HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/01/1977A G E N D A
The Planning Commission encourages applicants or their representative to be
available at the meetings to answer questions, so that no agenda items need
be deferred. to a later date due to a lack of pertinent information.
ROLL CALL: Comm. Bond Head Harberson Horciza
Popp Waters Wright
STAFF: Ronald F. Hall, Planning Director
USE PERMIT U18 - 76/
1. Public Hearing to evaluate the Environmental Impact
Questionnaire for a Shopping Center to be located
at Baywood Drive and Perry Lane.
2. Public Hearing to consider a Use Permit Application
for a proposed Shopping Center.
3. Site Design Review of the proposed project.
City of Petaluma E.I.Q., Use Permit and Site Design
Review for a fourteen space parking lot to be located
at the southwest corner of Bassett and Howard Streets.
MC DOWELL INVESTMENT, Public Hearing to consider the adequacy of draft E.I.R.
ASSOCIATION /DRAFT submitted by Del Davis & Associates, Inc. for 28 -acres
E.I.R. along North McDowell Blvd. adjacent to Candlewood
Mobile Home Park
HARDY /GAVRILOFF- Hardy /Gavriloff Appeal of of Use Permit
APPEAL OF USE PERMIT No. 1.203 for a Shopping Center located at 821
No. 1.203 SUSPENSION Petaluma Blvd North.
� ,.
Bond, Head., 'Horci'za, W,raght
PRESENT" Comm. Bon
ABSENT:? . ` Comm Harbersori, Popp , ,'Wate'rs
STAFF: Ronali °F'. Hal =1" Plaftning'Direc or
APPROVAL 'OF MINUT ,S - : The minutes of- the - adjourned meeting. of January 11, "1977
were approved as correc:t`ed, and the .regular meeting o'f.
January 18;, 1977 were ,approved as submitted.
Mr. Hall stated that a ,correction to the January, 11, 197,7 EDP minutes was nec.es-
sary o""P' -ge. 2, Pa'r'_agrap''h° 3:; `the "statement `was not made by Phil Palmer. Comm,
Bond explained that Mr - 'Balshaw informed him that he had made the statement, and.
wanted fo cl`arify „the "fact that lie did' `riot nor did tl e. committee endorse 'a stri c,t
` L ._
5 0/5`0 division of growth bu,t 'felt. that whatever :division might b' teas "onab °le -
should be, adopted by the" Commission and '.forwarded to the Council'. They were• not
in fact arguing wi h the: present 5.0/50 b`ut th - ey were not, suggesting ftiat it 'remain
there necessarily. The epmmi'ttee said', there' "'should be''.ra ratio, but it should be
establisfied'by policy aria not- j „us :,allowed t "o rise or ; fall with the d *emand`,but
. b ;-
on the 'other hand that :ratio 'probably should not, be 50/';50 bu should b' established
ultimately by the City Council 'Comm. Hord za recalled'Mr Balshaw had said we'
should not try to match. house to house, between - east' grid w s
CORRESPONDENCE`: A° et ter" fx °om the Sonoma "County, Public Works advising a
x 45 MPH, speed 'limit sign w,o.uld be placed on the curve on
1 , `Rainsville' Road; in conjuriction with the `KOA'`Kampgrounds.
Mr. Hall; advised the Commi.ss.on- a seminar would `6'e held at San Jose State Un_ive r-
sity on ' 19,, 19.77 regarding "'The Planning Commission:, A Vital ,Link. to
the Community”
RICHARD''WILLIAMS FOR Mr "Hall reviewed plans submitted'by Richard Williams,
THE_:MAHONi "CO., ,INC r.epresentin'g the Mahoney Company show the development
EVALUATION / of a 'shopping center 'ao include! Payless Drug Store,.
. varolls ,
.USE PERMIT U18 -76/ , Payless Nursery., Fry, s Super Market, , s hops. and
SITE ,DESIGN REVIEW:;” a band' r A�, petiton 'was < filed :with sgnatures'.o.f 62
r 3 T.
(Continued) tenants ofiahe Baywoo;d - Apartments on'Baywood Drive
in favor of the`:shoppin center. He further ex lamed
g p
hat at the' rev ous ubl c hear-
+ t .P g regar.di.ng `the shop-
.. P ,
ping center it`' w' determined: that 'a ful E L.R.: was no,t necessary, but there
w �. s ,
was justi':ficat> on to request'.a traffic s A second' petition was filed'
sign'e'd 'by 33� residents stating the' site" `shoul'd be ;rezoned, other "than commercial..
Mr., ;H'all stated the traf'fi,c study, .completed. by Jo h' J;: _Forris "tal; Consulting
Traffic Engineer from Oakland,, predicted the existing.traffie flows on the major
streets w`ithin.ahe radius of the stopping center '"
'The Citi''Traffic Engineer advised that 'two of the 'exist -
ing daily counts, are listed i`n error. Haywood Drive,,
+ be
between site and St.. Francis Drive should ,3;j,80o not
U'18 '6,/'
S,.00.O, and Haywood prve northeast o'f Et. Francis' Drive
should b''e 3 „0.00,, not 4 , 2Q0:
(Con ti nued')
Comm. Horc ,pointed out the: ; average daily traffic on
McDowell B'lvd.:, east of° `B`aywood Drive should, read- 4,06Q,.
not 6,06.0. 'Gomm. Bond„
questioned if the ;t,raffic, count. B'a,ywood north of St.
Francis Drive would increase
757- and at "what• point. would this increase of traffic
be; a- problem; He, asked'
if there' were' - any suggested mitigation for the school cross=
wdlk• at :St Francis: and
Haywood Drive. He stated .with the additional traffic, , 'there
, arel no safety measures 'to
make tte present crosswalk safer.. Mr,. Ha13 stated tli =a
the traf f c report:indicated.
peak hour traffic would occur;on.Saturdays and a er `
4;00, p.m, on 'weekdays and would n`ot coincide with heavy school pedestrian traffic:.
The public: hearing; was�Iopene'd tol'consider the Environmental Impact 'Questionnaire.
Dennis Br- 9:20 St.. Francis Drive stated if there is going to be; any.' develop =:
merit, this site should be designed for 'a park or something that would not generate
traffic:. This development "would make. the area unsafe since' there, are hundreds o'f
children who cross'this,.intersection every day ,to -go. to s.6hoo.l., He did not find
anyone. who was in favo the shopping; center.. Pe'rh'aps. some of 'th'e people in the
Baywood. apartments are in favor of ^it,, but the single- f
o amihy: home re "sidentls are .
11 osed to 'a,sho in center Mar Loustalot 9913,Alderwood Court stated saf,et.
pP pp � g a Y .. Y
precautions should be for children on St Francis and a crosswalk be provided
for people in the apartments acros's Baywoo.d Drive, before a °shopping center is built
Anthony 'LaRuffa., 9 Alderwood Court, !stated' there are' sufficient number of centers
for the4 present - p :op,ulatioa. He, expressed concern` for - the- safety of 'small children
in the area.. He stated, 'the peace and tranquiiity of his home would be destroyed
and the beauty of the ?area 'would' be destroyed. If a :shopping center i6 ` the
value of his home would de,terior�ate., �We� would not- be ,improving' our. pr- op'er,ty and
the area by allowing° •a shopping ;'center. ' '.He further added theret its no ;need 'for any,
more shopping centers than 'we now - have,.
Lucille Harrison,. Ashwoo(i Court,'f s.t'ated she had, been .in favor of a shopping, center,
but in listening to the c'omments 'was not- in, doubt whether, she wanted a shopping
center•. Susan Be g r ', 90:9 Alderwood' Court, stated it would' be 1mp - ssib•le to make a
left turn out of the shoppirng center, .,and tl'Pat she did not want a shopping, _center.
John Kerrigan stated he had beeii •involved wi?th the acqr
uiing of; a traffit signal
at Maria and,1ast ,Wass ngton Street. `,He had attended `Traffic Coinmitte_e and, City
Council mee,tings and was it to wait. and 's_ e -d 'e a was 'informed the cost for a,
signal would be $ When a little boy was struck at -this in't'er-se'ction, a_
- t"raffc signal wt's `installed,: A> shopping center, located -near a school would be
a, d , si e at' St Francis and' Baywood.. net Le•'924 Alderwo od .Court., stated' the 4 -way
a detriment to the children, Ja one, are not a safety fact "e _,_small chid: -
p g - or for- th
dren and. to add a,,shopp -ing eente r 'to this area would be a grave mistake. If the:
shopping center is : values 'would lower The apartment tesidents
who signed . „a, petition in 'f`avor, of the development do not own - property and : are not
,as concerned propert=y owners.!.
Elaine Kilgore, Ponderosa btl e,y' stated ishe had :'compar=ed the proposed` 'stores with-
other shopping center stores; and found•Payless Drug- is comparable to Thrift - Drug,,
and Fry's Market is, comparable with - the ;other existing super markets; and an other
_ RI.CHARD WI-LLIAM_S FOR - bank is riot °`ne'ed'ed. She further stated something should,
THE MAHONEY CO,,, INC. be done•to beautify the east side. She felt she would
.E,.I. „Q. EVAZUATION/ suffer a los's on her Home _f' a shopping center is built.
USE PERMIT U18= '76 /'� She stated there is a '7 -11 ;Store and a P'rai'rie Mark'e't- in
,SITE DESI' ' GN REVIEW: the ,area that retirees can :use and ' a bus service which
(Continued) stops at the other shopping centers. There was no mention
of a shopping 'tenter 'being.built when she purchased her
home in August felt she would not have bought this
home, if t4here had been a shopping .center A Monarch-representative informed her a
shopping ;center would, de-value her, property Comm. Head” explained this area had
been.appr for c ommercial use on the: City's General Plari Anyone has a chance
to protest a rezoning when it s proposed;; O s ls the time when people should
make input and.not after the fact. Mr. Dennis Bryant stated ahe'General Plan had
been.,drawn up before "many of the present residents; had moved into the neighborhood.
He added 'an Environmental Impact statement is not required,,, but .a shopping center
would have a definite effect on the neighborhood and the residents do not want it.
John Kerrigan 'aske'd at what t -fine, the garbage would �be picked up at the center as
the hydraulic pump of the garbage trucks can be heard from a, distance. He ques-
tioned the distance between Fry's Market and the.neares:t home'? Mr. Hall explained
the distance from Fry's MArket to the nearest home.'was: about .65 feet.
Mr: Andy Anderson,, questioned the •need for so many shopping centers. He indicated
there -is a school on St. Francis Drive and :every consideration should -be given to
the safety of the `small .scho,ol children.. He. did not see a need at this time for.
another shopping 'cent'er,- and suggested a better' use `for the 'land" would be a chil-
•dr:en''s playground or park.
Mr. Williams, developer, stated the proper is,zoned.fox the use as proposed here.
Previous plans for t'he,'site display,ed'�a.'much- larger project„ and a bowling alley..
The street system was d'es;igned' " to accommodate this type of development. He felt
it would be a good development .anal'would generate $60,'000 to "$80:,000 in tax revenues
for the City and provide an estimated 75 jobs. The distAnces :from all dwellings to
the shopping center are in conformance with City Code and specifications:— Garbage
would be cked up in the back.icentral court yard:. Mr.'Wil'liams anticipated the
shopping tcenter would not; generate as much 'traffic as 'the traffic; consultant pre -
dicteda Mr. LaRuffa questiorred what measures would b'e.used to prevent garbage
trucks from using tkie. road opposite, Ald'erwo.od Court and what preventive noise
measuresv are suggest' :ed between-the shopping center iand Alderwood Court.
A resident stated truckers at the Washington - quare Center drop their
trailers f.or two or three -days to unload, and i would be - the. case at the
proposed shopping center, it 'would cr "eate an eyesore'fo;r the people on ATderwood
Court. Tr- _ailerr;s would be jammed' into the corners and' back portion of the shop-
ping cente''r when there is a larger parking area in -ethe front portion of the prop-
erty. Comm. _Wright questioned if trucks would "6k -Lt'from the property to Perry
Lane;. Mr.. Williams stated. the parking lot'would'be a continuous motion and'truc_ks
would leave via Perry Lane. 'Comm. . Head stated the people who would operate the''
shopping,center would like t'o`work in'conjunction with the people in the community
in an effort to establish good, public• -relations.®
Mr Bryant stated that normally the high overhead parking lights would be left on
' and - would' ahY o ne- onto the adjacent pr- op, erties. ''Mr. Hall, explained the lights, that
would ill,
uminate the parking area would be designed so as to reflect the light`
RICHARD WILLIAMS FOR away from adjacent properties. The 'lights to the rear of '
THE'MAHONEY CO ", INC, the stores would, not affec the prope es, on Ponderosa •
E.,I. EVALUATION/ Drive. Mrs.. Leone stat "ed;• crime, would be, a ma:j;or factor;
USE PERMIT Ul8-76:/ where `t.here are ,§to.r s, there 'are 'undesirable's. The lights
SITE ,D,ESIGN .REVIEW: would display an area view of - _her= backyard. Comm, 'Wright
(Continued) explained the proposal is f6t, -low lighting for the center
Mr. Ha11 a, special, type of lighting is proposed
which would, not cause - problems •for' the neighb.oting homes,.
Mrs: Berg questioned if a 10--foot wall along the side of Fry",' "s Market 'would be a
better separat•ion'barrier f'or.r:esidenf's on Alderwood C,gurt,. Mr Hall explained
that when the-site design fo:r the, project, "is discussed the need :f:or a higher wall-
will be considered,...
Kay Spear, Ponderosa Drive., stested, the 120 to 1401ooit distance between the shop-
ping tenter and her, home would not, t cut down the noise factor,. School children
attending Miwok " would °be affected by the additional. traffic. She was
opposed to the shopping center-.. had known there 'as;a "shOpping center pro-
posed for the 'site but bel =ieved(it would be,a small. neighborhood type center
She'was opposed to viewing - the loading berths from her two story home. She asked
that the deve_loper'be. required to plant trees, and not shrubs on the back portion .
of the property to reduce the no se,factor. Mr. Hall s ated.this zhopping center
would be considered, a neighborhood center., Comm. Wright mentioned that`Payless
Drug would.generate.a considerable amount of ,peop'le, even from the 'Novato area.
Mrs Kilgore stated the proposed'saorea are a duplication of' stories already located
in other hop "ping centers. .The noise from trucking rigs cannot. be prevented, and
beer bottles will be strewn throughout fhe area. She did not want -A-, shopping cen- •
ter of this, nature located at-her back-door._
Comm. Head moved to direct the ;Planning,, Director to, prepare and post ,a; Negative
Declaration for ,the.- pr.oject The motion was lost; for the lack of, a second: Comm:.
Bond,questioned what alternat= ive`could be used in lieu of a M gative,Declafation.
Mr.Ha11 stated the traffic problem had,been'.resolved with the submittal of the
.traffic analysis. He explained we cannot interfere with the free, market system:
Economics could be considered onit_he surround -ing, properties;; an alternate route.:
could be considered f'or ingress and egress to the property as well as consi.detation
of a; not "se barrier between Alderwood Court and the shopping center. Mr. Hall ;ex
equ cause
plained the .Commission,co,uld deny the re "st: be. of testimony presented which
indicates the pr-oj`ect could have %z significant = impact on the ,environment. If an'
is required, the staff would direct the 'consultant to review each of the
issues presented:,
Comm. Wright stated he was not sat = isfied that noise factors,, economics
and, -light,
ing were sufficiently covered 'in 'the report,. Comm,. Head stated most people are .
victims, of convenience;` and., ;a shopping t
Ah would be a convenience to the
putil' c., A `shopping" center would more than likely improve property yaluea then
have 'a. negative effect on the value of property.
Comm. Horciza stated there und'oub'tedly is amoral_, dilemena; a problem of impact
on the neighborhood', the devaluating of properties which would :concern all res -
: dents in the area. Also the right's: of the property owner should,-be protected.
This site 'ha•s been zoned commercial and i�t is witr►in the rights of the property
owner to develop his property :. Hei suggested, a 'traf'f. �c aignal at •,Baywood- and .St
Francis would perhaps help the tr situation. Because :�of� the size of the
development,, there are not too many things that can be done to lessen the impact;
USE PERMIT U18 -•76/
, and the onlm.y, alternat :ve would ber to decrease the. size ,of
the center We have to decide whether to allow this devel-
,opment or. rezone the .property. .
SITE DES }IGN. REVIEW: Comm. Bond expressed concern fora traffic signal at Baywood
Continued and St. Fr
( ) ancis.before a..shoppng center is built, for the
safety of children and the elderly living at the Baywood Arms
apartments, and the =noise -factor the development would gen-
e "rate. He stated the project as- a.neighborhood shopping center is inappropriate.
It should be compatible and fit the needs of,,,.the neighborhood. Comm...Horciza stated
to requir_e. developer to 'p repare an E n vironmental Impact Report is.ext-remely ex pen-
sive and if this is a requirement -i=n- order to proceed with this study,: the .developer
then may be turned down on the Use .Permit application.
Commw Ho moved,t_o direct 'he .Planning Director to, prepaie and post a Negative
Declaration,for the proj`ec,t. The mation,, seconded by Comm. Head.
The public heari=ng, relating to, Permit was opened.. Mr, Hall explained the
Commission had at this time;.all the;inf'ormation needed to,<evaluate the Use Permit..
Mr,._ Williams asked that cons'id'eration of the Use Permit be continued until he could
contact people in the 'ar.ea'who would support the shopping center. Comm. Wright ex-
planed it would not be pro.p'er to continue the hearing. The developer could petition
peopPa who were in favor of the cente but residents' could also pet -ition people who
were against the center..
An investor for the stated' - people; who:. would want -a shopping center do not
attend meetings,. We:are talking about searching for a dollar are talking
about,. maintaining proper=ty`valuesE We� have -done ,everything the fetter of the law
requires;; this is' a commercially: sound pro�ee_t. Thin- project will bring money.. to
,the. City to buy parks,, and the, center. will create'jobs. Competition is thel opposite
of monopoly which results in lower y Businey s should not be considered inher-
ently bad and i.f .a- is,.
<business run ro erl everyone wi=ll: benefit.
Mr. :Bryant stated the- pnoject,does not'meet the standards.to, : :. s,sue*a Use Permit.
The project would be .a neighborhood nuisance,,. create .traffic • problems, and wo be
unsafe for the ,.childr.en in the area.. The public hearing was-,:.Closed.
Comm. Hor.cza :,que`s`tioned the route of ,trucks through , the.. :s.hopping. center, and what
measures could.be._tAkeir..toi 'allevia- te. - tl e-noise level,..; Comm. : - :Wright envisioned semi-
trucksebeing very noisy. Comm Hor,ciza . asked, if it were..ppssible to., redesign the
parking lot for better maneuverability of trucks;. :.C'omme: :.Head stated., we have an
alternative; move the - par=king lot to'the• rear of the property,and -the buildings to
the, front of .the' pr.operty,.
Comm. Head moved' to-grant-the the 'Use ,Permi.t., with th'e following : : .conditi'ons;:.
The 'developer to work ;with the residents. of the neighborhood.' t.o_.ascertain, proper
tra -flic control before the shopping center : .opens';,. ; .and,", ; adeq;uate: crosswalks be pro-
vided ;as_, a safety measure for children,. - .,The .motion ;died .for-the lack of a second.
Comm Horci.za, felt the develo should work, with the .City sstaff_ °and tperha ps come
up with :.a different arrangement for the center and ano_ther., uu - c hearing be held
to ,r;emove some of the :undesirable. conditions. • Comm. :;Hors'za -moved that the devel
oper make a further study on an al arrangement of the buildings for the
'RICHARD WILLIAM& % FOR, center,, and that he the st, . Af-f so
THE MAHONEY 'C&. INC.' as t o s�atisf y a1i, safety requirements �and` no i'se f actors,
E.� I. �'EVALUATION/ and consideration bdg�'_:Ven;�to; new site �d'
esjgn. The
'USE PERMIT U1876/ hotllon 'died for :the - lack of a second.
(Con,t Comm.. Bond stated ageqcies- of .the'
,-City have,.alread y checked • the projecit and are - in agredment.,;Twith - the_p�ropos'al - and a
general. appeal - to the, , community _. answer'. We, are
putting"Nk. .Williams on the spot to, c:bthel We !should a:ddri--sis
the environmental aspects, or grant Use .f Ind ',t- .1 hrough,
the, site design Comm. Ho stated some - of: the problems. are, noise safety .land' - gq..
the arrangement- of the center and these t-'
s.-.are,. enera1l-_V<_Addres'sed. in the site poin.
design,; how ' ever,,, they - do go - hand in Viand with- , ':th'e Use= Permit ;. .,Comm. Bond stated a
Negative De says the - ,prdje�ct h s a negative effe6t on the'.e ronm6n.t i
. Comm. Horciza commented: the foremost consideration of ° erivvf - was the traf
fic situation. Comm-. gori:d stated ther& was no - discussion of thee mitigatin . g- measures
of tra-fl-fic on Baywobd and St. : ra Fi'd- -h the .rig of t r
-he' develope
I I., 1 -1 . _ - __ - . - ncs an .question -
can.'be - acknowledged through a Negative 'Declaration and denial of the 'Use' Permit;.
Comm. Head moved to grant t Permit with con.dit,16ns•of approval.-as stated-in
the staff report. Comm. -Hoxciaa seconded' the motion.
AYES. 3 NOES' 1 ABSENT` ::' 3
Comm. Bond, stated per-hap's at this point -we,-should ask for_ . as it may
take an zt, 1- ..at6
or -a r Comm .'.Head we Justified in. ,ask-
Ing- f or a continuance to. deal,.'with ofi:. and the -safety of ped'e's
trldns.. M&re_s.�tu_d_y is needed for appropriate, -crosswalks.. and, traffic signals C omm.
Hoxciza ;stated 'traffic: studies - are valid t6chniqjjo numbers. Traffic
.studie`s do not 'analyze the problem 'of a There has, always
been d trafTIc problem in this area ,,with , child"ren.:cros:sihg; this' intersection'; we
would not like to have anyone -get hurt,: He, suggested , the &-Ttdf-fic- Committee be urged
to, make a,'traffic study when the shoppip 'center 'is !.:ap�p He further suggested
the d'ex.6loper, submit two or three alterna f or the. of buildings j and
a pxopo.sal for noise c and of trucks. Comm, ,
lighting the
Bond stated 'the projecz,t could be - returned back. t-o-.;t�he-.F, 'do"mihittee for .rd-
view by' the - architec!t , and !developer and be limited to.-. concerns of 'the
people. Wright 'Comm right— s-d - es,ted a citizens' committee-:could be.. formed to work with
the staff. It was agreed to have a group of �CiLtiLzens staff. Volun-
teers for the site d esign review-meeting ate St. Iftahcis
Dj:IVe; Charles and Susan Bergi 9,0 Alderwood 924 Alderwood
Court; Donna Sankb'-f-Lf, 921 Alderwood Coliatt; Arm-k6ny _J,1,Laft.ff-a 916 Alderwood Court;
Edna LRuffa, 9 Alderwood'Court.*, Alicia 'B! Manansala, 920 Aid,&kwood Court; Robert
Piro', °909. C&ttonwood Court.i
z d e At .;least : . it i s a step in the
right Airection�, to determipe if.i chan'ge-in scale or;.de.,g-i to the
people.- Comm. Bond stated the volunteers would they should
come. .committee ommi'ttee me6ting with constructive, �;cri-t-ism;?. '0 fthe:; and design*
feature proposals to corre6t' :the 'problems Mr. Williams',s he was n
sure what was bein suggested. Comm., Head coififfietited' this new and we
will have to play it by qar., Perhaps. we could - get. to,. alleviate the ob-
j of noise,, privacy for Ybsident 'et Comm'. -Wright stated. this' meeting �•
x l
RICHARD WILLIAMS FOR 'may 'be.,a case of °,education.. Comm Horciza stated the
�.' THE' MAHONEY CQ. , INC. ... basic problem is the ,prof ec't, pposed_ to be . a neigh.-
E e.I,: Q 'EVALUATION/ boyhood sYiop,p hg, center., arid the ,prop'o'sed development
USE` PERMIT U18` -,76,/ looks 'too much like a major. �shop:p_ ng :center. We are,
SITE; DESI -GN REUIEW; trying° to come up with-new ideas-_--oh _ to make,. the
(Continued) project possible,; maybe. it.rs - impossible because-the
„ lots are in close proximity .to° the. homes. - .__Mr..Williams
stated; he would. - `be more tlia'n .happy -to•'cont'inue with
discussion of the p.r:oject' as far as traffic, signals -and "hoo`ls' However,, the
zoning ,is consistent for a shopping center and the staff'is in agreement with
the'.project.; '
Comm ". Horc -iza moved that. the ro , ect be .:returned the . Design Com
„ P,, J
mittee- f'or additional ,study by the staff' in conjunction' with .the volunteer
citizens group and -the developer, and the matter be r:e'c'onsidered at -the next -
Pldnning�.Commi:ssion meeting on February 15, 1977. Comm. .Head seconded the
The meeting date' set for the above commi'ttee's to review `:the. project was Tuesday, 11
February - %8, 197`7 at .7 00 p m. in the City Planning ar�tmen Office.,
CITY OF PETALUMA, Mr. Hall ex laned the re uest.::,b the.;. City-: to locate a
P q y y
E--' EVALUATION /` par'king lot at the c:8rner, of Bas'sett.and Howard Street.
USE,- -PI RMIT / SITEE The ' proposal is for nine Add i.tional parking spaces to
DESIGN - REVIEW. - an exiating lot having "five-parking spaces., The site
is vacant :and iias approximately:: 3;500.. square feet; cars
would enter—the lot'fr_om ,Howard Street and exit onto
drought situat -ion or are °we' going: to require landscaping Hd pref:erred that Comm. Ho.rciza asked if we are going to inherit fenci.n all over town with the
t a
hedge be. placed on this corner in -lieu of a, fence,. Mr..:.Ha11:. stated the City is
asking applicants to submit letters de-ferr-ing landscapirig where
yegetation is 'roqu gy red, d'ue to present'• drought' c'onditionns. : Comm. Bond commented
thin is a City project and we' Have, a teideney "to :lower .,conditions. The City. has
An'- obligation- to make their group l.s as attractive :as , _a .p'rivate:- developer with
interior landscaping and a minimal . ' o "f; - screening around - ;the corners of the
property: Comm: , Horciza .suggested Condition 462 be.- deleted and a hedge be planted
when the' water crisis,' is over in lieu of ' rep'airing` the wooden 'fence.
The 'Public hearing was opened' to consider the, 'P.ermi _ comments were offered
-from the audience-and the public hearing was -closed: C6m'm.- Wright suggested that
landscaping; be required' •
around Spaces 10, 11, and` `3.
Comm,. Hot 'iza moved t' grant the U'se 'Permit to all'ow..a.`City.:,parking lo .t, with the
three co
nditio_ns of approval as recommended by the staff with - .the following changes:
1. Ito' delete last ,clause and. ins-ert• "The_ Boxwood Hedge-that is indicated
on the site design plan be from minimum. hive (5) ga`1.1bn � :containers and 'b e
planted in the,'area 'bordering 'the streets when .the water crises is over..
L`and`scaping shall be„ in a_ecordan�e with 'Exhibit A.
.ION.-MINUTtSi..�FEBRUARY",,, 1971
EIIY' OF 1.0h(I moved for appt -he. s- gn with
9yal-of-t te'.de§ .i E-VAIUATIOW conditions of xed:oirmended,. b Comm-.
with the f'o additional change:
li' Interior p rovided ,lie een "areas :` a:nd-
91 12 R . tw, lv. °' on the,corners
of . 1 0 !I, but than landscaping be`. delerred: - until', the
water, crisis is,
The motion was seconded, by Comm;.Head.
McDOWELffil INVESTMENT, Mr. 'Hall exp.laihed, ',!drd
-a f- -
m act Report
A'SS.0C1A,TION/DRAFT had been pj:'epar6d b.y�. Associates conceth-ing,
R. I R;. the development of apprQXimat ly- 2& located; on
Nbrth Blvd.- adij;.
Can�dl6wood Mob
'Home Plax*i The subject. P, intended ., for :Bevel-
opment as z Planned Unit = Distri_qt cons 1s,,tjing_,.,o_f.. Q,
a residential
units„ 44 conventional sringle= family horrf.ds .'and- 61 to-moderate- inco . me
f amilies:
Comm, Ho.xgi questioned .if it were pqpstble' , f 6r, d'eveloper.-to. p roj�e'ct the
ptice, range of, homes, with - the escalated;
infiat-ion.' d At— i
� -11 . : s, almost
impossible to do so. The Cit-y'.Council should acoftsl than ' .
g-in,g this., condition
of the system f'or futiire developmegts. C omm,.. 1tdm I'l,
on Page 4 of the 'staf repot t -shoul .b,e,,- to;_ r,,ea�d.' 6. "Mr. Hall
explained if the comments and inf rmat.1or1-1pr.,o.V ddd". the E. I- R.
this would constitute a. f inal 1 And, could -be- ce.,rt-ifie'd:.'by�-,the,.: Comm si6n. Mt.
Hall ;stated .th E.I.R. cannot- Predict a drought, but it .1s -fgaidlbie for a,'developer
to drill.
_we is oh a It, be reasonal$l'�-, 66 without
water coriside
Comm. Horciza commented this prplect rec'elved'. a 1 bt.
system with the low cost housing pxoposal,-.. The Building I or with
, on the draft EJ .1R. regarding the. -relatloriship;.:
be * tween 'unfinished second
s floo
levels � and the,emerg'en insulation standards: -
A representative frotn Feature 'Homes �,explaine8 tlie, h
_111d:_1 g, .Inspector envisioned
there would be open acc'e'ss. The ihsUla,tibn- complied a d -twi th
He stated, they were t.r-y1hg to build a, home, on! the Jow,!, - of;- the &
and 'had
hopds to build a nice looking house that ha dx ,andAh1er._:cApab1lifte.s4 We could
propose that people can have a hquq,e.0with unf'inishe'd;l..second flubs - or i . f pre-
fer-4ble this 'pottiotl:of t w he house- 'il comp leted!', the
proposal was �attractive I to the. S ite Design Commit-tee they. . ,encourb�&,fiew Adeas.
Comm H6t 11 z a questioned the f lood' aspect's of the p,�:rrq if' .mitigating
measure . s were. , covered in the 'event of A-. 10,Q y6dr;- f . . loo-d - - ;_� - . - Mr - :;Del-'Davis stated,
the : Zone is further 'to the west; Thej�oxv d lVe.-tt- under McDowell.
ted. f, rth., 0'
is not, ade - in size :and the channel -'has riot beeii,.4p ained i
ditch will have to - be .improved on one -,, §1de: as indicaie.&Vy 'tile onoma C , outty
Waver-' Agency Mr. Davis: indicated the box culvert' 964 &e the responsibility
of the; developer as 'a 'condition of; the :ste
McD.O.WELL INVESTMENT: The public ,hearing, was opened ,to.. cons -ide'r the Environ-
ASSOCIATION /DRAFT mental Impact - Report;; - No cgininents :we.re. from
`E L. R., the audience and the public . hear-.ing, was closed.
. Comm. Horciza ,;moved to. cert
fy =t'tfe >E.I R.... and the
l changes as "r•ecommended'by ,t'heR.st'af;f :. :be ineo:r.porated
in.the The motion was'seconded by Comm. Head.
HARDY /GAVRILOFF- Mr;. Ha1L that Ron' Hard: y;,aGavriloff.
APPEAL ,O:F - USE PERMIT had „ app.ealed the; susppn .orir, of : the
ir,. for a
NO. 1.203 SUSPENSION': shopping :cen!ter aocated. at - 8'21 : :Pe:tiluma . Blvd.. North..
The suspension pertained to landscaping of the ,property,
illegal sandwich, 'board: signs; an :.t'he...-p.•roperty,.failure, t
install approved signs and' i1- le;gal o,utsid.e s :t +orage o:f' b.ci es He. added the appli
cant was to di_scont hue - the •s ,'torage of, buses on - the. rear of the property within
a three month period,.
Comm. Bond' :ned why the applicant needed-, three - riths. „.t;o. fulfill these
obligations. Mr:. Hall- exp1aineTd this wa's -'academic,- -as the City wanted the appli
cant to apply fot a`Use Permit for the bus storage.
that they .remove• the, s andwich board signs., frown s of��. the:.Yshop.pang_:eenter asking
Comm',. Bondy moved' that. letters be sent the tend
g, the.. front of .the shopping center
immediately, that the storage of buses on "the r`ear..part `of Mthe property be dis-
continued. within 45 days, and that ahe ap`p.roved; landscaping be, completed when
the water' crisis is over,, and further that a Use.:Permit' b'e- obtained for the bus
operation The ,motion was seconded by Comm. Horciza._
ADJOURNMENT': There being no further bus iness,'the•mee ng adjourned
at., 1105 p .m.