
of theCity of Petaluma, California
)ES:~LL iIJN_:=.PYRO`~-G ShI..-cI,' 1ti'U S~YYLEtiiENI'~L:~~`~:~GE'BE~_ FITS FOR
b~'HEREAS. chz; zmployees in Unit i aie nut represented by any're.;ogtilzzd~,zmploveV
or_anization; and,
bt`HERE~1S;,thzaCitS- ~iana~=zr, pursttani to Section 33, C'in of Petaluma Gin- Gliarzr: i;
i•equii•ed and'•zn7powirrird top:mal:e^a re~ommeiidatiuii to the City Councii'aon matter rela[ed'io
employee's eompensation;; and .
WHEREAS, he+Giry ,~1ana¢er has:reco77imended that.employees in Unit`1 receive salary
and supplemental wale benefits,
NOSE-, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED thatahe'supplemental a-aQe and bznefris_as
speeined; i7r the attachment for employees in this Unit; bein_= in'the best ihreresr of the Cin; be
appi•o~ed and shall become ei~ectio-e upon adoption.
Under t}ie power,and authority eaaferrednPOn.this'Council try t)ie'Charter,of'said City.
REFERENCE: I hereby czrtify the;foregoiag:Remlutioa was iatioiiuctd and adopted by the Approved as to
Couaeiloftlx Ciiq of~Petaluma ata.(Regolar) ( meeting f0~ _
on the -21st. _.~y ~ .July. 1997.- by ttie ~7
following vote: _~__.11,.~
ATTEST: ~ T~/j~,/" - -
City Clerk ~MaYOr -
G IU-tl5 Pev \a.....9Tr_S.H3...... Y.CSi