HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/19/1977F _� __ REGULAR MEETING JULY. 19.,, 1977 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS' 7:30 P.M.. CITY HALL PETALUMA, CALIFORNIA The Planning Commission encourages app icants an-their, representative to be availab at - the !meetzn' _ to - answer quest�i:ons, .s,o that no :agenda items need '.be defe=rred to a later date,'�du . a lack of p'ertinentt information. " PLEDGE'AALLEG•IANCE TO THE FLAG ROLL CALL: Comm Harberson :,.•. Head Horciza .• Lavin Shearer ; • . Waite '". Wright - STAFF:. '. Ronald F:= Hall,, .P, arming: Director APPROVAL-:OF M, NUTES :, `CORRESPONDENCE: ' . CONSENT °CALENDAR MAREE S' �MEAGHERS~ S >te: Design Review..•of' a sngle dwelling to, be located at `61'5 'E - Street. DAN JONES E'; h.Q t Evaluation and Site Design Review• for a proposed warehouse ".to "be - "locate "d 61V`the`southwest'corner of :Dynamic Street and" 'Transport Way. LAWRENCE SEAL- E.;T,.Q:...' 1= ..."•Rublic Hearing.. evaluate- , :the.Environmental Impact EVALUATION /VARIANCE Questsonna -ire .'for" ar "proposed' Automotive Repair Shop "USE - PERMIT: - to -be 'located` at-326f, Street.` 2:. Public Hearing to consider a•variance request to allow for a rearyard setback 'to zero feet. . 3. : Hearing; to , consider a­ Use Permit' application. 'for the' project.. KRAGEN -AUTO' SUPPLY= r,. Public Hea-ring, to ° evaluate .:the Env1ronmental Impact E ".-I..Q- % .::Questionnaire for' a. , proposed auto 'supp'ly store to REZONING'FROM C -N and _;be 'located at - the� northeast corner"of *Ldkeville and M-L' - to "C =H '(HIGHWAY . .... East Washington' Street.. COMMERC'I9L) /SITE DESIGN 2, public Hear,ing..to consider. an app::dAcation to rezone :REVIEW;= „ . r'th `property from. C �4 .and M =L -.to - C -'H , (Highway Commercial) 3 • Site Design Review of the: proposed project. PETAEUMA �CTTY. PLANNING= ,COMMIS --ION :TRULY 19, 1977 .AGENDA , WAVER = "I IECKHEFER -- lo,. "Ph'bl c .Hea -j" g.:,to ' yal_cape,.,�he:.4Envir,onmental mpa ;ci "Eo "1.Qm ' EVALUATION/ Q es- t-ionna Vie. to�.:a; proposed °aho,gpsiig" center° to be USE. PERMIT. /;SITE located at the northwes,t''�corner7 d'f Lakeville Street DESIGN REVIEW: and =East • Washington Street.,. 2a., "Public Hedging -to, consider ,a; Use,.. Permit application for °the.•project. 3. Site Design Rev ,116w of-'the, proposed : center,: ROBERT; Po. HAGER- -. 1: Public °Het =ring _,t.o evalua•te, V.ironmental' Tcripa.ct ,... E ,ALUATION/ E: i Q Quest gnnai e• for .propo`�;ed eo' ia1 rehab ":Ili:+ anon. USE; PERMIT /SITE facility ° to '4'e - located at 501 Petlt'ina - Blvd : S, "DESIGN.'REVIEW": , 2a: Public Hearing to consider .a Use. Permit application for the project. 3. S1 Design review of'-: the p''roposed prof ec't -. PLANNKY'RESTDENTIAL Public Hearing-to consider the adequacy -of the draft - 'SUBDTVIS'IONS-EAST QFi- E.I,,tR prepared by�Del'.Davis- Assoc a.tes -.f,or the ELY BLVD S- DRAFT•. re -s den't.ia;1 > „prezoning.. of - -233 • a'cres- .1otated east of Ely; "Ee;I R., EVAhUATTON:• BItd South. SONOMA- COUNTY :REFERRAL- Expanded :initial study regarding an ;application for, the QTJARKY :P12ODUCTS,. INC. / -* rezonln`g of 42' aces . fr;om the -existitg 'A -1 (pximary REZONING /USE,, PERMIT:. a:gr. cuftuxa.l) 'distri'ct zone to a proposed M -2 (heavy industrial) .:zone, and'."u's& permLt a.ppuoval, to allow f' �. a...newtton-s t.e a- halt..batch. plant an'd continued upgra ding.. of .the_. ex-is ting•quarry .opera•tion on .the subject property . 19 21 -10 and 1'1; 1.9F- 22 -12 and 27) . GOMMYTTEE, ,• Histo re &.`Cultural Pr;eserv:ation'.Committee: REPRESENTATIVES'. M I N U T E S ' • PETALUMA CITY - PLANNING COMMISS11ON REGULAR R - MEETING, CITY-COUNCIL'CHAMBERS, CITY HALL PRESENT Comm•. Head,, Lavin,, Shearer, Waite, JULY 'I'9, 1977 T:3,0 P.M. RETA-I]UMA, CALIFORNIA ABSENT::� Comm. - Harber son, HoT Wright I ,STAFF: Ronald F. Hall, P-lanning Director' Fred E.. Tarr; Associate Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the,meetitg of July 6, 1977, were approved as submitted,. CORRESP None. Mr. Ha"ll, introduced and welcomed the Planning Commi'ssIoners.. -1- It the abs . ence of Wright and -Vice Chairman 'Hor�qiz&,, Commissioner - Head was unanimously elected Acting. Chairman. QONSENV-CALENDAR The motion was made hy °Comm., Shearer, seconded by Comm. Lavin to -approve' Items 1 and 2.. Motion was carried unanimously., Agenda Item #1 Marees,.Meagher's;,'Sitq Design Res. 5.474, approving a single family dwelling to be located, at 615 "E" Street, family with Con d ition 46 added to read: The parking space abutting "' Street pha,11 be, deleted and replaced with lah Agenda Item. #-2. Dan Jones,, Negative Declarat±b and Site Design Res. 5-475 approving warehouse to'be located-at the south- west corner of Dynamic Street and,'Transport Way,. with the f olloVing -m0di Ica ion&: Condition I should 'be reworded. to. read: Lava Rock shall ,b& used to cover the office sect-ion roofing. Condition: 2 - The second sentence should be reworded to read: Parking spa'c'e - numbers I and 8 shall be-ade- qtately screened 'with laAdscaping material. -1- PETALUMA, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION-MINUTES, JULY, 19,, 1977 LAWRENCE BEAL-E.I.'Qw Mr. Hall expl ined the request of Lawrence J., Beal to,-' EVALUA,T'ION,/V.kR�,1-.AN(ft-`/` consider an automotive buil-diAg''in- an M-L.,'Light USE'PERMIT:; Industrial District, and to allow a reduction in the required rear yard setback f2rom 25 f eet. to 0 feet for . property located near the, intersection-of East "D" and Lakeville Streets: The site is -triangular in shape with 3 f eet of f rontage on,a One -w ay service Yoad which runs parallel to Lakeville Street: on the West side-of the, main NWPRR tracks;, and is 4c,ces,sible via this one-lane road leading fr Street 'southeast to Jefferson Street and Lakeville Street, A • 6-fo,ot screen f ence, is, required along, the rear propetty line on each, side of the build.- .ing, and 3-1/2:f.o6t high screening in,the 'front . setback areas. The.Public Hea ' ring'.to the Environmental Impact Que�stionnaire was opened,. Mr. 1�411 indic -ghat a berm would be located, along the frPfttag6 road:. Traf`- fic flow, on, "D` Stxeet could create- a traffic pr6iblem, particularly if traffic is generated. onto the :frontage ioad,and.access to the property - from Jefferson , Strbet will not: be permitted. Bob Koenitzer, representing Mr., Beal, stated this 'business- would be a'lo.w traf - I ic generator - with four to eight cus'tomefs a day d4ld approximately, three employees. He does not foresee -a need for.a traffic : stuay.:fo,r the. project.. He deemed the, berm-requirement unnecessary asit would only collect debris and,paper.. Mr. Tarr explaine there, is d, 3 -112 foot screerf 11 ftg- r­e%uiremeht f or any park lot. having f ive , spaces, or more,. The a is to make the area more attractive. There sh6tild be some: screen, between. the cars and the •S'treet�and t . his 'berm would work in conjunction with.. the 100 year storm e1eVat Comm. SheA irl'aicated...:she liked-the idea of a landscaped berm as, it would soften the area. , She questioned the .width of the one-way frontage road,.- `Mr: Hall explained: that, two cars could' pass but it would - be & tight situation: A limited traffic study would indicate. the potential conflict of vehicles attempting access to the site;. Mr..Koenit�zer, anticipat the daily-averagebf clients s and. customers using the frontage road would. be 20 vehicl:es.. The Public 'fteldrinjz was closed. Comm. Waite moved to direct the Planning Director to p.repar,e and post a Negative Declaration based on the -finding, that the use.,w.ou riot generate enough traffic to cause an adverse environmental impact; The motion.was seconded by Comm. ;Shearer. AYES - 14 NOES 0 ABSENT 3 The Public Hearing to­c6n.side 'a variance'reques.t. to allow for a rear yard set- back to zero feet for `the project was open,ned•.., No comments we�ge.�of,,f6red from the audience, -and the public hearing was cl6sed..' Comm Waite moved to.grant the varla ce! based on the f our flndihRs- indicated R , in 'the. staff report., 'The motion was seconded by C6mm. Lavin. AYES 4 NOES 0 ABSENT 3 • la �4 PETALUMA,CI -TY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES,' JULY 19, 1 977 LAWRENCE, .BEAL- E.I,.Q. Comm. Waite. questioned if the 3. 'lt2 ­foot berm or screen. EVALUATION /VARIANCE/ ing is a x equirement of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr: Tarr USE PERMIT explained screening - is required and could consist of-a ; (Continued) : combination of a berm and landscaping... The.Pub`lc..Hear- ing was opened to.consider...the'Use Permit. Mr. Koenitzer stated'the 3 -1/2 foot berm with.planted shrubs growing ,above the required height could cause -a sight problem if they are. not:. maintained. He suggested a 1 -foot berm with appropriate - landscaping as a means of screening.. Mr,. Koen tier felt that Condition ;K gives the'Flood Control Agency permission to do as they want and as such could up, with :str ngent:- restrictions. - ..None of th'e- •e.ther properties along 'Lakeville have. this 10 0 year. .flood berm in front of their,. property. He questioned what the Sonoma County Faood Control.'s..plans were fob, this area? -Mr. Hall stated if the "applicant 'feels the berm is in con- flict with the requirements:of' the Sonoma .County Flood Control, an appeal could be made] ,to, the City Council to Ynodify this condition,. The Public Hearing was closed. 'Comm. Shearer moved to grant the Use Permit, ta allow for an automotive. shop subject to conditions 'recommended by staff except that the 3 -1/2 -foot high screening could be •a combination of berm and landscaping. AYES 4 NOES 0 ABSENT 3 I KRAGEN AUTO: SUPPLY- Mr. Hall exp'lawined. : reques=t of William, Elliott-,.- rep- E.I.Q. EVALUATION/ resen'ting•the'K-ragen Auto Supply Store to - rezone -the REZONING :,FROM C -N. site : f -r.om Neighborhood Commercial and.Light Industrial AND.M -LfPTO C -H to Highwdy" Commercial for a, auto supply,store (H•IGHWAY° COMMERCIAL) /. to be located at northeast corner of East Washington SITE DESIGN REVIEW,: and. Lakev "lle_..S;tr:eeta, The .21 -foot high structure - -con - tains 4, - square, feet of floor area and covers 24. per - , cent; .of the: s1te The Zoning Ordinance-requires a' ten -foot setback, for the 'rear,. yard, but the applicant. indicate'd';a zero ! yard setback. Access to the site is provided via East Washington and Lakevi Streets.. <: The Public Hearing was o,pened•to consider Environmental Impact Ques .-tionnaire., Victor DeCarli: that cars a;pproaching site from the west on East'-Wash" ington could create •a tr entering the,proper.ty from Eas't.`Washington as the street narrows at this, po,i:nt,.' 'Hall explained that the.pair o"f. double lines on East Wash ngton,'Street should deter-eastbo;und motorists from entering the property: Bill Soberane`s expre'ssed°_ :c'oncern on the ,effect the rezoning would have on 'his. property and if hi's taxes. - °would be increased. Mr. Hall stat °ed -_":tax .. at the most would, be very the commercial uses are already there. Taxes could,,, increase,, however:; - based on normal appreciation. Tom' :.Hargis, Assistant City'Engneer, commented that existing striping of. a set of double double yellow 'lines -,on East Washington. should make it impossible to. ..a .left turn on ,.to the site,.,, 'tie legal-: :movement would,.. be 'to' make a left turn at Lakeville Street. Motorists cannot exit the property,at Washington Street and. make a left turn movement. Ron Evans, associated with Lucky'Stores, stated the M91a s PETALUMA .'CITYIPLANNING,COMMIS'SION MINUTES, JULY 19 1977 - , KRAGEN AUTO. SUPPLY= property would a 6- foot.:11 gh block wall around' the EVALUATION'/ rear and interior' side of - the - property which, would tapet" Qat' REZONING FROM - C -N to 3 ;feet the' entrance way He suggested a 'Right .. AND °M -L TO C =H Turn Only:" sign b "e- post'ed: at East. Washing" - (HIGHWAY.COMMERCIAL)/ ton Street. Dra2nage; plans will be _.drawn .up for the....po SITE DESIGN REVIEW j ect win-. which° dtainage will not,. -be channeled - onro; (Continued') :: adjacent pro'p'er °ties':® The hours -of: the store w .lY� be from 9: 00 to 9: 00 on weekdays, and 9:0 to 5 V) , on weekends . ' B'asIca.11y there: will be an estimated 1000:'ous'tomers per week and an average of from 7' to "8 -carts per hour added to the present .traf°fic .. Ample on -site ,parking will be' provided,. The Public Hearing. was closed.. = Comm. Waite, moved tb direct the 'Planning Dir °et.,tor, 'to prepare and post, a Negative Declaration for, the project.. The motion -, was seconded by Comm. Shearer: AYES 4 NOES " ' ABSENT 3 An application to rezone an approximate 17,850 square "foot area, 1oda,ted ;at "Lake- .ville and East Washington Street from C -N and M-L to C -H (Highway .Commercial) for an auto supply :store was briefly reviewed: The ,Public Hearing was opened to the proposed C -H ('Highway Commercial) • rezoning: No' comments were offered from the audience and the. .Public Hearing' was closed, Comm. Waite moved to recomzriei d approvatl , of the.°requ'ested C -H (Highway Commercial) rezoning to the City Council with specific findings. The motion, was, seconded by Comm. 'Lavin., AYES 4 NOES 0' ABSENT 3 The -,site design considerations for - project were •discusse'd. ; ° Comm-:.Lavin moved to_ approve the site design f'o the proposed - .auto. supply :store with conditions of approval as recommended by the staff and concurred with the -Architectural and Site Design Review- Committee with the following change; Condition -# 6 should' 'be reworded to read- Two (2') additional fifteen (15) gallon Ginnamomum 'Ca_mphora tr ; ,'ees sha be planted in area's' indicated. on Ekxh bit A. 'The "motion was seconded by Comm. Waite:. AYES ..4. 'NOES; • 0 ABSENT 3' WAL'TE'R KIECKHEFER. Comm_. 'Waite . moved that consideration of the' Walter E'.I.iQi EVALUATI`ON,/ . `' Kieckhefer project be continued to t!l e Planning. Com- USE PERMIT/SITE mission Meeting "of August 16, 1977 'The ,motion was DESIGN'REV_IEW,: seconded by 'Comm. Lavin and carried unanimou -91y, ' =4- - PETALUM(1 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION.MINtJTES, JULY 19, 197'7 A br1ef. recess •wa 'taken°. Mr._ Roenitzer­asked permission to show the discrepancy in the parking space requirements of the Beal project and the Kragen' Store, He explained the Zoning Ordnance• one parking space for every AQ0 ;square feet "of building space for auto garages. Mr., Koenitzer` requested the °Commission to direct the i s`taff `to review' the Zoning. Ordinance and make revisions i, as needed partieularl "y deaYing eait_h king requirements., Y Mt, Hall s.tated 'that the parking requirements -have not often been.challenged by the applicants If should occur direction be.given :the, to reevaluate the requirements "R Comm Head asked.;that.the request be ha'ld over until, the new members of the Com- mission had an-opportxnity to become more familiar with the Zoning Ordinance, ROBERT PJ, M Mr , HAGER- 11" explained re:quest'by Robert Hager represent - Mr , �Ha E..I- Q E g the Sonoma - County Alcoholism Services to locate..a non - USE PERMIT /SITE residential : - a=lcoholism :'treatment center - at:501 Petaluma DESIGN REVIEW: `B'lvd. South;- The °b.uild'ing is currently in"use-as_a....mult,i- family resid'ence:�and has a small warehouse in the rear yard. The bottom p9r.t1on: of the building is being used as..'a rental unit for two, families and they will continue :to be:`residents of the property_. This could make the parking and. traffic problem more severe..- Eight parking•spaces will be neces.'sary for the pr- oposed use ;arid" only four on -site spaces are proposed.... Ade- quate parking could possibly be obt.anned expanding the parking lot into.the area, coverbofthe existing si :warehouse , or ' by"leas ng space for employee parking within eet e:. Access to the -pro is by way of "G" Street, 'A letter had been. received, from Agnes, :"Tuttle..saying :she did not object' to the proposed alcoholim center but did object to`•th'e' lack. of parking. The Public Hearing was opened to consider the Environmental 'Impact Bob 'Hager stated the- two apar;tments - Ion:':the - ground floor are occupied by. people , who -ar'e aware that the: ,on —site parking -is for clients of the center - .only. 'More off - street parking could possibly be made'aValable in the immediate area.: "Thel center is funded on a 90 /,10 basisthorugh the Alcoholic Act, Senate Bill 9 rom, State .Funds and 10% ;f.rom County matching futds:, Comm,. Shearer stated there is ,presently a traffic problem in the area. and the four additional .parking spaces will. not be' adequate, Mr, Hager 'comment'ed the.center wi_ll clients from, parking : - on Petaluma Blvd., and encourage them "to park on -site 'and on "G'' and ltd Streets;. Comm,- Waite indicated, ;that the warehouse and apartments were rented by the owner :_the property - and would' not be.under the control.of the center.' Mr. Hall stated is available parking'on the- . s't_re'et. and •flier&. will possibly be a higher of street parking available': due •; to the.limited usage in the area 'He suggested the. staff evaluate and review the parking situation and that the Commission, adopt a contingency clause for the pro - ject The Pulilic °,Hearing was closed. PETALUMA CITY 'PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, - JULY..I'9, 197`7 ROBERT P. HAGER- Comm. Lavin, moved to direct the Plann:ing..Di .ector to pre- E.1.Q. EVALUATION/ pare and post; a 'Nega.tive Declaration, for the pro:fect and' USE'PERMIT /S1TE. that the parking situation be evaluated, by Planning. ntinued Staff. . The motion was seconded by Comm, Waite, 11. (Co AYES 4, NOES 0 ABSENT. :' ''3 The Public, Hearing was opened to consid,6v'the U .t'.� Comm..`Waite,...s uggested that due to the: residential us:e ,of the .a two .year review on the. usage . of the project be made. Mr. Hager' stated the_ hours, of: the center,-.:would be from 8:06. a-.m; to. 5: 00 p.m.' Monday - through Friday, _ and. There would`.,be AA'.,Meetings• in the evenings Comm. Waite moved to `grants the Use 'Perm •t to. for a social rehabilitation facility subject .to- the condition that - the. Use - permit: shall. be ,r'evie by the Planning Commission following the f'ir'st. and - second year. of o'ccu -' panty relevant to access, parking,, and use con's'iderations, The: motion was seconded by Comm., "Lavin.. AYES` 3, NOES 0 : ABSTAIN' 1 ABSENT:: - .3 'Comm. Shearer expressed: concern that. the parking'- was­ inadequate - ands: that.. the re- quirement for foqr additional, parking. spaces was` - not suf fic ent. Comm. Lavin moved to apprave the site design fox t,he.px°oposed project with conditions of approval. as recommended by the staff and. conc..urred ,with by the A - chitecutral & S'it'e Design, 'Review Committee with-the-following addition: 'thre'e (3). anonths following the' nal date! ,of occupancy, the Planning ,staff shall review the parking situation And report .!any negative impacts to. the 'Kann n;g Commission,,, AYES. 4' NOES 0: ABSENT 3 PLANNED RESIDENTIAL Mr, Tarr explained that an, evaluation of'..the,'Draft Eft- SUBDIVISIONS-EAST OF OF v.ironmental"Impact ; as, prepared'. by'Del ELY BLVD iS, =DRAFT to be ;made concerning,•the pro.po'sed, pr'ezoning _233 - E,.I,.R.. EVALUATION: acres, . from , .County' Agriculture- Zoning, to'Cty:Residential_ Zoning, for' land.s`,:1•ocated along the ' t -of Ely :Blvd.,. South, and also .f''or: a 44 acre parcel of land which lieS' between the project area and Casa` Gr° 04e'' Road. The first- year's allotments would. provide for 276 single - f=amily" units. and--16 duplex unit "s for the :1,9��7 - 78' - construe 'lion year. The informational document was rev'ewed. various individuals and-, . comments' were received from the° State, :- R'egi;onal, County and .focal.• levels; The 'Public _Hearing wasp ' opened to, .consider- the Environmental Impact R'epo,rt r.` Mr , . Tarr :indicated that th& Federal Aviation Administration expr- ess6d: concern over, any residential area that may b,e? 'b'uilt which is to 'be -• Located -- in..: the, area or bordering• an airp'or;t 'd I uec to the- potentiAl problems 'which. ca=n- involve flight safety and a 'r-.craft noise-4 - '.Mr;.: Dav s. s`tated General Plan. residential usage near the airport; The air ort is es' of concern un r.e'1a.tion s , g P P' to the airport are safety, naise;.and- - ,:land use. planning., PLANNED RESIDENTIAL Edward .Pack ;. Edward Pack_. Associa . t`es.,..`Acoustical_.` Consult = SUBDIVISIONS -EAST OF ants, : :hired" by. the" elevela,pers and - .involved - in- an- - inde= ELY BLVD:. S DRAFT 'p noase.study involving the proposed subdivision, E.I.R. EVALUATION � { stated, the ep fornia Dar�.tmen.t_ of Aeronautics is._.con- _ (Continued) : cerne'd._,abott ther;,nose , surrounding 'airports, .. The. CNEL.. (.Community Noise - .Equivalent Level) :measurement:.. scale (peculiar-, to California) is,: used;.._ 'In the EIR_and_ in the response from the FAA' and the - California. Department-of Aeronautics'..no• ref - erence was made to their owrr.stand`atds :. -. - ,60 - Db is the :reco.mmended.maximum:..for. certain residential- uses. The - _ Ca.'iiforn a. of Aeronautics.. uses: 70 - -Db as the °threshold . "Therefore there - is no se problem; , based -:_on __these °.:two.. - stand- ard_s Hei .indicated. thee- is' no rrois:e .pro'blem. actor. ding -Ito..s ate _ standards- and no:.nolse mitigation measures are necessary. `Mr._Pack preserited-numerous.statis- tic_s taken from civilian type (a irpor s indicating that - ground. ai•tcraft accidents rarely, take place, Van Iogan; of -f•fel F h hcia , btated .the. indicated there musa.-be:a._ 200 clear fl ght' area,. Present, regulation -.of FAA indicates that the be shutdown. This discussion be made. a,- part,. of _the ',EIR. showing_ .lt.- is. a 'subs'tandard operatiQn,�. , He fel -t' t.he; word`ing.- "clear- - zone ", is misleading in_ the report and should say "approach zone,. ", He also indicated that the existing run - way length will allow , for single propelier� aireraf-t only,_'- Mr.. Pack' stated - the FAA had received - a- copy of_ the, proposed 'Skyraneh_Approach �- .... . Zone Plan twhich ind'irated there shoud nat ',be any height. ,obstr.uc,tions - within a certain area of the p'1•an but the FAA Office; in Burlingame had returned a memo which indicated that they had no wit 'h: - obstruct- ion':ciearance. - Lucy Webb; realtor, 'stated• the= •aIrpott is on 'the market to be sold to include the land•and buildings.'_ Del Davis of Del Davis & Assocates,,,.stated the Plan indicates residential development near the I difficult to predict where an ,air c=rash might occur. The` main- concern - in the EIR is the potential for airplane crasheg,,, where the risk -much greater in it clear zone; however, hazard can also be found .outside - the - flar;ed cone:. The glide pattern is - under FAA control. The, land use is ,a local concer,n'. and. the FAA expects the. local agency to handle this., H.e further indicated that the Alderwood Noise Study was used for: referenee.:to indicate there .no-'noise: problem; Comm. Shearer moved that the Draft E:I,R. for the Planned Res_- id Subd'iv - sions located east of Ely Blvd,... continued' to ; July , 2:6, 1977 at 4:00 p.m, The motion was` seconded 'by Comm. Waiter AYES 4 NOES 0 ABSENT, 3 -7- PETALUMA �CITT PLANNING COMMIS.SION. MINUTES, JULY 19 1.97;7 sc)NOMA, COUNTY REFERRAL- Mr, Gray explalnd,d that- -an. applicatio for. rezoning of iQUARRY.PRODUCTS, INC.% .42 Acres f rom' County 7 A=l, (Agricultural .District`) to REZONING /USE' PERMIT- f County, .M =2 (Hdavy. bistrict) and a Permit a Allow, f 6.jc an asphalt plant and fid - e x p anded .pprova to. . . - - .1 1- - 11 us,e of the Petalu.ma"Reick Quarry located.aldkng the -,s.outh. Side of P.etalumA-.Blvd'., So uth-had been refer­'red, to t:he, from the ,Sonoma County fl Planning-Department for review because of ;' its , its locat n, and .general proximity to. the City., Mrs. Majors, 18: Way,; ,questioned the' proposed,zoning And, if, It would b 6, for 4 heavy "industrial area. Mr,. Gray stated. the C I ounty M . -2 - :zbning,. is the only zoning that will permit ,'a plant, subh as`' this to operat&i -- A'ne'sident living - south of the pr objected., to t - d ust- - an t and oil' odors fxbm t,he� plant. Mr., Walt Bemis sitated the new , plant - has - .t6`abide by str`ic�t Ba-y,,Aik , - Quality 'St ands. -'The ignition and, exhaust will be discharged internally:. Mr. Hall stated. that objections to this pro;pogal-­sh6uld be directed to the ouht r-.,e C. Y. the County's 14 conditions 6f 'ap regard ng'the . Permit were p resente d l by John .Graham :f rom the Sonoma -1 County Planning pepartadditional ment4 An - coi i, diti-on wa-s added by the City which pertains to annexation of the property to_. the City. Mr. Keti, K slo-f-f Quarry Products s that within the next two intent is to remove the old equi m , gide the hill and replace it with smaller", ,portable e - =The ridge; .will be 50 feet, hi, - er -`h t an the batch plant' which should reduce the: noise `Ievel., Comm. Shearer moved. to e ndorse t-h e - ,re,z o n i n g of 42. acres, from Country , 4-1.. to County 9=2 And a Use Permit to, allow fozrc leased opetatiloh of a tempoiary. asphalt batch-plant. and ex-panded production with the 14., conditions as r.edommended, "by the Sonoma'County Planning Department and the six conditions a-s-recommended by the City of.. Petaluma- .The motion was seconded by Comm. AYES­ . 3s NOES I ABSENT' �3 ADJOURNMENT*l The meeting was , adjourned to Tuesday, July 26, 1977 at,. 4,, p ijii. Attest —' /f ': A tape transcript of the meet i ,.available ,.avallable at the Planning Department Office:. W ( --N 00