HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/23/1980h . I F a IUM B I'D P O I omm 101 r - REGULAR MEETING .September :2`3, '1980 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS;, CITY .HALL 7 :30- `P..M.. PETALUMA, CA 1 The.Plannirg Commission encourages applicants- or- their representative to be available at the meeting's io ,answer ;questions "so that no: agenda, i.t'ems need. be deferred' to a later, da e due to ;a .lack . of pertinent imformation. PLEDGE' ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG J - ROLL 'CALL V Comm. Cavanagh Head Lavin Popp Shearer Tencer Wai:te ,.' . , STAFF , : Gregory Frei,tas, .CommuA ,ty Development and •Pl'anning�Director: i. AP OFD` .MINUTES c Minutes, of: August 2'6,. ,1980 , and September 9, 198.0' GORRES_PONDENCE':: _ y r DIRECTOR'S REPORTS r. w COMMISSIONERS REPORTS: PETAEUMA PE QPI:E SERVICES CENTER P`ublic:Hearng to consider a Use:Permit application to arelocate the Petaluma People Services Center to: 115 LIBERTY STREET' 115. Liberty. Street' (1.311) e CITY OF PETALUMA, 1 h ' - e Public' Hearing evalu_'ate. the. Environmental ZONING ORDINANCE AMEMDENT Impact Questionnaire-for'the following amendment_ SLOPE DENSIITY ORDINANCE to the S_- lope'Density Ordinance!. - �, 2. Public Hearing- to,consder an amendment to the Slope Density,Ord'inance -of. the,Zoning Ordinance to permit additional dwelling units` on.5 -12% . � slopes 'within areas classified as •Urban Density' (10�.units /acre)' on `the City's General /EDP Plan. i e. • r PETALUMA,.PLANNING COMMISS'.ION M AGENDA j SEPTEMBER 23,1'9.8'Q SONOMA TRAVEL - SERVICE Public Hearing to consider •a sari °a.nce.applica.tion to SIGN AREA VARIANCE allow- fo 'a 2'4 s ,. - ft .i wall i'gn to be' located on, th (2..28,8) side of the Sonoma . Travel Agency 'at, 351 S,, iMd owell .Blvd which exceeds the,maXimum_on -site area. p ermitted " by the ,Zoning Ordinance. JAY DEVELOPMENT., INC. 1.. 'Public Hearing to; the: Environmental OAK HILL DEVELOPMENT- Istpact,QuEstionnaire for fhe following ;.General. 1625 PETALUMA BLVD N- Plan /EDP' ,. P AJi D. Rezoning, and E I. Q. EVALUATION GENERAL, Tentative" Subdivision Map.. PLAN & ,EDP AMENDMENT/ P.U..D. REZONING /- TENrAThVE.• 2 . ,Public Hearing `to cons`ide_r a Gene'ra'l 'Plan /EDP SUBDIVISION MAP;° Amendment of the current, land use.,d'esignatons '( 11. 5'99,/8i.5.7./3.K245/'6'..433) of the from. Central. Urban •and. - Urban Low,'. Density , Re's idential (4, 5 .dwelling units /acre) to Urban, De sfty Residential .('10 :dwelling units/ • were):... 3: Public.Hear-ing to consider an application ao ' rezone AP No.' 6= 4'91 from ,Stud'y Dis riot to P.X . D. (Planned .Unit Development), 4,. Public" Hearing review the ''Tentative Subdiyisign. Map fo:r. a 60 - unit condominium dlevelopmen•t. " '`PLANNING- MATTERS, _ CITY OF PETALUMA.� _� - - _ 1. cpubly-c- Hca -ri . -'to eva uai:e -- _1 e-Env 'Tonmen - 'GENERAL PLAN (EDP) AMENDMENT Zmpact Quest.ipnna'ire following General (11. 616/8..60) . Pl an ;(EDP )`.Amendment. 2,. Publi.c:'Hearang- to, consider a General Plan (EDP) - _ Amendment to revise, the land use 'de` sgnation of 'Urban High Density Residential, 301 units Per gross 'acre (all units over 20,; lqw or :moderat'e income) = to Urban'.Ht& Density °.Resid'ential Bonus, Density "(up to 30 units /acre)'. DRAFT- MASTER ENVIRONMENTAL Pubi c Hear"ir g to consider °the adequacy Hof; the Draft IMPACT REPORT' - COMARC Master Environmental Impact Report; - pr-:epared. by - DESIGN SYSTEMS e on nt COMARC Design 'the mp'leme_at' on .of: (11.,.6`11) the bit sGerieralPlan• "a? 44. SONOMA, TRAVEL- •- SERVIUz ' = AREA VARIANCE - .351 S:. McDowell 'Blvd,. Item 2,.188 -= to consider a varAiancel request for 'a 24 -sq. f:t, wall sign ,at 3'51 S. McDowell Blvd" 'The public `hearing was opened and clgsed' Motion introduced LIN by Comm. Lavin; seconded by Comm . ,Shearer to deny the :variance requested,` based-- on, the' 'staff:' recommended cond= i AYES, ; ., ABSENT... Comm Cavana H Head `Popp. g The. applicant did not ap;p,ear Staff` wasp directed, to ntifyapplicant 'of the Commissioon dec :ision and 'the,jen -day `.appeal „process: Recessed at =8Q0 p.;m Comm: Cavanagk arr,i�,ed at ;8:'06 Meeting reconvened- at , :8 p .m. CITY OF`PETALUMA ZONING ORDINANCE,_ AMENDMENT ' - SLOPE: DENSITY ORDINANCE Item; 11:61.7 /7.;82 .- consider the evaluation .o_f the Envi `Impact Questronnair on an amendment to :the Zoni: Ordinance to provide for 'slope deris:,ty -to permit' add - tional :dwelling units on o5- 12 % „slopes:.. The public hearing' was 'opened "And: closed.. • :Motion introduced . by Comm. Waite,; 9 6con ded by Comm,: Shearer to prepare. a` Negative Declaration for .the propds-ed amendment ,to, the Zoning Ordinance and "redommend to City Council ,the:;•Zon ng.'Ordinan'ce be'amended- to pert' i't additional dwel=ling units. on 5 -i12., slopes, with areas classified, as' Urban` Density (10_` units/acre on the City "p General /EDP Plan, based on the .recommended -f� ndings,, with the" exception that - Subsection .A 'be revised to deie'te. "R-lk” 'arid the words;- - R M -G land R -M -Ii, delete, the `words or more ; `and add the w.o:rds. "subject to t discretion 'of • ti' ie Plaidi _ig Commission may" after 'p'ermku ed.. "notion introduced. b Comm. ?laite; seconded by Comm: Shearer. A'YES`:' '5 ABSENT'c Comm'. Head,, Popp .. ` OAK HILL._:DEVELOPMENT - 1625, PETALUMA BOULEVARD NO,.. JA`1 DEV.,ELOPMENT'; ING_. Item 11.,599 - The Planning- Commiss on ,directed the Community Development, Director to issue a'Negative Declaration for 'the General Plan /EDP amendment of the current land use designations of t he site, from, Central Urbari and U,rban 'Low :. Density Residential, (4-5 dwelling units /, to' Urban Dens ;ty'.•Re side Iti.a1 `( dwelling units acre ) . The ,public, hearrng;4was opeded. closeds: Motion introduced, b Comm. Shea,'rer,; seconded by - Commli ' Waite:.to prepare a Negative y • Declaration for the P ro: ect, based, on. the-recommended afandngs J AYES: 5 ABSENT ::' M Gomm: ;Head. 'Popp'. OAK'HILL'DEV,.ELOPMENT, 1.6.25: PETALUMA BOULEVARD N0. P:U D. REZONING Item, •8.57 - to consider alie rezoning o'f' AP'rNor 6 -491 Q9 from: Study D'i'strict to' p ) r a-52 unit -co ndomi_n�.um development at '',the une site. of the jormer�Blvd.JeNorthnrock . � quarr Th ; public hearing was opened and, . Item .h1.. 6f1�1 - to cons; - ides . the adequacy of the Draft Master Environmental Impact Report prepared by COMARC Design, Systems on `the imp.lementatiori of the G eneral Plan. Pub -1Pc; hearing. opened and,,clos -e:d. Motion introd'uce'd, by. Comm. Lavin; seconded by Comm Shearer to ;deny the ad`equ °acy o,f ,the Draft: Master. Environmed Irripact Report prepared by COMARC Design` S,ystem&- 3 N o ted • Motion by Comm .Shearer, ,second'ed by,. Comma .. Waite , to recommend "., y _ -i l roaduc o e-d r ' al of the P.`' based on the recommended to City Y, . PP. .. U.D. rezonin g conditions,;, • AYES: ABSENT;,; Comm. Head, Popp: OAK HILL DE - " --:� ^ • - - ; .., = ,... , . . - _ J VELOPMENT`- PETALUMA'BLVD. NO, = ..,TENTAT;IVE_SUBDIVISION MAP ,1.625 h <tem 3: 245;1- to consider the Tentative Subdivision Map for a 52 -unit condominium deve _opmerit at 1625 Petaluma Blvd, . No The pu blic• hearing was, opened and . .. ;. closed. Motion introduced by Comm Waite;' seconded .;by ,Comm Lavin .to recommend to the City Council' a royal of: the Tentative S'ubd Vision Map ;based{ on ,the, _. Y a PP recommended conditions wi th the.foflowing modifications: Condition 10 Buildings .Nos. °1 through 9. shall have a separation"of app.rox mate'ly, Added: ten feet, .and 'further `that. there: shall be a separation between " buildings No - 34 and 35 t`o elim hate: •`th6 corridor 'look for the development. AYES: 5 ABSENT`: Comm : "Head, Popp' `. :. Speakers,: Lone Vogen`s.en, 1755 Petaluma. B'ivd. No. Leonard Jay, Developer Emil Moge1, Moge1 Engineer Dick Lieb, Lieb &.- Qua're ma, ;Architects ' A pet .tion'containing..21 signatures favoring the proposed' P Ject was received, and filed. "OF. RES'IDENT,IAh- CITY PETAI:UMA - ,GENERAL; PLAN (EDP)) AME..NDMENT URBAN: HIGH DENSITY .'RESIDENT m 11-616 Ite u'se to `consider' a G_ enerah Plan (EDP) Amendment - to 'revise the hand - desi ri'ation' g of Urban High - Density Res dential,. 30 units per gross acre (all unit -s� over `20,, low or moderate ;income) t'o Urban High Density `Residential-, Bonus - Dens" ,ty. (:up ,to `30 unit- s/acre) : The hearing .was gpened' and :closed,. Motion "roduced "public o :Com: r;, seconded b..� Comm Cavanagh to recommend t,- by m:. Shearer,;, ynt the Cit Council t he General Flan its - theado `t'ion of an amendment. " o t P Environmental Design, Element to r:ev_se the land use,des gnaton of Urban High Density :Residecitial. - . AYES; 5 ABSENT: Comm. Head, Popp s DRAFT MASTER .ENV ^IRONMENTAL.. IMPACT REPORT " -, COMARC, DESIGN SYSTEMS a Item .h1.. 6f1�1 - to cons; - ides . the adequacy of the Draft Master Environmental Impact Report prepared by COMARC Design, Systems on `the imp.lementatiori of the G eneral Plan. Pub -1Pc; hearing. opened and,,clos -e:d. Motion introd'uce'd, by. Comm. Lavin; seconded by Comm Shearer to ;deny the ad`equ °acy o,f ,the Draft: Master. Environmed Irripact Report prepared by COMARC Design` S,ystem&- 3 N .,closed. Motion :introduced 'by Comm,. 'Shearer,;.,, qeconded. by Comm... Waite to recommeft -D. rezoning, based -,on the recommended -to the City 'app.ro.v�dl of 0.e.P.U. •, conditions.. AYES: 5 ABSENT: Comm. Head, Popp. OAK HILL DEVELOPMENT'- 1625 '•PftiALUM 'BLVD . NO. = TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP Itedi 3.245 o t conside the'T . entatiye Subdivision 'Map.Abr a .52-unit...cgodominium development i t 5* PeXal d No. The. public, hearing p , Vas opened. and R 6.2 , u ' v; end- dlos,,i�d. MAI on ntro d' * uce dly B Comm, Wai e,; seconded by�,qomm. Lavin in 'to :,recommend to the City on the Cou*cil pr 'o t'h'e - Tentative, Subdivision -.- .. n p ..bas re commended il' conditions with the f wi modifications: o,- o C,PnditionilO Buildings 'Nos. I through, 9 shall have 'a.. separation. - k of approximately , Added: that t ere ten feet and further h '- shall.be a separation between b 'ildings,,No. 34'and 35 t 6 eliminate: e. - the corridor' fo r . -- the ti 0 or. development.. .AYES: 5 ABSENT: Comm.-..Head, Popp S p .,•'I'Pne Vogenseri, 1755. Petaluma Blvd. 'No. Developer 7 Leonard' Jay, ,,.Emil kogef, Mogel Engineering Dick Li.eb &.Quaresma,.Arch-l'.tects A petition'containing 21 signatures favoring the proposed project,waa.received -and fildd.• CITY OFFETALUMA GENERAL PLAN (EDP) AMENDMEN URBAN HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Item 11,616 - to consider a General Plan.(EDP) Amendment to revise the land use designation of Urban High Density Residential, .30 units per gtq'ss acre (,all units over 20 low or'moderate income) to Urban High,Density Residential, .-Bonus Density (up to - 30 units/acre). The public hearing, was opened and' closed.� Motion introduced by'Qomm. Shearer; seconded by Comm.'Cavanagh to recommend to the City Council'"the adoption,bf an amendment to the General Plan and-its Environmental. Design Element to revise the'-land use designation of Urban High Density .Residential.: AYES: .5 ABSENT: Comm'. 'Head " Popp fi DRAFT MASTER ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT - REPORT - - COMAkC DESIGN SYSTEMS Item 1-1.611 - to consider.the,ade-q'uacy of the Draft Master Envixonmental Impact Report prepared'by COMARC Design Sysrtems on the :implementation of the ' General Plan. Public hearing opened and closed:. M6tion introduced b Comm. Lavin; . seconded `Vy Comm. Shearer to deny the adequacy . of. the Draft , Master* Env-ironmqhtal ImpactReport prepared'by COMARC,Design Systems,. 1 3 1 • AYES: 2 Comm. Lavin, Shearer NOES:' Comm. Cavanagh,,..Tencer:,, Waite. ABSENT: Comm: `Head, Popp Motion defeated. .,Speaker: Mr. Gil Castle, COMARC Design Sy,s.tems. Motion in"troduce y! Commi understanding.that Master' EnvironmentalbImpact • ,Re' a ort a bh COMA-C -IDe on the Y g g. P ,. P Y RC Design _. Systems was prepared and submitted within the guidelines and_limi,tations previously a §iab'lished therefor, the Commission .recommends; it to the City Council for certification. AYES: 5' ABSENT:_. Comm. Head, Popp.. The meeting adjourned. at 11 :36 p.m. airman Attest• 4 1.01 JOB Magnetic Card Center - - I :R.rl. I Li, . �Jbr,�: A Depa_ft Name: of Author Recorde,d-Card Retenti.on Peri..o.d No-: of Carbori C'op ie 'Single ''Space -Space a Half Doubje :S pace :Envelopes Labels 16it"idnal Inst'ruction's MAG 1-8/80 NOT OFFICIAL UNTIL APPROVED, BY THC - . P,ETALUMA 'PLANNING., COMMISISON - ^M 1 N .U. T. E S , - UM tember 2 "3 19;80 PETALA''PLANN:ING.COMMISSION S' ep r , '. REGULAR MEETING _ 7:30'E;,M. , CITY 'COUNCIL CHAMBERS PRESENT: Comm. Cavanagh *, ' Lavin,: !Shearer, Tencer, Waite . *Arrived, ;af, 8;,:0.6 p -In . r ABSENT:. Comm. Head, Popp STAFF Gre g or Freitas Communi Develo" ment ''& Plannin Director . y Y P, g :., W,ar.ren Salmons',- Principal Planner Cynthia B'eeken Associate Planner j APPROVAL• OF' 'MINUTES;: Minut`es,. of. August AT', 19 and $epfember 9; 1980 _ ; - were 'appro:ed;,a submitted.'. DIRECTOR',9 REP&t:T Community "Deve`lopment & 'Planning Director' Freitas , , - .. introduced �Warre'n Salmons, Principal Planner,,, who a • had joined the': City 5staff on September l_Sth_. The Commission, was�_'advised thaf, the, City 'Council has set rSe temter, 29 19;80 at. 7 p � .00 p m. "as the toe cons f .idera'tion and action on appeals •fr.om the 19'841 a 1dtmen;t prd,cess.' One. appeal - h'a_s been filed for-..proposed Su nT brook'..Subdiv'ision, sloca'ted :on''E1y North _,east side' of Petaluma.,.. It was noted the - Commission cannot. act ;on General P14' 'or Z g, g_ e :five .Commissioners "re present. onin Chan es unl • - PETALUMA ; PEOPL,E,. SERVICES, CENTER_ Use''P:ermi f Regiies,t o , - . • Item (1 .31 to consider a Use,, Permit: appaicat on. , to ;relo,eate the Petaluma People �9brvices Center to 115' :Liber ;ty S freet The . pubi c hearing :wa's :q,pened �= and` closed Motion `introduced by Commissioner Shearer; second'ed' by Comm. Lavin to rant._a Use Permit f`or the. relocation, of the Petaluma People :Services :. • � sub: t' ectttolreu^ ieweb= tytherstaf�fbines 'iXnmonths,taff ss sftandard','findngs,� Farad AYES'. 1: 4 ABSENT. G,O Cavanagh," `Head,; Popp-_ Speaker Larry Rob "ns:on :Exe'c .,,Dir. of People Service Center y , SONOMA TRAVEL, SERVICE -- IS°IGN AREA. VARIANCE - 351 S .. ' McDowell. Blvd. Item, 2.'2.8;8 _ to consider .a variance request' for a �24 sq':.: f°t. wal sign at `351 So. McDowell Blvd- The.;public ;hearing was:oRened and closed. Motion introduced . by 'Comm'. Lauin; seconded "'by Comm Shearer to• deny the. `variance requested, - y .. based on '.the s',.taff recommended;: conditions.: AYES: 4 =. ABSENT;: Comm. Cavanagh, . The applicant .did npti appear. Staff was directed to ni,tify applicant of: the-'4' Commission decision and :Tfhe, ten -da - y' appeal pr'oce:ss: Recessed at, &:60 -p.m, Comm, Cavanagh arrived "at 81:.06': p m, Meeting- reconvened ,at -8;;07 p:,.•m, CITY ,OR 'PETALUMA ZONING ORDINANCE; ,AMENDMENT = SLOPE _DENSITY ORDINANCE' Item 11:61.7/7::82 =; consider .the evaluation` of the Environmental •Impac;t re on an amendment to „the _Zoning Ordinance° to provide for slope, densty..to permit additional dwelling units on'5 -12 %..slopes. The' public'hear n_g was opened and'. closed :r - 'Motion introduced by ",Comm.. Waite'; seconded by Comm: Shearer :to p.rgpare .. a 'Negative Declaration for the prgposed amendment ao the Zoning Ordinance and' recbmmendL to the City Couric,il the 'Zoning` Ordinance be ' ame-rided• to . perm't additional dwelling`'unit& on 5 -12%' slopes within' areas - ..:class f.ied as' .Urban Density ( 10: units /acre on the City's. Gerieral/EDP P_lan, bused on the recommended findings, with the ` exception That `Subsection 'A be revis ed .to delete "R -1 ', 'and the words: R M.G and. R M -H delete the words or more ' ' :add the words "subject to .the c�iscr.eto�i, of c.��ze Plau�2�u Coi�u�zisson � ma "after - - _ g - y' -' te•r •permitted,. Moti on introdu ed b .Gomm. Wa te;, seconded byy' Gomm . Shearer, u . AYES: 5 ABSENTc Comm: Head,, Po P. P OAK HILL DEVELOPMENT - ,625'P,ETALUMA BOULEVARD NO. - JA`s DEVELOPMENT, .INC. Item, 11:59.9 - The Planning Commission dr_ect:ed the; Community. Development Director: to" issue ; a Negative:'Declaration for :the: G'enetal - Plan /.EDP amendment 'of:<• the current land use designations' of the site from Central Urban._and. :Urban, Low 4. g . _ it ;units, Dens = Residential n Dens =ty Residential (1Q' /acre.) to Urba dwellin g units' /acre): TheWeublic;heari p ng:,was op.en''d :and closed" Mot -ion introduced by .Gomm.: Shearer; seconded by �Coinm. Waite to prepare a N egative. Declaration fo;r the project, based`.on •the• recommended fiiidings, AYES`: 5 A BSENT. Comm: :Head . P,opp . LL OAK •�AILL,, DEVELOPMENT = PETAI;UMA BOULEVARD NO -., 'P -.0 1 D�. - - REZONING; ' Item 8.57• t:o, consider; the rezoning of ;AP No: 6 - 4, 5 1 09`' from Study 'District to- P.U.D (P,lanned ;Unit Development) F;or ,a 52= xirit condominium development. at: the site - of. the former Blvd. .North rock 7 ua:r,r y ,, The ,public° hearing. =:was o,p.ened and q . ' 2 ` �„