HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/20/1980PETALUMA:.PLANN,TNG',COMMISSION,• I .; FEBRUARY 20, 19`80 ; REGULAR.MEETING`: ,' =,. ; :.; 1:40 P.M. CITY COUNCIL ,Q ERS,aCITY HALL .' PETALUMA, EA _ ng Commission encourages;- The Planning app1•i can ts o;r their : .r.eprQSentat:ve to be ' available at _the.. meetings to answer_v.questons `,.`so...that no'? agenda items need_ be deferred'.-to -a later due._to - a lack of. pertinent information. PLEDGE' ALLEGIANCE T,O_ THE `FLAG_ ROLL ;CALL ,; . Comm. Battaglia - Read Lavin _ , Popp - Shearer Tencer wait'e STAFF:.: • r,. Gregory. FFreitas,._ Commun'ty. Development::,& Planning . Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes. February .,5,, 1980, DIRECTOR "S' REPORT: COMMISSIONERS REPORTS; PUBLIC_HEARINGS' RICHARD GRAY, 1 Publ'_c Hearing to-evaluate Environmental N. MC DOwELL BLVD- Impact ,Ques't onn.'aire' =;for' the: - following rezoning. E.J.Q. EVA LUATION/ Z: .. Public Hear;ing.''`to:.cons der the•::request by Luc Y REZO NING TO C -0 Webb,, °acting as : agent' for .Richard Gray, to rezone (OFFICE COMMERCIAL:) / approximately 2,3' .acres from. -1' =6; 5:00 to "S" Study S (STUDY): - and 23 acr.es:-.'from R, 1;; =6 :, 500 to C -0, Office (11: 551/3.230) Commercial, located...on,,.N- McDowell across from f. the•PetalumazValley Hospital. CITY: OF PETALUMA - l Publi_c.Hear,ing,tb evaluate'.: thee Environmental E L;Q. EVALUATION/ Imp act °.Quesaionnaare: - :for. =,the.following General GENERAL PLAN (EDP') ...Plan..:.(EDP)i':.Land,; °Use Map Amendment. AMENDMENT;: r. 2.. Public Hearin g to consider. a proposal to amend the General Plan;.. (EDP'):: Land. to provide . for :.ans.Urban -.High D'en!s1ty- E1-de -r1y Housing designation .of.`30 ;dwelling`; unit`s /gross acre. DIAMOND HEAD, 'INC / 1,. Pub,l..c�Hearing..to,: evaluate: -.the Environmental ; E: I..Q, EVALUATION/`. .Imp'aet.: Ques;tionnalre_- the;. ollowing General GENERAL,` 'PLAN (.EDP) Plan ;(EDP); .Land­.Use;<Map' Amendment. AMENDMENT' ' 2. Public Hearing to consider thereq.uest of Diamond 11 S6/8.52 Head,-..Inc,, to amend the = General::•. Plan (EDP) Land U'se :Map -:from .Central `Urban /Neighborhood Commercial to Urt:an Hi Rh. - :Density- Eld�erly::Hous- ng x(30 d.u.Jgross acre) . for' a L. 75 acre= .�parc lcrcate.d, on Petaluma Blvd,. S; , I Str.eet.. f..; PETALUML-PLANNING AGENDA. `' FEBRUARY '20 1980 . STEPHEN CHASE r Public;.- Hear,in to .c onsl der. a:.US:e.:•Pe:rmt application - 30,0 PETALUMA BLVD' N;: for a:boxfPg,.,gymnasium to be located at '300 USE:. PERMIT REVIEW: Petaluma Blvd `No-r,th,. GASA GRANDE CO-., ear. Publ _c._ HI - g to..cor sider.' the :,•,Tentatj-ve Subdl - on- . VILLAGE EAST / Map,'. - prepared' for': .a_,10;0. unit- singl'e family housing TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION. ` . development on• Blvd.. South ,::near ;Juliet Driv,e'.'. ' • MAP.. . 6,. - 'ZONING _MATTERS PLANN - I'NG DIRECTOR -: L. Public Hearing to consider. the Environmental ZONING, ORDINANCE AMENDMENT.- Impact , o'f..:a , . proposed- amendment 'to Zoning' E,.'I,. O. EVALUATION'/, Ord== inance No . 1072 N . C . S , by adding Section USE PERMIT 'TIME LIMIT: 26, „:509...3 to. provide that, where a, use for which 11,560/7,75,'. _ a Use- Per is. ;granted-. haat: , Veeii dise-'ontiri ied for: s'ix (6)� inomths or,° nore. :, the permit shall automatically• ex,pire•. .2..., Public Hearing - .to'. cons; der-the: abo�e'amen61 iit.. ADJOURNMENT .2 f °_t NOT 0 F F I C I'Al IJI.TIL APPROVED BY` THE PTTAT IT_NfA 'bf AIIINVTXI CORRECTED' IVIN M I N U'T E S PETALUMA PL6 JNINTG FEBRUARY .2;0, 1 RE'(fULAR� MEET ING - 30' 1 M". M1 ' COUNCI L C I I ALI BE RS CITY' HAL• PETALUTf 1 CA PRES Comm. ` '11'ead,"STicarer, Tencer' Waiie ­ ABSENT: Comm. Bdt"t a, 'lid,' g Lavih, POPP F'reitlas, Cbmftiurf i�ty Developm Pl - i Dir ector -S-TAFF-: q 'n & APPIMAL OF MIRUTES:, .`tlllnutes of 'February 5', 19-80 'were approved a submitted-. DIRECTOR'S REPORT V.diley 'Oaks , Subdivision The applicant fTled a igques.t for an _:extension - c;f the Tentative. Map to permit additional time f o r t h filin 1 g, 'of the Vd:116v Oaks •Final M#,. -T, was the, consensus this item be plaked dt. the end. 'of the` calend Notff Procedure Icy Cotffici-I Policy .icatdon Pr For the past; month we have- b -een operating under the provIsion df cervifying mail to property owners within 300 feet on any pub, lic hearing it,eh s wjAcfi, costs abou•t $1.50 _ .above -;the normal 0 �. 15. " o s t. .,.The City Council,tigdVe 'approval ,toi modify the pre`sen`t mail-iiig pr,oc,edur.es_'. 'The new mailing Procedu will be, , the use of the c er t i f" catg., of mailing which will give : Proof of maihing and th Q cost will be ab letter. -RICHARD, GRAY*..- . N,, MC OQ[TELLTLVD E, IQ.. EVALU T,10 A (Tape ;25-101 Item The Plaiiiiing !Gbmmiss on d'irected =the tonununi�ty •ev'elopment 'issue �d N.'eg' th g, �o:f -380-0.3 DiriE�ct�d,r to d�'tive DeclaratAon for e �rezolnin AP 7 to C 'Off ce:.C rqercdal,and Study zone. fJ�e• P DbI T'c Hear _pang was open ed and closed, Moti'6'n introduc Qb' m. Hea 8 second nde, mtn . o, uce by m, Wa to•#reat staff to prepare. :a. Negative: De,cldratio'n. for the proj;ect., basod on the recommended ftnd gs­- - AYES:. 4, ABSENT,: BATTAGLIA/LAVIN/POPP RICHARD GRAY N. . •OIqE-LL BLVE - REZONINQ Item- 3 0 rec t-h ei C it y Cbtincll approve the rezoning of 23; acres from R-,I- 6, 500 to. RP S t udy , and .23 acres 7 from, R -1 6,500 t o. C 0 Of f c"e �Qoipmel:cial, - located: on N 1161D we1 B',!-' across f rom t-he; Pataluma Valley Hospital. The Pub'lic. Hea.ring, ivas,.:qpened and "closed. Motion introduced, by '.Comm;, ljedd.,; I:seeotid by Comm Slfdaref to recommend.th'e City -..Council approve the rezoning, , of 2-1 acres. f rom :R;7I­6;,,50,0., Single Family Re-sid'ent- ' ial., to C-0, .Office Commercia and 2 iytx� . es' f r om, R-1- 6 t " "S " , Study.. AYES' 4 -,Speaker- 'Lucy, Webb, r re es: ting Cray . P_ . (Z�R - - L PPTALUTIA PLAT\NING COMTJISSION MINUTES' ,CITY' OF 'R TAT UTfA E. I Q - EVALUATION 3 C 1 N1 R• L •PLA`N (L' DA) IUSEND`tE21T (Tape 102 5613) Ittems 11.'5`6.2 .ari,d '3. Th'e P "ublic I earin'g •to consider a px�opo.s'a"l to amend, the G'ene,ral 'Pl °an= (E1)P) ,Land Use Nap to provide. for an.I)tblaai' High Dens.ay- Elderly Housing d',esignation ,of 3'0 dwelling units, /grow acre was opened and continued to the 1'16r'ch 4,. ; 198'0 . Plann'ing Comm' - s,sion meeting Comm.; T,encer isu ' es�ted the g pul;li'c t'iearng be continued ,as:'.st.orm °condit.ions this evehing, .we=re. not ldeah ,'to eneour,age pe'op, 1 e to turn" out for the meeting, and Ht would , also give fhe .commi.ss.fon . t =ime to ask sta -f -f ;for more guidance.. or, examples of `what -,s defined as e,lde'rly- ..housln'g ; , And, if` a change is recommended. to the G'ener'al Plan to • 'create a :} ::gher den ,i'ty.., .there, would be an understanding of what to' include and the public would- also be informed. Comm: [Taite �sup;por:ted thie request t:o continue the project, ;m'ain'1'y''so there; , would be a full' comp of commission present, and to sgt s policies` as -a,, part 'of the `amendment p.ro:cess:. Declaration for. h ed Comm. f m'. Head. ,to d staff to p"repare" a 'Ne'gatve' pro•ect. The motion for the 'lack, of a second. It was the general 'consensus 'to con'tinue, public hearing to the Ma'r:ch 4! ' 1980:mee;tin'g to enab= le'staff to bring back s;pecif defnit %ons of ,elderly- hb,using age groups, the low and moderate income cost ranges,'the. current ranges, and 'a•des'cript'on policy form of the goals and policies of application, for' an, P =tan charac'terist e. Speakers: Lucy Webb Dick Lie b, ,>Jdeb & Quaresma Larry Jonas,, Dale Schaefer• DIAMOND HEAD) „PETALUMA .BLVD S IyR 1 .STREET =; `E.-I:Q •'EV'A- LUAtION /'.. ( 5T0- :580,)'. G} NERAh' PLAN AMEidDt�IENT I,tem-. '11.5;61 and, 8:5,2' '= Ia was the general consensus the request of Diamond' . Head,, hnc. �'tb ,amend the. General' Plan (EDP) 'hand Us.e. Map, f.r:om C'en.tral Urban /, Neighborhood Commer;c al. to. Urban Hig'n.Dens.ity- Elderly !Housing (30 d.u.. /g =rocs for` a 1.x. 7`5, - acre. acre) pare °e l located on Petaluma Plvd South near I� Street be continued to' the .Marc'ri 4,' 1980 Planning, Commission -meeting so as to have a._fu -11" commission pr The Public 'Hear%ng was op erred; and continued to March 4,.1980.' STEPHEN, C'H'ASE'. •- 3`00 "PETAliURA BLVD N USE _PEPd.I REVIEW (Tape 58`6 = 5'.9,9)' r - , _1.289 It:'��as the consensus- th'e. Use Permit application' of S'aeplion Chase fbr °a boxing gymnas- um.•to be Ioc,ated at„ 300 Pefaltim a Blvd N',be continued "to! March 4•, 1980.. Some, parking probl',ems. had come up on the proj'ect;. and 'fh'e applicant will need a variance. The :Pub1l1,c, -Near.ing was.,not 2 - i PETALUrMA PLAPINING tOMITISSION MINUTES FEBRU.M' 20, 1980 CASA_ GRANnE' CO ,- VILLAGE - EA`ST• TENTATIVE SUBDIV,I•SION ;r AP -ELY UVD SOUTH' (Tape 600 -673) - Item 6.337 _ recommending the "City Council approve the Ten.tative'Ma,p for' the Village East' Subdivision Tentative Map, fora 100, unit single family housing development .;to be, located ':on Ely, Zlvd' South near Juliet Drive, based on the recomnen,ded findings and 'conditions., (a portion of AP No. 1.7- 050 -02). The Public Hearing was op:en!ed and closed. Motion introduced •,by Comm: Head to :re.dbmmend 'the, City Council approve_ the Tentative Subdivision flap subject to the-re: mended findings and conditions. , AYES: 4 ABSENT: BATTAGLIA /.LAVIN /POPP Speaker: Jon Anderson, representing McBail Co: ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT" - USE -PERMIT TIME LIMIT E.,I:Q. EVALUATION (Tape 675-699) Director to issue a Negatiive .Declarationrf'oreantamendment to Development Item 11.5.60 -',The Planniri Commission ent to toping Ordinance-No. 1072 :N,.C.S. by adding. Section? 2 6.5109,3.. The "Public Ilearing was opened and' closed. Motion iinttoduced by Comm. Waite ; seconded by Comm. Shearer to ,direct staff' to pre.p.a-r;e a Negative Declaration for the project, based' on the recommended findings: AYES: 4 ABSENT: BAT:TAGLIA/.LAV Ili /POPP ZOA?ING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT USE PERMIT, TI ME- _LIMIT - Item 7.75 (Res. 9 -80) r.ecommend the City Council approve an amendment to ;Zoning Ordinance. No. 1072`N.C.:S. to p,rovid`e that where a use for which a Use Permit granted has, been discontinued' for si -x (.6) months or more the.: ' shall automatically expire.. The Public `Hearinb was opened and closed. Biotion.,infr'oduced.'by Comm. Shearer; s.econd`ed by Comm. Waite to recommend.' the City- Council, approve an amendment `to the Zoning Ordinance by adding; Section 26 6 based on the standard, findings AYES:: 4 ABSENT: BATTA'GLIA /LAVIN' /.POP?P VALLEY. OAKS' SUBDIVISION. = SIJNNYSLOPE &,'`.I; STREET '_E_XT. _ EX.T: OF TENTATIVE ; . MAP (Tape 790 -801) Item 6.329 -- Mo.tiori`int;rod.-uced 'by Comm. Waite; seconded by Gomm. Shearer t.O,extend the tentative, subdivision map far Valley Oaks Subdivision to. be located on Sunnyslo and. -T. Street - Extension for a period 'of four months The four month period would expire on June 2Q., 1980. The Public Hearing was opened and .clos.ed. AYES:. 4 AB'SENT:, BATT-AGLIA./LAVIN/POPP 3 1 ` CASA GRANDE;CO = VILLAGE EAST TENTATIVE'S;UDDIVISTON MAP - ITEM 6.3°37 Findi ngs_ = „ •. 1,. The proposal is in con ;forma.nce wit=h the, provisions of the Gene=ral and Environmemta;l Design Plans, Zoning° Ord-- riance :,, Siub,div'ision :Ordinance, and other requirements- of the City of. ;rPe•ta`l,uma Z., The most logica'l'�.development of .tt'e 1'arrd requires that lots be created which are served li' ,a pr-- :iva'te, street. Conditions 1,. The applicant shall compay .with a1'1 requirements,, of the City Engineer as out lined.. in the attached' 'letter: 2:. When the proposed park• is 'named, the developer shall construct and install a sign a's shown in the City standard ,park details. 3.. The developer shall ,i.ns' . :All all neighborhood park improvements recommended' for neighborhood parks and • delineated 'in City, Council Resolution No. 8515. ,� 4: Grading and drainage . design shall be pr=epared in confo=rmance with the - Flood Control Design Criteria o.f. 'the So'noma,. County Water Agency. 5: The conditions, covena'nt,s and. restrictions (CC & 'R "s) ;f=or the development shall be subject ;to app=roval by. the City Attorney prior to Final Map : a pp.rovd.L• 6. The 'locaion, nurd).e,r and d'sze of o,n =si e :fire hyd,rants shail''be determined. by the Yire Ma'r.shal. 7• app licaftt shall comply w=ith: all o:t�her Y applicable City Codes and ,` , 3.., Price+ r -anges for th'e ,six.teen (l6) moderate. priced. lots! (above t'iose, pr .opos'ed' during ;ih'e allotmeri process) sha :ll -be rcvieT.ed'. and' 'approved by the City Mana •p.rior, to Final Mapi submittal,. The, developer shall be responsible 'for ,the submission of all necessary supporting information as may be requii,ed,