HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/05/1973A G E N' D A
_W - - , ,
. C I T Y Cou
T:30 PzM.
ROLL CALL;- Comm.. Balshaw Bond'..,- Hilligoss Hood
Matted Popp Waters
STAFF: Frank B. Gray,'Senior Planner
Jim,Ober - Consideration of an EIQ a
ptbpose d 2-story expansion of an existing
commexclai building at 5 Petaluma Blvd.
North iri. a C-H, Highway Commercial District.
l., FlexIble Plastics Request for a plastic
bottle manufacturing`plant on North
McDowe.lj Blvd. in an M-L, Light Industrial
.2. Connolly pevelopmont Co., - Request for
a pr6pdsed -restdurarit and office build-
ing at McKenzie and South McDowell
Blvd. in a C-C, Cent-ral Commercial
3. Exxon Company - Request for remodeling
of an e:ki!s service station at 301
South McDowell Blvd., In a C-C, Central
Commercial Distt-ict.
PRE-ZONING:' 1. U.S. Equi Sun Terrace 'Request for
-prezon - ing to PUD, Planned Unit Develop-
ment District of a 100 foot wide strip
adjacent to the. Boundary north of
East W ashi,n.gtQn Street on the east side
of Ely Blvd. Northj
Former Lands of 'Cardoza - Request for
pre�6nihq to "A"' Agriculture District
of approximately 212.19 'acres located
adjacent to the southeasterly City
Boundary, and the east side of the
Petaluma River.
M I N. U T E S,
'PRESENT: , Comm. Balshaw, Bond, Hilligoss, :Flood,, Mattei, Waters
STAFF:, Frank B. Gray, Senior Planner
APPROVAL OF MINUTES.: It was requested that the minutes of August 21,
1973, under the first paraq-r. aph of "Other
Business," be d1ari show that it is a
permissible :usage to sell mobilehome trailers
and accessories in amobilehome park. With the
exception of this correction, the minutes were
approved as submitted.
Vice-Chairman Hood stated he wished to be ex-
cused from the board for this evaluation because
of a professional interest i'h t he deVe1opment, and
he appointed Comm. John,Balshaw as Vice-C-hairm
for this item.
A summarisation ol the staf,`f, report was given
which included 'the. recommendation that the
Commission determine the project would not have
a s,ignifi,cant effect on the environment.
Mr.. Gray advised the Commission isaion of a short
c r
, ouse.for Planning Commisgioners being offered
by the University of California, Berkeley extension,
entitled "The N I ew Environmental Impact Report
Requirements, to be held November 17, 1973 from
8:30 a,..Tn- to 4:30, p.m. .in San. Rafael. The
Commi'ssioners were informed that if any one
was in they should advise
Mr. Gra y so -t - tte could be taken to
t - the - �m r
the City Council to determine the possibility of
fundi .1 Lrig,,
AL IMPACT Jim. Oberq, - Consideration of an EIQ for a proposed
RE 71-- Ft — o-r - y -- expansion lref an existing commercial
buildd:ncr at 500 Petaluma Blvd. North in a C-H,
Highway Commercial Di.sttict:
Comm. Waters made a-motion to concur with the
recommendation of the staff and to direct the
Acting ' of Community Development to pre-
pare a Negative Declaration reflecting the
Commis.sion's decision., The motion was seconded
by Comm,. Bond,
Petaluma City'Planning' Minutes
September 5,, '19:73
The applicant was advised' that there would be
a 10-day per-.I'bd f public appeals of the
Negative Declaration, as requi.re'd 'by State: law,
before the site design application could.be
acted upon.
SITE DESIGN REVIEW 1. Flexible Plastics Request for a plastic
CO MM ITTEE ' REPO - RTS: bottle m-anufacturinq plant on McDo
Blvd. in a M-L, Light Industrial Di&trict:
The development plans, samples of
,building materi'.Als, and color schemes were
presented to the Commission for their
edification. The recommendations of the
Site Design* Review Committee Were read by
the staff. Comm. Bond informed th Commission
thatzecoinmendation #10 regarding flood
lighting plans had been added by the Site
Design Review Committee.
Alan Dunham, the developer's Architect,
stated they were familiar with the conditions
of approval -
ap4: were willing to accept them.
�Comm;. Balshaw asked him if there would be
an odor problem,., -and, if so, was the structure
designed. to contain it. Mr. Dunham replied
'there was no odor involved and he explained
the development process., I n n reply to a
'Comment by Mr. Gray regarding utilities, Mr.
Dunham stated that he preferred the under-
ground utiii however, he had not con-
. firmed this with the developer as yet.
Mr. Pat Shannon,, Chamber of Commerce' ,'in-
- formed the Commission that. the factors of
no smoke or pollutants had 'been one of the
main reasons he had encouraged this industr
in Petaluma,
Comm.'Balshaw made a motion,to with
the recommendations ofthe Site Design
Review Committee and Comm. Hilligoss seconded
the motion.
A'k 6 NOES 10 ABSENT 1
2. QonnolLt DeVelo ment Co. - Request for a
proposed restaurant and office building at
KQK6nz McDowell Blvd. in a C-C
The. development plans were presented to the
Commi and the Site Desig-n Revlew
Committee report was read by th; :staff. In
Planning Comm isisi,on Minutes
response to various - by the Commis.sion,
M a
,.r. the p'rking and various
distances between build-
In response to aquestion raised by the
Commission,, James Parrish of Connolly
Development- replied that. the office building
would have one bonant the bottom floor and
four or five for the top floor of the
,insurance/real estate type.
11 , questioned why 6.0 parking was not
used and..Mr. Parr. ish, explained that they
found women preferred the straight-in park-
ilhq!., . Mr. G ray ray added that 60' parking was not
pps'sible because of the eg-ress.
Q6mm,. commented, he, felt this type .of
b.dilding did not belong on a downtown
c en, 'trai community. s,po°t and' Washington Square
ahould,be coordinated® Comm. Bond explained
:that the, building-. Type is Rustler's identi-
fi Pation. I-Te added that this is a family
, .-type restaurant and he felt the design had
family appeal and its positioning in the
shoppinq area would not be detrimental.
Mr,., John Ketrig. f r6t the audience questioned
th6 sIgnalization, in thus area and he also
felt there ,should be a at E. Washington
.& Maria Drive.' Vice-Chairman Hood informed
him his feelings should be directed to the
City Council It-was further. explained that
be of economics and the location of the
elementary school., it had been determined to
place the signals, at McGregor: first. The
underground materials would be put in at
McKenzie so that when it is extended the
6ignal,s could be ins-Ealled.
Comm.. Balshaw made the. motion to concur with
the recommendation's of the Site Design Review
Committee and Comm. Bond seconded the motion.
3... Exkon. Co_Lnpany - Request for remodeling of
an existing service station at 301 South
M'cDowe,ll.Blvd,. in a C.-C District:
The, staff explained that this remodeling was
necessary because of.-t-he.widening of South
McDowell Blvd.,, and the recommendations of
the-Site Design Review Cbmrff ittee were read.
Petaluma-City Plan ning Commission Minutes
September 5, 1913
Mr. Gray added that .he had recently observed
a eery uns- ightly tire storage rack -on the
site .and, inforted' the Commission, that a
condition of appr,ova.1 sometimes r.equired for
se- rvi.ce .stations was that merchandise storage
racks racks be placed inside the building. This
cou'�d he required if the Commission so
A discussion req;arding the size, of the land-
scape plants followed ," and Mr. Anderson,
Tkxon`s representative, stated 'he had no
object�.on to the usage: of the '5- gallo size
as .a minimum. The Commission agreed. to
requ this size in the conditions of
The maintenance f'Actor wa_s 'broughit up and
the staff informed the Commi;s,slon that
irrigation plans; would be required.
_ Mr. Anderson infoi°med the CommissIon that he
, understood the conditions of. appro:va.l.
Comm. Bals`haw ,asked if the 'P.lanning stiff
could as a.matter-,of policy direct developers
to use a 5- gallon minimum plant..si:ze, and he
was informed if it was ,the wish of the
Commission it could be done where practical.
Comm. Balshaw recommended that the Commis
add the condition to require indoor met
chandise storage racks, and the Commission
Comm. Ba-lshaw moved to accept the conditions
of approval of the Site Design Review
Committee:, as modified, and Comm. Waters
seconded tthe motion. ,
U.S. EQUITIES.,. INC,./ Mr,. Gray informed the. Commission that the
SUNCO CORP. requested prezo:ning was necessary 'to add 4.62
PREZONING Z.2'3 - -73: acres to the proposed Sun, Terrace. P,lenne:d Unit
'Development so that the :Washington Creek draina_g:e
channel could - be improved as an open channel
throughout the development.
Comm. Balshaw wished to clarify that the total
number of units would 'not be changed because of
the addition of the 4,,52 acres and that the only
reason for t'he additional land was to accommodate
the improvement of the channel as.a natural open,
Pet °aluma City Planning Commission Minutes
September ,'5, 1973
space area.. The staff informed him this was
The ;Public Hearing was opened. No comments were
offered from the audience and the Public Hearing
was closed..
.Comm. Bond made. the motion to approve the
requested prezoning to'P.U..D. and Comm. Waters
seconded the motion..
FORMER LANDS OF The staff: report was read and Mr. Gray went on
CARDOZA PREZONING to, s'ay that the City, had purchased the site
Z24 - 73: for the possibility of using it for a spoils
dredg site. He added that this was con-
ting.ent upon the Corp's o,f.Engineers application
for dredging the river and that the Corps of
Eng would. submit a repot to the City at
a later date along with an Environmental Impact
Report.. 'No EIR was ..required at this stage as
there is essentially no change in land usage.
The Public Hearing was opened. No comments were
made f rom the audience .and the Public Hearing
'was closed.
Comm. Waters made the motion to approve the
requested prezoning and Comm. Hilligoss seconded .
the motion.
SONOMA C06 TY Gordon B. Frase - U;seRerm t application for
REFERRAL: garage .e pan i.on o 1 l o wholesale storage of
assorted candies at 5165 Bodega Avenue:
Mr.. Gray advised the,Commission that the County
Planning staff .recommendation was for approval
subject to the conditions that the use conforms
to the plot plan, it i.s of the same architectural
design as the. existing residence, and 1 off -
street parking .space:. °is provided.
The staff recommended suggesting to the County
Planning staff that the use permit be ended at
such time that the. applicant moves or discontinues
the wholesale storage,.
Comma Waters made the motion Ito fund no objection
to this Use Permit application and Comm. Balshaw
Potaluitia City Planning Commission Minutes,
Septemb.er'5, 1973
seconded the, motion.
OTHER - BUSINESS - Comm:, Bond informed the Comt1s that there,
is no ordinanc.6, at the present time to require
underground utilities in industrial areas, and
he felt there should be such a requirement,. At
the present time this decision is at the di,s,cre-
tion of the btilder.
A discussion followed regarding pos methods.
of implementing this requirementand its -
ap'l ca
p �- -
bility.. It was brought "out that the Subdivision
Ordina'nce, only related to requiring underground
utilities in subdiviz ions Suggestions were
mado-•o accomplish =the I -requirement by either 4
resoltit-ibri - 'of pplicy.—re I
. qu ring the undergrounding
�6f- all new. - Maj , or,.idevelopments or the inclusion
of the reqtr
iement in ith6'� zoning ordinance.
�Conutt.: - Balshaw -,s es,ted, adding to the zoning
-.ordinance, the: pr6vision.-that all utilities shall
.,he _unde`rgraun.d- �except"- whore accepted by the
Planning Commis and the City Council.
The staff in-formed the- Commission they would look •
into the matter., f ur ther. -for implemen.tation�.
Councilman Kattei. informed the Commission that
October 1, 1973 had been set-as the final date
for submittal of names .to on'. the Residential
Development Evaluation Board. Anyone interested
should. be adYf5odwrite -a le, to writter t o t - e City
to the attention of the Mayor. The M woUld
thoh.personal.ly contact each individual and
:members would bels�elected.by drawing from a hat,.
Comm. Balshaw questioned. when the EDP revisions
were to be effected . Mr. Gray informed the
-Comfniss.ion that there were approximately 50
changes to achieve cons' istency between the, 'EDP,
0 Genera. Plan and the Zoning Ordinance,
and over 5&% completion has been accomplished
to date® He' asked.the,Cbmmission if it would be
agreeable: to: have: a. study session on September 25th
at 7: p.m. on tfiie EDP. •and the members of the
Commission were agriao,able to this date. •.
Petaluma City
5eptemb '5
Planning Commission Mi
Comm'. 'Mattel gage a bri,ef summary of the City
Council meeting of September .4, 11973, during
which the Coun�cklbad overruled the Commission
and:apprbved the rezoning request of D. D. Young.
Comm.. Bals if' this case would be
referred back to the Commission before adoption
as required by Section- 2`7 -80 of the Zoning
Ordinance, If this sect -ion of the ordinance
is not going to be complied with, he felt it
should be deleted. It was suggested that the
wording in this section.be changed from "shall
refer" to "may refer-." Discussion followed
regarding this section of the ordinance and
Section 27-100'0.,
The feasibility of divorcing mobilehome parks
from the R Dic and the formation of
4 special. Mobilehome, bistrict was discussed.
The staff was diree'ted to get a reading from
the , City Attbrne' on this possibility and also
on apossible change to Sections 27-800 and
-27-10 of the zoning ordinance.