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JUNE 4, 1974
7:30 P.M.,
ROLL CALL; Comm. Balshaw Bellovich Hilligoss - Mattei
Popp Waters Bond
STAFF.: Frank B. (Fray,,Director of Community Development
CONSENT CALENDAR: Request for modification to the approved site
design for Western Motors, 1221 Petaluma Blvd.
Robert L., Hartmann -.Use Permit to allow an
antique shop and gift shop at 3690 Bodega Ave.
in a Countyt-2-P District.
7- Eleven Food Store - E10 for proposed
site aE Baywo'oF 'Drive & Perry Lane.
Auto Parts Sqpr,)l.,y Co. - EI0 for proposed
major addition at 32 Fourth Street.
Walter Kieckhefer' - Public Hearing to
consider EIO for proposed P-U-D rezoning
for a located at
10 Blvd. South.
Public Hearing to!consider_granting a Use
Permit to allow a neighborhood shopping
center (Baywood' Center) containing approxi-
mately 78,000 gross sq. ft. of retail-
commercial space at the intersection of
Baywood' Drive and Perry Lane.
Site ..design consideration for proposed
Baywood Center.
j. M I N U T E S
PRESENT:, Comm. B`als`haw *, Hi1'ligoss,. Ma.ttei, Waters, Bond
*Comm. Balshat4 arrived at 7:55 p.m.
ABSENT ' -Comm. Bellovich, Popp
STAFF: Franc B. Gray, Director of Community Development
APPROVAL OF'MINUTES. The minutes of May 21, 1974*were approved as sub -
CONSENT CALENDAR: The Commission was advised that the Consent Calendar
item for Western Motors had been withdrawn.
CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Gray informed the Commission that there was
no correspondence but 'he wished to advise the
Commission that the City Council had adopted the
Commission's recommended outside water connection
policy on June 3, 1974. Councilman Mattel. also
'informed the Commission of other Council actions
- of that date.
SONOMA.COUNTY Robert L. Hartman - An oral summary of the request
REFERRAL;: for .e use permit to allow an- antique shop and gift
shop at 3690 Bode,ga Avenue in a County C -2, -P.
District was given.by the staff. It was the ;
'staff's recommendation to forward a letter stating
the conflict with the City's General Plan and the
EDP,'but recommending granting of the use permit
subject to, annual review.in light of surrounding
use and present zoning.
A discussion followed regarding the land use in the -
area and adherence.to the goals of the EDP, after
which the Commission determined to direct the Direc-
tor of.community Development to forward a letter
to the County noting :'its ' , ' conflict with the City's
General Plan and EDP designations.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 1,) 7- Eleven Food Store - EIQ for proposed site at
QUESTIONNAIRE. Baywood Drive & Perry Lane:
A•brief oral summary of the environmental aspects
of the project and the proposed site was given
by the staff.
Comm. Waters .noted .that the EIQ did not cover the
two parcels adjacent to-the proposed project
and questioned the future use of these parcels and
the possible environmental impact of these
three 'parcels as a whole. The applicant was
called upon for clarification'.
Petgl,uma -Planning Commission Minutes, June 4, 1914
Mr. 'Robert F. Carmody, the agent for the.pro-
p.e rty ownerCommission. - Commission. - . addressed the Comms d . ;L , ; ,-
f rme d them tha'
' t.the only pro j.ect_-.-d�e fi n#e �A,t
this, time - f,br the three parcels was; . the. .3-
Eleven.-propQpAl_ .. -He added...that a..t-wo-
retail sales and off ice buildi6cr was proposed
for the middle parcel and. . a restaurant "was
being ''considered for the third .parcel Mr[,
Balshaw express.ed the des irabiil pf� con.=
sistent and, compatible building, desigp-,• or: ;the
three. parcels and Mr..,. Carmody replied.-,that- was •,._ ,
his intent.
A short discussion land uses, in--thp immediate
Area followed. Mr. Carmodv was reminded, that
id - t
the E Q under cons was', only e h
, construction, .of_ the 7- E'leveh ;ands that .Rr
pQp4ls for . the other two parcels-- would. _,rqqP_
EI,Q's or an 'EIR. at, the d iscretion of the
Commis,sion, Mr, Carmody :r.eplied, that -,he -was
Aware of 'th is. requirement. Chairman Bond
also requested that Mr. Carmody bear in mind
the contiguous aspect of design for.the three
- '�
Comm. m to d
,dmm. Mattel made,
otion irect,the,,Direc-
tor of Commu Development to.p rppar `
,e an
post, - a Negative Declaration for. . the p , p? :, I 3 pc
and Comm. Waters seconded the motion.
2) Auto Parts. Suppl Company .-.EI,Q. d
major Addition at 32 Fourth Str,eet:.
A bri oral summary,•gf the.-pr�oppsed.�.projq!?t
and, the environmental Aspects <of the -,p.roj!eqt,.,
was qlven_by the staff.- Ashort discussion_
follow.ed pa.rking,, traffic .. circulat'
internal circulation, and the future use for
the Greyhound-dolden Gate Transit but depot
and the adjacent lot owned. by the ; applicant rto
the southwest on "V' Street
Comm Hilli-goss, made a motion to direct the
Director of Community.- Development to o
and post A Negative Declarteibn for the
and, Comm Balshaw secondedthe.motion_
Peta'IuM&`Planning Commission Minutes, June 4,,1974
.3) Walter°Kieckhefer - Public Hearing to consider
e EIQ„ -for proposed P -U -D rezoning for approx-
imately 18 adre located at 1051 Petaluma Blvd.
The Commission viewed a model of the proposed
P- U-Ij'. T ie staff informed the Commission that
extens.ive.referral had been accomplished for
the ,project, and.the environmental review
comments were read from the staff report. The
staff recommendation was to require an HIR
since it'was felt information provided was not
The Public Hearing was opened and Mr. Walter
Kieckhefer addressed the Commission. He stated
that the project was a result of the Petaluma
River Study which suggested that there be a
gradual transitidn'away from industrial uses
of the river to residential and recreational
tas -age .
Mr. Kieckhefer stated that he did not feel it
was necessary to dedicate 2.48 acres to the
City for parks and recreation as stated in the
staff report, because. the project was a condo -
minium and residents therefore had common
rights over the entire property and because of
the encouragement to utilize the river. He
also stated that he was concerned about the
storage tan'k's for flammable liquids that were
within approximately 15 feet of the property
4 line, but that he was working with the Fire
Department and the owners of the storage tanks
on the problem. Mr. Kieckhefer advised the
Commission that,the owner had indicated to him
that-he intended to dispose of the tanks in
two years.
Mr. Kieckhefer then addressed the negative
e.nvironmental of the staff report.
He stated that he would obtain approval of the
Corps of Engineers for-a pier or abandon the
idea of a pies. Mr. Ki.eckhefer advised that
soils tests for the property.relating to
seismic,dat.a and.bank slippage.had been already
accomplished and were very favorable_, and that
he mould furnish the Corps of Engineers and
the Cali €okn a Regional'' Water Quality Control
Board.with the additional information desired.
With regard to the .comments -of the Recreation
Director to use the site as'a park, Mr.
Kieckhefer informed the Commission that he
would like to see the study accomplished and
a determination.made.
Petaluma Planning Commission Minutes, June 4, 1974, .
Mr. Kieckhe,fer stated he felt the distance to
s`choo'l was excellent.: ' He :also ` advised :he was
aware of the " 1,2 li - in °c sewer' main ext'en s +on `-' ®.
required. to. the "pro:pos'ed -development an'd would
also provde 'the -50 turning 'radius :requi.r
K ed
by the - Fire - Chief. Mr.' eckhefer'further
r r
stated- that the project contained. bicycae.
and publ, c ' access to the °river 'whchy would
- be landscaped 'the - cir:culdtio' - provided
in the development'would - be a dedicated City road.
Mr Kieckhefer c ®ncluded by 'saying 'that he' did
,not feel the 'project had a substantial adverse
impact on the environment.. He added he would
accomplish an EIR'if the,Commissrori so _directed,
but asked . that the E,hR reques _be such "as to
concentrate on the. of serious concern only.
No other public comment was offered' and the`
'Public Hearing was closed.
The COmmiss§16ti was advised by -the ^staff that
- according to the :established EIR - only
those +items of'serioiis concern would be "required
t6 'b6 addressed n any EI'R''..' 'Comm:: Balshaw "° t
asked that 'the report add'tes,s - th ;worse s tua-
t.ions conceivable, 'such as the `'possi.ble 'r-eten-
ti.on of - the storage tanks or if an alternate �.
solution is possible to mitigate negative,
s ects , the should 'be ,proposed _
Comm. Wat'et9'_rdferr6d the' Petaluma _'River
Study and informed the Commission that the
concern at the time of i ts preparation was
with regard to the long plans for the
.river, and since this was the first development
proposed along the' r ver`.wh ch could generate
future de.velopmen , cautiori' should'`be "exercised.
in ,its ,approval.
Comm. Balshaw made: :a .motion to require an EIR.
for the project and Comm'. Waters seconded the
The °EDP designation: "of a park .for the ,s.ite..was
questioned, - and, Chairman *Bond.'requested. the; staff
obtain an update of possib':le -p ans for'.a park
on the site. The Commiss ion.was.'.'riformed "that
a report .would _be ready - for the next meeting:
Mr., K'ieckhefer .informed the Commission that in
past - •convers:a.tions• with- one of-the- members- of
the Wiliiams & Mocine staff who had prepared thVw'
EDP, he had been led to be-1 eve that the site
had been arbitrarily designated ,as a park
because of concern for peripheral development
and because no duel- opment activity was known
for the site at that time.
'Petaluma Planning. Commission Minutes, June 4., 19'74
B.M = W. ASSOCIATES' - The: proposed, site plans were shown to the Commission
USE . PERMIT U5' -74' & for their review. .The Commission was reminded that
SITE DESIGN REUI,EV :, the., proposal was .a revs si;on of approved plans for
the, site, and a'bref oral review of the project
was,, given. The . ;s'taf'f. recommended approval of the
use permit subject to recommended conditions of
approval o,f the site desi n. These recommended
conditions were then react.
it was noted that the City Engineer did not call for
publ i
ic mprovements on Perry Lane, and the staff
expl ained that th s.was because of the possible
abandonment of that street. Discuss "i.on followed
regarding. sib :le . future•development of the site
opposite Perry. Lane and whether the developer should.
be :requir.ed.to provide any public improvements. Comm.
` Balshaw questioned the possibility of utilizing
Perry Lane as a bus terminus for commuters and also
to provide commuter parking.
'The Public Hearing was: opened. Mr. Merle D.
Goat ey, the arch tech for the project, addressed
the Commission and advised that the applicants
did,not .intend to develop Perry Lane. Mr. Gray
sugge,s-ted :adding a - condition that if in the future
Perry Lane was improved as a public street that the
subject property owners would be required to
participate to the extent of public improvements
for a curb, .gutter, "sidewalk and half - street im-
provements. This 'suggestion. was agreeable to the
applicants and the Commission and was determined to
be added as Condition V.
Comm,.. Balshaw questioned the feasibility of exer-
cising the option provided in the Zoning Ordinance
to revert back to the original zoning if the pro -
ject was not `50% completed. the rezoning ex-
tens ioh,,deadl ine im J "uly 1974, since there might
,conceivably be an excess of ' shopping centers.
A short discussion followed; after which the Commission
determined to; add Conditiori',48 requiring that a
development plan schedule be filed for the project.
Myron MacNeil,.a resident on the adjacent Alderwood
Court, expressed concern regrdin the closeness
of the build 'in s to his. property, t ' he lighting,
hours of lig -h,. ing , the adequ.ady of the present
height of the wall;, and the poss bit y of noisy
•refsigera "ton uni,'ts on top of the buildings. Mr.
Gray replied that' the buildings were of the low
silhouette.type to provide compatibility with
surrounding residential, uses, and that the develop -
m-ent would be 45 feet from the stone wall near his
property Mr. Gray also advised that loading
Petaluma Planning Commission Minutes, June 4, 1974
facilities would be on the rear walls adjacent. to
the flood control channel; lighting would.be in
the 'park ng lot areas, An`d'wall lights on the
buildings, would be shielded so as to not project
into adjacent properties. 'He :added that it was
not aesthetically advisable to make the wall higher
than i,t already is The applicants" architect
then „showed Mr. MacNeil the.proposed,plans and
explained the project to him.
A recess called at 9::35 p.m. and the meeting
.resumed` at 9:40 p.m'.
It was, clarified' for a member of the- audience that
the:zonng::had already been obtained for the site
and, the use.; ;permit to - allow the- shopping' center
was being considered this evening.. No further
public comments, were offered and the Public Hearing
was closed
Discussion followed regarding chaining off the de-
livery lane around thee, perimeter of the development
at night or installing speed, bumps to prevent it
from being used a's a. racing a�eao The Commission de-
termined to add cond #9 stating that. the
developer would control unauthorized night time
usage of the site.
Comm. Balshaw'made a motion to approve the use permit
subject to the conditions of the s`i'te design
approval as amended, and Comm. Waters seconded the
Comm,. Hilligoss made a motion to approve the site
design with condition's as, recommended by the Site
Design Review Committee and amended by the Commission.
and Comm. Matted seconded the motion..;.
OTHER BUSINESS-. Chairman Bond asked if it would be possible to obtain
a copy of the 1974 -75 proposed. projects and Mr.
Gray replied this information was 'contained in the
1974 -75 proposed Program of Service, and he would
seethat`the Commiss one obtained copies. Mr. Gray
also advised that he. obtain copies of the
capital outlay'budget for the Commis if it was
Petaluma Planning Commission Minutes, June 4, 1974
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting ad-
journed at 10;00 p.m.