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Minutes 05/03/1977
L - M I N U 'T_ E' S PETALUMA.':C'ITY PLANNINGi COMMISSION,. i' `" MAY ' ^3, 19.77 W` REGULAR,,MEET:ING 7; , 3 1 0 P` IMP CITY' COUNCIL: CHAMBERS, HALL - PETALUMA; CALIFORNIA _. - : Va PRESENT.; - ::Comm. Bond* *;Daly;, A ar berson* ,,' •Horc z , Popp, Wright,' ( *Arrived. 7 ci35 p� m. �k*8 ABSENT. Comm. Head.. STAFF':_ Ronald F.' -Hall, Plann =n:g D-rect'or F>re' d -E. Tar >r " - %.Assoc °a,te Planner' - :' r APPROV9L ° OF MINUTES,: The minutes; of April 19,' `1977• were; approved as submitted. G _ . CORRESPONDENCE. None CONSENT'CALENDAR Casa De Arroyo' #2' `A motion was made by Commissioner :H orciza, se'conded'by Barstone Corporation. Commissioner Popp approving the ,resolut ions o, the" Gon sent Calendar-. Motion unanimously. Commis- signers Bond and' Head were not present for the vote' on. the =Consent Calendar CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL,/ • `Mr Hall explained `•the. P'Ianning;'. had' r-ecom- MOD`IFICATION TO THE mended approual of the modification to-the General GENERAt'�`DEVELOPMENT Development Plan to the City 'Council wh c'l included a' PLAN OF . THE QANTAS'- 15- acne community hospital and a : acre . medical PCD,, PLANNED related commercial/ prof'essPonal office space design COMMUNITY DISTRICT: tion at their meetin g of Aril 19 1971: 'The `City ' Council, at- their meeting of May 2, 1977, referred the matter back, to the Planning .Commi§$i6n,for consideration of a. mo to the: General. D'evelo,pment Plan of the' Qantas PCD for hospital use only the modf- ica'ton no °t to include medical office facilities Comm 'Hor.ciza questioned the type of strategy the -Cixty- 'Counc_il was anticipating when in eventuali;ty off ices" would be ;built around the hospital site. Mr. `Hall stated that the :Council was concerned that P'e hot :have three or four cross- town,cftbuiation routes and, 'every new development would. more traffic pressure on the 'already congested McDowell /East -Washington intersection. There is a critical si,tu'aton at this inter and'; each ;additional 'hous unia <, only adds to' the problem; Comm. ',Hor;ciza - stated •th'e time table ,for the' =road imp:rovements` on McDowell is,: in the disffant _ 'utur:e ,• whereine the- :hospi'ta1 would be kwithou "t' medical of for 'many years.;:` He 'expr`essed. c °oncern that Qan as,- Deve1- opinent would .'not 'heave this .prop'erty bare° and houses would `.be' built ir; lieu ;of" medical offices. The EDP specifies the property' to be' - 'rezoned for! 'ot'Her uses " than off ice space, and in. this event. there, will be no remaining o -f f ice space, . left for the future. Mr:' °Hall 'explained the - extension , of McDowell bhrcugh to, PETALUMA 'CITY PLANNING= :COMMISSION ;MINUTES'- MAY -3, _1,977 CITY C©UNCIL: RE ^EERRAL /. Old'- R Highway Is needed `for•; a circuhat;on, -, MODIFICATION TO THE and direct traffic through th`e McDowell, / ngton . GENERAL DEUELOPMENT' intersection, witho.ut left turn movements, onto °McDowell. ;PLAN OF THE QANTAS would facilitate t-raffic,`;flow Another solution would y h e� Was COMMUNITY DDS,TRICT I� 1 I (Continued,) : with the freeway. Chuck Cowen Administrator of. Hi llcrest Hos.p'it_ah, plans fiad 'been on' - the table for one year to locate' a hospital at the..Lucchesi Par =k site;. I't makes sense to, have.medical . offices, located around the Tra'•ffic that. -would be generated'by,' the 'hospital and the medical offices s not an unsatisfactory, sftuation�;' The hospital can proceed on thefr.own •and, at - a .later' -'time could come back a request, for, medical- office`s. Comm. Harbersoft ;stated then City Council would - go along with the hospital,- but - not with the, proposal for medical - offices !'to be "1 nearby ac=ross 'the road from the. hospital. He :bel :i-eved .the City Council would not change their. mind on the medical i of -ice build ngs: They would .not vote.on.:medical offices until some mitigating measures: were taken. Phil Joerger stated 153 doctors had, taken . an. option to purchase property on North, .., McDowell - across 'from, the hospital site; he consid'e_r'ed_ this a conflict of interest. Larry Jonas? stated. the doctors puxrchas'ed thd. - property after the hospital .was'. . proposed and -ore. is not a, conflict of nt'eres;t.. ,therg JI Comm Ha rberson stated, es,sential'ly, consideration. was: only to 'b:e give n f:or the hospital The office: and medical fac_ilities, were - turned down by the Council. He preferred that an affirmative vote would -be returned to the Council Mr - Hall stated:a modification. to the_General Development': Plan, for the professional ' offices could_ be . :re uested by the, developer- ---at a later: time:. . 4- Cori Popp .moved to recommend app,roual of the mod-ifica_tion to the General- Devel- opment:,Plan., to the City Council with the fol'lowing eonditgns_r: eliminate 1 The on of a p :ortion: of the Phase I_II multi family area desi`g4ation- (15 O. c ' arable area. repl-a;cement ,with • a 15 -acne communi -ty" hospital designation;' and 2,.: The. elimination of; approximately 117 :dwelling units ('37single, family and" 80 multi - family 'unit's) from the; total .636 units originally specified by the P1a;ce' `Subdivisidn, GDP: The motion was seconded by. Comm. ,Horciza, AYES': 5 NOES'_ 0 ABSENT. • - 2: Comm , Daly qualified his vote based , on his, prev- ous ,motion , �favoring the , hospital- :. and ,medical - related commercial /professional - o,f.f.ice space facilit•ies�,. Comm t Wright q.uali.f.`ied leis; yes vote was due to poor planning, Comm. ,Horciz;A qualified. his yes. vote - s,tat fig there should .,be. •a_ssociated . uses next .to the hospital such as;, ,a pharmacy. and. medical :off ices., , -2- - PETALUMA CITY _PLANNING - COMMISSION ;MINUTES, .MAY. 3; '.1977 i WILL`'IAMS1& AGUIRRE Mr' Hall explained the request by Williams &, .Aguirre for -�w^ ' ,n E' EUALUAT a modification .to the, Subdiuision Ordinance, a. rev 111.;_ . , ew. of TENTATIVE'MAP /'SITE the Tentative Map fora 103 unit residential development DESIGN REVIEW:.' ao be located on Ely;:'Road ; North,, adjacent to Bernard'.. j Eldredge School _ 'The >` developer`; had 'received an allot- went to develop `the, site .with 100 single - family. units on September 20, 1976 The parcel measures nearly 1,300 f;eet-by 750 feet and 1. covers 22.19 acres with Lynch.Creek located _approximately 4.00 feet.to. site. is accessible via Ely Road North, Jid et.Street! and :the future'extens on, o f Street. Primary vehicular access would be pr�oylded . by way, of East Washington Street; a secondary access would-be provided via'.;Ely Blvd. .fiom the north_ eliminating- further. impact on „'the McDowell,; Blvd/ - ;East Washington Street intersection. He further explained that traffic ;would be dispersed via Maria Drive /South McDowell and Caulfield Lane alte'rnative''cross -town circulation which would- minimize:,the traffic impact, n the intersection, of -McDowell and East Washington. Comm. Bond. stated the main reason. the medical office complex, for. the hospi "tal'. could not., be approved was due -to, tr -affic problems-, noW consideration on a neg- ative declaration for this project is requested,that will be adj oining the controversiai,pxoperty. A negative declaration cannot be a project that will be.,feeding tra'f,fic into the same intersection that is already. a prob lem_ area,. We are saying, to one developer, you cannot have Your. offices, but to this developer you.,can,,,.but we are still concerned with•the.:'traffic at the McDoweli%Washington intersect "ion. There: is a quantitative Imp,act with all these. _ developments. with, each •feeding traffic into this intersection. Mr Hal'1 ;stated the, situation.exp.ressed':by Commissioner Bond would' require mitigating or ,a moratorium, on development east of the 'freeway. He felt that this project.. would not impact on •the intersection to the ..extent that the critical 'level would ache d. Each development � should be ;looked at' on a '.'tir:st - come, first 'served bas s The Public Hearing to consider the Environmental Impacf was opened. .Son Anderson,.Mac'Kay & Somps,; stat'e'd the, developers had previously requested 110 1 lots, but.. had dropped to :103 lots by giving Bernard Eldredge School 'the additional property''for their play area;, In .the .cas : e of Qantas Developme'nt there is'rno traffic relief, but there are a- number of traffic relief for this project. The,primary,.access .tb the development would be• Ely_Blvd,. and vehicles could also ,u_se• the future extension of Caulfield Lane. Developments on McDowell have: no • Choice, but .'to use .the • intersection of McDowell and Washington. Comm Bond stated this is the same argument used by the 'hospital; peopleby` nature will. take, the ..shortest :route .'between,- two .poirits, Walt Williams,, developer,, stated that even. if a t_raffic study is made, the con- dt'ons are present and the report. will only tell yo,u overpas es are• needed;; but it.,,does not solve the problem. Every delays costly and it is critical we start coast `ruction of this r.o ect .this ar. Each s tep in 'the process of: 'the . P. J e subdivision costs' 'money. The Publ Hearing was closed: -3- i - PETALUMA,. CITY' PLANNING COMMISSION; ;MINUTES;, MAY 3`,- 1977:,. . WILLIAM& .& AGU -IRRE- Comm. ,.Harber:son statedL the• extension, of= Caiulf ield": Lane E' I Q;:. EVALUATION/ fr=om South McDowell t,o:, Crinella Drive `.had :,been,) approved TENTATIVE.MAP /SATE b3 � the City Council Comm Horci'za stated it£ would 'be a DESIGN REVIEW good, service, to the community and for .futurer development. Continued), to; require a, limited. traffic, study fbr° thisy'pr63 ect . - Comm Daly stated' thisr project was reviewed :iris the Residential Allotment System th ,and= e d'eveloperi�shouldi not,b.eJrequired`'to 'f'urn sli. - . °a traffic study. Comm: 'Horc za stated we. hammer'. io&` know, more, about ;a'lter'na mutes and mitigatingt. measures, and., the probrl`em'` be approached , • We also ' have to. get.' idea's, on .traf-fc `lights on': ::Ely Blvd and, East Washington Street Comm Horc za moved to reques,t, ,a limited' `traffic study fof the project be:,mad'e:.. The motion 'was +seconded.-by Comm. Bond: AYES 2 NOES 4 ABSENT; C omm Bond ~ stated he: is no t,advocating a moratorium- but his understanding of a , _traffic study was that it would, determine t hat .'a project would not, impact= viii f afrI on t y he surrounding :area, -,and • lie would: be going by t'he . es;tabli''shed;, rules -.: - ._:Comm • Daly . moved to ; drec the-P- fanning, Director to, prep a're and post' a Negative Declaration . f or, .the -,projec't'. The motion. was s by Comm. Popp:. AYES'I 4; NOES; 2 ABSENT l Mt;. Hall explained the had; requested' a modification to the Subdiv`5iori Ordinance,..to a'Llow fo''r 98 and 99 fdo ; t_ depths for lots 5�1 thro 'u'gh 70':, The nance :requires,.a.,, mini mum, depth of 100: feet. A reduction_ in lot siAZe. would j increase-- the. average cost per dwelling =, • and orie of the objectives '.of: the ec't; was to. create l�o.wer••v cost.,housing.: ' The applicant also req.ues.t'ed that 20' °foot f f'ron't, yard`. setbacks -be permitted ,for lots 93', 94- and -80 through, 92 , to provide- fjor, more building' 'space,, necessitated. by a 2Q =foot wide' P,'.`G & -- E. ea'semenf which; runs' throw 'h t_ g he rear of these,lots. C;omm.. Horci-za moved to:jrecommend, to the, City Council' approval o,f thei modified tion t o the;` Subdivision. Ordlildnce; based: on the -sp: "f ecif is indings shown . in Exhibit C:- The:- .mot ion .: .wasx seconded by Comm. •Daly. AYES ' 6 NQE:S': 0 ABSENT' 1 Comm.: Popp - moved., to, r=ecommend, approval of= ,the Tentative° Map for the. Miwokl1 Manorry Subdivision to -the City Council, with coriditions• of approval as'recoinmended b- the. Planning. staff' and City Engineer. The motion was seconded 'by Comm. Bond.: AYE S`° - 6 . NOES 0 ABSENT l 'Consideration of the Site: DeSign:.Revi�ew f ;or the, ,development 'was deferred for' two weeks or until plans were!',pr-epar ed ;ed - arid submitt .for, appr -4- 0", 'PETALUMA CITY. PLANNIN& -'COM -1� . 9 USSTON MINUTE&, MAY,"3i- 77 SAVERIO;,;DI-TOMASO-,',--, 'Thisr:,'i was -,,: dO-le,ted . a$efida`.and ''hag' b rr ee APPEAL] TO PLANNING' tentative1y. reschedulieZii,f ot the meeting o f Ji ne . 7 1977. 'COMMISSION /PARCEL 'MAP CONbITIONS': kEX ZANV APPLT& .IL"-EA;. � was dele f : d I;h �b I This,,` item wd rom ., the"."agem A an( �:. as - een PLANNING COMMISSION/.. tentatively rescheduled for, the meeting of June Ii.-:1977. -PARCEL,:MAP CONDITIONS: ZNVIRONMENTAL DES IGNi. Mt, Hall - '"'expl'a• l-n - the. ilea& agenc 'f or the PLAN (•1977-1984): proposed -Env itonmental.-Desigp Plan and tfie Commission i was requested to evaluate and consider adottion of the 'new seven -yea chaq gps to' the, .EDP for ;-:the purpose of tif r I ngipg the plan Tdto�c . o'_man� e Jw i tfi -- the General Plan.. Some.. of >f het`.chaihges to the±IEDP are contingent on and subj to the - City "Is 'offi'cial General -Plan revision scheduled for change during the summer,.1577. Com'M;`Wrig'fit.questioned the 'relationship betweenethe Environmental Design Plan c and,-t Rewaslasidendleiantl Deve�lopmenr�,Control Plan. Mr. Hall. explained that g,]�Qwth th�rodgh , the - gr — it h,contro'l policy which is an: implementation. s - ontrol h& d; s for the EDP. Tfte new EDP gives growt through 1984, and indicates that city growth. should be maintained at -a .maximum rate of. ave iE�tcent annually., �Id`slt 'of. the proposed changes are ,minor such as ,proposed p park 16 cat ion, changes, , street realignments., and`reali - gni , ge , nt I of greenbelt to reflect, property lines•. The Pub lic Hearing to consider - the Environmental Impact Questi-onnaire,. was, opened. Donna McKenzie,. Task Force - Committee, stated that many.- members of, the :Committee did , not - f e e . 1 the document adequately reflec,ted, their' concerns. 'They.al&b ques- toned, -the document format � aria the omission of -many, of the Committee's - - kecom- , menda'ti6ns. Ms:. 'McKenzie further stated that most; of. the , history oi%bbLck&ound Information contained the-documentlwasTunnecessary and implementation ptoce- d ure s hould hould be,included in the'EDF. Don Bennett-- Task Force member, stated bers. we - disappointed. that their ygicomm ions'vere not. in he EDP. many t They hAd7assumed the Committee 'w6tild-continueAdbtking. with- the Plafiriin"..'staff.. but thls�jdid not ha peq; He endorsed the staff proposal to developa Recreation Element-of the GenerAl, Kan. Mr. Hall stated the Planning: staf li22.mev.-w'ith - members of th Task 'Force ;- 'on Thiirisddy td. review the - .p'ropos ed n ew''; document. Larry Jonas, Tas• Force member, stated. the cit:ilzl , ens, I gro up . -bad dwindled from 18 members t6 only six because of Jack of.,Apsistance. City- staff.- Comm., Bond stated-that -the strength•of the original EDP was its cit-izeh input, which % seems-to have been.short-circuited this time by only me staff s,taff'., Comm. Harberson did tiot,consider the proposod EDF �zompleted as, the, Com- - 04 '.; - - - r . - . , .- -1 mittee,_had such a s ti study the staff document--. He�_would also. like to ,soe,.'a more' concise, shorter document. 14r. Hall stated the-Planning staff, did I o nft-o , . working i directly with.,the dliizeft' committed:., He .. I Have the benefit ... . , dire c s� explained the original. EDP text remained intact in the, new -document and- ' dele- t and additions had been inserted to make it easier•to evaluate the proposed changes!. _5- PETALUMA CITY PLANNING COMMISSI91 MIl�1UTES:, °MAY''•3, ° 197.7 '. "• "'^ - ri s• on.�t�he ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN A discus`siom• was r�hefld by the- 'ssio - fe PLAN (I07 198.4) proposed, land user changes .. Cbmm. ''3bnd moved 'to 'recommend to" °the' 'C=ity, Coiunc l 'thAt the' PlAr ning`-staf f. be ^allotted St e: -to =meet with,-the . Environmental, OVsignr P'l'an Task .Force "Cbmmlttee to complete 'preprarat' on of •the Enpil�- oriment:61 D'es_ign _ ?kl n '(1977 1'984;,) .. :The motion-' -was seconde'dr by ^'Comm `' =Har- •rberson, :. AYES 6' NOES ' 0 •'ABSENT 1 The • rec'ons der. `the Y' EDP ;(19.77=- 1984:)'wasY: eoh't riue& to. J.une.211.,. 1977. ^. - ADJOURNMENT. , The'' uiee`t -ing iadj ourned '`at 11 vl5 , p:.Pm ". r / _ _airman Attest!: