HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/07/1976M'I N U,T.1 _S
PRESENT :, Comm'. Bond, Head, Ha-rber,son�c, -Popp, -Wa'ter,s; 'Wright•
(*arrived T: 51 p :,m;. )
ABSENT:'- Comm,:, Horciza :.
, STAFF,: Ronald'F: Hall', Pla ning Director .
Wayne Rasmussen, Assistant Planner'
APPROVAL', OF MINUTES.: Tl e minut'e's of - November-. 16,. 1976 were approved: with the fol.=
lowing co:rrectiori•s madeY by =Comm.: Bond. _ l) Page 7 last '
paragraph 'shod =ld read'^: -'i The Chairman questioned .i "f. the: City
2) Page i8, first paragraph' 'shotild- read: Comm Bond' stated mitigating mean
ures mentioned in. `the t-raf.fic study are insuf °flcient. 3') P.'age 8,, third paragraph,-. Comm,•
Horciza moved• to direct 'The motion 'wa's seconded by Comm:. Waters;.. ..
CORRESPONDENCE-: The 'P;latning _Direc'torx;informed. 'Commissio :ner.s:a.::transmitta.1
had ben
e'•receive& from di'e League of- Cal. forn- a; Cities regard-
ing? "the °,1977 E °fanning Commissioners' Institute to : `be held• .at;.
g - y g on February' 2 4' 19.7x7.
the Hy att Re enc Hotel ",in Lqs n eles _
Park Place' °Subdivi's on- Unit: '1 =Final - .Map -_ Mri; Jon,�Joslyn, Oantas Development, asked that;
co•dsideration be given' to the Park `Place; Unit 1 •Final ',Map r, Hall explained' that ;the:
Commission would have' to ceraify that t1 e.:Final, Map is' substantially.`.in conformity with
the Tentative Map. Comm,. •Head moved this item b:e- ° cons idered and b:e .placed `at. t'he (aiid of
the Agenda. 4The motion was seconded by Comm, GYaters... Comm. Bond quoted Sectiom'V.5'10 •of:
-the Planning `Commissio "n ..Rules • • and :Regulations: for the Transaction of Business °, ` "T'he `agenda:
for each shall• contain only'•those.y i•tems, have - been :submitted to, the'�
not less than 'six ('6) days prior''t'o - a r.egular,.mee'ting- of the - Commission with the; ° except ion
of.'thosd, agenda, items required by law to be published in,-a.,local newspaper'. to set;,a.,public
hear, ng d "ate, in which, case at least twenty° •(20) :days wit -1 'be required to process"the `a'ppli-
cation 'prior to the assigned public hearing dates' Park Place '`Subd'iyision ;was not a new
iteiri aiid' the subd -iyy. lion: had been' d1scussed'`previo,usly b y ,the Commission .Mr H611 explai_n'e'd
that he= -had been ap'pro'ached' for =review the_ 'Final Map - .prior',to six, &ay,s. `Vefdx - o the'meet ng.
Comm,.. "B'ond' stated in 'the' jddgmen.V of the' Plannfti'g`:.Diriec - tor' the'. `tem bepla,ced ;on= a'dend'a_
Comm. ,Waters •moved that Park Place Subdivision Unit. 1 F;ina_l :Map be considered and - placed as
th "e lash - item 'on :tl e °agenda. The .motionkwas ; by,Xomm. Harbets'on.
hT aWILLIA�MS '& -RAY ` AGUIRREr • Mr. •Hall - explanedF. the `�r'equest> 'o'f -Walt :G]i1T`ams. arid' 'Ray V.
REVIEW 'OF �PREZONING FROM Aguirre:•'t'o"' the "Lands of .Tearib` fin " 1•oca'ted° b`e.tween
AGRICULTURE TO R - 1- 6,-500`: Ely` Road - "'North and: t'he'Bernard' Eldredge :Elementary 'School
from Count 9 A rrcut;ture °to City.R- 1= 6.;500: The,= site',is
Y currently" in:g- r
'..:aicultural and nd •sur,rounded by resident -ial
d'ev.el ' ment to the sbiitli.' • B.er- -hard ETdr,edge..E.1 emeritary:..,,School ..is to ;the west ,and"_afticiul-
� us'e's to the north and east: `The- d�eve7�o ii ent�. •would 'single- 'family
units. •aur`ing :the p '1977 -78' construction year and 10 units the. following t'ea'r.. The site is
accessible via Ely.Road North, Janet'Street.and the 'future extension of'Monroe Street.
Retaluma Planning C bmmi'ssion Minutes', "December.. T,, - 1976
WALT WILLIAMS & RAY, AGUIRRE/ Comm. Head .stated that- ;no reference been made as° to what
REVIEW OF PREZONINGi FROM impact the 4eve- lopment : would, have • on 'the ex'is.,ting * water 'su'pp
AGRICULTURE TO R-1�_�&, 5:00: Mr Hall explained that the, development would- probably not. b
(Continued) : started' unti and. there would be ; suf f icient
rainfall b Y Comm. -Borid';stated, . that , one. alternative
would'be developer tu submit ,an Environmental Impact
Report as to the.water supply ii0,&de& f_bt`.'thb` proj,ect;.
Comm,. Ha-rber-son stated tha a s-1-tuat - exists at the'time the Tentative Map is
to be considered; the matter can be considered at that tine. Mr. Hall explained that - an
E.1 be filed on the subdivision Tentative Map and considered independently from
the proposed prez1on-ing E',.I,.Q.
The Publit Hearin& to consider the EnvironmehtaI - Impact Qiier§tionnalf.e. - was; - opened;. Mr.
Bevis, 1725. E,.. Madison Street stated' that' -if the property is tovbe rezoned" f'or
there, should be some mention of the availabillt of-wat-er for the. .. Statistics
show t,he. average L f amily has - 2.3 school 'age '.children and 2,. 1 - 'cars. He ,stayed trees 'now
loc on the; property will have to be removed, •and guestioned if a `6;.500 'square "foot,'
area would' be: ample f or a. home -: y ard and=; do,gsdogs:., , The impact on agriculture 'use would
be great 4. very f'w years,, if" developmenti persists, - will not - bp any agrl,cul
Land;. This - prbject , - will have a very serious' t
P, dc '"on, the r, wate * s pply and - the: - 'school ur
He questioned, if his property'taxesrwould- - be increased - with , the: - proposed -, prlqject. , .
expressed concern about road condition's on' -Road; - and - with the'' rfew'.'development moTe _ road
,work" repair 'would be required. g4s.
f ore tH& proj.ect would"have a - s er ious. 'Imp act.;-,on, environment. 'Comm. Bond explained" that at
if :be "required bef ore consi
, d,-
this time the' C6intissio ft was considerinz more information. wo uld
eration be L g iven on -the prezQn±Vng_ app'll on,. i Mr - Bev ' th t Or i's an Imp o r. t an tr;
9 application mis -,
.item to be consider_ ed, with the added;" f amilies 1 by "'the development. Comm. Bond stated'thdt
City' Council would not sancti• a: developments 1311 there, were ,'wator: shortage_ An'E would
determine the water usage by -the d evelopment eveldpmeft -Comm., H . arherson stated, th'6 '4dueduct project
should be completed early in- 1977 but if there is no rainfall, to fill the lakes and reser-
voirs ,', the ,'water, , sltuati-on -could! he critical -- r
There was ja brief - on what add - �scho.ol`,.thildren, generated the
development, would-,have on the s(th6o"I',sysVem;. zMr. Hall. -stated that the number - of - s , cho o 1
children generated :from each housing unit was much -less ..that, Mk,. Bevis .,i-rfd c a t.e d The figure
was more like i94-.tot'al-stude*nts'
Jackie Alton,. 163 .Madison, Street -'s I t'at-ed . to
Ely Blvd—and Madison - Street. . There would be.- . im,pacit of A44-It-1 ohal 1�sehool - children: oh
Bernard Eldred School. Mrs;. -Alton homes, the �devdloper"Ptbp.osed to]
and what effect the - ,developtLcint - wou7ld,'..h -, av,.e '.on, her' p.roperty E; Madison ' � Comm.
Harberson;explaIndd the lot, size06uldbe m nimdm.;lot size
sirtilar to those Lon E; 'Madison"wo.uld: be-° - con struct w1th. that"youffg,,," mid" 6-
families Zan purchase them. ' Rober--t:-. , H.i-ntile , r,,"1.7.21 E 'Madison, questioned the impAct"the devel-
opment would have 'on 'Bernard � -Eldredge School stated -that th e p roposed' extension' of
,ja#et S w
- treet''ould'help ;so lve traf f ic - prob ems the' - area Leon. 4m S ix tfi.S treet,,
stated he had '-, owhed property on E Madisorr'Str-,eet an'd, on Joan `Dtive but has - sin&e sold this
property and moved to Sixth Street. -,Mr Harmon Biscarini of 'E., Madison Street, - 'stated thete
impact Washington 'S±ree ,t' the" proposed',,pt-ofe
would definitely be a trafficl t E'.:�
Waft' -- yillianfs. - :deve'lopp,r-. - of- 'the-project ,gta E,.'I 'an.
ymorg in
f ormat i on on the school .,system thdnL ards`6fitted^, now, The !the owner ,in p esl
ent agricultural use-is-�a money loset_ co,st s, the. owner ..;$5 0G.00, - a, -yVear I
the property as ag- riculture..:, He qtidstio if. Petaluma is ..going; to stan& in ,the way of
Petaluma ...Planning -. ;Commission ;Minutes," Decemb'e'r
fikTALT-. WILLIAMS 6 ,AGUTRRE /` °development, or` is rt going 'to- .grow: Is `there' a"need °for
'MIKKVh1EV OF FROM an E, I R — T-He would., have, to hire- someone. to do the; repor't,.
AGRICULTURE TO 'R l- b,5,00 Mr., "' Will -iams 'statedtha{t `if we'`are gos.rig' to stop'' inflation;
(,Coritinued:)ic we: should' aoak' =at the requirements of a- develo;per:'. Would an
E I R.' solve th problem, "or 'would "the -, report - <give ,, an'y' - more
Ynfo,rmati6 th «n- we ; already "know . He opposed pending; money
for' an E'.;I R. that: is not' needed,' when.most`of - 'the' questions =`can `be 2nswered' by the " devel -
faul "t for: $1,,6'00 and the, now find that the faultPlocat on ha por -t on the Tolay Earthquake
open : He added that a ,company, had 'been, hired" to erform a re
y, - -
s been determined to be to
cated outside the . proj',ect area.,.._
Comm. Head ex ressed.conce g
• p rn °.re ard:ing 'the availability''�of,'uater •and Wirth the compheton of
the °new ;aqueduc;t .if there is; no ra i nfal`l-: there be"d water shortage,. Comm. Harber;son
stated if we- have no, rainfall,,, we will .have a..crif cal water, shortage, and in this. case.,.
_:. PP p.,. . ge
the subdivision would not 'be' a roved �a't'` the.'�tenta�t�ve;r ma sta ,
Comm. Bond questioned the word. minimal' in:,'htem 3 1,of th'e ° •f"ind -ings" at what :point in
giving up agricultural' land d'o'es*it" become minimal; : and; 'not'`ma mum'; `also"at; what 'point
would the traffic :pattern: be dealt - ` M NA11`sta.ted_'Washingt'on Street" is designed
to car,r; a high volume of traffic;, 'antl "E3y'B'lvd `:�ro{zld' be` improved`vit the: "development -
of''the subdivs ori.. Comm. Bond .asked a, t what point in the process of this. °project' the
impact on. ,schools, would be . cla.rif.ed .. Mr. '.Hall .stated, the matter could be dealt with `at,
the Tenfa`tive, Map stage :.
Comm. moved rto direct the Planning; 'Direc'to'r to prepare, : and p0 st a Negafive' D'eclara
O io , for the. proj:ec't;, subject to the five findings as set forth . by the staff' with the
Item 3:, ;E'ff'ects on the' nearby agricultur'a`l° uses- would not
The Public Hearing' was opened to` consider the:: pro,p,osed °.R 1- 6;500' 'ezon ng,. No"comments
were off
e.red. from the audience arid. the Public Hearing was'' closed:, .Comm. Popp moved' to ;
:recommend approval of. the, requested R 1:6,50.Q rezoning to the Cify Council with the
spec> fic..:find ngs as stated as; follows. °"
The ro osed,R =1 - ,
6500 is,
"on is "on ro er,t which has access to a thoroughfare
, � y
which is ;adequate: to car.ty, additional. traffic - generated> by,' future -devel'opment`s
p ildi.ngs and servi ce fac if-
I. P lans p g t�es wheh in °relati adjacent ropertes
3 , The d e should' not -be detrimental to the'. public welfare, .'should' be in the
best interests• f the Cit , and t he ,prozo- ing will be in . conformance •with the General
Rran,, and `the E. designati'ons' for the area..
The motion was seconded 'bydomm.'Waters `
.-'W; J.. MORETT'I E :I Q. Mr.. Hall, -expla ne'd "'ghat' the p:u'bli.c.< hearing to°•. evaluate:'the
UA LUATIQN & .PREZONING: Environmental 'Impact' Oues'tionnaire °and prezon'ing "of ap.prox-
i.mately 4%7 `acr'es`of . located'-on" the'west `6idel`of Moun
tain' View= Avenue ,near Canyon Drive' had b' "een postponed and
�.. ;
would b•e` - rescheduled - for hear - Ing by the Planning Commission.
Petaluma Planning Commission Minutes, December 7; 19
SKIP -'E L.Q. Mr Rall r,eques,t of Petaluma River 'Front P..rop -�
EVALUATION /SI.TE. DE erties - (Skip.,.S`ommer) : to-move the historic Farrell: Home .from
REVIEV: - its, present si'Ute. on.E Washington &tre'et"to� - #1 We11er-
• "k completer restoration of interior and exterior' of the.
home` would- take -, ,place and. - r.es•tor-ed::'stxucture would; be
used as: a French r. J
estaurant'.: ' The' color "scheme would. consist: of at base.,td Ior of `powder
bl "ue with trim accented* in' g• loss- whit e% The - '.site ,-,
is' bord6r,6& b'y Cavanagh Park,
Weller Street -, the - Bar-Ale: Company and ttie Petaluma River He" stated -the: S':ite Design"•
Review' Committee` had' discussed condition ��9_deaing with the maximum = a-llowabl e.'= 'seati_ng
capacity' o,f the restaurant',' an& it"was'- felt-,therestau rant' capacity. should- to
reflect not only automobile parking,:'but" boat• =.docking' provz_s ons as "ell ' - "Mr:' Ha13 stated
the facility' could` be monitored ' at a later- date ;, and - moi& ng � ;is required at that
time; cbtsid:e.rati.on. could then"be` given= tofthe 'pro ect': Pa.trons'of -'the- restaurant
inc'lud'e wai'kers f °r town' arid' the' Golden Eagle; Sho_" "piling" Center,, and boaterswv siting ;`
Petaluma'. on weekends; and, ,. in' this- .case the: = boaa docks should •be' c'onsfd'er'ed .as" additi6Aal
parking spaces;. ` Comm-.' Waters sta't'ed that - si=nce4•.th'e •;f:loating7 dock: = would -'be constructed at
a later date th'ere``would' be some' "question on: <wheth'er the °' es'taurant' could use the City
docking facility. Mr. Rasmussen stated parkin - g •space. 16' was deleted .a the, •spac °e was too.
close 't`o the riverbank ands did' not` have'.a .good,- turn ng ,movement'.:'
- The; pub - lic h'e'aring', wa's' opened " - t eons der_ -- Environmental •Impact Oues,tionna r ;e' Skip
Sommer s= tated' it would` not be- profitable` fo- .- he rre'staurant: to -only. have •.a`'seat n'g.'capac-
ity. of 38 and requested' cond ticn` #9 "be` chang.ed :-t� o allow ,fur " a�-se'ating' capacity of 6;0:'
Dr. Joria:s questioned if the developer" would- ; provi'de dr, ainage "or'. a- :ctilver,t "for'�th'e site
Mr - Sommer' explained' `ther,e. should' b'e .rio' flood. pr,ob'lemsa 'as = the% floor' of %the build ng - .would
b:e' constructed ab °ove- 13' feet .mean sear level:.:as, required' by the Sonoma County 'Wager Agency',.,'
Comm. Head moved to direct the Planning Dir'ecaor- to ,prepare and post .a Negative Declaratiow
for the project... The °motion= was' seconded by' Gomm.. Harb
AYES 6 -NOES 0 :_ _ ... ABSENT-- 1 . .
Comm. `Wr,ighii stated "parking' problems f or.' _t'he'_rest'aurant' " should be re o'lved `- tinder' the sit,_:..
design, Condit- ion's'. Traffic would° „generate= -to'•- the r'estauran't ,via; the river; and-its - appears
there are grounds for a var a Mr.' Ha-ft-explained -a . standg- r•d-var ance:'ivould. require ,a
public .hearing. Mr`• Sommer' :explained- the r:estor-ed, vic-torian- home; "would have a bay-and
restaurant,' but fit would be- a Tong; time"bef`ore the'- project°-wo.uld'' be a'prof t`• Tf
the applicant is allowed- a- - seating capacity :of 60; a k tchen'-wou•ld '`hay.e -=t o. be' designed: �to.
handle; th'et added; amount of people =. 3 The :sd.ze_ and' ;,style - of '- .a:_ kitchen d=epend=s on � the`z type.
menu' served` by +a, r'es ;t °aurant.. He- stated 'zt -wool d" `be a:` hwedsY ip. -r_f •the `r'est'aurant ;' were not
permitted" to " have a seating `c'ap'acity orf -and' the river" :f`ront included, as parking spaces.
for: ;boating tr=affic even' if' river traff,�c is no =t 'a'rpa_rt of` the- Zoning':Ord'inance:
Comm,. Head 'moved` to' approve the 'site 'desi'gn`f ;or the proposed' project with the 18. condi°tions
of approval as recommended by the staff and modified by•the Architectural- and °S'it'e Design
Review ,Commfttee° with - the- following4 changes:::
#9. The restaurant seat -ing capacity shall not exceed the,r'equirements of the Fire Marshal
as per Section 20. of the: - Zoning, • Ordinance,.
#12`. Restaurant _.plans ' shall be, submitted • to� the' 'Sonoma'. County Public Health IDep.ar,tment for
review and approval: prior to occupancy. of the restaurant. (Sonoma County Public Heal
The motion was sed.drded 'by 'Co:mm opp, "
_ . _4- ..
Petaluma Planning,;Commi'ssion Minutes, December 7,...1976
SKIP %SOMMER E; L, Q .... AYES 6 NOES', ..4p, . ABSENT 1
VLEW Comm : Harberson `:stated that '.boat docking . traf
fi'c' would',, be,:,,
valid; and - :'the seating : capacity 'of ,the, _restaurant should Abe,
ner,eased to ref lec,t, not only automobile, par -king' but d'o.ck
in facilities- as- wei'l.
:Mr Sommer stalted'Wellet Street in °.its pxesent'.state is- „being_ travelled`: now
cars going
-d .Ca
gh Park -
and cares parking aajacerit to° property, and it would be an ;added
expense for 'the. applicant' if he is :rewired to install: a half; street - section across, the
property frontage preservation of the historic ,Farxell�`Home,- 'the Petlaluma
River' turning basin . are' naturals for .redevelo - pment. funding . i.,Comm'. rHead suggested -the
applicant post a faithful= performance bond to' guarn
atee''the` work wo
uld` be performed,,
if redevelo meat funds arse no;t. made` available for ``the pr;oJee Comm.. Harbersori stated'
. P. -
evelopment'Iiinds- wo d stributed� bY� the Redevelopment Agency .and it wouid be
rinaccurate t to predict: that thee° agency c, tild provide funds to= 'improve the half street
section.. of this project. , • Comm, Bond stated•'the applicant is °;planning onus ng. develop
went :fund's for his_ pr6jeet and the'- Commi'ssion' should have some .guidelines, to-go by when
pp s a holding contingency, and 'haa applied to: the :RedeveAlopment Agency for
' gi' Janie
`. g.' vrA- Tdrman, ProJec;t• Manager :."of; t here ld
he Redeevelopment`. ;Program; stated t slio.0
i avenue in` thec future for`' this de�-elopment ,for the��use of redevelopment funds T.he
be an
;date set:; is. March, l for,,acc'epging ,redevelopment proposals .and ..tfie 'Committee will' .work in
pion. with the Planni n g `Department' to • coordinate: the ..p "roposals,: ,
Bond .'statea at time the `Comm ^
" sszon °.would require the applicant to imp P
! 1, ., `.
half .stre'et section on -Weller' `Street, the. same a`s :any other ,applicant. ° Ms:'” ";Warman stated
the - ,Planna g n ission,and Pr` ject: Area' Committee are`, e to- a _coura development . =and Bevel
oment of'' the river' front`. Comm. Water'sr stated the Planning': Commgssi:on should `have some i
'n Co
•s _to ; x,ovide for deferment of 'cer.tan conditions of protect,: Mr z q
:provision p
a `recprendation could be made `to the City Council xsta,t_ing the appli.can r has es -.-
appTf`ed redevelo menE funds for the ro e-t and 3f. redevdlo ,ment}'funds Are -not .made
P. .
•w, available• p PJ. - ,. PP_ p , ' mms`sion ,fit and i stall the
shalf street Comma :Bond stated1thehPlanningcCothe ro ec oes'.reco �.ze,the
value of the,.;proj ec'ts, but .as ,th Commission. -- is - boind'-by they .ordinance; an appeal , from
" ,the applicant . to tt e ld
City °Co,uncil cou"`:not, be recommend6d.by the: Planning .Commission.
Mr' _ Sommer explained the'.name ° °of° the ,pr.o.eet` is; Petaluma 'River - Front- 'Pxoperties,' not '
Sommer &.'Ryan, or :Skip Sommer
RON,:.B RQBERT5' Mrc. Hall explained the request; of. Ron Roberts to buil a, u-
E I: .Q EUALUATI W� plex at 300�Bassett Street 'The proposed 1;3,20 square :foot,
SITE..DESI'GN REUIEWsc ;duplex wou ^ld be one - story.,; rectangular shaped,wi`th'a hip
. ro,o.f: Access• to .the •prop.erty .s provided by'.way of an unpaved
alley to _the rear of the-clot and the proposed -drive does noes:
accommo'd'a`te :convenient access: to' parking'•,spaces.
The Public -;Rea 'was opened` to consider the Environmental Impact Questionnaire No °',.com
ment5 were
p Neg., g mm.- Bond.mo.ved
offered from t p p ,1ara "tion for the pro'ject,.
to ,.direct 'the Planning Director to re are and os a Dec
he audience and`.the Public Hearin was .e.ose o
-The, 'mot =ion vats ;seconded „_by,'. CC min. ;Harberson.
,:RON B. -ROBERTS >After-°°a -br- °ef' `d'is scion •-it ':ways ,th'e gen'era'l `eoris'ensus atiat. the
E DEVALUATION./ 9t__k ture',be moved 'back .6 feet;; to
Q •. proved :e arte.a in.- front' "of -�
ShTE •DESIGN 'build'ing for the proposed < - oot. fence. ..Comm:. Har:bersoin
cont''.d mov,,ed' to., approve th'e Szt6 - Ves. 'gn- •.f,or ,the ..pio,pgsed _;p.ro�.ect
- "with,. the ,e'igh't condition's 'o'f" {approval. *as rec'ominerided b,y n' the {
s: - Af f'' and coneurred by the��Archi.tec_' ' & 'Site vbesign -
Rev,ew Commit,teertwit'h ;the ;'following:^chariges:
Cond- it Mgritere:y Pine tree hall read' "Cedar -tree JM
The motion;wa's seconded'. by Comm Waters, ,
ti -
:' Comm. moved tYie meeting b;e extended bey.ond the. hour of '`10 30 ;p
;Thd_rftotion; was• 'seconded b'y Comm Water's
AYES' a. :16
NOES 0: ENTr 1
KEVIN;- E STONE -FQR �Mr. "H'all eXpTa` ned,, the ir.equest 'of ;Kev,' n S;tong. to allow or
T- ELEVEN MARKET= ;a 7 Eleven,: Store to,�be located'.at the southeast ,corner :of, East
E.:I `Q. ±:EVALUATION/ Washington Street in• the Vas
ashington. Square Shopping Cen
`S'ITE ?DESIGN: REtTuIEtJ: He ,.fu'rth'er,,.e'xplar ned`. 't he currently occupied by ^'a; '
vacated service;,stat The.„ proposed- market>contains,r2,400
e on wEa'st °Washng,tonSStree feet <of. `fl oor . area :The site is iaccessible `via 'Pne, :t nA
G q
f.:_. entrant et and two entrain on South. ,McDowell Blvd The >, ro ;
ect would,'add to the. existing traffic congestion roblem at the East Wasfiin ton St t.
, MCDowell Blvd.. F n;ters,ect on, ";arid as7'the ~' market is ; n;tended''• f`or 24- tour�rservice, i.�t �wou -d
provide a_ n excellent ,: "setting for'. robberies.,
Thepub`lic..hearirig was: op'eried,.to. °consider,: he Enpironmenaal Impac - Quest:onnare Erarik
,Graham ] 58:8 Sut;t "er iSireet, 'stated' that 'at a meeting with'` fhe merchants ";of the Washington.
Sg Shopp 'g,'''Center„ it, "was `the c`onsen'sus of opinion the' proposed' project would be
controversial to the s 'ng center-. He added' that' ingress. ;and egress _�to the 'slte
mght'be .provid'ed from, within the shopping center =:by the, landlord., _Mr ',Graham ,explained
'he• would rather Took at an: occur led , s•lte' ',t=han .an ,iempay w,gas -,, s.tation ; but 'fthe Proposed '�dev-
elo mend could, cause 'vacanees in neghbor_,ng stores, He' added' that traffic f'ie in the area
:' >aa p,ro,1i14em. < - , ,Cary- .Connolly,,, ,Connolly Development, ,quest`ioned' the.- lor- a 7'- Eleven
Store She said :there is a Qu k Stop Market located a short distance away 'f.r-om .ihe'pro-
posed''47 Eleven' Store ,, Burt Mahflnden 1724 `Gilr` x, a.merchant� a't X e•yst opp; nglcenter,
g P
stated hiss strori est ' xotest would be the,,.traff c a ;7 . Elleven S ;tore. "would generate
Ho, tdd�St T�oui�s„ merchant,,; stated a 7 .aEleven�,St ore = : would,_attract ,,numerous kids to:;an
• erchant, stated she 'was o , osed, to hauin a
already busy- intersection,. , Tom 'Wisdom, m pp g
7,- El even. Store in the 'area, ;andT_, the ..Commission ahould, ,sati3rat on4,ppint.;,.f'or
htlis type.of deve opment Pet'a_luma Al`Samson owner of�Quk S,t'op, stated '`he,•had been
' in b us= iness-:for: °4Z.�years, -a ;nd does.no ;t ;ha�iri'g' q b,us.iness of "wa similar .n`atur placed '
- in clos,e ;ty to ;.phis r, §iness
'The Public Hearing .was. c -losed
..' s
Comm �iarigh,t asked if the imp :t on surrounding.'bus nesses would be cons''1d' rr a findit
n a t. Mr :Hall ex• 'lamed' ''Eh 's could''.be'- +an--im "ac ;t „�,o`f ; financial, si nifi cance '”.
or a imp_ c p.
• ute December 7, 1916
Petaluma Plannin Commission Miri
•on surrounding-, bus nessesf:. 'The `pr- oposed ;mark''et would be= in d" 'r,ect competition with: =
the Qu k Stop rTarket,.. However, the environmental •p "rocess was not desi ried to inter
a g
fere �,r th t'fie free market: system. Comm.. 'Popp stated ther ; e was a.need for one' 7- Eleven
Market in town:, but' he.cocl =d.'not see :a -need' three. Comm: Bond :suggested, 'that :if : -
an be required, "fo:r the pro�ec,t, the results might 'set' forth' mitigating measures
such as building setbacks °and p'r'operty,,acce'ss measures through the sho,pp ;rig' center roads'
Comm. Harbe;rson stated an .E, I, R. , had been received :for the 7 ;Eleven Store to be located
on "D," Street and Petaluma Blvd 'South- He felt this was a: poor -.location ;for 'this typ"'e
of business :as it is located on one of the busiest. intersections•in._town. He ^explaYned<
th_e Planning. Commission should, not tell an applicant how, to spend his. money, and it is '
'no't-up ,to the Cgmmis,sion•. •to say what. -type of business ;shoula.- be •pla'eed in 'a certain
location � - 'Comma Waters questioned if` access. fxom the rshoppinga would'be 'feasible:
Comm. Wright, started it °is, d= ifficuht to 'post a Negativ.e' _et, aration on a busy ,s,treet
` sic h'a's McAowell and East. Washington.,. He would like figures and facts on what ef-fect',
this project. would have on the area.,,
The Commission unanimously a 1 minted -Env ronmental.Impact Report be re.quzred '
and confiainv. "the potential, impacts such as traffic,.`loitering,.'fi nancial impact on other
:..bu'sin`esses and _-Cr me• :with a ;24 hour s,tore,.
KEUIN E STQNG;'FOR yKevin .S;tong regi estea the proposed 7-Eleven ,Mar,ket to
' 7- ELEVEN MARnET` be located at the- no :rthwest c
or -ner of P' yran „and East
EUALU>ATI0INIJ °:Washington Streets ;be removed ';from the Planning "Commission
ACE-UNIT,, I ssid
The Commin unariimousl movedf ;to.recommend.'a
y pp r.oval of
SUBDI,U'IS'ION= ; the `FinaT Map 'fo.r 'Park Place.. Unit -1 Subdivision:.to the 'C ; ty
,FINAL•;MAP Council •sand that said ;map �be.,s,igned ;b' .the 'Cha rman of the
'Planning Gommss,on.
,,ADJQURNMENT'` There being.. no 'further business, 'the .meeting•_adjourned at
11:1.5 p. m
Cha an.