HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/05/1973I A. .G E N D A. PETALUMA CITY PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 5, 1973 REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P -. M . CITY COUNCIL CHN -IBERS , CITY HALL PETAJdUbiA, CALIFORNIA PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG ROLL CALL: ;Comm. Balshaw Bond Daly Hood Schmelz [graters Poop STAFF: ,Wm. C. McGivernf Director of Community Development Richard D. A. Anderson, Associate Planner ;'Frank B. Grav, As sociate Planner i APPROVAL OF MINUTES a CORRESPONDENCE I SITE DESICNJREVIEW Manuel Amaral'�s proposal, for commercial buildings COMMITTEE REPORT: to be located at 4246 No. Petaluma Blvd. i n a C -H District. I M McCOY, ET AL Cont of Public Hearing to consider the REZON -73: request of William McCoy, et al, from R -1 -6,500 to P.U.D. for three- parcels located between Hinman j ' 'Street and Fair Street.. SUN TERRACEI Continuation of the consideration of the Tentative SUBDIVISION roan for the Sun Terrace Subdivision submitted by , TENTATIVE MAP: Sunco Development Corporation /U.S. Equities, Inc. to be located in the area of B. Washington St. and Fly Road. MODIFICATIONS TO THE Continuation of the Public-Hea.r to c onsider MASTER PLAN OF ZONING: modifications to the Master Plan of Zoning for Area Nos. 22, 25, 26, 2€3, 29, 30, and 33 and I boundary adjustments to Area Nos. 17 and 1.9 as described in the report to the ,Planning Commission dated March 29, 197 ADJOURNMENT M I N U'T E S ' 0ET ' ALUMA CITY PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 5, 1973 REGULAR MEETING 7-;30 P ®M CITY COUNCIL' CITY HALL PETALUMA, CALIFORNIA PRESENT: Comm. Bond.,. Ba1shaw, *Daly, Hood, 'Waters,, Popp *Comm. Daly departed at 8:45 p.m. ABSENT: Comm. Schmelz STAFF: Wri, C. McGiv Director of Commuhity.DeveloPment i- R I chard D. A. Anderson, Associate.- Planner- Frank B. Gray, Associate Planner APPROVAL OF AINUTES: The minutes*of the May 22, 1973 meeting of the Planning Commission were-appr ing corrections: Page 3,'Item.2, paragraph 4, change to read to include the request for the deletion and Page 6, 6th line, change "Ordinance" to "Committee.." 1 S , ITE DESIGN1 1 REVIEW The staff gave a'brief summary of the Site Design COMMITTEE REPORT - Review Committee report for.,the proposed AMARAL: commercial buildings to be located at 4.246 No. Petaluma Blvd. which recommended approval, and road the.conditions,required. The applicant.was asked if he understood the conditions and would domply.and Mr. Amaral -answered in the aff.itmative. Comm. Hood. questioned ..the, adequacy. of _Parking and how it might be affected if the adjacent lot was sold-. Mr. Amaral replied that there was adequate parkimg, as he owned the two..acr6s adjacent.to the site and had,no intention of ,selling it ..Comm. Bond,,_the Site- DesIgn Review, Commi tte6 represen- ..tative, -briefed thd regarding . the parking. situat -i.on® Mr. Anderson- informed the Commission of the easement ded1'1' cited 't.o Control on which the applicant.,rdtains the right for,parking.behind'these parcels. Comm.'Daly made the motion to cdncur.with'the recommendations of.the Site, te,Design'Review Commit - {. tee for approval with cond-it,ions.as cited .and Comm.. Waters seconded the motion. AYES 6 NOES 0 ABSENT 1 I \ taluma Cit',y Planning Commission Minutes., June.5, 1973 WILLIAM McCO,Y, The Commission was .furn.shed..plot ..plans of the ET AL proposed:P.U..D.,.,development and the staff REZONING Z12 -73: report was read. The 'Public.Hearing` was opened and the audience asked. if. they had any...commen.ts... ..NO.,response was given and the'Publc Hearing-was-closed. I Cont. Daly :the staff _..if.., this was con- sidered as..spot zoning. :and was to'ld..it. was; however., P ®U.m`D. rezoning does provide for flexibility ,of design and character, whale still maintaining control over what would be developed® i Comm.. Balshaw questioned why.,..a R -C D stric.t rezon .ng,.had..not been reque's;ted and was informed by.- the staff that this would - establish a .spot 1 zone.wth relatively less control over the... development that. could occur on the site.. -Also, P..U.,D. was felt by the staff to be the most compatible zoning for'the area The Commission was.further..nformed that the applicant proposed ..to build.: one .. s ing,le- family :unit and... a duplex on the parcel with the existing single- family unit and.the other two parcels with single - family units on them had'no proposed or anticipated development at this time. Comm... Hood made the motion.,ao approve the requested P,.U.D...rezoning and Comm. Bond seconded the motion. . AYES. 6. NOES 0 ABSENT 1 SUN TERRACE read a telegram from U. S.'Equit es SUBDIVISION which requested a continuance -of the.he:aring on the .. TENTATIVE MAP: Sun T:errace,Tentative Map until June 19,..19`73. He p further'explained to the Commission that a revised Tentative.-Map had .been. submitted because of the negative staff report and City. Engineer.r.eport regarding the original..-Tentative Map. The Commis- sion .agreed to, continue the ,h°earing at the June 19, i 1973 meeting Comm. Daly requested that the staff :review the files and clarify before the next meeting the expiration date of the applicant's approval to ddVe - .on.. this site.. -2- r etaluma City Planning Commission Minutes, June .5, 1973 MODIFICATI(7NS TO Continuaton..of the . Publ c ..He,aring to consider THE MASTER" PLAN modifications to .the Master. Plan _.of... Zoning to OF�ZONING: .bring into consistency "with.Zoning Ordinance Nom 1072 R.C.S. Area No 22 The staff' report was give`n::.by,.Mr_ .Gray who wished to emphasize that-this parcel is one of the few large._p.ar'cels left..in the - : core area of Petaluma `:for posy ble,,:development for..a..senior. citizens' complex. No comments were made by the audience. { Comm.. Balshaw made the motion to rezone this parcel on the northwest corner the intersec tion of Sixth and "I" Streets from P -M to R -C and 1 1lll Comm. Hood seconded the,motion. AYES 6 NOES 0 ABSENT 1 Area No. _'25 A brief explanation.. of the area and the staff. report was given. No comments were made from the audience. :'Comm..', Waters made the motion to change ..the C -S designation :for "the area between.-the Petaluma .River and, Second Street, "D" and.. "H" Streets to a zon%ng classification, except for the block bounded by-First and Second Streets, "E" and Streets ,..::which s "hould ..be. changed to C -H . Comm,....'Bond_ "seconded the motion. Area No. 26 AYES::....6.. NOES 0 _AB; ,ENT 1 The s.ta report was :read by Mr.. Gray who further . '-explained the high density designation in the EDP and.. that residents were in favor C -H. rezoning-as they had no intention of a high .density residential use development. Comm.. .Bal'shaw "requested it be made part of the record .that',the' C -H portion of the recommendation for ..rezoning is not because it is the Commission'.s desire, bu:t:.to. make, it conform, to ..current condi- tions _".No- comments were mdde from the. - audience. 'Comm..:, Bond .made the motion to change the designa- tion for...the ,area between the Petaluma. River..and. Petaluma .Blvd.,' - SO. in the vicinity "of the' inter- .section: of Petaluma Blvd. .S;o,,,_and Mountain -View ,Avenue from C -S to a s,follows: M -L for the western_portion..of. this area and C -H for the... eastern portion of this area. The--division in the zoning district boundary is to be along the 3- d' • , I Petaluma City i " Area No. 2,8 i Area No. 29 :', a Planning Commi Mnutes,;..June 5., 1973 eastern property line of A.P 0'8.®- 301 -08, commonly known as the Kwal Machi site, Comm. Waters seconded the.motion. AYES 6... NOES' 0 ABSENT 1 Mr. Gray infor med_.the; Commission' that this area ..on "Western Avenue would.be brought.to..the:Commission on June:19, 1973..and..wished.the Public Hearing to be continued until that time. The Commission agreed to 'do eo The staff report was read and; t °he..Commission .informed that the owner had no .obj.ection.' to the R -C zoning' designation. No.comments were made from the. audience.. Comm.;, Waters made the motion to change the designa- tion for 6:2.0 Street, from M -S to R -C and Comm..Hood seconded the motion. AYES 5 140ES 0' ABSENT 2 rea No. 30 : mr. Gray read the.staf.f report and gave a brief explanation of the area. No comments were made from the audience Comm �. Bond'.made the -motion toy change the designa- tion °'.for:`- ,th'e' area .between Baker St. and Bodega _ Ave o ";inz° the, proximity of. the, intersection of these .two stk6dts'. =:S to C & -N,.. Comm. Balshaw: -ded `the motion, .AYES. 5. NOES . 0 . ABSENT 2 Area No. 33 I I' Area No. 19 i I' •i Vhd� steff :report was .read by=-Mr. Gray who" added that thiB . owner. had , be en contacted and -agreed with t he zonng No comments were made from the audibhcea .Commo'�- Waters, made the m'otfon .,to- change. this area lodd -ted •south,ea of the intersection of Frates Roa'd'.anda Lakevil H'ighvay'T from °A" to M -L 'and Comm; gAlshaw, s; e c ®nded the motion,' AYES- 5 NOES 0 ABSENT I The; .staf f report was: read by .Mr: Gray who' also explain that some. •properties had illogical zoning district boundary lines. The Chairman .asked if -anyone from the audience, had ariy questions and Mr. Gerald T.. 'Stewart, -4- 4 etaluma I City i' I Planning Commission Minutes., June.5, 1.573 2 '7th .Street, addressed the Commission. He wshed. know proposed parking facility was-to be.used' exclusively for the auto parts s.tore.:and why .it was .needed as there were parking meters-available'.. Mr. S °tew.ar't :also. raised various.:questions as to.. the. - appropriateness of the r.ecommended.zoning designation. It was his feeling that with the;;r.ecommended.designation th:e. owner could. change his m_ ind as to-the usage of.the: site and could build whatever he wanted to. Mr... pick Lieb,. Lieb.. & .Quaresma., addressed the Commiss.on;.as...a representat.ve of. Robert McDonald, Auto ..P.a- rts'..Supp:ly..Company.. He .reminded the Commission.that.the ;Lot in question had been approved ...for..a; parking lot during -the site design review for the Auto_ Parts .Supply Company'. Mr. McDonald, has. purchased......the adjacent Greyhound ._property .and.. wishes.. to enlarge his site towards .. ,Greyhound .and. needs the parking: space. Essentially he felt..it. was ; just a ..squaring up of the. property line. .....Mr... Gray- explained ..that the Larger surrounding ..area .,is already zoned C -TC., so .this could not be .considered spot.zoning'. He went.on to explain that the_.land .use._is :.very- critical ,for parking as there ..have.: been..complaints.regarding- insufficient parking in this;;. area.. die to commuter parking -. Mr. Gray a'lso..stated_ -.that the: ,old zoning ordinance held an exception.,that_ allowed -for uses permitted in adjoining zoning districts on abutting properties. Mrs... Stewart questioned ::the .safety, factor of the :two -way.: stop .. sign..near :th;is .parcel and was told to direct. her .c®ncern;..in the." form of a letter to the..'T ±affic- Committee. Comm. Balshaw made. the _motion. to, change. the desig- ....nation for 414 °'.C' "... S"tree :t . f -rom P.�.M -to C -C and ...Comm. Hood seconded. the.motion. AYES 5 NOES ..0 ABSENT 2 Mr.' Gray gave .an oral. report .on .the..property located .at 215 Vallejo_ S:treet.. This. parcel is long and .narrow and , theLowner was .unaware that it was even zoned :commercial - ,_..asp .the adjoining property ... was 11-2 ®3,000. The` c al owners on .Washington Stree't,. have.. ndicated they have.. no desire to buy i r , L, Petaluma City Planning Commission Minutes, June 5,: 1973 this parcel. f.or. , commercial...expans:ion and-the owner.. wishes. _i4 4 __zoned,, th*d_same as the remainder of the_.surrounding:.:property.. A.short discussion followed by..the Commissioners-. No comments were made from..the. auds.ence,. Comm..'Hood made the motion to change the designa- tion for.. 215 Vallej:;o.. Street :from C$N to R -C and -Comm,. Waters seconded'..'the motion AYES 5 NOES 0. ABSENT 2 Mro Gray" advsed.,the:.:;:Comm ' gsion that Area. No. 28, the Petaluma,..Creamery,.would be: continued until dune .19, .1973, and also at-.this time Area No. 32 on "F"' Street would be. considered OTHER BUSINESS: .The,.members of, the...Commssion discussed what was termed.as:a lack of communication between the .Planning Commission and .the City Council. It was ,generally felt that when a_Planning Commission ruling is overruled by.the City ;Council that a copy of.the "Finding's" determined by the City .Counci-1, in..-making..., the ir.....decis -on. should. be made available. to members,. -of . Commission. Concern was... expressed that - the feelings -,of the Commission were not being known to the City Council and that the Planning_aspects were being.left out.. The Commission'was inf'ormed.•that in the future they would;. receive_ .copies, of the . -Council. Minutes .and.-.copies of-the resolutions - containing the find- .ings._ of the Council, Comm,..Balshaw. xequested :the. staff to furnish. the Commission with. Anformat'ion. regarding. the following: 1.. Status.of the:time extension for.the property at the north end of -the Petaluma.. Plaza. 2..:..Washington ; :Square apartments ..are - .being vacated ..yet no action- has - been. taken., on the gas station. 'This: rezoning °.was expedited.-;with ..the condition .._tha;t.the._gas station -would be .acted on promptly. 0 3. Regarding the ice'mach ne..located on Copeland St., the applicant has.not complied with require- ments of the Use Permit conditions. MM Petaluma City Planning•Commission Minutes,-June 5, 1.973 4... It, was stated.the.urdyhound -Depot is going to move. -This' is .A.,major.. project, where will ..it,.move to? When will the..Februak.y... �.update of".the be presented to..the.C6mmission? 6._When will the meeting with the'Recreation Committee.take place? Comm. . Hood..'r6minded the Cbmi i issl'on... about. a number _.of.trailers.that:they. had previously been con- cerned .wllth.on,Lindberg state that it appeared that concrete,,pads-,were,being.poured on the site... He.. questioned if the staff was policing the..matter and wasI'..tol.d,.th6y were. I Mr-.,,,McGivern...ii'iformed.:.the.r6embers.,,o.f. the...Commission that a'.meeting.'.With the Parks. &: Recreation Commis- -sion.had been set-.up for June 13, 1973.at 7:30 p.m. for those, who wished...to attend,-, ADJOURNMENT' The meeting adjourned-at 9:45 p.m. Cha�manv f C , Attest: -7'