HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/20/1980OMMIS MAY °20', 19:80 REGULAR MEETING. 7 :3'0 "P.M. CITY COUN.CIL'CHAMBERS; CITY HALL 'PETALUMA, CA The .Planning ,C'bmmis.s,ion eficour- ages�.'a:pplicahtsl- or' their , representative to be..:availaVle:. at_, ;the .mee;tings,, to;: answer-: questions-t-'so, that no agenda items need. -.be d'e'ferred to,..a layer d'ate. a lack of pertinent 'information. : PLEDGE.:ALLEG;IANCE TO'THE FLAG ROLL- „CALL.: Comm. ,Bat.taghia ... •. Head ,,.: - : Lavin Popp Shearer Tencer Waite . STAFF;.: . Gregory'. Fr'eitas,...Commun ty Deyelo.pment:: &, Planning_.Director APPROVAL OF- MINUTES :. Minutes of; May 6, 19'80 DIRECT_ OR•'S. REPORT: COMMISSIONERS REPORTS PUBLIC; ,HEARINGS' JOE LONG WAREHOUSE -- 946 � CAULF�IELD LANE -. USE::PERMIT REQUEST:. (1.295) Public.= Hear.ng..to =corrslcLer.:a. Use >:Pernrt application f °o.r_ an:-,.office /warehA.us•e to- be ; located • at 946 Cati-l-fiel•d: Lane TOBY GIACQMINI 1.. Public_ Hearing' to_.e�raluate :the :;Environmental FOUR _Gs Imp VT611owing Use 42l . PAYRAN STREET' Permit request. A "' E.I.Q. EVALUATION /, 2, Pub=lic :.Hearin g. to�consider a Use Permit USEP,ERMIT REQUEST: :applicat:ion; for. a truclang storage yard (11..581/1.299) and- 'related.wholesale P ,'oeration at 421 _ Payran Street. _PROPERT,IES' UNLIMITED -• Public Hearing. to consider ,a Use - Permit application VENUS- DI M_ILO EXERCISE to operate 'a reducing Salop as a. STU.D -N'�MC DOWELL BLVD commercial recreation;;° operation at the•Pe;taluma, '(PETALUMA PLAZA) Pl'azaL Shopp -ing - .Center:,; McDowell :Blvd N. USE - PERMIT REQUEST': (1 -.300) = F 'PETALUMA . PLANN CiD �IMIS * S ION, : MINUTE' M_ AY, 20, 1880 PUBLIC. HEARINGS CQNT r ,. ,,p 3,, w DUTFEL,. F'.INANCIAL. '& CONSTRUCTION 1 Pubtc Hearing to .evaluate. the Environmental CO.' - .EL'Y, BLVD! & - - AND , - 'CASA. ' Impact "Qu'estionnair:e. f'o.r ',the" `following GRANDE ROAD... - E I : Q _ EVALUAT'LON/ pr . PREZONING TO..:.GITY_eS.TU.bY DISTRICT: 2. Public Hearing to 'consider the - request of 'Duffel, 'Financial & G'onstr-'uct -ion Co. to pr-ezone Assessor. Parcels N'os: 017 - 0 =,08', 12', 13, 14; .15, 15, 19 'and 20`: from County Agricultural tb City. Study Disatrict located at- Ely ,alvd • ; South and Casa. G,ran:de. Road. P L ,ANNING; 'MATTERS RULES OF PROCEDURE: Discussion. of Rules- of Procedure.. ADJOURNMENT s'- r NOT„ OFFTCIAL UNTIL; .APPROVED BY THE PETALU14A PLANNING ;COMMISS`ION 1 M. I 'N U T ;E', S J PETALUMA, PLANNING 4.COMMISSION PTAY '20, 1980` REGULAR MEETING 730 P.X. CITY COUNCIL .CHAMBERS, '.CITY 'IIALL PETAhUPI`;, ,CA PRESENT.: Comm. Head, Pop,p,, Shearer, Tenter,, Wai4te ABONT Comm. `Bafitaga a., - Lavin. S=TAFF: ' Gregory Frei,t'as, Commun;i°ty D'evelopmen,t & Planning: Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES r Minute's I16f May 6,, 19,80' were approved as submitted:, }�. - DIRECTOR'''=S REPORT,• ResidentraT' Density pesigr' : anon The Ciyty Council adopted the PIan ning Commission recominenaa,tion. to. allow the building; o:f •a maximum dens it : y of 30; units. /acr=e. with t1i'e modification that army units over 20 units/ acre would have to; 'be fo °r .10-W and ;moderate :income range. , Allotment, Board' The Site Plan & Architectural Review Committee and P'laniiing •COrmiiss gn will sit on `t the Residential Development Contrdl ' sac4i to review th'Ae.pxoj to b`e p=rocessed for the 1981 -82 c'onst year. 'The'pr ces_s.w_,ill: b the same as 'that used by the sit -zer s committee and the proses °s w'11 starf late, in- June or early July. PUBhIC HEARINGS JOE LONG 4JAREHOUSE - 946 :,.CAULFIELD LANE.. _. USE .R-11— E t REQUEST. -- - - . ;Item 1 29'5 t "o consider a use, ,permit ;app'licati'on for an .of'f ce /warehouse to lie located at 946 C!au1f1eld` "Lane.: The public hearing was opened and closed:. Motion in'troduc'ed by Comm. Head, seconded by Comm,. .Shearer to approve the ,use permit biased -on ,the •recommended conditions:. AYES 5 AB;SEIIT°c BATTAGLI ' A /LAUIN' ; TOBY° GI•AGOMINI'' - 421. PAYM1 STREET. E.. I. Q. EVALUATION (Tape 64 -430) Item .11,.581 Th(e Planning Commiss=ion directed the WCommunity Deve`1'opmer t Director' to,' ssi e :a Negative Declaration f.or a truck storage yard' and ; ` related ,w'nolesale - operation at 421_ ` Payran Street'.; The` ,publi=c hearing vas opened .and c1o"s'edi, Motion introduced Eby Comm Head.: second - ed - by Comm. Popp to ;di_rect, staff' to prepare a' Nega'•tive , Declaration based on the .re commended: f ind'ings : , Ayes 5 ABSENT: BATTAGLIA /LAVIN . Let;t'er received and filed ;from Lucy 'Webb.,, ';620 E. Washington Street, . requesting property .lo•cated across: the stre'e;t at Payr -an and' Jefferson` be rezoned ''from bight industrial to. PUD' resident al.. Let;t',er r=eceived and filed .from Larry Jonas requesting his 6 acres be rezoned for reside►tial use;,a,t Payran and Lindberg -Lane. PETALUMA PLANNING .COMMIS'S'ION` MINUTES PU'BLIC` IIE'ARINGS ('ONT'D TOBY QIACOMINI_• 421. PAY;AAN STREET USE PERMIT REQUEST Item 1.2.9 : 9 - to con,5j °der a use' permit apphi•ca ion for,, , a -trucking ,storage yard and related wholesale. operation, at 42l 'P:ayrari Str:eet.,, The ;public, hear - ng was. opened and, closed::. Mot "ion .introduced by Comm ;.'.Head; :seconded by ,Comm: Popp `t`o approve' the use per it based on the recommended conditions. AYES,;, 5 ABSENT:: BATTAGLIA[ IN Comm. Ten °cer expla ^ined ;his yes­ was; 'because - of the previous 'ac'tion. taken by the Commission, which;, gave - he•.a_ppl Cant an indication that the project was not totally dis_ adored' for - the area, Speakers =: L St e Ve Buck ey- 62.0'- E. 'Washington St y 411 -B Street- ' Toby Ciacom•in'i, applicant,, Pt: Reyes °Station Ralph�Sartori •901 Palmetto Way ..VENUS, DE. MILO EXERCISE STUDIO N' 'MC DQWELL -BLV.D - USE 'PERMIT ,REQUEST (Tape 43 -450) Item 1.300 - to 'consider ;a use. " permit application to operate a women's. f1p_ure reducing salon ,as a_'6ommere i.aI .recreation operation at. 129 M6 Blvd I`L,: at the _Petaluin:a.Plana Slio:p.pin'g Center. . The public: hearing was openedi and closed. Moxi"on introduced by Comm. Heads: seconded by Comm: Wa'te•to approve the use permit based"on - recorimerided. t-ions: AYES 5 ABSENT: BATTAGLIA /;LAVIN Speaker: ;S'u'ssie Harper, Fullerton, 'represent= ng Ventis d`e Milo DUFFEL FINANCIAL & CONSTRUCTION ,CO -ELY BhUn' S &" CASA GRANDE .RD ' E EUALUATIQN . (Tape 452 -780:) Item' 11.585 - 3..2+0 -- After a le. ngthy d iscussion, a 'mot -ion was , ,intr:oduced by Comm ;Shearer, seconded by Comm. Popp to .continue the request. ' Duffel Financial &'Construction Co to pr`ezone Asses or `Parcels .Nos. Ol.Z`' -, 040 -08, 1`2, 13',, 14'., .15, 1'6., _.19 and' 2,0,, from County Agricultural, to City Study' ,Dis;tr.ict; located at E'ly, Blvd. South ,Casa Grande Road;, to' the, meeting of June 17Th ..to give 'th'e applicant •and neighborhood•.time • to .•confer w h the ;Planning 'Direc•tor., AYES: 5 ABSENT: BAT,TAGLIA /LAV.IN Speaker -s 'Van Logan, 'Duffel Financial & Construction Co Janet Cars,tensen.,; '240 "Casa,..Gr:ande Road : Allena, Y 280 Casa Grande' Road. - Dbh G i 1 ar &ic 500 Casa Grande :Road Charles Malnati 270 Casa Grande ,Road 2 • PETALUM&,PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MAY, 20, '1980 PLANNING MATTERS RULES OF" PROCEDURE -- I:t was _ the, consensus ,of' the-Commission the following changes' be made toy "the Planni -hg, Commission Rules and - Regulations for the, Transaction- of ,Business." adopted by:'the Commission on April la 1972, arid. �rev.i'sed June 20, 191.2. Page.1 b6ieie.Section 10.4 Page 1 - Section 105:, °changed to read - 'Review -and' update the General Plan, Environmental D:eaign Plan and /'or specific ' plans ass required by changirng cohdit' oti The Elan - shall be; reviewed annually at a ' meeting of the .Commission -and' upon ' Planning. _Commiss.ion approval. of requests. by the Comm ssion's S'e:cretary Page _T- .Section. 106, changed to read - Review the `.Zoning. Map and' text of' the Zoning ,Ord n'ance, annually and make ,recommendations 'to the.:Ci y Counc-ii for - -Such general. review shall. be made -at an Apra ng , of the, . Commission and, upon- .Planning 'Commission appro of. ,requests- .as made ,b the Commiss ion" s .Secretar' .. Page 4 Section.501,.4th sentence changed t,o read 7 - Meetings shall be adjourned 'by 11::15 p. m. Page' 5 , 'Section. 507 _ 6th .sentence, delete , of 6, sentence should read excepting four' affirmative Vote's -may `be su_ffic•ent for passage of a resolution. when only 4 , or S :voting members are- - present. Page 6 Section 101 - delete, Items .,l _thru 6.• and 1. ROLL' CALL 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES': „ 3 DIRECTOR' S ":REPORT 4. !.COMMISSIONERS REPORTS: 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 6 e ZONING: MMATTERS f 7, 'PLANNING ".MATTERS 8.: ADJOURNMENT: Page '6 - 'Sect =ion 801 Delete paragraph entitled - Commi't;tees, - Pag -e. 7 - ,Section 801 ; - •Dele e parag enti' led General Plan and,'Environ mental Design Plan Committee .;Page '7 - Section 801 - , p g . p Delete ara rah entitled Subdiv ,ion. U Page 7 - S,ec,tion 801 Delete paragraph. Zoning .Committee_; :Page 7 -8 Section, 801 - Delete paragraph entitled Design -Review Committee' 3 1 PETALU11A,.PLANNING COMMISSION: _ MINUTES MAY 20 1980 RULES OF - PRQCEWRE CONT':D • Page 8' = Sec,,t'on 8j02 Delete paragraph ientifled.. Standing :Commi_atees Page 8 - :Section 8.031 - Delete paragraph entitled Special Committees Page 8 Section 804 De'let'e paragraph und_'er, Committee. Me'e`tings and, add Committees may be esa °ablshed "from dime t,o, time by `the Chairman of the Commission and with the consent of. 'the Commiss1on,i Page 4 The 'Planning Director was re.quesae,d, t,o check :with 'the City ;Manage "r regarding, changing ''the regular.mee,tings.o.f the Commission to the second and 'f .6, T ; iesday. of, every month: and - report, b'a'ck' to the our Commission on, what :effect this..change wo'ul'd have ,on the appeal aid notification pr P..LANNING, MATTERS:,. General Plan/-EDP Amendments, PU_D Rezonings It was the .consensus of the Comm is on that requests -for General Plan /EDP Amendments relating to the multi -: family' exemption' pr, j.e'ta be to be processed and placed upon future Commission agendas as..est-ab'lished by the P.iann ng Commission. _.Secretary San .Francisco Bay Area Assisted Hoiusing -ABAG A slide show was given. entitled San Ztancisco: Bay. Area .Assis'te'd 1lousng, showing: !nine. bay area cities: ADJ:OURNMENY: The meeting adjourned at 10:1 'p,:m. - to a slide presentation. ' Chairman Atte sit: I` 4 r NG - 946 CAULFIELD hANE - JOE LO El a 11 580'x Findings sG J. The p,'ro�ec,t shal'1 be subjec <.t to situ plan and archit�ec�tural approval- in j arecordancet with -- 'Section 26 =400: o,f the Zon'mg' Ordinance : All ; conditions o� f des g "n approval shall h6come bond' t'ions of 'the Use Permit--i 4' � , 2. All at:orage of goods,' 'machinery.,, equipment, etc., shall take ,place indoors. i t . „ W � j`; I E HARPER. - VENUS, DE MILD ULON Y-MC DOWELL & E. WASHINGTON ST suss 1.300 - ,Conditions g PP . 1 i l l Lhe 9 masPlaza`1Shopping�Centernce with the a robed, s gn .program. 2. ;The Use Permit shall be reviewed periodically to confirm ;compatibil ( witfi adjacent uses. f 3. he applicant: shall comply with all other applicable City codes. and �4Iregulati6ns.