HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/02/19779 C
MM-13 - sion
The Planning Commission encourages applicants or their representative to be
available at the meetings to answer questions, so that no agenda: items need
be deferred to a later date due to a 'lack of :pertinept information.
.ROLL CALL: Comm. Balshaw, Head Horcza Lavin
Shearer Waite Wright
STAFF: ! Fred E. Tarr and Wayne Rasmussen Planning Staff
E. I.. Q. Evaluation and ';Site Design Review for a
'p'roposed off ice expansion to be located at 501 East
Washington Street.
1 <. Hearing to evaluate the Environmental Impact
Questionnaire fora .proposal to move the residence
located at 108 Petaluma Blvd South to 1 C Street
for the purpose of a. retail sl-iop conversion.
2: Site Design Review.of the project.
Public Hearing to consider ,a request to change the
name of Frates Road southwest of Lakeville'H-ighway
to Cadet Lane
1. Public Hearing to consider variance requests for
a.reduced front yard setback and an excessive lot
2. Site Design Review for a proposed law office to be
located at 205 Keller Street.
,MIKE OSTRWER 1... Publ-ic Hearing ,'to 4 4" lu t e the"
Q. Impact 'Questionnaire - for, a proposed '.recreation
USE PERMIT /.SITE dev6l to 'be 16cated at 87 Corona ona - I Road '
DE I-ON''.1EVIEW.: between, Petaluma: Blvd.N and the Freeway.
2. Public Hearing to consider a Use Permit application.
for the proposed project.
.3. SitelDesign Review consideration of the project.
Public Hearing to evaluate the Environmental.
Impact' Questionnaire 7,for a proposed Zoning Ordinance
Amendment designed to reduce the he enviro'
nmental impacts
created by convenience markets and fast-food restaurants.
Public 'Hearing to consider the proposed -Ordinance
Public: 'Hdaring to evaluate the'Environmental Impact
Questionnaire for a proposed Use Permit to allow
va.-rious uses at the Sonoma-Marin Fairgrounds.
Public Hearing to consider 'a request for a Use Permit
forEon:oma.-Marin Fairgrounds.
DR. GLENN'KOBY-E_I, 1. Hearing to evaluate the Environmental Impact
EVALUATION/SITE DESIGN Questionnaire` for a proposed medic of "'ce to be
REVIEW: lopla•ted' at 124 Howard. Street.
1 2. Site Design Review of the project.
Historic & Cultural : Preservation Committee,:
Subdivision Committee; W
' M I U'T' -E S
PRESENT: Comm. B'alshaw; Horciza'' Lavin' *, Stiear'er Waite, Wright
I ( *Arrived at 7."37 p.m.
ABSENT:j Comm. Head
STAFF:; Fred. E. Tarr, Associate Planner
Wayne P. Rasmussen,'Assi.stant Planner
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meetin.gs July 19 and July 26,
1977., were approved - as submitted.
Comm. Wright stated' that 'Item 2 Skip Sommer,`would be placed on the Consent
,Ca'lendar as all s te' design conditions had been resolved by staff and the
Architectural and Site Design Committee.
,Comm. Wright indicated that,a request had been received from W. R. Hilligoss .
a odificat.ion to Site-Design which was approved by the Planning Commis-
sionon,March 15, 1977, It was t_he genera conc'ensus that this item be -con-
sidered; and placed at the- efid of . the agenda.
CONSENT CALENDAR The motion was made,'b)T Comm. H0tc1za,. seconded by Comm.
Shearer to approve Items:l and 2. Motion was carried
Agenda Item #1
Agenda Item #2
Golden Land Realty, Negative Declaration and Site De
sign'Res.. 5..479 approving an office expansion at 501
East Washington.Street
Skip Sommer,• Negative Declaration and. Site Design Res.
5.'57'8. approving the proposal to move the residence lo-
cated,at�1'08 Petaluma Blvd. 'South. to 1. "C" Street for
tb.e.purpose of •a retail shop conversion.
Mr. .Tarr explained the request to change the name of.
that portion of Frat'es Road located southwest of Lake
ville Highway, to Cader Lane.
The Publi.,c; Hearing to consider the name change was
opened,e Edna Cader Budde stated-that for some time
this portion oaf. road was, designated as Cader Road. or
Lane and,sh.e would .like it officially changed to Cader
Lane. -The Public Hearing was closed.
P'iF_ 61,ty, PlannihR Commission. Minutes Aug:�st -.2,, 1977
Mr-,. Tarr stated: that, the: -,street_ name varies i on - -some , 6f... the-.. maps, and,, t1fe : i reqliesv
for a- -change -` to CAder • Lane k is. mostly for clarity purposes,". C bmm: _ Sheare'
stated. is less confusing when, an.-extended. street, lases the. -aame.- name
gave as an example- the downt 'where the- street- on the southerly. side -
Western ,Avenue as, known as Fburth_ Street ands on the northerly sidiEie"KentL , i , cky...,
Street., Mt. Tarr ex
plaited that the- P.Ort-ibn of Fr at-8s-. Road requested ~, tov 15et
changed, to Cader Lane deadends -at p•i'vat and, there- Lsz ve -- littl-' e:
Y. . �
p.p1te#_t.iA,l that. i will be extended,, and. the street names changet el.iininatet•
the problem of. looking f . or addresses,, Comm;.. Hb-rciza st-a-ted chdracter,1
of Fr Road east -and west are. quite 1dif ferent as they are, separated " by a:
ma yor 1 , highway- and. F•rates• Road probably, some day be!, develop,ed,..
Comm., '11o.ri: moved �e6ommend.. to the City C I 6unci1 - that Fratesz Road, isouthwest-
of Lakevid Highway be. renamed - within: the city: limits- to Cader. Eane- The .
motion _was l seconded by' Comm. Waite-
LAFRANCHI.,, ZETT.INE Mr. Rasmussen explained the request o.f.. La1--
M & fnRSHFa'ELD:/ Mickels'en and Hirshfield. to, allow- for. two additional.-
VARIANCE /SITE.. DESIGN.*+ variances and, .consideration_ for-. as. si design. rev iew of
(CONTINUED) a. proposed- professional.-officei buAd ng-.- to ;,be. lozated
at 205; K'e1 Street., The •covered- front- , entrance;; -o"
the-'bu,ildin&- projects:- several feet into the 28
-, -
f eet. -and e� .. �th structur,& covers 557.+ of the rectangu•ar;
The site .design. conditions were discuss�dd. Xtz. Rasmussen- indl Cbn-7-'
d•it-16n. #3•'wot11d lie deleted: -Commsi. Ba:.rshaw- commented orr, th& approved:- street
trees•. they are more ' 10-e�!shr ubs and. trees should. ber required that g]:9V
to 25. or feet.-.. Mr.. Rasmussen. stated- that the fl. owerih t e�w had..'beew..
su ggeste d for . thus protect: as'.. it, is common to the.• area- and. 'would have- some
visi. ef-f ect. , Comm. lforc-fza, sai the• flowering, pt1.um tree - does= not: get too�.
big, about` N' or 30' f:eet_ Mr. -Rasmussen stated. there;. is. only a certain; tree,
that .•can. bet , p1ante:d -in, the!- 4-f6ot, planter. st-rip and- certain tree:s� that can: 15e
plaiited: f ut: :tfi&r back on., the -property Comm-. Balshaw• commented th-ks- isz, a
39- foot, high building, an& small. trees would, not- be. suitable. He su•geste&
changing the City. tree list to 'permit- .only street trees: that grow. 20' or 3.0
Eeet. com'm!-. 'Shearer qpestiohed , if` the alley roadway would. be- repa-ift,e&. under -
0 d c it
P_ F ion.. A!. 'Mr.. Tarr stated the - alley actually bad.. been improved... up to° the
driv ex4av, and,- the. applicant is -:not: required to improve the-- 411ey- up. to the
property,. Matt Hudson. stated, the alley. will be- improved -to the---property
with the driveway to the • property which wi Il- b& brought- Lip g-_raA:6. - the:
The. PUt11& Hearing, was reopeneTd.to consider the. variance.:. requests: Mr.. Hudson,,
attorney with the; firm of t,af rAnchil Mibkelsen & Hirshf ield-. referred' to the'
f ront yard which would normally be 20 f eet. Average = setback. require--
ments are taken,a-IOng the street, in this case 18 fe which acbouot-s; for- the.
;187'fbOt setb He 'then re'ferred to ihe.statement: that the 'land-
waa being - &eve1oped, - beyond. its' capacity. Froze the beginning_ of, the =_ projfqct
the- architect and owners- -have; alttempted_to comply with their own, and- they city -
staf des-ires- to'. have ' a-. building, that is. pleasing sing,. ia, the.•eye: and, fits- into, the.
Petaluma City Planning Commission Minutes, August 2, 1977
neighborhood, The front yard setback pertains to the 14 feet along the front
•which is -the •porch making the 'setback 15 feet .f-rom 'the 1o,t line, instead of '18
feet; the balancei of the building is,appr.oxima'tely 2.0 feet:. There are decks
across, the western side above the retaining wall and a deck over the covered
parking area.. There is about: 6'75" :square feet of area for the decks, most of
which; landscaping underneath, The oth6rl as "pect,:Mr'.. Hudson continued, i:s.
that 325 square feet of the.covered area-is-landscaped. provides parking
underneath for..the - building...
Mr-. Leb.:stated this is a - unique design but• the;, applicants are being penalized
by.some interpretations of 'shaded areas of the•, Zonin&,Ord1nance. Mr. Hudson
stated that the total of� the areas outside the walls of the structure are 675
square that
for under decks,. 325 -square fe'e for under the building, but° land -
scape, and 250 square feet for the area under the p.'enthouse for a total of
1- ,250 feet;,. When this its deducted from the total area -the total lot.
coverage is under 55/ ,The code sti.pulates that the :Planning "Director -, by
'Sofatheemaximum,.lot ca n
co•vera e. allowed which shows limi five (5) percent in
g 'th.e .degree of latitude
permitted. The project was°first revi,ewed'by the City in 1976 for rezoning of
the.parcel and at that time, the plan was presented to the staff and was met
with. acceptance.
Mr.. Hudson further explained 'tha;t. 'the property is surrounded on one side by the
modern Sierra Bank and' on the'other - .by a neighborhood.'Victor.ian house. At the
' time of rezoning, the primary design concern was to blend with the Sierra Bank
on one1,side and the Victorian residence on`the` other'side and this accounts for
the proi°ect-des and lot coverage, 'Mr. Hudson ind-icated that the structure
is located within the, parking; assessment .district' so :no,' parking spaces-are.
required, 'The owners and architect have attempted to; provide parking. suffi-
cient to assist both the 'applicants. of the building and the clients, plus the
fact the.parki.ng assessment .district has f'afl:ed to provide parking in the area,
Mr.; Hud's'on - quoted Section 26 -303 of the Zoning Ordinance Conditions necessary
for a 'Variance: He stated :the. Commission is empowered. and directed to take
these things into consideration and add -a human touch to the strict interpreta-
tiron of the law. He quoted !Secton of the-ordinance which provides
that (l) peculiar and unusual conditions inherent the -property must be suf
f "ic ent to - .cause a hardship.
Mr. Hudson explained that this property is bounded on one side by an alley and
therefore pre'sent's a.unique design pr oblem in itself,, probably because of the
issues .of egress and ingress:. .'There s no 'parking for commercial use even
though it is in an assessment district and is then believed to be an unusual
circumstance. The slope of :the' lot is substantial ,The alley itself is higher
than the.lot. Ther,e•is a,'distinct slope which contributed to the design prob-
lems. Mr. Hudson indicated that another peculiar and unusual condition is the
fact that this is a transition piece b etween a fairly modern commercial area,
and very old and, stately residential area.. This presented one of the principle
problems both from the ;staf *f' and, the archi.tect's point 'of view. It wa`s the
intent ! 'to. design a build - ng; that made the transition in a good looking .fashion
and also provided .a usable,•commercial area.
Comm. .Wright- explained that. the commi,s's'io,n had to make these four findings. He
questioned what the.slope of the lot had to do with. front yard setback?
Petaluma.-City Planning Commission Minutes, August 2 1977
Mr. Hudson stated the principle thing is the:bui_lditg its .elf'; 11 p the
need for lot - coverage and the. slope to the rear of the -,.property -col'WelIed -.its •
location. The- size of the building was ,bas'ically' handled*Aby . asking ;
l '.�.the
rear yard, setback,. He added that If the porch ,was not covered - it. , wodipd. - .mot be
.a.-violation of•the Z
, Mr., Hudson rzferred to f indin g that the 'har -must.. - .pe'cullar 't'o
..p-erty '. and nok created by an act :of , the owner. Mt. "Hudson, exiikaIned thatth'e
alley 'has been there for a& long- as anyone, can remember. -The slope is r,pr:e
existing and makes difficult to .develop for commercial purposes.,
Mr. Hudson refeXred to finding (3) -that variance, is necessary " the.,preser-
vat-ion, and enj oyment - of substantial property rights' possessed "by other 1properties
in the same 'zoning, district and :in the, vicinity and that.. the - var - ianc'e �.wauld mot
constitute .a., special privilege, of the rec&pieh. t
not enjoyed - by°li.1 - s- - ne - i."ghbo�r�s.
Mt,. Hudson, explained - that one of the substantial. property rights A
. the��ef ft
dent, use of land for offiqe And, commercial use without - being ,penalized ?for
buyiqg,,parking.underneath It., There is not sufficient park-ing in - the neiah-
b and, I'm, order.: to- provide" parking, for users :and clients 6f '..the building
solution, was-• to provide, parking under a substantial -portion of, the!'building.
Comm. Wright. questioned what criteria was us,ed to determine the, set
ments? Mr. Rasmussen stated the -criteria used was to take 'an average_o.'f°.the
front! setbacks of: properties ;on either side of the subs ec_it - lot ..which.. IncIuded
;t he Victorian House-which has a setback of 16 feet and.., the 'STEer-ra_ vihlch
has a setback of 20 .f eet., •
'Mn.-"Hud son :quoted- finding (4) that - the. variance shall create * 1 no, sub.stantial.
detriment- to' Adjacent property - nor will it..materially Ampair_ t-he purpose o the
ordinance. ox the -publ-ic interest
Mr'. Hudson explained . the - applicant .,dis, with the staff in that - the.
'structure does not materidlly.Imp-dir the 6rdi-na:ftce. The .f rorit-yard.: setback has
th along, the, frontage, exc or a.
more than, been :complied wi 'EiXC - •14-foot pqrc
`The Porch would - .have been -permitted except that it :-is _covered,. . ' I I
Dick. Li:eb,, Atchiteot,, stat-ed. the lan"d'scqp. in g . • gLve.Ihe Il'lusion' -.61.i,open-:
.space. Landscaping is p,rovi&ed -.under,, the buil the..' arking, are'a, - is
landscaped. The - subj-ect porch-is :a .minor thing as. the• pr-6j-ect- has lot-Hof%.-
ope�n-- going•for it. Some of , the minor situations have. been "zeroed in on
.by staff
W4yne,. Rasmussen, stated the Planning Director. -indicated there 'are no; . for
granting these varian.ce.8, and it is not .;a, simple .. that can be
t '
o -him,6 . .The building cove
: approxim�Ytely' 55%, Hof the lot-and, - the' cantilevered
deck _
;a bout 1/3 of the area.which is in 'Mr.,-.Rasmug added that .the,
applicant of -the Eront• wall back., 3 fleet -And- there would .,.be
no variances necessary-.
Mr.. Hudson ;stated that, a variance creates fto - to anyone.; The. app'11-
daht .is ;asking for their rights and not-any special considerations -.under thel
Max kickdlsen •ttorney; stated -the, design on this' lot has ipres'etitedl p rbblems
f rom the, time Ithe• project was f irst considered.
Petaluma City , Planning, Commission Minutes-, August 2., ;1977
,• Comm. Wright questioned why the building was designed - that the applicant�-had
to apply for so many variances? Mr. Hudson explained they wanted a building
that is pleasing to the• eye,. ' The lot has some problems such' as the slope± of
the land; the steep-alley-,and the parking area being lower than the alleyway.
Mr. Lieb explained one main blending, feature in the,-project is the landscaping.
The deck is: not protruding ..out as far as the Zoning Ordinance would permit.
The building have . been drawn smaller. We have.a peculiar situation and
perhaps the. Commission can.. make, the findings that would p.ermit'these variances.
Each variance has its' own leg to stand on.
Comm Balshaw indicated he could n.ot make the four findings.
Mr. Miikelsen then stated that the exact same building and lot - coverage was
vieweF]by staff and the- Commission for rezoning a year ago. The architect did
not know about the inside layout until the outside dimensions had been viewed.
We have been led down.the primrose path,. We were led to believe that last year
when the Planning Commission. and City Council' had seen the they had
approved the conc;eptoal The Heritage Homes "and the neighbors are in
favor ;of the proposed building.
Comm. Vaite,questioned•if the 3 feet is important and if the interior would.
have to be redesigned'? Mr. Hudson explained the 3 -foot ,setback is important as
there '. °s a 14 -foot porch -arid there would have. to be a. ete re- design of the
interior building. Comm. HOrciza suggested taking; off the first 3 feet of the
building, thereby reducing the building down to 'S0 % -. The:front yard setback
would be met at the same time„ and the rooms could adjusted to coin -
Mr. Hudson took some 'exce p t on on what it would entail to-:redesign the build -
ing. :In his opinion, these were minor.' variances in .comparison with the rear
yard variance granted at the last Commission meeting
Fred S, representing Committee,, commented that
chram re resentin the Historic and Cultural
someone had the insight to do, something nice for the community. The project
could' be chopped down- if the 3 -foot: variance is not 'granted. He behooved the
Commison. to view new' design that would .'b6 an, asset to the down-
town area.
:Comm. Shearer questioned if the decking was not considered would .1he` project
then be within 50 %? Mr. Rasmussen explained the .building coverage would then
be about - 53 %,
The Public Hearing was closed. t.
Comm. Wright. stayed he f ound it d'if f iculr :to find the;. four .conditions required
but that we are talking about ,a' diminuous situation that 'coul'd - fit into ario'the_r
Comm. Horciza explained that the 5 -foot rear yard variance previously granted
provided a tremendous advantage to the applicant:. Now the Commission is faced
with the problem of excess .lot . coverage ,and a proj ec't:iori towards the front of .
.the property.of 3 feet. It would be very difficult' to make the four - findings.
It would make it difficult 'for the staff to enforce the Zoning Ordinance and
for the. Commission to exiforce if these variances are'approved.
Petaluma C t Planniri Commission Minutes,, Au ust
y g g 1
Comm. Lavin tat`ed it is difficult .to .rationalize tine ent'r :e icoVerage o`f 'the
lot. If ,these. exceptions, are made we would be, setting a iprece, ence awl en io.tl er
items ,com'e before the ..'Commission
Comm :B'alshaw .moved to deny the = variance requests to : allow: for .:a .r : educ`ed' front.
yard setback and an excessive 'lot, - coverage, _far the proj.ec:t .wi- th__'.the ;cond :tion
, tfiat the percent 'of the total .',site area covered. by structures, :openi..or encl'o'sed•„
excluding uncovered steps, patio's,, .terraces and balzonieq shall not' : exceed All.
The motion was seconded -by - Comm.
Mr ; Raasmussen stated. the .applicant -had 10 days within which to .appeal .th'e
Comm. _Horciz'a, .moved to approve .the. site. design for the proposed project - ..with.
conditions .of approval as recommended 'by `the..st'af:f and modified ,by the .Arch-
tectural, and' Site Design Review Committee with the - following - c • hanges:,
43 - this condition shay -1, be deleted..
change this condition to .;read,: ..Thr.ee (3), ,city
ap- proved str -eet trees:. halA be planted .along the
sidewalk as. indicated - in - Exhibit "A".
The motion was,s'econd'ed.by Comm. Lavin.
MIKE' QSTRANDER Mr.. ;Tars exp :-laned the .,request of Mike Ostrander for a
E. I-: Q,.- .EVALUATION /_ Quasi - Public :recreational - facility 'to be located at `&T
Corona Road'., between the Petaluma : Ruer..and the E:r:ee.-
DESIGN REVI_EW,: way-., 'The fact li�ty would 'consist of tennis - and` racquet
'ball court s, .a sci mm' pool, weight training facili
ties„ saunas, s;teambaths, and. a self- serving snack bar,. The is4te covers' -
acr`es and the 27 -foot. `high modi'f'ied Spanish. +style building •coven's approximately
10., 031 `square ,f ee;t �of` area,.
The Public Hear,ig; was opened to .consider the Environmental Im_p,dct.`Question
naive.. No comments-were o'ffere'd .from ;the. audience -and the Public Hearing ,was
Comm. ;Horciza moved-to direct t Planning : ' Director '.to' -,pr:epare and post a
, :Negative.'Dec`lar:ation for the project. T :motion was : by- Comm:: Bat-
The Public Hearing was opened, to consider the Use Permit:. Comm . °Wr,ight ex-
plained ,the °racq:uetbal' "1 courts would located . inside the building and there
would' :be quite a of, lawn area around .the buildings,. 'Mr. Rasmussen s,t'ated
the alone attractive uses would 'be viewed from the f.re.eway and, there .'would ..be
Petaluma City Planning Comm ssion.Minutes, August 2, 1977
scattered .landscaping as far''as' the picnic areas.. . `Joe Pisciotta, architect,,
stated there is ..a parcel between the subject property, and the river. The.
applicant had no-objec'tion.to "the conditions of' the Use -Permit or the Site
Design Review;
Comm.. ,H_orciza moved to grant the Use-Permit to-allow for a• Quasi- Public recrea-
tional• facility.. The motion was seconded by Comm.,Balshaw.
Comm. ';Horciza moved to approve the site d`es gn`for t_le proposed project with
conditions of approval. as recommended by the staaff and concurred with by the
, Architectural & Site Design Review�Comm ttee"with the following changes:
Condition, # - Delete
The motion :was seconded by Comm. Balshaw.
Ayes 6 NOES 0 ABSENT 1
W. "R. HILLIGOSS- Mr:. Tarr explained the Site Design,approved on March.
MODIFIED SITE" .15, 19;77;, was for :a trailer sales and car sales lot
DES'IGN`.REVIEW: located at-the corner of Petroleum Avenue and Lakeville
; Access to the' pro y at for the sale of trailers and modular
property ,,.y the time he original site design was sub -
mitted;,was to be provided by two roads off tak:eville- Highway and one'at the
corner'bf Petroleum Avenue.. I'f acces's to the site'was provided by way of
Petroleum Avenue.' th& applicant was required to construct half - street improve-
ments al.ong Petroleum Avenue.. A modifcation.is' being , requested to allow for
entrance from the existing encroachment where there Is an existing driveway.
Comm. Horc'iza i.ndicat -ed, that the landscaping could not across the
entire.frontag of the property as the home is now occupied by Dan Riordan.
Comm. Horciza moved to approve access to the property by way of the existing
driveway, and a.10 -foot wide strip of landscaping along the Lakeville Highway
frontage of the lot be . provided when an expansion. ,of, the sales lot takes place .
where the house 1s now located. The motion was 'seconded by Comm. Waite.
The Public Hearing was
naive and the proposed
Fast Food Restaur-antts.
an adjourned meeting o
Fred Schram,, Chambe' of Commerce, stated that the
Chamber of Commerce is interested in items 'that effect
the community, He indicated - that the Chamber of Com-
merce committee would like more time to "study the
report and asked for a continuance.
opened to consider the Environmental Impact Question -
Ordinance Amendments for the Convenience Markets and
It was the concensus that this item be rescheduled to
z August 23, 19 at 7 :30 p.m,
Petaluma Q11Y P 'Commission Minutes, August 19`77
SbN.OMA-MARIN' The- Public HearIA&V as opene to -consider th6 Efiviron,
FAIRGROUNDS-E.I_ Q. mental Impact Ques.tibnnAf-e and tle re q_ u est - f or - a ,',Us e-
EVALUATION/USE Perimit to allow for various uses. at the.
=PERMIT: Fairgrou'Ads, This matter - will. be continued- at"t'he
regular meeting of-August. 16, 1977., a-t. 7! p;. m.
COMMITTEE Comm. Wright appointed'the ',f ollowing, as
REPRESENTATIVES'!': coinmittee rep resentatives
Historic .&Cultural Preservation Commit-tee Comm. Horciz:a znd 'Comm, Lavin,
'Subdivision Commfttiae;; Comm. Waite
S+ to DesiRn 'Review Committee;: Comm, Shearer and Comm. Head.
OTHER . BUSINESS: Comm. BaIshaw informed the CominI.asibner& of two, items
that . had. come before the City Co.unc-U..
1) Commissioner Balshaw. had_ind'.icated, to the City
Councji that they would have: to make a policy decision
very zhortly in regard to the Petaluma -Skypark Airpo.ic"t
and the. proposed r'esidentlal developments:along Ely
The City Council, elett-ed - to set u 'a..citi com
.'attee for* the housing allocation 'There would
possibly be- a ,request for one commissioner, t on the
ADJOURNMENT.• There being - no f urthet busines&, the. meeting- adliourned.
at 10 :.20 P.: m:
Chairman .