HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/19/1975A G E N D A
FEBRUARY 19, 197
7:30 P.M.
ROLL CALL: Comm. Balshaw Bond Horciza Ma"ttei
Watets Hilligoss
STAFF: Frank B. Gray, Direc Community Development
,Sonoma_ County Referral James 'W,. Fr,-isbie, Use Permit for a
self,-se gasoline gasoline stationat 3590 Petaluma Blvd. North.
2) 90qnald's.'Restaurant - Site design review consideration for
the proposed site located in the Petaluma Plaza on Petaluma
, Blvd. North:
3) Victor Nagel - Sit.&des,i,gn review consideration for proposed
conversion from a recreational vehicle sales facility to a
beer and; wine bar located at, 901 Lakeville Street.
Continuation of site design review application of Wayne Johnson for
the remodeling of an existing commercial building conversion to
office use at 3`54 Petaluma Blvd, N
ReV--ieta . Santa Fe Romeroy's site design for a tohcrete, batch plant
located in the County on- Hopper- &t-reet extension..
x en-sion,.
M N,U. T E S
PRESENT;: Comm. Bond,, Hillig6ss', Hor6iza, Popp; - Waters''
ABSENT: Comm. mand Balshaw
STAFF: Frank B. Gray, :Directok-of 'Community Development.*
Denh-is.,Bbehl j e;, .,Senior Planner
FEBRUARY,. 19, 1975:
Thet minutes of February - 4 - 1974 were'-approved as submitted.
A letter from—the. of Commerce was read which recommended
opose 1. .'sRestaurant and
approval of -the cpr, A. site te :1br'.
concurrence•with the :Santa Fe Pomeroy- The letter also
indicated no -for the..Sonoma 'County Referral, the Victor
Nagel, p.roj'ejct, and the Wayne Johnson , site.
A letter if 'rom James:, M: Kennedy, Attorney was read, which
requested, tha t h e: McDonald's- Restaurant project be continued
f or publl
.p.:h6kt,ing at a; date several weeks in the future'because
of parties he - represented - who.cou d,be Adversely affected 'by the
logation.and -design of the structure- Mr. Gray therefore recom-
mend ed that, thid item be removed .from the e-Consent Calendar to
al ow further discussion.
Comm: made-.,a inatloti. to, remove McDonald!s Resta:urant site
desi f-rcim the, C.ons,en-t Calendar. The motion was seconded by
Comm., Horciza.
AYES - 5 N I OES I a ABSENT ; 2-
.1) Sonoma County''Referrai, - James , W. Fr Use Permit-for
self-gerv - i . c.e.,gds6line station as 3590 Petaluma Blvd. North.
2 _Victor Nagel - Site design. review consideration for the
pr6posed'cPnVersion-from a-recredtionalt- vehicle sales
.,ity-to a beer and wine bar located at 901 Lakeville Street.
Comm—Horciza made -a motion to with recommendation
t-fie . staff to. forward a, letter to the Sonoma County Board of
zoning Adjustments opposing the ;requested Use - Permit„ of James
W. Frisbie because of its :non conf orm'ance, - with, the City of
Peta,1umVs:_EDP. and Gener'al: Pl n; and to approve the Victor Nagel
: project with the ':conditions. of approval.. as recommended by the
Architectural & 8,ite' Design Review' Committee, Comm. Popp
seconded -the motion.
Petaluma City Planning Commission Minutes, February 19, 1975
McDONALD',S;RESTAURANT, Mr,. Gray advised the Commission that,, as far as. he could ascertain
- SITE DESIGN. REVIEW:,. the. letter from, Mr;. Kennedy related -o differences between -the
shopping center management and the - tenants and not to the matter
of site design_ review for McDona104 restaurant which was being
considered by the Commission..
Mr. Dorsey,- ,MeDonald.''s Corporation, informed the - Commission that he
had t:al.ked-to the attorney. -, Mr.. Kennedy:. He also stated that the
fetter was` cq . ntrary . to the approval, they had '"'received from Mr..
Zurcher of - the Cinderella Boutique for locating McDonald's in the
shopping' center: It was 0 clarified that Mr. Carl Anderson the
other =' individual" represented by Mr: - Kennedy had leased .the •'Fire
si.de,B'ook..Store,. wh ch'had recently moved to the Washington Square
Shopping Center.
Mr. S:tan-ley F,'elix,, managing, partner',for the, owners of the shopping
center, . informed the Commission that the -le`tter had, just ,come to
his, attention recently, and he did not feel that the two parties
involved, had a strong ,interest in-the center-. He stated that Mr.
Ander.son.=had broken his lease to move to, the Washington Square
Shopping Center,'but because of the legality-of the situation was
required to continue with the holding, of the lease at the''Pe_ta
Plaza. Mr,.. Felix informed:. the.• , Coirimission that- `both Mr. Anderson
and Mr. Zurcher- wanted °a' reduction in- rent- -from a lease signed' in
: 1970, :and'•,their ,dispute is that he 'would hot give -them this
reduction. He ,added. that -he did no_ t .feel the matter related to,
; McDonald' . &,, r. since both parties" had formerly expressed the desire
fby., McDonald's in the location proposed°.
Mr. Felix. clarified: that Mr.. Aiderson.'s lease -.did , not call-for his
. written. concurrence l and. he felt Mr.. Anderson an adverse-
interest= because: is "presently located in the.Wa`shingtgn ,Square
Shopping..Center,, He also advised that, the bicycle shop,, which
occupies the old. Fireside Book : Store location, had come in at a
time pOsequeht , but ; the -,owner had verbally stated that he was
perfectly, willing to allow :McDonald's to: 'come 'in:.
` ... 'The City: .,Attorney was, a ;sked.K if; the Commission, was; under' any, legal .-
rest:aning order because. of the letter.. Mr. Hudson replied that
the Commission.was not„ since the letter asked .for a public hearing,
and ,although Architectural & Site Design.Review Committee or
the Commission could r.ecommend.a public hearing, there was nothing
in the Zoning' Ordinance to.•compel, them to do so.. He added that in
order for the matter to be, appealed to the Council, the com-
plainants, would have to be interested parties, and.he was.not
-certain if' these - . two' individual -s would really qualify.
Mr. Gray informed the : Commission 'that they•wer:e only to deal with
the actual site- desgin review and wer:et not; obliged to enter into
Any personal ..dispute,: , He , ,s'tated that parking had been the only
objection that .had %be :en raised .`to his knowledge, and a review of J
the parking situation indicated.an- excess of 2,5'0 parking spaces
considering the entire shopping center plus McDonald's.
. -2-
Petaluma Planning
Commission Minu't:e's, F. 'bruary 19 19
Mr. Don Bennett, Promotion 'Director'f,or the Plaza representing the
Merchants' Association, stated :that the Board of D rectors. had
recently met arid reaffirmed their support. for McDonald's and
expressed concern r,egar'ding the ineernal,dispute.
Chairman .g_ifi, goss stated felt that the 'existing southernmost
driveway to. 'North McDowell :Blvd;., should used for egress only.
Comm: WA . eers , stated that the question of. "egressi only had come up at
" site design review meeting, `and had. been changed to ingress
egress because the 'Traf f ic' Engineer had approved its adequacy. Comm.
Bond expressed'c'oncern regarding, the egress only, and asked if the
Arcos,'tation manager was in agreement.
Mr., 'Gary Flynn the,pot'ential licensee fo 'r McDonald's, stated he
had' talked to the Arco station,,manager,, and `although he was unhappy
with the proposed traffic .plan, he would accept- it since he knew
that ~the;new restaurant would boost ;his business. Mr. Flynn added
that "he did not 'feel that egress only would make a difference to
• -
'McDonald" s`.
; ,-ion to a -
Comm. _Po pp made a mot ppove the site.design. with conditions
as recommended.b,y, the Architectural & Site Design Review Committee
and.. - the added condition that 'the southernmost accessway be egress
only;'., Comm. Horc za seconded the motion.
Mr. Gray, stated that he felt the_coricer,n of Comm. Waters and Comm.
Bond. in their ''No" vote,. which was has ed•on the accessway being
changed to egress only, and asked the 'Commission to review the
site. again`after'the restaurant had. been in operation for a period .
of time.
Mr: :Gray °br.iefly.reviewe'd' proposal to convert an existing,
commercial bui!,ld' ng for office use at 354 Petaluma Blvd. North.
He reminded the Commission'tla,t,, because of their concern regarding
parking', Mr. Johnson had been,asked `tb either obtain parking in the
immediate. 'area `or _to determ "ne if access to . the • rear . of the site
was possible' to provide parking;. Mr. Johnson -at this :time, 'had' asked
`the Commission to consider, the adequacy of 'leasing parking spaces..
for a 3 -year period-'from the Pr-:eston' Automgtive Center however';
the full ordinan'ce,re'quirement,'would be for 7 parking spaces..
Mr .Gray advised that the Architectural.& Site - Design-Review "
Cotlml ttee had ''..met'to: consider .the' request 'and had asked the staff
to mak'e•a special s'tudy "Poultry.S 'treet to see.if it could be
used for access to the rear of the property. The staff report
was read, wh -ich' "indicated that`,'as far, as could be determined, the
access: is an,old: railroad right -of way'and deeds would have to be
researche,d.;'to determine the e,xact, status. Discussion followed.
regarding the owriersYfp of the "easement and the possibility of
Mr. Johnson ".utilizing the adjacent ' rt for parking, through
an easement: ?with' ;`Preston Automotive Center. If the access could be
obtained,., The Commis'sion.dir:ected. the staff to pursue the matter
further with the Railroad' and the County.
Petaluma City Planning Commission Minutes, "February 19, 1975
SANTA FE POMEROY. Mr Garay presented the Commission with,.a copy. of the plans ,for
SITE DESIGN REVIEW: the batch* 'plant curr;enthy under construction for Santa Fe Pomeroy
and stated` that,. the , :County",. :was holding °,up,, final approval of the:
project to •see if` the Planning Commission - would ; require further
'cond:itions;. He' also ,stated that, .since the •project was visible .
from the freeway bridge, the .aesthe'tic , .nature of the project
should be .considered.; , Mr;., Gray informed 1, the,Commssion.• that lie
;had suggested to Mr. ; Lloyd Johnson of the; County that they "obtain
comments from -the :Bay Ar":ea..; Air .,Pollution- C pt
District, the
: -
Corps of Engineers., and .any dth6r. agency who might. have jurisdic -.
Lion, since an EIR -had not prepared ::;for`; t_he project. Mr.
,Johnson in - -turn had passed on. this re'spbn'sibility to Santa LFe
Pomer.o.y . r
;Mr. Richard : Mogel, Engineer, for.,Santa Fei'P,omer:oy, stated he had.
talked with 1,16y4.:.Johnson.,, ,who had recommended thatt a "permit be
obtained,. from the Bay. Area- Air Pollution Control Disttic't, the;
Corps • of En.g n:eer- s, and. the- Water • Qua:11ty Control Board'. The
Corps of En:gineer.s!. had.••advised Mr.: ; Mogel that the project was not
under. their Jurisdic :tion, and they would,- f OL rwaTdi aL letter so
:s.tatn'g. ,The' ,B_ay Area Air; Pollution -Control 'District. 'had askedi
the types-;o_f. emission..points,, ,.type L 'of emission, and',mitigating
fac o,rs Mr:.:Mogel ,=stayed;: -the infgrmaton had been submitted t
them for review and'It ha: t'they wound also make a final'inspection
when the prod ec;t was, in operation,.
' - :Quality Con`tro1;='Boar.d: "ndca;ted were concerned •
-wit -h emissions :into the,• :Petaluma „•River. Mr:. Motel informed the
Commission: that'.�util'izat -ion. of. ,a settIlin:g, basin would eliminate
the .emission.. info the river, and that th'e;�County had stated; the
settling* - basin was adequate-as long a's•the di +ke,was high enough
for the. 100 -year flood 1evel..
The question:. of pl,anting., :eu'calyptu • .tr•; es, as a: but e.r was
Mr. ` Mogel :s_tated. that the :..County. :Planning -. Department "had'. con -
sidered° screening" t :h °e s . tet.with tree" "s, but • felt 'tl a't it,-would
not,. -dq much good „' because. of , the height of the freeway 'in relation
to 'the • p,ro.j ect : It• had ' also been felt-that the structure would
not: seem. as high from :the elevated- freeway looking down..
It -was noted that the project ,:is across the river from where.-a
residential dev'61 opment. -had.. been” proposed,: Mr. Motel ,advised. that.
trees had.: •already. been. plaiite"d !'along the river `to. screen off the
site. that.the.,p.roject would•be painted ;green 11 _ ... :
and that,, the base frame had already,been.constructed.
Comm`.: Horc za_" expressed concern: regarding, addit'iorial pol -lut -ion, in
this area Mr Mogel in- 'ormed.;the on that the :Air Po11u-
tion Control Distric review. the. profec;t to determine if the
collection: sysfem was of sufficient. capacity.," He. also 'stated" that
some,.• of . the present . water. pollution, problem is, .because : of waste
wa4ter. disposal :;going into the river, which they would no' ,t be
Peta uma City Planning Commi "ssion,Minutes,`February 19, 1975
'Mr. Gray questioned the noise levels and the, possible effect on
the p. roposed residential development across the ;_river. Mr. Mogel
stated that: it was difficult to determine but that - distance was
In their favor-
Mr. Gray asked the;Coimniss on if.there were any additional condi-
tions :that the? Planning: Commission felt should be added. Comm.
Po,pp..made a motion. to forward .a letter to the. County requesting;
that they °insure. .all ,requir.ed permits are obtained and to
let, the Commission be aware of 'them, 'The motion was seconded b
Comm,. Waters,.
AYES 51' NOES- 0 -ABSENT.. -:2� .
j .
OTHER BUSINE�S.S:< In res to, Comm. Water's inquiry, Mr.. Gray stated that Al
Stack had been made aware that the City dump site could be pur-
chased.for a dismantling.op.eration, but no response had
been,teceived from him.
The ,Washingaon..Creek .'linear pa<rk'. petition heard> by the. City
Counc -1 on, 18, .19755 - waas b "ti'efly discussed.
,*ADJOURNMENT`: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at
8 : 55 p m-.