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Minutes 09/11/1990
REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY'HAI-L September 11,.1990 7:00 P.M: PETALUMA, CA The Planning Commission encourages applicants or their representatives to be available, at the meeting to answer. questions 'so that no agenda item need be deferred to a later date due to a lack of pertinent information. COMMISSIONERS Bennett", Parkerson, Read, Tarr *, Thompson, Woolsey STAFF: Warren Salmons, Director Pamela Tuft, Principal. Planner ABSENT: Libarle * Chairman * * Arrived 7:05 PM APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF August 28, 1990 were approved as submitted. PUBLIC COMMENT: (15 minutes maximum)., None. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: City Council will be holding a public meeting,at Luchessi Park on Wednesday, September 12th regarding proposed Factory Outlet; draft housing element distributed with packet and will be on an upcoming agenda; there will 'be a meeting Thursday, September 13th at the Old Swede School to discuss neighborhood concerns of utilizing the building for training .courses; second set of responses and comments received for Chelsea. EIR - they have not: been distributed tPlanning o Plan Commissioners yet and will provide if asked. COMMISSIONER'S REPORT: None. CORRESPONDENCE: For Shell, Oil, an addendurn regarding condition, change, correspondence. submitted by proponents, approval , letteer from City of Santa Rosa; letter from Mainstreet regarding. downtown .tree planting; Young America Homes regarding- Adobe Creek fees agreement _(to be distributed. to City Council); letter from applicant ;requesting withdrawal of soundwall'proposal for Southpoint. Business Park from agenda; letter from Southland Properties, owner of mobilehome park adjacent to Southpoint' Business Park, objecting to changing the nature of 'buffer. APPEAL STATEMENT: Was read. 24:5 CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS: OLD BUSINESS: I. SHELL OIL, 900 PETALUMA BLVD. NORTH, AP NO. 150- 011 -05, FILE NO. 1.624AUc). 1. Continued consideration of EIQ. 2. Continued consideration of conditional use permit to allow a carwash . CD addition to an existing service station. Cy) (The public hearing was continued from the Planning Commission meeting of July 24, 0 1990.) U SPEAKERS: Q Alan Tilton Traffic Engineer - performed three separate observations on carwashes in Santa Rosa; determined that roll -over operation has greater need for stacking facilities; site will - require six on -site parking spaces for adequate stacking; some type of reconfiguration would need to take place. Commissioner Woolsey - inquired if the traffic for the proposed Factory Outlet that will impact this site was taken into account. Alan'Tilton - felt traffic signal improvements would improve traffic flow. Commissioner Read - traffic study not complete enough against added employees; cross- over easement into Lucky's critical; lack of employee parking; impact of surrounding uses. Commissioner Woolsey - doesn't believe carwash won't impact traffic; observed Mr. Weiner's carwash in Sausalito and felt it was heavily impacted. Commissioner Bennett - intersection intensification of use seen in two other projects; cannot support findings of adverse impacts on traffic on environment; traffic major issue, not type of carwash. Commissioner Parkerson - main concern is traffic impacts; given size of property, number of uses and traffic flow, not convinced intensification of use ' on the intersection is good; appears site needs some adjustment somewhere to accommodate cars. Commissioner Thompson - doesn't understand. why Commission does not believe Traffic Engineer. Commissioner Bennett - he is the expert, but the Commission reserves the right to respectfully disagree. Chairman Tarr -opposed to intensification of use at this intersection. Greg Freitas Urban. Planning Associates, 620 E. Washington #207 - applicant representative - condition addendum acceptable;, asked to revise two conditions regarding delivery of petroleum products (2e) and carwash seed can be increased to alleviate stacking problems (2f) - desires hand drying to finish fob, but doesn't intend to wipe whole car down; presented alternate site plan. Commissioner Parkerson - questioned use of parking spaces (employees, public, etc.). Art Grinell'o International Carwash Association, Portland, Oregon - company designs and builds carwashes; explained differences of various types of carwashes. Commissioner Parkerson - asked how fast six cars could get through the carwash at the normal rate. Mr. Grinello - less than six minutes (conveyor carwash) vs. 15 minutes for additional services (waxing, etc.). Commissioner Thompson - what are traditional peak times? Mr. Grinello - experience has shown it is usually during the day between 3 -6 PM, Monday through Friday; constant on Saturday; carwash is an impulsive business. • 2 246 Chairman Tarr - where would vacuum cleaning be placed; isn't it unusual not to have vacuuming,at site? Mr. Grinello - on -line vacuuming probably done at entrance, but not considered for this site; waxing and polishing part of cycle. Herb Weiner 900 Petaluma Blvd. North, applicant - gas delivery reflective of gas situation in world - may be put on a different schedule if there is a gasoline interruption; drying proposed for two reasons - I) auto comes off 'assembly 90 -95% d-y so attendant s there to towel off windows and top of car, and 2) to have attendant say thanks, attend to any problem, keep cars moving, etc. The public hearing was closed. A motion was made by Commissioner Parkerson and seconded by Commissioner Bennett not to issue a_ mitigated negative declaration'based upon the revised findings as noted by the Commission as follows: COMMISSIONER WOOLSEY: Yes COMMISSIONER PARKERSON: Yes COMMISSIONER READ: Yes CHAIRMAN TARR- Yes COMMISSIONER BENNETT: Yes COMMISSIONER LIBARLE: Absent COMMISSIONER THOMPSON: Yes Findings � l� t �-� ©�ent �starn�al� �uee•- tlt�- habi� -e€ �} €} ©��rldl specie--- a-- €�slr- ©r- rld1� €�- pogula�t� © -t ©= drop -b�kv- se�fa�n}xg- Iev�ls th�eate��o- elfin}iF�a. €e- ���a�= or- �Fn�a�c- amp }t3- ��d�c� -- tie- l�alii�at -o € =� €�sl wi€ dli��- �peeies;,- e�ns�- �- €s�r- o�- �ild€i€e- �px�uti� -�o -drop -below �elf�stntrti�g Festfie� Elie rar�ge�€- a- �ar�- ©F- eedaxge�d- punt- ©r- ��al -o� of }mi�a�e- i�or {� examples-©€- x�ajar- perieds -Q €tali € ©FF�ia -1 e� �r� Z. The project, as een4ki©nally aOF©ve ,: proposed, does have the potential to achieve, short-term, to the disadvantage of _long -term, environmental goals. 3. The project, as eondkionally appF©ve , proposed does not, have impacts which are individually limited - -fit and cumulatively considerable on (traffc .gemerated generation, traffic congestion on and off-site, and lack of ,cross -over access to /from adjacent properties). 4. The project, as wn&i©aal'ly approved proposed, does n&t have: environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly. - 5. - - - -- Foie ojet-- cs�steFr- it4i -- and- r #eF- ro-nies�- tl�e-- ohjeEtives -$ ©alb- -and pelieies- e€+h G'eneF4 —Plan A,motion was made by Commissioner Parkerson and. seconded by Commissioner Bennett to deny -the conditional use permit to allow the addition of a carwash to .the existing Shell Service Station at 900 Petaluma. Boulevard North due to negative impacts of environmental concerns. 3 f 2 4'7 COMMISSIONER WOOLSEY: Yes COMMISSIONER PARKERSON: Yes COMMISSIONER READ: Yes CHAIRMAN TARR: Yes COMMISSIONER BENNET ,Yes COMMISSIONER 'U ARLE: Absent COMMISSIONER THO'MPSON: Yes Findings_ ( --------lie - � p�epQSed- use-- st�jeEt -tom- the- c�d }Iie�s -o€ �ppra�al�oe�- rio�e�o�x�- ta-�ie }er}t� regtr�mets -o€�- Zang- 4ria�ee- a�ner -Pl�rr 0 2. This project will not constitute aL nuisance or be detrimental to the public welfare of the community due to the gatioa -mews V approval: anticipated additional traffic and related friction problems and the Q determination that the site is too small for the proposed intensification. II. CITY OF PETALUMA, ZONING TEXT AMENDMENTS (ms). 1. Continued consideration of proposed text amendments pertaining to: a. Automobile service station /carwash operations.. b. Accessory dwellings. (The public hearing was continued from the Planning Commission meeting of July 24, 1990). SPEAKERS: Greg Freitas Urban Planning Associates - supports changes regarding carwashes in Zoning Code of where should you put carwashes; believes they should be near high flows of traffic; intersections should be developed to utilize these services; they should be allowed with a gas station or by itself. The public hearing was closed. Commission Discussion Chairman Tarr - carwash language is much more clarified. Commissioner Woolsey - regarding. the cleaning up of codes, when do you know when something is a necessity? (Section 21.403.1) Commissioner Parkerson - regarding accessory dwellings, has raised the issue before of second dwellings being 25 feet in height; feels it is excessive. Commissioner Thompson - under definition of 1.203, shouldn't food and cold drinks also be added? Director Salmons - convenience markets similar. Commissioner Woolsey is it a given that a gas station and foot market go hand- in hand? Doesn't support that.- feels Commission should look at each use permit separately (gas station vs. convenience market). Commissioner Parkerson - agrees with Commissioner Thompson's suggested changes. 4 248 Commissioner Bennett - feels this is the service station of the future; service stations would want to have items available for -the travelin public. Chairman Tarr this would not be opening it up to be a full convenience :market. A motion was made by Commissioner Parkerson and seconded by Commissioner Thompson to recommend to the City Council approval ,of a Negative Declaration and approval of the proposed Automobile Service Stations and Car Wash Operation Zoning Text Amendment, as amended, 'based on the two findings listed below: COMMISSIONER WOOLSEY: Yes COMMISSIONER PARKER ' Yes COMMISSIONER READ: Yes CHAIRMAN °TARR: Yes COMMISSIONER BENNETT Yes COMMISSIONER LIBARLE: Absent COMMISSIONER THOMPSON: Yes Fines 1. The proposed Zoning Text Amendments are consistent with the City of Petaluma General Plan. 2. The. proposed Zoning Text Amendments are not detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the public, nor detrimental to the orderly economic development of affected properties. Automobile .Service Stations and Car Wash Operation 1. Amend Section 1 -203, Automobile Service Station, Definition, City .of, Petaluma Zoning Ordinance to read: Section 1 -203: Automobile Service Station A retail place of business engaged primarily in the sale of motor fuels, - but also in supplying goods and services generally required. in the operation and maintenance of motor vehicles. These. may include. sales of petroleum products; sale and servicing of tires; batteries,, automotive accessories and replacement items, lubrication services; washing of cars wherLe -iie eai-- eflveye�- $r-- blerve - }s=- �rse�. Operations outside shall be limited to the dispensing of .gasoline and water; changing tires, replacement and adjustment of automotive accessories such as windshield wipers, lights and batteries and similar minor customer needs. 2. Amend Section 1 -203, Definition, City of Petaluma Zoning Ordinance; by adding 11 the definition of a Cara Wash Operation", as described below. Section 1 - 203. Car Wash Op eration. A place of Business engaged primarily in the washing of cars. 3. Amend, the following sections -- to conditionally permit a car wash operation in accordance with the provisions of Section 21 -403. i. Section 11 -414, Neighborhood_ Commercial District ii. Section 12 -414, Central ,Commercial. District. iii. Add Section 13 -410A, Highway Commercial District IV. Section 14 -406, Light Industrial. District 5 « s �r 99 • 4. V. Add Section 15 -402A, General Industrial District Amend Section 21 -403, Gasoline Service. Stations, City of Petaluma Zoning Ordinance Performance Standards as described below to include car washes: 21 -403 Gasoline service stations and car wash operations. As Conditional Uses, service stations and /or car wash operations may be permitted only where: 21 -403.1 They are c1ear4y required by public convenience and necessity and that the proposed location of the Conditional Use is in accord with the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 21 -403.2 They do not break up continuity for pedestrians of retail store frontage. 21 -403.3 They will not be a nuisance to residences and other surrounding uses. 21- 4:03.4 They will not cause traffic hazards or undue traffic congestion. 21 -403.5 The proposed location does not create more than .two (2) service station sites nor no more than one car wash site and one service station site at any street intersection. 21 -403.6 The minimum closest distance €ron+-anether between two service stations or car wash and one service station or other car wash site will not be less than five hundred (500) feet except at street intersections where no such minimum distance shall apply; provided, however, that no more than two (2) service station sites and no more than one car wash site and a service station site or other car wash shall be located at any intersection. 'Back to Back" service stations and /or car wash sites are prohibited. 21 -403.7 A two -bay service station or a free - standing car. wash site area will have a minimum of fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet. The lot frontage, if located on a major street, will not be less than one hundred twenty five (125) feet. 21 -403.8 Service station or car wash operations with gasoline pumps will have buildings of the type of construction as defined in the Service Station Uniform Building Code, and are to be located at a distance of not less than ten (10) feet from property or building setback lines. (Exception: Structures having two -hour fire wall construction may be located at less than the minimum distance .herein specified provided that all buildings conform with the requirements of the Uniform Building Code). 21 -403.9 Service station, or car wash operations with gasoline pumps, canopies constructed of incombustible materials, will be open on not less than two (2) . sides, and may be attached to the main service-- statien structure, and will not extend closer than ten (10) feet to any other structure on the site nor closer than ten (10) feet to any interior property line. 6 250 21- 403.10 Gasoline pumps and pump islands for car wash operations or service stations will be set back fifteen (15) feet from. property lines or conformity with the building setback lines of the zoning district, whichever is greater. 21- 403.11 Driveways dliagn and spacing for automobile service stations or car wash operations l be subject to approval of the City Traffic Engineer.. 21- 403.12 The minimum closest distance from the service station or car wash with gas pumps site to an existing school, park, playground, museum or place of public assembly will be not less than three hundred fifty (350) feet. 21- 403.13 No outdoor storage of rental trucks or trailers, stacks of tires or other merchandise will be provided by the service station or car wash operation except when such equipment or .merchandise is screened by an approved fence not less than six (6) feet in height. 21- 403.14 Self- service service stations with attendant will be permitted. 21- 403.15 Coin operated service stations will not be permitted. Coin_ operated car wash operations will be permitted. A motion- was made by Commissioner Read and seconded by Commissioner Parkerson to recommend to the City Council approval of a Negative Declaration and approval of the proposed Accessory Dwelling Zoning Text -Amendment, as amended, based on the two findings listed below: COMMISSIONER WOOLSEY :. Yes COMMISSIONER TARKERSON Yes COMMISSIONER. READ: Yes CHAIRMAN' TARR: Yes COMMISSIONER BENNETT Yes. COMMISSIONER LIBARLE: Absent COMMISSIONER THOMPSON: Yes Fines 1. The proposed 'Zoning Text Amendments are consistent with the City of Petaluma General - Plana 2. The. proposed Zoning Text ,Amendments; are not detrimental to -the health, safety, or welfare of the public, nor detrimental to the orderly economic development of affected properties. Accessory Dwelling 1. Amend Section 1 -203, Accessory Dwellings, Definitions, City of Petaluma Zoning Ordinance to read: Accessory Dwelling A single-family dwelling in an R -1 Zone, subordinate to an existing, single - family dwelling, which meets the . criteria outlined in Section 21 -408. 4 7 253 2. Amend Section 6 -500 Height Regulations, R -1 One Family Residential District, City of'Petaluma Zoning Ordinance, to read: Section 6 -500 Height t Regulations No principal building or principal building which includes an accessory dwelling shall exceed two and one -half (2 -1/2) stories or twenty -five feet in height, and no accessory building including a detached accessory dwelling even if part of an accessory structure shall exceed one and one -half (1 -1/2) stories or fifteen (15) feet in height, except as provided in Section 24 -100. CD NEW BUSINESS 0 PUBLIC HEARINGS (, III. CHERRYWOOD SUBDIVISION MAP EXTENSION, LYNN AND RICHARD SCHMITT, 541 CHERRY STREET, AP NO. 006 - 011 -13 AND 50, FILE NO. 6.9,090c). 1. Consideration of request for extension of filing time for final map for six -lot single- family residential subdivision. The public hearing was opened. SPEAKERS: None. The public was closed. Commission Discussion Commissioner Read - clarified if February 1992 would be the final date. A motion was made by Commissioner Bennett and seconded by Commissioner Read to approve a twelve -month extension of time ' for filing of a final map on the six -lot Cherrywood Subdivision located at 541 Cherry Street, with all the original conditions of approval for the tentative map to remain in effect. COMMISSIONER WOOLSEY: Yes CO V MISSIONER PARKERSON: Yes COMMISSIONER READ: Yes CHAIRMAN TARR: Yes COMMISSIONER BENNETT: Yes COMMISSIONER LIBARLE: Absent COMMISSIONER THOMPSON: Yes IV. PETALUMA PEOPLE SERVICES CENTER (PPSC), PETALUMA SENIOR CENTER, LUCCHESI COMMUNITY PARK, FILE NO. 1.686(bg). 1. , Consideration of conditional use permit to allow remodel /expansion of quasi - public use (senior center) to add 1,350 square feet (dining room and kitchen). 8 The public hearing was opened. SPEAKERS: Dick Lieb One Bodega Avenue - indicated on site plan the drop off location' for food pick- up and loading; apartment is vacant and ready to remodel; patio is being' presrved. Commissioner Read -would area stay a commercial kitchen? Setback is approximately 25 feet from backyards. of neighbors to dining room - what 'impact to neighbors? Mr. Lieb : neighbors contacted; no problems. Commissioner Parkerson questioning Condition #3 - why a variance? Ron Kurtlev 1321 Commerce Street, Suite D, representing PPSC - proposed times of use are 11:00 -1:30 or 2:00 PM. KaHagan 749 Mt., View - has parking been provided for.TPSC and if so, where? Mr. Lieb - parking not - being expanded; PPSC parking needs minimal. Director Salmons - there is a fair amount of available Barking proximate to the center; premature to add parking now and take away from park land. Mr. Kurtlev - made survey of clients at diningsite approximately 35 eat at the site, 13 use PPSC bus, 10=12 use public transportation,, and rest use 6 -8 private cars that would be at the site during meal times 2 -3 cars needed for staff °people and volunteers. Commissioner Woolsev - where are meals prepared? Mr. Kurtlev - food prepared by Petaluma Valley Hospital. Kay H Where is location for pickup of food? Where is doorway between proposed and existing building? Where will trash receptacle be? (All pointed, out to herby Mr. Lieb on site plan map). The public hearing was closed. A' motion was made by Commissioner Parkerson and seconded by Commissioner Thompson to approve an amendment to the existing conditional use permit to allow an expansion /remodel of. 1,350 square feet for a kitchen and dining services at the Lucchesi Senior Center, subject to the findings and conditions listed below: COMMISSIONER WO.OLSEY: Yes COMMISSIONER P'ARKERSON! Yes COMMISSIONER READ: Yes CHAIRMAN TARR: Yes COMMISSIONER BENNETT: Yes COMMISSIONER LIBARLE: Absent COMMISSIONER THOMPSON: Yes Fin_ dings 1. This use permit is categorically exempt from an environmental review. 2. The proposed use of the site is consistent with the R -1 6,500 district and the City of Petaluma Zoning Ordinance. 3. 'The proposed amendment is' consistent with the Public Parks Land Use designation and the City of 'Petaluma General Plan and - its goals, policies and objectives. 4. This use will not constitute a nuisance or be detrimental to the public welfare of the community. 0 -2'53 Conditions 1. The 10 following requirement of the Fire Marshal shall be met prior to the issuance of a building permit: a. Provide fire extinguisher 2A rated ABC dry chemical type.. b. Install an approved automatic fire extinguishing system to protect all cooking equipment. C. Permits required for fixed fire extinguishing systems for kitchen. CY) d. Addition shall be protected by an automatic fire extinguishing system as Q required by section 10.306A of the 1988 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by City Ordinance No. 1799 N.C.S. C) < e. Permit required from fire Marshal's office for sprinkler system alteration prior to work being started. Two sets of plans are required. f. Provide KNOX box for key control located on building as required by the Fire marshal. g. Permit required for alarm system, prior to installation. 2. The following requirements of the Chief Building Inspector shall be met prior to the issuance of a building permit: a. The kitchen must have prior approval from the Sonoma County Health Department. b. If the proposed handicapped accessible bathroom is unisex, then all bathrooms in the building must be unisex. C. The height of the handicap ramp must be shown to determine if railings are required �ii383iC-�- O�-�C�i� -& �ar�a�@ ��' i© F- �E} ��1�F2E�Q €- 1?t3i�E1�•Ag�E'FFF2}t: 4-2. This project shall be subject to Site Plan and Architectural Review prior to the issuance of any building permit. 5-4. The use and activities within this City -owned building and grounds are subject to approval of the Recreation, Music, and Parks Commission. V. CHARLES PEASLEE FOR CHUCK STEPHENS, SOUTHPOINT BUSINESS PARK TENTATIVE MAP REVISION, SOUTHPOINT BOULEVARD, AP NO. 007- 401-14 THROUGH 30, FILE NO.6.668B(gb). 1. Amendment to Tentative Map conditions to allow a wood soundwall instead of a masonry soundwall. 10 Item withdrawn at the request of the applicant. VI. CITY OF PETALUMA 1. Consider . amendments to the PUD approvals for the Cader Farms and Morningside (now known as Mountain Va»ey) developments to delete the condition which requires the developers to provide a "10% unit ". The public hearing was opened. SPEAKERS: Director Salmons there is disagreement:' with respect to architectural diversity. ' Commissioner Woolsey believes majority of Council backs staff. Commissioner Bennett agrees with staff. Commissioner Parkerson - question on Corona /Ely ;Specific :Plan dealing with this question. Why take two steps - why not just wait for Corona /Ely? The public hearing was closed. A motion was made by Commissioner Woolsey and seconded by Commissioner' Read_ to recommend to the City Council amendment to 'Cader. Farms Resolution No. 90 -193 Condition No. 4.b., and Mountain Valley (Morningsi_de) Resolution No. 90 242 Condition No. 4.a., by substitution of the condition as listed below: COMMISSIONER WOOLSEY: Yes, COMMISSIONER PARKERSON: Yes COMMISSIONER READ Yes CHAIRMAN TARR: Yes COMMISSIONER BENNETT: Yes COMMISSIONER LIBARLE: Absent COMMISSIONER. THOMPSON: Yes Substitute Condition Substantial ,architectural diversity` shall be provided within the project, from unit type to unit type, without designation., of a specific "10% unit as called for in the Petaluma General Plan. PLANNING MATTERS (NOT PUBLIC HEARINGS) VII. DELCO, MOUNTAIN VALLEY, (FORMERLY 'MORNINGSIDE), AP NO. 136 - 120- 15JILE NO. 3:408, 6.979(tp). - 1. Consideration of revised project architecture and site plan for final approval (per. PUD Condition #2) prior to SPARC review. (The public hearing was previously closed). 11 c • a. 25 5 SPEAKER: Doyle Heaton Delco Builders - answered questions from the Commission: project almost ready for SPARC; working with Teryl Phillips; working on palette for townhouses by each building and not each unit; have come up with new layouts for the 11 units backing up to Sonoma Mountain Parkway; drainage problems being addressed by their engineer. A motion-'was made by Commissioner Parkerson and seconded by Commissioner Read to approve the proposed revisions to the project architecture and site plan for Mountain Valley Subdivision, with direction to the proponents to address, prior to SPARC review of the project, the areas of concern as listed below: 1. To provide further refinement and integration of roof, window, siding and trim elements on the detached units in order to achieve a more cohesive Victorian theme. 2. To..provide design variation between adjoining townhome units to lend a sense of individuality to each home. 3. To provide a formal gateway feature or some other mechanism to achieve apropriate visual transition between this project and the Cader Farms development to the south. 4. To, achieve variation in building height and to meet required building setbacks for the eleven units proposed to back along the Sonoma Mountain Parkway frontage. 5. To+ redesign the proposed drainage system in the vicinity of Lots 137 and 162 to eliminate the public easement and paved swale from these private lot areas. VIII. COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES, OPEN SPACE (pt). 1. Consideration of proposed modifications to previously approved extraordinary improvements to creekside area. This item was continued to an unspecified future Planning Commission meeting. ADJOURNMENT: 9:35 PM min0911 /pcmin -1 12 COMMISSIONER WOOLSEY: Yes - 0 COMMISSIONER PARKERSON: Yes COMMISSIONER READ: Yes CHAIRMAN TARR: Yes (� COMMISSIONER BENNETT: Yes COMMISSIONER LIBARLE: Absent COMMISSIONER THOMPSON: Yes 1. To provide further refinement and integration of roof, window, siding and trim elements on the detached units in order to achieve a more cohesive Victorian theme. 2. To..provide design variation between adjoining townhome units to lend a sense of individuality to each home. 3. To provide a formal gateway feature or some other mechanism to achieve apropriate visual transition between this project and the Cader Farms development to the south. 4. To, achieve variation in building height and to meet required building setbacks for the eleven units proposed to back along the Sonoma Mountain Parkway frontage. 5. To+ redesign the proposed drainage system in the vicinity of Lots 137 and 162 to eliminate the public easement and paved swale from these private lot areas. VIII. COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES, OPEN SPACE (pt). 1. Consideration of proposed modifications to previously approved extraordinary improvements to creekside area. This item was continued to an unspecified future Planning Commission meeting. ADJOURNMENT: 9:35 PM min0911 /pcmin -1 12 256 REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL September 25, 1990 7:00 P.M. PETALUMA, CA The Planning Commission encourages applicants or their representatives to be available at the meeting to answer questions so that no agenda item need be deferred to a later date due to a lack of pertinent information. COMMISSIONERS: Bennett, Libarle, Parkerson, Read, Tarr *, Thompson, Woolsey STAFF: Warren Salmons, Director Pamela Tuft, Principal Planner Jenny Cavanagh, Assistant Planner * Chairman MINUTES OF September 11, 1990 were approved with corrections to findings on page 3 PUBLIC. COMMENT: (1S minutes maximum). None. DIRECT,OR'S. REPORT; Shell Gas Station /Carwash has been appealed to the City Council; Commissioners may be seeing an article in Press Democrat, and receiving calls from the public ',regar.ding possible use of Old Swede School for an educational program for drug and alcohol rehabilitation. COMMISSIONER'S REPORT: Commissioner Bennett received large. number of inquiries g g g, , requests report from staff regarding SPARC approvals, e etc a Commis ne r Pa d rkersonamet with Park and Recreation Commission regarding tree preservation and suggested that a. member from Park and :Recreation be appointed to the Tree Committee as well as a member from SPARC. Commissioner Read congratulated staff for a job well done on the California General Plan Glossary presented at recent American Planning Association Conference. CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from Urban ;Planning. Associates regarding appeal of Shell carwash; letters from Catenacci family; Benjamin- Tuxhorn, Church of Christ, and Marilyn McDowell regarding Urban Separator, and letter from Thomas Chamberland regarding General Plan amendments for. park designation at "D" Street and Windsor Drive. APPEAL STATEMENT: Was read. 257 CD M O U DISCUSSION ITEM I. Area Study, development, _access, and circulation potential for area in vicinity of Olive, "I" Street, and Grant Avenue. SPEAKERS: Jenny Cavanagh Assistant Planner, showed slides of the site and gave presentation. Commissioner Woolsey questioned access of Lot 6 by Grant Court. Director Salmons - compared area study to Bodega Vista Subdivision, which was going to provide a public street as an extension of Webster. This subdivision had an interior lot that needed access, and they were able to purchase "flag lots" to allow future potential development. Commissioner Tarr - maximum additional lots would be four from the proposal. OLD BUSINESS CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: II. ROSEVIEW SUBDIVISION, LARRY JONAS, BETWEEN HALSEY AVENUE AND OLIVE STREET, AP NO. 008-401-11, FILE NO.6.995,ac) 1. Consideration of EIQ. 2. Consideration of Tentative Map for 14 single - family lots. (Public hearing continued from the August 28, 1990 meeting). SPEAKERS: Commissioner Bennett - informed Commission that he was absent from the 8/28/90 meeting but had viewed the tape and would be participating on the item tonight; asked what the total maximum density would be on the lots. Commissioner Parkerson - venfying that on Alternatives.A and B, staff was recommending 1A and not 1B; staff completed very good review of growth potential. Commissioner Woolsey. - On Alternative 1A, where does other ten feet come from? Is there a greater burden'on.the other properties? Commissioner Parkerson — questioned if turnaround on Halsey was a full turnaround. Co'mmissio'ner Libarle - if Dr. Jonas gets the additional ten feet, does this alleviate all problems ?,,, - Commissioner Tarr - how many lots could be served off a 30 foot access? Understands concern of homes on Halsey. Also has a concern with additional housing on Olive. Ruth Gilbert 810 Olive - felt . public had little time to consider proposal; wants drainage runoff, sewer, etc. properly addressed and stringently inspected; has complete confidence in Planning Commission; wants neighborhood to remain as nice as it already is. Rick and Carol Boyle 724 Olive - submitted letter that was read by Ruth Gilbert requesting' consideration of impacts, of water drainage on the small valley; properties at bottom of valley currently suffer water damage in heavy rains; Olive Street too narrow; subdivision has potential to double traffic, fire vehicle access questioned; present sewer system inadequate. Jack Schwartz. 23 Halsey - has owned property for 42 years; staff report and analysis is commendable; cul -de -sac for Halsey unacceptable; turnaround will turn into a racetrack; will appeal to City Council /attomey if proposal passes. • 2 M Eileen Shupnick 935 I Street - opposes easements at top of Lots 3, 4 and 6; feels privacy will be impacted; doesn't want road on top .of those properties; wants to attain.feeling of open space; .concerned with street lights and water runoff; questions safety of children in area and traffic on "I" and Olive. Mary Michelucci 927 I Street has lived there 10 years; concerned with water drainage and damage to roads from. water ;, potential for water damage from the watershed. Lon Gilbert 8,10 Olive Street - numerous springs in area; pointed out two natural springs on the site plan on Olive Street near his home; Jonas property contributes to water -and should be investigated; Dr. Jonas is a neighbor but also a businessman. Bill Anderson 18 Fairview Terrace concerned with street width of Olive. Street, traffic on "I" Street as it -goes over to Mt. View; ;area is buildable - please don't take any shoitcuts in any recommendation. Ronnie Cohen 12 Halsey has no problem with emergency turnaround so long as it 'is sensitively designed and. clearly marked as dead-end street. Michael Tanae 17 ,Halsey - close -knit community; concerned with traffic 'and safety for adults as well as children walking on Halsey; presented petition to Commission. Steve LaFranchi John Fitzgerald. & Associates gave short history of Dr. Jonas' tenure in neighborhood; concern is to create a quality subdivision; since applicant, only has control of 31 feet of entrance roadway, they designed accordingly and propose no parking; feels cul- de -sac not needed as they are not increasing usage of area; _ subdivision will collect all surface runoff and deposit it in a storm drain which would also allow neighbors to tap into to alleviate minor flooding. Bill Sullivan 24 Halsey - spoke on traffic, water runoff;.feels Dr. Jonas willing to work. with City; feels City is getting something for nothing with cul -de -sac - does not think it is needed. Steve LaFranchi - access roadway only for 100 feet and has no parking. Olive Kildow 14 Fairview Terrace - enjoys view and wants to preserve it; what type of houses? Access on Olive:not considered open; house adjacent to access would have no side yard. Steve LaFranchi applicant willing to install soundwall and doublepane windows to mitigate noise for home bordering access road. Commissioner Parkerson - staff has given the Commission a great deal more input since the meeting of August28th. Commissioner Woolsey - will access road go in `now? Will there be no road, unless property owners request it? Director Salmons - trying to provide opportunity to those lots for access to a public street, perhaps at a.later date. It is an easement that could be converted later. Commissioner Libarle measurements on Olive confusing; what would be allowed on property it applicant not allowed to.get the ten.feet? Director Salmons - depends on the will of the Commission, City Council, and current zoning, Allan.Tilton City Traffic Engineer - general measurement is 20 dwelling units to serve off a 32 foot cul -de -sac street. In smaller neighborhoods, hammerhead can be successful. Real issue is maintaining residential feeling. Commissioner Woolsey = no parking .is a moot point since there is still the space; feels we must be flexible when it comes to roads, with the City building internally instead. of building out to the mountains. Commissioner. Tarr - access road coming into Lot 8 - is it a safe turn? Commissioner Bennett - Would 32 foot wide curb -to -curb road be adequate for 16 lots for traffic safety? Allan Tilton recommendation for wider street due for need for emergency access; would not reduce street width unless less than eight dwelling unity proposed. Commissioner Parkerson - 32 foot curb- to- curb..street width should be minimum; is not ready to act on this issue until access questions are resolved. 0 3 mx 259 Commissioner Bennett - regarding the emergency turnaround, do we go by the book or get creative? Commissioner Libarle - why did Halsey get a turnaround when it will stay a dead -end street? Dr. Jonas 515 Hayes - doesn't want anything on Halsey; doesn't want a turnaround; has been to the Commission twice; has provided access without parking; feels he has met safety issue; his ' engineer is on vacation for 3 weeks; he wants to satisfy concerns of the Commission, and will :accept bringing his project back on 10/23 but asks for due diligence in getting earliest Council date following the 10/23 meeting. The public'hearing was closed. • It was the consensus of the Commission to continue this item to the October 23, 1990 . meeting, with instructions to the applicant's engineer to provide detailing for the access road, and to staff toreview flag access to neighboring lots and Halsey turn- around. III. KINGSMILL SUBDIVISION, BENJA VI`IN- TLTXHORN, SONOMA MOUNTAIN PARKWAY, SOUTH OF RAINIER, AP NO.'S 136- 120 -09 10, 11; FILE 'NO. 6.9960c) 1. Consideration of rezone from PCD to PUD. 2. Consideration of a unit development plan for 113 detached single - family dwellings; church site; and agribusiness site. 3. Consideration of tentative map for 115 -lot subdivision. (Public hearing continued from August 14, 1990 meeting). SPEAKERS: Commissioner Parkerson - per Tentative Map Condition 2A, if lots become flag lots, what happens to availability for a person to move across the street? Jenny Cavanagh, Assistant Planner - pedestrian access is maintained through public access easements. Commissioner Read - regarding Condition lm - one foot non - access easement, what is reason? Jenny Cavanagh - where lots abut Sonoma Mountain Parkway, City does not want future possible driveways. Commissioner Thompson - what trees are going to be removed? Understands that most, if not ah, the Eucalyptus are being removed but majority of oaks and buckeyes being retained. Doesn't feel most homeowners would want a buckeye in their yard. Commissioner Tarr - sidewalks just on one side of,every street? Commissioner Libarle - architecture looks so much better than before - what more does staff require? Jenny Cavanagh - feels minor redesign would move focus to house, not garage architecture. Commissioner Woolsey - agrees with Commissioner Libarle. Commissioner Read - what percentage of homes would be involved? Jenny Cavanagh - substantial. Tux Tuxhorn Benjamin- Tuxhorn - would desire sidewalk around cul -de -sac bulbs; needs clarification of En ineering Department on street widths; streambed /swale area is a swale (with poplar. trees;. saving the trees will save the swale; doesn't want the swale called a creek as it would then need a drainage culvert - goal is to preserve the trees; Lots 3, 4 and 24 have trees under whose canopies they feel they can safely build per their arborist; over 4 0 50% of the garages do not face the street as most have been tucked back in; they have tried to make changes,so garages are not the first thing seen. Bill Benjamin Benjamin - Tuxhorn - needs Commission direction if they prefer seeing garage doors or a greater expanse of concrete from having the garages moved farther back on the lot; have tried very car ver y trees. Commissioner Read - willing to compromise on garage doors; glad to see all'the changes. Commissioner Parkerson - compliments °the developer for roads and site improvements as well as tree preservation; if street /garage issue can be developed more, would prefer it. Commissioner Libarle - urban separator - what is problem and who addresses it? Director Salmons - urban separator is a 300 foot swath; staff has suggested variable width so separator retains visual barrier between urban and rural; developer is short on square footage - he can chapge design or Commission /Council can okay. Commissioner Tarr keep wording for stream bed.vs. swal'e. Commissioner Parkerson - existing wording more specifically identifies what the. City desires; regarding Buckeye trees, how or will trees remain after homeowners purchase home? Tux. Tuxhorn - trees could be addressed :through CC &R's or in a tree ordinance; once house is sold, developer loses control. The public hearing was closed. A motion. was made by Commissioner Parkerson and seconded by Commissioner Bennett to recommend to the City Council the adoption of an environmental determination that Corona/Ely c l S ec f P Plan Environmental tal Impact Rpreparation ort have beenaadequately r n ide nt the P � p : identified and mitigated through the adoption of specific conditions of approval applicable to the proposed Kingsmill project. COMMISSIONER WOOLSEY: Yes COMMISSIONER PARKERSON: Yes COMMISSIONER READ: Yes CHAIRMAN TARR: Yes COMMISSIONER BENNETT: Yes COMMISSIONER LIBARLE:. Yes COMMISSIONER THOMPSON: Yes A motion was made by Commissioner Libarle and seconded by Commissioner Parkerson to recommend to the City Council . approval of the proposed rezoning of Ass'essor's Parcel Numbers 136- 120 - 09,10,11 associated with Kingsmill from P.C.D. to P.U.D., based on the findings listed below: COMMISSIONER, WOOLSEY Yes COMMISSIONER PARKERSON: Yes COMMISSIONER READ: Yes CHAIRMAN T -ARR: `Yes COMMISSIONER BENNETT: Yes COMMISSIONER LIBARLE: Yes COMMISSIONER THOMPSON: Yes Fine 1. That the development plan as conditioned, results. in a more 'desirable use of the land, and a better, physical environment that would be possible under any single zoning district or .combination of - zoning districts. 261 2. That the ,plan for the proposed development, as conditioned, present a unified and organized arrangement of buildings and service facilities which are appropriate in relation to adjacent and nearly properties and associated proposed projects and that adequate landscaping and /or screening is included if necessary to insure compatibility. 3. That the natural and scenic qualities of the site will be protected through conditions of approval, and that adequate available public and private spaces are designated on the, Unit Development Plan. 4. That the development of the subject property, in the manner proposed by the 00 applicant and conditioned by the City, will not be detrimental to the public welfare, CT) will be in the best interests of the City and will be in keeping with the general intent O and spirit of the zoning regulations of the City of Petaluma and with the Petaluma General Plan. U 5. That the PUD District is proposed on property which has a suitable relationship to one I or more thoroughfares (Sonoma Mountain Parkway) to carry any additional traffic generated by the development. A motion;was made by Commissioner Libarle and seconded by Commissioner Read to recommend to the City Council approval of the proposed Kingsmill Planned Unit Development (PUD) plan for development of 113 detached single - family dwellings and a church site' i based upon findings set forth within the Rezoning action and subject to the following ai ended conditions: COMMISSIONER WOOLSEY: Yes COMMISSIONER PARKERSON: Yes COMMISSIONER READ: Yes CHAIRMAN TARR: Yes COMMISSIONER BENNETT: Yes COMMISSIONER LIBARLE: Yes COMMISSIONER T IOMPSON: Yes 1. All aspects of the proposed development plan are subject to review by the Site Plan and Architectural Review Committee prior to application for Final. Map including but ,not limited to; architecture, public and private landscaping hardscape surface treatments, irrigation and fencing. Particular emphasis shall be placed on SPARC review of the following: a. Development plan shall be revised to provide a substantial variety of front setbacks; emphasis of design to provide garage location to the rear of the house; a more diverse streetscape along the south side of Kingsmill Drive (area of Lots 44,45,87 and 78). b. Evaluation of streetscape landscaping in terms of conformance with the Specific Plan (view corridors, unification /clarification of neighborhood layout, etc.). Landscape lan to provide appropriate street tree species (large and rural in nature, increasing planting frequency to a minimum spacing of 20' - 30', toward developing a linear tree -lined appearance, augmented - by -accent tree- clusters. Street landscape plan shall specify irrigation, street 'signage, street lighting and mailbox details. 6 262 C. Building envelopes for custom lots 3, 4 and 24 shall be in accordance with arborists recommendations. Horticultural Associates report dated,August 23rd. Arborist to supervise construction. d streambed swale to include delineation of swale, preservation - o as i dry Str-e unbed. Swale area south of Knight Court shall be devel on- of existing vegetation, streambed swale enhancement (rock treatment , introduction of appropriate new landscaping, etc.). Building envelopes for lots 54 and 55 shall be located outside of sffeambed swale. Some poplars may 'be removed, subject to staff review and approval prior to removal e. As proposed, fence and. wall design shall emphasize a rural estate character. A solid fence option shall be offered for locations where privacy: is desired, Fence design and location shall be in response to creek location, ' topography, and mature vegetation -as applicable. Special attention (i.e., landscape treatment) shall be given to sideyard fences visible from streets. Fence design shall be. enhanced through use of decorative post and cap at comers or other means. f. Street luminaries, roof design, and house color (within 300 feet of the Separator) shall comply with the Specific Plan. Note: The street luminaries aspect is in potential, conflict with Engineering Tentative Map Condition 1M, but is expected to be resolved at a staff level in the near future. g. Enforcement of Corona /Ely Specific Plan minimum structure height and setback standards for properties abutting "Sonoma Mountain Parkway; and variety of setbacks, building heights, and building massing. h. Potential utilization of additional shared driveways. L A sense of neighborhood entry :and identification shall be provided at cul -de- sacs. and ate- &wewa"ntFaaees: j. All conditions required per approval of the Tentative Map. k. Unit architecture and' individual' site design for compliance with the intent and requirements of the General Plan and Corona /Ely Specific 'Plan. 1. Subdivision entry treatment in terms of adequacy as a Gateway. This shall include parcels D and E adjoining the church site. M. Strict limits on, tree removal, grading, and view preservation for' the custom lots. Guidelines for building design, exterior materials, architectural quality, etc., shall also be required''for the custom lots. 2. Proposed treatment along the Urban Separator shall include the following subject to review and approval - by the Recreation and Parks Commission prior to Final Map: 7 2 • • • 93 1 q 5 0 a. b. C. d. e. f. Transition zone (interface) with treatment equivalent or superior (parking, fencing, landscaping, walking /bike paths) to Wiseman Linear Park. Utilities /sewer shall be brought across road /parking area to U.S. property line and stubbed. Parking along Kingsmill Drive (adjacent to Separator), design subject to SPARC approval. Mounding and special screening shall be provided at the south boundary interface with the agribusiness (of the Urban Separator). Location of utility stubs shall be determined by the Parks and Recreation Director at a later date. Urban Separator adjacent to this project shall be designed to accommodate a playing field, subject to approval by the Parks and Recreation Director. All landscaping and irrigation systems within the public right -of -way, street tree planting strips and landscape median /islands shall be maintained by an Assessment Dist ct through contract' services, subject to approval of the City Council concurrently with the approval of the Final Map. Landscaping and irrigation systems within the areas shall be designed to standards acceptable to the City of Petaluma. Cost of formation of the required Assessment District shall be borne by the -project proponent, and shall be assessed at time of Final Map submittal. The following concerns of the Police Department shall be addressed prior to issuance of building permits: a. Lighted house numbers shall be provided for each residential unit. b. Dead bolt locks shall be provided. c. Windows and sliding glass doors shall be provided with self locking tamper proof devices. of the development and sales of the residential units is subject to City staff L . relative to Zone 4 Water System and Sonoma Mountain Parkway PU Development Standards shall be developed, subject to staff review and approval prior to Final Map, to include provisions for governing the following: a. Cross -over access and maintenance easement on shared driveway lots. b. Maximum lot coverage for principal dwellings and accessory uses and structures, definition of specific minimum setbacks, per unit type if appropriate. C. Identification of options and /or restrictions applicable to homeowner's for construction of either building additions, permitted detached accessory structures or associated improvements (decks, patios, spas, etc.). Structural additions are permitted, and shall be contained within the building envelope, as defined within this PUD and set forth on the approved unit development 8 264 plan and subdivision map. Design shall be in keeping with the approved PUD development plan, to staff review and approval prior to issuance of a development permit. Accessory structures shall be permitted, :subject to development standards, prepared by the developer and subject to SPARC review and approval, prior to Final Map approval. Accessory units shall be permitted, pursuant to applicable regulations within the Petaluma Zoning Ordinance. d. Standards for height, location and design of fencing, as well as maintenance and replacement provisions to conform to the approved PUD plan. Proposed fence detail shall be enhanced through the incorporation of special accent features (e.., substantial comer posts with decorative .caps, lattice height addition, etc .); subject to SPARC' review and= approval. e. Allowance for partial or full garage conversion, replacement of off - street covered. parking. f. Rebuilding and /or replacement of residential structures shall conform to the approved unit development plan. g. Any future use of. Lot 115, except for-continuation of the existing cucumber farm and associated uses,,,shall require a PUD amendment. Any future use of Lot 114 (church site) shall require a PUD amendment. 7. Project CC &R's, if prepared and recorded for this project, shall include reference to the PUD Development Standards, subject, to staff 'review and approval prior to Final Map approval. 8. Access to the existing agribusiness (Lot 115) shall be provided, subject to staff approval. A motion was made by :Commissioner Read and seconded by Commissioner Libarle to recommend to the City Council approval of the proposed Kingsmill Tentative Mai, creatin& 113 residential lots; a 3.9 acre church, site and a 1.7 acre site to remain in agribusiness based upon findings and subject to the following amended seventeen conditions: COMMISSIONER WOOLSEY: Yes COMMISSIONER PARKERSON: Yes COMMISSIONER READ: Yes CHAIRMAN'TARR: Yes COMMISSIONER BENNETT: Yes COMMISSIONER LIBARLE: Yes COMMISSIONER THOMPSON: Yes Tentative Map Findings The proposed subdivision, as conditionally approved, together with provisions for its design and improvement, is consistent with the General Plan and Corona /Ely Specific Plan objectives, policies; general land uses and programs. 2. The 'site is physically suitable for the type and density of development proposed, as conditionally approved. ' 9 3. 4. 5. 6. CO 9) 7. O (� Tent,- 1 The design of the subdivision and the proposed improvements therefore, as conditionally approved will not cause substantial environmental damage, and no substantial or avoidable injury will occur to fish and /or wildlife or their habitat. The discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into the existing community sew „er system will not result in violation of the existing requirements prescribed by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. The tentative map provides reasonable access to the proposed lots. The proposed map, subject to the following conditions, . complies with the requirements of the Municipal Code, Chapter 20.16 and the Subdivision Map Act. design of the subdivision and the type of improvements will not cause public h problems. The subdivider shall comply with the following requirements of the City Engineer: a. The City does not allow 100 year flood relief swales to be located on private property or between. property lines. Therefore, the proposed relief swale, and the end of Street J and through two proposed lots on parcel A (affordable housing site) shall be redesigned with the relief flow directed and contained within the public street or within an adequate overflow channel and dedicated to the. City for maintenance. b. Kin�smill Circle, Page Drive, A Street and Queens Drive shall have a minimum public right -of -way of 48 feet with face of curb to face of curb width of 32 feet. A typical street section would consist of two, 9 foot travel lanes and two, 7 foot parking lanes.. C. Kingsmill Drive through the entire subdivision up to the Kings Court transition shall be 56 foot right -of -way with face of curb to face of curb of 36 feet. A typical street section would consist of two, 10 feet travel lanes and two; 8 foot parking, lanes, with sidewalk installed on both sides of the street within the right -of -way. d. The City shall not maintain the seasonal swale through Lots 38 39 -40-, 54 and 55; therefore, an appropriate maintenance mechanism shall be required. e. Provisions allowing the swale flow to pass under the public right -of -way shall be required and designed to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering. L If positive lot drainage cannot be obtained then all backyard drainage control shall be within an underground pipe system with surface catchment swales and inlets. g. This development may be dependent upon utility improvements to be installed adjacent to developments. Appropriate calculations shall be submitted to verify their adequacy. If off -site improvements are required as determined by the Director of Engineering, they shall be installed concurrent with these improvements. 265 10 266 h. Lots 35 and 71 shall incorporate the land area within the. subdivision boundary designated on the tentative map as future lot line adjustment. After the final map has been approved, then this property line may be adjusted. i. The Wilmington Sewer Pump Station is at capacity during wet weather conditions. The oroposed five year capital improvement program includes provisions for expansion of the. Wilmington Pump Station to handle proposed development as well as improvements to better serve existing development. This development shall pay a. pro -rata share of the costs of these improvements. j. All utilities located on private property and dedicated to the City for maintenance shall be contained within a 10 foot exclusive easement, with sanitary sewer and watermains contained within a 16 foot exclusive paved easement. k. The streets, utilities within the streets, and storm drainage improvements, are proposed to be installed in twe three phases. It is recommended the first final map dedicate all those improvements to be constructed within the first phase and the remainder of those ;improvements to be dedicated to the City with the - second each subsequent phase of final map. 1. All street lights within this development shall have standard metal fixtures dedicated to the City for ownership and maintenance. Special lighting features may be provided, subject to maintenance costs being the responsibility of the Landscape Assessment District. Prior- to City acceptance, the developer shall verify all lights meet PG &E's LS2 rating system. rn. Signing and striping shall conform to City standards, or as approved by City staff. n. A. one foot, nor'- access easement shall be required along Sonoma Mountain Parkway (formerly Ely Boulevard). o. The, developer shall comply with, the Petaluma Municipal Code Section .20.36.0,10 and 20.36.020 which require the developer to pay storm drainage impact fees (as calculated in Chapter 17.30) on construction in all ,sections of the City of Petaluma. 2. Tentative Map shall be revised to reflect the following, subject 'to SPARC review and approval: a. Private access drives serving Lots 63/64 and 106/107 shall be incorporated into respective lots. b. Private access drive serving Lots 41 through 48' shall be incorporated into respective lots as shared flag strips. C. Sid�wa- shad- be- Feloeted -tom -the nth -a- west- sideidgsl -irl Sidewalk shall be extended across the frontage of Lot 115. d. Queens Court aFid- Kir}gs *4 -C-46e shall be modified to incorporate a more curvilinear alignment. 11 I 3. Tentative Map shall be revised to insure that the Urban Separator area contains a minimum area of 202,000 square feet, subject to'staff review and approval. 4. As 'proposed, developer shall relocate scenic windmill so that it is contained on the church site subject to staff review and approval. This shall occur prior to commencement of public improvements. 5. Building pad elevations shall be revised to more closely conform to natural grade, subject to staff approval prior to SPARC review. 6. Any changes required pursuant to Council consideration of Urban Separator location shall be made to map, prior to Final Map submittal. 7. On- and off -site storm drain improvements shall be installed by the developer or through the assessment district as applicable, in conformance with the Specific Plan. 8. Sonoma Mountain Parkway streetscape improvements (landscape, soundwall and entry treatment), for the entire frontage of the project site (including moderate income project portion), shall be completed by the developer concurrently with the subdivisions public improvements. Design shall be consistent with the adopted Sonoma Mountain Parkway Design Plan, timing shall be subject to City staffs determination. 9. The, Tentative Map shall be amended prior to submittal for Final Map review and approval to reflect all applicable modifications required under the PUD Conditions of Approval. Said map amendment shall meet specifications of the City Engineer and Community Development Director and shall also incorporate any SPARC conditions of approval pertinent to the map. 10. This development shall be subject to all appropriate development fees, and on and off -site improvements as set forth within_ the adopted Development Agreement or any subsequent amendment thereto. 11. Any, labeling errors or other erroneous information appearing on the map, development or landscape plans shall be corrected prior to Final Map approval. 12. Street names shall be subject to the approval of the Petaluma Street Naming Committee prior to Final Map. 13. Tentative Map /PUD approval shall become effective following City Council approval of a (revised) development agreement between the applicant and City which reflects all relevant conditions of Tentative Map and Development Plan. 14. The: subdivider shall comply with requirements of the public utility agencies and the City Department of Public Works, prior to Final Map approval. 15. All hazardous materials (as recognized by the City Fire Marshal) utilized on the construction site shall be kept within a fenced, locked enclosure, subject to review and approval of City staff. 16. Temporary protective fencing shall be erected at the drip line of preserved /protected and of all trees (on neighboring property) construction activities. The fencing shall be erected 12 all trees to be in proximity to prior to any 267 268 grading /construction activity -and subject to staff inspection prior to grading permit issuance. 17. All -requirements of the Fire Marshal shall be coml'lied with, including: a. Fire hydrants shall be located as required by Fire Marshal. Seventeen hydrants required as listed: 1. Lot , #23 at curb - return, Kingsmill Drive. 2. Lot .# 19 at Kings Court, cul -de -sac bulb. 3. Parcel "A" across from Lot #6. 4. Parcel "E" at curb - return on Bishop Lane. 5. Lot #94 at curb- return of Queens Drive. 6. Lot #98 at curb- return of Queens Drive. 7. Lot #108 at.curb= return of Knight Drive. 8. Lot #105 at curb- return of Knight Drive. 9. Property line between Lots #32 and #33. 10. Lot #80 at curb- return. of Kingsmill Drive. 11. Lot #45 at curb - return of'Kingsmill Drive. 12. Property line 'between Lots #75 and #76. 13. Lot #66 at west curb return on Kingsrnill Circle.. 14. Property line between Lots #57 and #69. 15. On Parcel "F across from property fine between Lots #55 and #56. 16. On.Parcel "F" at.intersection of Page Drive and Kingsmill`Drive. 17. On Parcel "F" across from Lot #46 b. Fire flow shall be as required by Fire Marshal. Flow cannot be calculated without building and site plans. C. All roof covering and exterior wall covering materials shall have a minimum Class 'B" fire rating. OLD BUSINESS IV. LEONARD JAY, COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES', OPEN SPACE (pt). 1. Consideration proposed modifications to previously approved extraordinary improvements to creekside area.. SPEAKERS: Commissioner Read is this a fiscally responsible way to do this? Commissioner Tarr - Bear Creek Court is this private or public (public). Commissioner Woolsey - how does the moneywork - take from existing park fees? A motion was ;made by Commissioner Read and seconded by Commissioner. Parkerson to recommend to the City Council the approval of, and requirement to provide :all of the proposed extraordinary improvements to the Country Club Estates open space, ,as set forth in the staff ,report, at a cost not to exceed $16,834.88. Further, it is recommended that the improvements be required to be commenced .immediately and completed in a timely matter and to the standards deemed appropriate by the Parks and Recreation. Director. 13 269 f • I COMMISSIONER WOOLSEY: Yes. COMMISSIONER PARKERSON: Yes COMMISSIONER READ: Yes CHAIRMAN TARR: Yes COMMISSIONER BENNETT: Yes COMMISSIONER LIBARLE: Yes COMMISSIONER THOMPSON: Yes 1. Irrigation $3,309.88 2. Planting complete per plan $1,764.00 3. Shrub planting $2,520.00 4. Shredded redwood mulch (in all planting areas) $2,240.00 5. Mahogany bench (as spec., installed) $2,310.00 6. 60 -day maintenance period $ 500.00 7. post and steel cable fence $3,520.00 NEW BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARINGS V. CITY OF PETALUMA, FIRE STATION NO. 3, 831 S. MCDOWELL BOULEVARD, AP NO 136- 347 -20, FILE NO. 1.688(pt). 1. Consideration of EIQ. 2. Consideration of conditional use permit to allow 972 square foot addition to living space at existing fire station. The public hearing was opened. Terry Krout Fire Chief - noise abatement mitigated by high fences. Commissioner Parkerson - landscaping to stay the same? Terry Krout - majority to stay the same, except perhaps for removal of a fence between the existing building and the side property line fence. The ,publi c hearing was closed. A motion,.was made by Commissioner Parkerson and seconded by Commissioner Read to conclude that the proposed project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 1530.1, minor additions to existing structures (Class 1 exemption), and, therefore, no further environmental review' needed. COMMISSIONER WOOLSEY: Yes COMMISSIONER PARKERSON: Yes COMMISSIONER READ: Yes CHAIRMAN TARR: Yes COMMISSIONER BENNET T: Yes COMMISSIONER LIBARLE: Yes COMMISSIONER THOMPSON: Yes 14 2'70 A motion was made by Commissioner Parkerson and seconded by Commissioner Woolsey to approve the: conditional use permit for a 972 square foot addition of dormitory and day room space to the ex sting,fire station #3 at 831 South McDowell Boulevard, based on the findings and subject: to the conditions below: COMMISSIONER WOOLSEY: Yes COMMISSIONER PARKERSON: Yes COMMISSIONER READ: Yes CHAIRMAN TARR: Yes COMMISSIONER BENNETT: Yes COMMISSIONER LIBARLE: Yes COMMISSIONER THOMPSON: Yes Findings 1. This project is consistent with the City of Petaluma Zoning Ordinance and its General Plan. 2. No significant land. use or environmental impacts will result from this roject. An exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA� has been adopted. Project Specific Conditions 1. This project activity shall substantially conform to the approved project description provided in the staff report dated September 25, 1990. Minor revisions which do not increase project impacts may be approved by the Community Development Director: 2. Plans shall be provided to the Chief Building Official for review which include clear room dimensions, label of room use and room layout. Building Code requirements for exterior walls shall be complied with, subject to the approval of the Chief Building Official, prior to commencement of use. 3. Project shall meet the waste water disposal requirements of the- City of Petaluma Ordinance No. 1251 N.C.S. as 'amended by Ordinance No. 1543 N.C.S., subject to the approval of EOS and the City Engineer, 4. This project shall be subject to administrative SPARC review prior to the issuance of building permits for tenant improvements. Review shall focus on, the following in addition to normal SPARC areas of ,review, and SPARC improvements shall be installed prior to commencement of use: a. Existing landscaping along the southeast side yard setbacks shall be, protected and preserved durin alternative. g construction: Re- landscaping of this area is a viable b. Existing basketball hoop /pole on the northeast end of patio area shall be relocated. C. Existing roof line and style shall be continued on proposed addition. d. Siding and colors of existing building shall be continued in the design of the proposed. addition. 15 VI.. CHEVRON, 1440 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, AP NO. 007 - 280 -54, FILE NO. 1.500A(pt). 1. Consideration of EIQ. 2. Consideration of Conditional. Use Permit Amendment to allow 156 square foot expansion of existing service station /convenience market. The public�hearing was opened. 1 [1 will back i Allan Tilt( months; is Dan Lutz it's not ok, Commissii with Comm granting ai Commissic out a solut view the Commis: work tov Commis" upon for The pub er Read - obvious applicant wants to increase space of convenience market. er Thompson - went through SPARC in 1986 - did it address full convenience ? There was a redesign. n, 1268 Ponderosa, Chevron - adding one more cashier and two side entires to iers quicker access in and out; problem with Condition #9 it that tanker trucks i easily to fill tanks if westerly drive closed; do not intend to sell alcohol. er Bennett - what time are deliveries made? n - any time of the day. •oprietor since 1968 - station was there before shopping center; doesn't feel reated traffic problem; one driveway not enough. n - about 16,000 cars /day are on Washington; during peak traffic flow, traffic - westerly driveway could probably be moved a little bit to the east. Traffic Engineer - there have been four traffic accidents at that site in last 13 illing to work with the applicant's engineer toward a solution. roprietor - when item was brought up in 1986, driveway was same issue. Now Seems one driveway will increase odds for accidents. er Parkerson - needs to be some change for access into service station; agrees ssioner Bennett in taking existing driveway and moving it up; can't see point of itional use on the site without traffic improvements. er Libarle - would support the two traffic engineers getting together to work n before action is taken. mons - Mr. Tilton could come back with turning movements to scale to better iiternatives. inner Woolsey - supports passing on this tonight to encourage the two engineers to and a better solution. inner Bennett - sympathetic to owner's situation, but adamant a solution is agreed improved traffic and to. alleviate bottleneck -it is a dangerous situation. ina was closed. A motion was made by Commissioner Parkerson and seconded by Commissioner Bennett to direct staff to prepare a mitigated negative declaration based on the findings listed below: COMMISSIONER WOOLSEY: Yes COMMISSIONER PARKERSON: Yes COMMISSIONER READ: Yes CHAIRMAN TARR: Yes COMMISSIONER BENNETT: Yes COMMISSIONER. LIBARLE Yes COMMISSIONER THOMPSON: Yes 211 M Commissic Commissic market the 0 Chris Crist allow custc (� cannot get Commissic Chris Jim Lutz station has 1 [1 will back i Allan Tilt( months; is Dan Lutz it's not ok, Commissii with Comm granting ai Commissic out a solut view the Commis: work tov Commis" upon for The pub er Read - obvious applicant wants to increase space of convenience market. er Thompson - went through SPARC in 1986 - did it address full convenience ? There was a redesign. n, 1268 Ponderosa, Chevron - adding one more cashier and two side entires to iers quicker access in and out; problem with Condition #9 it that tanker trucks i easily to fill tanks if westerly drive closed; do not intend to sell alcohol. er Bennett - what time are deliveries made? n - any time of the day. •oprietor since 1968 - station was there before shopping center; doesn't feel reated traffic problem; one driveway not enough. n - about 16,000 cars /day are on Washington; during peak traffic flow, traffic - westerly driveway could probably be moved a little bit to the east. Traffic Engineer - there have been four traffic accidents at that site in last 13 illing to work with the applicant's engineer toward a solution. roprietor - when item was brought up in 1986, driveway was same issue. Now Seems one driveway will increase odds for accidents. er Parkerson - needs to be some change for access into service station; agrees ssioner Bennett in taking existing driveway and moving it up; can't see point of itional use on the site without traffic improvements. er Libarle - would support the two traffic engineers getting together to work n before action is taken. mons - Mr. Tilton could come back with turning movements to scale to better iiternatives. inner Woolsey - supports passing on this tonight to encourage the two engineers to and a better solution. inner Bennett - sympathetic to owner's situation, but adamant a solution is agreed improved traffic and to. alleviate bottleneck -it is a dangerous situation. ina was closed. A motion was made by Commissioner Parkerson and seconded by Commissioner Bennett to direct staff to prepare a mitigated negative declaration based on the findings listed below: COMMISSIONER WOOLSEY: Yes COMMISSIONER PARKERSON: Yes COMMISSIONER READ: Yes CHAIRMAN TARR: Yes COMMISSIONER BENNETT: Yes COMMISSIONER. LIBARLE Yes COMMISSIONER THOMPSON: Yes 211 M 272 Findings 1. Because the site: has long been developed, the project does not have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a :fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining- levels; threaten to eliminate. a plant or animal community, reduce the number . or restrict -the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory. 2. The project, as conditionally approved, does not have the potential to achieve short- term to the disadvantage of long- term, environmental goals. 3. Because no additional development is anticipated as part of this project; the project .. does not have impacts which are individually limited but cumulatively considerable., 4. The- project, as conditionally approved, does not have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly. A motion was made by Commissioner Parkerson and seconded by Commissioner Bennett to grant a conditional fuse permit for the proposed expansion of 156 sq. ft. to the Chevron . convenience market at 1440 East Washington Street based on the findings and subject to the amended conditions listed below: COMMISSIONER WOOLSEY: Yes COMMISSIONER PARKERSON: Yes COMMISSIONER READ: Yes CHAIRMAN TARR: Yes COM M MISSIONER BENNETT: Yes COMMISSIONER LIBARLE: Yes COMMISSIONER THOMPSON: Yes Findings 1. This service station.has been long established and used by neighborhood. residents without adverse effects and is therefore permitted by public convenience and necessity. 2. The proposed convenience market use, is in.accord with the objectives of 'the Zoning Ordinance and the purposes of protecting and servicing the commercial center in the Central Commercial district in which the.site.is located. 3. That the prohibition of alcohol sales is appropriate ,given the location of this business, past testimony of the Police Department and previous policy 'decisions of the City Council. 4. The use does not break up continuity for pedestrians of retail store frontage. S. The use, :subject to the recommended conditions, will not be a nuisance to residences and other surrounding uses. 6. The use, as conditioned, will not cause traffic hazards or undue traffic congestion, but rather will mitigate existing traffic conflicts. 17 7. The proposed use meets the requirements of Zonin& Ordinance Section 21 -403 ( "Special Standards and Considerations Governing Particular Uses "). 8: The proposed structure and use, subject to the conditions, will conform to the requirements and the intent of the Petaluma General and Environmental Design Plans, and that this use will not under the circumstances constitute a nuisance or be _ detrimental to the public welfare of the community. Conditions 1. No; sale of alcoholic beverages is permitted. L. This use permit shall not be valid, nor any building permits issued for the requested expansion until such time as the following are brought into conformance with previously approved conditions of approval and current sign regulations as follows: a. All outdoor display racks shall be removed (e.g. cold drinks, oil products, etc.) b. All signs shall be removed or modified to conform with adopted sign regulations including issuance of sign permits. C. The freestanding price signs shall be placed so they do not limit sight distance for vehicles or pedestrians, and shall be modified and /or relocated so as to conform to applicable City Sign regulations. 3. There shall be no storage or sale of vehicles on the site; no outdoor auto repair or storage or display of tires, motor oil or other products related to the business; and no � lot vendors (.e., no sales of "laser art" velvet paintings, tools, pottery, etc! 4. The service station /convenience market shall conform with Zoning Ordinance Article 22 ("Performance Standards; including Noise; Vibration; Odors; Glare; Fire and Explosion Hazards; Heat; Electrical Disturbances; Smoke, Fumes, Gases, Dust; Wastes ") and Section 21 -403 et al ( "Special Standards for Gasoline Service Stations "). 5. This use permit may be recalled to the Planning Commission for review at any time due to complaints re&arding traffic congestion, noise generation, or other potentially objectionable operating characteristics. At such times, the Commission may repeal theuse permit or add /modify conditions of approval. 6. All modifications and site design work is subject to SPARC approval, with emphasis on providing additional landscaping. 7. No portable or movable display racks shall be permitted on the exterior grounds. 8. The following requirements of the Fire Marshal shall be met prior to the issuance of a building permit: a. No extension cords. All equipment and appliances shall be direct plug -in. b. Provide metal or flame retardant plastic waste cans. c. Exiting: exit ways, exit doors shall conform to 1988 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code and Uniform Building Code. • 18 d. Provide fire extinguisher 2 A =20 B C rated A B C dry chemical type as required by the Fire Marshal. e. Distance to any fire extinguisher shall not exceed 75 feet in any direction. f. Extend existing sprinkler s y ctern to protect all areas of new addition to building and any alterations to building. 9. The following requirement of the Engineering Department shall be met prior to the issuance of a building permit: a. The westerly driveway off of Washington Street shall be reviewed by staff to determine if it can be closed a* or curb cut removed moved eastward or combined with the easterly driveway to the extent that the situation is improved. &Rd- FeiA"e -44Q -&tams satisfael:ion. 10. The following requirement of the Building Inspector shall be incorporated into plans submitted for issuance of a building permit: a. Occupancy of canopy appears to be 'B -1'; Foodmart appears to be 'B -2'; therefore, one -hour separation required between them." 11. All conditions of approval associated with the previously granted. conditional use permit shall remain in full force and effect, unless otherwise amended by this action. VII. CITY OF PETALUMA, MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL PLAN AND CORONA /ELY SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS, FILE NO.8.120(ms /ky). 1. Consideration of EIQ: Negative Declarations. 2. Amendments to Corona /Ely Specific Plan: a. Relocate Waugh School. on Maria Drive (APN 137 - 060 -01). b. Relocate Waugh School to Corona Road (APN ' 137 - 070 -07, 08, and 16). C. Ten percent variety in housing. d. Street widths. e. Extension of Urban Separator (APN 136- 080 -01, '07; 136- 120 -10, 11; and 149 - 180 -15). 3. Amendments to General Plan: a. Park site and open space at "D" Street; Windsor Drive, and Weise Creek (APN 019 - 012 -41). b. Housing Element. C. Urban.High density increase. d. Mixed Use definition. e. Hazardous Waste Plan. This item was continued to the October 9, 1990 meeting due to lack of time. ADJOURNMENT: 11:15 PM min0925 /pcmin -1 0 19