HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/03/1976A G E N D A
The Planning Commission encourages applicants or their
available at the meetings to answer questions,, so that
deferred to a later date due to a lack of pertinent in
FEBRUARY 3, 1976
7:30 P.M.
representatives to be
no agenda items need be
ROLL CALL Comm. Bond Head Hil- ligoss Horciza Popp
Waters Wright
STAFF: Dennis Boehlje, Planning Director
QANTAS DEVELOPMENT Public Hearing to consider a revised site plan submitted
CORPORATION - by Qantas Development Corporation for the prezoning of
PREZONING'Z3 -76: approximately 107 acres located on the east side of
North McDowell Boulevard adjacent to Lucchesi Park from
`:. a County Agricultural District to .a Planned Community
`BODEGA AVENUE /PAULA 1. Public Hearing to evaluate the Environmental Impact
LANE STUDY. AREA: Questionnaire for the proposed rezoning.and pre-
" zoning of the. .Bode g a. area.
2. Public Hearing to consider 'the.rezoning and pre-
zoning of the Bodega Avenue /Paula Lane area to an
R -1- 10,000 District for the portions closest to
Bode g a Avenue, and to an R -1- 20,000 District :for
the portion closest to West Street, -
SONOMA COUNTY. Consideration of. e hand
� a olic. r.e ardin �th �
� policy g� g handling :of
REFERRALS Sonoma County referrals:
n .
r .
f � i
M -1 'N U =_T_ g
7.30 P.M.
PRESENT: Comm. Bond, Head' *, Hilligoss, Horcza Waters, Wright
* Coomm. Head departed at 9.4 °5
ABSENT: • None
STAFF: Dennis Boehlje, Planning Director•.
s,. of; January 29,, 1 were approved with the exception
e th" p ragraph on.' Pa e hould r
The minute 976
that tYi�i �rd � a� � n g �7 s read, "Comm.. Hilligoss
clarified! th
at, , Federal', funds may ":::be: available. , for a public safety
building, "
Mr. .B'o J q ssoners besides Comm.
Head• would e be ue a ���ioned if, an y of the�.Commi i�
'ending the ABAG•,`Conference`. relating to seismic
safety Comm Wr stated 'he might possibly attend, but would
prefer not to register. in 'advance
Mf. Boehlj 'br.iefly reviewed the. staff re,por >t regarding the
revised site plan- .submitted. by - Qantas Development Corporation for
the prezonin of approximately :107 acres on North McDowell Blvd.
adjacent ta Park from a County Agricultural District to
a Planned Community District. He explained that the new proposal
realigned Maria.Drive onto ; tfie , -subj,ect property and relocated the
multi = family, portion of the PCD:to the southern edge of the
property bordering on Lucchesi Park Boehlje then explained .
the phasing "and indicated the location of the day care center.
He also Informed the Commis'sionuthat the developer was requesting
the City Council , to delete the 19" low-co, houses from the pro -
jiect'b'e.cAu e"of economic reasons Comm. Waters stated that the
,project had-been altered considerably from�the design that had
been reviewed! by the Residential Development Evaluation Board.
He questioned if 'th'e application °was therefore still valid, since
the Board''ha'd..ranked the proj;ect. in accordance with the prior
design. Mr..`Boehlje replied.that the City Counci.l,would have to
decide if the application was valid as far as , - the elimination of
low- income housing is concerned.. He informed the Commission that
at' the time the applicant received the allocation., Mr,. Joslyn had
expressed doubt to the City Council. as to whether' -he could build
the '19 low -cost town houses. The City 'Council "had, informed the
developer at' that time that they did not.wish to change the
allotment ut requested t
w -cost houses appa,lProceed and attempt to
build -the to nd la 'te'
r defer
to the City Council if
problems arose.
Bo advised the Commission that the -project without the
st houses still rated higher than. thed"next contending
A � �
Petaluma,City Planning Commission Minutes,, February 3, 1976
Comm. Waters referred to the reduction in o - pen, space, and as to
whether the Resi.d:ential..Development Evaluation ;Board would have
considered it 'to be feasible., Mr. Boehlje replied that' the open
space prop':osed. still. met the City's requirements. He also stated
that at the time of consider by• the Board concet,n had been
vo as to whether the linear park along the fringe border was
actually desirable. Hr. Boehlje further_ advised that the pro-
posed plan called for more private open space in the mu.lti family
area, but eliminated, some ' the public land, for dedication. He
clarified that'the -r& would not be an increase in units for the
" r,o'ect and: therefore, the same amount p � y unt 9f open space
would be retained. . It was also clarified that the allotment
evaluation is 'preliminary and, many cha.nges.I 4lans may be
necessary as.'they go through,, various processes.
Comm. Head stated that at the • last meeting .1 discussion had been
held with regard to informing the developer- what wAs in.
the .way of streets He referred - to ,Section, ,22.. 4.902'. of , the
Subdivision- Ordinance that states -:'The City Engineer shall
prepare a wr,i'tten "report' of, recommendations �on the tentative map
in relation to the public improvement. requirements of this ordi-
nance and the provisions of the Map Act sand asked if this
p J p
Section had been complied with. Mr. Boehl':e-ex lained that the
tentative map process-was still several. months away,, _s
p; < g, te. design 'ievews,, and,:
rezon >in an 1 PUD'rezonngs and s
:preliminary subdivision map considerations all came. prior to the
- ;submitta.l of `the tent,at:ive.map;,. Comm. Head questioned why such a
'detailed map, had been submitted.. if the Commission was,only.to
consider rezonin
g. A'Ir,. Boehlje replied that the zoning ,require-
merits fora Planned Community District included ,the° indication of
general land uses, the,general circulation system, and th&
location of the general park areas..
Chairman Hgrciza, stated he had served on the.. Res idential.;D'evelop-
ment Evaluation Board and:fe.lt that, the low -cost. housing factor
played an- important.:p`art • in reviewing, of the various developments
• accordin the _specified criteria. He. stated he was disap-
pointed to. see these units being ;eliminated,,- and ,suggested that
perhaps -a comment should be passed to •the City ,Council for their
consideration of this project, since he felt the low -cost housing
factor entered into the ranking of the project.
Mr. Joslyn informed the Commission tl%at ,in comparing the project
including the low -cost . housing against the:'proj,ect without this
type of housing, :if� • the ,points awarded for the addition of the
low -cost housing were deleted f -rom these pr, oposals, tl ;e project
since it had been considered to
- non- low- cost. housing project,
with, the, most : ornts would •be t he;
be a' better ro osal.
The public hear;ing`was opened.: Barbara Lind a member 'of the
1975 -.76. Residential . Developmen:t..Evaluation Board, informed the
Commission the Board awarded _the�-lgw -cost - housing points because
• •
they, were very - concern . that t'ne l aw= cost eonunitment be
followed through, - 'She added that the Board 'was quite concerned
when they found o ut that the .lo`w =cost hous'in'g units might be
deleted from this particular pr.oject..
Comm:. Bond asked "!'T4r Joslyn why he had decided against the
placement of,, di rodd adjacent to a ,Lynch Creek as discussed at the
h ,
last me'eting,,y and,,exp,ressed concern about possible dedication of
thai strip park) to' the�'City ,and future maintenance. Mr. Joslyn
replied than. the road had (been eli.mi.nated because it was not
praat"ic al, and'' would have involved a substantial redesign of the
area. He also, stated he felt, that the r:el'ocation of the multi-
family portion of the development with its',proposed private open
space.. would. provide a better .transition between the single - family
and multi - family units A discussion of the land along Lynch
Creek followed., Mr. Boe-hlje .clarif'ied that a portion of this
area would'lave to be d'ed- icated to the Sonoma County Water Agency
for maintenance :of the ,cr:eek, . and although there might be addi-
tional open space involved, it would riot, necessarily be addi-
tional. public .land since the City Council could decide later what
they o accept for dedication Comm Bond asked for ampli-
. fication what' screening would between the multi- and
1 -111
� g �T y nits. ,. Mr. i' y p,
sin te - 'fami lt ��u Josl n ex lam ed how the private open
space with the, existing trees, combined with parking areas, would
provide a buffer between the single -,and multi- family portions of
develTheeelr• He : added that an exact 'design had not been firmed
p. evation.of the multi - family bu"id ngs was questioned,
and Mr'. Joslyn stated that the on the periphery would be
one- story, escalating two - story in the center.
Mr. Boehlje asked Mr. Joslyn if'he intended to build the zero
sideyard units, on the larger 7,0007'7,,500 foot lots. Mr.
Joslyn replied that that. was the intent.,,,.C'omm. Hillgoss ques-
tioned .thedifference.betweenthe zero sideya'rd units and the
lot units.;. Mr. Josl re lied that th e zero
uni.tsa could, .;ran e between 1'000 P ' q nd the
g - 1, s quare feet, and the
quads' lot units, would, ran e b'etweeri 1,150 - 1,600 square feet.
_ 4 Comm. Hilligoss stated, that she also, had-served on the Resden-
tal Development Evaluation Board and felt that the low -cost
housing factor played.:an important part in, the rating system.
Sh'e therefore preferred to' see them included, „in the project'. Mr.
stated that the building,. , ad :changed so drastically
Jos lyn.s. „
fhat,the low- cost housing units were :no 'longer. economical. He
added , that the building re%drements, would. have to 'be reduced in
order to,furnish low -cost housing.. The public hearing was
specif which had been recom-
' thes,
r mendedebyJitheestaffenOtheanalysi ` Planned Community
District prezon'ing.
Petaluma City Planning Commission Minutes, February 3, 1976 .
Comm. Waters, moved to recommend to the City Council approval of
the prezoning for'the Qantas'Deve.lo.pment Planned Community
District, based on the 'four specific 'findings is staged.: The
motion was seconded by Comm. Popp.
'C'omin. Bond ,stated, that he' .would like to add" 'that the minutes
should reflect the fee ling of: the Comm ission ers with regard _:to
the, provision of the low -cos -t units,. He stat =ed that= while he
appreciated the financial' difficulty 'faced 'the. developer, he
also appreciated the difficulty involved..f'or those who need such
houses[. He ,added 'that, he felt. it should be expressed as the
concensus of the ;Commission I 'that wherever °possible low- income
units- should be implemented into the design' -of, this type" ,of
development. Comm. Bond reminded tle. Commission,that,.the' pro
vision of low=cost housing was one'of the po the En
vironmental 'Design Plan., and'' he felt the Commi'ss should goon
record as ,standing firm that this type' of'housing,be provided in
larger d'evelopments..
A brief discussion followed regarding ;some of the factors that
made it economicahy, unfeasible for a developer to provide low -
co'st "'units. Comm. Bond stated that low -cost housing was being
provided In other communities., and he wondered if more might be
, accomplished if the City would spend as much initiative in trying
to find away- to implement.low -cost housing 4s a. I policy of the
City as they 'spent in trying to excuse'the developer.
Comm. Head., referred to Article ;'1'8' of the Zoning , :Ordinance referring
to Study Districts, which specified an eight -month period 'to-permit
ifiitensive study of ,ap:propriate future =in ng's: He advised -.the.
Commis'sion.that in checking the records he had ,noted that this
period had expired, and irif- ormed• "the ,C'ommis,sion, they were supposed.
to enforce the Zoning Ordinancer'ather than to violate. it. Mr.
Boehlje informed Comm. Head that the area never been zoned as
a Study District„ and 'therefore the conditions of Article 18 d -id .
not apply.. Comm. Head referred to"a staff" report entitled ",Specific
Plan Study`of the Bodega Avenue and 'Paula Lane Area," and questioned
if the' ;C6m____ssion was legally able to 'act on it once the eight-
month period, had expired., Mr.. Bo'ehlj e explained that "s,tudy
:area'" was only a ,gener•=c term meaning :that. the area was being
.. - g , _ zo � ,
indicated in the staff re P o� rt dated January 28 19.76, Comm
studied and the existin R , f'or the area was. Head
insisted that; the report stated 'it was a study ;area, and therefore
he felt. a legal decision should be ^.obt a ned.. Chairman °Horciza
informed Comm. 'Head he thought the question had been sufficiently
answered by `the Planning Director Mr. Boehlj e, ,inf,ormed 'him a
legal interpretation would, be that, since "arez;oning to Study
District had' never occurred'. the provision's of Article 18; did not
app ly,
Petaluma C Planning Commission Minutes Februar 3,
Comm. Head, asked the Planning Director' by what authority the
:Planning Department had "set up, t_he meetings' to study this area,
since he could find nothing in the backgro,urid material that gave
diem this authority. Mr. Boehlje I advised him that it had been by
order of the City' Council. Comm. Head' insisted there was no
Planning : ond D ,en'ce in ,t e, material'
ie had received which gave the
g ,.par- tme'�the m author Chairman Horcza ruled Comm,
Head to be out of order, Comm. "'Head thereupon stated he wished
the records to reflect that he had been ruled out of order.
Mr. Boehlje. informed the Planning Commission that the City
Council had considered seven*prop.osals with regard to the Bodega
Avenue area_ and,had decided :upon one, .which had been forwarded
in turn t& the Planning Commission,for their review. He then
briefly explained the rezoning %prezoning, which had been recom-
tative ende'a, stree` y would be' d that ,_the i..plan�s showed ten-
mended „ y e City Council and a vise
t patterns which consi, ere'd at a later date.
Comm. Bond,- stated the street layout was drastically different
than.previously proposed and asked if it wa:s in fact feasible.
Mr.,Boehlj` stated the street system as proposed was necessary
because of the higher density that could potentially develop
under `this zoning designation, and that staff had tried to
, :.
- follow the contours of the land,in proposing the street system.
He added that : specific. plan for the area mould have to be
considered at a later date, „but what had been proposed was
basically what would be required for that'type of zoning.
Comm, Hnad if there had been a Zoning Committee ommit ee formed to
study this`: „area as required. Mt.,,Boehlje replied that no Zoning
Committee h °r ...
• ad ever been formed., even though it had been allowed
in the bylaw's of 'the Planning Commissi;'on. He advised that the
property owners had met in informal meetings ,.with the Planning
Commission,, and numerous,public hearings had been held. Comm.
Head stated he,dd f eel that.any :input had been received from
the elected and.-appointed officials of the "City, and the staff
report only reflected the input from the civil employees of the
City. He went on t state thatsince no,'Zonin.g Committee had.
been appointed from, Planning Commission to meet with the.
residents of,..the area, he felt"the requirement should be stricken
from'the'record if ,it was not t;o,,be upheld. Comm. Popp informed
him. that anyahing,the Comm.ission as abody includes the
people in the area: because it was realized,,that the Commission
represented the people. He went' on.,to say 'he felt in this ease
public input had been requested to the maximum degree, since the
people had been - notified numerous times.
� Comm e rep) ed_that '
ifa sflato y „tpe m eet system would be.
4 Waters uestioned how mand
M Boehl e pecific la .',was adopted, it would
be specific only to indicate that,a street system would be re-
quired in ,the general. area, but,_.actual street lines would be
subject to change "as development occurred'.� Chairman Horciza
Petaluma City Planning Commission Minutes, February 3, 1976
•reminded the Commission that when they had previously approved
the compromise rezoning of R -1- 2,0,000 and R- 140,00.0 -it had -been
an answer,'to the 'problem of. the cost of 'furnishing an extensive
road system. He stated that the'proposal for R- 1- 10,,000 and R -1-
000 would require mo "re.extensive street 'systems which 'would
put a burden on the residents of the area,, but.would in any event
be better than the existing R =4- 6,500 which would require even
more streets for development.
Comm. Head stated the economic effect on the property owners must
.also be considered, since at the present time under R -1- 6
zoning the property owners still have the option to subdivide and
sell .off at a. profit,, whereas if; the parcels. pare restricted `they
would no longer 'have this option and lose a - capital .'investment.
Chairman Hdr'cizd opened the public. -hearing to , discuss the Envi-
ronmental,.Impact Questionnaire regard to the rezoning /pre-
zoning of the Bodega.Avenue area. Mr. Boehlje stated he wished
to point out that the Environmental Impact Quest- ionnaire filled
out by the staff indicated several answer's in.the affirmative;
however, all of'these impacts were potentially 'favorable because
they would result in .lower densities and less cutting up,of the
"hillside in 'the area.: Comm. Wright. asked 'if' the ,property owners
had received copies of the E..I.Q.. Mr. Boehlje replied that they
had riot, wher`•eupon Chairman Horciza -asked Mr._•Bdehlj•e t0 review
the E.L.Q. for the benefit of the people.. Mr,. Boehlje briefly
reviewed the questions that had been answered in the affirmative
on the. E.I.Q. and explained the reasoning behind the determi-
nation that only positive effects would occur,.
Mrs . Jerry Fowler,, a proper "ty owner' in the area,. voiced her
objection to the reconsideration of.the tolling of this area. She
stated she wished the zoning, °to stay as " it ,was at. present, and
obj' strenuously to all :o''f' the past hearings - and the, amount
of time the matter had been under, consideration. Mrs. Fouler
stated. the City Council 'had, voted, to leave the property :zoned as
it was, and yet. the Planning Department would not allow lot
splits .and asked 'the,City Council to reconsider the matter. Mr.
Bbehlje explained that the area had not been reconsidered because
of the staff, but because within the last.'two or three.months
property owners' in the area had r.equre'ste'd. subdivision of their
'properties that could not be accommodated.by, plans the City now
has. The matter had 'th'erefore been sent_ 'to the 'City Council for
I recommendation and they had provided direci ion for the Planning
Commis s ion,.
The public hearing was . cl.osed,. Comm. Wright to direct the
Planning Director to•pxepare and post a Negative Declaration for
the proposed rezoning /prezoning of the Bodega Avenue area. The
motion. was seconded by Comm. Hilligos&.:
C Planning, n Minutes, February 3; -
Petaluma Ct Plannn C'ommissio -
At,tl s point, ' Head informed ..the! Chairfian that he believed
he could serve the City of Petal:'uma mu h better as a citizen, and
therefore asked't'o be e'xcused'to participate in the public hear-
n in.'the 1 ' g ntere,st of the He ;then vacated his position
and s`ea'ted' °hims.,elf °in th'e'
The public hearing.,was opened to discus's the proposed rezoning./
prezoning. Mi. Dorenfe =ld explained to the Commission where
hia roperty was located, and expressed the desire to be willing
to d I evelop his property to R- 1- 10.,000�zoning. He stated he had
supported..the land for '32 years and had gotten nothing out of it
! and would not be - able to develop his property if it were rezoned
to, R 1'-',20,000.` Mr. Dorenfeld' informed the-Commission that he had
a• ni' 'tmen't °- f,or development �on his property and the cost of the
M. .
roads and' would therefore be up to the developer.
Comm.. Bond "'st'ated that if each property owner were to develop
independently the cost involved in public improvements would eat
up. any profit they might obtain, and he felt fact had never
been gotten across to the landowners. A.'discussion followed with
regard to the problems enco.untered trying to develop long
str i ps "of property in terms of providing access and public
util and its actual econofuic feasibility.
In response to a question by Comm. Bond, Mr. Boehlje advised
with regar.d.to Mr. Dorenfeld ° s property -an estimated 17 lots
could be under R_ -1- 10,'000 zoning and 15 lots under
R- 1- 20.,000` zoning. He,al'so advised'that in order to develop
property a through street would have to be provided, since it
could not be. serviced with.a cul -de -sac.
Mr. Glenn.Head addressed . Commission from -the audience,
stating that he was interested from t.he'point of view of a tax -
payer in the City of Petaluma, he was also. interested in its
development,.and he was also concerned that when actions were
taken the public would not suffer too much from financial loss.
He stated'•he disagreed with the zoning line indicated on the
p- ro,pos:ed plan, since he 'felt it should extend straight across
instead of at an angle to give the property owners a better
- chance to subdivide their property.. Mr. Head stated he felt that
a.dif•ferent zoning type should be implemented for this area
entirely, since if the property owners were going to have to
sacrifice their rights to subdivide their property, he felt they
should,be financially reimbursed' to make -up for it. He contended
'that the.Property should not zoned as residential at a higher
tax rate if it could not -in'' fact -, lie used for it, and therefore
sugge's.ted "'a combination type zoning of residential and agricul-
tural. Mr. Head stated be was a " <stxong believer in the con -
stitutional �f'orm of government,', but he also believed that
perty bwners.should be their lands as long as
they did not interfere with the rights of others, and he did not
feel the Commission had' the right 'to tell a property owner it was
economically unfeasible to develop his hand or to tell him what
should be done with his land..
Petaluma City Planning Commission Minutes, February 3, 1976
Chairman Hor�ciza•asked' Mr. Head a specific zoning recom-
mendat =ion. Mr. •Head stated, he would recommend 'a new type" of
zoning altogether. For example, the Commission rezoned the
,property to R- 1- 20,00.0 or R -1- 40,000, 10,000 sq. ft. of the
property shoilld.,be,,zoned as•.residential and-the rest zoned as.
agricultural to provide some tax relief in the. future. Chairman
Horciza replied that the zoning - was not R -1- 20,000 or R- 1- 40,000
at the present time an +he wished for a recommendation under the
existing circumstances. Mr: Head replied that the
zoning should be left as it.now exists, with the condition that
before, the, City considers rezoning. for .this, area, that a new
zoning structure be set up to provide proper. relief for property
own'ers,. Mr•. Head referred to a staff report.which indicated that
the taxes would be increased as the market value of the land is
increased by subdivision, and questioned if.the Commission was
trying to relieve the problems of the people or to put an add'i-
tional tax burden on them. Mr. Boehlje stated he wished to
clarify that the report that Mr_ Head was, referring to was with
regard to the area plan for the area, and would
not apply.to_the•rezoning action being considered. -.
Mr. Harry DeChene informed the.Commission .that he had recently
done some,research'on tax structure in thus area and found that
there was no reasonable established value.of property, since
there was a drastic difference of the of the .land in °this
area. He stated he was in agreement with the R -1= 10,,000 zoning
for his property, but was concerned about obtaining a just
establishment to place all of the property owners on the same tax
Mr. Don Waite informed the Commission he lived ,over the hill from
this area and.felti the R= 1=20,000 zoning proposed would not.be
feasible. f a sa- leable lot since it was too st-r- ingent. He
suggested that the Commission consider slope- density type zoning.
Mr. Ace Marcellus informed the Commission he was,a property owner
in the prezoning area..and was in agreement,wiih R -1= 10,000 zoning
for his •
ro ert. � He believed it,,would be unfeasible to provide
p P Y
roads-for less density zoning, but stated realized there would
have to be additional streets from B'odega Avenue to provide
,access for R-1-6,500 zoning.., .
Chairman Horciza asked if anyone in the - audience living in the
'proposed; R - 1 =20., 00.0 zoning, .area was in favor of it. Mrs,. Joan
Paddor informed the Commission the .- lived a•t the to p of a hill in
this proposed R - -1- 20: zoning- area and would prefer it to be
zoned. R- 1- 40, She added she felt. development of this area
would•be aesthetically ,a disaster and would not be'good planning
for a City ;that•is trying to its. ,growth,. Mrs. Paddor stated
that she :felt. with..R- 1 -.40, 000,. ,zoning , the: public improvements would
not be needed., and that property•owners could make as much
of a profit by selling off ,larger parcels that would not need
these public improvements.
-8- '
Petaluina City Planning Commission M nutes, ,February 3., 1976
Mr. DeChene,,stat -ed he understood - sstil - still a sewer problem
4 .an nQthin could• happen. �unt�ln:anohat � :Boehlje replied that
d aa sked what would, h pp
g.. assessment district was formed,
since he.serious.l.y doubted if much development could take place
in ':the area without an assessment The formation of an
assessment district was briefly - discussed. : Mr. Boehlje advised
that if development of a major nature was_.•pro;posed the developer
would be responsible for the. extension of the sewer, however, for
small developments he' assumed it would force an assessment
di�str.a.ct„ situation because .the ,indi.vidual dev,:elopers would not be
large enough for the-City to require the sewer. He further
advised that`he.thought that each.registered voter would be
al.lowed'one'vote in the and that if ,:the assessment
district was .turned down;.the only way an individual could
develop might..be to accept the responsibility of the construction
of the whole length. of the sewer to his property.
Mr,. '`Dean Merrick - stated he was not a resident of the area, but
had some questions. He asked if sbme of the area was set aside
fo.r open space, if it could then furnish some relief for the R -1-
2G,000,zoning and-the provision of requiring.the developer to
furnish the sewer and water services. Mr. Boehlje replied that
the` best :way to develop the land would be to assemble it and then
redivide i 1. .. He.. 'went :on to say °''u that problems did exist because
of the hilly ;contours and ,the „ public.; facilities perhaps not being
ad ovideean b ade l uate e r000salforaale their lands and
q � P P
p q p p Development, a
higher .density .could be obtained. On the other hand, . based , on
individual lot::spl.its which did not relate - to adjoining proper-
ties, Mr. ,Boehlje advised that the City. could only deal. with the
present zoning.techniques., Mr.:- Merrick then suggested asking the
Cit y Council to table the"matter until a single plan could be
generated:. Mr. Boehlj.e, .a, deal of planning
went into a Planned Unit Development and he did not think the
peoplesin this.area were willing to go.to that extent.
A: recess was called at 9_:40 p m... , . and,, the., meeting resumed at 9:45
p.m. , at which time Comm.. Head, depart!ed"'.
Mr.. Bil- lings,,, a resident of Paula Lane,, : to the problems
involved in the development of this .area, and expressed concern
that p:rezoning of the County area would result in higher taxes.
He - recommended providing adequate streets so that the portion
within the City limits.could be developed, for R- 1- 6,500 zoning„
shed) to ,re'tain, the area in the l County as, Agri-
'cultural. e wi,
A discussion 'followed r,:egardixig,possible changes in
taxation. Mr,. Boehlje informed' Mr Billings;1 - that the County
zoning would still remain in effect as it presently exists, since
th'e.prezoning .was only a recommended zoning if the area would be
annexed to-fhe City. He added that the ar:ea,in the City limits
should have.a reduction in taxes rather,than an increase as a
result "of th ”,
e recommended rezoni
Petaluma City Planning Commission Minutes,-February 3, 1976
Mr. DeChene stated that, to:what he had learned at the
Assessor's 0£fice,.,'the taxation :was not equated on the zoning of
the property but was equated accord` ng'. to. its' 'us'age.
Mrs. Jerry' Fowler expressed her desire 'f'or R -1 -10, 000 zoning or
less Mrs Paddor- advised that Mr. Joe- Pagliaro could not be
present.this evening,, but had stated his desire for 1 -acre
Comm. Bond stated that the only= rationale for R- 1- 10,000 zoning,
- would be subdivision, and he did not think. enough, property owners
could get together to accomplish this development, since there
were many people opposed to it.. Mr.. Dorenfe:ld again expressed
his ,desire to be able to. develop his property_ Comm,. Wright
= informed him that even though he - might, wish to, develop his
property he could not feasibly do so:,, since "it was. a long strip
of .land and its development would require' 'th cooperation of his
neighbors. Mr. Boehlje informed him he would have to construct a
s.tr.eet: and his development potential was very limited no matter
what the zoning,; since he would need the cooperation of his
neighbors to forin,an, assessment: district and; other various
things. �He•went on °to' say that the alternatives on Mr. Dorenfeld's
property were very limi,t'ed, but. the. proposed rezoning followed up
by a ,specific plan ,would furnish a , public. ,street going through
the property, which could in turn,:service it,,.
Hilli. oss asked what slope Comm.. G 'g density o-zonng. would do for: the
area. Mr: Boehlj`e. replied. that - slope "density zoning would very
probably come.close to what was being proposed, since the larger
. -lots would be planned for the higher slopes;. It was clarified
that the proposed zoning line followed the contour of the land.
The. public hearing was closed,.
Chairman-Hor.ciza stated that since Comm., Head had removed himself
after ,a vote had been taken on the E. I. Q. related to the >B'odega
Avenue area, the yore would. have to be rretaken. Comm. Wright
therefore moved t- d the Planni.n g Director to prepare and. s.
postaNegative 'Declaration for .the: proposed' rezoninglprezoning .of
the B'odega Avenue area -. Comm Hilligoss seconded the motion.
' y. , counci
Comm. Bond- moved' to recommend to the Cit l that 'the area
under consideration be rezoned /prezoned ,to.R=1- 10,000 and R -1-
20, > .00.0'. zoning.: -as. projected by the .sta'ff ,:, motion was seconded
by Comm. Popp, Thee area to be. deleted from C =N zoning was
clarified. _'4
Petaluma City Planning, Commission Minutes, February 3, 1976
'� „'�NOMA °CbUNTY �I
i i� s'
Mr I ehl�e ^,br ie y reviewed t
fylhe ecomend
med; policy suggestion
. - .. , r
;- . r
with regard to the handlingof „the.Sonoma County referrals, A
brief 'dl''scussion.followed,.after which Comm. Waters made a motion
to form a policy recommendation.to rely on_.the judgement of the
Planning - Director as which Sonoma County,.r,eferrals should be re-
ferred the anni ` h Plaftnn g Commission fory,decision and which he
should act lf, e motion was seconded by Comm. Wright.
0 ABSENT ..l
Comm .., Bond 'asked,-if it would . be , . possible to furnish the Commis -
sion a copy of the, letters to the County on those matters Mr.
Boehlje� acted upon. He,was informed copies would be furnished.
Chairman Hor.ciza stated.that Comm.: Head had questioned Mr.
Boehlje's title of Planning..Director in.the legal notices in the
p p
a er, n's,tead of his title as Secretary to the Planning Com-
mission Mr. Boehl'e stated that 'as
• � � '” � � �� Planning Director it was his
job to .place the legal notices in the paper; and it was therefore
proper to use the Planning Director title..
Comm. Bond, f ated that he "was concerned about the low -cost
housing ,p and the fact that although everyone says it
can't.be' done because of costs involved, the policy still exists
in =both the Environmental Design Plan and the Housing Element.
Comm. Bond therefore asked if it would be.,possible to bring all
p rlating- to .low -cost housing,,toIgether, in. , onle% package to
construct a' straight - forward approach to the problem and stimu-
late some action. He also suggested finding out what other
cities were doing on the matter. Mr. Boehlje informed him his
request could be granted, and added that the only option open may
be to employ innovative, in housing styles. Comm. Bond
DeVelo� e
mentControl stem the in the Residential
granting P oi
p y y would not insist upon
thes,e' units being constructed. Comm. Waters stated he felt the
deletion of. current housing construction requirements would only
cheapen the houses and take away the desirability of the project.
He therefore suggested that possibly redevelopment of the older
p'orti'ons of the City would be more feasible. Comm. Waters felt
that a determination should be made.as to the ultimate goal and-
what type of people were to be placed in the units. Chairman.
Horciza agreed that some formula should be established. Comm.
Hlligoss talked' briefly about the Housing and Community De-
velopment Code E
nforcement and Senior Citizen Housing Project
currently being considered for block grant funding. Comm. Waters
informed the Commission that the City of Tacoma, Washington, had
done an excellent rehabilitation j'ob in furnishing housing for
the elderly.
Petaluma City Planning Commission Minutes, February 3, 1976
Comm: Wright s' meeting with regard to the
g tested he had a
Petaluma Care and Guid'an'ce Center on- January- 281, 1976. He
ififotmed the Commission that the "end result , was. that if any
patents of the children attending had any
problems or complaints, the, principal would . a 6 . as spokesman for
the permanent liaison ^committee. Chairman•Horc =za asked if any
of the problets ;had' been- , solved.,. Comm. , , Wright informed him. ,that
Mr; Dahlinger was ,going tol, ^upgrade the fence and that the number
of: patients taking walks at,' onetime had been red "uced. He also.
advised that there had ,been some discussion about forming some
kind' of a Women's Auxiliary of the neighbor's in, the area 'who
would assist in taking some of the people out on excursions.
Comm. Wright added that thi' ,,, would only be. possible •�throu,gh a.
'training program, which would be conducted by a 'repr,esentat-ive
'from Sonoma County.. He, concluded by stated that,quite a 'few
women were anxious to volunteer for this training program,, and
were also eager to have some knowledge of, what was, going on:
within° the hospital.
ADJOURNMENT: "There, being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:50
Attes L 44.40 -