HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/21/1977y � . Kj. 14 U T E ' S PETAtUMA: 'CITY ..'PIANNING, 'COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING tffY COUNCIL !CHAMBERS, CITY HALL rb"erson,; Head., Wright PRESENT: Comm." -Daly'. 14 ABSENT: 'Comm Horciza.j Popp STAFF: - Rond ,, Id E. Hall; Planning.Ditec 'Fred E., Tarr, Associate Planner APPROVAL OF-MINUTES: I The minutes of the June 7. 1977, were -JUNE-, 2 1977 7.:30 P.M. PETALUMA, CALIFORNIA approved,,as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE: - fr LE�Eter' �om Manuel P regarding the SousaABrothers property, l oc ated , between Schuman, Lane and Magnolia Avenue -r permission tfia:.t their propb§al for Units be considered by the:'Planhing .'Commission. The Plannift'g .!Di tor was directed 'to plane this item 6n'a-' future Planning 'Cdmmission Agefiduz CONSENT OALtNDAR: The motlon V � made by Comm,. Hedd, seconded by Comm Daly 'to a Items #l,and #2: was carried: Agenda Item #1: D an Patocchi., Negative De6laration.And' Site Design Res. 5 app�roV-ing duplex to be, lo cat ed a t 234/236 Edith Street. 'Agendd Item Dick ' Lieb - d Co.., -14 N egative DeclarAtion-and f f or The Lan _6 5.471 App iiig the conversion of a Site Desi,gn' ± ov single- ' residence to a•'real estate office to be located at 40 Petaluma- &lvd... 'S6,fthi ,GARY GbSTAP-SON't'7..I. Q,,` 9r Hall `explained the request of Gary Gustafson to t EVALUAT / VAR IANCE al low - f.or two parkiAg spaces 'less than require d f or a SITE DESIGN REVIEV proposed office building to be located at 628 Ea's:t Washingtorr Street. The sitet, currently used by Carl's Market, is -proposed a profes'sional office:. site consists of 'three, lots and covers - approximate1y, 12,,80,0, square f eet. The 'p,ro,p,oped'-14-l-' office 'structure covers 4;965 `8'qiiare feet of the site,. 'There (ire'-12 pdfkiiig,-spaces where 14 are - normally required: Access to , - thq, - site i . s I by ' 1wo-way drive via -Vallejo' Street and an.- ingress from''East Washington in Street. r r PETALUMA CITY -PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, JUNE 21, 1977 GARY GUSTAF:SQN- E,. I,Q. The Public Hearing was ;opened to consider the Envr.on- Y EVALUATION /VAR`IANCE_/ mental Impact Questionnaire:. • No: comments ,were. ;off•ered SITE DESIGN' REVIEW from the audience and 'the Public Hearing, was closed:_ ("Convinued ) Comm. Harb,erson 'moved to direct the Planning Direc'to.r to prepare and ,post a, lie gat-ive..D'eclaration for the projec . The motion w I asl se.conded•by Comm,. Head'.. AYES 4 NOES 0 ABSENT 2' 'The .Public Hearing consider the.. Variance request was Opened. No comments were offered from the audience and the Public Hearing was-closed. Comm. Harberson moved to.;grant the. variance •requjest,'to allow for - twelve.park- ing spaces based on the findings ifidicated ihe, staff. report. The motion was seconded by Comm. Head:. AYES 4 NOES & - ,ABSENT. 2 discussion was held•,on the parking layout fbr the site Fred Tarr explained that seven parking spaces would .run horizontal to Vallejo S.treet with five parking spaces located . to, the. -rear .6f : the site. The :addition,, of second access .'driveway would be from Vallejo Street. Comm. Head moved to approve the S te.. De's ign - for' 'the pxo;posed pr•.oj with con- ditions of approval as recommended, by the staff and concurred with by the. Architectural • _and Site, De "sign Review Committee and., that Condit ^ion #7 -be' de= feted .from the staff' report. The, was seconded * by .Comm. Daly. 1 1 AYES 4 - NOES` 0 ABSENT' 2' ENVIRONMENTAL,DES'GN Mr., Hall explained that the proposed.Intermedate Range. PLAN (19771-1984) t General Plan (1977 - 1984) prepared by the, Planning De - partment,.and the Citizens` ,Task 'Force Committee was' to be considered by the Planning Commiss'ion,. The format had been changed from that of the original. Environmental Des'gn.Plan °to: reflect general policies and policies affecting future 'residential deve'lopment',; business . growth "and services The new Int'ermediat'e Rang"e•General Plan has,• el- iminated much-of the histor_ca-1 background swhich , had been, ,included in the. original EDP­ Mr. .Hall recognized the Am ,'and work input performed members." of the 'Task Force Committee and stafi' per,onnel. INTERMEDIATE RANGE'.GENERAL,PLAN Mr. Hall.. reviewed •'the,proposed IRGP.. The. following addition wa : 8 added under Section IV. B.3. (Recreation ;& Open Space. Implementation Policies) A .regional park, to be located southwest of Petaluma, iri• • the Chil'eno 'Valley area (a County Park), i 2,_ PETALUMA. CITY ..PLANN'ING 'COMMISS ION _MINUTES JUNE 1 21, 19,77 7 ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN.PLAN (,INTERMEDIATE RANGE ' GENERAL, PLAN) LAND' USE MAP .AMENDMENTS Fred Tarr briefed the ;some.of the 4,2 proposed,,land use-map amendments to be approv.edxiah the adoption of the new text: Items l,; and 4 Interchange -- prop.osed change from, Aoriculturenman . g en Space to allow for light industrial use. Items 2'and 3 ,Interchange- ,p change . rop'osed from 1 9 ricultu /Open Space and Industrial to be set aside g ` for �Sery : :ce Commercial that regw res large acreage. Item 5 'Northeas't -of Corona Road ;and" N6rth•'M6Dowel1 Blvd. - proposed change from Agriculture /Open Space and-In- dustrial to' allow for Neighborhood Commercial. Item 6 East of ;North McDowell Blvd. near Corona Road - proposed I chj ge.from,Agricultur,e /Open Space to allow for Planned Res=idential.. Item 7 East of .'North McDowell Blvd. ' near Corona Road - pro- posed•�chahge.from Agri.cultire /Open Space to allow for an Elementary" School and Neighborhood Park. Item 8 East 'Washington' Street ,to Corona Road'• - A .route for Maria Drive b.e designated ton the_ EDP. • Item 9 an 10'.... We of proposed•Mara Drive near proposed Rainier Avenue to °move E�lemenf`ary S'choo'l" and Neighborhood ' Park :from West gf.Ely Road -North near proposed Mania Drive to ,afor,ementioned location. Item 11 II Highway :1,01 to ' Ely Road between East Washington Street and Corona Road - proposed - thbto:ughfdre tie -in for Rainier Avenue with limited Freeway - Interchange. Item 12 Nor hwest: East Washington. Street &,.Ely Blvd. North•- proposed, that the _St James Church, and' school p "roperaty be ed designat Urban High Density'Residenfial. 'There had been -a requestunder, the Program to consider ,low rent - „ housing and a ..Senior Citizens com- plex: There are %lQG units :involved and the high. density would involve: ° 50 'un its'for' low- and moderate -' G "ncome Pious =ng And, units for.Senior Citizens ,, Hous - ' ing. This, pro,posal' require •a change: in the EDP an General, Item. 13 East o;f North :McDowell -.B'lvd.' ,and north - of Lucchesi Park - the propo's'ed -hospital to -.be _ndi;c'ated on the r EDP ,. -3- PETALUMA CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, JUNE; 21, 1977 East - t'diuma Gardens Item 14 of E-ly Blvd South And south th of Pe Subdivision an Elementary School and,Neighborho.od. - Park,tq.be designated - on:the. EDP,.' Item 16 East of greenbelt.near' future Caulfield Lahe. Ext`&n- to' ij sion - for a Comffiuity"Pa :site,. Item 17 West of Ely Blvd. South near 6a'sa Grande. High-..Scho,61 proposed -change from Neig4bo.rho.od. Planned Residential.-' 6es1gAatibA­ .�L Of Item. 18 Corona Road at Highway l6i future - interchange Item 20 East of Highway. 101 and south of C,br,oAa Road- - proposed, designation change.•from Urban Density Residential to Ihdiis, qs :3 or- ` for resident a'1 'tftal ' �.' Th a 'po use, access ;'to- the -,property is Item 22- East and west of Highw 01-and ay -1 possible, -_xt6_n§1oA'to 'Boddga Ba proposed des'l ibn from 'secodd,ptiority a n - to ri: PArkw y a nd tia-il Indu�trial,, Ag' ; culture/9pdn' Spac& and Sppcid) Study Area Item 2.3 Che-riy* Valley. Area�, Howard Street/blagnblid Avenue 'd to eliminate tin&jparkway.:�and path connector i propose .. t to allow f or °tfhe fu tures extension Vtutle ext of Paula Lane: Revert to a Suburban. Low,,, Urban Low Density Residen- tial and Agr, u1t6re[Op&n Space dds1griatiom. Item 2.5 Howard Stre6t/P Avenue -proposed -NeLghborhob'd Park designation to. -allow 10r the existing Oak. Hill Park (Neighborhood Par-k). Item 43 (Added 'Chilen o Vdlley area, !i�o ut, f iw e s t, of Petajum a,i -a proposed Regional -Park (•ounty Park) The Public Hear= was opened: to Envir Impact. AS'sessment,, and­fhe of, the, Environmental­ Design' Plah ('1977-1984); INTERMEb RANQt 6INkR&L, PLAN The followinR c6mments* and recommendations, were ' made Tohn.Bal9haw'. Chairman of the Citizens;' :Task Yorce Committee stated that . in a, recent study prepared- the ,growth rate showed the real growth of the,,,housirigg stock. and -population is most eou-iitabIe'-for public services in the to 4.5% range, per year; - he- questioned the-report recommended a 5% rate of growth.. Page -,5, Section l.b,. The City,Ehgineer should indicate on the -map tran§pbrEation, and service,facil- ities. - page 5.j.h. _ Natural waterways.and, trees Are. to be'presetve&. We hon6r this. in b reach and no t ."in intent. Page 8,," (Collector §'jtreets). There -47 PETALUMA CITY .PLANNING COMMISSI`ON JUNE 21,, 1977 should-be coordination between tte , Plarinin D'e ar:tment -and• the City Engineer g p y when. roads- and.developments are p'ro'posed. Pr-ojeets should,be endorsed' by the City Engineer prior to approval,. Page 9, Mob=ile Home R, rks­ Further encroach - ment,should be' limited and location of- mobile '°home parks should•be designated. Page. T0, Bus'ine.ss :- ^Create :add1tional .:industrial zon -ing. The staff should justify why an industrial is needed-wh'en there is an industrial park infill�at North San Francisco Industrial Park. 'Mr,..Balshaw questioned the intent ',of, .the neighborhood commercial development,'-in the Valley Sector and tested that it should-`be defined,.' He indicated that she Sky Ranch -Airport should,;,be preser"ued:,' Page 11, ' 1. c. -. The City Engineer should•end'orse• and coordinate the street circulation pattern. Donna. M acKenz"ie,. "Vice = Chairman Task Force Commit'tee,, stated-there should someth ng in writing which indicates t'he City will involved with low- income housirig.. rThis would be ''backup when a developer proposes to build low-cost houses,, but indicates at a later date that he is unable -to do so. Page 5(d) -. questioned if a school had been..considered for the.Westridge area? Don Bennett, Chairman -of� -the Subcommittee.on Parks,. stated the committee was very concerned for! the p trees, The,City has a street tree ordinance -that ins- :not followed. The City should .take the responsibility for low cost "using,; the buck is being passed on to the developer,. The City sh'o_uld =hake a progressive s.t_a,ndand..determne how a low,cost housing project. is progres sing.. A real • problem •;concerns -the elderly,.- - Page 10, 1. e. should be clarified Circulation patterns :should -apply not 'only to the • downtown sector, buts to Io,ther: areas of City. 'Staff indicated' .that; this. has been covered in the. text . Larry Jonas stated than a small scale - subdivision should .be drawn up as a L' , guideline, so a developer would, -k_now the :type of subdivision t -hat is. required, and this scale should' include trees and planter strips;. Terence Garvey stated-that Jine'ar parks • sho_.uld , be usable,,, Page 16, c . l,. Page 10, III, A.l..g some light industries that are attracted to :a -City ra-- se.havoc with tAe: wastewater treatment• system due to the•disposal of.heavy metals, etc. �He also: indicated the Sky Ranch Airport should 'be preserved LAND USE MAP AMENDMENTS John Balshaw Page 2, Item.11 the p :rop.osed freeway': i:nterchange.at Rainier Avenue is unreal'-istic,. East. Wa•sl iftgton Street - has {set for. more• than 3 'years <ds •money has not,, been,. available for the. street proj,ee.t,. Corona Road is the most probable location for an interchange and possibly - the State will fund the project. The, land us`e- desl,gnated f a Neighborhood iShopping Center on the east and west side,. of• -the railroad should be more specific as to- either side. Page 2, Item 20 - he recalled, that property owners fought ,to have the property located.east 10;1.and south Corona Road designated. industrial. M``re Tarr explained that in�o, Eder: to develop'the property a grade crossing and road'wo,uld,be re`quired'. possibly the property should placed in open - space. Mr. - Balsi-aw -= nd:i.g4ted that 'any- transactions with the State should -have the - endors'e.ment of the City Engineer. -5- PETALUMA CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, JUNE " 21 - 1977 Larry Jonas, objected to the St., James'property'on Ely Blvd. being used for a Senior Citizens. complex and suggested' 'the 1 complex be lo.cated on Jefferson Street. This `type of complex would enhance - the. Uallej`o: /.Jefferson Street. area. Mr. Hall stated,.that some of'the new changes were,.mandated tobr.ing 'the City into conformance with law. Some changes were "prompted by outside ire teres,ts and some liy school distr:itts.. ' Art . Lafranchi, representing. the Willow' Creek Properties, ' located on .Old .Redwood Highway, supported changes; 1'and'Z. In'19,62 „ ,, he indicate d, Assess District No 9:was formed and property .owners in that area •have.been paying assessments and taxes-on their property designated_as industrial.. He aaked who was in a position to-say we have too much-industrial property. Based on past history of the property,, he 'recommend'ed .keeping the property 'f'or. industrial :use:. This was done with. the City's support; and if this policy is changed. it will, damage the people in, the- area,. who have paid taxes for these properties for many. years Lucy Webb, Page 1, Item 3, representing Friedman- Br.o_s., property, located on Old Redwood - Highway, requested. that the area be, designated • commercial as - proposed,.” 'She -also.requested,'that the,;industrial designated area near the rails`oad remain-as proposed because of the, ex sting railroad accessibility. She further indicated concern over the,.proposed location of !a .school site on the property she represents (Page :Z No'. .14.). Barry Par:knsoi, Page 1, Items 6 'and Z'; represe_ntng .property owners east of North• ',McDowell, Blvd. near .Corona Road., favored the•completion,.of-Co;rona Road. . and North McDowell Blvd. He indi.cated,that new residential development in th.e area would help to accomplish the road improvements. Horace Henris, an owner of Willow Creek properties, was',s,upportive of these, . properties being designated - industrial, as the; land 'has- been..assessed'as industrial, for- years. The,Pdblic:Heari.ng was closedi it was the general consensus that further consideration of the Environmental Design.Plan be "continued on June 23, 19.77, 'a't. 5:00 p..m. ADJOURNMENT: There `being. no fur-,,thee business,, the- meeting adjourned at '10;45 p.m. Attest.: . ms's