HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/14/1976PETALUMA CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OURNED MEETING Y COUNCIL CHAMBERS PTTY HALL 'M I N U T E S SEPTEMBER 14, 19'76 7 :30 P.M. PETALUMA, CALIFORNIA PRESEN.T:..Comm. Bond',, Horciza, Harberson *, Wa'ters, Wright' *Arrived 8 :49 p.m. ABSENT: Comm. Head, Popp STAFF: Ronald F.- Hall, Planning Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the regular meeting of August 17;'1976; and' the;ad o,urned meeting of August 24, 1976 were approved as .' submitted. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. Final Action on Amendment "to- ;Planning.'Comm Rules for Transaction of Business'- Resolution 19 -76 - Comm. Waters moved that the City'Planni -ng Commission Rules and Regulations for. the transaction of business be amended by adding Section 511 thereto regarding the introduction of resolutions. The motion was seconded by Comm. Wright.. AYES ' 4 NOES 0 ABSENT 3 2. Mr. Hall stated that a prehearing conference in the matter of the.app'lication of Pacific Gas .& Electric Company for a 230 KV Transmission line.from the-Geyse.rs to Lakeville Substation would be held on September 28, 1976 in the-Planning Commission Chambers, Santa Rosa. Mr. Hall explained that Alternative #1, which PG &E planned to implement, calls for the construction of the 230 KV.line from the Geysers to Lakeville in the first phase, and the construction of a 230'KV` line from Lakeville.to Sobrante - Moraga area via Ignacio Junction and Cordelia in the se'cond'phase. Under Alternative #1 - five routes -were chosen as viable avenues of approach for the proposed transmission line. Of the five routes, Route A was judged -by PG &E - to be preferred due to it having the least environmental, social and economic impact's It is,also the route -ich is expected to receive-the heaviest amount of population growth: Comm. Horciza stated that due to-the-magnitude of the report, this.item should -be placed "on the-September-21 Agenda so the. Commissioners have more time to-study Comm. .Waters stated the City Engineer should also review the report and furnish *input: to� the'- proj.:eet. 3;. Sonoma County Referral Mr." Hall briefly explained that.a Use _Permit request _ by - Linda White to locate a real estate office in a of an existing home at 12 Wilson Lane had been received from the Sonoma County Planning Department. Petaluma City Planning' Commission-Minutes, September 14, 1976 Comm. Wright moved to forward a letter' to the'`Sonoma County Plan ning recommending disapproval of the proposed Use ;- Permit as it.is'not iA,conformance ' wi'th the Environmenta'1 Design' Plan or .the,Peta uma,General Plan. Comm.' seconded* the motion. AYES S `NOES 0 ABSENT 2 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mr. Hall 'explained the request of .the 'First Presbyterian .:Church to E.Z.Q. EVACUATION allow for the addition of•a Sunday School classroom and•a fireside USE .PERMIT U ' 12 - 7!6,/ room, to • the • existing church facility "The dimensions of - the. SITE DESIGN 'REVIEW proposed Sunday School classroom is' 56'` ~x 42' and the fireside room is 18''x 40 The public hearing was opened to consider the Environmental Impact .Questionnaire :. - No comments. ,were - offered from the : audience '­arid • the - - public hearing •was close .Comm._ Wright moved.'to direct the Planning Director to prepare and post - a Nega'tive Declaration' for the proj "e'ct. AYES 4 NOES 0 ABSENT 2 ABSTAIN' 1. Comm. Haxb,erson abstained from: as he is a member and sits : on the _board of. the church: Tfie public hearing `relating to the'Use 'Permit was opened. Dick ,LeP.,1 arc hitecC, stated 'the m'a'ster, plan-for the church had been'ado `te d by the City ri 1 9;6;2 for future 'expansion of the church, facilities.• No further'comments` -were offered from the „. audience and the public hearing'was' closed:, , Comm. • Bond questioned -if - this permit wa's to be issued for more than, -.one building:. Mr. Hall stated that two buildings are planned in the future, but further''site 'ieview-wil •be required at that and also 'a "Use.'Permit wi11 be required if the uses are. .not''specified at this time. Comm,, Wright moved to.g'rant Use- 'Peimi -t to allow, for the ex- pansion of the existing education faci'l`ities of a Sunday School . classroom and' fireside room. Comm. Bond seconded the motion. ,:. AYES 4'; DOES 0 _ AB'SENT' 2 - ABSTAIN 1 • ' The four' conditions''of a roval pp 'for :`the- 'site design as recommended , by the - staff and concurred'`witt y�the'- Architectural and Site Desgn•.Reuiew: Committee. were then read... Mr. Leb stated as a condition 'the. Fire ;Depa.rtment, ari ;alte rnate dr -vew,ay :;can be " .. ,• provided • in. lieu'. of . the' required f i.re hydrant - on "B" Street but -, p, ;. shall•have the capacity of'supprtirig fire. apparatus weghng.l6- Tons. .... _ - -2- Comm. Wright moved for.,approval of the site design with conditions' of ''Appr'oval 1 and 4 by the staff and concurred with by the Architectural and Site' Design Review Committee:, but that conditions 2 and - be to read as follows. The ,amended motion was seconded by 'Comm. Waters. 2. Detailed landscape plans showing' "groundcover, together ..with six „ 15 - gallon Jappri_ci.a Chinensis trees and irriga- tion facilities for the new; <plantirig shall be submitted for review and approval -by the Director prior to issuance•of a building permit. 3. An alternate driveway Ve;pr'ovided via "B” Street in lieu of fire hydrant, and shall be maintained as an.all weather access to-the site, capable of.supporting fire apparatus weighing 16 -Tons. JOHN E. DAVIES Mr. Hall explained the proposed two unit medical /dental office E.I.Q. EVALUATION/ was located on the southeast corner of-West Payran Street and SITE DESIGN REVIEW_: Petaluma Blvd... The site has 100 -feet of.frontage on Petaluma _ Blvd. North and 170 -feet of frontage on West Payran Street. It contains -12 parking spaces and a 20 -foot wide private I treet along the east -side of -the site,'and 8 easements of various types exis.t_on the lot, including a pole line ease - ment.. Comm. Harberson moved .direct: Planning Director to prepare,.an.d post a Negative Decalaration for the project. The motion was seconded by Comm. Bond. AYES. 5 NOES 0 ABSENT. 2 Mr. Hall advised that the Architectural and Site Design Review•Committee had:reviewed the-project and discussed the 10 conditions of approval of -.the site design. Mr. Davies that Phase II-would be completed as the demand: -warranted. The office space area would be between 1,000 and 1,200-feet. Comm. Waters moved to approve the-site design with conditions of,approval as stated in-the staff report: The motion was seconded by Comm.- Harberson. AYES 5 NOES 0 ABSENT 2 DAVID..DEXTER. Mr. Hall explained the request of David.Dexter to illow,for E.I.Q. EVALUATION/ the construction of..a, professional office and residential USE PERMIT/SITE apartment unit l'ocated..on•the�sodthwest corner of - Fair DESIGN REVIEW: Street.'and Western Avenue,.. He-fur.ther.explained it would be a• two -story building with professional office on the bottom floor And a.two- b "edroom residential apartment unitlon the top floor. The`office'area: contains' 1,;104 square feet, and the apartment' uiiit - coritains ' 864 square feet -3- Petaluma City. Planning; Commission Minutes, September 14"; 1976` • Comma Horcza stated that one. of . the'problems listed by the Crime Prevention, Specialist is that presently .the property is subject to = trespassing by school_ children,: but, wYien' a fence and gate are installed adjoin ng A e building trespassing and loitering about the ii,ropert;y wi11 be prevented The public hearing was opened td coi'sider the Environmental Impact Questionnaire. . No comments were offered from 'the..audience•and the - ; public hearing was ' c L69ed. ' Comm. Wright moved to di:rect'•`the 'P1'anning Director to prepare and post °a•Negative Decla'rAtion. for the '`proj The motion was seconded by Comm. $arberson. _ - = ;... AYES' 5 .: NOES 0 . AB'SENT ''2 ` The ublie, hearin was o ened' to consi.der.the Use -P'ermit. No ' comments were offered 4 r.om' ; '•the audience'-land the • public •hearing was closed,. :. Comm. Wright •moved -to: grant •the 'Use ° 'Kermit to allow for the coii- struction of a professional office an'd! residential unit. The motion was,-seconded .by Comm Waters. - AYES 5 NOES 0 ABSENT' 2' ` ` of The nine :conditions approval' f or' the site, design as recommended -by staff and concurred with -by the Archiaectural and 'Site Des ign ^;Review Committee .were then. read. A ' Comm,. 'Horci•za s`tated'''he was ( impressed with the architectural design of the `building Arid th'e combining of . the old with-the new • made,for a very attractive project. Comm., "Waters moved for approval. of : 'the site: design,. with conditions of approval ::as recommended• , he staff rand concurred with by the Archtectural,-and Site Design Review Committee. The motion was seconded-by Comm, Harbersoi AYES 5 ' NOES" 0 ;,'. ABSENT' FRANK JONES.-FOR '- Mr. Hall_ explained:;the.•reques' � by•Frank -for - a ,proposed' WENDY''S,.RESTAURANT' _Wendy'!s <Restaurant.to be located-on the.;southeast corner of East E.I -:Q EVALUATION Washington' Street and, Wilson S,treet.. 'Mr. -Hall added the'-resta -' SITE DESIGN REVIEW': .,ur-ant -, will requi' >re - the consolidation of three lots` and! •the rec- t angular shaped'site`has'142 feet of: frontage on East Washington Street- nd .200 -feet 'on `W lson' 'Street t, {- Mr Hall further . explained ,.thrat the . vic,brian.house known ::-as ,, the'. Farrell. Home= and l !sted in . Nat ional Register of His - toric , -Places would, bn1 relocated;, One -way' entrance and exits would be provided on East Washington Street-,'and two- -way access from Wilson Street. -4- Petaluma City Planning Commission.Minutes`, September 14, 1976 0 • The-public hearing was opened -to consider the Environmental Impact• ^Questionnaire: Mr`. Frank.Joriesa`stated' that; 'the proposed` -s=ite is a good location for `the res"tauraht': They restaurant has a dining - room area and would seat 92 persons. Mr'. Jones > added -that Wendy's Restaurant had its start -in' Columbus';' Oh 1'6 and .-is a' very popular restaurant. Comm. Horciza 'giiest:oned the proposed bh -site circulation system which'.could cause subst-antial corijestion problems. Mr. Jones stated 'h'e'did not an'ticipate'• arty 'traffic problems as Wendy's Restaurant'service takes , about 20 seconds ..from pick -up window to customer. Comm. Bond expressed concern that so: many -fast food restaurants are locating on East Washington Street•and not�on Petaluma Blvd. 'North. ` The .real '&stat'e agent for Wendy's Restaurant explained the basis for' the concerit-ration of "fast foot restaurants in the area was due the °act that •Washington street is the central point of Petaluma. He stated that the traffic circulation pattern within the proposed site is'bigger'than and was impressed with the cleanliness and fast type food`service Wendy's Restaurant. Mr. John Lounibus, Attorney, expressed concern that the Farrell 'Home had. been placed on "the - list of'National Register of Historic places: The house°was� built in 1904 and because a former Mayor of Petaluma - lived'there, the 'house qualifies as a historical house. He quest oned'who put the Far.r.elliHome onathe- Heritage List as it was done the•knowl "edge= of'•the owner. Mr. Lounibus stated that a local•builder, Mr.'Meyer; informed him the Farrell Home would•'be impossible to rebuild. Comm. Wright questioned if it was feasible to move the•hous'e•to another site and place it on a foundation.' Mr. Lounibus stated to the best of his knowledge it was... ` Comm., Harberson stated that Washington Street was the natural'' thoroughfar Petaluma and; because of. this, fast..type; restau- _ rants and service stations were developing which would generate more noise and­ lights in the Washington Street area'..; James Robertsoni, associated with• John. J. Forsisaa'l,' Traf -fit -En- girieer's,`'stated that -the ficrease-in on•Eas.t:' +Washington Street' -would vary-from 2:$% to 4.4 %.west•of Lakeville':Stree- ''t- .with'< a 46..8% increase ori' Wilson Street. He added that during peak hour ' - traffic, the 'vo uirie on East Washington• St "reet west of Wilson would 'incre'a e' - by . 6 8% with an additional , 78 .vehicles per hour,. and by '41 67C• of Wilson` Street ;'with an- additional 56 vehicles.per • hour. Mr. Hall stated that left Turn movements-to and from Washington 1 Street to the would a potential hazard. Mr. Robertson stated that during peak hours left turn movements -to the-site could% be' hind'ered'.due. to- .heavy eastbound -• through traffic, however the traffic sgnaTs'at Lakeville and-Washington would create periodic gaps in the-eastbound-movements; He-added that during peak: hour 't'affic, - the' alternate route • via Wilson Street would , be titi'lized : -5 Petaluma City Planning Commission Minutes, September 14, 1976 Comm. Wright. stated: that - ingress and,, egress to the • proposed -'pro- -perty should limited to Wilson Street.;, Comm.. Harberson added. that :traffic._.generated•,by Wendyl�s :Restaurant. would -have an impact on other 1o,cal ^:;streets in =theiarea, and this traffic impact- would- have•'an effect on..the_ - Mr_ Robertson stated that when, East.'Washngtoii ,Street is-- widened, the left turn drive out lane would be eliminated.. Comm. Bond stated that the left turn. movements • to th'e,­property were °;not:. feasible and it, might -be more • . advisable , for cars_• to. go. around . the block and- enter the property speedWon , EasttWashington,, n t Streetwasl0 tostatement MPH.* the average Comm. Wright stated that businesses do generate traffic and al though cars. prohibited from parking on East Washington Street and' left turn installed,, there is still a .considera b.le amount­ ;traffic on East ; Washington Stre`et�. He added that a restaurant needs; ingress and egress from :.more than one street for circulat on. purposes:- Comm ;Bond stated that a'policy be estab- ished,from hereon.that projects are proposed along the route of East Washington 3treet,,.a araf;fie..anahysis report along with mit,igatng. measures b.e mad'e•,a;part the conditions furing the Commission. Comm. Bond ; moved that the,<Traff.ic Engineering firm of J: Forristal arrange, for ",a meeting with .the City Engineer to determine if some of the mitigating traffic;measures:•relating to- the, proposed, site can -be: resolved;;, a Traffic Analysis Report • be furnished the. Co, missioners . for,Ifiirther ,study., of -the .project, aid' Phis item be placed -on -the:. October 5 - ,._- 197x6 Planning, Commission Agenda. The motion was seconded-by Comm, Harberson AYES .5` NOES ,0 ABSENT 2 Comm,. Wright was.; excused, from the meeting at 10:30 p.m. LAWRENCE.JONAS' :, Mr. Hall stated:that; a letter dated. August 27-, 1976 had been RECONSIDERATION.O-F `, received: from, the, City Attorney- regarding,an by Larry Jonas - APPEAL:OF "CONDITION' concerning:: his •property: off of. Halsey Avenue: Mr. Hall explained FOR that -the issue.for•the Planning Commission is whether the City Engineer's -- determination -.was .correct .If the Commission, concludes - - that.! the• City. Engineer -was, .cc rr;ect .that, ends the matter for the Commission, If Commissi;on.concludes - that a new:proposal is sub'st!ant ally different ,from, the former • proposal, the second question presents: itself whether the proposed treatment of the cul -de- sac -.as a hammerhead rather than a bulb is appropriate and- Comm. Harbers this decd ion should -be made by the City Council as there is. no substantiating difference , in- thi "s plan fro , 'the'previously submitted hammerhead, approval. :. :. Comm. - •Harberson moved to .recommend that the Commission is in agreement with the decision of the City Engineer that a cul -de -sac -6- i v i Petaluma City Planning Commission.Minutes, September l4, 1976 be constructed at the end'-of Halsey Avenue-in accordance with City standards. The motion,was seconded by Comm: Bond. AYES 4 NOES 0 ..ABSENT 3 PETALUMA MUNICIPAL Mr. Hall explained that the-City Council considered a proposal for TRANSIT /INTRA COUNTY the replacement of bus service previously provided by Route 71 of BUS SERVICE /ROUTE the City Municipal Transit System to allow expansion of service to EXPANSION /E.I;A . California State College, Sonoma; Rolinert Park, and Cotati. The EVALUATION: Council authorized the purchase of 'three new buses subject to final approval.of such bus service. He added that an Environ mental Impact Questionnaire had been recieved from the Finance Director requesting the Planning Commission to evaluate the project and recommend approval or.denial of the E.I.Q. subject to City Council-review September 20„ 1976. Mr. John'Scharer stated the-bus-system would be funded from avail- able T.D:A. funds .the County allocating funds for two buses and the City of PetalUta one -bus. I Comm Bond moved to direct the Planning Director to prepare and post.a Declaration for the project. The motion was seconded by Comm. "Waters.' AYES 4 NOES 0 ABSENT 3 ADJOURNMENT : I . I . i There being -no further business, the meeting adjourned at-11:05 p.m. Chairman Attest: -7-