HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/31/1977MI.N'UTES.
PRESENT': Comm. Bond, Head, Hor,ciza, Wright
ABSENT. Comm. Harberson, Popp
STAFF: r Ronald F. Hall, Planning Director
_ Wayne P•. Rasmussen, Assistant Planner
HILLCREST HOSPITAL The Public Hearing to consider the Draft E.I.R. for Hi11-
DRAFT E,.I.R.. /PCD crest Hospital and medical ,related office facilities, an
`.GENERAL DEVELOPMENT. amendment to the General Development Plan of the existing
PLAN AMENDMENT /PUD PCD Zoning District for the Qantas Development property
REZONING: located north of Lynch Creek near North McDowell Blvd.,.
f and the..rezoning of a, portion of the Qantas Development
property from PCD ,to PUD for the'Proposed. hospital site .
was reopened.
A.brief summary of the proposed hospital site was presented by Frank Gray, Com-
munity,Development.and Services Coordinator. The Millmeister property consist-
ing ofdilO acres had been considered for a hospital site for many years. In a•
previous study, this site was shown as the.most favorable site. In the 1975 -76
Residential Allotment System, a proposal was made by the developer of the prop-
erty, Qantas Development, for the same type of development now proposed with
medi_ca11 and professional buildings. By the time the Residential Allotment had.
been awarded and the developer was ready to proceed with the rezoning of the
_.property, another site was pro,posed'for the hospital on Troudy Lane. The State
Department of Geology and ,Mines has verified that the property on North McDowell
is safe fora hospital site.
Mr. Hall explained a draf;t� environmental impact report. had been prepared by Del
Davis and Associates concerning a rezoning request , for the proposed hospital
development located along North McDowell Blvd. on approximately 15 acres. The
project�is within the 'Qan'tas Development's,107 acre approved Park Place PCD resi-
dentiai development, wherein an ; EIR,'had been certified in December, 1975. The
Petaluma Hospital District in conjunction with.Qantas Development have requested
the City to :consider an amendment to the approved Park.Place General Development
Plan for subsequent PUD.rezoning,to accommodate Hillcrest Hospital and approxi-
mately 6.3.acres of adjacent medical related offices.'
Wayne Rasmussen,'Assistant Planner, explained th`at'in a ,preliminary site design
committee meeting 21 staff recommendations had been discussed, and points.of
discussion held.on the following recommendations:
3. ,The commlt.tee asked that an alternate proposal be made to the proposed
building- exterior, appearance, to improve the_buil with little
structural changes.
' -1-
6. The, be 'redesigned :to:`cover larger portions of the area and buildings.
It is'an:ticipated the City bu's will serve the hospital and the. ,canopy should
be raised,to accommodate the height of the buses.
'. 7. e elevation plans be submitted. indicating proposals for exter
building, materials.
16. The service road adjacent - to the creek should be and setbacks from
- the., creek Area should be in conjunction with -the Sonoma County Water Agency.
20. Comm. Hor,c za questioned wh,att sp waste material woul;d','be used for earth
berm. The, developer explained the - waste. - mater mentioned would"be top soil.
..Del Davis, President of ::Del Davis explained most impacts generated by
the project could 'be mitigated but 'the main areas of concern were:
1. Air quality standards.
2':. Geology.,•primarily, in relation to the Tolay earthquake fault,.
The Petaluma valley floor is covered by a thick. silt and the fault could be lying
below this 'silt. Explosives were set and 'tun "through these line - s until they .:zeroed
in' on a .tangent trace.. The fault trace dips .towards the P.etaluma..,River and is gen-
erally;in the vicinity of the river. The hospital is subject to-very stringent state
requirements.j'rom a seismic safetg point of view as far as sites are concerned.
Comm.. Hor'ciza.state.' a ke be inserted in the final FIR ®�
Y (af`ter. Page 35) ,Geologic
Cross Sections so 'that -the actual location of -the earthquake 'fault can be deter. -
mined: '
Comm.. Bond:stated.there have been several conflicting reports on the location of
the Tolay, Fault'. We want to be sure this :site-is a safe location f6r a hospital..
Mr. Davis. exp`lained;:a fault can .meander,,;, depending - .on . the characteristics the
fault. Geologists report if; there is no evidence of.movement within' a certain
period of' time., the, fault-is then considered dead. He poin 'ted out that the San
Fernando Ualley 'Fault had been considered inactive'but.erupted causing a hospital
to colapse.. Geologists' opinions based' on studies and %specifics show there is
reasonable certainty the Toldy 'Fault is inactive.
Mr.' Davis stated the expansion .o soil.conditions.exists in All At-eas of Petaluma,,,
which has a soil of very high clay content, causing it to dry and crack., When it'
rains, the soil swells 'which creates problems if 'a building is no't designed,
Charles Cowen,, Hillcrest'Hospital'.. Administratibi stated, the seismologists had
made a'very extensive study of ,the, area and the study,, costing, Ar`ound,$50,000,
had been approved by the Department of 'Geolo'gy and. Mines. The Hospital Board
deemed it necessary to ; hire these consultants 'to have this study made. The state
is very cautious in approving certification for a hospital..
C.oi.fim,c-Hor&izA' questioned whether the findings o _fie geo d ogists
'porated 1n. . the building d es ig n? " '' Ken Dic Architect I r-11had been: in.cor
sta . t - - geologists
- , he
rdjzi�eiidiit ,on s wou be- incorporated in, the ..buildi
design., .
Mr teZ " h 414 dettr
M Davis �DaVis 6 - the - mined'. there ,would be a minor.noise .impact „ '. p
ularly , f rom ambulance sirens 'which could "have a 'sig#iftcant,
* effect on pets . and
animals;: The .most ,significant impact would -,.be t
,.t�e, additiona Al traff c�
i, on Nor th -
McDowell a`nd",Eat_”
�sWashi!riktbh Streets.. McDowell is - rap1d1y,exceeding capacity
and hasl a critical lane:..'aw:ragq. of 1, 2 0 0 vefiiqlej per- ane...
The. pdak -,traf,'f iq
hours would be - between , 2':",'00 - p.. m. and 3'::00 siting hours and ..change -: of
ho.s_pItAI shifts, 6`th6f peak hours would be in the. The hospital.
peak :hours are at 'varied times and" sh'P'u_l,d have ..a.�!§,igp-ifi.cant.-eff.ec"t.'on. h1gh-,
way traffic.• ffoc'toxs.` hour's vary 4tk_r'j_fig th e day' should -not-have. any bear-
ing on Pe' tra
Comm �8 rc ... "' ssea concern that additional, traffic generated'-from the, h os
. i za expte�
pital complex could cause additional"traffic problems at,,McD"6well and East e Wash-
ington.: North McDowell is not a wide.,stre',t and could back up'.,at'
1 1 . . I .. . this
comm. Head quest-idh'ed what impact the project would n. ,C u�i - .haV&. 6 , 1-ities • o C '
namel water and ;sewer., Mr. Davis Water 'Poil-uti6n Control Plant
has a capacity of 5_ MG_D,. Under the-provisions of I the.. 'Clean Water Act,
City is to take care of the rainwater infiltration and f or .necessary
rep'airs'lto -the sewer plant. - City water and.sewer f ac1li.tie' should be,capable .
of'handling this project.
Comm. Bond: :stated we are considering d project with.-23% traffic increase which
will add more traffic to the already congested inter'sec,tion,bf McD6well and East
Washing t on,. e.
on and ther., I is..no. pr6ppsed, plan to alleviate this. frdffic Problem.
Comm. Horciza stated the project hies within PheA Lynch.. Creek- *,watershed. The creek
underpasses North McDowell Blvd. through -a 19 x 18."r 'bo' *. -I , n pea'
x k storms,
the .falling . leaves and. brush could cause overflow. of -the cre
Bob 'Tellarider- asked that the EIR show' what ef the. present Hillckest Hospital
would have as to future, use. Mr. ' Davis stated th6l.land , use of the present _ hospital
is discussed in the EIR but 'not, in detail,. C omm. , Box id commented the EIR shou
Zetermine the impact kt•will have on.the environment and not " - the, Use of *the ':old
hospital,. The use of the present hospital is a decision to 'be :made '-by'the Hospital
Fred Groverman Hillcfest- Hospital Boak&, -stated the, committee i s rely-
ing on the earthquake . -location as shown in the.geo1o'gists report. Sonoma County
,has made, plans to install- a bridge over -L-y,,qc'h Creek- and has p lans in" the: future:
'to: widen, 4Cororfa Road. Availability of sewer and.. ,water- could' be 'a problem ,whe•ever
we build. The hospital is - a clean :smog . free. industry produ" -
cIng a revenue of 4
million dollars with, an 8 million dollar ' construction bud . get which will enable
them to prOvi tare.for people of the area..
Comm.-Wright requested a statemen-t be inserted in the EIR in relation to the dis-
position of the old hospital.
1 1
111 .. - - +;.•. , .., 6 ; ..:, S. -.. _ �'
Comm :Bond questioned , why a public entity is tied' into a PCD�. ";Wh c ' `
y an t ,
Howpcanlaspublibyentlt'lf ,and the, 'remainder of the developpipnt s.t:and by itself? '
y, ,be part of a 'Planned-C-ommunity Development Plans Mr.
,Hall •explained that ,bec-ause of the contingency
In. th'e sale of the property., it
is . stil-1 tied to the :Qantas .Development.., `.The PUD is 'a .mixed -,use .cdricept;_. and ,t:
therefore ha's to 'b.e a' parr .o'f. !the Qantas Developments,
Comm Bond isked,4 Qantas. ,-Develo.pment conitinues to- „ride. the coat `Jt 1
of the
h'o`spital,. •He understood Qantas was _ selling`; the 'land :,to_,the `hospital,,. Mrti. 'Cowen,
stated the zoning, ,of the - -med=ical ooff ldd buildings must b' ;approved by ; - , h +City
ift order for the op #-on to :go through. We are asking °. `for a hospatal and •medica'1
complex to be approved,;, medical office. building:.and ,ho spi.tals .go' han.3 in band.
Qantas Development 'has -r: fight' 'to' , deny, .o.ur option 'if -the medical o;ffice's ;are
not 'zoned Comm , '_Bond asked, if. ,the hospital is approved and proj..ect
” .is .ap - .
proved .by .the City `Council do .whey .believe; appr- -oval - -would -n'ot :be `given ,at= a .la'ter
time •fo.r medical offices ?' He stated' ,.this - -is :an 'intended ,divisibn •of' ,land 'and. 'it
is the 'first 'time -d-,public - facility has been tied into 'a _pr vale development:
Comm - Basked 11 thisi glad h''ad not ;previousl•y :•been - offered ;to the hospital .a
'a .cheaVer rate!? -Jon Joslyn,, 'Qantas Develo.pmen't, .rexpl'ained that an order .to se
ar -ate the :two .p,roj ec'ts,, the prgcedure wou -1a be, that boah' emit e_s would; have - to
be processed at :separat;e times.; 'We are att'empt'ing t o _o ;d 'what •;we can ;t o- ".help ;the
Mr'.. Hall stated the GDP mod_i'fication together with the, sale and deed of conveyence
of the Qantas ,p,roperty. to the .Hospital- (District °:would "be -a_n tAppr opra,te ; pro.cedure..
He added that ,the .,P -C, Planned Community District, .runs with the land; not- the
property ,owner And therefore, the hospital must be 'a partof• :the ,Qantas Devel
'opinent _Paan: -
-It' was `_the unanimous .1d'ecision iof :the Comm t_ha.t the Pub'T c Hearing be •con
tinued :to April' 19„ 1,9:77 at '7 30` :ip ilff.,
Chairman Mr- gtit appointed Comm `Horcfza 'to ,serve_, on ttie Subdivision `Committee:: -
ADJOURNMENT`•. The •meeting, was, adjourned' at ;6::15 -,pan.,.
lam W
ri- Charma _
Attest.., � --�✓ .2 . , .