HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/26/1977•
The Planning Commission en'courages'appl cants ';or their representative to be
avalabl!'e at the meetings to answer questions, so'th'at no agenda items need
be. deferred to a later date due to a lack of pertinent information.
ROLL CALL Council Rep Head Hor:ciza Lavin .
Shearer Waite Wright
STAFF: Ronald F., Hall, Planning:'Director
Fred E. Tar"r, Associate Planner.,'
PLANNED RESIDENTIAL Public Hearing to consider the adequac of the draft
SUBDIVISIONS =EAST OF E.I.-R,.,prepared by Del Davis:Associates for the
ELY,BL'VD S -DRAFT p=roposed residential prezoriing','of 233 acres located
E.I.R EVALUATION east of Ely Bhvd' South.
4 OO*P.M.
PRESENT,: Comm. Ho•tiza., :Shearer,...Wai.te, Wright
ABSENT: Comm. A, 4r berson, Head, Lavin
,STAFF: Fred E. Tarr, Associate Planner
'The Public Hearing to consider the Draft E. I.R. pre"
' ;
SUBDIVISIONS-EAST OF' pared by D'elDavis concerning the proposed prezoning of
ELY BLVD,. SOUTH-.DRAFT' 233 acres from County Agricul Lure Zoning to; City Resi-
E,I�R. EVALUATION: dLntial2oning for 'lands located along the east side of
'Ely Blvd. South, and also ;f ora
44Acre parcel of land
which lies between the prp-ject Area an&,Xasa Grande
Road was �:reopened:.
Mr. Tarr explained that t4e h6ar"T.Az had been, concluded with input on
the impact that the residential development would have on'the,airport and what
impact the airport would have on the development, and the -hearin ' g was continued
with the e issue and two- other issues to, be discussed name amely, traff is
impact for the area and the Imp r act on the ground water level created 'if, the
water for the resid.ent.ial uses Would be pumped- from wells,
Mr. Band:, -
,12 Haven Drive,an aviation p ilot, was disturbed about the recent
newspap_L�r article which indicated' that statements -had . nents-had been made-at,the previous,
hearing that, the airpbr:U - was : uns af e He 'asked if there ' were - plans ' I' or the
airport in the future;. Mi' -. Tarr. explained 'that the Environmental, Design Task
Force Committee and City Planning Commission had recommended that the new
Environmental Design Plan include a statement, that 'the. airport, should remain:
but that not be,enlarged.' Comm. Wright indicated.that he would be extremely
disheartened if; the airport were to close,.
Mr-,'Del Davis Del Davis, -& Associates, st ated that the: piroject sponsors pro-�
posed to develop . threel subdivisions.- Concern was. raised reg4r#rfg the develop-
ment of 'these subdivisions ecause of the close proximity of the airport, due'
to the take off and landing•of'..aircraft. Testimony was furnished by FAA and
their -primary concern - was the p rotection o f,,, the air space of the- airplane.
Comm. Horciza stated , that inth& -FAA -letter one of the. problems .mentioned was
noise and also on_Rage 62 and 66 of the EIR that the analysis was
incorrect -in that the number of flig s hown , in the analysis are t bo low. He
questioned 4 ,if the " analysis was incorrect; or were- the numbers of . ,fh&, inter -
pretations themselves-? Mr. Davels this was:.a matter of the FAA
not having all of the, inforTriatiori available to. them that, -the consultants had
in the preparation, of the be! Davis stated that . 14t. Pack's earlier
noise analysis: at the nonth ofathe airport was supplemented 'with 'other
infokma.t,i-qn and then conclusion was -reached that- the -* noise - levels at the south
end. would be; lower than - What occurred at the north end;; and,. it -was found that
. the noise the north end would below that, which would violate 'any
state-.' or ",federal standards. Based • on the previously -'preparpd material the
consultant felt reasonably - safe that the noise level would-not reach a, level,
that would be: harmful.'
• t•
Petaluma City 'Planning Commission 'Minutes, July 26 1.97.7
Comm.., Horcizd;' asked if the FAA was, conc'erne'd with the monitoring ;points and wh.y
had they indicated the ,study was incorrect? Mr, Davis 'stated'- the IAA did no.t�
provide them with the substantiation that was utili.zed :in methodology and the
consultants, in an 'effort to minimize costs =,and eliminate, any unnecessary
detailed stud =ies, t-tied to put -the information -into as simple•a form as pos-
sible' for pr'ese'ntat=ion. to a ; lay bo.dy:. As, a resu ,t., they did not present - the
material. in the p'art.icu.lar format .and- style, nor was it ca'lcula'ted as' FAA ..
requested. Comm. Horciza _asked if the noise, level; -was actually monitored, along
the 'ru_nway- Mr. Davis stated that FAA. has a `wex.ghted ,criteria called _CNEL
which is a methodology which takes in ,t number :of fly ovens,, the "types of.
air,cr.afty, and the distribution, throughout, a. _24 -lour .pet.°iod,, and these- are.
placed. into 'a, mathematical calcuat:on which is called- the • CNEL (Commun- ity Noise.
Equivalent Level) o These are plotted .on the ground as _noise contours; and, by
using the principles of decay of ;s.ound the, noise contours are calculated going
out ,whi:bb- then establisb ,a level of. CNEL's which they_ feel are the maxiinum
leve::ls tolerable'.•tor different ~types of Iandk uses. Mr,., Davis, indicated that:
the'EIR did '- t•show the calculations.o'f the CNEL''s.. Comm. Horciza- Commented
- _ . .
that the graphs. shown 'in Appendix "E" are very hard to interpret and an ideas-
tif:icat .on of the peaks and- lows kshoul:d be included in the• final. EIR'.. -Mr.
Davis stated 'the.supp'lemental study would 'be incorporated in the. final. EIR
Edward Pack,, P-,resident .of' Edwa -rd 'Pack Assoc - ation, state'd' tti'at two s'tudie's'' had
been made independent of the .EI:R. One involved a .:detailed , noi:se assessment on.
the three parc.eas 'c- 'oncerne.d and, the'oaher was an'-evaluation made of safety-,
concentrating;on meeting. FAA requirements -for clear space ai -r, navigation
safety6 There is - s:ome.'corr.e.latfon between intern:avigataon afet;y and the
safety of peopie on the ground.. Mr. Pack stated that the FAA and Cali.f,orni :a
Departmen_ t of ; Aer6rautic:s responses were no,t based' on any criteria standards.
Their letters Indic d�ted. that the. _individuals' ,ignored. any s.tandards• set by the
S "tate:,, : and the FAA response , wa m.o:t based on any standard 'since the 'FAA does
not ,have. standards for land 'use.. The California Department of %Aeron_auti.cs is,'
mos:fl.y concerned with reducing n:o.ise from aircrafa: At the present ime't.he
California Department of Aeronautics considers an area -to be 'impacted ':if the. ,
commun.i.'ty � nois,e • equivalent level or t;he CN.EL level. exceeds* 70. Their onge.r.
range .&)al for January of 1986 - wi.11 reduce the CNEL to 65: :'Base.d-on a 45,;0001
annual aircraft 'operation at • the Petaluma Sky .Ranch Airport:, 'the CNEL' 65 wouad
fall, somewhere oii,thel runwa "y. A fa_ir1y comprehensive noise -assessment study
was made off the south end o.:f the , tunway using a, computerized instrumentation'
so= a unit caill:ed'the equivalent energy lev61 could be me'asured., Mr. Pack
indicated that a ;copy of the. noise :study, includ -ing the Calif orna Department
of . Aeronatucs', '.Standards -anal the FAA Standards h°ad. been given. to the •Planning
Comm Hor - za that ;some 'of the comments .f.rom state and federai agencies
relevant eto safety: 'condi`ti'ons at the . airport were rather negative -, as, far as.
resider i:al developanen,t being located so near an ;�airpor�t. One of. -the problems
indicated was. the height - of- •air,craft flying. over -houses', a .suff.iel .'east safety
zone, Mr.: Pack stated their measurements as far asl nois;e,' is' concerned `were
exactly as' measured;, calculations were mdse ,t:o 'the. o formulas established and
noise -was, reported' as it exi`s4fs,m... In the - ,case bf „ saf'e'ty, this was es,tabl shed
by Part 77 Of the Federal Regulati;ons pertaining, to navigable ai.t. 'spare. The
unsaf& condition quoted by ''Mr Banda concerns, a `200 -foot extension of -the
runway. East Washington Street is approximately 60 to ;80 feet from the end, Of
the runway where 200 feet of, clear, sgace is required off the end of -.the runway'
Petaluma City Planning, Commission .Minutes, July 26, 1977
And there should be no obstacles in that spa:ee. The. minimum requirement for
navigation safety is - that .there be no obstacles or buildings within the "Red"
area . asl shown, on the map which Mr. Pack bad prepared.
Comm. Horc:iza stated that.at•t.he present time the airport is `not considered
safe for multiple engine aircraft. If. the runway were extended to accommodate
twin engine places, would this not contribute considerably , to the -noise level
and the,safety factor of th clear zon.e? Mr. , Pack indicated that at the
present! time there are- multi:- -engine places at ,the field using the existing
runways' The noise .expos,u.re fo.rec'as'e unit used by FHA cons; '.ders • any land area
under NEF 30 to be not nois'e.'impact:ed, ci.early acceptable; X30 to 40 a cautionary
range, ' , 4 and over, ann applicant in. Order to get FHA in.sufanc.e has to show,
throughjstudi.es, how he will mi.t�igate. t h en oise. over 30 NEF. Mr. Pack que.s-
tioned ; .f the City of Petaluma had a no .ste; • elemerit.o -Mt. Tarr stated 'the City
has a noise ordinance as part, of the Zoning Ordinance. State, Title 25 ,Report
establishes an exterior-'eriter-ia level of. 60 CNEL on 'the outside to determine
if a noise analysi. s - is required, and the, level of 45 CNEL is the limit for the
John -. Balshaw, Councilman, s,tated.. t.hat:' if -aircraft. is; allowed to ..fly over the
houses,;,t.he City could., setting themselves up for a fall.• This could•be a
hazardous situation, parti.cul'arly, to the • airport and. to the people- .living under
the flight pattern,. The airport should have pr:e:c:edence�sin.ce. it is already
there, and one accident could' be., all. she wrote.
" Comm Shearer questioned who is responsible: for "the airport and what is t.he-
future :p,lans for the, air°port.?' What. would .•t ie City do if the land was sold?
Would t:he City cons.i.der buying- the property and' renting it out? Mr. Tarr
pxplain that the Planning ,Commission has made: -a recommendation under the
revised EDP that the airport s1i* Id remain at that :location, but should not be
expande'.d. The County Airport Land Use Commission. has`be'en "given the responsi.-
bility t.o review proposed dee- velopments near'.any airport. operated for the,
benefit-of the public t ' compatibility of Land uses:. The City has
referred_ the Environmental, Impact. Report to the:: County Airport Land. Use Com
mission: who will. meet on. August 4•, 1977% Me. wi.11 have to wait for their
recommendation before vakang'.an "y ;action on cert-i_fication o the EIR.
Comm, Wright stated that the project has homes that would be located right .
under the winter time take. off pattern of the Airport. He asked, if the, noise
measures are an avefage for an area. that isine:xt to 'Ely Road or an area that is
right under the' take off - l.i:ne?" Mr,, Pack stated it is rather .an, averaging
process. In order to get the, equivalent energy-level an averaging out of gall
the ai.r,cr:af t noise • levels is made. Whatever' level of sound that is Linea :sured
has no 'meaning" unless it is associated "with ,some distance or separation from
the equipment, So .what is really needed is the- noise
contours because they
show on •a scale. map - the d :std.nce. ve.rs!us, 1„evel,-
Gary Burkett,, a pilot stated.a.house loca'te.d.at. the end of the runway- -would be
more of a hazard then a car passing by.. There 1s one °multi- engine aircraft
based at this airport,°. It was' bought because it can operate out: of a sho
y such, As' If the. ,airport is expanded., large'pl:anes could cause more
of a hazard "to the nearby homes m Comm. Horciza quest oned if it were practical
for' plan "es to take dff:at� a,,9 0. degree turn, away from the potential houses.
.Petaluma City Fjapninz Commiasion July 2,6, 1977
'Mr. `Burkett stated ,the. lowest an aircraft can fly is 500 feet; except in take
off; or 1.4n.d.ing,. - If large, planes are permitted,i their take of Is slower and
they would be f. iyi ng low - �7 eleation directly over ,, the houses,. Comm.
at, a
Shearer questioned if the runway 'was extended t&a'ccept twin e 'g`ne,p_
_I.anes how
many feet of runway, would be xequired Mr. Burkett stated this would depend on..
pilot techniquea and ,safety factors. Twin engines - need 2 to 2 feet; an
added 5.00 feet, to the - p resent runway.
John Cunningham,. 108 Sun c-re st 'Otive . was concerned about pd living in the
--- ---
flight, path Cbmmon has to 'be used. in dealing . peopl&w,. After. ',a
certain amount, of time with continuing. aircraft flying over., people.
begin to
worry about. safety,,
Donald. Smith,; 24 Raymond Heightsi stated there is a need f or an airport and now
i,s the time to protect "this airport-_ The safety fa ctor of 'f 1�'in
y .9 tdvef houses
is not there, • 'W& _should, greserve-the airport f O't the. present and - future Peta:-
Jim Higg=Lfts stated we have a right to h ave an airport as much as we need. hous-.
es Robert Dowy-, a pilot:, stated. it is very unsafe to allow for" houses to Ve
built• so close to the flight approaches.' The wind.
varle's on diff ereht :days � and �d
, an accident 'cou 'dost the lives, of- man people. D I ic.k Hodge, 1.3 . Haven Drive:, . _ a
pilot., stated that safety is of.. utmost importance. The economics of the,
airport should. 'be' discussed in the E. I.-R. If re'sidential development' is allowed
the airport could be 'dissolved.. Jim Smith, i728- Annette :Drive, , .st = udent
s=tated it- wa s inconceiv"le 'to consider z 'resldential • when safety
and noise factors - involved.. Mr. Pack . re�ferxed to the report on accidents
entitled " - i.n the Vicinity of Air- ports; dated '1972". :, -The
r.eport, was based on. civil- ad:rport -uses only'.
Mt,, Tarr,' stated that ihe cont-roversy on the nbis,&r and saf ety f8:ctor's were
extreme He suggested that zhe heat- g,'be eon e ont knu u
to,, A guat 4 16, 1917, and
- indicated that; Mr, -Davis would meet with -the '.C-ity' Engineer :in two,weeks to
discuss! hi's traffic recommendati Comm. Horciza stated' that pos the
groundwater' would, 15e, .considered unpotablb7' two _ wells •have a high quality
m 'h tbla. would not
of wa-,rer and one is pd1luted from- far matdrial and 'perhaps`
be Infer in th-i s waster`.
B. M. James, a pilo ina,tructor from San Jose,. qtated -that when' San Jo,se'inipiated
the ii p,re'seAt aarij : brt they, had similar problems and pe rhaps the Sa n -Jose Plan--
i n
g 'Department should 46 contacte for' a comparison. Don Smith,, . pilot,,
stated that, the people-at the pres.ent,�'time are attempting to close the airport
at carmicfiae-L,
Mr. Tarr- asked that the public. hear.ing,.on the. ETR be-, when more input
Will b avallable.�from the .C ounty Airport: -Land Use .,Commission;. The 'cpntin-
uati on would also allow Mr., D vis. a Chance, to. m t with the City. Engineer. t
discuss hi&'concernss.
ADJOURNMENT: Me, ppibl i c hearing was; ad 0), u r ed I .to 'Tues:da August 16,
1977; 6; 7.:30 R