HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/23/1991324 REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1991 7:00 P.M. PETALU'MA, CA The Planning Commission encourages applicants or their representatives to be available 'at the meeting to answer questions so that no agenda item need be deferred to a later date due to a lack of pertinent information. COMMISSIONERS: Bennett, Libarle, Parkerson, Rahman, Tarr *, Thompson, Woolsey - STAFF: Warren Salmons, Director Pamela Tuft, Principal Planner Jenny Cavanagh, Assistant Planner * Chairman MINUTES of January 8, 1991 were approved as submitted PUBLIC COMMENT- None. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: None. COMMISSIONER'S REPORT: Commissioner Bennett noted that election of Vice Chairman will be on the February 12, 1991 agenda; Chairman Tarr welcomed Linda Rahman as a new Commissioner. - CORRESPONDENCE: Two letters received stating opposition to Akron West; letter from Prudential. California Realty withdrawing opposition to proposed. use permit for Firestone; memo from City Attorney regarding the City's liability for discretionary permits. APPEAL STATEMENT: Was read. 1 Note: Deletion = strikeout Addition = italics OLD BUSINESS CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING I. AKRON WEST, 331 KELLER STREET, AP NO. 006-213-04, FILE NO. 1.691(gb). 1. Continued consideration of Mitigated Negative Declaration. 2. Continued consideration of Conditional Use Permit for classes in the twelve - step recovery program and to house the administrative staff for the program. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CONTINUED FROM THE 1/8/91 MEETING. SPEAKERS: Steve Leavitt Director, Akron West - read opening statement; will concede to new conditions in order to operate; wants to keep Saturday closing hours at 8:30 PM. Commissioner Woolsey - asked if closing at 4:00 PM on Sundays would be satisfactory. (Leavitt replied yes). Director Salmons - Item 3c addresses Sunday hours; Saturday would be allowed to go to 8:30 PM.. Reverend "Chip Worthington 4695 Snyder Lane, Rohnert Park - has worked for over 20 years with ,substance abuse programs; there are many people in Petaluma with substance abuse problems; Petaluma has an.opportunityto save money on consultants and staff time besides helping community; nonprofit organizations find it difficult to get subsidies; is highly supportive of 6:30 AM meetings. Jesse Amaral 132 Greenbriar : supports Akron West; is involved in the meetings; has watched reconstruction of families and solution of problems. George Angel 314 Keller Street - is a neighbor to Akron West; doesn't feel program is appropriate for that building; presented petition, to the Commission of those in opposition to the program; stated incompatibility with the neighborhood, not just because it is for drug treatment; feels hours of operation are still.excessive and would like Akron to be closed Sundays; ,Wants burden of responsibility on Planning Commission for financial viability before use permit is approved;. feels policing of program will fall on shoulders of neighbors. Commissioner Woolsey - asked how often the Commission has asked a business to bring a financial plan to them for approval. Director Salmons - stated it was not the City's responsibility. Andy Ancheta 217 White Oak Circle - program has worked for him as a recovering alcoholic; has done-.his share of drinking and driving; believes in safety also and doesn't feel clientele will affect neighbors; Akron West'helps to keep people out of jails. Nick Lucas 1056 Golf Course Drive, Rohnert Park - was invited to speak to give his impressions of Akron West; 30 year old son is an alcoholic who had been drinking since age 16; he.called many organizations and was told he had to wait from 3 -6 weeks for help; Akron West took his son in and he has now been sober 30 days; feels Akron West needs the hours asked for and they need the facility; it is not the negative impact Akron West has on the neighborhood but the positive - both sides must compromise; people at the center are not making a lot of noise Ted Laurence 8380 Lancaster, Rohnert Park - entered a short -term program that did not work; Akron West doesn't dump people on the street; help is on -going - they continue for as long as it takes; Akron West is about life - people are dying and Akron West can help stop the dying. [1J_, Dennis Callahan 342 Keller - 20 year resident of Petaluma; has family history of alcoholism; recognizes need of program; wants to stress his concern for this type of program in a residential neighborhood; concerned with single driveway; estimates 200 cars daily; many children in neighborhood; objects to any commercial use with traffic and hours as proposed. George Ellis Prospect and Keller - 71 year resident of Petaluma; has seen many changes; concerned with parking problems. Sonnv James West 32 West Street - attends meetings at.Akron West; appreciates 6:30 AM meetin s; attends school and program helps him. deal with school and the people at school; a lot of his friends are drinkers and users, and he's not like that anymore due to program; knows a lot of kids .in Petaluma that need help; it is a great program; AM meetings help change his, attitude toward. family - he's able to love himself and parents again and Akron West taught him how; is founder of teen meetings. Toby Berger 437 Live Oak - started program 1 month ago; meetings have helped in many ways; attends Monday, Wednesday and Fridays; is seeing a lot of kids at meetings; doesn't observe many cars or traffic as many people walk, ride bikes, or are dropped off; strongly supports program. Matthew Friend homeless (sleeps in car) - not a 9 -5 drunk; hardest times in early recovery are early AM and late PM; early hours and fellowship have been invaluable in saving his life; released from Oakcrest because no history of psychological problems - his problems stem from drug and alcohol abuse; strongly supports 12 -step program. Donna ,Sutherland 1.647 O'Neel Drive - attending meetings for approximately 1 -1%2 months;. before attending, program, had hard time. accepting problems of alcohol in family; has watched friends. get off substance abuse; mother has not observed traffic problems and finds very little noise; meetings work and are a great place to go to get help. Bernice Callahan 342 Keller - appreciates young people's courage to get up and speak about their problems; do conditions apply to .fundraisers; why db they want this building; what about seismic retrofitting; if safe for public use, why hasn't building been used for other programs? Director Salmons - building code describes buildings by occupancy types. This building is "assembly" as long as the occupancy remains the same; proof is not required to prove safety. Occupancy type has not changed Thinks Akron West has undertaken some seismic investigation (hasn't seen reports); until occupancy changes, City. cannot require seismic changes. Martin James. Shea 131 Westridge Drive - son of an alcoholic; is Secretary of teen meetings; meetings are also for :kids with family problems; has attended every meeting last month and not observed any traffic problems; kids. are safe because clients are sober. Peery Maher 311 Keller Street - how many people are on staff now and in future? Will staff use parking lot? Who controls traffic problems? How long is conditional use permit good for? Requests no Sunday use and suggests. that first AM meeting be held someplace else (like the Golden Eagle meeting room). Director Salmons - staff is included in parking use; use is required to have on -site parking; conditional use permit is good for one year and then comes back to the Planning Commission for review; this use permit is one of the most sensitive permits ever before the Planning Commission. Elaine Stone 320 Keller - has counseled adolescents; is supportive of program and the proposed hours. Jim Stone 320 Keller - is this use modifying zoning of neighborhood? How does an outreach program fit the definition of an assembly? Director Salmons - The Zoning Ordinance describes residential zones, and all residential zones have as conditional use types such as recreation, education, etc. The Swede School doesn't affect` zoning or become a wedge to allow changes to the Zoning Ordinance. 3 327 Mike Mullins 5729 Davis Circle, Rohnert Park - neighborhood meetings threw out all types of possibilities but working with staff has toned down their proposal; fundraising events will not be held at the school. Geri Johnston 108 Prospect Street - believes there is already a traffic and parking problem in the neighborhood. Steve Leavitt - feels real issue is not the parking; not talking about on- street parking; car repair business ongoing in residential area; real issue boils down to neighborhood doesn't understand rehabilitation _program (not a detox center); clients cannot drink on site . and must be sober to attend; growth of facility will be expanded to Rohnert Park; there is an attitude of "not in my back yard "; plans to beautify parking, lot and include noise buffers; begging Planning Commission to grant conditional use permit and give program a chance. Commissioner Woolsey - is Mr. Leavitt willing to compromise with no Sunday hours for (� earlier weekday hours? Steve Leavitt - no. Commissioner Parkerson - is Mr. Leavitt willing to compromise with Saturdays ending at 7:30 PM? Steve Leavitt - no. U �L THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. DISCUSSION: Commissioner Parkerson - have heard some eloquent testimony, a real learning experience; feels school is needed somewhere in Petaluma; need to think of location in relationship to residences; - conditions are fair; concerned with hours of operation; quiet time is needed for residents on weekends; Saturday should end at 7:30 PM. Commissioner Libarle did some checking on Akron West and spoke with other or &anizations and found out that these programs are very well thought out and benefitted citizens; there is an overwhelming need for this type of service; grammar school noise was greater than this proposal; has empathy for neighborhood but feels a program is needed; need to do something to benefit youth; issues really boils down to if this is a necessary and needed program for Petaluma; if this use is conditioned properly and reviewed in one year, is convinced this is something to try; neighborhood will notify staff if problems occur. Commissioner Woolsey - Why this building? Because this building is ideal - the problem is the location. Is program worth the inconvenience? Feels staff has worked hard to find solutions but feels it also is inhibiting program; would support a 90 -day trial period with proposed hours of Saturday and Sunday beginning at 8:30 AM, and if this does not cause a hardship, then 6:30 AM weekdays could be allowed. Commissioner Thompson - agrees with Commissioner Woolsey; lets everyone work together; , alcohol and drug problems are more important. Commissioner Bennett - impressed with presentations of people in support of Akron West; two issues: Akron West vs. the neighborhood; attitude by Akron West speaker is not conducive to working with neighbors; must look at negative impact on neighborhood; feels he cannot make the findings. Commissioner Parkerson - if we give on the hours, feels we must give relief to neighbors by not starting until 10:00 on Saturdays and Sundays; this would be fair. Commissioner Woo'lse - understands fair, but if program can't be at its best, why upset neighborhood for ineffective program? Chairman Tarr - uneasy about nuisance in neighborhood; supports new conditions imposed by staff and having visited site early in AM; would agree to look at one year review. 2 328 A motion was made by Commissioner Parkerson and seconded by Commissioner Libarle to direct staff to prepare , 'a negative declaration based on the findings as follows: COMMISSIONER WOOLSEY: Yes COMMISSIONER PARKERSON: Yes COMMISSIONER BENNETT: No, because of Finding #3 COMMISSIONER RAHMAN: Abstained CHAIRMAN TARR: Yes COMMISSIONER LIBARLE: Yes COMMISSIONER'THOMPSON: Yes Findings: 1. Potential impacts related to noise have been mitigated to no significant levels through the conditioning of this use permit to limit hours of operation. 2. Potential impacts related to traffic /circulation have been mitigated to not significant levels through - the conditioning of this. use permit to limit building use. 3. Potential impacts related to land use have been mitigated to not significant levels through the conditioning of this use permit to limit hours of operation and building use. 4. - No other significant land use or environmental impacts were identified for this project. 5. This project is consistent with the City of Petaluma Zoning Ordinance and its General Plan. A motion was made by Commissioner Parkerson and seconded by Commissioner Thompson to approve the conditional use permit to allow the use of an existing building at 331 Keller Street. to teach classes in the twelve step recovery program `primarily to recovering alcoholics and their families based on the: findings and subject to the amended conditions as follows: COMMISSIONER WOOLSEY: Yes COMMISSIONER PARKERSON: Yes COMMISSIONER BENNETT: No, because of Findings 1 and 4 COMIVIISSIONER RAHMAN: Abstained CHAIRMAN TARR: Yes COMMISSIONER LIBARLE: Yes COMMISSIONER THOMPSON: Yes- Findings: 1. This project will not result. in significant land use or environmental impacts. A mitigated negative declaration has been adopted. 2. This use constitutes a quasi - public use and is therefore permitted in the RMG zoning district subject to obtaining a conditional use permit. 5 329 3. This project is consistent with the City of Petaluma Zoning Ordinance and its General Plan. 4. This use, as conditioned, will not constitute a nuisance or be detrimental to the public welfare of the community. Conditions 1. This conditional use permit shall allow the use of the existing building at 331 Keller Street for the teaching of classes /seminars in the twelve. step recovery program primarily to recovering alcoholics and their families. This permit shall also allow providing individual guidance, operating crisis /telephone referral services, holding planning meetings and fund raising by administrative staff at this location. However, M no actual fund raising events shall be held at the site. The frequency, type, hours, and O number of attendees of classes shall be as described in the at+ae-hed project description included as attachments 4 and 5 in the staff report dated January 8, 1991, as submitted by Akron West in support of this use permit except where modified by C„) these conditions of approval. 2. No special events shall be permitted at this location nor shall the site be used except as specifically permitted in condition 1 above. This facility shall not be rented, leased or otherwise used by groups other than Akron West in violation of condition 1 above. 3. - A revised schedule of class times shall. be submitted for staff review and approval within fourteen (14) calendar days of use permit approval incorporating the following revisions: a. All weekday morning events shall commence no earlier than 7:30 am. b. All evening events shall terminate by 8:30 pm (as is proposed by the applicant.) C. Saturday and Sunday events shall commence no earlier than 10.00 am. Sunday events shall terminate by 4:00 pm. 4. A revised schedule of classes /activities shall be submitted for staff review_ and approval within fourteen (14) calendar days of use permit approval which complies with the following requirements: a. Parking lot design shall be submitted for administrative Site Plan and Architectural Review within twenty -one (21) calendar days of use permit approval. Parking design shall be reviewed by staff weighing the need to balance the maximization of on -site parking spaces with the need to provide usable spaces and provide safe vehicular circulation. The. parking lot shall be striped consistent with the final design approved by staff. b. The maximum number of students /staff shall be limited to the. number of SPARC approved spaces divided by .82. (If 35 spaces are retained on -site, for example, a total of 43 people (35 divided by .82) will be permitted at the facility at any one time.) The Saturday twelve step family meeting may be permitted a total of 50 students (recognizing some family members will share a single car) if 35 parking spaces are provided on -site. - 0 3S�0 C. Meeting times shall be revised as necessary to prevent overlap- of meetings times which would violate the above requirement. A minimum of thirty minutes shall be provided between the °end of one class session and the start of the. next Class session (excluding weekday meetings.) 5. Akron West shall provide its participants, as part of their program orientation with an informational sheet explaining that care must be exercised to refrain from outdoor noise producing behavior. The informational sheet shall be submitted for staff review and approval within fourteen (14) calendar days of use permit approval. 6. This project shall be subject to Administrative; SPARC /Historic and Cultural Preservation Committee review. An application for said review shall be filed within twenty one (21) calendar days of use permit approval. In addition to normal areas of SPARC review, review shall focus on the provision of dumpster /trash enclosures, landscaping, fencing, lighting, signs, clean =up of parking areas, and repair of broken windows. 7. This use permit shall have full force and effect through January 31, 1992. This use permit shall be subject to review by the Planning Commission prior to January 31, 1992 (most likely at a January 1992 Commission meeting) to consider extending the time period for which the use period is valid. The Commission shall, consider whether or not to consider extending the term of the use permit and /or modifying the conditions of approval, including; the hours and extent of operation, if deemed necessary to preserve the peace, safety and welfare of the neighborhood. This meeting shall be noticed as a public meeting with the cost of said noticing borne by the applicant. 8. Should substantive complaints be received regarding the operation of this use and /or compliance with these conditions of approval, this use permit shall be brought back to the Planning Commission for modification of its conditions of approval or for revocation. 9. A parking lot monitor shall be provided for all morning events commencing at or before 8.00 am and for all evening ending after 8:00 pm. The parking lot monitor shall be on duty at least fifteen minutes prior to the commencement of all morning events and at the close of all evening events. 10. A plan shall be submitted by Akron West to control all light sources associated with this use which produce exterior light. The plan sha include the use of window coverings on the building, provision of only outdoor lighting providing a "soft wash" and removal /replacement of all other exterior lighting, and designing 'the parking lot (including use of landscaping, fencing and layout as feasible) to minimize light impacts. The plan shall be submitted for staff review and approval within twenty-one (21) calendar days of use permit approval and implemented within forty-five (45) days. 11. This use permit shall be issued solely to Akron West for the primary use of this facility and may not be assigned by Akron West to other parties or groups. Akron West shall be deemed liable and responsible for compliance with all the conditions of =this al - listed above, including the activities of any other twelve step groups permitted use permit. This use permit shall become null and void at such time as Akron West ceases to operate at this location. 12 No residential occupancy shall be established at the facility. VA • ' �; mss,!' 3 3:1 NEW BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARING II. FIRESTONE, 301 SOUTH McDOWELL BLVD., AP NO. 007 - 780 -49, FILE NO. 1.677A(jc). 1. Consideration of EIQ. 2. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit to allow minor auto repair in conjunction with retail sales. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. Q SPEAKERS: Phil Poindexter 17500 Redhill Avenue, Irvine., representative of Firestone - relocation of U building would require redesign and relocation of parking stalls and thoroughfares within shopping center; building does look corporate; will bring pictures to SPARC of an existing Firestone building; will try to come up with different architectural treatments; program is not a fast; _'quickie" lube, but may have something similar in future; retail business is the selling of tires, batteries, shock absorbers, auto accessories. Terry Finn Sacramento, general manager of shopping center - regarding cross access easements,' owners not willing to grant cross- access to Wherehouse Store as its not in the center's interests; it would create a conflict of interest with existing tenants who have same type. of business; Wherehouse has its own parking; more than willing to cooperate on landscaping as long as it doesn't compromise integrity of shopping center. Commissioner Thompson - any face -lift upcoming for the shopping center? What about moving building back? Mr. Finn discussions have been on- going regarding face -lift with no conclusion yet; needs time to look at site before deciding on relocation of building. Chairman 'Tarr - what about commuter parking? Upgrading of landscaping within the center? Architectural style in the center - do new buildings tie in with existing buildings? Mr. Finn -right now, owners are letting commuter parking go as potential customers; at the point in time where it becomes a problem, then they will address it and require cessation; if new buildings cannot tie in architecturally, they can be made to tie in by regulation of color schemes; shopping center is continually dealing with vandalism by having to replace vegetative screening trampled by Wherehouse customers using the Washington Square parking lot: Chairman Tarr - are the number of bays shown the normal number needed? Mr. Poindexter yes, usually there are between eight to twelve, so ten is the average. Commissioner Rahman - questions on driveway locations. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. DISCUSSION: Commissioner Thompson - confused on access to McDowell - how far is street to building; would instruct SPARC to pay attention to landscape strip; is there any way to eliminate temporary sales signs? Commissioner Woolsey - isn't this the "quickie" type of service and not an all -day affair? Concerned'with flags or banners - wants this to be restricted through conditions. terr Commissioner Libarle - greater advantage for Village Properties; might have need for monetary value. Chairman Tarr - after one year of discussions with staff, what changes have been made in plans? Any view corridors to consider? Jenny Cavanagh Assistant Planner - Building was rotated 180 degrees so that roll -up doors face interior of site:; landscaping has been ,somewhat expanded along McDowell; building meets minim um,setbacks of the Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Thompson - how much room is in the back of the lot? Could building be moved 'back ?- 15 feet to curb line is very imposing. Commissioner Parkerson - we are just, here to look at the use of the building. When this project goes to SPARC, they can consider size, location, etc. Pamela Tuft ,Principal Planner - Condition 5 could include language to direct SPARC to look at issue of location.. Commissioner Thompson is Washington Square going to undergo a major remodel? Chairman Tarr - Is irestone leasing the site`? (yes -site and building); can Firestone lease more space to °provide more landscaping? (up to the landowner-). Commissioner Woolsey - .how many employees and where will they park? Mr. Poindexter - three to ten employees; they will park in the parking lot where all other employees of the shopping center park. A motion was made by Commissioner Bennett and seconded by Commissioner Parkerson to direct staff to prepare a mitigated negative declaration based on the findings listed below: COMMISSIONER WOOLSEY: Yes COMMISSIONER PARKERSON: Yes COMMISSIONER BENNETT: Yes COMMISSIONER RAHMAN: Yes CHAIRMAN TARR :. Yes COMMISSIONER LIBARLE: Yes COMMISSIONER THOMPSON: Yes Findings . 1. The project, as conditionally approved, does not have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause .a fish or wildlife population to drop below self- sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self- sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory. 2. The project, as conditionally' approved, does not have the potential to achieve short- term to 'the disadvantage of long -term, environmental goals. 3. The project, as conditionally approved, does not have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable. 4. The project, as conditionally approved, does not have environmental effects which will cause .substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly. E 313 5. The project, as conditionally approved, is consistent with and further promotes the objectives, goals, and policies of the General Plan. A motion was made by Commissioner Libarle and seconded by Commissioner Bennett to approve the conditional use permit to allow minor auto repair in conjunction with retail sales at 301 McDowell Boulevard South, based on the findings and subject to the amended conditions listed below: COMMISSIONER WOOLSEY: Yes COMMISSIONER PARKERSON: Yes COMMISSIONER BENNETT: Yes COMMISSIONER RAHMAN: Yes G) CHAIRMAN TARR: Yes 0 COMMISSIONER LIBARLE: Yes Q COMMISSIONER THOMPSON: Yes U Findings 1. The proposed use, subject to the conditions of approval, conforms to the intent and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan. 2. This project will not constitute a nuisance or be detrimental to the public welfare of the community due to the mitigation measures incorporated in the conditions of approval. Conditions 1. All requirements of the Fire Marshal shall be complied with, including: a. Provide one fire extinguisher 4A -40 B C dry chemical type for each 3,000 square feet of floor space. b. Building shall be protected by an automatic fire extinguishing system as required by Section 10.306A of the 1988 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code. c. Permit required from Fire Marshal's Office for sprinkler system alteration prior to work being started. Two sets of plans are required. d. Post address at or near main entry door - minimum two inch letters. e. Any building or portion of a building used for high pile storage shall conform to Article 81 of the 1988 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code, including smoke removal, venting and Fire Department access to building. f. Storage shall be maintained a minimum of eighteen (18) inches below sprinkler heads. g. Provide absorbent material, containment drain and proper tools for handling spills. h. Provide KNOX box for key control located on building as required by the Fire Marshal. 10 33 i. No extension cords. All equipment and appliances shall be direct plug -in. j. Provide metal or flame retardant plastic waste .cans. k. Provide electrical conduit from post indicator valve to alarm panel location for tamper switch as underground is being installed. 1. Check valve in Fire Department connection to be installed "above grade. M. Two inch clearance shall be provided around fire sprinkler lateral and riser at .foundation and floor slab. n. Exiting: exit ways, exit doors shall conform to 1988 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code. and Uniform Building Code. o. Provide detail for double containment of hazardous materials showing proposed location for containment. p. Hazardous Materials Storage declaration Form shall be completed for all materials,stored on premises and returned to the Fire Marshal's Office. q. Sprinkler system shall be designed for an Ordinary Hazard Group 3. 2. All requirements of the Building division shall be complied with, including: a. Certify pad elevations before building slab on -grade is poured. b. Soils with expansion index greater than 20 requires special design foundation per Uniform Building Code 2904(b). C. Show site drainage and grading topography. d. Indicate all utilities on site plan. e. Verify utilities are adequate for building (i.e., size of water, electrical and gas service and size of sewer). f. Responsible party to sign plans. g. Submit soils report. to verify foundation design. h. Indicate group occupancy, type of construction, square footage., 3. Prior to occupancy, an Air Permit shall be obtained from the .Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) or proof'provided to city staff that an Air Permit is not required. 4. Any requirements imposed by Envirotech Operating Systems shall be complied with in the time frame specified by that agency. 5. This project shall be subject to review by the 'Site .Plan and Architectural Review Committee, including but not limited to emphasis- on the following: 11 335 a. Architecture shall be redesigned and substantially upgraded to provide a quality of design and visual interest equivalent to or exceeding the neighboring Wherehouse Records development. b. The landscape plan shall be revised to provide richer landscaping along . McDowell; street trees averaging no less than 25 feet on center; landscaping. against the building wherever feasible; and plantings to help screen the loading area. Existing landscaping within the Washington Square Shopping Center shall be upgraded, at least in the vicinity of the proposed Firestone facility. Any mature trees to be removed through project development or driveway relocation shall be replaced at a ratio of two new trees for each tree Co removed. M C. Signs shall comply with all provisions of the City Sign Ordinance and the 0 Washington Square Sign Program. A free- standing sign will not be approved. d. Exterior building materials and colors; trash enclosure exterior design; and U screening of rooftop mechanical equipment shall be evaluated by SPARC. e. If necessary, building square footage or setbacks to be adjusted to address visual impact to McDowell Boulevard. 6. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the following shall occur, subject to staff approval: a. Cross -over access easements between Washington 'Square and Village . Properties (Wherehouse Records site) shall be executed. b. Cross -over access and parking easements between the Firestone site and Washington Square shall be executed or proof of existing easements provided to staff. 7. Under this use permit, only those auto repair services falling under the Zoning Ordinance definition of Minor Auto Repair shall be allowed. 8. At no time shall future business activities exceed Performance Standards specified in the Uniform Building Code, Section 22 -301 of the Petaluma Zoning Ordinance, and the 1987 General Plan. 9. No Storage or display of any type shall take place outdoors. Used tires shall not be stored in the trash enclosure. 10. This use permit may be recalled to the Planning Commission /Planning Director at any time due to complaints regarding objectionable operating characteristics. At such time, the Commission /Director may add or modify conditions of approval. 11. All work within a public right -of -way requires an excavation permit from the Department of Public Works. 12. Major Traffic Facilities Improvement Fees: The project sponsor shall, prior to issuance of a building permit, pay a fee of $50.00 per daily trip end estimated to be generated by said project. Trip generation figures shall be as determined by the City Engineer. If the City establishes a Major Facilities Traffic Mitigation fee prior 12 to issuance of a, building permit, the. fee for said project shall thereinafter by the Major Facilities Traffic Mitigation Fee. 13. In addition to Major Facilities Traffic Mitigation, the following fees will be applicable to this.project: Community Facilities Development and Storm Drainage Impact. 14. No temporary banners shall be utilized on the McDowell Boulevard frontage of this site. PLANNING MATTER III. PEDESTRIAN POCKET. 1. We will view a + one hour video tape of Peter Calthorp's recent lecture on the pedestrian pocket urban design concept including information on some of his design projects now under construction. (Commissioner's Woolsey, Parkerson, Bennett, Rahman, and Libarle left meeting at 10:15 PM). ADJOURNMENT: - 11:15 PM (due to loss of quorum, meeting adjourned. at 10:.15 PM; those staying watched the video). min0123 /pcmin -3 13