HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/21/1964�r July 21, 1964 ftegula'.r meeting of the Planning Commission held on July 21 1964 at 7 0,30 ovclock ,p',ms in the Council, Chambers,, City Hall Petaluma, Ca.1 i f'orn is o - PRESENT: Commissioners Cavanagh, Popp Stanley. ASSENT,: Commissioners R Gatewood STAFF Robes -t Eo. Byrd, Dir. of P ng CORRES °PONDENCE .35 Mr. Byrd read correspondence received from the City Clerk with regard / to Res. 32-64 approved. by the Planning Commission which indicated the ✓ precise location for the major street and freeway overcrossingo The letter went on to say that Mr, Crinella had a.ppea-red before the Coun- cil opposing the Caulfield Lane Realignment route and stated the rea- sons for his objection. ' In light of the ',above.., the Council referred the matter back to the Planning CommIss.on for further study. The Planner informed the Commission of two applications submitted to t.he'Sonoma County P1ann'i:ng Department§ one for a used car lot, 26.02 Pet. Blvd. North and the other a use permit for a deluxe mobile home court, 5303 Redwood Highway South. Both a�ppaications will be proces- sed on August 6 1964 The Planner jAas r�'equesaed to make a field -" survey and report his f'indi'ngs to the Commission. SHELL OIL CO., USE PERMIT, .FILE UI2 =64 �. J c./ , Vice - Chairman Cavanagh opened the hearing for use permit ap- plicatian f .ihed by the She; Oil Co:. to construct a service station in a C -C Zone pro posed.t.o'be located_ at 409 & 421 Washington Street and 140 Howard Street. The Planner presented a lengthy staff report (made ,part of the permanent file) 1 i st ing both favorable and unfa- vorable aspects regardi the proposed a , e but made no recommenda- tion because. the present owner is an emp>oyee in his department Mr. Cavanagh invited the public to speak., either in opposition, or in favor for the applica.ti.on. No opposition was voiced. Mr. Dan Chrism topoulos, She.11 Oil Co.- representative, showed the Commission a mode of the building t.o be. constructed. Mr. John King al7so spoke .in favor of the applicant stating thattwo older homes will be demolished so In a sense this is'a form of urban-renewal. Res. U12 -64 granting the use permit subject to the conditions stated in, the Plariner °s re- . Port. and made 'part of the resolution., was introduced by 'Comm.- Stanley seconded by Comm. Popp, and passed unanimously. SIDE OF LIBERTY STREEjr BETWEEN, OAK .� Public hearing was opened for the above mentioned rezoning Mr. Byrd presented the staff report (made part Of the permanent file). On �Febo 49. 1964, the Commission passed "Res, Z - wh- I ch recommended that the above -mentiloned area be zoned to an R -1 -6000 di strict.. Because the property owners appealed the decision to the City Council the -1- July 21., 1964 Minutes (Cont9d) matter was referred back.to Planning Commission. Since the ,propetty owners did not approve the ' R-1- 6;000 'zoning, the only al- ternative Is to zone it R-M-1,500 (which is the zoning of the area adjacent to these, parcels). No opposition . wa's voiced., whereupon Res. Z41-64, recommending the R ' -M-1500 zoning to the Council was introduced by Comm.'Stanley, seconded by Comm. Popp and passed unanimously. ATLANTIC & PACIFIC BUILDING CORPORATION, TENTATIVE MAP APPROVAL, FILE 34-64, The Commission reviewed the tentative map filed by Atlantic & Paci- fic Building Corporat.lon proposed to be located between McDowell Blvd. the Freeway, adjacent to Monte Vista Subd. I & 20 The Planner read correspondence from the Sonoma .County Flood Control Distr!"ct and the City Engineer, both listing their requirements. Res. 34-64, approving the tentative map subject to those conditions, setfo r'th in the letters from the So. Go. Flood! Control and the City Engineer, nginee'r, and in addition that street trees be planted on each lot within the subdiv1slon. was introduced - by Comm. Popp., seconded by C omm. Stanley, and_ passed unanimously by all members present. Note: the above subdivision Is Included fn the Lakeville Annexation. MICHAEL AARONSON, USE PERMIT RENEWAL. U13-64 The Commission considered the request by Micha ei Aaronson to renew Use Permit U-11-63, t,o allow a delu'x mobil home court to be located on A.P. 7-391-4 (formerly issued to Mrs..Lucy Webb). Mr. Aaronson V' was present and Informed the Commission that work would start on the court in the near f�utu've. Res. U13-64, granting an extension of one year, was introduced by Comm. Stanley, se Comm. Popp and passed unanimously >sub ject to the cond1tions setforth on the original use permit. RUSSELL PALLO, VARIANCE, FILE v28, The C6mmiss•on.appnoved setback f'or a home to be duced`by Comm., Stanley, 1 proved). Mr. Byrd gave house is 20 fl. Prom the to the city. Var lance V28-,64, t a 11 ow a 15. f t - frontyard c,ons t ' tucted- at 301- Grant Avenue Intro- seconded by Comm... Popp,, and unanimously ap- an o , ral report stating that actually the sidewalk but 5 ft. Is an easement belonging _1 DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL FOR PROPOSED SHELL SERVICE STATION Pra.1 approval was given Station., introduced by approved unanimously. 0 to the design - review for the Shell Service Comm. Stanley,.,,,s:econded by Comm. Popp,, and RECOMMENDATION 'FOR ESTABLISHING ZONING D.ISTR,ICTS FOR A.P.136-09 -i6 The I. ,., CommsS1 O'n AugLust 4, 1964 a,s the date for the public hearing to r elbbhst6er the 'zoning for the 'Marie Converse property. Mr. Steve Cope' and Mr. McCarthy were present and stated they still intended to 3-1 -2- "u r July.21, 1964 (Minutes cont'd). construct a - mobi l e home park on the site If the approved and a use pe.r,mit obtained. (The matter adoption of an architectural control section to but the possibility of such an amendment is not near fut ure). a il R -1 -1500 zoning is was delayed pending the zoning ordinance contemplated in the RECONSIDERATION OF THE CAULFIELIa- REALIGNMENT ROUTE On July 7 1964, the Planning Commission recommended the Caulfield Lane Realignment route as the precise location for the major street and freeway overc.ross ng. In view of the-fact that Mr. Crinella, ownerlof the Monte Vista Subdivisi (effected by this route) ob- ,ected to this choice at the Council meeting.' the matter was .refer - red back to the Commission. Mr. Crine.11a was present and reiterated that the route would conflict with p;lan,s on f_ ile for the Monte Vista Subd.� #3 and would also involve considerable cost for engineering., .redes.igning, etc. An oral resolution repealing Res. 32 -64, was in- troduced by Comm, Stanley, seconded by Comm, Popp and'pass.ed unani- mousl .. The Commission w J'l pass a, formal re.:soluti on recommending Plan B" (the Caulfield Lane route) at the next Commission meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no.further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was ad,journede 137 -3